Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 11, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford J. O. Turner, attorney, was In
Pendleton Tuesday on legal business.
returned home Monday from Jo
seph where they motored on Sat
urday with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Hayes and children. The party re
turned Friday from Portland where
Leland, young son of the Hayes',
underwent an examination for an
injured hip at the Shrine hospital.
While the injury, received in a fall
from a hayloft, was pronounced as
permanent, it was not believed that
it would seriously handicap use of
the boy's leg.
Among Pendleton football fans
taking in the game here Saturday
between Heppner and Pendleton
high schools were Dr. F. E. Farrior,
former Heppner dentist, and Fin
ley Graybeal, well known salesman
who makes this territory regularly
for a Pendleton wholesale concern.
Mr. Graybeal's son is one of the
star players of the Pendleton team,
and a deal of paternal pride in his
son's work was evidenced.
OIlie P. Ferguson and neighbor
friend, Ralph Blake, of Gold Beach
arrived in the city yesterday eve
ning on business, Mr. Fetguson en
joying a visit with his brothers,
Raymond and Gene, and many old
time friends. He reports that his
mother, Mrs. O. T. Ferguson, has
been quite ill since returning to
Gold Beach from here a short time
John Turley who spent the sum
mer In the high mountains with the
D. O. Justus sheep left yesterday
for Eugene where he will spend the
winter. On the way he expected to
take in the Pacific International
Livestock exposition and also visit
with John Hayes, pioneer Morrow
county resident, in Portland.
Stephen Wehmeyer is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Weh
meyer, on furlough from the U. S.
S. Maryland. Since last here a year
ago Sailor Wehmeyer reports he
has been much at sea." Asked If he
accompanied the president to Ha
waii, he replied, "No, I was taking
in New York then."
Mrs. Dorris Mitchell and baby
daughter who have been visiting for
two weeks at the home of Mrs.
Mitchell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
S. Parker, will return to their Jo
seph home tomorrow. Mr. Mitchell
expected to arrive by car for them
this evening.
Mrs. Garnet Barratt has been
spending the week in Portland, and
Mr. Barratt departed for the city
last evening to join her as well as
tend to business in connection with
his position as vice-president of
Pacilic Cooperative Woolgrowers;
Myron Huston, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Huston of Eight Mile,
came into town Saturday with a
200-pound buck, killed in the Ar
buckle section. It was young Hus
ton's first deer, and a prize of which
any hunter might well be proud.
Wrex Ellis, chairman of the Uma
tilla county republican central com
mittee, accompanied Joe E. Dunne,
republican candidate for governor,
from Pendleton last Saturday eve
ning for Mr. Dunne's public ap
pearance here.
Tom J. Kreuger, master of the
Multnomah county Pomona grange,
Portland, was in the city Saturday
evening In company with Senator
Joe E. Dunne, assisting in sponsor
ing the lattcr's candidacy for gov
ernor. R. E. Bean, republican candidate
for sUite senator, Morrow, Union
and Umatilla counties, was over
Saturday from his home t Free
water, meeting local voters. He is
editor of the Freewater Times.
Mr. and Mis. Oscar E. Peterson of
the lone district were callers In the
city. Tuesday. Their new farm res
idence being constructed by Bailey
and Bubb, Heppner builders, is pro
gressing nicely.
Mrs. Bert Kane, deputy county
clerk, has proved herself an Ama
zon of no mean ability, bringing in
a nice little forked horn buck as
the result of Sunday's hunt.
Buck Bigbee and Leon Bullier of
Portland arrived In Heppner the
end of the week to accompany L,
Van Martcr on a hunting trip out
into the Greenhorns.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor have
purchased the residence property
of Dr. and Mis. A. B. Gray at the
corner of Main and Baltimore
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec-
inlist of Pendelton, will be at the
H. W. Grimm, C. W. Grimm and
Harvey Walpole of Irrigon were In
the city Monday attending the sea
sion of circuit court
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Cole at their home in this city last
Saturday morning, a 6 - pound
License to wed was Issued last
Thursday by Clerk Anderson to Eli
zabeth Bailey and William Johnson.
For rent 8-room house, garage,
good basement, cookstove connect
ed. Henry Taylor, city. "P
John Kilkenny, Jr., Pendleton at
tornoy, was here on business before
circuit court Monday.
Lost .22 Remington rifle between
L. Palmer dairy ranch and Lexing
ton Reward. Henry Peck. 29-30
Black-faced rams for sale or trade
for fine rams; 2-yr. olds. Mike Ken-
nv T-Tnnnnnr. btl.
3 or 4 rooms, furnished or unfur
niHhpd: bath, furnace. Bonnie
Cochran. 30-31
Oregon Fight for Just Corn-Hog
Quota Brings Big Increase
ThougTi Not All Asked.
Agricultural adjustment benefit
payments in excess of $3,000,000 are
scheduled to be distributed to Ore
gon farmers during October and
early November under provisions
of the wheat and corn-hog adjust
ment programs, according to fig
ures compiled by the Oregon Exten
sion service. These payments, all
made from the receipts from fed
eral processing taxes, are to com
pensate Oregon growers for re
stricting their production in line
with the national plan for these
The amount to be received under
the corn-hog plan is more than
twice as much as would have been
due Oregon farmers under the or
iginal state production figure as
signed by the bureau of crop esti
mates, though it is still below the
figure considered just by many
county allotment committees and
the state college extension service.
The final base production figure
allowed Oregon is 229,165 hogs for
the total of all contracts. This fig
ure compares with 108,250 total con
tract base given in the first estimate
of 124,250 for the entire state in
cluding those hogs not under con
tract On the other hand it falls more
than 20,000 hogs short of the 250,
000 which the extension officials
considered the absolute minimum
which could just be assigned as
Oregon's quota
While the summer-long effort of
the farmer leaders and extension
service representatives to obtain a
just quota for Oregon was not en
tirely successful, the outcome was
a considerable gain even over what
was declared to be the third and
"final" quota of 213,000 hogS, points
out F. L. Ballard, vice-director of
the extension service.
Mr. Ballard adds that the troubles
encountered In Oregon and a num
ber of other states in carrying
through the corn-hog program were
not the fault of the plan itself,
which was fundamentally sound,
but arose from poor administration
of the plan in this state by some
representatives of the corn-hoe sec
Corn-hog benefit payments au
thorized for Oregon now total $859,-
365 of which two-fifths is payable
at once. Under the original quota
tney would have been less than half
that sum. Baker and Union are the
first Oregon counties to receive the
first payment checks.
Final 1933 wheat payments are
estimated at $834,800 in this state,
while the 1934 wheat payment, to
be distributed immediately after
tne former, is estimated at $1,829,-
427, making a total distribution for
the next month or so of more than
three million dollars in this state.
Meanwhile county corn-hog com
mittees have completed arrange
ments for taking the referendum
among contract signers on the twin
questions of continuing some corn-
hog plan for 1935 and of working
out a single contract for all grains
and livestock starting in 1936. Votes
will be taken in one or two meet
ings in each county before October
Additional purchases of drouth
cattle, in excess of the original quo
tas which expired In September,
have been authorized in Washing
ton as a tapering off process. Or
egon has been allotted $63,374 in
this cleanup buying which will pur
chase about 4500 head additional.
State directors In charge of the cat
tle buying have been authorized to
purchase cattle only from producers
clearly unable to provide adequate
feed supplies for their stock.
Oregon wheat farmers used near
ly half of their contracted acres as
additional fallow land, according to
a survey made of 26 states includ
ing Oregon. The figures gathered
by the AAA show for Oregon 46 6
per cent of the land left out of
wheat used for fallow; 23.3 per cent
was in new seedings for pasture or
hay, slightly more than 20 per cent
lay completely idle, and 8.3 per cent
was used for food and feed produc
tion for home use. Less than 2 per
cent was devoted to weed control
and other miscellaneous uses.
Published by the Journalism Class
Betty Doherty
Irene Beamer
Assistant Editor
Grade School Reporter
Jean Adkins
Reporters: Zelma Bundy, Joseph
Stephens, Paul Phelan, Lorena
Wilson, James Shoun, Don Tur
ner, Marshall Fell, Dorris All
stott Marie Barlow, Bernard Mc
Murdo and Ethyl Hughes.
Mr. Winter believes that the stu
dents of Heppner high school should
have the advantage of a course In
etiquette. Some phases of etiquette
in which the sound thinkers of the
school would appreciate Instruc
tions are: How to introduce people
and how to act when introduced;
the way to approach and address
an older person, as well as one an
other; the impoliteness of combing
hair, chewing gum and girls using
compacts In the classroom; and
how to act at a social function. In
other words, we should desire to
act more like the ladles and gen
tlemen that our fine school organ
ization and community background
makes possible.
Athena Plays Here Friday
Next Friday at 3:00 o'clock the
Heppner Fighting Irish will meet
the Athena team in a battle to win.
Last year Heppner defeated Athena
7-6 on their own field. This year
we understand that Athena is go
ing on the field undefeated. They
have won or tied all of their games
so far. Heppner has been defeated
only once and we feel sure that
Athena will have to show more pep
and work harder than ever to win
this game.
Pep Rally Held
'The pep rally held Friday to
arouse the students' enthusiasm
for the Pendleton game was well
attended. Starting at the post office
they serpentined up Main street.
At the intersection by Gilliam &
Bisbee, they sang the school song
and gave some yells. Forming an
"H," they marched down Main
street to the post office where they
disbanded and went to the golf
course to burn the letters.
Frosh Initiation
The freshman initiation was held
in the schol gym Friday at 8:00 o'
clock. As usual the frosh had to
undergo various stunts including
races, airplane rides and singing
songs. After they were sworn in,
the four high school classes were
served refreshments in the base
ment of the schoolhouse.
The detested green ribbons which
the freshmen have been wearing
for the past five weeks were discarded.
White Federation Grown
Heppner B. H. Peck of Morrow
county who planted White Feder
ation wneat lasi year, reports a
yield from this variety more than
twice as large as he got from his
Turkey wheat on land where drouth
was severe. The White Federation
was not certified, although It could
have been If time had permitted,
and Mr. Peck plans to certify next
year, according to County Agent
Joe Belanger. Some of the seed
will be distributed to other farmers
In the county this fall.
Benzine Ring Meets.
The Benzine Ring met Thursday,
October 4. La Verne Van Marter
was initiated and a short program
given. Next week Howard Bryant
will be initiated into the Ring.
An etching, "The Star of Oregon,"
by W. R. Mcllwrath, is being held
by Mrs- Rodgers, county school su
perintendent, for the Heppner high
school on condition that it be fram
ed and hung in the school.
The Federal government is giv
ing to schools all over the United
States a number of pictures painted
by artists under a Public Works of
Art project which was for the pur
pose of stimulating the appreciation
of fine arts.
The girls' glee club has begun
practice on "Evangeline," a cantata,
to be presented some time before
Grade School News
The first and second grades have
become fairies and there is magic
working in their midst The queen
Is Doris Schaffer and the king is
Frances Connor.
A Good Helpers club has recently
been organized in the fifth grade.
They are now soliciting contribu
tions for the Nome Relief fund.
Have You Kver Seen
Mr. Evans thinking?
Bill Browning ask what inning it
is at the football game?
Spud Furlong's strawberry?
The high school detectives?
A dream walking?
Miss Brounson swinging?
The football team after the Pen
dleton game?
Scott McMurdo when he wasn't
pestering someone?
Paul Phelan stirring cocoa and
eating doughnuts?
Buddy Batty?
Pheasant Chicks Reared
By Artificial Methods
A prelminary study of artificial
hatching and brooding of pheasants,
undertaken by the poultry depart
ment at Oregon State college at
the request of and with the finan
cial cooperation of the Oregon
State Game commission, indicates
that it is possible to hatch and rear
pheasants successfully and econ
omically by such methods, accord
ing to a progress report of the ex
perimental work just issued.
Pheasant eggs were produced on
the Eugene game farm and fur
nished by the game commission.
They varied in age from one to 11
days when set. Hatching was done
in three different types of incubat
ors, and handled the same as with
hen eggs. Five hens also were set,
to serve as a check on the machine
hatching and brooding.
The brooding experiments were
principally to determine the results
upon growth and quality of baby
pheasants from different rations.
Six electric brooders were used,
and temperatures slightly higher
than usually recommended for or
dinary chicks were maintained.
In the hatching experiments,
chicks from the still-air incubators
were of a quality equal to that of
chicks hatched by natural methods.
Need for further experimental work
in determining the proper humidity
conditions for best results was in
dicated. Three different rations were test
ed. The pheasant chicks were
found to develop much more satis
factorily on moist mash than on
dry mash. It was also brought out
that the standard college turkey
ration did not produce as satisfac
tory growth with the baby pheas
ants as did the standard game farm
ration or a third combination.
Although the work done so far
indicates that pheasants can be
reared successfully and economical
ly by artificial methods, more ex
perimental work is necessary to
solve some of the problems in con
nection with their propagation, ac
cording to the report
Linn Farmers to Try Lime
Albany To determine the reac
tion of alfalfa in Linn county to ap
plications of lime, three tons of this
material have been obtained from
the Dallas lime plant by the Linn
county agent, and will be distrib
uted to about 20 farmers of the
county for trials on one-fifth acre
plots. Farmers who have already
indicated a desire to cooperate in
these trials are Clarence Brown, L.
O. Weber and Walter Hense of
Shedd; Vincent Grimes, Harris
burg; J. J. Underwood and Wilbur
Evans of Halsey, and E. C. McClain
of Lebanon.
President Peavy Urges
Economy; Warns Frats
Rigid economy as individuals and
groups was strongly urged by Pres
ident George W. Peavy in greeting
his first incoming student body at
the beginning of the year at Ore
gon State college. Social frater
nities which at OSC have already
established records for low social
costs were admonished to keep up
that record.
Honorary societies set up to en
courage high scholarship in the
many branches of the college were
given an even more pointed warn
ing and told that they will have to
justify their existence If they are to
remain and collect initiation fees
from flnancally overburdened stu
dents. President Peavy declared
he prizes the traditions of democ
racy that belong to Oregon State
and he Intends to see that they are
given all the support within his
The Gazette Times' Printing Ser
vice is complete. Try It
Donald Hellker of Ioi.e was
found not guilty of the charge of
reckless driving on which he was
tried in the court of E. R, Huston,
justice of the peace, Friday. The
jury was Chas. W. Barlow, fore
man, L. L. Gilliam, W. O. Bayless,
Hanson Hughes and Robert Wight
man. J. O. Turner was defendant's
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken were
hosts Friday evening to a group of
friends for a venison dinner. Guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eskelson, Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl W. Gordon, Len L. Gilliam
and Jasper Crawford.
IO Years Ago
(From Gazette Times, Oct. 9, 1934)
E. G. Noble for mayor, L. E. Bis
bee, M. D. Clark and Chas. Thom
son for councilmen, announce can
didacies for city election.
Edward E. Notson and Miss Mil
dred Smith married at Thorp, Wn.,
October 1.
Frank Gilliam motored over to
Echo Sunday with other Heppner
nimrods to shoot pheasants.
Phelps Funeral Home
Telephone 1333
Trained Lady Assistant
Licensed Funeral Directors
Heppner, Oregon
Weed Killer Orders Pooled
Dallas Ten Polk county farmers
have pooled orders through the
county agent's ofllce during the past
month for 1,100 pounds of sodium
chlorate to be used In fall applica
tions on Canada thistle.
More Spray Used on Peaches
Medford Following a successful
marketing season for peaches in
Jackson county, growers are show
ing an increased interest In caring
for their orchards, reports L. P.
Wilcox, county agent. More Bor
deaux spray has been applied this
fall for the control of peach blight
than In any fonner season, he says.
Liquid Laxatives
are Back in Favor
The public is fast returning to the use
of liquid laxatives. People have
learned that the right dose of a
properly prepared liquid laxative will
bring a more natural movement with
out any discomfort at the time, or
The dose of a liquid laxative can be
varied to suit the needs of the in
dividual. The action can thus be
regulated. A child is easily given the
right dose. And mild liquid laxatives
do not irritate the kidneys.
Doctors are generally agreed that
senna is a natural laxative. It does
not drain the system like the cathar
tics that leave you so thirsty Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ft liquid
laxative which relics on senna for its
laxative action. It gently helps the
average person's constipated bowels
until nature restores their regularity.
You can always get Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin at any drag store, ready
for use.
Shell Fish
Delicious, appetizing,
giving a zest to meal
time, are the season's
offerings of the choice
foods served here.
Drop in anytime
f Prunes
New crop, 40-60c; fine 1
I quality, plenty of 'em. 1
I 10 LBS. I
V, 59c J
Prices Effectiv FRI.-SAT.-MON., Oct. 12-13-15
Big Coffff ee Salle
Safeway's annual fall Coffee Sale now in prog
ress. Real savings offered on all brands of cof
fee listed below. Btter get a supply now.
AIRWAY 3 Lbs. 59c
NOB HILL 3 Lbs. 74c
Large 12-oz. or over bars P. N. Brittle, real
fresh and delicious.
BAR ..
Marshmallows, fresh sup- -fl J?
ply, delicious. LB. PKG IvC
P. N. Butter, delicious for i Jjkg
the kiddies. Per Pound llv
5 LBS. 99c : : 10 LBS. $1.59
SOAP, Peet's granulated, 1 Lge.
Pkg., 1 Med. Pkg. OOrt
CABBAGE, very best Lb. 3C
CAULIFLOWER, large size, Head 15C
LETTUCE, Jumbos .... 2 Heads 15c
GRAPES, Tokay's 3 LBS. 25c
CELERY, Jumbos 2 Bunches 15c
M Deliriously cured in stock-
ing nets, medium weights.
Vl8c J
Of course she dreads mending in
"FOQ LIGHT" is the
danger-tone between
seeing light end dim
light. It is inadequate
for reading or any severe
visual work, yet it gives
no clear warning to your
eyes. Your vision is ad
justed to it by harmful
tension, which, if re
peated for a. prolonged
period, results in eye
strain. Only the Sight
Meter detects "Fog
Light ' accurately and
Our abused eyes have never taken enough
advantage of electricity and good electric
lamps. We still work in light that is foo
bright, in light that glares, in dim light, and,
worst of all, in that half-way-between light
Your eyes won't tell you until it is too late
but the new Sight Meter will. Its sensitive
needle measures light as quickly as you can
wave the shadow of your finger over it. You
can have a demonstration in your own
home without cost or obligation just by
making an appointment with our local office.
Our home lighting expert will call at your
convenience and show you, as she tests light
with the Sight Meter, how to rearrange your
lighting for better seeing at work or play.
This is a Pacific Power 8s Light Co. ser
vice. It is not only free we welcome your
request for it. It is something that you will
want to tell your friends about after you
have had the Sight Meter demonstration.
Protect Precious Eyes with this
Study and Reading Lamp
Here is a new scientific study and reading lamp
that every school child should have. Its specifications
are the result of an extensive survey by the Illuminat
ing Engineering Society of America to obtain a per
fect student lamp. There is an inverted open-top
bowl of diffusing glass under the shade, which pro
duces a correct combination of direct and indirect
illumination. When placed on a table, all seated
about this lamp see without eyestrain. After dis
covering how efficient this lamp is, every adult ia
going to want one by his or her favorite chair, too.
The various models, from $5.95 up, bulb Included.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service