. ..trr0RlCAt. SOCIETY TLA' Volume 50, Number 34. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Nov. 1, 1934. Subscription $2.00 a Year ALLOTMENT FOR $193,836 COME Activity Stirred by Rush of Farmers to Receive Their Payments. WIIEATMEN BENEFIT Money Represents Parts Due on 1933, 1934 Crops; $60,000 More Yet to Come, Morrow county is feeling a con siderable impetus to business with the arrival of $193,836 in wheat al lotment checks last Friday and Sat urday. With the arrival of the checks there was a general influx of wheat farmers to the city to re ceive them, and Friday and Satur day were two of the busiest day Heppner has seen for some time. The $193,836 represents the cents a bushel balance due on the 1933 allotment, and 20 cents a bu shel first payment on the 1934 allot ment, though It is not the entire amount due on these payments, the county allotment committee an nounces. Some $60,000 is still due to complete the payments. Considerable disappointment was evidenced by some farmers who called at the county agent's office, disbursement headquarters, to find no check at all awaiting them. Oth- ers received only their last part of the 1933 payment and not the 1934, others got their 1934 portion but not the part due for 1933, while still others got their quota for both years. Just why the checks ar rived in this manner, the commit tee was not prepared to say, but it was believed the balance would not be long in coming. The payments for 1933 and 1934 were made in separate checks. As for 1933, part of the 1934 allotment payment is withheld until after compliance has been made with the government's reduction program for next year's crop. Many of the checks were not long in getting into circulation, as evi denced by the purchase of new cars and general activity in the business life of the community. The sheriff's office reports consid erable of the money to have been applied on taxes. This county was among the first in the state to receive the wheat allotment payments being disbursed at this time. The allotment payments, made from the proceeds of the processing tax on wheat, do not come as a gift to farmers, it is pointed out. The payments are the farmers' compen sation for taking a required amount of their acreage out of production, and represents adequate payment for the wheat which would have been raised had they harvested this acreage. Total payments for Morrow coun ty will total close to $750,000 at the expiration of the 1935 contracts, last of the payments slated. Pioneer of Butter Creek Well Known in Heppner Mrs. O. F. Thomson, familiarly known by old-time friends here as "Grandma" Thomson, pioneer resi dent of lower Butter creek, died at her home Sunday night. She was the oldest pioneer of the Echo re gion. Funeral services were held from the Echo Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Thomson was the wife of the sheriff who served Umatilla county from 1868 to 1872. She was born In New York state, August 13, 1852, and came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Atwood, across the plains in 1863. They settled on what is now the Stanfleld ranch and she was married to Mr. Thom son May 21, 1867. The following year her husband was elected sheriff and their home was made at Umatilla, then the county seat During his tenure of office a group of daring pioneers determined to move the county Beat to Pendleton, and when they arrived to purloin the records Mrs. Thomson cooked breakfast for them, for she and her husband were in favor of the change. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson lived in Pendleton until the expira tion of his term of office, after which they returned to Butter creek, where she had lived ever since. Mis. Thomson was president of the Pendleton Pioneer club. She Is survived by the following chil dren: Asa Thomson, Republic, Wn.; Mrs. Lucy M. Jarmon, Mrs. Phoebe Bartholomew, Allen Thomson, Mrs. Rillu Allen, all of Echo, and Sloan Thomson, who made his home with his mother. Sheriff Thomson died in 1909. KAY W. HOLTBERG. News of the death of Ray W. Holtberg, who died Sunday In Port land, is carried by the dally press this week. He will be remembered as assisting in establishing the re ceivership of the local banks, and afterwards was appointed receiver for the Stockgrowers and Farmers National bank at Wallowa. He is survived by his widow, a daughter und two sons, He was 36 years of age. Herman Neilson, Rood canyon farmer, was in town Tuesday, re porting growing prospects quite good in his vicinity. SSFal news Election Forecast Debt Decreasing Pension Amendment By A. L. LINDBECK Salem. Voters who have been waiting to see which way the polit ical winds were blowing before making up their minds on the gu bernatorial candidates have found themselves caught up in a veritable whirlwind of conflicting opinion. As the campaign enters its clos ing days the outcome is as much in doubt as it was a month ago. If there is one thing upon which the political prognosticators seem to agree it is that the ultimate result will depend largely upon the vote in Multnomah county; that is, any plurality which either of the three leading candidates will pile up in the out-state counties will be so small as to be off-set by a plural ity for one of the other candidates in Multnomah county. impartial observers who have vis ited eastern Oregon during the past two weeks give the republican can didate a slight edge over his two rivals in that section of the state. Dunne, they say, will carrv Des chutes, Grant, Lake, Malheur, Mor row, Sherman, Wasco and Wheel er counties. Martin, these same observers admit, will run his repub lican opponent a close second east of the mountains with Baker. Crook, Gilliam, Harney, Hood. Riv er, Jefferson and Umatilla counties listed in the camp of the democrat ic standard-bearer. In only three counties of the second Congression al district does Zimmerman seem to have any prospect of a plurality. These are Union, Wallowa and Klamath, the latter county being conceded to the Progressive candi date on the strength of the Mahoney innuence. Zimmerman, whose strength is believed to lie largely in the Wil lamette valley, Is expected to carrv Clackamas, Polk and his own coun ty of Yamhill. He is also reported to have strong followings In Clat sop, Columbia, Douglas, Lincoln and Tillamook counties with fair prospects of a plurality in those counties. Martin seems to have the advan tage in Marion county in spite of its overwhelmingly republican com plexion, and is said to be out ahead of his rivals in Jackson, Linn and Coos counties. Dunne will unquestionably carrv centon county, noted as a strong hold of dyed-in-the-wool republi canism and appears to have an ad vantage in Curry, Josephine, Lane ana Washington counties. Assuming- that this forecast Is fairly accurate Dunne would seem to have a slight advantage in the number of counties listed under his banner at 13, compared to 11 for each of his opponents. On the ba sis of population and registration, however, the forecast leaves the outcome as much in doubt as ever. The forecast, it will be seen. makes no attempt to predict the re sult In Multnomah countv which still remains the battleground of tne campaign with all three candi dates claiming the advantage there. However, it must be remembered that any attempt to forecast the re sult of a political contest In this age of independent voting when party nes mean little or nothing, is nec essarily the wildest kind of a guess, based only on surface indications nd without the benefit of anv in formation as to what the great mass or voters are thinking or how they will mark their ballots when they enter the election booths on next Tuesday. Sales of hard liquor through state stores and agencies up to Septem ber 30 amounted to $1,673,424.16, according to a report of the Liauor Control commission. These sales have been made to 64,548 holders of liquor purchase permits of whom 50,025 are residents of Oregon and 14,513 non-residents. Of the $1, 673,424 paid for hard liquor by the ultimate consumers $1,207,480 was passed on to the consumers for supplies; $129,983.57 represents ov- rhead expenses, including salaries of employees, and $326,209.61 rep resents profits of the liquor division for the six month period of opera tion. Total profits of the liquor control commission to Sent. 30. amount to $598,673.42. In addition to the prof its or tne liquor division the com mission rejorts profits of $184,415. 79 from the revenue division and $88,047.32 from the licensing divis ion, Unquestionably an attempt will be made to amend Oregon's old age pension act at the forthcoming leg islative session. C. H. Gram, state labor commissioner, has already in dicated his intention to revive the old age Insurance plan which he proposed prior to the convening of the second special session of 1933, and which met with favorable re sponse from many of the law mak ers. Gram has just completed a poll of county courts on the pres ent old age pension and the re sponse has been almost unanimous ly unfavorable. Most of the county judges admit that pensions now paid are entirely Inadequate and that to provide a really adequate (Continued on Fare Four) Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes of Umaplne were in the city on Tues day, coming in from the Butter creek ranch of their son, Edwin Hughes. C0LUMBIAUNI0N HERE AT WEEK END Outside Speakers and Delegates Slated for Annual Christian En deavor Conference, Banquet. Many prominent out-of-town speakers besides a large number of delegates are scheduled to attend the annual conference of the Colum bia Christian Endeavor union to be held here tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Juanita Crawford of Athena, an officer of the union and teacher last year in the Heppner schools, arrived Sunday and has been assisting in local arrange ments which will include entertain ment of visitors at various homes of the city and a banquet in the Christian church parlors Saturday evening. Among outside speakers slated on the program are Hugh McCal lum, minister of the Milton Church of Christ; "Jimmy" Cornelison, long-time missionary to Umatilla and Warm Springs Indians; Hulda Anderson and Dr. McPherson of La Grande, and Dr. Walter Myers, state field worker for the Christian Endeavor. The first meeting will be held to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Ses sions will be held Saturday after noon and evening, and Sunday morning and evening. Gilbert Kilpack of Portland will be song leader for the conference session, with Ruth Geibel of La Grande, piano acompanist. The banquet theme will be "Transmit ters" with Ellis Scott as toastmas ter. Claude Pevey of Heppner is president of the union. State offi cers to be present are Rev. Walter L. Meyers, Eugene, state counsellor; Wilma Eddy, Cascade Locks, state vice-president; Hulda Anderson, La Grande, state life work recruit su perintendent; Dr. J. L. McPherson, La Grande, state evangelism super intendent; Juanita Crawford, Athe na, state junior superintendent; Doris Lieuallen, Adams, state young people's superintendent, and Mrs. F. B. Ritchie, Freewater, regional vice-president. A special session for junior en- deavorers is slated to begin at 2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. District Grand Officer Tells Program of Elks An "acts of kindness" campaign and a movement to make America safe for Americans, were given by R. H. Windishar, district deputy grand exalted ruler, B. P. O. Elks, who made his official visitation to Heppner lodge last Thursday eve ning, as the two outstanding aims of the order for the year. Mr. Win dishar was accompanied by K. A. Hartzell, a fellow member of his home lodge at McMinnville. In itiation and refreshments were part of an enjoyable evening in which many of the lodge members parti cipated. Jas. G. Thomson, Jr., ex alted ruler, presided. In the acts of kindness campaign it is the object to have every Elks lodge sponsor some good deed be fore it adjourns on each regular meeting night A nation-wide broadcast telling of this work will be given at Intervals by Michael F. Shannon grand exalted ruler. Con certed efforts by all Elkdom to ov ercome communistic and all other un-American propaganda was given as the aim of the second movement which has been staunchly upheld by the grand exalted ruler in his public addresses. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE TOLD. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin were in the city Monday from the lone section. They returned from a deer hunt the day after the close of the season, in possession of a 177-pound buck. One of the unusual things that happen on a deer hunt was re lated by Fred. Ho and Rood Ekle berry were hunting in the same vicinity. Fred knew Rood's loca tion a ways to one side of him, and having had no luck for some time, started over to have a chat. He, had gone but a short distance when he espied a buck standing with his head on one side of a tree and his rump protruding from the opposite side. He immediately drew up, waitjng for the buck to move out for a shot. When the buck moved from behind the tree, he shot. Si multaneously Rood shot from his position on the other side. Both men were waiting for the deer to move, neither knowing that the oth er had seen the animal. The buck collapsed in a heap with both shots taking vital effect, Fred's hitting the animal in the front shoulder and Rood's breaking Its back. Rood got to the animal first, so his tag was applied. This animal had the most beautiful spread of horns. Fred said, he ever saw. He weighed loo pounds. BERNIE GAUNT DIES. John Gaunt reported last evening receiving a telegram announcing the death of his brother, Bernie Gaunt, in Montana, and verifica tion of the report was brought to town this morning by Virgil Cow drey who had just returned from Montana. Bernie, one of the oldest sheepshearers in Morrow county in point of service, had gone to Mon tana earlier in the season for the shearing there and had remained to work with sheep. Most of his life was spent in this county, where he had followed the sheepshearing trade for some forty years. He was also known as an expert hunting guide. He had been suffering poor health for several years. The place of burial was not learned. FELLOWSHIP CITED AS OBJECT OF LIFE Rev. Ralph Hinkle Says Love Biggest Basis in Address to Lions. BACKS OXFORD MOVE Non-Sectarian Movement Based on Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness and Love, Recommended. The real object of life is fellow ship. This, in simplified terms, was the definition of Rev. Ralph Hinkle, episcopal minister of Pendleton, who spoke before the Lions club Monday noon luncheon. "The ob ject of life is fellowship with God nd with ones fellow man," the speaker said. He gave his views of the things on which he believed felowship to be founded as fear, pleasure, self interest and true love of humanity, with tne only lasting fellowship be tween men founded upon the latter. Fellowship of the gangster is a classic example of fellowship founded upon fear, he said. The gangster is held to the gang thru threats upon his lite made by the gang leader. Such a fellowship is broken up when the cause of fear is removed. Bridge clubs, golf foursomes, and numerous other associations were cited as fellowships built up thru pleasure. Such fellowships are us ually restricted in numbers and are broken up when the members no longer receive pleasure from them. The speaker saw in service clubs an element of pleasure, also an el ement of self-interest the element which causes man to seek fellow ship to advance business or personal interests. More predominant, how ever, he believed to be the fellow ship built on love, evidenced by the clubs' rcord of service to their com munities and to suffering mankind. When a club continues to meet week after week with good attend ance, there must be more to the fel lowship than pleasure and self-in terest, he said. He upheld the Oxford movement in religious circles a non-sectarian movement as a long step toward a firmer fellowship among the peo ples of the world. ' The only re quirement for affiliation with this movement is to pledge one's life to the principles of absolute honesty, purity, unselfishness and love as taught by the gospel of Jesus Christ the speaker said. The Lions will meet next Mon day, and thereafter, at Hotel Hepp ner and in moving from the I. O. O. F. hall they made a gift of ap preciation to Mrs. Ada Cason who has served the club's luncheons since it was organized four years ago. Mrs. Cason made appropriate response, E. R. Fatland of Condon, candi date for state representative, was introduced a3 a guest and made a few remarks. PHEASANT SEASON CLOSES. The open season for hunting Chi nese pheasants, Hungarian part riges and quail in Morrow county closed yesterday. Birds of all spe cies were plentiful throughout the season, and many outside sports men joined local nimrods in taking many nice bags. Local sportsmen are now enjoying duck and goose hunting on the Umatilla and Col umbia rivers, the season being open on these birds until late next month. CENTRAL MARKET SOLD. Ownership of Central market went into the hands of Henry Bock, one-time meat market proprietor here but more recently of Salem, this week, the sale being made by C. W. McNamer, owner. Mr. Bock first came to Heppner in 1894 and has operated a meat market here at intervals since. Central market has been managed the last two years by Andrew Kelly. Mr. Kelly has not announced plans for the future. KILLS BIGGEST BUCK. Wilbur Gourley, who resides out Skinner creek way, was the lucky hunter to receive the rifle offered In the big buck contest sponsored by Green's hardware store. Gour ley came In the last day of the sea son with a 233 pound buck. The biggest buck recorded in the con test up to that time was that killed by Ambrose Chapin which weighed 213 pounds. The weight of the an imals was taken hog dressed. EXAMINER HERE NOV. S. C. M. Bentley, examiner of oper ators and chauffeurs from the of fice of P. J. Stadelman, secretary of state, will be in Heppner at the courthouse next Saturday, Nov, 3, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. All those desiring permits or licenses to drive cars should see Mr. Bentley at this time. SUPERINTENDENT COMING. The Rev. Thomas D. Yarnes, D. D., superintendent of the Cascade district, will be here tomorrow (Fri- duy) evening to hold the first quar terly conference at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston went out to Eight Mile Sunday where they enjoyed the big dinner with old-time neighbors at the N. A. Clark farm. SCOUT WORK TO BE BOOSTED NOV. 13-15 Plans Laid for Father-Son Ban quet and Organization of Club to Finance Local Troop. November 13, 14 and 15 will be known as Scout Booster days in Heppner, during which time folks of the community will be made Boy Scout conscious, it was an nounced following a meeting of the executive committee Monday eve ning. Two principal events of the week will be the annual fathers and sons banquet and the organization or a Boy Scout booster club. The banquet will be held Tues day evening, the 13th, at the Chris- tian church. Special entertainment will be provided, and an outside speaker will be procured. Robert Hayes, scout executive for the Blue Mountain council, will award ad vancement badges. Tickets will be sold at $1, admitting father and son, or one man and one boy. Scout committeemen in charge of this fea ture are E. F. Bloom, Dean T. Goodman and J. O. Turner in charge of entertainment, and C. J. D. Bauman, Earl Eskelson and John Anglin in charge of banquet. The idea of the booster club was conceived to put the local scout or ganization on a sound financial ba sis. Memberships will be sold at $1 for individuals and $2.50 for bus inesses. Individuals will be given a card in recognition of their sup port of the scout work, and business firms will be issued placards-. The booster club plan for financine Bov Scouts has been successfully em ployed at other places, and the lo cal executive committee believes it will meet with the aDDroval of Heppner folks. Committee chair man J. D. Cash will have charge of this plan and will be assisted hv the entire committee. Elk Season Will Open Monday; Rules Given With the avowed purpose of pro moting clean sport and systematic ally reducing the elk herds of east ern Oregon to the carrying capacity of the range the state police, the state game commission and the United States forest service are co operating to handle effectively the elk season of November 5 to 11, in clusive. Bag limit has been set at one bull elk with horns. Open territory for elk hunting Includes all of Baker county except that portion lying southwest of the John Day river; all of Wallowa county north of the base line and west of the Imnaha river; all of Union and Umatilla and Union counties except approxi mately 20,400 acres in the Conklin Springs area known as the Mt. Em ily game refuge; that portion of Grant'lying north of the middle fork of the John Day river and "st of the Pendleton-John Day highway. The three organizations of the state police, state game commission and United States forest service are acting in close cooperation to make this year's elk season a success from every standpoint. The forest service calls attention to the fact that from a total of some 3,400 in 1924, elk in the opened area have increased to approximately 13,000. "This heavy increase of elk In the five counties of Oregon," states E. N. Kavanagh, assistant regional forester, "is severely taxing the carrying capacity of the range. Even where livestock has been re moved, there is not enough feed for the increasing number of elk. The forest service feels that some corrective action is necessary to protect both the range and the game, and to insure that the de mand upon the range will be held to that consistent with its protec tion and continued productivity." It is pointed out by Kavanaeh that repetition of the occurrences of last year's elk season In the indis criminate and wasteful killing of elk in certain areas will not be pos sible this year if the close cooper- (Continued on Page Four) GRAND MASTER COMING. Ezra M. Wilson of Medford, M. W. Grand Master, A. F. &. A. M. of Oregon, will make his official visitation to Heppner lodge No. 69 Saturday evening, Novem ber 3. All members of the order are urged to be present. Members of lone lodge No. 120 have been in vited to attend. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. E. E. GILLIAM, W. M. MAYOR ALLEN HERE. Jack E. Allen, mayor of Pendle ton and candidate for the position of state senator from Morrow, Uma tilla and Union counties, was in the city Saturday in the Interests of his candidacy. He found considerable encouragement among friends in this county. GETS WHITE-HEADED CHINK. Frank Roberts was displaying the white head of a Chinese pheas ant killed on the hunt one day this week. Such white-headed pheasants are rare. They are said to be the result of a cross with white leghorn chickens. BROADCAST SET. From 11 to 12 p. m. Monday, No vember 5, the Republican State committee will sponsor a broadcast over stations KEX and KOIN. Make your arrangements to listen In. You will find the program very worth while. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark Given Big Surprise Party Some fifty or more of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark of Eight Mile, came in on them Sunday, bearing well filled baskets of eats, and taking them completely by surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, who have been residents of that section for many years, have given up the old home place, and on Monday departed for Bend, where they will look over a ranch proposition and may decide to lo cate there, but this is not definite ly settled, and they may return to Morrow county and find another place here. In anticipation of their departure the neighbors made up the surprise, and brought just loads or good eats, which were spread before the company and greatly enjoyed. There was turkey, chick en, lamb and all the necessary flx in's and feasting was the order for some hours, while a general good social time was had. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Hogue and son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pe terson and children, Mrs. Emily .reck and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill, Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Huston and childen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hus ton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lud kins, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Anderson, Miss Norma Gibbs, Joyce Carlson. Myrtle Green, Carl Peterson, E. L. oung, Norman Griffin, Frank Bar low, Evan, Noel and Mvron Rill. Maurice Edmundson and Mr. and Mrs. Clark and daughter Bettie. Bids Will be Let Today For Finishing Spray Rd. The last link in the Heppner- Spray road will be all the same as closed today when bids will be let for grading and surfacing the un completed portion between Hard man and Chapin cvreek, according to the promise of the state high way commission. At least three different firms of contractors have had estimators on the project this week, preparatory to submitting bids. Included were the firms of Saxton & Looney and Rhodes & Dillard who have had contracting jobs on the road before. Allotment of funds to the amount of $40,000 was made for this work by the highway commission several months ago, and at the same time an additional $8,000 was allotted for a new bridge across Rhea creek at the Rugg place. It has not been learned here whether or not the bridge contract will be let today. COYOTE NUMBERS LESS. At least four coyotes less remain in the timbered regions of the hin terland to molest sheep flocks, fowl and deer as a result of the deer hunting season which closed last Thursday. F. B. Nickerson account ed for three of them and Dr. A. D. McMurdo for one. Nickerson was out deer hunting when he glimpsed a brown object tear out of the brush and up the mountainside. His first thought was "a buck." But it was soon revealed to be a coyote, and he dropped it in its tracks. Hardly had he dropped it when a second animal of the same species came out from about the same spot. It attempted to clam ber up a rock cliff, and also fell easy prey to his markmanship. There was evidence that the coyotes had been feasting on meat. He cut one of them open to find hastily chewed hunks of meat and hair in the 3tomach. The evidence was plain, and he immediately sought the source from which the animals came to see if there might not be others. He tracked them back and jumped a third, which he dropped on the fourth shot. The he sought out the carcass of the animal on which the coyotes had been feed ing. It was a hapless doe which some hunter had felled and left Dr. McMurdo was also out hunting when a doe tore past him. On its heels was a coyote to which the doctor's gun boomed a knell of death. Both Nickerson and the doc tor landed bucks in the course of their hunts. STATE OFFICERS HERE. The monthly meeting of the Christian Womens Missionary so ciety was held at the parlors of the church Friday afternoon, at which time they were honored by a visit from two state officers, Mrs. Merl Sanders of Albany, state president, and Mrs. Ella Day of Eugene, su perintendent of young peoples' work. These ladies were on their return home after attending the na tional convention of the Disciples of Christ at Des Moines, Iowa, and were visiting a number of eastern Oregon points. They gave inter esting accounts of the convention. A feature of Friday's meeting was the tea given by the ladies and the gathering in of funds they had earned to assist in the return of Miss Goldie Wells to the African mission field. Each member pres ent had raised 60 cents in honor of the 60th anniversary of the mis sionary work of the women of the church at large, and they told how the money was earned. The usual devotional and business sessions were held. Mrs. Sanders is an old acquaint ance of Mrs. E. R. Huston of this city and the ladies enjoyed a very pleasant visit. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, NOVEMBER 7th. Hours 1:00 to 6:00 p. m. FROM No Opposition Now Ap pears for City Offices; Election Tuesday. DUNNE OUT IN LEAD Republican Candidate Holds Ad vantage, Though Campaign Dull; SneU Strong. The withdrawal of W. C. Cox from the race for mayor, leaving W. W. Smead unopposed for that office, was the major development on the local political horizon this week, with only four days remaining until voters go to the polls to mark their ballots next Tuesday. As the sit uation now stands there is only one candidate for each of the city of fices to be filled, so no contests exist. Three full time councilmen are to be named with the names of R. B. Ferguson, Jeff Jones and P. W. Mahoney appearing for the places. C. W. McNamer is the lone candi date for the council post to fill the unexpired term of C. W. Smith, filled till election time by Spencer Crawford. E. R. Huston and W. O. Dix are the candidates for recor der and treasurer, respectively. In the election of county officers, only one contest appears, that be tween L. W. Briggs and Raymond H. Turner for treasurer. Geo. N. Peck is the only regular candidate for commissioner, though this pa per has received rumors of a cam paign to write-in the name of G. L. Bennett J. J. Wells is unopposed for assesor, the only other office to be filled. Outside political dopesters say the governor's race hinges on who will carry Multnomah county, placing Morrow county in Dunne's column. The race is said to be between Dunne, Martin and Zimmerman. There has been little above-surface activity here in the governor's campaign, Dunne being the only candidate to make a public address in Heppner. Martin visited the city for a few hours. Zimmerman ap peared before a grange meeting at Boardman and was represented here in an address by Roy Hewitt ihere is a greater visible follow ing for Dunne, but how much of an inroad into the normal republi can vote has been made by the Martin and Zimmerman campaigns, only the voting will tell. The total registered vote for the county is given at 2118, so that this county will probably have little ef fect upon any of the races for state offices. For secretary of state every in dication points to Morrow county turning in a heavy majority for Earl W. SneU of Arlington, whose wide acquaintance here combined with his fine reputation as speaker of the house of representatives, gives him every advantage over Horace E. Walter. Walter, Corval lis man, made one public address in Heppner, but little has been heard of his candidacy. Nothing has been heard what ever of the candidacies for other state offices here, and Gram for labor commissioner, and Howard for superintendent of public instruc tion, having good records of service. will probably receive the endorse ment of local voters. The race between Upton and Pierce for congress is conceded to be a dead heat in this county, with forces of both men active. For state senator, R. E. Bean of Freewater and Jack E. Allen of Pendleton, are having a warm little battle, and there is a chance that Morrow county may play a large part in deciding the outcome. At least indications point to that be lief by the candidates, both of whom are making a last minute bid for votes here. A little upset in the state repre sentative race took place recently when the democratic central com mittees nominated Paul Lynch of Mitchell to oppose J. O. Turner and E. R. Fatland, the regularly nom inated candidates, with two to be elected. How Morrow county will vote on the men from the other end of the district is not clearly indi cated, though Fatland is given a good edge by virtue of his having been in the race through the pri maries. He was in town Monday and Lynch is here today, both making a last minute acquaintance ship with local voters. Turner should have a big edge in his home county, as to turn him down would mean the election of two representa tives from the other end of the dis trict, leaving this county in the cold. Most of the activity on the meas ures in this county has been by op ponents. The grange, while endors ing the power bill carrying its name, has expressed opposition to the tax limitation measure. The healing arts constitutional amend ment has had no open support here. CANDIDATE VISITS. E. R. Fatland of Condon, repub lican candidate for one of the two representative positions from Mor row, Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel er counties, was in Heppner Mon day greeting the people here. He found general support of his can didacy and was encouraged over prospects of his election. E