L SOCIETY Volume 50, Number 37. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Nov. 22, 1934 Subscription $2.00 a Year MITT HDSPjTAUTY HEAD Organizations Group Pre pares to Entertain State Woolmen. LADIES COxMING ALSO Mrs. Ilattie Wightman Heads nos tras Committee for Auxiliary; General Committee Set. A general committee in charge of local arrangements for the Ore gon Woolgrowers association con vention to be held in Heppner next January 14-15, has been announced by J. G. Barratt, association vice president and general chairman in charge of local arrangements, as follows: Mrs. Hattie Wightman, C. J. D. Bauman, Mrs. Lucy E. Rod gers, Spencer Crawford, R. I. Thompson, Chas. B. Cox and Joe Belanger. Mr. Barratt was named general chairman at a meeting of represen tatives of practically all organiza tions of the city at Elks hall Mon day evening, after he had outlined the work needed to be done in en tertaining the convention. The large attendance of organization representatives and the many ex pressions of cooperation given, in dicated there would be little trouble in coordinating the facilities of the city in a manner to insure that woolmen coming to the convention will be accorded the best the city has to offer. In discussing plans for entertain ment of the visitors many sugges tions were offered which will be taken under advisement by the general committee, who will short ly announce the sub-committees necessary to carry out the details. It was the concensus of opinion that cost of entertainment to vis itors should be kept down as low as possible, and among plans advanced that will be given the committee's earnest consideration is that of making the annual banquet free to visitors. Mr. Barratt told the group that the city might expect 200 visitors for the convention, coming from all parts of Oregon and from outside points as far as the Atlantic sea board, if travelling conditions per mit. Not only woolgrowers, but their wives as well, will be on hand, as the annual convention of the Oregon Woolgrowers auxiliary will be held here at the same time. Among the many features to be ex pected will be the presence of a styl ist from a leading eastern wool manufacturing concern, who will show ladies and others the latest in weaves and fashions. Another attendant expected, is a lady who will show the operation of the old hand loom. In fact, Mr. Barratt said, the entire program will be one of much interest and of much educational value. Mrs. Hattie Wightman, president of the local unit of the auxiliary, has been named chairman of the local hostess committee by Mrs. Herman Oliver of John Day, state president, and will direct the plans for entertaining the ladies' con vention. She also has a place on the general committee a3 plans for both conventions will need to be coordinated. In selecting the other members of the general committee, Mr. Bar ratt attempted to get a representa tion of the various organizations without making the committee too unwieldly. There will be work for many besides those on the general committee, as will be seen as plan ning of the entertainment pro gresses. LEXINGTON Hy BEULAH NICHOLS Mrs. Elmer Hunt and Mrs. Harry Dinges entertained with a five hun dred party at the Hunt home Fri day evening. Nine tables were in play and high score was received by Mrs. Lester White and Robert McMurtry. Delicious refreshments of pumpkin pie and coffee were ' served. The Three Link club is sponsor ing a carnival and dance Saturday night in connection with their ba zaar. T. W. Cutsforth. came up from Salem Thursday and is visiting with his son, Orville. Mr, Cutsforth spent the summer travelling thru Canada and the middle western states, visiting many relatives and old time friends whom he had not seen for many years. On Tuesday evening a large crowd gathered and journeyed down to the L. A. Palmer ranch for a rous ing charivari on the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift of Athe na visited relatives here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller re turned the last of the week from a two week's vacation spent at Port land, Sulem and way points. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox have moved to town and are living In the Gene Gray house. Mr. and Mrs. K. G, Miller re turned from Portland the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gerard are the pmud parents of a 7-pound (Continued on Page Four) LIBE OPEN HOUSE GIVES IMPETUS Story Hours Take Well; New Desk Received, and Many New Books Purchased. National Good Book week was observed in Heppner, and new im petus given the Heppner public li brary by the staging of an open house and tea Saturday afternoon. Two story hours were instituted at that time which are exceeding the expectations of the library officers, announces Mrs. Frances Case, li brarian. In addition to the story hours conducted for the children, reading discussions led by Mrs. W. O. Dix, Miss Miriam McDonald, and Bert Evans, teachers in the school, were greatly enjoyed. The story hours, one by Mrs.. J. G. Thomson, Jr., for pre-school and first grade children, and the other by Mrs. Merle Becket for second, third and fourth graders, are being continued over a several weeks per iod. Mrs. E. L. Morton, Mrs. Chas. Cox and Mrs. Spencer Crawford served tea for those attending the open house. A feature of the occasion was the presentation of a desk to the library by-Mrs. Bonnie Cochran. The desk had been rebuilt and attractively painted by Emil Grotkopp, and is a welcome asset to the library's equipment. On exhibit for the occasion was a large collection of books made available by J. K. Gill. Co. of Port land. From this exhibit the book committee purchased a number of new books, using funds received from the recent benefit vodvil. Among these books are four for the rental shelf: "The Cokesbury Party Book," Depew; "Mary Pe ters," Mary Ellen Chase; "Rivers Glide On," A. Hamilton Gibbs, and "The Folks," Ruth Suckrow. Intermediate Action books pur chased were "Little Women," "Alice in Wonderland," needed as replace ments, and "The Story of a Bad Boy," Aldrich, and "Ho-Ming, Girl of China," Lewis. These are books for general circulation, as are the large group of non-flction books, as follows: "The Story of Biology," "The Modern Handbook for Girls," "King Richard's Land," "Wild Car go" by Frank Buck, "Lion" by Mar tin Johnson, "The Flaming Carpet" by Richard Halliburton, "Bible Stories to Read and Tell," "The Be g nnings of the American People and Nation" and "Famous Explor ers." New general circulation fiction books include "The Black Camel," Biggers; "Tish," Rinehart; "Moth er and Four," Wilder; "The Bent Twig," Canfleld; "The Lucky Law rences," Norris, and "South Moon Under," Rawlings. New books for small tots include "Midget and Bridget," "Little Black Sambo," "The Three Little Pigs," "The Pied Pieper of Hamlin," "Nicodemus" and "Little Indian." Francis Nickerson Named O.S.C. Freshman Debater Oregon State College, Corvallis, Nov. 21. Francis Nickerson of Heppner, freshman in lower di vision at Oregon State college, has been selected as a member of the varsity debate squad. The squad so far has only 29 members, only one of whom has won his varsity letter. More members will be add ed from time to time throughout the year. The two questions to be dis cussed are "Resolved: That the nations should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and munitions," and "Re solved: That the several states should adopt a system of state medical service." The men's debate squad will have a heavy schedule this year as a state champion series has been added to the regular Pacflc Forensic League schedule. The squad will meet every major school on the coast. The debate schedule is so arranged that ev ery man on the squad will have an opportunity to get into the in tercollegiate contest. GIFT HOOKS IN GIFT ROOM. Corvallis. The Mary J. L. Mc Donald reading room has just been opened in the library at Oregon State college, wherein are now housed the valuable collection of fine sets and rare volumes pre sented to the college by Mrs, Mc Donald. Close to 1000 books and the furnishings and equipment for the room, together valued at about $15,000, are all gifts from this well known Oregon and California timber owner and philanthropist. Her interest in forestry made pos sible acquisition of most of the experimental timber tract near here used by the school of for estry. Practically the entire Eight Mile community is in Heppner today to pay their last respects to their good friend and loyal neighbor, the late Mrs. Theodore Anderson, whose funeral services were held this morning. F. B. Nickerson spent the week end at Corvallis, taking in the Mon-tana-O. S. C. football game and vis iting his son, Frances, a student at the state college. Mrs. John Anglin and daughter, Miss Rachacl, returned home last Thursday after a several months' stay at Yakima. Mrs. Turner Presents Pupils in Piano Recital At her home in this city on Sat urday evening, Mrs. J. O. Turner presented her piano students in re cital before their parents and a number of invited guests. This was their first appearance of the season and both the pupils and their teach er are to be complimented upon the good work they are doing. Miss Lorraine Pope was guest artist of the evening, and presented musical readings that were greatly enjoyed, proving again her ability as an en tertainer. Refreshments of punch and wafers were served following the presentation. Herewith we give the program as presented: Duet, "Dark Eyes" Bob Roy Perry Kathryn Parker and Dean Goodman "Grand Processional at Avignon" - J. F. Cook Dean Goodman "Song of the Rose," from "Music Play for Every Day" Louise Green "The Return" Heins "Valse Petite" Ketterer Peggy Tamblyn "Hobby Horse" Claflin "At the Country Fair" Martin Jean Turner "An 'Autumn Afternoon" Lindsay Donald Baker "Melody of Love" Engelmann Arlene Morton "The Flower Song" ' Lange Dorothy Howell "hong. Long Ago" Williams "Old Folks" Williams Juanita Phelps "Little Attic of Dreams," "Apple Blossoms" Marylou Ferguson "Butterflies" Gurlitt Jeanette Blakely "1 Think of Thee" Sartorio Marianne Corley "Luciadi Lamumoore" "Roue Fay" Heins Buddy Blakely "Avowal" Kronke "Throwing Kisses" Heins Betty Marie Adkins "La Zingana" Bohm Margaret Doolittle "The Flatterer" Chaminade "Sunbeams" Lieurance Kathryn Parker Waltz in E . Moskowski Irene Beamer Duet, "Sleighride" Jeanette and Buddy Blakely Musical Readings "Thanksgiving Guests" "Food for Gossip" Lorraine Pope Better Farm Conditions Now Foreseen for 1935 ' Continued improvement in agri culture through 1935 is forseen by trained agricultural observers from all parts of the United States who gathered recently in Washington for the annual agricultural outlook conference, reports L. R. Briet haupt, extension economist at Ore gon State college, who was called to the capital to assist in the con ference. The national report issued fol lowing the conference points out that greatly - reduced supplies of most farm products, and some im provement in consumer buying power, will likely bring about a higher level of farm income the first half of next year than was had during the first half of 1934. Mr. Briethaupt is now preparing state outlook reports dealing with the various enterprises Important to Oregon, in which he will adapt to local conditions the Information brought out in the national meet ing, and supplement it with infor mation on conditions in this state. The first section to be released late in November, deals with horticul tural crops. National farm production is ex pected to be bigger than the unus ually small production this year, the national conference decided. In general they think a small improve ment in buying power of farm fam ilies may be expected, although in those areas severely affected by the drouth, cash incomes next year will be extremely low. The outlook reporters expect a substantial advance in prices of all meat animals. They say fewer ani mals will be slaughtered, and those slaughtered will weigh less and will be much below average in quality and finish. The reduction in slaugh ter is expected to be pronounced af ter next February, and the great est relative shortage will develop next summer. The decrease In pork production will be relatively more than that of beef or lamb. No ma terial expansion in livestock num bers is expected before 1936. As for prices and credit, Mr. Briethaupt says the economists fig ure that the prices of commodities used in agricultural production probably will average somewhat higher than In 1934, at least until the middle of 1935. They hold that the credit situation will continue to show gradual improvement above the bad conditions of the past sev eral years. Drouth stricken farm ers without security, however, will need special consideration. The de mand for production credit will probably exceed that of 1934 since the accumulated needs for equip ment and repairs are much great er than in recent years. Mr. Briethaupt reports that work had not been completed on the new corn-hog contracts when he left Washington. Oregon wheat grow ers are looking forward to learn ing more about the future of the wheat plan when George E. Farrell, chief of the wheat section, visits' the annual convention of the East ern Oregon Wheat league in Ar lington December 7 and 8. FRIENDSHIP APPRECIATED. I wish to express my appreciation of the confidence and friendship as manifested by my many friends of all political parties in my re-election as County Treasurer. This positive evidence of friend ship "warms the cockles of my heart" and I shall endeavor to con tinue to give faithful, hon est nnri efficient service, proving myself wormy or your confidence. LEON W. BRIGGS MET RELATES TIE IIU CALIFORNIA Much Propoganda Seen in Governor's Race by Vawter Parker. RIVER HELP URGED Morrow County Asked for $500, Notson Tells Lions Club; Safety Campaign, Oregon Days Cited. Lots of propaganda was flying around in southern California in the recent gubernatorial fight, but Vaw ter Parker, local attorney who just returned from there, was not pre pared to say how much of it was true when he spoke before the Lions Monday luncheon. He was sta tioned at Glendale as lieutenant in charge of commissary at the CCC camp there, and not having a vote, he said he didn't bother himself much about the election. A great deal of effort was made to line up voters. He was sure of that as a woman registrar took six ty registrations at the camp. Of this number, he said, only four were native Californians. There may have been a great influx of bums into the state lured by Sin clair's promises, jhut it seemed to him there were about as many bums riding one way as another on the freight trains which passed within sight of the camp. The CCC camp at Glendale was engaged in flood control work, Par ker said, with the purpose of avoid- jng such flood losses as occurred last New Years. Much of the work was the building of dams to divert water into regular channels. That much good work was accomplished was evidenced by its effectiveness during recent heavy showers, he said. Parker was drafted into the CCC work as a reserve officer of the reg ular army, the position having been attained by previous military train ing at the University of Oregon and in R, O. T. C. work at Vancouver Wash. - S. E. Notson further emphasized before the Lions the work of the Inland Waterways association. The association is now engaged in a campaign to raise funds with which to make an economic survey of the territory tributary to the upper Co lumbia river for the purpose of stressing the advisability of build ing the Umatilla Rapids dam as the next step in the development of the river for transportation. While engineering surveys have already been made of the project Itself, Notson said no government funds are available for the other survey which is necessary to indi cate the potention traffic available for the river if and when it is. made navigable. Morrow county's quota nas Deen set at $500 for this part of the work, a small sum, Notson: believed, in view of the great bene fits to be derived by the countv in freight rate savings when river nav igation is possible. Lawrence Beach of Lexington has official re ceipts for this county. bpencer Crawford, one of the lo cal members of the board of gov ernors of the Oregon Automobile Accident Prevention association, introduced the association's cam paign to obtain driver-members. All drivers of automobiles' who are willing to comply with the rules of the association, are asked to affil iate with it, there being no mem bership fee. Such members pledge themselves to obey all the Jaws of the state governing the driving of automobiles, and to cooperate in eliminating hazards on the road by reporting any flagrant violations of the laws by others. Many Lions present enrolled for membership. An opportunity for everyone to af filiate with the association will be offered shortly. In behalf of Oregon Products Days, being celebrated this week, Jasper Crawford gave a short talk telling of the purpose of the cam paign, to create a larger market in Oregon for Oregon products and thus stimulate the growth of Ore gon industries and enhance the state's prosperity. Dr. A. D. McMurdo, just home from Corvallis, told fellow Lions of an enjoyable visit there last week end with Charles W. Smith, former Morrow county agricultural agent, and family. Dr. Raymond Rice was introduced as a guest. Local Oasaba Players Start Season Tomorrow A three-game evening of basket ball will be staged at the school gym tomorrow beginning at 7:30 to in stitute the hoop season in Heppner, with the only admission price being the company of someone else. No lonesome "Alecs" are wanted. The headline attraction will be the mix between the high school and town boys' teams, with prelim inaries between two girls' teams and two high school boys' teams. Paul Phelan, high school athletic manager, says for everyone to come on out and enjoy the games. The town team has just started practice and those wishing to try for the team are asked to get in touch with Jimmy Furlong, man ager. Town practice has been set for Tuesday and Thursday evenings ,at 7:30. Former Heppner Folks Adopt Mystery Child Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wade, for mer Heppnerites now of Cheyenne, Wyoming, are the god parents of a mystery child left at their service station. . An interesting story of the Wade's adoption of Betty Arlene, the child's only known name, was carried in the Wyoming State Trib une of Cheyenne. It was handed this paper by Mrs. L. D. Neill of Butter creek, sister of Mrs. Wade. Betty Arlene was abandoned at the Wade service station mare than a year ago, and a search for her de serters aided by the Tribune failed to reveal any clue to her Identity. She was taken into the Wade home as an own child, and to further sub stantiate their claim to her the Wades have undertaken adoption proceedings. While the legal process will soon be completed, it will add nothing to the spiritual relationship already existing between the god child and her parents, says the Tribune. She has been given all the affection of an own child, and to show Mrs. Wade's attachment, the Tribune quotes her as saying, "She's as much a part of our household as any of us. We wouldn't give her up any more than we would give up one of our own blood children." This is in answer to numerous of fers of adoption received by the Tribune when it first published the story of Betty Arlene's desertion. More of Mrs. Wade's affection for the child is shown in the quotation, "She has an exceptional memory. She is only four years old, but last Christmas at the First Baptist church she recited a piece that would have been hard for an lip year-old. It had eight verses. And she hasn't missed a single meeting of Sunday school since we have had her. "She is going to kindergarten now." Mrs. L. D. Neill of Butter creek and daughter, Mrs. Ralph Scott of Blackhorse, were visiting in town Monday. Christmas Seal Sale To Start Thanksgiving BUY On November 30 t h e tuberculosis Christmas Seals will make their ap pearance in every community of the state and thus ush er in the Christmas spirit of good-will to others. Proceeds from the sales will be used during 1935 to fight the "white plague" in every corner of Oregon under the direction OHRIITMAI SEALS HELP FIGHT TUBERCULOUS of the Oregon Tu- berculosis association, Twenty-six counties have public health associa tions which are handling their sales locally. Red, blue and green are the pre dominating colors of this year's seal. The double barred Lorraine Cross, in red, is the emblem that appears on each seal to identify it as the tuberculosis seal. They sell for a penny each, the same price charged in the first sale in 1907. Various methods are to be used in selling the seal, the association re ports. Some will be sent by mail to prospective buyers, others will be sold in banks and stores, while in some places children will serve as salesmen. Four Tons of Turkeys Bring Top Price, 21c First of the Thanksgiving tur keys to move from Heppner were received Monday and Tuesday by Morrow County Creamery com pany. More than 8000 pounds of birds were received at a top price of 21 cents a pound. General satisfaction was express ed by growers with the price re ceived, and W. C. Cox, manager of the creamery, reports the crop of birds to be of excellent quality. The birds were purchased for a Port land produce company. SCHOOL TO GIVE PROGRAM. Rocky Bluff school will be the scene of a Thanksgiving program next Monday evening at 7:30, given by the pupils under direction of the teacher, Miss Irene Frewold. A public invitation is extended as fol lows: Indians and Pilgrims had Thanksgiving day. We should give thanks As well as they So come to our program, You'll like is fine. Then stay for lunch, It's just a dime. LEGION SHOOT SUCCESS. The turkey shoot of Heppner post 87, American Legion, staged Sunday at the Heppner Rod & Gun Club grounds, drew a large crowd of shooters and resulted in the giv ing of a large number of turkeys at a good profit to the sponsors. Tur keys for the shoot were from the flocks of Carl Dietlaf, Balm Fork turkeyralser. CARD PARTY HELD. The American Legion Auxiliary held a benefit card party in their rooms In the I. O. O. F. hall Tues day evening. Contract and auction bridge were played with Fred Lucas holding high score in contract and Ed Dick holding high in auction. Dainty refreshments were served. Fall flowers were used for decorations. ........ SEASONS GREETINGS 1934 f ARTHUR A. McATEE NATIVE SON, DIES Wag in Business Here for Many Years; Had Service Record; Widow, Two Sons Survive. Funeral services are being held for Arthur A. McAtee, native of Heppner and for many years co partner of McAtee & Aiken pas time, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the Elks temple, Heppner Lodge 358 officiating. Interment is being made in Masonic cemetery, with the lodge grave service and salute by Heppner Post 87, Ameri can Legion. Mr. McAtee died Tuesday morn ing in Portland from heart failure. He was taken to the city last Fri day in a serious condition, and though he appeared to respond to the treatment of specialists, death came suddenly early Tuesday morn ing. Arthur A. McAtee was born Aug ust 28, 1892, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David McAtee, being aged 42 years, 2 months and 22 days at death. His entire life with the exception of the time he was in the country's mili tary service was spent in this city where he grew to manhood, attend ing the local schools and shortly after his maturity, assuming the interests of his father in the pas time business founded many years before by his father and the late George Aiken. Mr. McAtee was in the service for four months just at the close of the World War. He was muster ed into the 8th division at Camp Lewis, Wash., Sept 8, 1918, and was honorably discharged just be fore Christmas following. While in the service he was on police duty, stationed for a time at Camp Mills, New York. He married Luclle Culbertson at Heppner, November 7, 1917, and to this union two children, Arthur, Jr., and Austin, were born. Besides his widow and children he is sur vived by his father, David McAtee, or Heppner, and two sisters, Mrs. Viola Johnson and Miss Ida Mc Atee, both of Portland. His mother died in 1907. The sisters arrived Tuesday evening to be present for the funeral services. Mr. McAtee was a member of Heppner lodge of Elks for many years, and was also associated with the local American Legion post. He was always loyal to his friends and to his community. He delighted in the outdoors, being especially fond of fishing at which he was adept, and he had a particular hobby for mining, spending some time pros pecting in the hills. His family has the sincere sympathy of the com munity in their sad bereavement. Services Held Today for Mrs. Theodore Anderson Funeral services for Norma Irene Anderson, beloved wife of Theo dore Anderson of Eight Mile, were held at the Church of Christ in this city this forenoon at 11 o'clock, with Joel R, Benton, the pastor, of ficiating, and arrangements in charge of Case Mortuary. The ser vices were very largely attended by the friends and neighbors of the family who came from all parts of the county to pay their respects to the memory of one who had been a resident of the community for so many long years. The floral offer ings were many and very beauti ful, emblematic of a life that had been well spent as a devoted wife and mother and an upright, de pendable neighbor. Interment fol lowed in Masonic cemetery. Norma Irene Becket was born March 12th, 1877, at Craighton, Missouri, the eldest child of John William and Katherine Irene Beck et, and she passed away at her home on Eight Mile early Tuesday morning, November 20, 1934, at the age of 57 years, 8 months' and 8 days, following a short illness, all the members of her family having arrived home and being at the bed side of their mother when the end came. Mrs. Anderson was but three years of age when her parents left Missouri by covered wagon in 1S80 to make the journey west to Ore gon over the old emigrant trail. They settled first at Weston in east ern Umatilla county, and remained there for a period of 5 years, when they moved to this community and became a part of the pioneer set tlement of Eight Mile, to engage in the conversion of the bunchgrass lands into wheat producing areas and to struggle with pioneer con ditions incident to establishing a home in a new country. Mrs. An derson grew to womanhood under these conditions. In 1897 she was united in mar riage to Theodore Anderson and their fine farm home was establish ed not far from that of her par ents and has since been her dwell ing place. To this union four chil dren were born: Harley Anderson of Heppner; Mrs. Harold Sauers of Port Orford, Oregon; Mrs. Chas. Crites of Newberg and Dorothea Anderson of Estacada, Oregon. Be sides her immediate family she Is survived by her father, J. W. Besk et and a sister, Mary Becket, both of whom make their home in Port land; three brothers, Walter and Charles Becket of Heppner and John Becket of San Diego, Calf.; also four grandchildren, four nieces and five nephews. Mrs. Anderson had long been a devoted Chlstian and was a mem ber of the Methodist church. E. 0. WHEAT LEAGUE MEET SETOEC. 7-8 Committees Named for Arlington Conference; Morrow Men Act. ORGANIZE 4 GROUPS Production, Transportation, Fin ance and Legislative Problems to be Discussed by Speakers. Personnel of the four general committees to gather facts and for mulate recommendations in con nection with the annual meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league have been announced by J. B. Ad ams, Moro, president of the league. This, the eighth annual meeting, will be held in Arlington, December 7 and 8. The committees have al ready organized and the leaders are at work preparing some mater ial in advance of the meeting. The organization has always fol lowed this plan of committee ac tion, thereby assuring more consid eration of the problems that have arisen from year to year, according to officers of the league. As a re sult the pronouncements and of ficial findings of the annual session have had unusual influence on agri cultural developments in the entire state and even throughout the northwest, points out C. W. Smith, league secretary. In addition to participating in the work of the committees, those who attend the convention this year will hear a list of general speakers who will discuss trends in agriculture from a national point of view, says Mr. Smith. Among these will be George E. Farrell, head of the wheat section in the AAA. Details of other program features will be announced in the near future. The committee on production, hnadling and adjustment programs is headed by Earl Hoag, Blalock. Vice-chairman is J. L. Davis, Kent, and secretary is G. R. Hyslop of Oregon State college. Problems of transportation, which are expected to constitute a live topic at this meeting, will come before the com mittee headed by L. J. Kelly of The Dalles. Ed Hulden of Arlington is vice-chairman and W. W. Law rence, county agent of Wasco coun ty, issecretary. The marketing and finance com mittee has as its chairman Harvey Miller of Lexington, and as vice chairman Charles Nish of Mikkalo. Secretary of this committee is L. R. Briethaupt of Oregon State col lege. An important committee on taxation and legislation is headed by Mac Hoke of Pendelton, with M. E. Weatherford of Arlington as vice-chairman. W. A. Holt, county agent of Umatilla county, is secre tary. The complete list of commit tee appointments from Morrow county follows: Transportation: C. B. Cox, Hepp ner, Fred Mankin, D. W. Misner and O. E. Peterson, lone. Marketing and Finance: Henry Baker, J. O. Kincaid, Henry Peter son and H. V. Smouse, lone; Joe Belanger, Heppner, and R. B. Rice, Lexington. Joe Devine and George Peck, Lexington; E. Heliker and Bert Johnson, lone, and J. O. Turner, Heppner. I0NE Z"y MARGARET BLAKE Mrs. Cecelia Gunn, president, Mrs. Gladys Turnbull, vice - president, and Mrs. Beatrice Christopherson, district president, of the Oregon de partment of the American Legion Auxiliary, were guests of honor at a luncheon given by the local Aux iliary at their room last Thursday at one o'clock. Members of the lo cal Auxiliary present were Mrs Victor Rietmann, Mrs. O. G. Hague wood, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. John Farris, Mrs. Lee Beckner, Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Ernest Christopherson. Following the luncheon a meeting was held at which the visitors told about the work being done by the Auxiliary both in Oregon and all over the United States. They also gave valuable suggestions regard ing the work undertaken by the lo cal unit. Mrs. Gunn gave an inter esting account of the Auxiliary convention at Miami, Florida, from which she had just returned. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin were called to Spokane last Saturday by the serious illness of their son, Den ward, who has been attending Gon zaga this term. Denward was stricken with a serious attack of ap pendicitis and his physician found it necessary to operate before his parents could reach Spokane. How ever, he Is reported to havo come through the operation very well though still very sick. Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Edward Kietmann and Mrs. Laxton McMurray were hostesses to the Womcna Topic club at a bridge party given in Masonlo hall last Saturday evening. Seven tables were at play. A covered wa gon, compflre and tent used as dec orations carried out the Idea used by the committee for their Novem ber meetings, pioneer Morrow coun ty. High scores were won by Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward and low urores (Contnutd on Pg Pour)