PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1934. Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL STAFF Editor Ethyl Hughes Assistant Editor Margaret Scott Reporters: Don Turner, Gladys Reaney, Marshall Fell, Zelma Bundy, Ruth Co wins. Heppner-Hermiston Game The Hepnper Fighting Irish lost their last game of the season Fri day to the Hermiston Bulldogs with a score of 18-0. Hermiston scored their first touchdown on a long pass in the first quarter. They failed to make the extra point. The second touchdown came a few minutes la ter when Hermiston, after working the ball past midfleld, completed a long pass. Although the receiver was dragged down on the six-yard line, Hermiston went over on the next play, a long end run. They failed to make the conversion. In the second quarter the Hermiston end intercepted a lateral pass be hind the line of scrimmage and ran unhindered sixty yards for the third touchdown. Heppner did not play as well as in former games. The sandy field probably had something to do with the home team's poor showing but in the last half Heppner did much better by stopping all the scoring threats of the Hermiston eleven. Club News The Benzine Ring roasted marsh mallows upon the hill behind the schoolhouse last Thursday night. They also took barometer read ings at the foot and top of the hilt Have you ever seen Raymond Kelly taking pictures on the school grounds? Erma Van Schoaick's ring? James Farley coming to band practice? Joe Green at Rhea Creek? Don Turner taking letter off of the spring? Richard Robison's new girl friend? Armistice Assembly An Armistice Day assembly was held at the gym on Friday after noon at 3:00 o'clock. The program opened with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Keep the Home Fires Burning." Read ings were given by Billy Barratt and Kathryn Thompson. The grade school girls sang and the program closed with the singing of"Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "Amer ica." The announcer was Donald Fell. Sports With four victores, a scoreless tie and three defeats in the record books, twenty-one letter men from a squad of over thirty members, and no serious injuries during the ten weeks of strenuous play, the 1934 edition of the Heppner high school "Fighting Irish" checked their football togs in to managers Phelan and McCarty early this week. Despite a scarcity of lettermen, adequate reserve material, and a difficult schedule offering no open dates for recuperation of injuries, the team members played hard foot ball every minute of the season and are proud of their showing. Perhaps the best game played by the team was its 13-0 win at Con don. Played in a blinding sand storm, players of both sides block ing and tackling like men possessed, the game was a spectacular sight to witness. Men lost by graduation this year are Dick, Furlong, Kenny, Don and Ray Drake, Green, Jones, Schwarz, Cochell and Gilliam. Following is a list of playera who finished the season and the number of quarters played by each: Bryant 32, Dick 32, Gilman 31, Furlong 30, Kenny 29, Drake, R 28, Green 28, Jones 28, Schwarz 28, Driscoll 26, Benton 24, Munkers 23, Allstott 23, Van Marter 20, Redding 18, Brown 16, Cochell 16, Farley 16, Drake, D. 16, Coblantz 15, Petty john, A 8, Pettyjohn, R, 7, Batty 7, Paker 6, Gilliam 5, McRoberts 3, Browning 3. Spinning balls, flicking nets, and the reverberations of dribbling practice announced the opening of basketball season at the high school gym as over thirty anxious, hard working candidates answered the call of the maple court game last iuesaay. Minus "stars" the squad is ble of some fine work this year and enthusiasm is running high at the ing red building on the hil. The first few weeks of practice will be spent entirely upon fundamentals of basketball conditioning work. Announcement of the team's schedule will be made at an early date. Students and school patrons are urged to attend the games. At a nominal price you may sit in a comfortable seat secure from win try blasts and thrill to what is, with the possible exceptions of handball and ice-hockey, the world's most thrilling indoor sports offering. Work of repairs to the basement of the Methodist church, which was so badly damaged during the May Hood, is about completed, so we are informed by the pastor, Joseph Pope. A new fuel oil burner is also being installed to take the place of the old wood burner in the heating plant of the church. PINE CITY By LENNA KEILL Mrs. V. J. Wattenburger spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mrs. Pe ter Carlson. Ray V. Hardman spent the week end at his home in Eugene. Mrs. Roy Omohundro and Miss Iris spent Saturday evening at the Ollie Neill home. Miss Cecelia Brennan spent the week end at her home in Portland. VV. J. Wattenburger and H. E. Young were business visitors in Heppner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers spent Sunday at the Roy Coxen home near Westland. Mrs. Jim Omohundro visited her daughter, Frankie Neal, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters, Betty, Frances and Pat ty, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers Saturday. The Morrow county health in spectors examined the children at the Pine City school Wednesday. Children from the Alpine school and McDonald canyon school also came to Pine City to be examined. Those visiting the Pine City school Wednesday were Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superin tendent; Mrs. Frank Helms and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. Mrs. Ollie Neill and Misses Neva and Oleta Neill were business visit ors in Hermiston Saturday. Earle Wattenburger and Oscar McCarty are trapping on the John Day river now. Jim Omohundro was a visitor at the Roy Omohundro home Satur day. Miss Eleanor Barth spent Mon day afternoon visiting Mrs. H. E. Young. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and family attended the Christian church in Hermiston Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Moore and son Gene and daughter Wanda of Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay and family were Sunday dinner guests at the W. D. Neill home. The Pine City Union Sunday school met Sunday morning at 10. Mrs. H. E. Young was elected su perintendent, Miss Eleanor Barth, assistant superitendent, and Miss Lenna Neill, secretary and appoint ed as primary teacher by the su perintendent Sunday school is to be at 10. 3C every Sunday morning and everyone is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and son Ralph were in Pendleton Mon day. v Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon were business visitors in Hermiston Fri day. Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and in fant daughter, Marilyn Darlyne, came home from Heppner Satur day. C. H. Bartholomew returned home Monday night from Montana where he has been looking after his sheep. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Lenna, Miss Eleanor Barth and Ray Hardman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wattenburger Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdall and Mr. Van Oradall's mother were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Van Orsdall's sister, Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger. Misses Neva and Oleta Neill, who are attending the Eastern Oregon Normal at La Grande, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Ollie Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Omohundro and daughter Iris and sons Edwin, The Pine City school was closed Monday for Armistice Day. Lewis and Raymond, were business visitors in Heppner Saturday. Miss Helen Jarmon spent Wed nesday afternoon at the C. H Bar tholomew home. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Lenna and Miss Marie Healy were business visitors in Echo and Her miston Wednesday. Frank Helms took a load of cat tle and pigs to Portland Sunday. He was accompanied by his daugh ter, Henrietta. Mrs. Brownly and her son of On tario, Charley McRoberts of Klam ath Falls and Mrs. John Garner of Echo visited at the W. D. Neill home Friday. Earle Wattenburger, Frank Carl son, Charley Lee and Lowell Young spent Friday evening visiting Burl Wattenburger. Miss Bernice Neill was an over night guest of Miss Frankie Neal Friday night. Mrs. Roy Omohundro and daugh ter Iris and Miss Naomi Moore were business visitors in Hermis ton Tuesday. v Hugh Neill and Earnest Nibge motored to Mitchell Sunday, Moregoni SEE OUR WINDOW for OREGON PRODUCTS Think Oegon, Talk Oregon, and finally BUY OREGON We have them from Pickles to Prunes W. O. DIX GROCERY A POPULAR WOREGOMlv All-Oregon Product Noted for style and quality Columbia Knit SWEATERS $1.95 $2.95 $3.75 $4.95 In popular slip-over, half zipper and full zipper styles. WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service VfORECOHt' Oregon-Made Products ALWAYS IN STOCK Wadhams & Co. DRIP COFFEE ' SPERRY & CO. FLOUR SWIFT & CO. BACON, HAMS AND LARD Grand Ronde Meat Co. BACON, HAMS AND LARD J. Ward Evans GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Closset & Devers COFFEES Hood River CANNED FRUITS Tea Garden Products SYRUPS The Dalles CANNED TOMATOES Nu Bora SOAP POWDERS Tillamook CHEESE Seufert Bros COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON Oregon Macaroni Co. MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI Kerr Conserving Co. JAMS AND JELLIES Butter Creek PURE ALFALFA HONEY These and many other excellent Oregon products may be found here. M. D. CLARK Fine Quality Oregon Products MADE HERE IN HEPPNER (OREGON! TrnducCC PRIDE of OREGON Butter and Ice Cream Have You Tried Our "PECAN KRUNCH"? Morrow County Creamery Company W. C. COX, Manager rjiatBte. fOREOONt WE ARE PLEASED TO FEATURE: Golden West Coffee Sperry's Pancake and Waffle Flour Sperry's Wheat Hearts Wheaties Gilmore's Dill Pickles Swift's Premium Hams Monitor Brand Sweet Pickles Kerr's Dill Pickles Porter's Macaroni Alpine Milk Crown Mills' Flour THOMSON BROS. GENERAL MERCHANDISE S Every section of Oregon sends us its finest produce to be processed under the Swift label of quality. Our navrnll in Oregon is $1,000,000 per year, expended in producing the following quality items: Premium Ham Brookfield Butter Premium Bacon Brookfield Eggs Jewel Shortening Brookfield Cheese Silver Leaf Brand Vigoro Pure Lard Swift & Company Portland OREGON CHIEF Under this brand we pack ham, bacon, sausage, delicious lunch meats, and offer them to you through your dealer. Portland Provision Co. We believe sincerely in the Value of Quality. We are as sincere in making it possible for Oregon people to purchase this quality, easily. Your dealer is fea turing Montag ranges and circulator heaters. He has a plan to bring one to your home. There is a Montag Furnace and Oil Burner for every heating requirement The many employees of our institution join in offering you Montag Quality Products. Montag RANGES CIRCULATOR HEATERS OIL BURNERS FURNACES Portland 9 We call your attention to the growth and stabil ity of the pioneer mutual life insurance company west of the Rockies. It was founded in 1906 for service to the people. Today it it bo maintained. Oregon Mutual Life Home O&ce, Portland 0 For forty year a provider of sound life insurance to Oregonians. A 100 home product with nearly 100 of its investments in Oregon. The Artisans Life Assn. 208 Artisans Bldg., Portland 1 9 Serving the garment trade with quality cords, tassels and fringes, drap ery and upholstery trim mings through the Ore gon dealers. Special or ders of all kinds. Martin Krauss Fringe Co. Fruits, syrups flavors, at your favorite fountain, are quality Gray A Com pany products. Store fixtures, mechanical refrigeration, beer equip ment, bakery supplies. Cray & Co. 130S N.W, Davis Street, Portland 0 Epco Neon illumina tion makes buiineia brighter in Oregon. At tention -compelling sales-producing 1 Electrical Products Corp. Portland CHROMIUM and NICKEL PLATING 9 All kindi of metal plating, finishing, polishing and lacquering. Prompt atten tion given out-of-town orders. i American Hecolite Corp. 536 S.B. ttb Ave., Portland fOREGON TmrbutZ ALL THIS WEEK WATCH FOR THIS SIGN OF QUALITY HPHIS WEEK Oregon takes inventory of her pres ent and her future. Manufacturers, retailers, and consumers are asked to test, critically, the produc tion of Oregon whether from forest, farm or fac tory to learn first-hand that Oregon Quality has no superior and that it can be purchased economically. Spread on this page are a few of Oregon's famous Quality manufactured articles and services. Your re tailer, no matter what you wish to buy, will gladly serve you with Oregon Production. Try it! Test it! Become proud of it! "LET'S SELL OREGON TO OURSELVES!" MilIed at Astoria with the same care that has surrounded its manufacture at Minneapolis for 70 years Pillsbury's Best Flour is offered you as a Qual ity product. The secret of really perfect baking, "balanced" flour and "balanced" recipes, comes packed in each sack under the Pillsbury label. Pillsbury Flour Mills Co. Portland For Quality cereals, flour and feed look for the Triangle trade mark. Ask for Triangle products. Triangle Milling Co. Portland Favorites for over 25 years Sperry Flour, Pancake and Waffle Flour. Ask your dealer $2,100.00 cash prises in Whe&t Hearts limerick contest. Sperry Flour Co. FLOUR SEED CEREALS Portland have stated, "What Ore-"Q gon makes, makes Ore gon" and what Oregon grows makes Oregon rtow. we present crown iest Patent Flour as the perfect example of Ore gon production and Ore gon industry. Crown Mills Portland nous A new 15-os. tin, ft new label, ft new Knight's tomato juice fla vor! Ask for itl Knight Packing Co. Expertly bal anced to comple ment the most delicious mesl. Knight's Rogue River CATSUP. Portland Medlord Nil Bora Soap Granule for laundering fine fabrics, dishes and laundry. Fast Creamy suds I ' Easson't Soap, Inc. Portland Born Soap Granule makes white clothes whiter, colored clothes brighter. "A snowy line in half the time." Mr. Hood Soap Co. Portland Beauty for your bedroom and com fort for you. Wool O' The West. 100 pure virgin wool blankets. The perfect Bleep covering. Portland Woofen Milfs Portland IIM!MI. VIrgln wool products. Bed blankets, Indisn design blankets, auto robes, mack inaws, cruiser coats, lounging robes. Pendleton Woolen Mills Portland Since 1900 Best Ever brand, the stand ard for Quality. Mac aroni fresh egg noodles. Oregon Macaroni Mfg. Co. Portland When you desire a better envelope, insist on Mail-Well. Note their beauty, strength and utility. Mail-Well Envelope Co. Portland THIS MESSAGE TO OREGONIANS, WITH ITS THEME OP "LETS SELL OREGON TO OURSELVES", HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE THROUGH CO-OPERATION OF THE OUTSTANDING FIRMS LISTED ON THIS PAGE. Western Tool & Die Works, inc. Tools, Dies, Metal Stampings, Models Rasmussen fir Co. Oregon Division of General Paint Corp. Rose City Label Co. Labels for packages and other purposes Haley Canning Co. Meat Loaf and Canned Chicken products J. E. Berkheimer Mfg. Co. Roofing and Roof Coating Oregon Brass Works Bronze, Copper, Aluminum, for kit purposes. Portland General Electric Co. Power and Light Chas. H. Day Co. Conveyors, Trucks, Casters, Wheels, Pilers, Scales Ceorge L. Baker, Florist, Inc. "Flowers for All Occasions." Columbiaknit Swimming Suits, Knitted Outerwear and Dresses Port Investment Co. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance. Co. Pittsburg Plate Class Co. Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers It Enamels Multnomah Battery Mfg. Co. "Multnomah-Quallty Batten" King-Fisher Mattress Co. High Grade Mattresses Iron Fireman Mfg. Co. Iron Fireman Automatic Coal Stokers Bradley Pies Pies at good Restaurants snd Storss. Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co. Outdoor Sport snd Work Clothing DEVELOPING INDUSTRIAL ORECON 0 Low cost electric power has helped make It possible for msny Oregon Industries to manufacture products which are sold successfully in competition with those from other states. Successful manufacturing companies mean steady payrolls and economic stability This is sdvantageous to every family in the state snd we are glad to do our part" consistently, for the industrial development of Oregon. Northwestern Electric Company Pacific Power & Light Company Coffee experts agree that Ore gon's atmosphere is ideal for coffee roasting. Add to this, the finest cof fee roasting pro cess, Thermalo, plus a flavorful blend of the world's finest green coffees. Real reasons why GOLD EN WEST COFFEE is such a favorite with Oregon retailers and consumers! Closset & Devers Portland Since 1882 In WADHAM'S DRIP Grind Coffee, you will find the high est possible quality. A true payroll builder. Wadhams & Co. Portland For 77 years we have taken Oregon's matchless water, the cream of Oregon's hop crops, combined it with experience and fair dealing so that today, BlitM-W einhard beer is a quality product, sold through the better dealers everywhere. Blitz-Weinhard Co. Portland Wear-resisting and shrink-proof Bayly-All is a product which is your pro tection sgainst inferior materials and workmanship. Work clothes, Cossack coats corduroys overalls. Bayfy-Underhill Mfg. Co. Portland S) Comfort, good looks and long wear are 0iu7f in Bergmann shoes. For dress or sport wear. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co. Portland PULLER manu facturers and jobbers paints, glass, sash, doors. Dealers every where in the West. W. P. Fuller & Co. QUALITY ONLY Portland Casket Co. Portland Chemical Co. Portland The United States National Bank Headquarters: Portland, Oregon Portland Branches: 8. E. Grand Ave. at Alder Philadelphia and Jersey St. Union Ave. and Killincsworth Milwaukie Ave. and Powell Blvd. Oregon Branches: wlb..ny ,.. 0"K" City 8t. Helena McMinnvllle Salem Pendleton Mt. Angel The Dalles The First National Bank OF PORTLAND "Oldest National Bank West ol Rockies" Now rendering State-wide banking Service with 17 branch offices. NEWS f PAPfiRERS RETAILR& RS FAI ERS LOC MAN I UFACTftURERS CON MERS