PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1934. IONE (Continued from First Page ) by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith. De licious refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Guests other than members were Mrs. El met Baldwin, Mrs. E. G. Sperry and Mrs. Roy Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring and daughter Lois were visitors at Stan- field Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith and children took a trip last week to Pendleton, Walla Walla, and as far north as Spokane. "Just Pale" is the title of the stu dent body play to be given at the high school gym next Friday eve ning, Nov. 23. Following the play an old time dance will be given at Legion hall. The Legion has purchased a floor sanding machine with which they will be able to keep the dance floor in their hall in good shape. They expect to open the hall for skating on a regular schedule in the near future. A good deal of work has been done on the floor and it will be in first class hape in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker and daughter of Echo were week-end visitors in lone. Miss Ellen Nelson and Miss Alice Patterson were hostesses at a party given at the Nelson farm home last Friday evening. The time passed quickly in playing games. Refresh ments of ice cream, cake and tea were served. Those present were Misses Myrtle Green, Harriet Hel iker. Hazel Padberg, Nola Keithley, Helen Grabill, Charlotte McCabe, Mildred Lundell, Opal Finn, Mar garet Ely, Miriam Hale and Eva Swanson, and Everett Keithley, Lee, Earl and Paul Pettyjohn, Berl Akers, Howard Eubanks, Clifford Yarnell, Lloyd Morgan, Bryce Kenne, Kenneth and Paul Smouse, Francis Bryson, Junior Mason, Don ald Heliker, Walter Bristow and Norman and Alfred Nelson. Willows grange will hold its No vember business meeting at the grange hall in Cecil on Saturday evening, Nov. 24, at which time an nual election of officers will be held. Opal Finn of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived on Friday for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Peter Timm. She was met at Arlington by Mr. Timm. The Home Economics club of Willows grange met at the home of Mrs. E. C. Heliker last Friday af ternoon. Twenty - two members were present and two new members were added during the afternoon. Plans for a Christmas tree and treat for grange members and their fam ilies were laid. It is planned to have the tree and program on the evening of December 21. The Auxiliary of lone Post of the American Legion asks that every one look through their old clothing and if they have any that they can give to the Auxiliary to have it ready and it will be called for on the morning of Nov. 24 by members of the Child Welfare committee. Any whole clean clothing for men, wo ' men or children will be acceptable. The Auxiliary will spend the rest of the day pressing, sorting and oth erwise preparing the clothing for shipment to Portland to be used in .the relief work carried on by the state department for needy ex-service men and their families. Any one who wishes to come and help with this work will be welcome and their help appreciated. Miss Bernice Ring and Miss Joan Sipes were hostesses to a group of girls and boys at the Ring home last Friday evening. Each guest was asked to come dressed to rep resent some movie star. The eve ning was spent playing games. Refreshments of sandwiches, jello, cookies and punch were served. Those present were Helen Lundell, Helen Lindsay, Bethal and Mary K. Blake, Valjean Clark, Eleanor Ev erson, Billy Blake, Andy Davidson, James Dubendorf, Harold Buchan an, Tommie Everson and Harry Ring. An old time dance will be given Thanksgiving night in the grange nan at Cecil by Willows grange. The proceeds will be used to pay for new Beats being purchased for the hall. A. E. Johnson and his mother, Mrs. M. Johnson motored to Port land last Friday. They were ac companied by Mrs. Nettie Lundy, who has been visiting relatives and friends here. A largely attended pot luck sup per served in the parlors of the Congregational church preceded the Mid-Columbia Conference of Con gregational Churches held here last Thursday evening. Out of town visitors were Rev. and Mrs. Sim mons of Salem, who were the prin cipal speakers of the evening ses sion, Kev. W. W. Head of Condon former pastor of the lone church, ana Mr. Harris and Mr. Spraker, members of the Condon church. Miss Francis Troedson sang a solo during the evening meeting. A number of local people enjoyed a barbeque of elk meat at the Feld man ranch last Sunday, The elk brought in by the Corley-Cotter party was used. Following the de licious meal served about noon the guests enjoyed a few hands of bridge. High score was won by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and low by Miss Lucy Spittle and Geo. Tucker. Guests were Mr. and Mrs, Edw. Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieu alien, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, Ture Peterson, Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. Elmer Baldwin, Miss Lucy Spittle and Mrs. Victor Peter son, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feld, man and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter were hosts for the occasion which was greatly enjoyed by those pres ent. Boyd DeBunce was In town yes terday preparing to open his photo studio here for the Christmas sea' son. He has been at Condon and other point! for several weeks. Turkey Roasting Pointers Given for Homemakers This is a story exclusively for the newer crop of homemakers those who have yet to cook their first Thanksgiving turkey, successfully. Women who have been roasting turkeys "ever since" would not be interested in the detailed descrip tions given here, and would prob ably scoff at the notion that there might be new "tricks" In such an old American custom. For Mrs. New Homemaker, how ever, here are the complete direc tions, with all the wrinkles, pre pared by Miss Lucy Case, home economics specialist at Oregon State college. First, select a plump, well-fattened turkey. A young bird has a more flexible breast bone, softer, smoother legs and feet, pin feath ers, few hairs, and short, sharp claws. About Thanksgiving time young toms weigh 12 to 16 pounds and old toms 16 to 30 pounds, while young hens weigh 7 to 12 pounds and old ones 10 to 15 pounds. Scrub the outside of the bird with a wet cloth and a little soda, soap or cornmeal and rinse under run ning water. Wipe out the Inside with a wet cloth. Soaking causes toughness. Rub the inside lightly with salt and fill the body cavity and loose skin at the base of the neck with a dressing, seasoned with a little onion, sage and chopped cel ery. Tuck the legs under the band of skin near the tail and fasten the opening with safety pins, or by sticking toothpicks across it thru both flaps of skin and then lacing string across the toothpicks as a man's shoe is laced. Cut off wing tips and most of neck and save for soup. Fold the neck skin toward the back and fasten down. Slin the wing ends behind the shoulder blades and tie them back if neces sary. Rub the stuffed, trussed turkey all over with salt, butter and flour. Lay a piece of turkey fat or salt pork over the breast, and place on a rack in an open roasting pan, without water. Have the oven hot, about 504 degrees F, for half an hour, turning once to brown all over. Then reduce the heat to mod erate, about 350 degrees F. Baste every half hour with turkey fat and butter. Roast a young bird uncovered about 15 minutes to the pound, or about three hours for a 10 to 12 pound turkey. Cover an older bird after browning and roast about 4H hours for a 14 pound turkey. To test for "doneness," run a long fined fork or skewer into the thigh next to breast. If the juice has a red shade, cook longer. Remove fast enings before serving. LEXINGTON (Continued from First Page) boy, born on Thursday, November 15. He has been named Ronald Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Paul De F. Morti- more and family and Miss Edith Tucker of La Grande visited at the W. B. Tucker home during the week end. George White was a business vis itor in Hermiston Saturday. Elmer Hunt is spending the week in Portland. Ed Cummings is look ing after the service station during his absence. Marvin Glasscock of La Grande spent Saturday visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Golda Leathers. Carl Allyn of lone was calling on Lexington friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt and family spent the week, end in Portland. Lexington School News Reporter, Edith Edwards. The freshmen return party was given last Friday evening, Novem ber 16. Music was furnished bv Mr. Beach's orchestra and the eve ning was spent in dancing, with lunch served during the intermis sion. Everyone reports an enjoy able time. The girls are now taking tumb ling on a mat placed on the floor of the stage. Remember, everyone, the high school play, "Mamma's Baby Boy," to be given Friday evening, Novem ber 23rd. The curtain rises at 7:45 o'clock sharp. Tickets are now be ing sold by both grade and high school students, under the direction of Bill Van Winkle. Delpha Merritt and Fern Luttrell are absent from school this week. ALL SAINTS CHURCH. Rev. Ralph Hinkle will hold ser vices Sunday evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Sett 0ucio(uesdMs OBJECT OF STATE-WIDE CAMPAIGN NOV. 17 10 24 far wS m& tw7m ,tf rjyl i ifor if-' -,... i ;.,! N'iniraiHHNUNMtlMMBaBaBMn -i ir-T urn fi tail Diviaion, Portland Chamber of Commerce; L. R. Child, Portland Woolen Milla, Chairman of all other production (woolens, furniture, etc.); Charles L. Stidd. Oregon Mutual Fire Ins. Co., State-wide Speakers Bureau; Mac Wilkins, Mac Wilkins St Cole, Inc., Advertising Counsel. W. A. Gates, Med ford, Oregon, Chairman Retail Cooperation is not In photograph, Insert, Paul Hirsh. president Oregon Manufacturers Ass'n, STOVE MAKERS GO TO SCHOOL Brawny workers of the Montag Stove Works who depend on Oregon industry for their jobs, hear George L. Baker of the Oregon Manufacturers Association explain why and how they should protect their jobs and those of fellow workmen in other industries by buying the products of Oregon. Insert, W. A. (Bill) Gates, nationally-known Medford, Oregon, grocer who heads retail cooperation of State Indus tries drive, Nov. 17 to 24. New Forest Conference Discusses Grazing Plans The keynote of the U. S. forest service conference recently held at Ogden, Utah, was a closer co ordination of the national forests with the social and economic pro gram of the nation, the states, and the local communities, according to regional forester C. J. Buck, who returned to his office at Port land on November 15. Foresters from the ten national forest regions of the United States and Alaska were in attendance at the conference, which was called primarily to discuss the use of the national forests' forage resources. No radical changes in policy are contemplated, according to Mr. Buck, but the conference reached the definite conclusion that on ac count of the continued drouth, some reductions in numbers of livestock on the national forest ranges must be made to safeguard the forage resources and to pro tect valuable watersheds. Also, the conference was of the opinion that in the more favorable agri cultural sections some adjust ments in the distribution of the grazing privileges should be made. Such action would insure that the national forest ranges would con tribute more fully under the changed economic conditions to the primary forest service ob jective that the national forests shall make the greatest possible contribution to the maintenance of homes and sound communities consistent with the permanence of the forest, forage and water shed resources. A thorough exploration of the possibilities of cooperative game management on the national for ests was made with the objective of development of the game and fur as a sustaned or continuing resource. Mr. Buck stated that while these adjustments and plans are being developed, ten year grazing per mits will be discontinued, and only annual permits issued to the qual ified users of forest range. i "In making these adjustments," Mr. Buck stated, "full cooperation of local, state and National plan ning agencies will be sought and full consideration will be given to the advice and expression of local livestock associations." "We must keep in mind," said Buck, "that sustained yield of the forage on the forests, both for do mestic stock, and game, is our ob jective and the accomplishment of the objective will mean greater stability of the livestock business and their dependent communi ties." Lakeview. A row and a half of Lespedeza seed, planted as a dem onstration trial on the farm of C. W. Ogles in the Idaho district of Lake county on May 22 grew to a height of only 11 inches this year. This would indicate, Mr. Ogles be lieves, that yellow sweet clover, bar ley or oats would make a better emergency hay or pasture crop than Lespedeza in this section. Weaner pigs for sale or trade. Ci. Barratt, Heppner. Ltit to right, Bitting: Mm Velli Camden, Secy, to George L. Bakerj Oeorge L. Baker, Mrr. Oregon Manu. factureri Ann.; Jcaie A. Digman, Cloiiet & Deveri, Chairman Food Division, Z.f to right, Handing: R. R. McKean, Knight Packing Co., General Chairman! Harold Hirach, Hirach-Wei Manufacturing Co., Chairman of Omanization; Hal White. Dubliclty: Will Knight, Re iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. JOEL R. BENTON, Minister Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning services ...... 11 a, m. C. . Society 6:30 p. m. Evening services 7:80 D. m. Choir renearsai, Wednesday . Midweek service, lbursday , Revival Getting Under Way. Evangelist Teddy Leavitt arrived on Tuesday evening and the re vival meetings are now getting un der way in good shape, with grow ing interest. Mr. Leavitt will be dealing the coming week with such topics as: "Outstanding Predictions of the Bible." "Modern Inventions of the Bible." "Jews, the Proof of the Bible." These topics are all fundamental, and are presented with force by the speaker; church people of the communtiy will be strengthened in their belief in the truth of the Word of God. You are welcome to all these ser- METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 A. M., with classes for all ages. Public worship 11:00 A. M. An them, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," Montgomery. Sermon, "Giving Thanks to God." A Thanksgiving Cantata will be given Sunday evening at 7:30 by the choir, entitled, "Praise and Thanks giving," by Carrie B. Adams. This promises a real treat In music. Everyone is cordially invited to come and enjoy It. Mrs. E. F Bloom, director. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK, Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School , 10:00 A. M. After Service 11:00 A. M. Evening Service 7.30 P. M. Tuesday night, prayer meeting only, 7:30. Thursday evangelistic service 7:30 "WE WELCOME ALL" Wanted To rent quire this office. a piano. In- Why Children Need a Liquid Laxative The temporary relief children get from unwise dosing with harsh cathartics may cause bowel strain, and even set-up irritation in the Jtidneys. A properly prepared liquid laxative brings a more natural move ment. There is no discomfort at the lime and no weakness after. You don't have to give the child "a doable dose" a day or two later. Can constipation be safely relieved in children? "YesP say medical men. "Yesl" say many mothers who have followed this sensible medical advice: 1. Select a good liquid laxative. 2. Give the dose you find suited to the system. 3. Gradually reduce the dose, if repeated, until the bowels are mov ing naturally without aid. An approved liquid laxative (one that is widely used for children) is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The mild laxative action of this excellent preparation is the best form of help for children and grown-u,ps too. The dose can be regulated for any age or need. Your druggist sells Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. 7 rXfl n m 7:30 p. m. ' .' k pa! IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mrs. Jess Oliver was hostess at a shower at her home Tuesday after noon honoring Mrs. Chas. Vander lude. About thirty guests were present. Many lovely gifts were presented to the honoree. Re freshments were served by the hostess with Mrs. Harry Smith as sisting. Mrs. O. Coryell and Mrs. Otto Barnes motored to Stanfleld Wed nesday. Mrs. Barnes has been quite ill and has been staying at the home of Mrs. Jess Oliver. She is taking medical treatment from the doctor in Stanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Warner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Shell at Umatilla Friday evening. - Mrs. Chas. Steward has been suf fering from a severe cold the past week. Work is going forward on the ex cavation for the new Pentecostal church. The lumber which was to have come by boat transportation is being held up at Celilo falls due to work on the canal. Mrs. Lloyd Aldrich left for Dal las Wednesday in response to a tel egram telling of the serious illness of her father. He passed away the same evening. There was great rejoicing among the high school students this week over the arrival of the new class rings. Mrs. Ray Minnick, Mrs. Jess Oli ver and Mrs. Otto Barnes motored to Pendleton Saturday where Mrs tsarnes went to take an x-ray ex amination recommended by her at tending physician. At the regular meeting of Irrigon grange 641 the first Wednesday evening in November the following officers were elected: Master, Don Rutledge; lecturer, Minnie Hunt- ing; chaplain, Mrs. Swearengen; Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want it most" HE HAS A 1 I overseer, Harry Smith; secretary, Mrs. Fred Houghton; steward, Clay Wood; assistant and lady assistant, Fred Houghton and Mrs. Fred Markham, gatekeeper, Will Gra biel; treasurer. Will Kick. Mrs. F. Brace, Mrs. Don Rutledge and Mrs. Minnie McFarland are the three graces. Mrs. Fred Markham entertained the H. E. C. ladles at her home on Thursday afternoon. Ways and means for raising money for the new grange hall were discussed and some ideas adopted that will be put into effect immediately. Mr. Howell and family have ar rived and taken over the Texaco service station and will handle a full line of groceries as well as fresh meats. He is having rooms built on the rear of the store for his res idence. Robert West is visiting his uncle, Mr. Chaney, and family. Mr. Sparks is building a small house on his lots In town where he and his son Ray will live. Miss Nellie Leicht who is attend O. S. C. at Corvalli3, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht. Edward Markham returned to his home In La Grande this week. J. O. Cork of Monument is visit ing his sister, Mrs. W. C. Isom, and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Warner were dinner guests of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom were dinnpr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kend- ler, Jr., of Umatilla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Snvder have their new home in southeast Hepp ner just about completed and hope FEEL TIRED, ACHY "ALL WORN OUT?" Get Rid of Poisons That Make You 111 IS a constant backache keeping you miserable? Do you suffer burning, scanty or too frequent urination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous all unstrung? Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney dis order permits poisons to stay in the blood and upset the whole sys tem. Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for the kidneys only.. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health destroying poisonous waste. Doan's Pills are used and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist. DOAN'S PILLS With lib. roLCtirs UK IK . , COFFES Sxx"" ASK ABOUT THE CASH REFUND HAN If you have never tasted FOLGER'S, your first cup will probably be a revelation, for FOLGER'S Is something different and BETTER In coffee not just another "brand" but an entirely different KIND of coffee. MALCOLM D. CLARK Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. Are now operating a Feed Business at the old Heppner Farmers Elevator Plant. Poultry and Dairy Feeds a Specialty Salt, Rolled Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Grains We Buy Hides and Pelts. Phone 302. We Deliver Not; only this week but EVERY WEEK wOREOOMt' H TndMcX j You will find a wide array of FINE QUALITY OREGON PRODUCTS at our store. i We believe in giving home products a "break" at all times, realizing that in so doing we are help ing to keep Oregon money in Oregon and there by enhancing, to the small degree we may, our state's prosperity. Huston's Grocery Heppner, Ore. to get moved into it before the win ter weather sets in. They will have a very neat and modern home when it is ready for occupancy. Another home going up adjoining the Sny der property is that of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bothwell. THANKSGIVING ELKS' HALL HEPPNER THURSDAY November 29 BOB FLETCHER'S MUSIC Elks and Friends Invited 75c the couple RIFLE SHOOT at JIM HAYES PLACE on Rhea Creek SUNDAY NOV. 25 for DUCKS, GEESE and BEEF EVERYBODY INVITED SPECIAL 2571 Doctors Say FOLGER'S COFFEE is actually beneficial DANCE WOREGOHt' Ml fnoductC I