OREGO? HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDI TOR w. PORTLAND. 0 3 E . epptier Volume 50, Number 38. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Nov. 29, 1934 Subscription $2.00 a Year state kirwr CAPITAL INC WO Cooter and Strayer $16,000,000 for Roads Oregon T. B. Free By A. L. LINDBECK SALEM. Democratic members of the state legislature got together in Portland Saturday and greased the skids for organization of both the House and Senate. That is they centered upon John Cooter of Lln codn county as the Speaker of the House and W. H. Strayer, veteran legislator from Baker county, as President of the Senate. Strayer's election, however, is still contingent upon the release by Senator Corbett of his pledges and upon the ability of the Democrats to persuade at least three Republicans to join with them in support of a Democrat for the gavel wielding job which now seems highly probable. From all reports the Democratic caucus was entirely harmonious with both William L. Graham and Howard Latourette of Multnomah county withdrawing from the Speakership race to give Cooter a clear field and Ashby C. Dickson, Portland democrat, shelving his personal ambition in order to throw the entire Democratic strength be hind Strayer. Thirty-two of the 38 Democratic representatives and six of the 13 Democratic senators attended the Portland caucus which had been called by members of the Multno mah county central committee. With the legislative machinery thus well oiled and ready to start rolling when the button is pushed on January 14 Interest now shifts to Governor-elect Martin and his , plans which so far are shrouded In deepest silence. Not even the most intimate friends of the General, ap parently, have any idea as to whom he has in mind for appointment to the several jobs which he will be expected to fill when he takes over his new job of running the state. In fact it is very doubtful if the general himself has made up his mind definitely on any of his ap pointments. Frank A. Spencer, treasurer of the Martin campaign committee, is being mentioned as successor to William Einzig as state purchasing agent. As former manager of the General Grocery company in Port land, Spencer has had considerable purchasing experience and is said to be well qualified for the job. The suggestion that Oswald West, for mer governor, is in line for Charlie Thomas' job as utility commission er, however, is ridiculed by friends of Martin who contend that West's well-known corporation connections would disqualify him for this job. Martin is expected to name a suc cessor to Mrs. Sheldon Sackett as private secretary to the governor and to abolish the job of budget di rector, now held by Henry Hanzen which he has promised to handle personally while he Is governor. Outside of these four jobs the new governor is not expected to be in any great haste in making changes in the state organization. In fact, most of the governor's friends agree that it would be the part of wisdom to wait until after the legislature has adjourned and he has had time to survey the situ ation from the Inside before at tempting any further reorganiza tion of the state machinery. At any rate it is not expected that the new governor will be inclined to enter into any wholesale house-cleaning. Committed to a one-term policy he will be under no necessity to devote his attention to political fence-fixing as is the average Individual who enters office and will feel en tirely free to pick and choose his lieutenants on merit and without any fear of what the effect of his selections may have on his political future. Thirty-three persons were killed In tralllc accidents in Oregon dur ing October bringing the year's to tal up to 251. A total of $16,922,000 will be avail able for highway purposes In Ore gon during 1935 according to the an nual budget of the state highway department which has been pre pared by R. H. Baldock, state high way engineer. The figure includes $4,153,000 of NRA funis already allocated to this state for federal aid projects and $3,800,000 to be spent on the five Coast highway bridges during the year. In its' own right the commission (Continued on PaffA Four) LEXINGTON By BEULAH NICHOLS A special meeting of Lexington grange was held on Wednesday eve ning, November 21st, at which time ten members were Initiated into the third and fourth degrees of the or der. Mrs. George White entertained the Lexington Home Economics club on Thursday afternoon with twelve members and two visitors present. Election of officers was held and the following officers were chosen to serve during the coming year: President, Bertha Dinges; vice president, Emma Peck; secre tary, Lorena Miller; treasurer, Beu lah Nichols. Those present were Mr3. White, Bertha Dinges, Jessie McCabe, Anne Miller, Emma Peck, Trina Parker, Myrtle Schriever, Pearl Gentry, Laura Scott, Pearl Devnie, Laura Hice, Mrs. H. B. Mc Waters, Margaret Miller, Opal Leach and Beulah Nichols. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Laura Scott on Thursday, December 13th. The H. E. C. will hold a bazaar at the hall during the afternoon and evening of December 8th. Cooked foods, candies, aprons, linens and novelties will be on display at rea sonable prices. On Friday afternoon Mrs. L. A. Palmer entertained about fifty la dies at a bridal shower honoring Mrs. Elmer Palmer, nee Muriel Pat terson. The honoree received many lovely and useful gifts and delicious refreshments were served late in the afternoon. The attention of members of Lexington grange is called to the regular meeting on Saturday, De cember 8th, at which time the new ly elected officers will be installed jointly with the Willows, Rhea Creek and Lena officers. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McMahon and son Donald of Arlington were bus iness visitors in Lexington Thurs day. ' The bazaar, carnival and dance which was given by the Three Links club on Saturday night was well at tended. P. A. McMahon of the state police force was the speaker at the adult school on Thursday evening. He told some of the duties of the state police and gave some rules for safety-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson were Pendleton visitors Wednesday as also were Mr. and Mrs. George Al lyn and son Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McWaters of Washington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gentry last week. W. O. Vincent, special agent for the Agricultural Insurance com puny, was calling on the local agent ' Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift of Athe na were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swift Sunday night. They were on their way to California where they expect to spend the winter. Alex and Arthur Hunt were busi ness visitors in Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ingles of Boardman spent Sunday with friends in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copenhaver of Athena visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker during the week. Holly Rebekah lodge of this city elected ofllcers at their meeting on Tuesday evening as follows: No ble Grand, Trina Parker; vice grand, Grace Burchell; secretary, Mae Burchell; treasurer, Cora War ner. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and sons are spending the week in Portland. School Notes Reporter, Delpha Merritt A good crowd turned out for the three-act comedy, "Mamma's Baby Boy," that was given in the audi torium Friday evening. The cast included: Mrs. Sheppard McLean, a young widow, Doris Burchell; Sheppard McLean, her young son, Lester Cox; Luther Long, a widow er, Alfred Van Winkle; Juliet Long, his young daughter, Alma Van Win kle; Mrs. Matilda Blackburn, mo ther of Mrs. McLean, Fern Luttrell; Wilbur Warren, young Sheppard's pal, Vivian White; Sylvia Kline, a friend, Anna Doherty; Mrs. Car lotta Anglin, a friend of Mrs. Mc Lean, Rose Thornburg; Cynthia Anglin, her daughter, Bernice Mar tin; Max Moore, real estate agent, Lester McMillan; Minnie, the col ored maid, Delpha Merritt; man ager, Bill Van Winkle. Miss Clara Ruff who teaches at Boardman, was a week-end guest of Miss Shlrlee Smith. A joint meeting of the student body and the alumni was held in the auditorium Tuesday morning. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the removal of the pennants that hang on the walls of the audi torium. It was decided that the pennants be taken down and placed In a trophy case. A committee was appointed to look after the replace ment of a gift that was broken. This gift was presented by the class of '25. The committee is James Peck, Mildred Hunt and Woodrow Tucker. Doris Burchell was absent from school Monday. Lester McMillan has been wear ing a carpet slipper to school as the result of getting his toe cut with an axe. Bernice Martin is spending the week at the home of Mrs. Elmer Hunt There will be no school Thursday and Friday of this week. NAMED COUNTY rilYSICIAN. Dr. Raymond Rice has been ap pointed county physician to succeed Dr. A. B. Gray, whose departure several weeks ago left this olllce vacant. ------ ......... . l. .L ................. WHY IS IT? -That when Ihankfetvug I 1 f -T Come? it bring 30 iJJ-sl many 'relative with it ? ? hge, i'm muM k . IT Al'NkT fMR. - HER 1 A V0W UKE AU. GET OUT CUTTIN TK WOOD TS0 COOK yyyl-A 'rT TURKEY THEN PS - OF KIN fOLKS DROP IN yyy- I to et t ml up y Recreational Specialist To Hold County Meeting Special meeting for training rec reational leaders will be held on Monday and Tuesday, December 3 and 4, at the Odd Fellows hall in Lexington, according to word from the office of Joe Belanger, county agent Meetings are so arranged that there in nn l-pnotitirtn anil ar person should arrange u pos. smie, 10 attena tne lull session. The "school" will start at 2:00 p. m. Monday. A pot-luck lunch will separate the afternoon and eve ning sessions. Tuesday the pro gram will be in the same order. Miss Gertrude Skow, with the extension service at Corvallis, will conduct the "school." The program will Include instruction in leading group singing, quiet games, noisy games, grand marches, etc. Granges, fraternal organizations, P. T. A. and other groups will be represented at these meetings. Anyone who has occasion to take part in group activities will find the training received at these meetings of considerable value. GRAND JURY CONVENES. The grand jury selected for the December term of circuit court convened Tuesday, and continued their deliberations through yester day. Sitting on the investigating body are A. A. McCabe, foreman, W. Y. Ball, W. C. Cox, A. E. Wright, O. E. Wright, Frank Howell and W. L. Blakely. The regular De cember session of circuit court is slated to convene Monday, with Judge C. L. Sweek presiding. Judge Sweek was in the city Tuesday to convene the grand Jury. ATTEND LODGE MEET. C. J. D. Bauman, R. C. Wight man, Fred Lucas and Lawrence Beach, members of Heppner lodge 69, A. F. & A. M., attended an in vitation meeting of Echo lodge on Tuesday evening. A feature of the meeting was the presentation of the traveling trowel from Pilot Rock lodge to Echo lodge. The trowel is an exact replica of that used by George Washington. The Heppner men report an enjoyable meeting. INDEBTEDNESS DECREASED. School district No. 1 of Heppner is now just 13 months behind In its warrant indebtedness, with the war rant call made this week taking up warrants issued in October, 1933, leaving the balance of outstanding warrants the lowest at any point since the peak, says Chas. W. Bar low, clerk. He reported $2100 worth of the warrants to be included in the present call. MEMBERSHIPS STILL TAKEN. Membership In the Heppner Boy Scout Boster club is still available to anyone wishing to join, and the executive commltte announces that additional memberships will be very acceptable. By giving his dol lar to either J, D. Cash, Ray Fergu son or Spencer Crawford anyone wishing to identify himself as a sponsor of the local trop will be Is sued a membership card. MASONS TO ELECT. Annual election of oilicers of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A F. & A. M., is scheduled for Saturday evening, uecemoer 1st, at their hall In Heppner. An urgent invitation has been sent all members to at tend as matters of Importance will be discussed. Following tha bus iness session a clam feed will be served In the dining room. MISNERS GO TO WASIUNGTON. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner who have farmed for many years in the lone section, have moved their farming operations to the vicinity of Thornton, Wash., their present address. Their farm is located 15 miles north of Colfax, and two miles west om Cashup elevator Dwight writes. "Come up and see me some time. See how it Aceras to wade In the mud. Good beds and a little to eat Expect to change this word (arrow pointing to "little") to plen ty next year." He adds a post script, "Morrow county will always be welcome. But tell 'em not to all come at once." In the departure of Dwiglit, Morrow county has lost Its number one practical jokester. He and Mrs. Misner have a wide circle of friends here who wish them suc cess in their new field. Maybe not so much to be thankful for this year, Dwight, but here's hoping there will be "plenty" next year. PRESENT CANTATA. The choir of the Methodist church under direction of Miss Shirley Brownson, presented the cantata, "Praise and Thanksgiving," at the morning service, and in the eve ning, services at the Methodist church having been dismissed so the congregation could attend the revival services at Church of Christ, tne choir very kindly consented to repeat the cantata, and the large audience present was charmed by the very excellent manner of the singing of the leading choruses and specials, there not being time to give the production In full. The first twenty minutes of the service was given over to the gracious pres entation of this beautiful Thanks giving cantata by the choir of the neighboring church. 4-II CONTESTS RENEWED. Pig feeding and corn growing contests will again be among the principal events for 4-H club mem bers at the Pacific International Livestock exposition in Portland next fall. This announcement was made early by G. A. Pierson, presi dent of the Portland Union Stock Yards company, during the 4-H club hour over KOAC at Corvallis, to enable next year's contestants to make their plans. Mr. Pierson's company has spon sored these two contests for the club boys and girls annually for the past 10 years, providing $1075 for the pig growing contest and $450 for the corn growing contest. Fol lowing the contests each year the pigs are sold with the other club animals in the 4-H fat stock auction sale. COURT MAKES AGREEMENT. The company holding the bonds of Gay M. Anderson, county clerk, will be relieved of any liability for shortage of funds In his office as alleged by the recent audit of Wells & DeLapp, on payment by the com pany of $1702.42, according to an agreement recently made by the county court. The sum was given as that which the court believed to be then owing the county by the clerk. ELKS SLATE ENTERTAINMENT On the social calendar for to day, Thanksgiving, is a dance for Elks and their friends at the hall this evening, with Bob Fletcher's music of Pendleton. Beano and other entertainment features are announced by the entertainment committee Heppner Elks to Hold Annual Lodge of Sorrow As all Elkdom bows its head in memory of its departed brothers next Sunday afternoon, appropriate public services will be held by Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, in its hall, in memory of James Hart, Charles Thomson and Arthur Mc Afee, Its brothers who passed be yond the purple veil in the last year. The service will begin at 2 o'clock. C. J. D. Bauman, past exalted ruler of Heppner lodge, will give the memorial address, and presid ing over the ceremonies will be Jas. G. Thomson, Jr., exalted ruler. Numbers on the program have been announced by the memorial com mittee, Jasper V. Crawford, J. O. Turner and R. C. Phelps, as fol lows: Funeral march while members en ter, Mrs. J. O. Turner; opening cer emonies of the lodge; invocation, Joel R. Benton; "The Wondrous Cross," F. W. Turner, J. O. Turner, Claude Pevey, John Anglin; rollcall of departed brothers; "One Sweetly Solem Thought," F. W. Turner, J. O. Turner, Claude Pevey, John An glin; ceremonies of the lodge; ad dress, C. J. D. Bauman; "Thana topsis," Bert Evans; "Auld Lang Syne," audience; closing ceremonies of the lodge; benediction. The public is invited to partici pate in the service. UNDERGOES OPERATION. Marion Evans, pioneer farmer and former county sheriff, residing five miles below Heppner on Wil low creek, was in town Tuesday greeting friends. He was just re cuperating from an operation un dergone a few days before for the removal of a growth from the back of the neck, the growth having giv en him much pain for several days. The pain had been relieved by the operation, and Mr. Evans was feel ing happy on being freed from his suffering. His Thanksgiving will be a bit more thankful. YEAR-OLD BABY DIES. James, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glover Peck, died at a local hospital last night from an attack of pneumonia. Besides his father and mother he is survived by two brothers, Ronald and Lyle, and one sister, Dorothy. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m., Friday, No vember 30, at the Congregational church in Lexington, Phelps Funer al home in charge. Burial in Lex ington cemetery. ADKINS-GORGER. A wedding of interest to their many friends was that of Miss Ruth Adkins of Heppner to Mr. Leo Gor ger of the lone vicinity, at the home of the bride here, Saturday, Novem ber 17, Rev. P. J. Stack, pastor of St. Patrick's church, officiating. Mrs. Laura F. Driscoll, mother of the bride, and Joe W. Gorger, bro ther of the bridegroom, were wit nesses. Mr. Gorger is a successful young wheat farmer in the lone section, and the home will continue to be made on the farm. GETS SENTENCE. Pleading guilty to a charge of larceny in circuit court here Tues day, Mack Watkins of Irrigon was sentenced to two years in the pen itentiary by Judge C. L. Sweek. Watkins waived hearing before the grand jury. The charge arose from alleged theft by Watkins of goods from a warehouse. IONE Ty MARGARET BLAKE The American Legion post of lone plans to sponsor a town men s bas ketball team. Cnmnlet.A nrranp-e- ments have not been formulated but much interest has been shown so far. The floor in the Legion hall has been put in good condition and the first afternoon.of roller skating this season was enjoyed last Sunday af ternoon. It has been decided to skate each Wednesday and Friday evenings and on Sunday afternoon. This schedule will be in effect from this date unless a demand arises for a change. Friday evening the high school student body presented the play, "Just Pals," a comedy by Charles George, at the gym. It was very well given and reflects the cooper ation given the coach, Mrs. Amy Sperry, by the students who were in it. The cast was as follows: Isa bel Hamilton, who runs a beauty parlor, Mable Cool; Helen Scanlan, an aviatnx, Ruth Crawford; Aman dy, maid of all work, Dot Crabtree: Julius Greenbaum, a young Jewish music publisher, Francis Bryson: Patricia Stillwater, a young song writer, Miriam Hale; Billy Hark ness, a young artist, Harlan Mc Curdy; Huge Larsch, Swedish jan itor, Wallace Lundell; Miss Jane Scott, directoress of a foundling home, Nola Keithley; Doreen Las- celles, a society charmer, Eva Swanson, and Chard, a detective, Clifford Yarnell. Bryce Keene was property manager. After the play which was well attended, an old-time dance was held at the Legion hall. It was much enjoyed by those who attend ed but fell short of being a finan cial success It has been decided to hold a community Christmas tree at the school gymnasium. This year the union Sunday school and the Wo men's auxiliary of the American Legion are joining forces to put it on. Committees have been ap pointed and work on the program has been started. B. D. Williams of Condon was registered at the Park hotel on Monday night The Women's Missionary society of the Gooseberry Lutheran church held a social at the church last Sat urday night An interesting pro gram was given by members of the society, children from the Goose berry and Rocky Bluff schools and others. An auction sale of aprons and other articles was held after the meeting and pie and coffee served. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin re turned last Saturday from Spokane where they had been called a week previous by the illness of their son Denward. They left him recover ing nicely from an operation for appendicitis and reports they have received since returning home tell of his continued improvement. He expects to be able to return to his school after Thanksgiving. The December study meeting of the Women's Topic club will be held at the Masonic hall on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 8. The Portland papers of Sunday carried the notice of the death at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Turner in that city, of Andrew Douglas, a former resident of this community. Mr. Douglas came here about 1916 and farmed near here for a number of years, disposing of his ranch to Ted Smith about three years ago. Since that time he has made his home on a smaller place near Hermiston The Ladies Missionary society of lone will hold their December meet ing in the parlors of the Congrega tional church on the afternoon of Thursday, Dec. 6. At this time the first chapter of the book, "Japan ese Women Speakers" which was written by a Japanese woman, will be studied. It is expected that this meeting will be of especial interest as it covers reports of the work done among Japanese women by various Christian organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Cole E. Smitth drove to The Dalles on Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Hoeck of that place. Willows grange held their No vember business meeting at their hall in Cecil last Saturday evening. The regular order of business and reports of committees were taken care of, then election of officers for the coming year was held. The line-up for 1935 is as follows: Mas ter, O. B. Spalding; overseer, Don ald Heliker; lecturer, Mary Lun dell; steward, Lee Crabtree; assist ant steward, Elmer Peterson; chap lain, Harriet Deos; treasurer, O. I Lundell; secretary, Viola Engel man; gate keeper, Otto Kurth; Cer es, Dot Crabtree; Pomona, Dimple Crabtree; Flora, Dorothy Brady; lady assistant steward, Mary Lind say; executive committee, P. C. Peterson, chairman, George Krebs and J. O. Kincaid. Elsa Peterson was appointed chairman of the Home Economics club for the new year, and George Krebs was ap pointed chairman of the agricultur al committee. The hospital committee appoint ed to purchase comfortable seats for the grange hall reported that they had been secured and would be installed in the hall during the coming week. An invitation extended by Lex ington grange to Install the new officers with them in their hall on December 9, was accepted. Chas. Wicklander, state deputy, was a guest for the evening and gave an interesting talk telling of subordinate grange elections he (Contnued on Fag Four) EVANGELIST MPS WORK OF RADICALS Aim of Communism is to Undermine Nation's Faith in God, Said. COLLEGES INVADED Teddy Leavitt Cites Lions Own Ex perience; Professional Pitfalls Subject for Discussion. Pleas for vigilance against the inroads of communism being made in the United States, and for a re turn to the God of our forefathers. were made by Teddy Leavitt, sing ing lumberjack evangelist, before the Lions club Monday noon lunch eon. Leavitt, recently returned from a seven-months' stay in Los Angeles, declared he saw with his own eyes the red flag of communism hoisted above the American flag on a col lege campus. He declared commu nism is making unbelievable inroads into the higher educational struc ture of the United States with the avowed purpose of undermining the faith of students in the Holy Bible and in God. He related the fall of the Roman and Grecian empires as due to sin and licentiousness, in predicting the fate of the United States if it does not "return to the God of our fore fathers." The success of commu nism will mean the destruction of this great empire, he believed. In introducing his talk, Leavitt gave a sample of his wares in sing ing two negro spiritual songs which were well received. He is conduct ing a series of revival meetings at the Church of Christ. A Socratic league program discus sion, led by S. E. Notson, gave -Lions an insight Into some of the pitfalls which lie in the paths of men of different professions. Law yers were said by one member to be the most distinguishable of any single group of professional men, because of similarity of their ac tions. Asked what he considered to be the greatest deterrant to one in the law profession, one lawyer believed the propensity to "get into a rut" was probably the correct an swer. - Laws, more than anything else, are ever changing, he believed and it is no little chore for the law yers to keep up. The same tendency toward Iner tia was given as a deterrant also to the medical and ministerial profes sions, the other professions men tioned. Introduced as guests were Rev. Halph Hinkle of Pendleton, Stephen Irwin of Nehalem, F. A. McMahon, state policeman, and Joel R. Ben ton. Jean Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, and Mary Lou Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, pleased the assemblage wtih a piano duet They were introduced by Mrs. J. O. Tur ner, club accompanist, as the baby members of her piano class. $3000 of Hog Allotment Received; Balance Soon Government checks totalling $3000, the first payment on the corn- hog allotment for Morrow county, were received at the county agent's office Tuesday morning ready for distribution. These checks represent the first money received by farmers of this county for compliance with their 1933 contracts with the government, tne lull payment on which will be $8000. It was expected the balance would be received in the near fu ture. HONOR ROLL GIVEN. The honor roll for Heppner high school for the period just ending is announced by the superintendent's office as follows: Four l's, Ruth Green and Chester Christenson: three l's, Jimmie Driscoll; two l's, Harriet Hager, Scott McMurdo, Er vin Perlberg, Helen Van Schoiack; one 1, Marie Barlow, Irene Beamer, Norma Becket, Neva Bleakman, Howard Bryant, Betty Doherty, Howard Cleveland. Edwin Dick. Ray Drake, Don Drake, Lewis Gil liam, Ilene Kilkenny, Evelyn Kirk, Alice Latourell, Kathryn Parker, Boyd Redding, Joe Stephens, Jen nie Swendig, La Verne Van Marter, Lorena Wilson. i