Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 14, 1935, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Members of the American Legion
Auxiliary will be interested in the
national broadoast of the Legion's
sixteenth birthday celebration over
N. B. C. Saturday, March 16, at 4
p. m. Addresses will be given by
National President, Mrs. A. C. Carl
son, National Commander Frank N.
Belgrano, Jr., and John D.. Crow
ley, national representative of the
Forty and Eight There will also
be a varied musical program.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church
will meet at the church next Tues
day afternoon. This is "Founders'
Day." Program subject: A Japan
ese "At Home." There will be a
silver tea given from 3:00 to 6:00.
All members of the society are
urged to be present at 2:30 for a
short business session.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Sackett re
turned to their home at McMinnviUe
Saturday after a fortnight visit at
the home of Mrs. Sackett's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson. Mrs.
Notson accompanied them, return
ing home Tuesday with Mr. Notson
and J. L. Gault who motored to
Salem and Portland over the week
end on business.
For Sale Kimball piano must be
sold for balance due. We have left
on our hands beautiful Kimball pi
ano with balance of $97. You take
over the contract at $6 a month.
For full information and where it
may be seen, address Cline Piano
Co., 1011 S.W. Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon. 1-3
C. N. Fridley was in the city yes
terday, coming over from his home
at Wasco to look after property in
terests in the Lexington section.
The Sherman county wheat crop
looks somewhat better than the lo
cal crop, he reports, with more pre
cipitation of moisture having pre
vailed there.
Bert Johnson was in the city on
.Tuesday from the farm home north
of lone. As chariman of the trans
portation committee of the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league, Mr. Johnson
has been busy of late fostering a
grower-supported barge transpor
tation system on the Columbia.
Miss Cecelia Brennan, teacher in
the Pine City schools, who was ill
at Ueppner hospital for some time,
was able to leave the hospital Fri
day. During her absence from
school, Mrs. J. G. Thomson, Jr., of
this city substituted for Miss Bren
nan. Vawter Crawford returned home
Saturday after a week of medical
attention at Portland, including a
few days stay at Emanual hospital
while he underwent a check-up. He
has been responding quite well to
treatment authorized by his physi
cian. M. L. Case is spending some time
in the Willamette valley near Sa
lem where he went a few days ago
following advice of his physician
that a change of climate would be
beneficial to a skin affliction from
which he is suffering.
Mrs. Mahala Minor returned home
Monday afternoon from Heppner
hospital where she was confined for
two weeks with a critical illness.
Though considerable improved, she
will be convalescing for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McDanlel were
In town Monday from the Hardman
district Mr. McDanlel reported
four inches of new snow at Camas
prairie and the ground is now well
soaked about Hardman.
Conditions out on little Butter
preek are the dryest In years, re
ports Mike Kenny, pioneer rancher
of that section who was In town
yesterday accompanied by his son,
Jos. B.
Walter Luckman was in the city
yesterday from the Butter creek
farm, coming In to have a physician
dress a bad cut on his left wrist
received recently while chopping
J. A. Troedson was up from the
farm in the Morgan vicinity yes
terday. More rain is badly needed
and unless it comes, farmers in his
section will be forced to quit plowing.
iiu- Pnrnl Rpokpt. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becket of Eight
Mile, underwent an operation ior
removal of tonsils and adenoids at
Heppner hospital Monday.
Rnhort V. Turner, who has a po
sltion on the government project
near Pasco, was visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner,
the first of the week.
Mrs. Andrew Baldwin went to
PMirilstnn Sundav to spend a week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hiatt Mr. wiatt was in
jured recently.
Wanted, Paper hanging, $3.00 per
room; kalsomlning $2.00 room. We
go anywhere any time. Myers Paint
Shnn 202 E. Webb St. Pendl ton,
f1r Tl 1flR. 61-4
SPECIAL 6 - piece rolled -rim
Kreen mixing bowl set. Reg. $1.25
seller for 75c. Gilliam & Blsbee.
I Miss O'Halloran, housekeeper for
Father P. J. Stack, returned home
Monday from Heppner hospital
where she underwent treatment for
several days.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Tuesday evening at 8:00
o'clock. Mrs. Dick Wells and Mrs.
Garnet Barratt will be hostesses for
the evening.
Alida Bigelow, field representative
American Red Cross will be in the
city this evening and tomorrow, as
sisting the local chapter in its work.
J. J. Wells, county assessor, was
able to leave Heppner hospital the
first of the week after undergoing
treatment for several days.
Mrs. Julia Barry has been ill for
several days at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Vawter Parker.
Lee Beckner, who does tractor
farming on a large scale In the lone
section, was a business visitor here
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
Heppner Hotel on Wednesday,
March 20.
Poultry Supplies Feeders and
waterers. Economical equipment
for your poultry yard. Gilliam &
Henry Blahm was in the city on
Tuesday, coming over from Walla
Walla to look after property inter
ests. For Sale Household goods, fur
niture, etc. Also nearly furnished
mountain camp. Nellie G. Ander
son. 1-2
Legion Auxiliary will hold a cook
ed food sale Saturday, March 16, at
11 o'clock at Dix's grocery store.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Stephens were
in town Tuesday from the farm
home on McKinney creek.
Geo. Myers of Pendleton has been
in Heppner most of the week, paint
ing and hanging paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin came
up from the farm home in the lone
vicinity on Tuesday.
For Sale Chickens: Our small
flock of Buff Orpingtons. Rufus
Piper, Lexington. 51-52p.
Lost H.H.S. 1935 gold class ring.
Reward. Initials CLC. Chester
Christenson. 52-lp.
Tilman Hogue of the lone section
was transacting business in the city
Cecil Thome, Morgan farmer,
was transacting business in town
Mrs. R. A. Thompson has been ill
for several days at her home in
Henry Smouse was in the city
Tuesday from the north-lone section.
For Sale Purebred Percheron
stallion. Arnold Pieper, Lexing
ton. 51tf.
For Sale 2-wheel trailer with
31x4.00 tires, $20. Harold Hill. 52-1
Firestone tires now at mail order
prices at Heppner Garage. 1-3
For Sale Auto style trunk at
Noble Saddlery. 1-4.
New low prices on Firestone tires.
Heppner Garage. 1-3
The Nakomis Camp Fire group
met in their room at the school last
evening. They sewed for honors.
Plans were made for city Improve
ment, a national project for Camp
ire Girls. Saturday the girls took
nature hike up Willow creek.
Each girl took her own lunch.
Games were played around the
campfire. A few flowers were found
n the hill sides.
IF your kldneyg are not working
right and you suffer backache,
dizziness, burning, scanty or too
frequent urination, swollen feet and
nnklos; feel lame, stiff, "all tired
out" ... use Doan't fti.
Thousands rely upon Doan's
Thev are nralsed the country over,
Published by the Journalism Class
Editor Bernard McMurdo
Assistant Editor Marshall Fell
Humor, Howard Bryant Boyd Red
ding. Sports William McRoberts
Feature Ernest Clark
Reporters: Dorris Allstott, Irene
Beamer, Ethyl Hughes, Margaret
Scott, Doris Burchell, Marie Bar
low, Jean Adkins, Belva Bundy,
Rosanna Farley, Don Turner.
Some day you're' going to be look
ing for a job. So you might as well
start preparing yourself for one
now. Employers, these days, want
men willing to start at the bottom,
to make themselves immediately
useful. If you can typewrite you're
a whole lot more likely to get a job
quickly. If, in addition, you have a
working knowledge of other office
equipment adding machines, for
instance you'll be that much more
welcome, and once you get a foot
hold, your advancement is up to you.
First of all, an employer wants a
young man who has character. He
should have a good education and
be willing to work hard. He should,
if possible, know how to use a type
writer. You probably are'nt looking
for a job right now, but you canl
make sure of one by preparing
yourself for it. Learn typewriting.
You can use a typewriter for let
ter writing, for themes at school.
Many a boy has gone through col
lege on a typewriter. You need one
for your personal affairs. A type
writer will save you, in the next
few years, hundreds of hours of
Debate Team Goes to Pendleton
The Heppner high school debate
team will go to Pendleton this Sat
urday to compete in the district de
bate tournament. The state high
school debate question is, "Resolved
That the Federal government
should adopt the policy of equaliz
ing public elementary and second
ary education throughout the na
tion by means of annual grants to
the several states." The affirmative
will be upheld by Lorena Wilson
and Ed Dick; the negative by Fran
cis Rugg and Irvin Perlberg. With
the exception of Francis Rugg, none
of the team has had previous
debating experience, though all
have had experience in public
speaking. Last year Heppner was
beaten in the finals by a polished
Hermiston team. However, last
year was the first time since 1928
that Heppner sponsored a debate
club. .
Senior Dress-Up Day
Thursday was a memorable day
for the senior clas when its mem
bers appeared at school in a variety
of costumes representing other
people. The class was introduced
to the assembly as the following:
Ervin Perlberg, the Devil who had
nothing to say concerning himself;
Donald Drake, "Marrying Sam,"
and Bill Schwarz, his fiance; Joe
Green, Bing Crosby In "We re Not
Dressing"; Ilene Kilkenny as Bill
Schwarz, and Ilene Kenny as Saca
jewea; Barnacle Bill (Andy Van
Schoiack) and his girl friend (Matt
Kenny); Ed Dick, a crooked law
yer who is so crooked he couldn't)
get through the revolving door
and is going to get Howard Bry
ant a divorce; Little Abner going
to his- wedding (Louis Gilliam);
Jesse French, a miss "Born SO
Year9 too Soon"; Lorena Wilson, a
Shell Fish
Delicious, appetizing,
giving a zest to meal
time, are the season's
offerings of the choice
foods served here.
Drop in anytime
nearsighted cowgirl, and Juanita
Morgan, a shepeherder; Paul Phe
lan, as "Maggie so what?"; Jennie
Swendig as a Belle of the Wn
"Why don't you come up and see
me sometime"; Tom Jones Bill
Cochell) and his son come to the
Fair (Floyd Jones); Arleta Ash
baugh and Frances Rugg as mother
and daughter; Chet Christenson, a
young miss wearing the latest
Spring styles; and Miss Brownson,
who wore the very latest in hair
dress, costume and shoes.
Inter-Class Basketball
Inter-class basketball is being
played between the classes and thus
far the sophomores are leading
with four wins and no defeats. The
seniors are close behind with 2
wins and 2 defeats and are followed
by the juniors and freshmen with
2 wins and 2 defeats and 4 defeats
respectively. The scores of last
week's games are as follows:
Wednesday: Sophomores 18, frosh
0; seniors 10, juniors 3.
Thursday: Juniors 12, frosh 3;
sophomores 18, seniors 10.
Friday: Sophomores 18, juniors
17; seniors 13, frosh 8.
Monday: Juniors 7, seniors 2;
sophomores 10, frosh 5.
As there are only two games left
it looks as if the sphomores have
the championship in the basket.
Feature Story
This week let us take a visit to
the English VI class on journalism
The hour begins with a few words
from the teacher urging neatness,
last minute bursts to search for
news, and a continual hum of voices
mingled with frequent clattering
of falling pens, pencils, ink bottles,
etc., and merry peals of laughter.
Frequently is heard the voice of
the teacher, trying to make him
self heard above the din of the news
room, asking for more work and
less noise.
As you look at the faces of the)
"News Hounds," you see the cloud
ed face of the editor, the twinkling
serious faces of the feature story
serious faces of hte feature story
writers, mingled with the carefree
faces of those who have no news
to write up, or are of those shiftless
persons who have not bothered
themselves to search for any news.
The Benzine Ring met on last
Thursday night, March 7. Don
Drake gave an interesting talk on
"Halogens." Appointments were
made for the experiments to be giv
en for open house.
Class News
The students of the junior class
are busy making arrangements for
the junior-senior banquet, which is
to be given May 17.
The students of the sophomore
English class are writing a novel,
which is to be on display at thej
open house, April 5.
You may wonder why the stu
dents of the public speaking class
go around with an expression on
their faces as if they were worried
or trying to think. If you were to
approach them and wanted an ex
planation it wouldn't "be long before
you found out that Mr. Evans has
divided the class into two sections
and they take'turns giving each of
BUY township ownership maps
showing your property. Up-to-date
County Haps, County Atlasses and
Township Maps of all counties in
Oregon, Washington and Northern
Idaho. The best maps made. For
sale by all dealers and at Heppner
Abstract Co., Heppner, Ore., and
at "Metsker the Map Man," 614 S.
W. Oak St., Portland, Ore.
j H SO) S C 5) . g s- srn
Bf r tg I? Iff ml i 5
!" Hi H 'J JStl ib
For any and all
Hustons Grocery
the five different kinds of speeches
he has assigned them.
After this strenuous drill is com
pleted each student must write and
deliver an oration. Those who sur
vive (if any) ought to be real speak
Style Show
No one will want to miss the style
show which is to be given April 5.
It is one of the main features of the
open house. Members of the home
economics class will participate,
wearing the garments they have
made this year. The girls have
made skirts, blouses, dresses, suits
and various other wearing apparel,
which are of wool, cotton, rayon,
and silk of every kind. All the girls
are doing their best to make this
style show a worthwhile project.
Don't miss it!
Cooking School
The Standard Oil company and
the Crown Flour company will hold
cooking school, under the Instruc
tion of Mrs. Humphrey, in the
Heppner gym Thursday and Friday,
March 14 and 15.
The school will start at 1:30 both
afternoons. The public is invited
and all girls who are interested in
home economics will be excused
from school.
Grade News
Doris Shaeffer returned to school
after being absent with whooping
The first and second grades made
up the following poem:
I do believe it s almost spring,
In spring the birds begin to sing;
The flowers are beginning to
Boys and girls are buying baloons,
The trees are turning green
Gardens being planted,
Boys are playing marbles,
Girls are jumping rope:
It's spring.
Mr Bloom Who laid the Atlan
tic cable?
Louise A. Mother Goose.
Kate Healy Rosanna, what na
tionality do you like best next to
the Irish?
Rosanna A Scotchman.
Katy Well, in that case, he must
squeeze the nickels till the buffalo
Earl Thomson High Gun
In Duck Rifle Shooting
University of Oregon, Eugene,
March 13. A Heppner youth, Earl
Thomson, who finished in second
place in last year's national rifle
shooting individual competition,
scored 385 points out of a possible
400 in this season's rivalry to estab
lish a new Oregon team record.
Thomson was also included on the
list of ten men selected to receive
sweater awards for performing with
the Duck marksmen.
Thomson's brilliant showing won
him a place on Oregon's five-man
team which fired scores in the
National Hearst Trophy meet this
week. Results have not been re
ceived from the Ninth Corps area
shoot in which Oregon submitted
their score of two weeks ago. In
the event of the Webfoot team's
placing in the top five, Thomsol will
shoot for the Lemon-Green aggre
gation which will be represented in
the National R. O. T. C. ten-man
team championship competition
next term.
Wanted, paper hanging, $3.00 per
room; kalsomining $2.00 room. We
go anywhere any time. Myers Paint
Shop, 202 E. Webb St, Pendleton,
Ore., Tel. 108. 61-4.
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon,
that I have taken up and now hold
the hereinafter described animal,
and that I will on the 23rd day of
March, 1935, at 10 o'clock A. M at
my residence southeast of Board
man one quarter mile, sell the said
animal to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, subject to redemption
by the owner thereof. Said animal
is described as follows: One black
aged mare, weight about 1200 lbs.,
branded V on the right shoulder,
blotch brand on right hip.
Boardman, Oregon.
and air conditioning. Prefer
men now employed and me
chanically inclined with fair
education and willing to train
spare time in Heppner to be
come experts in installation
and service work. Learn while
earning. Write, giving age,
phone, present occupation.
Box 651, Beverly Hills, Calif.
' To Owners of
Pass Books
We are in position to help you
restore your investment to an in.
come bearing basis. The amount
we can use is limited, so don't
delay in communicating wth us.
American Bank Building, Portland, Oregon
Fuller Paint SALE
Fuller's Pure Prepared House Paint
GALLON, Reg. Price $3.40; Sale Price $2.89
QUART Reg. Price $1.05; Sale Price $ .89
PINT Reg. Price $ .62; Sale Price $ .53
Fuller's Porch and Deck Paint
GALLON, Reg. Price $3.40; Sale Price $2.89
Half Gallon, Reg. Price $1.95; Sale Price $1.66
QUART. .. Reg. Price $1.05; Sale Price $ .89
Fullerspar Varnish
QUART.... Reg. Price $1.42; Sale Price $1.19
PINT Reg. Price $ .82; Sale Price $ .69
Orders Placed Now will be Filled
at time of sale.
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
ST. BEANS, No. 2 Tins.. Each 10c
Per Dozen $1.15
PEAS, No. 2 Tins, 3 Sieve, 2 for 25C
Per Dozen $1.45
KRAUT, No. 2 1-2 Tins .2 for 25c
Per Dozen $1.45
PUMPKIN, No. 2 1 -2 Tins, Each IOC
Per Dozen $1.15
PORK k BEANS, l tins, 2 for 25c
Per Dozen $1.45
SWT. SPUDS, 2i Tins . 2 for 25c
Per Dozen $1.45 '
TOMATOES, No. 2 Tins. Each 10c
Per Dozen $1.15
SHRIMPS, fancy, .... 2 Tins 25c
Per Dozen $1.45
SPINACH, No. 2 Tins, 2 for 25c
Per Dozen $1.45
APPLE BUTTER, delicious, gal 45c
No. 2 Tin 10c
19 lbs S1.00
Swift's Premium Whole or Half
LB. .
Genuine Maine Golden Bantam
PER DOZ $1.59
3 TINS 43c
49 LB.
DEPENDABLE, 2 Lbs. 49c
Vacuum Packed
Back, fancy
LB 27c
Fancy, lb. 30c
Pure Strained,
Fresh Supply
5 LBS.
5 OZ.
Fancy Pack
DOZEN $1.45
2 FOR .... 25c
Large Oval Tins,
DOZEN .. 95c
3 FOR .... 25c
O Fresh Produce
Gr. Onions
Turnips, Bu. ell
New Peas, lb. 10c
New Spuds,
3 LBS 25c
Lemons, 2 doz. 35c
Get Doan't PUU today. For sale by
nit rirnir&riflta.
Heppner, Ore.