Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 22, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Basrttr umnrs
EeUblbhed March J0.18S3;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
SU Months
Tliree Munths
Single Copies
Official Paper for Morrow County
The Old Gentleman Has
Gone on a Spree.
SHADES of Harvey Scott! What's
happened to the Old Oregonian?
Tuesday morning there were signs
that the respectable old gentleman
was becoming a bit inebriated; but
yesterday, beyond any doubt, he
was outright drunk.
From infancy seventy years ago
when that vigorous young stripling
first saw the light of day, the Ore
gonian Harvey Scott's Oregonian
was guided in its every footstep
by a firm paternal hand. He ac
quired culture and distinction thru
wise tutoring, and the strength of
his character was reflected in the
high esteem he gained from the na
tion's newspaper fraternity. Never
in those seventy years did the gen
tleman's appearance reveal any
thing unorthodox. Always immac'
ulately dressed, such changes in at
tire as he assumed from time to
time were selected with practiced
eye to fit neatly into the ensemble.
His appearance at all times re-
fleeted an orderly mind, a contem
plative, studious mind; always eth
icai, always appreciative of the
highest journalistic principles and
the best typographical styles.
Until Tuesday, when some be
came skeptical of the old gentle
man's mental balance, he retained
the warm esteem of his friends and
respect of his enemies. But yes
terday no one knew what to think
of him. There was but one conclu
sion the whiskey ads have got the
old fellow, and he's gone on a spree.
But, what caused him to do it,
after all these years?
Was it the whiskey ads alone?
Is he succumbing to the New Deal?
Maybe he's just reaching his dot
age; or is it second childhood? Has
a vampire come into his life?
On sober thought, we are inclined
to be less harsh. Such a change in
the Oregonian was inevitable. In
evitable, because Harvey Scott is
gone; because those who worked
with Harvey Scott are gone. Until
Tuesday, the Oregonian was still
Harvey Scott's Oregonian, though
the earthly Harvey Scott is gone
these many years'.
When Harvey Scott and his close
associates left the Oregonian, they
left it a heritage in tradition with
out their own genius to carry on.
In the years after their departure,
the guiding minds of the Oregonian
attempted to stay with those tradi
ditions, without exercising the
strength and virility, the capacity
to cope with changing conditions,
which most certainly would have
been exercised by its great founder
and his great co-workmen had
they been permitted to carry on.
It appears that those who have
tried to be Harvey Scott have awak
ened to the fact that they cannot be
Harvey Scott. They must cope with
life as themselves. And so, maybe
we are mistaken after all; maybe
the old gentleman has not gone on
a spree; maybe its just a new
fledgling Oregonian that is born
one who, having found himself in a
strange environment is doing his
best to adjust himself thereto.
The present guiding minds of the
Oregonian are to be given credit
for the courage of their convictions.
They are no longer attempting to
be Harvey Scott, but are being
Miss Clara Ruff resumed her
teaching in the local high school
Monday after a long illness with
typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDonald of
Wasco and Carl Nelson of Portland
spent the week end here with Mrs.
Gus Vacino who works on the
section at Messner is now staying
at the Highway Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and
family of Heppner were guests at
the L. V. Root home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley enter
tained at a lovely elk steak dinner
last Sunday afternoon. Guests
were Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Aibin Sundsten and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and
Chloe, Miss Clara Ruff, Miss Mary
Harney, Mr. Ingles, Mr. Campbell
Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Burkholder and
Miss Burkholder.
The Home Economics club met
at the home of Mrs. Ella Shell last
Wednesday afternoon. A pot luck
diner was enjoyed. Hostesses were
Mesdames Shell, Waite and Wick
Miss May Wurster was a guest
during the week end at the nome
of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ash.
Mrs. Edwin Ingles spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wll
Ham Campbell at Lexington.
Jake Wells and son Tom of Hepp
ner were callers at the Harry Jayne
home Thursday.
Last Thursday afternoon the dirt
wall of the north end of the bas&
ment at the Community church
gave way, letting the concrete foun
dation on the north wing fall In,
and at about 10 o'clock that evening
the chimney, which had been weak
ened by the cave-in, fell, throwing
bricks over the roof and down
through the main part of the build
ing. The eaves were damaged, one
rafter broken and the plaster brok
en in several places, worn was
started about two weeks ago dig
ging out the basement in order to
make more class rooms and a kit
chen and dining room. Large crews
of men are working each day now
pouring the cement for the sides of
the basement and doing the repair
work. It is hoped that the work
will be completed so that the an
nual bazaar can be held there in
A large crowd enjoyed the pro
gram at the Parent-Teachers meet
ing last Friday evening. Dr. Rice
of Heppner gave an interesting talk
on "Typhoid," a subject of interest
in this community. A debate, "Re
solved, that lunches are not a nec
essary part of the P. T. A. meet
ings," was given by Mr. Kruse and
Mrs. Baker, speaking on the nega
tive side, and Mrs. Earl Cramer and
Ray Barlow for the affirmative, was
a feature on the program. The
negative won the judges' decision.
During the meeting a motion was
made not to serve lunches at the
P. T. A. meetings. This motion was
Election of officers was held at
the regular meeting of Greenfield
grange Saturday evening. The of
ficers elected are: Master, P. M.
Smith; overseer, Ray Barlow;
steward, W. A. Baker; assistant
steward, Dan Ransier; lady assist
ant steward, Mrs. Claud Coats;
gatekeeper, tieorge Mitchell; sec
retary, George Wicklander; treas
urer; Mrs. I. L. Stout; Flora, Mrs,
Ray Brown; Ceres, Mrs. Ray Bar
low; Pomona, Mrs. I. Skoubo;
chaplain, Mrs. Wicklander. Coun
ty Agent Joe Belanger of Heppner
gave a short talk during the meet
ing. Joint installation with Irri-
gon grange will be held in Board
man soon. The Home Economics
club's friendship quilt wa3 raffled
off and was won by Mrs. Charles
A group of Boardman citizens
met Thursday evening, November
15, at the Nate Macomber home
for the improvement and better
ment of the town. The club has
been named the Boardman Boost
ers Community club. Those ap
pointed on the by-laW3 committee
are E. T. Ingles, J. F. Gorham and
Wm. Strobel.
W. R. Courtright and Willard
Baker spent several days in "La
Grande the first of the week.
A party will be given by the
Christian Endeavor in Root's hall
Friday evening, Nov. 23. Elsie
Wilson and Ada May Harford are
in charge.
Christian Endeavor met at the
Baker home last Sunday evening.
A number of ranches on lower
Willow creek have changed hands
this fall, the newcomers being John
Marti and family on the Dick White
ranch, Mrs. Maude Voile on the
Shane place, the Wells family on
the Melvin Logan ranch, Mr. and
Mrs. Lamb and children on the Ed
Farnsworth ranch, and Emory Mor
gan taking the Wm. Chandler
These frequent rains are making
our fields and roadsides wonder
fully green with every prospect for
a bumper crop next season.
Sheep belonging to Krebs Bros
arrived in winter quarters at Cecil
Friday from Montana where they
were on summer pasture.
A large crowd was out to Sunday
school at Cecil Sunday. Those at
tending from lone communities
were Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Craw
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Engelman
and children and Mrs. Ernest Hel-
Mesdames Deos, Kopp, Crabtree,
Ledbetter, Krebs and Lundell at
tended a meeting of the Home Ec
onomics club at the home of Mrs.
Ernest Heliker near lone last Fri
The Friendship club will meet
with Mrs. C. H. Hynd as hostess at
her home on Wednesday of this
The three small daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Lamb have been suffering
with whooping cough but seem to
be on the mend now.
John Bubeck has been improving
his residence by building two new
brick flues and otherwise getting
ready for winter weather.
A pot luck dinner will be served
by the Cecil Sunday school next
Sunday at the school house to be
followed by Sunday school and
preaching service by Rev. Hinkle
of Pendleton.
The attention of members of the
Willows grange is called to the reg
ular meeting at their hall in Cecil
next Saturday evening, Nov. 24, at
which time there will be election
of officers. Ladies are requested to
bring pie for lunch.
Toledo Possibiltieis of the ex
pansion of cauliflower production
to a commercial cash crop in Lin
coln county is indicated by a check
up of several trial plantings put out
in August, reports County Agent
M. J. Conklin. While some trials
failed because the plants were not
properly handled, satisfactory
growth was obtained on the farms
of G. Dahl, W. F. Wakefield, Claus
Christlanson and A. Lisi. The un
usually dry weather tended to hin
der leaf growth. The fact that the
plants headed a little too early is
believed to indicate that sowing of
the seed for plants should be delays
ed until the middle of August.
Eugene J. W. Webb and A. E.
Webb of Fisher are cooperating on
an Irrigation project to provide both
farms with supplemental water
from one ditch. The water will be
taken from Buck creek and will be
used on about 30 acres on the two
places. They were assisted in lay
ing out the project recently by Ar
thur King, extension specialist in
soils from O. S. C and County Ag
ent O. S. Fletcher.
Enrolling the
Five-year-old Phyllis Smith perches on President Roosevelt's desk to
hand to the Chief Executive, his annual membership card in the American
Red Cross as that organization's annual Roll Call gets under way through
out the nation. Acting Chairman James L. Fieser of the Red Cross looks
on as the President renews his membership.
The Speakership
Safety Legislation
Judges' Salaries
SALE M. While he, himself,
makes no claims to having it in the
bag every indication at this time
points to the selection of John E.
Cooter, Toledo farmer, as the next
speaker of the House of Represen
tatives of the Oregon legislature.
Cooter who is making an aggress
ive campaign in the interest of the
Speakershp, contacting most of the
House members personally, is
known to have secured a sizeable
block of pledges already. Adding
impetus to his campaign this week
was a statement from Earl Hill,
Lane county legislator, and himself
a contender for the gavel-wielding
job in event the Republcans had
dominated the organization, an
nouncing his support of Cooter and
urging his pledges to follow his
Cooter's only serious opposition
is found in the candidacy of Wil
liam Graham of Multnomah coun
ty, but Graham is admittedly la
boring under a two-fold handicap.
In the first place there is division
in the ranks of the Multnomah del
egation with Howard Latourette
also ambitious to achieve the honor
in spite of the fact that this is his
first term in the legislature. Then
again there is the added handicap
presented by the prospect of Mult
nomah county domination of the
senate in event Harry Corbett is
able to hold his line intact which
now seems probable. Should Cor
bett release his pledges, as he is be
ing urged to do, Cooter is still be
lieved to have a decided edge over
Graham in the race for the Speak
ership since it is generally conced
ed that the honor should go to the
First Congressional district at the
forthcoming session.
In the event that Corbett should
release his pledges or that he should
lose enough votes to prevent his
election it now seems likely that
Senator W. H. Strayer of Baker
county or John Goss of Coos coun
ty may succeed to the senate Pres
idency. Either of these men, it is
understood, would be satisfactory
to the Republican majority in the
senate, should it be decided to give
the honor to some Democrat, with
Strayer as the first choice by reason
of his longer experience in the leg'
Governor-elect Chas. H. Martin
spent a day in Salem last week fa
miliarizing himself with some of the
angles of the new job which he will
undertake on January 14. The gov
ernor-elect sat in at a meeting of
the board of control where all the
members were on their best beha
vior and interviewed a number of
officials and department heads rel
ative to state problems with which
he will have to cope when he takes
over the reins of government.
Any attempt to provide a man
sion for Oregon's governor at this
time would be most inopportune in
the opinion of officials who are fa
miliar with the states' financial
condition and the needs of its many
institutions. With many of the In
stitutions overcrowded the state
will be hard put to provide new
buildings for which there Is an im
perative need at this time without
indulging in the extravagance of a
governor's manson, So far as can
be learned here there is little or no
sentiment favorable to such a move
among members of the forthcoming
State Treasurer Holman will re
new his fight for amortization of
state land board loans when the
legislature meets in January. Sena
tor Chlnnock of Josephine county
has agreed to Introduce the neces
sary measures.
The forthcoming legislative ses
sion will be asked to enact a "safety-responsibility"
act as a part of
a revised motor vehicle code for
Oregon. Such a measure, following
closely the provisions of the "model
bill" of the American Automobile
association, has just received the
official "okeh" of the legislative in
terim committee on roads and high
ways which has spent the past two
years In a study of the problem of
automobile liability Insurance.
Members of this committee Include
Senators Joe E. Dunne of Multno
mah county and Clyde E. William
Bon of Linn county; Representa-
tives George Winslow of Tillamook,
Harvey Wells of Multnomah and
W. E. Stockdale of Grant county;
John Beakey of the state highway
department; James Young of the
state department and Max Flanery
of the automobile registration de
The interim committee in recom
mending the "safety-responsibility"
act turned thumbs down on propos
als for a compulsory automobile in
surance law as "Inequitable and un
desirable." The measure as now drafted
would require motorists involved in
a traffic accident resulting in dam
age to property or injury to person
to satisfy all judgments arising out
of the accident and to establish fi
nancial responsibility for any fu
ture damages before being permit
ted to operate a car again.
Purposes and aims of the meas
ure are three-fold:
First, to provide an Incentive for
careful and safe driving and to
control or eliminate the reckless
and irresponsible operator.
Second, to compel those drivers
who have demonstrated their reck
lessness to establish evidence of
financial responsibility for the fu
ture as a prerequisite to their re
gaining the privilege of driving.
Third, to furnish an incentive for
payment of otherwise uncollectible
judgments arising from automobile
The Safety-responsibility bill is
frankly designed to reach the small
minority of reckless and irresponsi
ble motor vehicle operators to
whom are chargeable the mounting
toll of life and injuries to persons
and property," according to Ray
Conway, secretary to the interim
committee. "The committee con
eluded that it was manifestly un
necessary and unfair to compel the
overwhelming majority of motorists
to carry insurance to protect the
community against the .-damage
caused by the small minority."
William Einzig, state purchasing
agent has asked the board of con
trol for additional compensation as
manager of the prison flax plant.
In his request to the board Einzig
said that he had agreed to under
take management of the flax plant
without additional compensation
until the plant was placed on a self-
supporting basis, which point, he
claims has now been reached. Two
obstacles are seen to a realization
pf Einzig's desire for more cash.
One of these is the opposition of at
least one member of the board who
thinks that Einzig is already over
paid at $4000 a year as purchasing
agent. The other is the state law
which forbids a state official from
holding more than one lucrative po
The state emergency board meet
ing here Saturday authorized a de
ficiency appropriation of $23,500 to
cover salaries of circuit and su
preme court judges for October and
November. The action reverses one
taken by the board at a previous
meeting when the request for add!
tional funds was refused on the
ground that the judges had failed
to cooperate in the legislature's
economy program by refusing to
accept pay cuts. In authorizing the
additional funds the board followed
the advice of Attorney General Van
Winkle who in an opinion last week
held that they had no discretion In
the matter. This appropriation
leaves only $8,700 in the emergency
Records of the state department
show that of the 29 circuit judges
in the state only eight have taken
the full 15 percent pay cut. These
are L. G. Lewelling of Linn-Marion;
Louis P. Hewitt and W. A. Ekwall
of Multnomah; C. H. McCullock of
Baker; W. W. Wood of Malheur; J.
W. Knowles of Union; Carl Hen
dricks of Gilliam, and Arthur D.
Hay of Lake. In facr Judge Mc
Culloch has taken a 20 percent pay
cut throughout. Judge Calvin L,
Sweek of Heppner has taken a 12V6
percent pay cut and Judge George
R. Bagley of Washington county a
10 percent cut. Three of the clr-
cult judges have refused to take
Lemons for Rheumatism
Bring Joyous Relief
Want to be rid of rheamntwfan or nearttii
pain? Want to feel good, year younger and
enjoy life again? WelL just try thto inexpensive
and effective lemon Juice mixture. Get pack
age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. DtosoJw It
at home in a craart of water, add the Juke of 4
lemons. A few centi a day ia all It coat. H
you're not free from pain and feertng better
within two weeks yon can get your money
back. For tale, recommended and guaranteed
by all leading druggteta. Any druggist wtt W
any reductions In their salary
checks. These are L. H. McMahon
of Marion; E. C. Latourette of
Clackamas, and Fred W. Wilson of
Wasco. The other 16 judges have
complied with the legislative rec
ommendation in part, a few taking
the full cut for most of the time
and others for only a few months.
Plans for diverting liquor profits
direct to unemployment relief work
were upset by an opinion from At
torney General Van Winkle holding
that this counld not be done so
long as there were unemployment
relief certificates outstanding. So
the state treasurer is offering an
other block of $250,000 of the cer
tificates to investors in order to
finance December relief needs.
Liquor profits will be used in call
ing in outstanding certificates as
rapidly as the profits accrue and
are turned over to the treasury.
Fred E. Kiddle, president of the
state senate, arrived in Salem Sat
urday to take over the job of gov
ernor for a couple of weeks while
Governor Meier is vacationing In
California. This is Kiddle's second
experience as the state's chief executive.
Attacking Social Problem
With Eye to Future, Aim
Editor's note; This is the first of
two articles on community planning,
written for this newspaper by Dr.
P. A. Parsons, head of the depart
ment of sociology at the University
of Oregon, and chairman of the Ore
gon Planning Council. Long before
planning became a national issue, Dr.
Parsons was actively engaged in
community planning in this state,
and is now regarded as an authority
in this field. The second article will
follow in an early issue.
University of Oregon, Eugene
November 21. Although leaders
throughout the United States have
been engrossed with creation of a
"plan for planning" great strides
In the gigantic project of actual
municipal planning have been
made already.
ihe most significant progress
has been made in the field of plan
ning for conservation, develop
ment and more social utilization
of natural physical resources. The
reasons for this progress are ob
vious. Physical resources are tan
gible and visible. The land is here.
We can tell what part of it is suit
able for supporting life through
agriculture, what part can grow
trees, and what part is valuable
for recreational purposes, or what
part can make its best contribu
tion to human happiness as an
awe-inspiring and sublime wilder
ness. The other aspect of planning, one
that is demanding and receiving
more and more attention, deals with
the conservation of human values.
it involves the elimination of un
certainty and suffering, the utliza
tion of available material resources
in such a manner that unsocial
uses may not recur or be perpet
uated. Progress in planning for develop
ment and greater use of material
and natural physical resources has
progressed because adequate sur
veys have been made or are under
way. The same technique can be
applied for "human values." Tak
ing our cue from the planners In
material resources, we can count.
we can locate the folks, we can
find out their condition, the state of
their minds and the nature of their
hopes and desires. First we can
count those unfortunate souls, who
have lost control of their destinies,
such as those in prisons, insane
asylums, institutions for the feeble
minded, and the physically handi
capped. With this information we
can prepare to prevent recurrence
of such disaster or reduce It to a
From this we move on to the
field of poverty, most of which Is
avoidable. If It is due to Inefficiency,
then the efficient must help. If it
is due to ignorance, then we must
educate. If education has failed
thus far to accomplish this, then ed
ucation must be more effectively
adapted to the task. If It is due to
lack of economic opportunity, an
intelligent society can surely pro
vide that
The Gazette Times' Printing Ser
vice ia complete. Try It
Shell Fish
Delicious, appetizing,
giving a zest to meal
time, are the season's
offerings of the choice
foods served here.
Drop in anytime
Farm Women Lack Much
Common HomeEquipment
The wide potential market that
exists among rural homemakers
for common household conve
niences, if and when purchasing
power is restored, is indicated by
an inquiry involving more than
400 farm homes in six Oregon
counties, made by home demon
stration agents, supervised by
Miss Lucy Case, extension special
ist in nutrition at Oregon State
More than a third of the rural
homes were found to be without
sinks, and more than two-thirds
were without drain boards on both
sides of the sinks. Only a few
more than half ef the homes sur
veyed had running water and only
39 per cent had both hot and cold
Despite the lack of many con
veniences in handling food for the
household, a considerable degree
of self-sufficiency In food produc
tion, preservation and prepara
tion was found,' Miss Case reports.
From 38 to 24 per cent raise all or
part of their vegetables and more
than half produce all their eggs.
Ten per cent of the rural home
makers preserve eggs, 49 per cent
can fish and 85 per cent can fruit.
Home baking is the rule, with
percentages ranging from 39 per
cent who bake all of their bread
to 74 per cent who bake all of their
Inquiry also revealed that as
many as half of .the homemakers
would be found without such sim
ple kitchen equipment as quart
and pint measures, measuring
cups and spoons, and fruit and
vegetable shredders.
Fossil The number of sheep in
Wheeler county has been reduced
approximately 15 per cent by the
government sheep buying program,
according to Russel McKennon,
county agent of Gilliam county, who
supervised the cattle and sheep
buying here. This has been of great
value to the sheepmen, giving them
an opportunity to feed their re
maining stock properly and leaving
their bands in much better condi
tion, Mr. McKennon says.
For Sale Registered Jersey bull,
4 years old; reasonable. Monte
Bundy, Lexington, Ore. 37-8p
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed was duly appointed by the County
Court of the btate of Oregon fur Morrow
County administratrix of the estate of
Charles Thomson, deceased, and all per
sons having claims against the estate of
said deceased, are hereby required to pre
sent the Hame duly verified as required by
law to said administratrix at the law of
fice of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 22nd day
of November, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, executrix of the estate
of Harry L. Bennett, deceused, and all
persons having claims against the estate
of said deceased, are hereby required to
present the Bame to said executrix, duly
verified as required by law, at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 22nd
day of November, 1034.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has filed his final account as ad
ministrator c. t. a. of the estate of John
A. Campbell, deceased, and that the Coun
ty Court of the State of On. von for Mor
row County has appointed Monday, the 3rd
day of December, 1934. at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the
time, and the county court room in the
court house at Heppner, Oregon, as the
place, of hearing and settlement of said
final account. Objections to said final ac
count must be filed on or before said date.
34-38 Administrator c. t. a,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Oct. 16, 1934.
NOTICE is hereby given that Guy L.
Arbogast, of Ukiah, Oregon, who, on July
11, 1128, made Homestead Entry under Act
Dec. 29, 1916, No. 026667, for EMt. Sec. 36,
T. 6 S., R. 30 E., Lots 1, 2, 3, S'jNE,
SU'AIN wy4, and WV2SKlA, Sec. 1. Town
nh.p 7 South, Range 30 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to
make final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Lige Davis,
Notary Public, at Kitter, Oregon, on the
4th day of December, 1034.
Claimant names as witnesses :
Carl Osheim, Armin Hector, G, L. An-
chus, Herman Rosenbaum, all of Ritter(
W. F. JACKSON, Register,
On the Twenty-fourth day of November,
1934, at the hour of Ten o clock A. M. at
the front door of the Court House in Hepp
ner, Oregon, Morrow County, I will sell at
auction to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real property located
in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit:
The following described lands in Town
ship 4 South of Range 27, E. W. M. :
Beginning at the Northwest corner of
SWt4SWii of Section 16, said town
ship and range, running thence South
one quarter of a mile to the SW corner
of said Section, thence East on the
Section line one quarter of a mile,
thence Northwesterly in a straight line
to place of beginning, S Vis S Vis, S14
NW4SW1 and the following des
cribed tract of land: Beginning at SW
corner of NEViSW'i, running thence
due north 40 rods, thence in a South
eanterly direction in a straight line to
SE corner of NE&SW14 of Section 17,
thence in a straight line 80 rods to
place of beginning, all in Section 17,
said township and range ; SVjNE'i
SE and SE'iSE'i of Section 18,
E'yfeWVi and J5& of Suction 19, Section
20, WVi and SW&NE'A and W&HE&
of Section 21 ; beginning at SE corner
of SW!4 of Section 27, running thence
West on the Section line 1320 feet,
thence North on forty line 1320 feet
to NW corner of SEUSWW, of said
Section 27, running thence Southeast
erly in a straiKht line to place of be
ginning, and SWV4NWi4 of
Section 27, EV.SE'4, SM:NE!4 and
NWttNEK, NW14 and NWViSW,
Section 28, EMjE'fe, N W N E 14
S W lA S E 14 . N M; N W 14 , S W'4 N W i ,
E'ASWft and SW'ASW1 of Section
29, EVfe and EVfeW1 of Section 80,
NK14NWV4, WtoEVs and NENEli
and SEy4SEV4 of Section 81, W,
NEtt NSE4 and SW'iSE1 of
Section 32, NKNK'i of Section 88,
K'NWli and following described
tract: Hcginning at the NW corner of
NE'4.SE'i of Section 84, running
thence due East 1320 feet to the NE
corner of SEVi of said Section 84,
thence South on the Section line 1320
feet, thence in a northwesterly direc
tion in a straight line to place of be
ginning; All the above described real
property being in said Townnhip 4
South, Range 27 East of W. M. NMs
N E , SE Vi N E U , NW '4 SK ' and
NKWSW'A of Section 6, SW'iNW,
WSW4, SEMSW14 and W'.E' of
Section 6, SEV4NWI4, NE'iSW'i and
NW'ANEV of Section 4, SWVSW'
and WpW4, and the following de
scribed tract: Beginning at NW cor
ner of NE'iNW1 and running thence
due South on forty acre line 1320 feet,
thence East 1820 feet to SE corner of
NEVNW-i, thence in a straight line
in a Northwesterly direction tu place
of beginning, all in Section 8, NK1
NE'. NW'jNW'i of Section 10.
NE14NE1. of Section 9, KSiNWl of
Section 8, E'NVVk of Section 14, and
SVSVs of Section 16. all in Township
b South. Kaniie 27 E. W. M. SE'
SE' of Section 82. NK'iNW'i, SVi
NW!m, SW' and W'.-jSE1 of Sec
tion 83, in Township 4 and lot 8 and
4. SW'jNW' of Section 4, and Lot 1,
and SEUNE1 of Section 5 in Town
ship 6, All South, Kange 27 East of
W. M. and Wi of SE',i, E'-sSW1,,
SW'aSW'i of Section 28, NWNW,
and W',- NE'4 of Section 83 in Town
ship 4 South, Kange 27 E. W. M.. and
NW4. WVaNE' and NW'jSWii of
Section 16 in Township 4 South, Kange
28 East of the Willamette Meridian.
Said sale is made under execution issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow to me
directed in the case of
Marguerite Glavey, Plaintiff,
Jerome O'Connor, sometimes known
as Jerm O'Connor, James O'Con
nor. Ellen Buseick Schwarz, State
Industrial Accident Commission,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Professional Cards
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
Modern equipment including
X-ray for dental diagnosis.
First National Bank Building
Fhone 562
Heppner, Ore.
Physician & Surgeon
Res. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Heppner Abstract Co.
(Over J. C. Penney Co.)
Farm and Personal Property
Sales a Specialty
"The Man Who Talks tu
Beat the Band''
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Z-Ray Diagnosli
Heppner, Oregon
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Ofllce in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
Offlee In Court House
Heppner, Oregon
Latest Jewelry and Olft Qoode
Watches . Clocks . Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Robert! Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon