I 3olCA!. SOCIETY ihl"ii Volume 52, Number 5. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Apr. 11, 1935 Subscription $2.00 a Year Septra: SCHOOL FINDS E Exhibits, Program Draw Large, Appreciative Attendance. BAND GETS BIG HAND Contest Numbers Played; Grades and High School Show Results of Regular Class Work. A large and enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the hospitality of the school Friday evening at "Open House." Featuring the evening were presen tation of exhibits In the school rooms, and a program depicting routine school -work in the gym auditorium. Much appreciation was expressed on every hand of the showing of teachers and pupils, and the excellent progress made under the . supervision of Edward F. Bloom, superintendent. School room exhibits were In the nature of art work, handicraft, charts, penmanship, and other prod ucts of class activity, revealing a large amount of work and studious effort. These were open for inspec tion from 7 to 8 o'clock. From 8 to 9 folks In attendance were seated in the gym-auditorium for the program. The band under direction of Harold Buhman first played selections to be given at the state contest at Eugene next Satur day, and their reception reflected a depth of pride and appreciation In this activity by the audience. Mr. Buhman dedicated the numbers to Kay Elizabeth, who had arrived to bless the Bloom home that after noon. Dramatization of Minnie-the-Poo by members of the first grade under tutelage of Miss Mildred Peregrin, in which the little tots took the part of animals, revealed an aptitude for acting by many of the grade begin ners. A style show by members of the home economics class was In troduced by Miss Frances Rugg, and revealed many charming gar ments which the students had made under the direction of Miss Minnie Staley. The tumbling act of the boys gym class which followed, gave an ex ample of feats of daring and physi cal abilities being developed In the physical education department con ducted by Lawrence Winter. Grades five and six sang "All Through the Night," and grades seven and eight sang "Stars of the Summer Night," showing the work in grade music being accomplished by Miss Shirlee Brownson, who also directs the mixed chorus which sang "Those Pals of Ours" and 'The World is Waiting for the Sunrise," and also the girls glee club who concluded the program singing "The Search" from Evangeline and "Margie in An Apron Blue." Other numbers were a demon stration by Benzine Ring, high school science club, directed by Claude Pevey; a folk dance by grade four, taught by Miss Miriam McDonald; play rehearsal by pub lic speaking class, with Bert Evans as instructor; and demonstration of good manners by sixth grade, taught by Miss Mae Doherty. After the program the main school building was again opened for Inspection of exhibits by visit ors. The good attendance and ex pressions of appreciation marked the occasion as one of the enjoyable events of the school year. BROWN-AYRES. The marriage of Harold Ayers son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ayers, and Miss LaVerne Brown, daughter of Mr. Chester A. Brown, was an event of Sunday afternoon at the home of the bridegroom's parent on Linden Way, Rev. Joseph Pope performing the ceremony. Dinner was served following the ceremony. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ayers, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Helen Christen son, Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell and family, and Mr. Vinton Howell and Miss Norma Christenson. The young couple will make their home here. CHANGE MAIL TIME. Closing time for mails at the local postofllce has been changed from 9 to 8 o'clock p. m. each day except Saturday when mails are closed at 6:45 p. m., announces Chas. B. Cox, postmaster. The earlier closing time was necessitated to meet the change in train schedules effective the first of April, Fred Kruger of Hardman was doing business in the city yesterday. Glenn Farrens was In town yes terday from Hardman. NJOY OPEN HOUSE 1 935 Wheatland Baseball League Schedule READ At TAt At , At At I At Heppner lone Fossil Condon Blalock Arlington HEPPNER HEPPNER April 14 April 28 May 26 May 12 June 16 IONE June 9 GAZETTE May 12 April 21 June 2 May 5 FOSSIL May B May 26 TIMES June 16 June 9 April 21 CONDON June 2 May 19 April 14 FOR April 28 May 12 BLALOCK April 21 June 16 May 19 May 5 GAME May 26 ARLINGTON May 19 April 28 June 2 June 9 April 14 REPORTS LEGION AUXILIARY HAS DISTRICT MEET Local Unit Entertains Officers and Visitors from Pendleton, lone, Hermiston and Milton. The annual conference of sixth district American Legion Auxiliary was entertained last Thursday by the local unit with guests present from Milton, Pendleton, Hermiston and lone. Mrs. Beatrice Chrstoph erson of Hermiston, district presi dent, and Robert Taylor of Milton, district commander, were honored guests. An afternoon meeting, presided over by Mrs. Christopherson, was held In the auxiliary rooms in the I. O. O. F. building. Evening din ner, participated in by American Legion members, was served at Hotel Heppner, following which the Milton degree team staged legion initiatory work In the L O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Harriet Gemmell was toast mistress at the banquet, the pro gram for which Included group singing led by Miss Juanita Leath ers, vocal numbers by Harry Daugh- erty, Milton, and Mrs. Estes Mor ton, and addresses by Mrs. Chris topherson and Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Christopherson also presented a gift to Mrs. Frank Ritchie, presi dent of the Milton unit, in recogni tion of the Milton unit having dou bled its quota in membership. Other visitors included Leslie Ol iver, John Desler, Glenn Strickler, Wayne Brinker, Stillman Dempsey and Charles Miller, members of the initiatory team, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ford and Dr. Birkbeck of Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Til- den and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Mudge, Hermiston; Mrs. Violet Lieuallen, Mrs. Wm. Clatterbos and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin and Mrs. Lee Beckner, lone. Oiling Lex Market Road Before Highway Body S. E. Notson, district attorney, and H. A. Tamblyn, county engin eer, went to Portland last evening and will Join a delegation from Her miston today in interviewing the state highway commission on the matter of oiling roads between Her miston and Wallula cut-off and be tween Hermiston and Lexington With the recent grant of federal funds for highways in Oregon, it was believed there is good possi bility of obtaining the work to be asked. Local interest in the mat ter centers in linking the Heppner- Spray road and Wallula cut-off to establish a cross-state highway, making Heppner's interior route eligible for Bureau of Public Roads funds. Grading has been complet ed on the Hardman-Chapin creek sector of this road, and surfacing will be started immediately, accord ing to reports. It is expected the surfacing will be completed in June, and that the new bridge at Rhea creek will also be finished at that time. Locals Wind Up Shoot With Perfect Score Dr. J. H. McCrady and Luke Bib- by of Heppner, and E. D. Green of Pilot Rock, each broke their first 25 birds for a perfect team score of 75 in the final preliminary round of the Oregonian telegraphic trap-. shoot, Sunday, assuring the hyphen ates a place in the shoot-off to be held early in June. Final team standings were not given, but the locals maintained their place at or near the lead, hav ing been defeated in but one match during the shoot The team line-up has not been announced for par ticipation In the shoot-off. GREEN TAKES MANAGERSHIP. Cornet Green has been named to manage the Interior Warehouse company as successor to Walter H. McGhee, who with his family will leave shortly for Great Falls, Mont, Green was formerly connected with the warehouse, and for the past few months has been connected with Ferguson Motor company. BLOOMS HAVE DAUGHTER. Kay Ellazbeth arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bloom at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at Heppner hos pital. Mother and child are report ed to be doing well. The heiress to the fortunes of Heppner's- school superintendent weighed eight pounds on arrival. BABY DAUGHTER DIES. Commitment services were held at Masonic cemetery yesterday af ternoon for Ina Fay, 15-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Arbogast, a victim of pneumonia. Alvin Kleinfeldt, Christian minis ter, read the ceremony, in charge of Case Mortuary. Crop Loan Blanks Ready At County Agent's Office Application for emergency crop production loans for 1935 may be made at offices of the county agents throughout the state, announces Wm. L. Teutsch, assistant county agent leader, who has recently con ferred with representatives from the emergency crop loan office of the farm credit administration in Spokane. Such loans are now avail able to Oregon farmers. The loans are authorized to be made to farmers for "fallowing, the production and harvesting of crops, and feed for livestock" under the terms of the act which was passed by Congress February 20, 1935. Any amount from $10 to a maximum of $500, or sufficient to finance seeding and harvesting, providing it Is ade quately secured by a crop mortgage, can be obtained. The applicant for a loan must In dicate that he is cooperating in the crop production control programs of the AAA or is not proposing to increase his 1935 production of ba sic commodities in a manner detri mental to the success of the AAA program. As the regional office for Oregon has been moved from Salt Lake to Spokane, it is expected that more rapid service will be given on loans this year than heretofore, says Teutsch. County agents report taking ap plications for approximately 1,000 of these loans last spring and it is expected that an equal or larger number will be taken this year. Disloyalty Worse Than Unloyalty, Lions Told Whether it is worse to be unloyal or disloyal was a question pro pounded before the Lions Monday luncheon by J. O. Turner, who led a Socratic league discussion on the topic of loyalty. The discussion was based on the duty of citizens to their community, and the general appli cation of one's talents toward bet terment of society. Unloyalty was defined as the fail ure to do that for which a person's talents qualify him, and disloyal ty was given to mean the betrayal of trust or breaking of a pledge. In the discussion disloyalty was held to be the greater evil as involving more moral turpitude. Part of the meeting was given over to extending congratulations to Edward F. Bloom on the arrival at the Bloom home of Kay Eliza beth, and the staging of a spon taneous shower. Fellow club mem bers were remembered by the new daddy with cigars, while. Mrs. i O. Turner, club accompanist, was pre sented candy. Heppner Opens Season At lone Next Sunday Heppner and lone will officially open the Wheatland Baseball league season on the latter's grounds next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. At the same time Arlington will open at Blalock, and Condon at Fossil. Manager Al Massey of the locals has not given out the starting line up, but it is expected he will do the catching with his brother Ray on the mound. The base lineup will probably be Lowell Turner on first, Laurence Winter on second and Ray Ferguson on third, with either Rod Thomson or Leonard Gilman covering the short patch. Prospec tive outfielders include Merle Cum mings, Homer Hayes, either Thom or Gilman, and Jap Crawford. BREAKS WINDOW WITH ARM. A larse nlate erlass window In thp office of Dr. J. H. McCrady was oroKen ana Bernard McMurdo, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, re ceived a nasty gash in the upper muscle of his right arm In a pecu liar accident yesterday evening. Young McMurdo, who had delivered a magazine at Dr. McCrday's of fice, was leaving when the strap on his paper sack caught on the catch of the screen, swinging him around. In the motion his elbow went through the window, breaking out a large section which landed with a crash on the concrete side walk. The noise attracted the at tention of several people near by, who, on looking to see what it was all about, discovered the lad half Inside and half outside the window. His father gave first aid immediate ly, and a carpenter was soon on the job to repair the window. EXAMINER HERE 20TH. C. M. Bentley, examiner of op erators and chauffeurs from the of fice of Earl Snell, secretary of state, will be in Heppner at' the court house on Saturday, April 20, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. Anyone wishing permits or licenses to drive cars should get In touch, with Mr. Bentley at that time. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer In this city Saturday, an 8ft pound girl. Buff Minorca setting eggs for sale. Phone 1F21, Heppner. 5-8 By FRED MISENER BAND WILL APPEAR EUGENE SATURDAY Seven Cars Leave Tomorrow at 6 o'clock; 25 Members and Director to Make Trip. Harold Buhman, director, and 25 members of his Heppner school band will leave at 6 o'clock tomor row morning bound for Eugene and the state band contest where they will play between 8:30 and 10 o'clock Saturday morning. They will com pete in the class D division compris ing schools of 150 or less high school enrollment. Private cars will transport the band, those to take cars being Estes Morton, Glenn Hayes, Harold Cohn, Claude Cox, Mark Merrill, Warren Blakely and Edward F. Bloom. Funds to the amount of $170 were raised recently to pay expenses of the trip. Band members making the trip yare, cornets and trumpets, Juanita Morgan, Jennie Swendig, Irene Bea mer, Charles Cox, Gerald Cason, Jack Merrill and Harry Tamblyn. Clarinets, Harriet Hager, Ray Co blantz, Richard Hayes ahd Omer McCaleb. Saxophones, Bill Schwarz, Joe Green and Boyd Redding. Altos, Emery Coxen, Jesse Tins ley and Donald Bennett Trombones, Billy Cochell, Jack son Gilliam and Norton King. Basses, Jimmy Driscoll and Wm. Lee McCaleb. Baritone, Hugh Crawford. Drums, Warren Blakely, Jr., and Ethyl Hughes. IONE By MARGARET BLAKE George Casky of Vancouver, Wn., a student at W. S. C, Pullman, spent his spring vacation at the E. C. Heliker ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin and son Buddy drove to Walla Walla on Saturday. After spending a few hours in that city on business they drove on to Thornton where they paid Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner a short visit, returning to their home Sunday. Several Masons from Arlington and Heppner visited the local Ma sonic lodge last Wednesday eve ning. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker of Walla Walla departed for their home Tuesday after spending sev eral days here visiting with Mr. Ba ker's sisters, Mrs. J5. R. Lundell and Mrs. M. R. Morgan. The Women's Auxiliary of the lone post, American Legion, is spon soring a dance at Legion hall here next Saturday evening, April 13. Music will be furnished by the Six Sharps. Mrs. C. F. Feldman entertained with three tables of bridge at her home last Wednesday eveninz. When tallies were drawn the guests rouna a -snap shot of Mrs. Feld- man's daughter, Miss Kathryn Feld man and her fiance, Mr. Neil Shuir man, on an attached card together with the announcement of their wedding date, June 1. Miss Feld man is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman. For the past two years she has been the teacher of the Cecil grade school. Mr. Shulr- man is the son of Mr. Harry Shuir man of Keewatin, Minn., and oper ates a Hardware store in Flint. Mich., where the young couple will make their home. High score for the evening's play was made bv Mrs. Louis Bergevin and low score by Mrs. Bert Mason. Refreshments were served. Guests were Mesdames H. D. MoCurdy, Bert Mason, Louis Bergevin, Dorr Mason, Walter Rob erts, Earl Blake of lone and Mes dames Ed Dick, C. W. McNamer and John Wightman and Miss Anna Wlghtman of Heppner. Mrs. M. R. Morgan has eone to The Dalles where she will take med ical treatment for an ailment of long standing. Mrs. Garland Swanson entertain ed a small group of friends at her hofne last Friday afternoon in hon or of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elmo McMillan, of Salem who has been visiting here. The Women's Topic club met at the home of Mrs. George E. Tucker In Echo last Saturday. Hostesses with Mrs. Tucker were Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. Luncheon was served at one o'clock, followed by the study hour. The subject of the day was "First Ladies," and very Interesting reviews of the lives of the wives of our presidents in the order of their "reign" in the White House were given by Mrs. McCurdy, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Bergevin. Fifteen mem bers attended the meeting. Mrs. Tucker's mother, Mrs. Wort of Lan der, Wyo., and Mrs. Ella Davidson were visitors. Miss Lucy Spittle visited at her home at Astoria over the week end. Miss Betty Bergevin, a student at St. Anthony's academy at Pendleton, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin. Mrs. Fred Mankin represented the lone Women's Auxiliary of the Legion at the district conference held at Heppner last Thursday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mankin and Mrs. Lee Beckner attended the ban quet and evening meetings the same day. J. E. Swanson, A. E. Johnson, Louis Bergevin, E. C. Heliker, R. B. Rice and George Peck represent ed the Morrow County Grain Grow ers at a meeting held at Pendleton last Thursday with representatives (Continued on Page Six) .95 Inch Moisture Comes Week -End Precipitation Sol's shining countenance is rap idly turning the countryside an em erald green about Heppner follow ing the precipitation of .95 Inch of moisture Saturday and Sunday which came in the form of rain and wet snow. The entire county was ravored by the needed moisture. with the north country visited by rains and the mountains to the south receiving snow reported to have fallen to a depth of two feet in the higher country. Weather records of Len L. Gil liam, official government reporter here, show that a very little more moisture will bring April up to the same month a year ago when a to tal of 1.13 inches was recorded. Mr. Gilliam Just completed a chart showing precipitation by months ror the last twenty-five years. The average for the last five years, 11.06, is shown to be under the previous ten-year average of 12.19. The av erage for the years 1910 to 1919 in clusive was 14 inches The wettest April in this period was in 1920 when the total reached 3.08 inches. The wettest year of the period was 1912 with 18.64, and the dryest was 1928 with 8.02. The precipitation last year was 10.73. The complete chart will be printed in next week's paper. Earl Thomson Captains Winning U.-O. Riflemen Besides being captain of the five- man University of Oregon rifle team which won the national Hearst tro phy, announced this week, Earl Thomson of Heppner held high gun with a score of 198 out of a possible 200. Thomson received a gold wrist watch for his good marksmanship. Award of the Hearst trophy is made to the winning team in nationwide competition among leading colleges and universities of the country. Shooting in the contest took place several weeks ago, and It had al ready been announced that Thom son's team placed first for the ninth corps area. Thomson was entered in the senior marksman class, hav ing been runner-up in last year's competition. His picture along with the other members of the team ap peared in Sunday's Oregonian. City in Line for Aid From 800 Million Fund Heppner has applied for street, sewerage system and water projects which should be in line for aid from the $4,800,000,000 federal public works appropriation, $800,000,000 of which will be applied to highways, city, grade crossing, etc., Improve ment, says W. W. Smead, mayor. According to advice received Tuesday from League of Oregon Cities, the federal money will be granted as outright gift, requiring no match money, for the purpose of giving relief. Those on relief rolls will be given preference in allotting Jobs, it was said. Oregon's portion of the money for highway construc tion has been given at $11,000,000. BAliMAN BEATS LIEUALLEN. C. J. D. Bauman, Morrow county's wrestling sheriff, was followed to Pendleton Thursday evening by a large crowd of local sports fans, when he beat Cecil "Buck" Lieual len with two falls In six minutes. The match was widely heralded and drew a large crowd. Lieuallen, for mer state policeman who gained wide reknown when he assisted in the capture of Hickman, is a for mer Heppnerite. He now manages an auto park in Pendleton and as sists in presenting wrestling cards as well as participating occasionally. REELECTED AT ALMIRA. S. E. Notson received word from his son Edward yesterday that the latter had been reelected to super intendency of the Almira, Wash., schools which position he has held for several years. Reelection in cluded an increase in salary of $400 a year and a two-year contract Ed ward is a graduate of Heppner high school with the class of 1919. His location is near the big Grand Coulee dam project Little ads in the Gazette Times will sell your surplus stock or equip ment at a cost that is surprisingly low. Call Main 881. HEPPNER PER CAPITA TAX LOW, STATE FIGURES SHOW University of Oregon, Eugene, April 11 (Special to Heppner Ga zette Times) The average citizen in the average Oregon city pays $14.81 per year in taxes to main tain the functions of his city gov ernment City taxes vary from nothing at all in a few small towns to a high per persons of $73.71 per year. Heppner pays an average per capita tax of $8.25. Portland pays somewhat above the average, $17.37 per capita, and incidentally tends to raise the gen eral average, due to its much great er population. Most of the Oregon cities fall between $5 and $12.50 per capita, and a fourth of them are between $7.50 and $10.00. These and many other figures on city assessed valuations and tax lev ies are Included in detail in bulletin No. 10, Just released by the Bureau of Municipal Research of the Uni versity of Oregon and the League of Oregon Cities. The average assessed value of Oregon cities, per person, computed on a 60 percent assessment ratio, is $695. The average for the entire state, Including both city and rural DISTRICT B. P. W. MEETING SUNDAY State Officer to Appear on Pro gram; The Dalles, Pendle ton Clubs Guests. Heppner Business and Profession al Womens club will be hostess Sun day to a district conference includ ing Pendleton and The Dalles clubs. Honored guests for the day will In clude Leda Parker, state president, and Dena Backes, state secretary. The day's program will begin at 8:30 with an executive council meet ing in I. O. O. F. hall, at which the state president will preside. At 10:30 there will be an open forum at the same place with reports of committe chairmen and the read ing of two papers, one "Economic Security and Youth," by Mae Doher ty, and the other, "Economic Se curity for the Unemployed and Aged," by Vina Hoskins of Pendle ton. The afternoon session will begin at 12:30 with luncheon at Hotel Heppner. Those interested, wheth er club members of not, are invited to the luncheon. The state presi dent will again preside. The luncheon program will open with singing of Oregon state song led by Elizabeth Egbert, state mu sical director and president of The Dalles club. Club collect will be given by Mildred Peregrine, fol lowed by greetings from hostess club through Evelyn Humphreys, president Response will be by Mrs. Egbert Miss Peregrine and Shir lee Brownson will sing a vocal duet, followed by one minute speeches by club presidents, "The Best Club Meeting of the Year." Address, "Steps Taken for Economic Secur ity," will be by Dena Backes, the state secretary. Other numbers will include a Diana solo hv 'Ruin McMillan; address, "National Plan ning for Economic Security," Mar garet Gates of The Dalles club, and a reading hv Mr. Rr Hvpna ah. Journment is slated at 3 o'clock. Dean T. Goodman Accepts Salem Position May 1st Dean T. Goodman, nartner in Vauerhn & Goodman Er?A AnH prominent in social and civic cir cles since coming to the city in J919, announced on return from Sa- lem ine nrst or tne week that he had accepted a position in that city Deginning May l. Mr. Goodman was not prepared to make definite announcement as to the nature of the position or to change contem plated in the local business. The familv home will Tint h mnvnA fn Salem until after the close of school. Mr. Goodman has been secretary of the Heppner Commercial club for many years. He served a term on the city council, and for some twenty years has been secretary of the Elka lodere. besides beinc nrnm- inently identified with the Masons ana astern star. The well wishes of the entire community will ac conroanv the familv to thoir nrw home with sincere regret at their leaving. FORMER RESD3ENT PASSES. Mrs. Laura K. Goulder, 73, who lived in Heppner with her family for several years when Mr. Goulder was pastor of the Southern Metho dist church, died this week at her home in Portland. Funeral ser vices were conducted on Tuesday afternoon from Pearson's funeral church, with interment, in Rose City cemetery. She is survived by a son, William T. Goulder, and a daughter, Mrs. Alberta Arbuckle, both of Portland; and two brothers. Albert Dawes of Blackie, Canada, and Lee Dawes of San Diego, Cal. NAME SENATOR TODAY. Members of the Mnrrnw onnntv court are meeting with mpmhpra nf the Umatilla and Union enuntv courts in Pendleton today to name a successor to Jack Allen, resigned, as state senator from this district CERTIFICATES ARRIVE. Dr. A. D. McMurdo has received Red Cross certificates for presenta tion to members of his class who re cently completed a six weeks course In first aid. areas, is $725. For Heppner the average is $488 per capita. Gearheart, which also levies the highest per capita tax, is the "rich est" city in the state, with a per capita assessed valuation of $263. Portland ranks second with $885 per capita, while Roseburg is third with $809, the survey shows. The average city tax rate for the state, on a 60 percent valuation ba sis, is 21.3 mills. Heppner, on a 50 percent basis, would pay 16.9 mills per person, although on the regular county assessment ratio the rate Is 11.9 mills. The highest is 78.1, sec ond 75.2, and third 71.3. Of cities over 5,000 population Corvallls Is lowest with 17.5. Hillsboro, with 16.3 is lowest in the 2500 to 5,000 population group. In the over 5,000 group, however, Pendleton has a lower millage levy, 13, than Corval lls, tut its assessment ratio is much higher than that in effect In Corval lis. Copies of the study, which In cludes every city in the state, may be obtained from the Bureau of Municipal Research at the univer sity of Oregon. FARMERS ORGANIZE AGAINST DIRT BLOWS North Lexington Erosion Control District Re sult of Meet. ENTERTAIN POMONA Resolutions Passed for Watershed Protection, River Work, and War Without Profit. By BEULAH NICHOLS. Lexington Correspondent A meeting of farmers was held In Lexington on Friday evening for the purpose of forming an erosion con trol district, as the danger from sand blows on the summerfallow has reached such proportions that such a move is deemed necessary. Existing conditions in some of the mid-western states hardest hit by the destructiveness of soil erosion is a graphic illustration of the need for controL The district formed Is to be known as the North Lexington Ero sion Control district and extends north and south from Lexington to two miles north of the base line, t and east and west from Morgan to Sand Hollow, taking in an area of approximately 95 square miles. A committee composed of H. V. Smouse, Omar Rietmann, Louis Marquardt and Frank Saling was appointed to represent the district. They will act as an advisory com mittee to the farmers of their dis trict, their principal duty being to instruct farmers in methods of cul tivation which should be used to prevent blows and to control pres ent ones. E. R. Jackman, extension special ist in crops from the state college, was at the meeting and discussed cultural practices which should be used to prevent blows and to control the ones that are started. E. C. Hill, who is in charge of the Soil Erosion district of Umatilla county, was also present and dis cussed methods of control. At the morning session of the Morrow County Pomona grange meeting which was held at Lexing ton Saturday an Interesting discus sion was held on the surplus wheat situation in the United States. P. L. Lundell of Willows grange was elected as alternate delegate to the state grange meeting in June and Paul Smith of Greenfield grange was elected as delegate to the Grange Fire Relief convention to be held the day preceding the open ing of the state grange. The principal speaker on the af ternoon program was George A. Palmiter, past master of the Oregon State grange and member of the present executive committee, whose subject was "Grange Cooperatives." Ed Dunning of Hermiston talked on "Credit Unions," and Morton Tompkins discussed "Legislation and Marketing." Music and read ings completed the program. During the afternoon business session George Peck read the re port of Wells & DeLap, Portland ac countants, who recently completed an audit of the accounts and rec ords of the Morrow county court. A resolution was adopted urging the United States Congress to take action to get laws passed to take the profit out of the sales of muni tions, for the purpose of aiding in the prevention of future wars. In the interests of lower freight rates along the Columbia river, a resolution was adopted urging the Federal Government to appropriate sufficient money to build the Uma tilla dam. Inasmuch as the grange is inter ested in the matter of preserving the natural watershed at the source of Willow creek from which water Is used for irrigation all along the creek, a resolution was adopted favoring government purchase of the tract of land held by the First National Bank of Heppner, this land to be taken into the national forest, thus assuring it3 protection. During the evening session seven members were given the fifth de gree, which was exemplified by Lex ington grange. The next meeting of Pomona grange will be held with Willows grange on Saturday, July 6. Lexington grange will meet at Leach hall on Saturday evening, April 13, the business meeting to be gin at 7:30. After the meeting the winners of the recently closed grange contest will be entertained during the remainder of the evening by the members of the losing side. R. B. Rice and George Peck of this city, accompanied by Bert Johnson, C. W. Swanson and Ern est Heliker of lone, went to Pen dleton one day last week to attend a meeting of the National Grain Growers association. Mr. and Mr3. Edwin Ingles of Boardman were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ingles and Mr. Campbell went on a fishing trip and returned with a nice catch of trout. A new concrete sidewalk has been built in front of Leach hall and Jackson hardware store during tha past week. Russell Wright who has been at the CCC camp at Clackamas for several months, Is visiting his par- (Contlnued on Page Six)