PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1934. IONE ry MARGARET BLAKE lone poat of the American Legion held ila annual election of officers at Legion hall last Thursday eve ning. The following were chosen: W. A. Hayes, commander; Cleo Drake, 1st vice-commander; Ern est Christopherson, 2nd vice-commander; Ray Turner, finance offi cer; Lee Howell, adjutant; Fred Nicboson, sergeant-at-arms; Wal ter Roberts, chaplain, and Jack Farris, service officer. These offi cers will be installed at a meeting of the post to be held at Legion hall next Wednesday evening, Oct 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake drove over to Kinzua last Friday for a short visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Crawford were Pendleton visitors last Satur day. They were accompanied by Peter Timm who went over to see his mother, Mrs. Peter Timm, Sr., who is seriously ill at her home there. At a meeting in the city hall last Thnrsdnv evenine called for the purpose of holding a primary elec tion for city officers the following citizens were nominated, John Louy Mavor; E. R. Lundell, Lee Howell and J. H. Bryson, councilmen; Geo- Frank, marshal; Ralph Harris, re corder, and Mrs. Grace Linn, treas urer. Registered at the Park hotel dur- ing the past week were Pete Celoire and son, horse buyers from fort- land, and J. D. Sommer, insurance salesman of La Grande. Mrs. Maude Farris motored to Portland last Friday afternoon. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sperry. They returned home on Sunday. Howard Boyd of The Dalles and W. J. Hotter of Arlington, employ ees of the Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph company, were in lone on business connected with their work on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tucker and daughter Maxine of Echo were Sat urday visitors here, The freshman class were leaders in activities in the high school dur ing the past week. On Friday morning they had charge of the program during the assembly hour. The program opened with the flag salute followed by group singing, The freshmen then reversed roles with the committee who had charge of their initiation by calling on its members, Lloyd Morgan, Ellis Pet tyjohn and Charlotte McCabe for speeches. Eva Swanson then gave an interesting resume of her recen trip to the exposition at Chicago and to Yellowstone park. This was by inquiries concerning oldtime resl enu of lone and it was found that he spent several summers here as boy on the farm of Mrs. Blank- inship who is his sister. Mrs. Blank Inship and family lived at that time on the Warfleld place below town. He stated that they now make their home near Tacoma, Wash. During the past week Eugene Corley who has been employed herding sheep at the Neill Doherty place was found in a semi-conscious condition lying across the back of his horse out on the sands. Examination showed that he was suffering from a broken leg. He as taken to Heppner for medical attention and is reported to be in a serious condition. LEXINGTON with them for several weeks, and also by Helen Holmes. Howard Lane and sons have re turned to Lexington after spend ing several weeks in the mountains. Al Heppner CHURCHES followed by a skit, "Peach Pie, two freshman girls. The members of the freshman class then appeared one by one each dressed in a man ner to foretell the future of some upper classman. Two musical num bers were played by the Davidson boys trio, then a football skit by members of the class ended the pro gram which was followed by a short pep rally for the game to be played in the afternoon with Lexington. Lloyd Morgan and Supt Lindstrom gave short talks and the yell lead er led some rousing cheers. Friday evening the freshmen gave the student body and faculty a re turn party. Games were played, also a basketball game between the girls and boys, played with girls rules, in which the girls suffered defeat Sandwiches, doughnuts and a fruit drink were served at the close of the party. H. D. McCurdy was a business visitor in Pendleton last Tuesday. Officers of the auxiliary of lone post of the American Legion will be installed on Saturday afternoon, October 13, in the new room of the auxiliary over Lundell's garage. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Fred Mankin and Mrs. Roy Brown. Friends of Harold Finnell will be interested to learn that he has accepted a part time teaching job at O. S. C. which was offered him by Prof. Hyslop. The young man was a 1934 graduate of O. S. C. The Home Economics committee of Willows grange are giving a carnival, bazaar and dance in Le gion hall in lone Saturday night, Oct. 13. A program will be given at 8:00 p. m. immediately following a talk by Walter Pierce, represen tative in congress. O. L. Lundell and Jess Deos of Willows stopped in lone a few min utes Tuesday afternoon on their way to the mountains in search of big game, the elusive buck. The Women's Topic club was en tertained on last Saturday after noon by Miss Kathryn Feldman, Mrs. C. F. Feldman and Mrs- Bert Mason at the home of Mrs. Mason. The subject for the program was "Mexico." Mrs. Mason gave an in teresting report on a book on Mex ico that covered the history of the nation and described its people and customs, etc. Miss Kathryn Feld man told of the arts of the people, pottery making, weaving, needle work, etc., and also touched on their music, legends and verse. Mrs. Carl Feldman explained an in teresting exhibit of Mexican weav ing, needlework and pottery that had been gathered together by the hostesses. A one act "Mellerdram mer" at the close of the program was greatly enjoyed by the audi ence. Mrs. Mason read the tale of "The Lighthouse Tragedy" which was acted in pantomime by Mrs. C, F. Feldman, Misg Katheryn Feld man. Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mrs- Werner Rietman, Mrs. Victor Rlet mann and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Hot tamales and coffee were the appropriate refreshments served by the hostesses. Twenty-three mem bers were present. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grout ac companied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hager man, were guests at the Frank En gelman home from Friday until Sunday. All of the party live In Portland. Mrs. Grout is a cousin of Mrs. Engelman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin, ac companied by Mrs. E. J. Blake and daughter, motored to Portland on Sunday. Mr. Howe, a salesman for an of fice supply concern, was In the city on Wednesday. While here he made By BEULAH NICHOLS Plans for the Pioneers' Reunion are well under way and it is ex pected that this reunion will be bigger and better than any that has gone before. The program is in charge of Laurel Beach and Eula McMillan and promises to be ery good. Remember the date, Saturday, October 20th. At the district conference of Par- ent-Tteacher associations at Fossil Friday Mrs. Virginia Kletzer, state T. A. president explained in de tail the duties of the officers and committee chairmen and also dis cussed the proposed "Tax Limita tion" amendment which is to be voted on at the November election. Mrs. Schrader, county school su perintendent of Gilliam county, gave an interesting and instructive address on Educational Needs. Norma Marquardt, Cora Allyn, Car olyn Kuns and Beulah Nichols rep resented the Lexington Parent- Teachers association at the confer ence. Lexington grange will meet Sat urday evening, October 13. There will be initiation in the first and second degrees and all those who are eligible to receive these degrees are asked to be present It is im portant that all the officers and the executive committee of the grange attend this meeting. The ladies of the Home Econom ics club have made a lovely afghan which they will dispose of soon. It is on display in Barnett's store, The P. T. A. car party which was given Friday evening was declared a success. High score in bridge was won by Mrs- Lester White and consolation by Harvey Miller. In 500 Mrs. Kate Swendig received high and T. L. Barnett consolation. Arrangements for the annual H. E. C. bazaar are rapidly being com pleted with all committees busily getting everything in shape for this event. The date is December 8th. Anne Johnson, Jessie McCabe and Beulah Nichols were hostesses for a surprise "Travel" party Tuesday afternoon honoring Mrs. Harvey Bauman. The guests were Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mrs. R. B. Wil cox, Mrs. Charles Breshears, Mrs. Wilbur Steagall, Mrs. Carl Whil lock, Mrs. Ted McMillan, Mrs- Har vey Miller, Mrs. John McMillan, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Arnold Piper, Mrs. Laura Scott, Mrs. Rufus Piper, Mrs. Lonnie Henderson, Mrs. John Piper, Mrs. A. H. Nelson, Mrs. Har ry Dinges, Mrs. Trina Parker, Mrs. Robert McMurtry and Miss Ruth Dunford. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach spent the week end .in Portland. Orville Cutsforth, Harvey Miller and Dwight Misner are among Lex ington hunters who are in the mountains this week in quest of deer. Miss Helen Valentine, who is teaching at Rufus this year, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- C. W. Valentine. She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Dorothy Foss of Moro. Ted McMillan was pleasantly sur prised Saturday evening when a number of his friends dropped in to help him celebrate his birthday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Aolph Majeski, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Rauch and children, Mr. and Mrs. Galey Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox, Mrs. Mae Burchell, Merle Carmichael, Grace and Doris Burchell, Delpha Merritt, Paul Nichols and Edward Burchell. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and sons were Hermiston visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and Kenneth and Marcella spent last week visiting with relatives in Port land and Hubbard. Mrs- Mae Burchell, Doris and Billy Burchell and Paul Nichols were transacting business in The Dalles Saturday. Miss Ruth Dnnford of Portland is a house guest of Mrs. A. H. Nel son. Mrs. Harry Schriever attended the i meeting which Mrs. Azalea Sager conducted at Willows last Wednes day. Miss Annie Hynd and Mrs. Mag gie Doney, who has been visiting at the Hynd ranch for some time, left for Portland the first of the week. Miss Hynd expects to return home within a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan arrived the first of the week from their home at Cherryville and are visiting with relatives in this city. They were accompanied by Naomi McMillan who has been visiting School Notes Last Thursday evening a pep-rally was held to create excitement for the game between lone and Lexing ton. A group of high school stu dents serpentined through town, stopping at the ball park where a huge fire was started by the fresh men. After the fire had subsided, weineis were roasted. There were about forty-five present. A close, exciting football game was played between lone and Lex ington Friday afternoon, with Lex ington winning, 6-0. Particularly outstanding work was done by Les ter Cox and Edward Hunt Lavern Wright who was thought to be out for the season with a back injury, will return to practice this week. This will greatly add to the strength of the team. Coach Beach is also planning to make other changes in the lineup which will aid in strengthening the team. Delpha Merritt, Doris Klinger and Vivian White were absent from school the past week. The senior class dance which was given in Leach Memorial hall Sat urday night was well attended. Mu sic was furnished by Laurel Beach's orchestra. A student body meeting was call ed to order in the high school audi torium to read the new amendment to the constitution and also to dis cuss the pictuer that Mrs. Rodgers has for the school, provided the school frames it A committee of two was appointed to look after this. Thev were Doris Burchell and Alma Van Winkle. Some of the Lexington high school students who attended the football game in Heppner Saturday were Edna Rauch, Delpha Merritt Bill Van Winkle, Jack Van Winkle. Ed ward Hunt and Lavern Wright. Hon. Walter M. Pierce will speak at T oach Memorial hall Saturday evening immediately preceding the business meeting of the grange. The program will begin piomptly at i.oO and the public is invited. Mrs. Millard Nolan, nee Irene Peck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck of this city, was very pleasantly surprised with a miscel laneous shower at her home in Heppner on Saturday afternoon About thirty ladies were present and Mrs. Nolan received many lovely gifts. Those attending from Lexington were Mesdames Lonnie Henderson, Arthur Keene, Bert Peck, Harold Peck, William Van Winkle, Ralph Benge, Irvin Pad berg, Frank Munkers, Robert Wil cox, Ted McMillan, George Peck, Trina Parker, Sarah White and Miss Jessie McCabe. Ira Lewis is spending the week in Portland where he is taking in the stock show. Mrs. Roy Johnson has charge of the store during his absence. CHURCH OF CHRIST. JOEL R. BENTON, Minister Bible School 9:45 Morning service C. E. Society Evening services Choir rehearsal, Wednesday . Midweek service, Thursday . m. 11 a. m. . 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. . 7 :80 p. m. . 7 :30 p. m. Why Men Lose God 'And the Spirit of God came up on Azariah, son of Oded, And he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him: Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; the Lord Is with you while ye be i with Him; and If ye seek Him He will be found of you; but If ye for sake Him, He will forsake you." 2 Chron. 15:1-2. Asa was the third king of Judah; he had been leading his forces In victory against the Ethiopians; and on his return home, was met by the prophet with the words above quoted. These words of Azariah were spoken many centuries ago, but they are as true and pertinent this hour as when first they issued from the lips of God's prophet The Lord is with men, WHILE THEY ARE WITH HTM. But when men forsake God and His ways and flout His commandments; just then has God turned away from men. If men were to put in as much time seeking God as they do seek ing sin, God would be found of men and sin all over the world would cease. For when men earnestly and honestly seek God, THEY FIND HIM. And when men find God, they also find relief from sin and all its deadly aftermath. It is to be hoped that before it is ever lastingly too late, the world will awaken to the fact that none of the plans or schemes of political parties or selfish plans of men over the world will avail to settle our international troubles BUT ONLY MEN FINDING GOD AND FOL LOWING IN HIS WAYS. MEN LOSE GOD BECAUSE THEY TURN THEIR BACKS UPON HIM AND GO AWAY FROM HIM. Do you have a Church home? If not we invite you to come and wor ship with us and test the honest welcome of this friendly Church. For the coming Lord's Day the ser mon topics are: Morning service, "Other Gods." Evening service, "What Is Man?" METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Rally Day will be observed in our church Sunday. A special program will be featured during the Sunday School hour. Come out and hear the children, they have a message for you. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Public Worship 11 a. m. Anthem, "Since Jesus Is Mine," Schuler. Evening services: Ep worth League 6:30. Preaching service, 7:30. Choir practice Wednesday eve ning at 7:30, Mrs. E. F. Bloom, director. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning, 7:30. A hearty welcome awaits you at all the services of our Church. The Revs. Charles and Ruth Not son are returning to Heppner Mon day next and will only remain un til Saturday when they take their departure on the long journey to the mission field on the border of Tibet. As many have expressed the desire to hear these young people preach, the prayer meeting hour on next Thursday is to be turned over to them. Please keep this an nouncement in mind. fore, which Is now the best house in town. "Bart thinks it's a big party for his benefit but to us it's a ghastly dream. "Many old-timers have already opened up stores in old shacks and plans are going forward to build a bigger and better Nome. "There is enough food in town to last two or three weeks. One boat arrived this morning and three more have been dispatched from Seattle and Bremerton. They are fast boats and should be here with in a week. I haven't heard of even one person who wants to go out side. I tell you these people can surely take it Not a whimper from anyone. Of course some families who would have goae out later will go back on these relief boats, but everyone else will stay tnac can find any excuse for a house to shel ter them. "One of the most tragic things about this is the fact that most of the business people lived in apart ments over their stores so of course EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services Sunday evening, 7:30, by Rev. Ralph Henkle of Pendleton. TELL EXPERIENCES NOME, ALASKA FIRE (Continued from First Page) construction will be under way In a week. "It was certainly a miracle, with sparks flying every way, burning timbers and telepnone poies iauing, live wires and bursted steam pipes, blasting on every side, ammunition stores exploding, gasoline and crude oil burning, glass flying, etc., not one person was injured or burnea; not an extra patient In the hospital. I certainly feel we were being cared for. "They have had to send in two raido operators to take care of the stacks of telegrams that are arriv ing. We hope, in fact we will have to have government aid of course, and with the freeze-up just around the corner it will have to come quickly. "Just now the most urgent need is for clothing. Almost everyone lost all their clothes except what they had on. With the fire jump ing around so people would hurry home from helping some friend nack to find that their house was in ashes or had been blasted. Many they lost both business and home. I Ing. wc, -e u bu njd Some of our bedding has holes burned in it and the baby bed and little table are a little worse for wear but our radio came through without a scratch and not a dish was broken. I lost my sewing kit scissors, needle, thimble, etc., one curtain and that's all we have miss ed so far. (P. S. Case of milk, half ton of coal, sack of flour). "At present we have a very nice room at the building of Indian af fairs and are boarding with the gov ernment teacher there. We are really very fortunate as in one three room house four families including 15 children are living. By the mid dle of October we will have the same house as we had planned be- Verv few carried Insurance and several merchants lost over $60,000. Strange to say these are the people who have already started to rebuild. "The town is to be laid out with wide streets and only permanent, fire-proof buildings will be erected. "One little man who had staked everything he had on coming up here in 1899 lost It all in the flood of 1900. He started his store again and was burned out In 1905, then in 1913 the flood took everything he had once more, and now he has lost his home and business, but plans to borrow money and start in again in the same place. "The government is sending In architects and engineers and re- PIERCE DATES SET. Congressman Walter M. Pierce is slated to make three speeches in Morrow county on Saturday, Oct. 13. He will speak fihst at Heppner at 2:30 in the afternoon at the Elks hall. At 7:00 he will speak in lone at the Legion hall, and at 8:30 he will speak in the Leach hall at Lexington. PENTECOSTAL TABENACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK, Pastor Services Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Church Services 11:00 a. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Thursday night prayer meeting, 7:30. "We welcome all." ATTENTION WOOD CUTTERS Quarter section Pine 2000 cords wood. 5 miles this side Parkers Mill. Truck road across same. Only 50c Per Cord Terms Remember! Peters' Hi Speed Shot Shells "Gel Them" GREEN'S Hardware Don't Get Slipped-Up On! Now that the last cold snap is fresh in mind and there's no telling when the next will come you'll wrant to be prepared. We don't need to tell you of the extra expense and inconve nience, if you get cawght unprepared. PREST0NE Will prevent a freeze-up. It's Safe, Sure, Lasting $2.95 a Gallon HOT WATER CAR HEATERS-Any make car $6.95 up. TIRE CHAINS-Sturdy, durable. We have your size. PRICED TO MEET COMPETITION A motor check-up before going into the win ter is also wise. AND BE SURE YOUR BATTERY IS UP Ferguson Motor Co. even after they had been hauled away to places that at the time looked safe enough. We were just 'Cheechako's' (greenhorns) enough to get out when the first building caught or we would be in the same fix. "All the teachers but Miss Brln kerhoff were burned out but all of them saved most of their things. "Don't worry about us for we are all well taken care of." Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want It most" YOUNG PEOPLES FELLOWSHIP open their annual DANCE SEASON October 12th LAUREL BEACH and his Orchestra These prices for the opening night only: 15c single; 25c couple Doors Open 8:30 Parish House - MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO., Inc. Olllce Court House F. B. NICKESON, President TITLE INSURANCE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE (AT REASONABLE RATES) ESCROWS Complete Bankruptcy Reports and Service THE ONLY COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTRACT PLANT IN MORROW COUNTY i 1 t More Telephones will Open Your Doors fo more dimness. YOUR TELEPHONE lines are "doorways" to your business. Is it easy for your customers to use these doorways? Are your present telephone facilities fully adequate? Well be glad to make a study of your telephone needs. Just notify our business office. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Lived Here All Your Life? That's what the tourist asked the native who sat in front of the village grocery, whittling away contentedly. "Not yet!" replied the old philosopher. There's a world of wisdom in the two words, "Not yet!" They rep resent hope and promise. For instance, we've ready written you two friendly little letters con Derning CURLEE CLOTHES But I've just asked the ' JLotheS store if you'd been in, and they said: "Not yet!" So I hope you'll come see the CURLEE CLOTHES within the next few days and I promise to, show you more in the way of STYLE, VALUE and WORKMANSHIP than you could possibly get anywhere. You'll look better and feel better in a CURLEE SUIT OR OVERCOAT. You can wear them well and they'll wear you well. At a price surprisingly low. That means something, doesn't it? So come in, won't you. Cordially wours, J H I. ,A T WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service AND NOW IT IS SCHOOL Pupils are all back "on the job" again. Tablets, pens, inks, pencils, erasers, will be needed we have 'em. Everything Needful in GOOD EATS Staple groceries, canned goods, fresh fruits, mel ons, etc. PHONE US YOUR WANTS Huston's Grocery Heppner, Ore.