PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 19S5. (Bnztttt StntrB THX HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established Marek 30.188S; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18. 1S97; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY IS. 1SU. Published ererv Thursday morning By VAWTSB and SPENCER CBAWYOM and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, uregon, as second-class matter. ADvnnsrsa bates givbn ok APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear ' Six Months Three Months . Single Copies $2.00 1.00 .78 .06 OOeaal Paper for Morrow County MEMBER Good Work, Boys. pOACH WINTER and his squad of high school basketball play ers deserve the warmest commen dation for their fine showing in the sub-district tournament at Arling. ton last week end. They were not only strong runners-up for first place playing honors, but they rat ed high in sportsmanship which after all, is the primary considera tion. Hardly more glory could have been had in winning the champion ship, than in the selection of Joe Green, team captain, as one of the two players who were outstanding in sportsmanship. This honor was shared by Tommy Hoover of Fos sil, whose team also shone for clean, fast play. It goes without saying that there could be but one winner among the eight teams competing. The other seven had to lose. Heppner had the bitterest pill to take, because it won four times to emerge as one of the last two contestants for the ti tle, and the only undefeated team up to the final preliminary game. After beating Arlington once in the preliminary play, the home boys were pitted against them again in what might have been the final game Saturday night had Heppner won. But Heppner lost, thereby going into a tie with Arlington and necessitating a play-off game Mon day night The boys again gave their all, but the gruelling play of the few preceding days had slack ened their speed and they lost again. The boys lost gamely and in a sportsmanlike manner. But the tournament revealed several incon sistencies which should be correct ed another year. The double - elimination system i used does not provide a test of the better team, but rather it is an en durance contest, and a measure of reserve strength. By first defeat ing each of the other leading con testants in the tournament, Hepp ner showd superior team play. To do this, however, six boys were taxed to the utmost, as well-trained reserves were lacking. Arlington, on the other hand, had eight boys almost equally good, and was able to coast through its easier games. They also had advantages of living at home throughout the tournament and playing on their own floor. It is not to alibi Heppner's defeat that these points are brought out It is but to emphasize the good showing which the home boys made under the circumstances, and to bring about a correction another year, if possible, of a system that draws too strongly upon the endur ance of a team lacking in reserve strength. A double elimination in the sub- districts hardly seems necessary when single elimination is all that is required in the district and state tournaments. The same test of all teams should be applied all along the line. The Weed Menace. "THE noxious weed committee of 1 the Eastern Oregon Wheat league has Just released a report of a. recent meeting in which is set out many important effects of such weeds upon the farming commu nity. The report should be read and digested by everyone. Weeds are parasites upon the ec onomic well-being of any agricul tural section. They usurp space, moisture and sustenance that should be utilized by worth-while crops. Their toll in the state of Oregon! amounts to several million dollars annually, the report states. The problem demands widespread and united action, because only through united action can any weed control program be successful. One farmer cannot combat the problem alone. He may battle weeds until he is red in the face, but if his neighbor does nothing about it, seeds from his weeds will restock the fields of the industrious farmer, whose labor Is thus nullified to a great extent The wheat league Is to be com mended in its efforts to bring to light the true status of noxious weeds, and It is hoped that their ef forts will be rewarded by the de velopmnt of a workable program which may result in eradicating these pests. They are entitled to the support of everyone In Morrow county. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Maxwell Jones who ia attending normal school at La Grande spent Saturday and Sunday of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jones. Mrs. J. A. Grabiel la still quite ill from an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. William Norcross and two children left for Portland Thursday where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Had d ox have leased the Doble place, formerly oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Norcross. Kenneth Mace who has been with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams, for some time left Thursday for his home at Tekoa, Wash. Otto Eisle and his little nephew, Joe left for Fresno, Calif, Saturday to spend a month with his father. Morris Ferol, nephew of Mrs. Nora Wilson, had the misfortune to set one finger cut off and his nana cut severely while sawing wood with a woodsaw at Boardman Friday. Jess Oliver left for Washington this week to shear sheep. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bowluare were Hermiston shoppers Friday. Stanley Musgrave of Monument visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and his cousins, Earl Isom and family and Mrs. Geo. Kendler at Umatilla from Friday until Sunday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jones motored to Yakima Friday, returning Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Miller and W. C. Isom motored to Walla Walla Saturday where Mr. Miller purchas ed a second-hand Dodge coupe. Mr. Foster and Miss Miller of Boardman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller Saturday night. A school meeting was held Wed nesday night and all the present teachers were rehired for the com ing year. Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom Sunday evening. Walter Grider is erecting a new chicken house on his place. Mr. and Mrs. Ruker and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dexter Sunday. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. All water bills for the month of February, 1935, must be paid by March 15th or water service will be discontinued. Beginning April 1st all water bills must be paid by the 10th of each month or water service will be dis continued. By order of the City Council. W. E. PRUYN, Watermaster. (Continued from Last Week) ORDER In the Matter of the Reduction of As sessed Valuation and Tax: This matter came up for hearing on pe tition of J. O. Turner and F. W. Turner, for correction of error of the assessed val uation for the year of 1930 on the follow in? described real property, to-wit: All of lot numbered seven (7) and the South fourteen (U) feet of lot numbered six (6) in block numbered one (1) of Hen ry Johnson's Addition to the City of Hepp ner, Morrow County, OreKon, and it ap pearing to the court that during the years 1929, 1930 and 1931, the above aescriDea was assessed and the taxes levied as fol lows : Year Assd. Val. Tax 1929 $2870 $111.89 1930 4370 216.31 1931 2870 103.00 That durintr all of the above three years, the above described property consisted, it addition to the lot, two partially construct ed houses. No further improvement was made during this period and no change was made in the real valuation of the property ; therefore, it la ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the assessed valuation on the above described property for the year 1930, be reduced to the level of the years 1929 and 1931, and the Sheriff of this County is hereby or dered and directed to accept in full pay ment of taxes for the year 1930 on the above described property, the assessed val uation of J2870.00 multiplied by the mill- age base for that year (1930) at the rate of 49.6 mills or the sum of $142.06 plus ten alt v and interest and that a copy of this order be sent to the Assessor's office of this county for record. The netition of Oeorge McDuffee request' ing the County Court to comply with cer tain demands in said petition set out was considered and the Court refused to com ply with demand contained in petition of Georsre McDuffee for the reason they do not believe it possible for assessor to matte an itemized account at this date ot all ex penses and further that it was agreed that he would do the work for a lump sum. Ad justment has been made since it was called to attention of Court. The Court ordered the following fees to be collected for dog licenses issued: $1.00 for males and $2.00 for females. Also or dered a penalty of $2.00 per dog additional if not paid by March 1st, 1935, and insists that the law be enforced. Notice was served on the County that the National Surety Corporation will can. eel the bond of County Clerk effective 30 days from date. Court decided that unless a settlement with the Surety Company is effected within twenty days from date, the district attor ney be, and hereby is authorized to take appropriate court action for the collection of the money lost by the failure of the Bank of lone. Court accepted the bond of L. W. Brtggs from the Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co. of New York No. 260989 in the sum of $15000.00 with the understanding that as soon as the Bank of lone matter is settled L. W. Brings is to furnish additional bonds in the total amount of the original bond. IN THE MATTER OF THE ABATE MENT OF TAXES: To C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff and Tax Collector : The West Extension Irrigation District having petitioned the County Court under the provisions of section 3, Chapter 240, of Oregon Laws, lyiiy, for the abatement of all due and delinquent County taxes sessed against the lands, title to which ' acquired by said District by virtue of fore closure sale of Jan. 23, 1932; and agree ment being made by the District in said petition that should any of such lands be sold for more than the amount due the Dis trict the overplus shall be turned over to Morrow County. And whereas the follow ing described real property was foreclosed by said District and deed to same was re corded in Vol. 42, on page 78 of deed rec ords and was overlooked in the abatement order of Nov. 4, 1932. Now, therefore. the Court does hereby order abatement of the taxes due the County on the following described land in Sec. 22, Tp. 6 N. R. 26 b. W. M., as shown in said deed record 42, page 78, to-wit: Tax years 1923-1931 To tal Tax $403.34. Dated this 14th day of Jan., 193G. In the matter of notice under Section 86-1903, 1930 Code: Court served notice on Gay M. Anderson as follows: Under Section 86-1903, Code of 1930, provisions are made for action under such conditions and you should gov ern yourself accordingly. In the matter of Publication of semi annual report: Court called attention of the County Clerk to Chapter 83, Oregon Laws 1938, re garding such report and asked for report in accordance with said section. In the Matter of Settlement of Claim of Morrow County, Oregon, against Leon W. Briggn, County Treasurer of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and the Metropolitan Casualty Company of New York on acocunt of loss of deposit in the Bank of lone, Oregon: Whereas, the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, has here tofore tiled a claim against Leon W. Briggs County Treasurer of Morrow County, State : of Oregon, and the Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of New York in the COURT PROCEEDINGS MI TERM sum of Sixty-eight hundred Ninety-four and 7-100 Dollars on acunt of county money deposited by said County Treasurer in the Hunk of lone, Oregon, on the 10th day of inuary, 1927, the date upon which the said Bank of lone closed its doors and the Superintendent of Banks of the State of Oregon took over its affairs lor tee pur pone of liquidation ; and Y hereas, the said claim asserted by the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, has been denied by The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of New York, and be cause of the uncertainty of recovery by said County of Morrow, it is deemed ad visable that a compromise be effected with said The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company ; and Whereas, it appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Morrow County, State of Oregon, the offer of the Metropol itan Casualty Insurance Company of the immediate payment of the sum of $5000.00 in lull settlement of said claim be, and hereby is, accepted, and that the Board of County Commissioners of Morrow County, State of Oregon, execute a release absolv ing from any and all liability on acocunt of said claim of Leon W. Briggs and The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of New York and of any and all liability cn account of the official bond of said L. W. Briggs, County Treasurer aforesaid. for the term beginning January Srd, 1927. Wm. T. Campbell. County Judge. George N. Peck, Commissioner. Frank S. Parker, Commissioner. Attest: Gay M. Anderson, County Clerk In the matter of refund of 1930 taxes collected by error: C. C. Ellis paid" general tax on SWH SW4 less canal, Section S, Township 4 North, Range 26 E. W. M-, on November 27, 1931, and said tax should have been cancelled by Sheriff according to Section 69-104 Oregon Law. At that time the Sher iff's office was not aware of said law and accepted said tax from C. C. Ellis and turned the same over according to law. The West Extension Irrigation District was the owner of said land and the County Court abated 1929 and prior taxes per or der of November 6, 1930. . I Therefore, it is ordered by the County Court that the Sheriff refund the sum of $28.51, paid on receipt number 2987, 1930 tax, providing that C. C. Ellis will apply said refund on delinquent taxes on said property upon which refund is made. In the matter of resignation of Gay M. Anderson, Clerk: At this time the Clerk, Gay M. Anderson, presents to the County Court his official resignation as such Clerk same to be ef fective February 16, 1935, providing said Clerk is relieved of all liability and respon sibility of Baid offise and the Court ordered that said resignation be accepted upon be ing relieved of such liability and responsi bility. And the Court directed that the auditors Wells & Delap immediately make audit of County Clerk's office. Court approved the application of Frank McClintock for the lease for $25.00 per year for the following lands: SE4 SE1 Sec 17, Wj NE SEV NE4, E& SE Sec 20, Tp. 3 S. R. 23 E. W. M., and or dered lease drawn for signatures of both parties. Payable in advance. Court approved of the appropriation of $600.00 for a 4-H Club show in conjunction with a wool and grain show to be held at the same time as the holding of the 1935 Heppner Rodeo and appointed J. G. Bar- ratt, Jack Hynd and Lee Beckner as mem bers of a board to hold said show. The Court drew the following names for a jury list of said county of Morrow for iy35. Allen, Geo. M., Lexington, laborer AUstott, R. D. Jr., Heppner, farmer. Anderson, Harley, Eightmile, farmer. Anderson, Theo. O., Eightmile, farmer. Archer, Harry, Heppner, laborer. Anderson, Harold, lone, farmer. AdkinB, Albert, Heppner, bookkeeper. Akers, Ralph, lone, merchant. Anderson, C. J., lone, farmer. Aiken, Henry, Heppner, clerk. Anderson, Charles E., lone, farmer. Bryson, J. H., lone, garageman. Bleakman, B. P., Hardman, farmer. Baldwin, J. F., Heppner, merchant. Beckner, Lee, lone, farmer. Baldwin, A. M., Heppner, drayman. Blake, Earl, lone, farmer. Bergstrom, John, Heppner, farmer. Bauman, H. O., Heppner, farmer. Bergevin, Lewis C, lone, farmer. Brosnan, John, Lena, farmer. Hall, Roy E., lone, farmer. Broadley, Geo., Lexington, laborer. " ffcf AN ALL-ELECTRIC ) 0 Do you still slave for hours over your family's laundry? Or are you one of those clever homemakers who has modernized her laundry equipment as well as her kitchen? When you have an up-to-date electric washer and electric ironer, you are freed from the back-breaking labor usu ally connected with washing and ironing. They enable you to cut your laundry time in half. And your clothes wear longer be 40 to 50 longer. The mechanism, motor and legs of this sturdy washer are anchored to one heavy cast iron unit, which reduces the possi bility of misalignment, noise or vibration. The tub is finished in apple-green, gold flecked vitreous enamel, inside and out. The cover is polished aluminum. See this washer, and ask about the easy terms! SEE YOUR DEALER OR Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service Barratt, J. G., Heppner, farmer. Bechdolt, W. W., Boardman, farmer. Beamer, Ralph, Heppner, laborer. Becket, Harold. Heppner, laborer, Biddle, Otis, lone, laborer. Bay lean, W. O., Heppner, retired. Baker, Henry, lone, farmer. Bergstrom, E., lone, farmer. Batty, Kenneth, Eightmile, farmer. Barlow, Guy L., Boardman, mechanic. Becket, Merle, Heppner, cierk. Bartholomew, C. H., Echo, farmer. Becket, Walter, Eightmile, farmer. Bucknum, E. L. Heppner, laborer. Blake, Willard J., lone, farmer. Bennett, G. L., Lexington, farmer. Beach, Lawrence, Lexington, merchant. Ball, A. C, Heppner, farmer. Balsiger, Paul G., lone, merchant. Batty, Jos. N., Hardman, farmer. Buchanan, Fred, lone, farmer. Bergstrom, William, lone, farmer, Blahm, Adam, Heppner, farmer, Benge, Terrel, Heppner, farmer. Barnett, W. F., Lexington, merchant. Cox, Dee Jr., Lexington, farmer. Clark, John, Lexington, farmer. Clark, E. E., Heppner, barber. Cash, J. D., Heppner, merchant. Christopherson, E. W., lone, farmer. Cleveland, W. H., Heppner, farmer. Crawford, J. V., Heppner, printer. Cool, H. E., lone, farmer. Craig, W. T., lone, farmer. Cutsforth, O. W., Lexington, farmer. Chapin, A. B., Heppner, barber. Cast eel, Fred, Heppner, farmer. Casebeer, A. L., Heppner, farmer. Clark, H. E., lone, farmer. Caldwell, M. F., Irrigon, farmer. Coxen, J. B.( Heppner, barber. Carlson, C. E., lone, farmer. Cotter, M. E., lone, farmer. Cohn, H. A., Heppner, farmer. Campbell, Roy A., Heppner, farmer. Carkhuff, Geo.. lone, famer. Corley, Walter, lone, farmer. Carlson, V. L., lone, farmer. Doherty, Bernard, Lexington, farmer. Denny, Clyde, Lexington, farmer. Doherty, Bill, Lexington, farmer. Duvall H. L Lexington, farmer. Doherty, W. J., Lexington, farmer. Dinges, Harry, Lexington, warehouse man. Doherty, Francis, Heppner, farmer. Dix, W. O., Heppner, merchant. Dobyns, Walter, lone, farmer. Drake, Cleo, lone, laborer. Devore, A. G., Heppner, farmer. Dillabough, B. L., Boardman, farmer. Evans, Earl, Heppner, farmer. Evans, Walter, Heppner, farmer. Eskelson, Earl, Heppner, clrk. Ekleberry, R. L., Morgan, farmer. Ely, Geo. N., lone, warehouseman. Ely, Franklin, Morgan, farmer. Ely, E. D., Morgan, farmer, Eskelson, Eph, Heppner, retired. Eubanks, W. M., lone, grain buyer. Evans, George, Heppner, farmer. Farrens, G. A., Hardman, farmer. Furlong, James F., Heppner, laborer. French, W. H., Hardman, farmer. Florence, N. G., Heppner, farmer. Furlong, C. H., Heppner, farmer. Fredrickson, F. C, Irrigon, farmer. Feldman, C. F., lone, farmer. Ferguson, E. O., Heppner, merchant. Finch, M. C., Echo, farmer. Grabill, T. F., lone, farmer. Gentry, J. H., Heppner, farmer. Groshens, Emil, Heppner, farmer. Gorger, Henry, Lexington, farmer. Gorger, Leo, Lexington, farmer. Green, Alex,. Heppner, merchant. Gorham, J. F,, Boardman, merchant. Gonty, E. N., Heppner, merchant. Griffin, Fred, lone, farmer. Grim, H. W., Irrigon, farmer. Hams, J. E., Hardman, farmer. Hynd, David, Heppner, farmer. Hanna, J. L, Heppner, farmer. Hisler, Paul, Lena, farmer. Hunt, Lester. Lexinirton, farmer. Henderson, Alonzo, Lexington, mechanic. Wiggins, Phil, Lena, farmer. Hynd, C. H.t Cecil, farmer. Hirl, Phil, Lena, farmer. Hale, L. D., lone, farmer. Houghton, A. C, Irrigon, irrigation supt. rleliker, E. C, lone, farmer. Higgins, J as., Lena, farmer. Helms, Frank, Echo, farmer. Hadley, Glen, Boardman, farmer. Hoskins, Fred, Heppner, farmer. Haseltine, C, Heppner, laborer. Hall, Jess, ileppner, farmer. Hynd, Jack, Cecil, farmer. Hiatt, J. W., Heppner, laborer. 'Hogue, Tilman, lone, farmer. Harris, Ralph, lone, hotelman. Hughes, Edwin, Lena, farmer. Instone, W- H., Lena, farmer. Not ALL-ELECTRIC HOME LAUNDRY! cause friction is reduced to a minimum. Here's an excellent washer for a low price! The new Thor Super Agitator Washer has one of the fastest wash ing actions ever design ed. It washes seven pounds of clothing spot lessly clean in only five to seven minutes. Yet its action is so gentle that it makes clothes last Isom, W. C, Irrigon, farmer. Johnson, N. M.. lone, farmer. Jones, Charles N., Heppner, farmer. I Jacluon. Ralph, Lexington, worehouse- J man. i Jones, T. J., Heppner, retired. Johnson, O. E., Hardman, farmer. Jarmon, Percy, Echo, farmer. Krebs, Henry W., Cecil, farmer. K linger, Charles, Lexington, farmer. Keithley, Oscar, lone, farmer. Kirk, M. N., Lexington, farmer. Knighten, Neal F., Hardman, farmer. Kilkenny, John, Heppner, farmer. Kincaid, J. O.. lone, farmer. Kilcup, W. W., Lena, farmer, Kilkenny, W. P., Heppner, farmer. Lee, Fred, Echo, farmer. Lindstrom, Otto, lone, farmer. Lindsay, Frank H., lone, farmer, Lindsay, Dan, Lexington, farmer. Luttrell, O. C, Lexington, laborer. Latourell, C. H., Heppner, merchant. Lundell, A. W., lone, laborer. Lundell, E. R., lone, farmer. Lindstrom, Albert, lone, farmer. Luckman, W. W., Lena, farmer. Majeske, A., Lexington, farmer. Martin, M. E., Lexington, farmer. Miller, Karl G., Lexington, farmer. Morgan, J. E., lone, laborer. Melville, C, Echo, farmer. Mankin, Fred, lone, farmer. Miller, H. M., Lexington, farmer. Moyer, E. W., Heppner, farmer. Mover, Frank, Heppner, farmer. Mason, Frank E., lone, farmer. Missildine, Roy, Heppner, farmer. Moore, Clarence, Heppner, laborer. McGhee, Walter, Heppner, warehouse man. McMillan, S. G., Lexington, farmer, Missildine, W. L., Heppner, farmer. Moore, John S., Echo, farmer. Morgan, J. T., Heppner, farmer. Moore, Russell, Echo farmer. McElligott, Chas., lone, farmer. McEntire, J. J., Boardman, farmer. McConkie, Ira, Eightmile, farmer. Nelson, Ivar E., lone, farmer. Nichoson, Fred J., lone, laborer. Noble, E. G., Heppner, merchant. Nikander, G. E., Heppner, clerk. Neilson, Herman, Hardman, farmer. Neill, L. D., Echo, farmer. Neill, W. D., Echo, farmer. Nichols, Cletus, Heppner, laborer. Owen, Creed, Heppner, laborer. O'Brien, T. J., Echo, farmer. Olden, Grant, lone, farmer. Omohundro, J., Lexington, farmer. Peterson,, Carl J., lone, farmer. Peterson, Ture, lone, farmer. Pruyn, W. E., Heppner, watermaster. Pettyjohn, W. H., Heppner, farmer. Parker, A. F., Heppner, farmer. Padberg, W. H., Lexington, farmer. Pearson, Geo. R., Echo, farmer. Phillips, Ralph, Lexington, clerk. Padberg, John, Lexington, farmer. Palmateer, W. G., Morgan, farmer. Pettyjohn, N. E., Morgan, farmer. Pruter, John H., Boardman, farmer. Peterson, Oscar, lone, farmer. Peterson, Victor, G., Heppner, inspector, Petteys, Geo. A., lone, farmer. Peterson, Henry, lone, farmer. Padberg, Oris., Lexington, farmer. Ro bison, S. T., Hardman, farmer. Rietmann, Omar, lone, farmer. Reynolds, W. T., Hardman, farmer. Rietmann, Walter, lone, farmer. Reid, Art, Heppner, merchant. Ruhl, Otto, Lexington, farmer. Redding. L., Eightmile, farmer. Rand, B. P., Irrigon, farmer. Rietmann, Ed, lone, farmer. Robison, I. R., lone, merchant. Scott, Ralph, Heppner, farmer. Saling, Olney, Lexington, farmer. Smith, Ernest L., Lexington, farmer. Shively, F., Heppner, blacksmith. Smouse, Henry, lone, farmer. Sprouls, J. C, Heppner, clerk. Swift, J. C, Lexington, farmer. Schriever, Harry, Lexington, farmer. Slocum, Lee, Heppner, farmer. Scott, O. M., Heppner, farmer. Smith, M. C, Heppner, laborer. Smith, Robert, Morgan, farmer. Swaggart, Frank, Lena, farmer. Stout, Henderson, Heppner, laborer, Troedson, Johan, lone, farmer. Troedson, J. A., Morgan, farmer. Turner, W. H., Heppner. farmer. Thomson, J. G. Sr., Heppner, merchant. Warheld. Jesse, lone, farmer. White, Claude, Lexington, farmer. Wilcox, R. B., Lexington, farmer. Warner, H. E., Lexington, laborer. Warren, Virgil, lone, farmer. Ward, D. M., lone, farmer. Wightman, R. C., Heppner. farmer. "What nice looking laundry! But aren't you worn out?1' a bit giving things c 'professional' touch is no trick with an electric washer and ironer!" Make Ironing effortless with a THOR Automatic Ironer! If you want to see how easy ironing can be, see a Thor Automatic Ironer at our local office. This ironer allows you to sit down and relax as you feed your pieces through. The strain of lifting, bending and pushing is eliminated. Another con venience is the knee control which leaves both your hands free. This Thor Automatic Ironer does your ironing twice as fast as you can with a hand iron. It finishes up your work more attractively because of the even distribu tion of heat and pressure and the smooth ness of the shoes. You can iron every thing from sheets to shirts-even press trousers and pleats. Ask about our con venient monthly payment plan. Worden, Floyd, Eightmile, farmer. , Vey, Antone Jr., Echo, farmer. Young, H. E., Echo, farmer. I Young, E. L., Eightmile, farmer. Yarnell, H. E., lone, farmer. Zinter, R. H., lone, farmer. Judges and Clerks of Election Boards for 1935-36 were selected as follows: Alpine Precinct: Judges, C. Melville, R. B. Hice; Clerks, Dan Lindsey, Ed Ditty, Frank Saling. f Boardman Precinct: Judges, A. B. Chaf fee, C. G. Blayden ; Clerks, Margaret Kliix, Flossie CoaU, Rachel Barlow. Cecil Precinct: Judges, R. L. Ekleberry, Earl Morgan; Clerks, J. A. Troedson, John Krebs, Herbert Hynd. Eightmile Precinct : Judges, Walter Becket, F. M. Akers; Clerks, Clive Huston, John Bergstrom, L. Redding. Gooseberry Precinct: Judges, E. Berg strom, A. W. Lundell ; Clerks, Jesse War field, C. A. Nelson, C. F. BergBtrom. Hardman Precinct: Judges, F. N. Ad ams, Neal Knighten ; Clerks, Frances Leathers, Maud Robison, Erne Stevens. Irrigon Precinct: Judges, H. W. Grim, Geo. W. Rand; Clerks, H. T. Walpole, M. F. Caldwell, F. C. Fredrickson. Lena Precinct: Judges, Phil Higgins, Geo. R. Pearson ; Clerks, Leona Instone, W. W. Luckman, Annie Shaffer. Lexington Precinct: First Board, Judges, J. E. Gentry, W. R. MunkerB; Clerks, B. H. Peck, H. O. Bauman, Lawrence Beach Second Board: Judges, Ralph Jackson, L. A. Palmer ; Clerks, C. R. McAlister, Vester Lane, Earle Warner. lone Precinct: First Board, Judges, M. R. Morgan, A. A. McCabe; Clerks, Gladys Drake, Etta Howell, Edith Matthews. Sec ond Board: Judges, P. G. Balsiger, P. J. Linn; Clerks, E. R. Lundell, Kobt. Riet mann. Juanita Rietmann. Pine City Precinct: Judges. L. D. Neill, J. F. C. Lee; Clerks, H. E. Young, Marion) mch. W. U. Weill. North Heppner Precinct: First Board: Judges, A. W. Jones, H. C. Happold i C erks. C. W. Barlow. J. W. Hiatt. K. A. Campbell. Second Board: Judges, W. O. Bayless, Reta Oviatt ; Clerks, Muriel Aiken, Patricia Mahoney. Kathleen Gentry. South Henuner Precinct: First Board: Judges, Albert Adkins, E. L. Berry; Clerks, J. C. Sprouls, E. L. Ayers, Harriet GenM mell. Second Board: Judges, Vivian Kane, Vinton Howell : Clerks, Grace Nickerson, Sara McNamer. Ruth Tamblyn. Whereupon Court adjourned for the term. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 16, 1936. NOULE is hereby given that uuy L. Ar- bogast, of TJkiah, Oregon, who, on July 11, 1928, made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 026657, for E1, Sec. 36. T. 6 S., R. 30 E., Lots 1, 2, 8, SMs NEVi, SE4 NWVi, NVfe SEy4, Section 1, Town ship 7 South, Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, has hied notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register, United States Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: E. R. SchatTer, of Heppner, Oregon. Jack Hynd, of Cecil, Oregon; Asa Arbogast, Jr., of Ritter, Oregon ; Roy Jessen, of Ukiah, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. LYDIA MARTIN, Plaintiff, vs. ZENAS F. MARTIN, Defendant, SUMMONS No. 3089. To Zenas F. lartin, the above named de- f endant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court in or before four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear or answer the plaintiff wilt apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and plaintiff be forever dis solved and that plaintiff have an absolute divorce; that plaintiff have the custody and control of Georgia Martin, and that you be required to pay $15.00 per month for the support of said child, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem proper. This summons is served upon you by pub lication thereof in Heppner Gazette Times. a newspaper of general circulation, once a week for four successive weeks pursuant to an order of Hon. Wm. T. Campbell, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated February 19th, iy35, and the date of the first publication of this summons is Febzruary 2lst, 1935. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and postoffice address, Hepp ner, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE, On the 16th day of March, 1935, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court Home in HepDner. Oreeon Morrow County, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the fol lowing described real property located ir Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the East boundary line of the southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Two, Township Four South of Range Twenty-seven, E. W. M., Forty rods South of the center of said Northeast quarter of Section Two, running thence West on a straight line Eight hundred Seventy-four feet, thence in a South easterly direction on a straight line to a point on the center Bection line Five hundred Fifty feet East of the center of said Section Two, thence West along said center line to the center of said Section Two, running thence South on the center section line of Sections Two and Eleven, said Township and Range, to the Southwest corner of the North west quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Eleven, thence in a Southeasterly direction on a straight line to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Section Thirteen, said Township and Range, thence South on Section line to the Southwest cor ner of said Section Thirteen, thence East on section line to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Baid Section Thirteen, thence in a North easterly direction on a straight line to the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Thirteen, thence North to the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Thirteen, thence in a Northwesterly direction on a straight line to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section Twelve, said Township and Range, thence in a Northwesterly direction on a straight line to the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section Twelve, thence in a Northwesterly direction on a straight line to a point on the East boundary line of the Southwest quar ter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tion Two, in Township Four South of Range Twanty-seven, E. W. M., Forty rods South of the center of said North east quarter of said Section Two, place of beginning; Also, Southwest quarter of Section Eighteen and the West half of the Northwest quarter and the West Half of the EftHt half of the Northwest quarter of Section Seventeen in Town ship Five South of Range Twenty eight, E. W. M. Said sale Is made under execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed in the case of State Land Board, a public corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Harold A. Cohn and Henry P. Cohn Executors of the Last Will and Tes tament of Henrietta Cohn, Deceased ; Harold A. Cohn and Helen Cohn, his wife; Henry P. Cohn and Zara Cohn, his wife; Elinor Page, a single wo man; W. T. Matlock; and the County 01 Morrow, ueienaantB. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, Eitste of L. C. Hlrahheimir, NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT." In the County Court tor Morrow County, State of Oreiron.. In the Matter of the Estate of L. C. Hlrsh heimer (also known aa Loul, C. HirRh heimer). decoawed: Notice 1b hereby given that the under- Biened, aa admimntrator of the entate of L. C. Hirtthheimcr. deceased, haa filed his final account in the County Court for Morrow County, State of Oregon, and that Monday, the 11th day of March, 11)35, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and the county court room in the county court house of Morrow County, Oregon, has been appointed by said court as the time and plnce for the bearing of objections' thereto and the settlement thereof. ...... Dated and first pubiisnea, reDruary i, 1986. . - Date of last publication, narcn i, man. JOHN H. DUNLOP. Administrator. G. B. CELLARS, Tib Failing Bldg., Portland. Oregon, Attorney for Administrator, Professional Cards W. L. BLAKELY Representing 1 Connecticut! Mutual Life Insurance Co. Caledonian rtre insurance co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELTS I Phone 782 Heppner, Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Moderi) equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis. First National Bank Building Fhone 662 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. Kes. Phone 11S2 Office Phone 491 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING DR. E. C. WILLCUTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ft STJBOEOS (Over J. C. Penney Co.) PENDLETON, OREGON Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty 0. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Tallu to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORB. DR. RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone (23 House Phone 821 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTING PAPER HAN Oil? (I INTERIOR DECORATUia Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADT DENTIST X-Ray SlagnotU GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON Trained Inn, Asilit&nt Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner Hotel Building ' Willow St Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloa In Oonrt Home Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Lateit Jewelry and Oift OooAe Watohei . Olooki . Diamond Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRM, AUTO AND Lira INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Batata. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Hoppner, Oregon