Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 08, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAGE TW6
Published bv the Journalism Class
Editor .Marie Barlow
Assistant Editor .Ethyl Hughes
Reporters: Dorris Allstott, Paul
Phelan, Margaret Farley, Kath
eryn Kelly, Belva Bundy, Rena
Wilson, Zelma Bundy, Howard
The ideal teacher must have the
following qualifications:
A smile like Miss Peregrine.
Hair like Mr. Buhman.
Personality like Miss Leathers.
Voice like Miss Brownson.
Athletic ability like Mr. Winter.
Speaking ability like Mr. Evans.
Eyes like Miss McDonald.
Teeth like Miss Staley.
Teaching ability like Mr. Bloom.
Sense of humor like Mr. Pevey.
Have you ever seen
The football team's nurse?
A gun report?
La Verne Van Marter eat toma
toes at the Rhodes' Cafe?
Dick Benton's, Spud Furlong's,
and Bill Schwarz's C. E. friends?
Don Allstott put pepper on his
How nicely Ray Coblantz and
Ernest Clark behave in school?
Lorena Wilson, Bill Schwarz and
Doris Allstott talking about speech
es to be given at the Lions' ban-(
Marie Barlow and Ethyl Hughes
making faces at each other?
or wondered why
Howard Bryant and Irene Bea-
mer were sitting together during
English V?
Bernard McMurdo is called "The
Ladies' Man"?
Mr. Evans gives the freshmen so
many demerits?
Grade School News
Don Stout has returned to school
after being absent with a bad cold.
Kenneth Schunk has the cast
removed from his broken arm.
Andrew Huff who attended school
here last year has returned to
the fifth grade,
Mr. Buhman has secured some
sample ballots for the purpose of
giving the eighth grade practice on
voting, for civics class.
The school has provided oil cloth
for the lunch room tables, and they
also plan to serve hot lunches later.
The grade school plans to hold an
Armistice day program Friday.
An assembly was held last Friday
morning at 9 o'clock. Because of
the fact that Lawrence Wehmeyer
did not attend the freshman initia
tion party, he had to entertain the
assembly for five minutes. This he
did by imitating Franklin D. Roose
velt The sophomores gave an interest
ing program consisting of a solo by
Mr. Pevey, a piano duet by Mar
jorie and Kathryn Parker, a trio
by Dora Bailey, Marjorie and Kath
ryn Parker, and a reading by Nona
All students who wished to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Floreon
were excused Monday morning to
do so. c
Helen Huff, a freshman, enrolled
in high school Monday.
Matt Kenny was absent from
school Monday because of injuries
received in the Mac High game.
Friday, November 9th, Heppner
meets their oldest traditional rival
on Hermiston's home field. This
game has been played on Armistice
day for the past years but this year
because Armistice day comes on
Sunday the game is being played
on Friday. The game will be a
hard fought battle because the
Heppner "Fighting Irish" are out
to avenge the defeat of last year
at the hands of the Hermiston Apple-Pickers.
We hope that the Heppner town
folks, as many as possible, will
journey to Hermiston to boost the
Fighting Irish in their last game
of the season.
The football game at Milton
Freewater Friday afternoon ended
in defeat for the Fighting Irish.
The score at the end of the game
was 18-0 in favor of Mac Hi.
Heppner did not play so well as
they have in former game3, but
nevertheless they made a good
showing against the heavier team.
In the first quarter of the game
Heppner held Mac Hi in their own
territory. It was not until the last
of the second quarter that Mac Hi
scored. The attempt at conver
sion failed. Mac-Hi did not score
again until the fourth quarter,
when they made two touchdowns.
The attempts at conversion again
A large turn-out of Heppner peo
ple was at the game to root for the
Fighting Irish.
A large crowd attended the car
nival at Pine City Friday night.
Approximately $60 was taken in.
.Those on the program committee
were Marie Healy, Bernice Neill
and Frankie Neill. Those on the
carnival committee were Lenna
Neill, Raymond Lee, Tom Healy.
Earle Wattenburger attended the
football game in Echo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
have named their baby girl, which
was born In Heppner last Wednes
day, Oct 31, Marilyn Darlyne.
Miss Isabella O'Brlan and Pat
ricia Campbell spent the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
O'Brien. Isabelle and Patricia are
attending the St. Mary's academy
In The Dalles.
Mrs. Roy Omohundro and eon
Raymond were business visitors in
Hermiston Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and
family and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill
and family attended church in Her
miston Sumiay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and Earle Wattenburger were bus
iness visitor.! in Pendleton Thurs
day. A few people from Pine City at
tended farm bureau at Alpine Sat
urday night It was decided upon
that there would be a pie social
there on the first Saturday in De
cember. This is to raise money for
their Christmas treats.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers spent
Sunday afternoon at the Mrs. Ollie
Neill home.
Misses Iris Omohundro and Len
na Neill were business visitors in
Echo Friday.
Several people from the Pine City
community met at the auditorium
Sunday morning for the purpose of
organizing a Sunday school. Rev.
Martin and Rev. Smith were there
to talk on that subject
Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and daughter
Isabelle and Patricia Campbell were
business visitors in Pendleton on
Rev. Martin from Portland and
Rev. Smith from La Grande were
dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Ollie Neill Sunday.
W. D. Neill was a business visitor
in Pendleton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
Tom Healy were business visitors
in Heppner Monday.
E. B. Wattenburger and daugh
ter Lucille, and son Junior and
Miss Frankie Neal and Mable
Rauch visited Mrs. E. B. Watten
burger and infant daughter in
Heppner Sunday.
Bug Party
A large crowd attended the Bug
party given by the girls' athletic
association last Friday evening,
Nov. 2. Sybil Macomber and Bus
ter Rands received first prize, and
Janet Gorham and Philip Jones re
ceived the low prize. The first part
of the evening was spent in playing
"Bug." After supper dancing was
enjoyed. Musio was donated by
Miss Harney, Lois Kruse, Harlan
and Dale Lundell, Thereon Ander
son and Teddy Wilson. The money
from this party will go to help pay
for the girls' athletic suits.
After a strenuous practice of vol
ley ball the girls divided into two
teams to play off the tournament.
One team, the "Spiders" had Mar
guerette as captain, the girls on
the side being Norine Olson, Freda
Richardson, Lillian Hango, Jose
phine MoEntire, Maxine Mackan,
Virginia Compton, La Verne Bak
er, Elsie Wilson and Lucille Tyler.
Esther Jones was captain of the
"Top Notchers," girls on her side
being Mildred Ayers, Francine
King, Imogene Wilson, Lorrain Dil
labough, Maxine Strobel, Helen
Russell, Ada May Harford, Eliza
beth Slanger and Zelda Carpenter.
They played a series of games, the
Topnotchers winning two out of
three games.
The girls will start playing bas
ketball this week.
After the financial success of the
Bug party, the girls' athletic asso
ciation will buy gym suits for the
girls. The suits will be black and
Boardman precinct cast 156 votes
in Tuesday's election. Mrs. Macom
ber was elected mayor with 24
votes, to 18 for George Blayden.
Elected to council positions were
Wm. Strobel, 25; J. F. Barlow, 15:
Mike Healey, 15.
The Christian Endeavor youftg
people attended the Mid-Columbia
Union convention at Heppner last
week end and enjoyed the meet
ings. Those attending from here
were Rev. H. B. Thomas, Mildred
Allen, Maryetta Thomas, Lois Mes
senger and LaVerne and Willard
Edward Skoubo burned his hand
badly last Thursday evening after
school, but while at the school
house, when he wa3 experimenting
with a piece of phosphorous. Three
of his fingers were burned deeply
and also his thumb and part of the
palm of his hand. He went to Her
miston for medical attention where
he remained to be under the doc
tor's care.
Jack Gorham spent last week in
Portland. He went down after the
new Chevrolet truck which the
Pendleton Bakery Co. purchased
through him. Mrs. Claud Coats
worked in the store during his ab
sence. Rev. Weible, of Pendleton, Sun
day school missionary, was a Board
man visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller were
Hermiston visitors Saturday.
Glen Hadley, Charles Dillon and
A. J. Reese were among the crowd
who were in the mountains Mon
day for the opening of the elk sea
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nickerson
and Joyce have moved into the ho
tel where they will help Mrs. War
ner. Truman Messenger of Condon
and his boss, Mr. Allen, were Board
man visitors for a short time Mon
day while enroute home from Pen
dleton. Mrs. J. F. Barlow was hostess to
the Thimble club last Friday af
ternoon. The club will meet each
Friday of this month to complete
the bazaar work. They will meet
at the home of Mrs. Byram this
Mrs. Gladys Fortier, Mrs. F. Cra
mer, Miss Harney, Thereon Ander
son and Edward Skoubo motored
to Hermiston Saturday.
Mr. Johnson of the Wonder Bak
ery of Portland, and Bill La Ionde,
representative, were business visit
ors in Pendleton last Thursday.
Warren Dillon left last week for
Portland where he will take a die
sel course at the Adcox school.
Edna Beardsley of Tyler, Wash.,
was in Boardman several days last
Mrs. Nate. Macomber who under
went a serious operation in the
Pendleton hospital two weeks ago
is reported not to be as well as
she was. Mrs. Macomber and Syb
il spent the week end with her. She
was taken to the home of her mo
ther in Pilot Rock on Monday.
John Jenkins, road foreman, has
a crew of three men helping work
on the project roads this week.
Since the rains of last week the
roads are muddy and badly cut up.
Miss Marion Henderson, third
and fourth grade teacher who has
been ill for the past two weeks
at her home in Hermiston, has a
light case of typhoid. Miss Clara
Ruff, high school teacher who has
typhoid fever and is at Hillsboro,
is getting along nicely at this time.
Several men were working last
week digging dirt from under the
community church where they plan
to have the basement.
Mrs. Nitzel returned to her home
in Broken Bow, Neb., after spend
ing the past two months with her
son, Louis Bush.
Mrs. Lee Turner and children re
turned to Boardman last week af
ter a visit with her mother, Mrs.
Blozzer at Summerville.
Charles Wilson went to La
Grande Saturday where he will
work on the election board.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grazier of Mult
nomah were week-end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Harford. Mrs. Grazier Is a sister
of Mr. Harford.
Alvin Sundsten spent the week
end in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Doherty of
lone were Boardman visitors Sunday.
How to Treat Glad Bulbs
Told by OSC Specialists
Treating gladiolus bulbs, or corms
as they are more properly called,
while in storage is recommended
as a means of avoiding damage
from thrips and other pests, says
Dr. Don C. Mote, entomologist of
the Oregon State college experiment
station. Much of the difficulty re
ported by amateur gardeners with
their glads this season is believed
due to the activities of these pests,
particularly thrips.
Thrips can be seen easily under
the microscope and their presence
is usually indicated by a silvering
of the leaves, more or less in strips.
A napthalene treatment will kill
them, and is very easily applied, Dr.
Mote says. For small lots of bulbs
the best way generally is to put the
bulbs in a paper bag with one ounce
of napthalene flakes for about 100
medium sized bulbs. Tie the bags
up tight and leave for 20 or 25 days.
Or the bags may be put away in
storage and left for a month or two 1
without damage to the bulbs or
danger from fire or poison.
It is necessary, however, that the
bulbs be taken out of the bags and
aired before they begin to sprout
as the napthalene, if it has not all
evaporated, will injure the young
sprouts. It is well at this time to
sprinkle the bulbs with nicotine
dust to keep away the aphids that
often infest them when the sprouts
Temperature and humidity con
ditions under which bulbs are
stored affect the number of days
from planting to flowering, as well
as the number of flower spikes and
the number of corms produced by
the mother bulb or corm, according
to A. G. B. Bouquet of the horti
cultural department at the college.
This has been found to be true,
however, only of the medium sized
bulbs and not of the largest and
smallest ones.
Glads stored at lower tempera
tures of 32 to 40 degrees were found
to bloom somewhat later, though
they had more flower spikes and the
yield was greater than where the
corms were stored at temperatures
of 50 degrees or more. Rooting and
sprouting in storage is Increased
with higher temperatures and hu
midity. Oregon Cities League
Interests Entire U. S.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Oct. 28. First hand data on city
planning programs in all parts of
the United States was gathered Oc
tober 23 and 24 in St. Louis, Mo.
by Herman Kehrli, director of the
University of Oregon bureau of mu
nicipal research and executive sec
retary of the League of Oregon
The work of the League of Ore
gon Cities has already attracted
the interest of experts in this field
nationally, and Mr. Kehrli will give
a detailed report to the group on
progress made in this state.
The Oregon State college Hort
Show, revived last year for the first
time in several years, will be held
again during Homecoming week
end, November 16 and 17. It is an
educational exhibit in which there
will be no judging, but growers are
invited to send in exhibits of fruits
vegetables, flowers, or processed
horticultural products.
The show is sponsored by the stu
dents of the Hort club, and may be
attended free by all those visiting
the college for the Homecoming
-:: NOTICE ::-
reduces the Abstract cost on your loans to the lowest minimum plus
the protective feature which insures you in the ownership and mar
ketability of your lands.
The Hartman Abstract Company of Pendleton, whom we represent,
will assume and pay you in full for any and all title losses.
Come in, consult with us and let us explain to you personally.
Morrow County oAbttrad: & Title Co., Inc.
Office Court House
F. B. NICKERSON, President
To our Patrons and
the General Public:
In VIEW of the fundamental injus
tice of the telephone rate order issued
October 11, 1934, by the Commissioner
of Public Utilities, we had no alterna
tive, in fully meeting our public respon
sibilities, but to submit the matter to
court for final decision. On the facts
which we have presented, the court has
temporarily suspended the order of the
Public Utilities Commissioner.
Pending the final determination by
the court, bills for exchange telephone
service will be rendered at the rates in
effect prior to the Commissioner's order.
Our Company has given bond, under the
court's order, which fully protects all
our customers in case any refunds may
be due.
Telephone rates have been regulated
in Oregon for twenty years, and only
reasonable earnings under the most fa
vorable business conditions have been
allowed. It is a well-known fact that our
earnings under regulation are limited in
good times. Private industry is not so
limited. During the depression, tele
phone earnings, along with those of
other businesses, have been seriously
impaired because of the decreased use
of the service.
At all times our investment is fixed
by the public requirements and conse
quently the carrying charges on our
telephone plant are likewise fixed. Under
regulation we are not guaranteed any
return on our investment and we are
permitted to earn only a fair return when
business conditions make that possible..
Throughout the depression, it has not
been possible for us to earn any figure
even approaching a fair return.
OUR EARNINGS in Oregon dur
ing the last eighteen months have been
less than 2 per annum on our prop
erty, the value of which is $37,000,000.
The value of the property used in intra
state Oregon operations is $31,000,000.
The Public Utilities Commissioner held,
in his recent order, that this portion of
the property was worth only $20,825,
000, a reduction of $10,000,000, or over
30. The reduction in rates ordered,
while small to the individual rate-payer,
aggregates over $365,000 a year to the
Company and will reduce our present
low earnings to 1 on the value of the
property. It is apparent that these dif
ferences are substantial and not minor
concessions that our Company might
Every vital principle and fact which
have given Oregon a telephone service
of the highest quality at the lowest
possible cost consistent with financial
safety were ruled on adversely by the
Public Utilities Commissioner. We must
continue to render an adequate, depend
able and satisfactory service, and meet
our obligations to the public we serve,
the men and women who are loyally de
voting their lives to this great public
service, and our stockholders. In ful
filling these responsibilities we had no
other recourse than the legal step which
the rate order forced us to take.
THE BELL SYSTEM, of which our
Company is fortunately a part, has dedi
cated itself to the fundamental policy
and purpose of rendering the most tele
phone service and the best at the lowest
possible cost to the public.
Our Company, through its contractu
al relationship in no sense a relation
ship of a subsidiary to a holding com
pany as ordinarily understood with
the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company receives the full benefits of
the many services furnished it by an ex
tensive, investigating and experiment
ing centralized organization. The value
of these services so far exceeds the
amount we pay for them and they are
so fundamental and beneficial in our
rendering a dependable and constantly
improving telephone service, that we
would have been remiss in our obliga
tions to our patrons if we had failed to
avail ourselves of them.
It is an established fa.t, conclusive
ly proved by actual experience for many
years, that through our privilege of par
ticipation in all the benefits and advan
tages accruing to us as a part of the Bell
System, we have been able to render,
comprehensively and effectively, an un
equaled service to our patrons. It would
not have been possible, either financially
or physically, for our Company, working
independently, to accomplish the advan
tageous results for its patrons which
obtain by virtue of the fundamental,
comprehensive and economical contrac
tual relationship which it is our privilege
to enjoy as an Associated Company of
the Bell System.
our patrons have the full facts and we
welcome at all times the opportunity to
discuss any phase of our operations. We
fully realize the welfare of our business
depends upon public confidence and
good will.
We would be glad to reduce rates
voluntarily if we were financially able
to do so. We can not do the impossible
we have the obligation to play our full
part in bringing back better times, to
share the added cost of government, to
meet our full responsibilities in render
ing at all times the highest quality of
service at the lowest possible cost, to
provide a plant with the highest degree
of performance, and to preserve the
financial integrity of the property.
Vice President and General Manager
The Pacific . Telephone and Telegraph Company