Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 01, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Fred Bock arrived here from Sa
lem Friday and has taken over the
management of the Central Mar
ket, succeeding Andrew Kelly who
has been in charge for the past two
years. Mr. Bock was in the butcher
business in Heppner a good many
years ago and is well remembered
by old-timers of the community.
He has been living at Salem for a
number of years past He expects
Mrs. Bock to arrive here shortly. At
this time Mr. Kelly is undecided as
to just what he will do.
A. M. Zink, pioneer resident of
the lone section who has resided in
California and at Portland for the
last ten years, is in the county vis-
iting at the home of his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Heliker in the lone section. He was
through Heppner Saturday on the
way to assist Mr. Heliker in bring
ing out the winter's fuel. He is en
joying quite good health at present
in spite of a serious illness for
which he was treated since leav'
ing the county.
J. S. Carter, who made his home
in this community for a number of
years, leaving here about 8 years
ago for southern Oregon, was a vis
itor in Heppner over Sunday and
Monday as he was returning to his
home at Grants Pass from Yakima,
Wash. He had been spending sev
eral months in the Yakima valley,
working during the hay and fruit
harvest, and while in Heppner he
looked up a number of former
W. T. Gerard and daughter of
the north Lexington section were
business visitors in the city Mon
day. Mr. Gerard reports growing
conditions slow in his section, with
not sufficient moisture hitting there
to wet the bottoms of the furrows
at the time of the snowfall to the
south. Moisture of the last week
had put the ground in condition for
seeding, however, which he expect
ed would be pushed rapidly now.
Will Clark, of Clark Bros.' ranch
on Willow creek, was a visitor in
Heppner Monday. He reports a fair
hay crop this season, but not up to
the usual yield owing to lack of wa
ter for irrigation, and this short
age can be laid to the washing out
of the dam in the creek at the time
of the May freshet. Mr. Clark is
hoping for heavy rainfall this sea
son to make up for the water short
age. Mrs. Anna Keithly, Mrs. Walker
and Mrs. Lemond were Pendleton
women attending the meeting of
the Christian Womens Missionary
society in Heppner last Friday af
ternoon, coming over with the two
state officers, who were making an
official visit to the society here.
Mrs. Keithly is spending the week
here as guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall of
Lexington departed Monday for a
trip to St. Joseph, Mo for a visit
at the home of Mr. Duvall's par
ents, both of whom are over eighty
years of age. 'They were accom
panied by Winford Duvall who ex
pected to visit his mother and sis
ters at Rushville, Nebraska.
P. W. Mahoney and Dr. J. H.
McCrady motored to Seattle the
end of the week to take in the
California-Washington football
game. They report it was a whale
of a game, Phil being especially en
thusiastic over the win of his alma
mater, the final score being 13-6 in
Washington's favor.
Erik Bergstrom, pioneer farmer
of Gooseberry, was looking after
business matters in this city Sat
urday, joining the numerous other
wheat producers at the county ag
ent's office as they received the bal
ance of the 1933 allotment payment
and the first payment for 1934.
Misses Leta and Evelyn Humph
reys departed for Portland Sunday
afternoon, to spend a few days in
the city on business in connection
with Humphreys Drug Co., and in
cidentally take in the Kreisler con
cert given in the city on Monday
E. L. Young dropped in on us
Tuesday and left some cheer by the
renewal of his subscription. The
Eight Mile section is looking very
nice right now as the fall sown
grain is coming along. When he
left home a light rain was falling.
Laxton McMurray was a visitor
In the city on Saturday from the
farm near lone. Mr. McMurray
raised quite a lot of cane again this
season, and he has made up a large
quantity of sorghum, besides using
much of the fodder in his alio.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and
W. F. Palmateer of Morgan were
visitors in the city for a few hours
Monday. They are getting along
well with the fall seeing and will
soon be finished, then Bert says it
can turn loose and rain.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner motored
to Portland on Sunday, and on Mon
day attended the recital of Fritz
Kreisler, noted violinist. They re
turned home Tuesday.
Miss Juanita Crawford of Athena
Is a guest this week at the farm
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.
Rheumatic Pain Stopped
by Lemon Juice Recipe
Try ttria. If It doeaot relieve you, make yam
feel better and younger and happier, yom
drugfftat will refund your money. Get a pack
age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Mix It witl
a quart of water, add the faice of 4 lemons and
taka a tablrapoonful two time a day. In 48
honra, anally, the pain ia Bone, Jolnta ttmbei
up, wonderful glorioal relief ia felt. Equallj
good for rheumatism, or neuritia pain. Coati
only a few cents a day. For aale, recommended
and guaranteed by all leading druggists. Any
druggist will get the REV PRESCRIPTION
Byoaaakkka todo ao.
I Miss Ethel Craddick, accompanied
by Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, visited over
the week end with Mrs. Minnie
Furlong, mother of Miss Craddick,
at her home on Eight Mile. The
ladies were up from their home in
Ralph Harris, proprietor of Park
hotel and city recorder of lone.
was looking after business in this
city Tuesday. A drizzling rain was
the order and it was hoped this
might lead up to a steady downpour.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wheelhouse
and the Misses Louise and Alta
Wheelhouse of Arlington were
week-end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt
Mr. and Mrs. N M. .Inh
people in the city on Saturday from
ineir larm on lower Dry Fork.
Seeding is quite well done in that
vicinity and the erain is cominer
along well.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz
came up from their Portland homo
Monday and are spending a few
days at Heppner, visiting with rel
atives and attending to business
Edward Rietmann, north lone
wheatraiser in the city Sunday, re
ported seeding- well under way in
his section.
Henry V. Smouse, farmer from
the lone section, was looking after
business affairs in this city Monday.
Mrs. Edna Piatt of Stockton, Cal..
is visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gemmell.
Wanted Woodsawing. in or about
town; regular prices. W. II. Tuck
er, city. 34-35p
Mr. and Mrs. Rnhnrt Smith nh
have been working at Entiat, Wn.,
auring tne apple harvest returned
Mrs. Mflce whn hns hpun vlniHWn-
her daughter, Mrs. Roscoe Wil
liams, returned to her home at Te
koe, Wn., the last of the week.
Mrs. Alice Brown from fVinrlnn
is visitine- her daughter Mra Wai
ter Grider.
Mrs. George Pnnl Hnrt Mra R tj
Rand visited with Mrs. James War
ner Tuesday.
Miss Shellenbereer who nnHor-
went an operation for appendicitis
recentlv was sufficientlv rwnvopoH
to be at her desk in the school room
Stan Atkins motored to Salem
Thursday to attend a meeting of
school superintendents.
Mrs. O. Coryell and her mother,
Mrs. Lawrenson. were hnainooa
itors in Heppner Saturday.
ine new tank and gas pump for
the busses in the school district ar
rived Saturday but were not accept
ed as they had been damaged in
Bernard Brown of Yakima is vis
iting his brother, Ray Brown, for
a few days.
Mr. Swearingen returned from
his hunting trip the latter part of
the week with a deer as his trophy.
Vern Jones has again migrated to
the mountains for big game.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umker left
Friday for their new home at St
Mrs. Otto Barnes left Thursday
for Portland to be near her hus
band who is in the veterans' hospi-
tay. Ed Adams is attending to the
duties at the depot during her ab
The small daughter of Mrs. Elsie
Case has been quite ill this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom visited
at the A. C. Houghton home Friday
Among Hermiston shoppers from
here Saturday were Otto Eisle and
sister, Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Grimm and Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Isom.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stevens and
Frank Stevens and son Ray of
Coyote visited relatives here over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minnick mo
tored to Pendleton Saturday.
Mrs. Marshal Markham and
mother, Mrs. Emmett McCoy, and
sister, Snow McCoy, motored to
Walla Walla Saturday.
Mrs. J. A. Grabiel and son Bill
were business visitors in Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lamor-
eaux and son are home from Yaki
ma where they were employed in
tne fruit.
Miss Ethel Oliver entertained
fifteen of her schoolmates at a hal-
10 Years Ago
(From The Gazette Times, Not. 6, 1924.)
The big Legion merchandise car
nival to be held Tuesday evening,
Nov. 11, will be one of the big
events of the fall season in Hepp
ner. . . .
Coolidge and Dawes head Repub
lican landslide. . . . Election day
passes quietly.
Newt Whetstone was taken sud
denly ill on the street Tuesday af
ter visiting the voting booth. . . .
He has been confined to his home
A total of 1845 votes were cast in
the county for the office of presi
Phelps Funeral Home
Telephone 1332
Trained Lady Assistant
Licensed Funeral Directors
Heppner, Oregon
lowe'en party at her home Saturday
night The evening was spent in
games after which delicious refresh
ments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Oliver have
their uncle, Mr. Atchison, as house
guest during the week.
National Turkey Crop
Low; State Same as '33
The Oregon turkev croD is nhnut
equal to last year's reduced crop but
production for the United States
generally will be substantially less
man last year, according to a re
port just released by the Oregon
State college extension service.
States showine ereatest d porpnsp
are New Mexico 25 per cent, Idaho
21 per cent, Texas 20 per cent, Mon
tana 15 to 20 Der cent nrtA rv.lr.r-
ado 10 per cent Washington, Cal-
lrornia, Nevada and Utah will have
slight increases, according to the
Cold storage stocks are less than
average and imports light, indicat
ing total supplies will be less than
last year.
Owing to the smaller sunnlv and
a higher general level of food prices
Shell Fish
Delicious, appetizing,
giving a zest to meal
time, are the season's
offerings of the choice
foods served here.
Drop in anytime
ED CHDffl, Prop.
including competitive meats, tur
key prices might exceed those of a
year ago but for the fact that grow
ers seem inclined to sell unfinished
birds at any price rather than finish
them on high priced feeds.
The report indicates that only
twice in the last 6 years has the
mid-December farm price in Ore
gon been higher than that of mid
November. The average Oregon
farm price on November 15, 1933,
was 16.7 cents a pound, dressed, and
on December 15 it was 2.1 cents
Outstanding warrants of School
District No. 12, Lexington, Oregon,
up to and including warrant No.
500, will be paid on presentation to
the district clerk.
Noted Oregon Scientist
Wins Promotion at U. O.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
October 28. Dr. Luther S. Cress
man, professor of sociology at the
University since 1929, has been
made a professor of anthropology
as a mark of recognition for his
work in this field, it is announced
by Dr. C. V. Boyer, president. He
will also retain this title in so
ciology. Although he has done consider
able research and writing in the
field of sociology, Dr. Cressman has
become nationally known for his
anthropological discoveries made in
Oregon in recent years. He has
discovered rock writings and other
evidence of early habitation in
southwestern and eastern Oregon
and recently uncovered a, number
of prehistoric mounds in the Wil
lamette valley.
An account of a recent expedi
tion to Guano Lake In southeastern
Oregon, headed by Dr. Crewman,
was deemed of sufficient import
ance to attain front page space in
the Christian Science Monitor, in
ternational daily newspaper, and
numerous other publications have
carried news items about work done
by the Oregon scientist.
Notice is hereby given that war
rants of School District No. 9 of
Morrow County, Oregon, numbered
59 to 65 inclusive, will be paid up
on presentation to the clerk of said
district Interest ceases on said
warrants on October 27, 1934.
MRS. H. M. BUSCHKE, Clerk.
A successful business man
by his own efforts. Your
vote will help secure his
executive ability for the
19th district.
Elect Jack E. Allen
Union-Umatilla-Morrow Counties
As Mayor of Pendleton and with the help of a very able City Council
during his two years term of office put the City on a CASH BASIS and
retired $25,000.00 in CITY BONDS.
Effected an agreement with Pacific Power & Light Company, which is
saving City of Pendleton $4,200.00 a year.
Helped, to put Pendleton on the main line of the UNITED AIR Lines,
procuring a $50,000.00 Hangar and for our Needy Citizens approxi
mately $30,000.00 C. W. A. and S. E. R. A. labor.
Helped procure Government Survey of the Umatilla Flood Control
Is a member of the Round-Up Board.
Has given Pendleton a good intelligent Business Administration, ever
alert and looking out for the best interest of the Community.
Fair and Equal representation to every part of the District.
(Umatilla County)
(Paid Adv.)
m Med. size Swift's
Empire delicious
v17c J
Prices Effective Fri.-Sat.-Mon., Nov. 2-3-4, Inc.
SALMON, Alaska Sockeye 2 for 43c
TOMATO JUICE, 15 oz. tins 2 for 23c
KRAUT, No. 2i2 size Each 16c
SWEET SPUDS, No. y2 tins 2 for 35c
MUSTARD, 6 oz. Jars 9c
PEACHES, No. 2i2 tins 2 for 39c
Vacuum packed
SYRUP, Maximum cane
& maple. 10 lbs $1.25, 5 lbs UJC
CANDY, large 12 oz. orIAn
over P. N. bar. PER BAR 1UC
SOAP, Lighthouse Pow. QfZg
44 oz. Pkg. 2PKGS
BANANAS, Golden Yellow, 3 Lbs. 25c
Cauliflower, Jumbo Whites . . 2 for 25c
Sweet Spuds, delicious ... 6 LBS. 29C
CABBAGE, solid heads . . Per Lb. 2 iC
GRAPEFRUIT, large size . . 4 for 25C
LETTUCE, large heads 5C
J Baking Powder -
f 50 oz 39c I
I 10 lbs $1.25 I
5 lbs 65c I
10 lbs $1.25 M
' I never go anywhere Monday
or Tuesday evenings. Wash
ing and ironing wear me
"Then walk home with me
now. I'll show you how I
make play ot laundry wotkl"
0 Washing and ironing can be play if
you have an electric washer and electric
ironer to do all the "dirty" work! Your
job amounts only to guiding them. What
is more, an all-electric home laundry cuts
washing and ironing time in half reduces
the wear on clothes and enables you to
do the most exquisite work I
New THOR Washer combines
quality with low price! .
The Thor Super-Agitator Washer has
the speediest of washing actions. Its 936
water currents per minute remove all the
dirt from clothing in five to seven
minutes. This action is so gentle, however,
that it never braids, tangles or tears even
the most fragile pieces.
This new Thor Wash
er is constructed to last
for years. Its Rigidspan
Chassis minimizes pos
sibility of misalignment,
noise or vibration. The
tub is corrosion-proof
vitreous enamel, inside
and out. The Lovell bar
release wringer has
cushion rolls and swings
to five different posi
tions. Inspect this out
standing washer at your
first opportunity. Sold
Medal No. 43 on convenient terms.
THOR Automatic Ironer takes
drudgery out of ironing!
Imagine finishing your ironing with
enough energy left to play golf or work in
your garden I You can when you have a
Thor Automatic Ironer 1 This appliance
eliminates laborious pushing, lifting and
bending. You sit comfortably in a chair,
push a simple control with your knee, and
feed your pieces through in half the time
required to do them with a hand iron. The
open end roll makes possible the ironing
of everything from shirts to sheets. A
wood or porcelain cover which turns the
ironer into a convenient utility table ia
available at slight additional cost. For
sale on easy terms.
Pacific Power & Light Company
tAlways at Your Servkej