0 " -' J P ..' - Volume 52, Number 1. . HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Mar. 14, 1935 Subscription $2.00 a Year mm pptter DEBT ADJUSTMENT L Widespread Benefit Had From Practice in Re financing Farms. MORROW IS HELPED More Than Half Million In Land Bank Loans Received; Many Cases Adjusted. Operation of the farm debt ad justment plan, which was carried on in Morrow and other Oregon counties during the past year, prov ed of substantial benefit to many farmers of the state, according to the annual report for 1934 just filed with Governor Martin by O. M. Plummer, Portland, chairman, and L. R. Briethaupt, Oregon State col lege, secretary of the Oregon Ag ricultural Advisory council. The report shows that the various county committees or their Individ ual members handled between 1800 and 2000 debt adjustment cases in 1934. "How many additional adjust ments were facilitated in Morrow and other counties through the in formation distributed wholesale through the press and by radio, it is impossible to say," says Chair man Plummer. "There can be no question that because of the gen eral conciliatory Influence of the committees they were effective in directly as well as directly." The committees prevented cases from coming to court and view points of the mortgagor and mort gagee were brought together. Fi nancially distressed farmers were aided in obtaining land bank loans, debt scale-downs were - arranged with creditors, and methods of ad justment were explained. Morrow county statistics Includ ed in the annual report are as fol lows: Total farms and valuation, 1930, 628, $14,288,361. Mortgaged farms, 1930, 441, $2, 623,175. Farm Credit Administration loans ,1933-34, 84, $301,050. Land Bank, 36, $173,400. Commissioner, 48, $127,650. The voluntary farm debt adjust ment committee plan was first es tablished in 1933 and was later re organized as part of the national program through the appointment by Governor Meier of a State Ag ricultural Advisory council to carry on the work. A state committee of 33 members succeeded the earlier organization and later county com mittees were formed in every coun ty. Only two of these failed to accom plish worthwhile results, the annual report shows. During the two years of voluntary farm debt adjustment in Oregon, It Is estimated that In the neighborhood of 3500 cases were adjusted in one way or another. As an average case generally in volved about five creditors, it Is probable that around 17,500 debts were adjusted with a total scale down estimated in excess of $2,500, 000. Besides the chairman and secre tary, the state officers included E. A. McCornack of Eugene, as vice chairman, and six district chairmen. Heading the work in this district Is Glenn B. Marsh, Hood River, while the county committee consists of Bert Johnson, lone; S. J. Devine and Geo. Peck, Lexington; H. M. Smouse, lone; and J. J. Wightman, Heppner. The work is still going on and these committeemen are ready to assist at any time in working out practical settlements which will avoid court action or possible fore closure. Telephone Company Pays 1935 Tax in Sum of $3774 The Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company this week turned over to the tax collector $3774.00 in payment of Its real and personal property tax In Morrow county. The tax in this county, before discount for prompt payment, was $3890.22. Total real and personal property taxes of the company now being paid throughout the state amount to $750,950, according to Miss Opal Briggs, local manager. When other taxes federal, fran chise and miscellaneous are In cluded, the 1934 tax bill for the com pany In Oregon totals $966,571, or $8.67 per telephone based on the av erage number of telephones In ser vice In 1934. This tax per telephone Is $1.30 higher for Oregon than the tax per telephone of $7.37 for the company as a whole. SCHOLARSHIP STARTED. Corvallls. A memoral scholarship at Oregon State college to honor the memory of the late A. Grace John son, one of the best loved profes sors of home economics here, has been started by interested organiza tions across the country from her old home In Indiana to here. Re sponses from alumnae to a memor ial idea were so cnthusastlc that it was decided to enlst the coopera tion of fellow workers, relatives and friends as well and establish a per manent fund from which the In come only would be used. Miss Johnson was widely recognized for her successful pioneering here in the field of home management. PLAN SUCCESSFU Water Place Threatened By Bridge Construction Unless something is done to re store it, a very important stock wa tering place on Rhea creek will be destroyed by construction of the new highway bridge at the Rugg place, reported Orrin Wright of that dsitrict when In town Monday. For many years the even sloping banks of the creek at this point have afforded an Ideal watering place for stock, many head of which are driven over this route. The watering place is Important because it is the only place to wa ter stock In a distance of many miles. In the process of bridge construction, the creek is being ditched and the even slope of the banks has been destroyed at the water hole. Mr. Wright fears the first band of dry sheep that comes along will pile into the creek with a considerable loss. I0NE By MARGARET BLAKE The following students were on the honor roll for the past six weeks: Dorothy Farrens, Maxlne Allyn, Alton Yarnell, Wayne Chris topherson and Dickie Christopher son, second grade; Melbalene Craw ford, Catherine Turner and Mable Davidson, third grade; Marianne Corley and Iris King, fourth grade; Van Rietmann, fifth grade; Mary K. Blake, sixth grade; Joanne Sipes, Bethal Blake, Helen Lindsay and Marjorie McFerrln, eighth grade; Maxlne McCurdy and Jane Huston, freshman class; Wallace Lundell, sophomore class; Irene Zinter and Elaine Nelson, junior class. The high school student body will have' a carnival and program at the school gymnasium on Friday, March it. A small charge will be made for the program and it will be fol lowed by the carnival. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell drove to Seattle on business last Thurs day, returning home Saturday. The benefit card party given by the Women's Auxiliary of the lone Legion post was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake won high scores at bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howk won high scores for pi nochle. Mrs Cleo Drake won an extra prize for making the last grand slam during the play, and Mrs. Ted Blake won one for holding. the last hand with a jack high. Mrs. J. W. Howk was given a prize for holding six nines in her hand at one time and another prize which was to have gone to anyone holding a double pinochle was not won by anyone so was given to Mrs. Omar Rietmann for second high score In pinochle. Refreshments were serv ed. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden who have made their home at Gresham during the winter months have re turned to their ranch. The 4-H sheep and dairy clubs met at the Geo. Krebs farm at Ce cil last Wednesday evening. Dis eases of cattle and sheep were dis cussed. Refreshments of sand wiches, pie and cholocate were served. The next meeting will be held at the Lee Beckner ranch on April 8. An evening of cards and dancing was enjoyed at the H. E. Cool farm last Saturday evening. Guests weree Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ferguson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ekle berry, Mr. and Mrs. Rood Ekleberry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely, Mr. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Ruth and Arthur Rowell, Clifford Yarnell and Joe Kelsay. Miss Pearl Padberg, daughter of Mrs. Lana Padberg, and Mr. Clar ence Kruse of Oswego were mar ried by Rev. Hickok of Portland at his home last Sunday, March 10, at three o'clock in the afternoon. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wrex Hickok. They will make their home at Oswego. Dale Ray, accompanied by Rosa Fletcher, drove to Hood River last Saturday. Mrs. Ray who has been in Hood River at the home of her son Will for some time returned home with him the same evening. Mrs. C. J. Callandra and son Don ald also accompanied the Rays home and will visit at the home of Mrs. Callandra's mother, Mrs. Ida Fletcher, for a short time. Miss 'Joanne Blake entertained several of her small friends on her fifth birthday last Wednesday af ternoon. Miss Norma Lou Lundell cele brated her fourth birthday on Mon day afternoon with a party. Sev eral small girls and their mothers helped her enjoy the big pink cake baked for her by her grandmother, Mrs. E. R. Lundell. Those present were Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. E. J. Blake and daughter Joanne, Mrs. Cleo Drake and chil dren, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and daughter Ruby Ann, Mrs. J, E. Swanson, Mrs. Garland Swanson and Mrs. E. R. Lundel. Refresh ments were served. Mrs. J. H. Blake, Kelthley Blake and daughter Betty Belle of Kin- zua were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake. Mrs. Cole Smith has been visiting her sister and daughter at The Dalles for a week or so. Mrs. Walter Corley accompanied her husband to Portland last week and visited there for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Cole E. Smith were visitors In Walla Walla on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Faye McNabb of Lyle, Wash., and Mrs. Herbert Hass and Dale Benedict of Dlllard, Ore., were In lone last Friday and Satur day on business In connection with the estate of their father, the late T. M. Benedict F. L. Rutter, home photographer of Portland, ,was In town the first of the week. I PUN STARTED BY LEAGUE Lower Freight Rates Ob ject of Proposed $400, 000 Cooperative. ASK LARGE SIGN-UP 80,000 Tons Annually Anticipated Need, Announces Eastern Ore gon Wheatmen'g Committee. Citing recent reduction In rail rates for wheat from The Dalles to Portland as resulting from river competition, Bert Johnsos of lone, chairman Eastern Oregon Wheat League transportation committee, has announced a proposal which may result in a lowering of rates from points farther east than The Dalles whose rates so far have not been affected. The proposal calls for establish ment of a barge transportation sys tem capitalized at $400,000 to be raised through sale of 16,000 shares of $25 par value stock. The com pany would be owned and controlled principally by producers living east of the Cascades, with 5000 shares of preferred stock disposed of to Portland business houses. Columbia Forwarding company will be the name of the organization according to tentative plans. It will be organized along cooperative lines, to meet cooperative require ments, while operating the boat line under a different name. "The object of the organization is to establish the lowest possible yardstick on freight for points be tween Portland and inland terri tory," Mr. Johnson said. Plans call for a sign-up of 80,000 tons of freight annually to ship from the interior. Aiding Mr. Johnson in working out the plan are the other members of the league transporta tion committee, Roy Ritner, Pendle ton; James B. Adams, Moro; L. J. Kelly, The Dalles, and John Withy- combe, Arlington. 'The plan Is absolutely free from promotion in the accepted meaning of the tem," Mr. Johnson declared, "having the sole object of obtain ing the producer a better price for his products," Wpol and other non perishable products are included in the plan. It is contemplated that each pro ducer will sign up for shipping a minimum of 50 tons of freight an nually for the next five years. The boat line will be operated at rates approximating the present rail rates the first year, In order to es tablish a base for operating costs, but the sponsors are convinced from their studies that a considerable saving can be effected thereafter. Diesel powered boats of the latest type, to be owned and operated by the company, are contemplated. In cluded will be one tanker boat to be used in supplying gas and oil to the inland territory. Existing warehouse facilities will be used. The company will start operation from points between Umatilla and Portland on both sides of the river, but when the Umatilla rapids dam project is completed it is believed operation can be extended Into the Idaho territory. Earnings, fixed by law for cooper atives, will be limited to 8 percent on common stock and 6 percent on preferred stock. OSC Students Back Fee As Economical and Fair Corvallls. Declaring that uniform student activity fees are the most economical and democratic means of assuring all students an equal opportunity in college, the students of Oregon State college have passed a resolution deploring any attempt to delay the effectiveness of the re cent act passed by the legislature which empowers the state board of higher education to collect and ad minister such fees not In excess of $5 a term. The students by a secret vote of nearly 10 to one declared that the issue has been misrepresented and that Instead of the plan being a detriment to the student of limited means it Is a help. Such a uniform fee had been In force here for 29 years until invalidated last year, and entitled every student. to priv ileges in all campus activities and admission to all concerts, lectures and athletic events. REQUEST REWARDS STUDENT. Corvallis. That Industry and a bility are sometimes rewarded di rectly as well as Indirectly is attest ed by a bequest of $2000 and a grand piano to Miss Thelma Peter son from a former Instructor who declared in his will he was making the gift because she was the best pupil he ever had. Miss Peterson Is now a special student of Mrs. Lillian Jeffreys Petri, piano Instruc tor at Oregon State college. The bequest was made by the last Chas. Bone of Gibbon, Neb., with whom Miss. Peterson studied nearly seven years while attending grade school. DANCE DINNER OFF. The Ladies Altar Society of St. Patrick's church announce that they have decided not to serve sup per at their St. Patrick's dance next Saturday evening, but instead will conduct a cooked food sale includ ing chickens the Saturday preceding master. Noted Leather Craftsman Shakes Head at Tractors When 2000 head of cattle were moved recently In the vicinity of Bend, the event made headline news in the daily press. The passing of open ranges ha rarifled large cat tle drives of the old days, and the Bend drive, one of the largest in recent years brought vividly to mind "the good old days." This incident is recalled because of a reflection it casts upon the in dustrial life of Heppner. Wherever cowboys ride, be it In Montana, Texas, Oklahoma or Oregon the name of Noble saddle is as com mon as beans and prunes. And in mention of the name NoWe, Hepp ner becomes synonymous, for E. G. Noble who has plied his art here for more than fifty years, has al ways called his product the Hepp ner saddle. It would be a moot question whether this famous product has not spread the city's name farther than any other thing or Incident connected with it, excepting possi bly the flood disaster of 1903. Cer tain it is Mr. Noble has shipped his products into every cattle country in the United States. Just at present he is filling two orders for saddles from Paulina, the first to go to this particular postoffice, over in the Bend country. It may be that the tophands order ing the saddles are working with that same large band of cattle which recently made headline news. Heppner's saddle craftsman has orders ahead to keep him busy for many days to come. These orders now come largely unsolicited thru repeats or recommendations of the many users. Mr. Noble is now do ing all the work on the saddles him self, though in years past he has kept two or three extra saddle mak ers at work. There have been few times dur ing the depression that he has not had orders enough to keep him busy, what with the saddles and his oth er horse and mule millinery. Mr. Noble shakes his head a lit tle at the tendency just now toward substituting tractors for horse far ming. Several large customers of the past have already made the change, and he forsees the time when the demand for horse equip ment may die out entirely. He was busy stamping the leaf of a saddle the other day. It looks like that would be a lot of fun, Gene," we remarked. Gene handed ua the leather-cov ered metal mallet was wielding. It was not light "If you were past seventy years of age, do you think it would be fun to swing that all day long? But the saddle business has been kind with Gene. He admitted that a man is no older than he feels and we had a stinking hunch that he really gets a lot of kick out of making one of the best saddles used on the range. Mrs. Blanche Watkins Dies Following Illness Mrs. Blanche Pearl Watkins, 59, of Irrlgon died at Morrow General hospital in this city Sunday follow ing an extended illness which kept her confined to the hospital for sev eral months. Funeral services from the local Methodist church were conducted yesterday afternoon with Rev. Joseph Pope officiating, in charge of Phelps Funeral home. Interment was in Masonic cemetery here beside the grave of Mrs. Wat kins' mother, Sarah A. Pickard. Blanche Pearl McCormack was born in Minnesota July 6, 1875. She came to Oregon in 1894 and In 1896 was married to R. D. Watkins at Heppner. For many years she was a teacher in the schools of the county and she taught In the Hepp ner schools for seven years. She moved from here to Irrigon In 1919 and the family home has been there since. Mr. Watkins preceded her in death several years ago. She is survived by two sons, Dale of Walla Walla and F. M. of Irrigon, and one half brother, H. E. Pick ard of Seattle. BROTHER DIES IN UTAH. Eph Eskelson of this city has re ceived word of the death of a bro ther, Oscar Eskelson, 77, on Satur day, March 2, at his home in Fran cis, Utah, following a three-months illness. Mr. Eskelson was a retired farmer and dairyman of Summit county, Utah. He was born near Florence, Neb., April 26, 1858, a son of James and Catherine Eskelson, pioneers. The family arrived in Utah -four years later and made their home In Kanias and Wanship. In 1879 he took up a homestead on Francis bench and on October 26, 1880, he married Melissa Orilla Fraughton of Heber, who died in 1913. Surviving are ten sons and daughters, all residing in Utah, Bishop Oscar E. Eskelson, Kamas; Dr. F. G. Eskelson, Vernal; H. I. and George A. Eskelson, Devil's Slide; Mrs. Genevieve Randall, Francis; Mrs. Ella Durant and Oral J. Eskelson, American Fork; Clea mond Eskelson, Park City, and Mrs. Sylvia Hayes, Kenllworth; 42 grand children, five great-grandchildren, and four brothers, Joseph Eskelson, Salem, Ore.; Ephrlam Eskelson, Heppner, and James and David Es kelson, Vernal, Utah. He filled a mission to the southern states in 1895-1897. He served as bishop's counsellor seven years, Sunday school superintendent 17 years and president of the M. I. A. 24 years. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, March 6, in the Kamas L. D. S. chapel, In charge of Bishop Thomas McNeil of Francis ward. T BY BALL BUG Awakened Insect Seeks Victims for Stinger Next Sunday. LEAGUE CALL COMES Wheatland Meet Set Next Wed nesday; Al Massey Named Man ager; Wants Material. Yesterday's balmy spring zephyrs induced the Heppner baseball bug from his hibernation and resulted in plans being laid at the Elks club last evening for the 1935 playing season. Through his proboscis the bug loudly bellowed a call for all has-been, ever-was or ever-would-be baseball players to report at Rodeo field Sunday afternoon when he will Inject them with venom from his stinger to induce a lively series of twilight games from which it is hoped to develop a strong aggrega tion to contend for the 1935 Wheat land league trophy. The lively bug's ardor was not dismayed this morning when he awoke to find his antennae frosted by colder gales. The feelers are directed toward Condon, whence has come a call from Johnny Baker, league secretary, for the annual or ganization meeting to be held there next Wednesday evening. Ray Fer guson, last year's league vice-prexy who has been badly bitten by the bug will again be the local club's official representative. A goodly number of the bug's vic tims were in last evening's assem blage. Unanimously reelected to managership was Al Massey, re ceiver and heavy bat swinger of last year's aggregation. Other pros pective position-seekers were Low ell Turner, Rod Thomson, Ray Massey, "Rev" Cummings and Ho mer Hayes, all of whom are famil iar to last year's fans. There was talk of much other available ma terial, and any such is desired for Inspection of the manager. Recalled was the twilight series of games of a few years ago which was a great help in developing the team, uncovering valuable material. And the hope was expressed that everyone who likes to play baseball, whether or not they care to "make" the town team, will turn out Sun day afternoon. Plans were also discussed for playing some pre-season games, for which a challenge was said to have been received from Rhea creek. The hoary setaed bug ere now has put in an appearance at both Rhea creek and lone, it was rumored. Local Creamery Cited In Oregon Farmer Item Headed "Thrift Guides Steps of Heppner Pioneer," Oregon Farmer of March. 7, gave recognition to Morrow County Creamery company and the record of achievement of W. C. Cox, manager. The Farmer article follows: Thriftiness not only helped make W. C. Cox successful in the cream ery business in Morrow county. It brought him there in the first place 30 years ago, when he discovered that he could travel from Virginia to Heppner for $5 more than to Bill ings, Mont The bargain intrigued him, and he never has regretted taking it After, three or four years of hard work he went back to Vir ginla to be married and the central Oregon county seat has been the Cox family home ever since. In 1916, after several years' em ployment by the firm, he bought in to the Morrow County Creamery company, and In 1929 bought a lot and put in a $16,000 plant. "Just to show you how lucky and near broke I was," he illus trated, "we were down 40 feet on a well for the place and had only a trickle of water when I told them to drill till night and then quit if they didn't get more. At 49 feet the wa ter was gushing and we have 120, 000 gallons a day at just the right temperature for washing butter. And speaking of water, do you see that mark on the wall? That's where the flood stopped last sum mer. We would have made some money last year if It hadn't been for that it did $2000 damage in here. But even so, we broke even and the plant Is In better shape than ever. We didn't make a nickel in 1933, but I have done a $73,000 bus iness in this plant. Practically all of Morrow county, part of Umatilla and the southern part of Grant comprise Cox's terri tory and dairying, he said, was In creasing gradually until prices broke so badly a while back. He cuts nothing but grade A butter and won't use cream that Isn't up to standard can't afford to, he as serted. SENATE BILL 189 PASSES. Senate bll 189 permitting the sale of forest lands to the federal for est service passed the House Mon day, reports S. E. Notson, who with J. L Gault, receiver for local banks, visited Salem Saturday to help urge its passage. They consider the measure of Importance to Morrow county as It may help to preserve the watershed at the head of Wil low creek, mostly contained in lands soon to be disposed of In the process of liquidation of First National bank of Heppner. Water Users to Comply With Watermaster's Rules Willow and Rhea creek water us ers suffering from shortage of sup ply now available from these creeks decided Monday evening to let Ed Nunn, watermaster, take charge of the situation and do whatever he thinks best Because stock is given prior right to use of water under the law, irrigation has been sus pended along the creeks until suffl cient water is provided lower points along the creek to take care of the livestock being fed there. Krebs brothers and Hynd broth ers, on lower Willow creek, are among stockmen mainly interested, as they have large bands of sheep lambing on the lower creek. The situation is critical to all farmers on both Willow and Rhea creeks, however, as they depend on water for irrigation at this time of year to give hay crops a start Unless the water supply is increased ma terially over present prospects, the hay crop will be mighty short this year, it is predicted. LEXINGTON By BEULAH NICHOLS Plans are well under way for the new hall which ia to be built by Lexington grange. At the meeting Saturday evening the grange select ed the building site and work will begin at once. The building of this hall is made possible largely through the contributions of grange mem bers. It will be situated about two miles north of Lexington on the Lexington-Echo highway, near the Harry Schriever ranch. Preceding the business meeting the lecturer presented an interest ing program which consisted chief ly of musical selections and read ings and a talk on "Abstracts and Title Insurance" by F. B. Nicker son of Heppner. Topics to be studied at the adult classes next week will be: Monday, March 18, 7:30 p. m, "Education," and arithmetic; Thursday, March 21, 7:30 p. m., "Recreation;" Friday, March 2, 2 p. m., "Can Leadership be Developed? and remodeling. R. B. Wilcox has sold his ranch to Tilman Hogue of lone who will take possession at once. The Wil cox's expect to make their home at Hermiston. A card party will be held in the high school gymnasium on Friday evening, March 29. Both bridge and 500 will be played. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson re turned the last of the week from a trip to Portland. Frank Gentry of Portland is vis iting relatives in Lexington this week. Woodrow Tucker ia back at school this week after being absent for some six weeks while recovering from a siege of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox have moved to Heppner. J. R. Farington, manager of The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany at The Dalles, was looking after business interests in this city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan of Cherryville are spending the week with relatives In Lexington. Mrs. C. P. Brown and son Vernon spent Thursday with Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. Roy Johnson. Lawrence Beach and Guy Shaw went to Pendleton Wednesday and brought back a tractor for the Beach Equipment company. V. E. Way of Newberg is visit ing with his son, Dan Way. who has been quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Munkers have returned from Portland where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever, accompanied by George Gillis, mo tored to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Louise Becket of Heppner is teach ing in Mr. Gulls' room during his absence. Mrs. Glen Gale of Portland Is vis iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus Wright Mrs. Charles Breshears and daughter Helen were business vis itors in Arlington Wednesday. They accompanied Miss Helene Curran of Heppner. Guy Shaw Is driving a 1930 Ford which he purchased in Pendleton last week. Mr. and' Mrs. Edwin Ingles of Boardman spent Sunday with Lex ington friends. Harry Dinges made a business trip to Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers of Heppner was in Lexington Tuesday on bus iness pertaining to her duties as county school superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler of Pendleton are spending the week at the home of Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swagagrt Mrs. Kathryn Slocum has return ed from Medford where she has been visiting with a daughter since Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer are spending the week with relatives at Portland, Salem and Cascade Locks. Mrs. J. G. Johnson spent part of last week In Heppner with her daughter, Mrs. Mae Burchell, and family. Mrs. Clara Beamer of Heppner was a business visitor in this city Tuesday afternoon. Harold Mason who works at the Swaggart ranch is spending a few days in Portland. TOWNSEXD MEET SLATED. The Heppner Townsend club has slated a lecture by Rev. G. N. Ma good, state lecturer on the Town send Old Age Revolving Pension plan, to be given at the gym-auditorium on Saturday, March 23, at 8 p. m. Everyone Interested Is In vited to attend. TOLD SERVICE CLUB Dr. McMurdo Reports No ted Neurosurgeon's Mes sage Given at Portland. HOOP SQUAD FETED Coach Winter and His High School Basketball Boys . Recognized for Season's Good Showing. A new dsicovery in the field of neurosurgery was told at the Lions club Monday luncheon by Dr. A. D. McMurdo who recently attended the annual N. W. Jones lectures at the University of Oregon medical school in Portland. Dr. Wilder Penfleld, professor of neurology and neuro surgery at McGill university, the featured lecturer told of the discov ery which Dr. McMurdo said may be invaluable in treating brain con cussions. In giving the treatment, air Is Injected into the opening of the spinal cord. The air thus injected drifts upward into spaces of the brain, helping to relieve the con cussion. The treatment has already been applied in enough cases to carry it beyond the experimental stage and to prove its value, the doctor said. Dr. McMurdo praised the work of Mr. Jones, who in paying the ex penses each year of such men as Dr. Penfleld makes it possible for med ical men of Oregon to hear out standing lectures. More than 200 doctors and medical students avail ed themselves of the opportunity to hear Dr. Penfleld, a recognized au thority in his field. Dr. Penfleld is a native of Spo kane, the doctor said. He left that city at five years of age and had not been back since until his trip to Portland. Getting off the train at the depot, the scientist recog nized the smell of the place imme diately. This story was told to emphasize that strong impressions received in early childhood are never forgotten. The Lions den was warmed by the presence of Lawrence Winter, high school coach, and members of his basketball squad, in honor of whom the meeting was turned into a pep rally for a time to recognize the fine showing the team made during the season. Coach Winter gave a short talk in which he explained some of the processes in developing a team, gave a short resume of the season s play, and complimented members of the squad on their fine response. Of 22 games played the team won 16. Eleven of 15 were taken in the pre-tournament play, while four of six were won at the Arlington tour nament At the tournament the team won the first four games played and defeated each outstand ing contender, then had to start in and do it all over again because of the double-elimination play. Lack of reserve strength was shown as they dropped the last two games and the championship to Arlington who will represent this sub-district in the class B district tournament at Pendleton this week end. Members of the squad present each expressed his appreciation of being invited to the club luncheon and gave most of the credit to their coach. Floyd Jones and LaVerne Van Marter, two of the squad were unable to be present. Those pre sent were Joe Green, Leonard Gil man, Howard Furlong, Jimmy Driscoll, Billy McRoberts and Jim my Farley. Work on the Lions-B. P. W. en tertainment was said to be pro gressing well, and Dr. R. C. Law rence, minstrel coach, announced the date of presentation for March 21. The entertainment will consist of two one-act plays and a min strel. One of the plays and the minstrel are being prepared by the Lions, while the business and pro fessional women are preparing the second play. Elks Sponsor Dance, 30th to Send Band to Eugene Heppner Elks have joined other organizations in support of sending the school band to the state con test at Eugene, April 13-14, by spon soring a benefit dance at their hall Saturday evening, March 30, pro ceeds of which will be contributed to help defray expenses of the trip. A feature of the evening will be the appearance of the band which will play numbers to be presented at the contest. While everyone does not dance, R. C. Phelps, chairman of the com mittee In charge, believes all will welcome the opportunity to con tribute their bit to the cause, and he anounces plans for a general ticket sale which will be pushed prior to the affair. OREGON FIGS IN CHINA. A shipment of breeding pigs as sembled by the animal husbandry department at Oregon State college arrived safely in China recently where they have been ordered for use by government colleges to Im prove the swine there. The ship ment consisted of pedigreed pork ers from leading breeders of west ern Oregon and from the experi ment station herd. They ' were transported in a special pen built on the deck of a lumber vessel.