Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 27, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 29.
Subscription $200 a Year
Four Inches at Heppner
and 16 at Kelly Prairie
Reported for Week.
One Collision, Several Lesser Car
Accidents Caused, But Farmers
See End to Long Dry Spell.
Premature winter, the earliest in
the recollection of many old-timers,
struck south Morrow county with
a vengeance Sunday when the
country about Heppner was covered
with four inches of snow, deepen
ing in the Blue mountains to the
south to a depth of 16 inches at
Kelley prairie. Several cars re
turning Sunday from the Heppner
day celebration at John Day met
the crest of the storm in the moun
tains and experienced much diffi
culty in getting across.
The snow was driven by a high
wind making a veritable blizzard.
Vision was poor and the snow on
the highway lessened traction to a
point which caused several cars to
slide into the ditch. The D. A. Wil
son car, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
and John Bellenbrock as occupants,
was let down with a flat tire in the
worst of the storm, and caused
them to suffer much discomfiture
from the cold.
At one point cars were reported
to have been held up for as long as
two hours, when one car after an
other went into the ditch, and oc
cupants of the several cars assisted
each other in getting out.
One collision was caused by the
storm when the Jim O'Connor and
Chester Brown cars met head on
on Heppner flat. Both cars were
reported traveling at a slow rate of
speed. Mrs. Helen Christenson, rid
ing in the Brown car, received sev
eral bad cuts about the forehead
when thrown into the windshield.
Both cars sustained the loss of a
front wheel.
Cars which returned from John
Day Saturday night reported mak
ing it through without difficulty
though it was then raining heavily
across the top of the mountains.
The rain apparently turned to snow
early Sunday morning and contin
ued to fall throughout the day.
Monday was cool and cloudy with
Tuesday turning off bright and
clear, and it now appears the storm
was but a flurry. Outside reports
indicate the storm was general up
and down the coast and extended
east into the Rocky mountains.
Deer hunters camped in large
numbers in the woods were sent
cuddling up to campflres, and some
untraced rumors of hunters being
lost for a time were in circulation
though no casualties have been re
ported. There were several re
ports of cars being in difficulty on
attempting to pull out of the moun
tains. Sheepmen with flocks in the
mountains did not believe the storm
would have serious effect on their
stock, and the storm was' general
ly welcomed for bringing a goodly
amount of much needed moisture.
The amount of fall was less to the
north with not much more than
enough to cover the ground at lone,
and beyond there the precipitation
was In the form of rain with a less
er amount of moisture falling, ac
cording to reports.
At about 7 o'clock last evening,
while returning from Pendleton,
the Garnet Barratt car was in a
wreck about four miles this side of
Pilot Rock. Mrs. Barratt was driv
ing and in the car with her were
her two sisters, Mrs. Lester Gem-
mell and Miss Margaret Lieuallen
and the three children of Mrs. Gem
mell. In passing a car on the high
way the Barratt machine was side
swiped and thrown across the road
Into the ditch, landing on Its side
The occupants managed to get a
door open and crawl out and it was
found that all escaped injury but
Mrs. Barratt who received a hard
bump on the head and some body
bruises, all of which was sufficient
to put her out for a time. They
were taken to Pilot Rock and from
there sent word to Heppner and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson
brought them home. Mrs. Barratt
was taken to the office of a physi
cian and it was found that she sus
tained no broken bones and her In
juries seem to be of a minor nature.
The car was taken Into Pilot Rock
and Is reported to be pretty badly
wrecked. Mr. Barratt had gone
with the party to Pendleton, and
from there had taken a bus on his
way to Montana where he has some
of his sheep.
Few hunting parties can make as
good report as one party of six
hunters who went out from Hepp
ner for the opening of the season
and returned Tuesday, each with a
nice buck. In the party were Glenn
Hayes, L. E. Bisbee, Ed Bennett,
Luke Bibby, Laurence and Harley
Matteson. And just for good meas
ure they added a bear to the bag,
though the animal was not skinned
as it was killed too far from camp.
Mrs. L. E. Dick is reported as
progressing nicely after her recent
operation at Heppner hospital.
Hard Game Fought In High Wind;
lone Next Opponent Here
Tomorrow Afternoon.
(From The Hehisch)
The Heppner High Fighting Irish
defeated Condon's turf-tearing el
even on their own field Friday af
ternoon. The game was played In
a high wind which blew dust in the
eyes of players and spectators alike.
The Condon team, although much
heavier, was outplayed throughout
the entire game. The ball was put
into place for the first touchdown
by a spectacular run by Bill
Schwarz in the third quarter. Bill
ran the ball back, on a punt, from
his own twenty yard line to Con
don's ten. A line plunge by Floyd
Jones netted the first six points.
The attempt at conversion failed.
The second touchdown was made
by Floyd, also, in the fourth quar
ter, after a series of line plunges,
by himself and Bill Schwarz. Floyd
again scored by converting for the
extra point.
The starting line-up for Heppner
was: Ends, H. Furlong and J. Dris
coll; tackles, E. Dick and D. Drake;
guards, H. Bryant and M. Kenny;
center, R. Drake; halfbacks, B.
Schwarz and L. Gilman; fullback,
F. Jones; quarterback, R. Munkers.
Substitutes were L. Van Martr
for Driscoll and J. Green for Jones.
Tomorrow afternoon at the Ro
deo field, Heppner plays against
one of its oldest rivals, lone. The
game should prove to be an excit
ing one as both lone and Heppner
are going on the field with the de
termination to win. It is hoped
that as many townspeople and stu
dents as possible will come out to
the field to view the outcome of the
game. Which team will be the vic
tor is still an uncertainty, but it is
assured that the game will be well
worth seeing.
Heppner-Spray Contract
To be Let at October Meet
Definite assurance of letting the
contract on the Heppner - Spray
road, to complete the last gap be
tween Hardman and Chapin creek,
was received this week by G. A.
Bleakman from E. B. Aldrich, mem
ber of the state highway commis
sion. In his letter addressed to Mr.
Bleakman, Mr. Aldrich stated;
"Your letter regarding the finish
ing contract on the Heppner-Spray
road came while I was away on a
state-wide trip. This work is listed
in our program and the contract
will be let shortly. The first con
tract meeting will be held October
1st, and subsequent meetings will
be held about two weeks apart. The
Heppner-Spray work is to be up for
letting at either the second or third
contract meeting."
The convention of the Rebekah
lodges of district number 20 which
was held in Leach hall on Saturday
was a complete success. All the
lodges of the district were repre
sented except Hardman. The de
gree work was put on in the eve
ning by Blue Mountain lodge of
Fossil. The officers wish to thank
all the lodges and each member In
dividually for their cooperation in
making this meeting such a grand
Lexington citizens received quite
a surprise Sunday morning when
they awoke to find everything white
with snow. Snow and rain contin
ued falling most of the day and
night and was welcomed by the
farmers as most of the fall wheat
has been seeded and this much
needed moisture will bring It along
in fine shape.
The first P. T. A. meeting of the
year was held at the school house
Wednesday evening. This was fol
lowed by a reception for the teach
ers. Orville Cutsforth was a business
visitor in Pendleton and Walla
Walla one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt spent
a few days of last week in Port
land. They returned home Sun
day evening.
Miss Edith Tucker left by stage
Thursday morning for La Grande
where she will attend the Eastern
Oregon normal school this year.
Lexington was pretty well repre
sented In the mountains during the
past week. Hunters going up from
here were Earl Warner, George
Broadley, Pete McMillan, Lawrence
Slocum, W. B. Tucker, Woodrow
Tucker, Ralph Jackson and Clar
ence Carmlchael.
Mr. and Mis. Lonnie Henderson
and his mother, Mrs. J. H. Blake,
was a Sunday visitor In lone.
(Continued on Page Four)
Born, at Emanuel hospital in
Portland at 8 p. m., September 20,
1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn
of this city, a daughter. Both mo
ther and baby are reported to be
doing nicely. Mr. Cohn departed
for Portland last evening to be with
his wife and new daughter for a
few days.
Dr. John L. Marxer of Portland
who has helped on several occa
sions with the practice of Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, was In town yesterday
with a nice buck.
Mrs. Lillian V. Agee is reported
critically ill with pneumonia at her
home near Cecil, having been sick
for eleven days.
Seeks Childhood Scenes
After 40-Year Absence
Carle F. Williams is visiting
his birthplace near Hardman today
after forty years absence. It was
forty years ago that he left the
Hardman country as a small boy
when his father, Caleb T. Williams,
left the employ of Ed Cox, pioneer
sheep raiser, to take a position as
warden at the state penitentiary
under Governor Geer.
The lure of childhood scenes call
ed Mr. Williams back today from
his home at Seattle. With him are
Mrs. Williams and their young son,
Carle F., Jr., about whose size Mr.
Williams said he was when he left
the Hardman region. He was look
ing forward expectantly to the visit
to see how much he would recog
nize from the dimmed recollections
of his childhood.
In the years since he left Morrow
county, much of Mr. Williams' time
has been spent as a journalist, in
cluding a several year stretch with
the Salem Statesman, and 15 years
as editor of the Northwest Poultry
Journal. He spent some time in
eastern Oregon aa manager of a
store at Wasco, and more recently
has had a little store in Seattle.
Prominent Outside Speakers Head
Annual Institute Program of
Much Interest.
All teachers in the Morrow coun
ty school system are convened here
today in the annual fall institute
under the direction of Mrs. Lucy
E. Rodgers, county school superin
tendent A full day of instruction
and entertainment is under way,
with several prominent outside
speakers on the program.
Dr. C. A. Howard, state superin
tendent of public instruction, and
Dr. Rudolph Clemens, newly elect
ed president of Whitman college,
Walla Walla, are two of the princi
pal speakers. Dr. Clemens, who
has his M.A. degree from Harvard
university, has served on the fac
ulties of Purdue, Chicago and
Northwestern universities. His top
ic is "American Education in 1934."
Discussions will be led by Miss
Peterson of Eastern Oregon Nor
mal school on "Mu3ic in Rural Ed
ucation"; Miss Cornelia Tomes of
the Pendleton city schools, on
"Methods in Teaching Arithmetic
and Remedial Work in Arithmetic";
and Bert Evans, local high school
instructor, on correlation of Eng
lish with other high school subjects.
Laurel Beach of Lexington is
leading group singing, and F. T.
Brumbaugh, Wasco county school
superintendent, is representing the
Oregon State Teachers association.
Latest Ruling Released
On Contracted Acres
The latest ruling as to the use of
contracted acres for 1935 under the
wheat allotment contracts has been
received at the county agent's of
fice. The most frequent question
asked has been whether wheat
could be seeded on the contracted
acreage for hay. The ruling does
not permit the seeding of wheat,
but rye, barley or oats can be seed
ed as emergency forage crops if cut
for hay before maturity or if pas
tured, or if clipped when green and
allowed to lie on the ground.
The contracted acres may be
summerfallowed or left unplanted
if such action will not cause serious
damage by soil erosion and pro
vided that noxious weeds are con
trolled. Lexington Mayor Gives
Talk Before Lions Club
Mayor Tom Barnett of Lexington
was a guest speaker before the
Lions Monday noon luncheon, giv
ing an entertaining discourse on
"Why I Remained a Bachelor."
Other guest speakers were A. H.
Switzer, Arlington attorney, and
Horace Addis, representative of the
Pendleton East Oregonian, the lat
ter giving an entertaining reading.
Miss Marjorie Parker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker of Hepp
ner flat, pleased with a piano solo.
Jasper Crawford made a short
report of the caravan to John Day
in celebration of Heppner day at
the Grant county fair, and a short
time was taken with the discussion
of a Socratic league program on
"How Lions Clubs May Assist the
District Governor," led by J. O.
Turner and P. W. Mahoney.
A big bobcat was the kill of
Louis Gillam, son of Len L. Gil
liam, who hunted with his father
and uncle, Charles Vaughn, last
Sunday. The party ran into the
heavy snowstorm of that day and
had a pretty tough time bucking it.
They didn't succeed in kicking out
any deer, but felt partly compen
sated by the bag of the cat.
Twin boys were born this morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McRob
erts of this city, weighing 6V6 and
6 pounds. The first arrived at 8:15
and tho second at 9:05 o'clock.
Mother and babies are reported to
be doing nicely.
Mrs. Ambrose Chapin is reported
to be holding her own at Heppner
hospital after her recent operation,
though still In a critical condition.
Grace Clu-intLanson, State President,
Visits j Muyvllle, Fossil Lodges
Welcomed to District.
The fourteenth annual convention
of Rebekah lodges of district No. 20
was held in the lower hall of the 1..
O. O. F. building at Lexington Sat
urday, Sept. 22, at 1:30 p. m. The
meeting was called to order by Hol
ly lodge No. 139, following which
the meeting was turned over to the
convention officers with Ola Ward
After the regular business rou
tine, Grace Christianson, president
of the Rebekah Assembly of Ore
gon; Emma Hoover and Ida Mc
Connell, district deputy presidents,
were introduced and welcomed.
Emma Peck of Holly lodge gave
the address of welcome to which
response was made by Lilliam Tur
ner of San Soucl lodge in the ab
sence of Lucy Rodgers who was
scheduled to speak. Reports of the
various lodges were read by the
convention secretary, Emma Peck,
of Holly lodge. An Invitation was
extended and accepted to meet at
Fossil in 1936, next year's meeting
place having been designated as
The following officers were elect
ed for the coming year: chairman,
Etta Howell of Bunchgrass lodge;
vice-chairman, Hazel Quinn of Blue
Mountain lodge; secretary-treasurer,
Lena Uundell of Bunchgrass
lodge; S. S. to chairman, Mary
Swanson of Bunchgrass lodge;
chaplain, Edith Miller of Holly
lodge; marshal, Kathryn Watson,
Blue Mountain lodge; conductor,
Ida McConnell of Evening Star
lodge; I. G., Vera Rietmann of
Bunchgrass lodge; O. G. Sadie Sigs
bee of San Souci lodge; musician,
Ruby Roberts of Bunchgrass lodge;
R. S. V. C, Nina Van Horn of Blue
Mountain lodge; L. S. V. C, Opal
Ayers of San Souci lodge.
Evening Star lodge 69 of Mayville
and Blue Mt lodge 68 of Fossil
were welcomed into the district.
Explanation of questions by Grace
Christianson proved very helpful
and beneficial to all present.
During the intermission a solo,
"The Lost Chord," by Mrs. Al
Troedson of Sapphire lodge 163 was
greatly enjoyed.
A bounteous banquet was served
at 6:30 with Lucy Rodgers and Lil
lian Turner as song leaders for
group singing, and everyone en
joyed the followingj'mimbers dur
ing the banquet hour: piano solo
by Marjorie Parker, vocal solo by
Laurel Beach, reading by Mrs. Delia
Corson, and vocal solo by Harvey
The evening session was opened
at 8 o'clock. The degree work was
exemplified by Blue Mt lodge in a
beautiful manner.
A moment of silent prayer was
held for deceased members during
the past year, nine in nunmber.
Tribute to charter members, nine
in number, was paid by Bunchgrass
A very impressive drill was given
by San Souci lodge when they pre
sented the bouquet of asters and
gift from the convention to Grace
Christianson, president of the Re
bekah assembly.
Mrs. Grace Christianson gave a
very interesting and beneficial talk
which was enjoyed by all, and in
which she brought out her slogan
of service.
The new officers were seated by
Ada Eskelson and Edna Hunt of
Holly lodge. The convention was
then closed in due form.
The evening session was also the
official visit of our president, Grace
Christianson, to Holly lodge of Lex
ington. MRS. J. W. DYER,
Buy 5,000 Drouth Sheep;
Program End Expected
With 5,000 ewes already bought
by the government as emergency
drouth purchases the time is rap
idly approaching when no more
sheep will be taken under the
drouth program. The purchase of
drouth cattle has already stopped
and a telegram received at the
county agent's office indicates that
the sheep buying may stop at any
Anyone eligible to sell sheep un
der the drouth program should list
them at the county agent's office at
once. At the present rate of buy
ing all sheep listed by Morrow
county sheepmen will be purchased
by Friday night of this week. With
no more sheep available it is prob
able that we will lose our present
quota and the program for this
county will be closed.
The call for warrants of School
Dlst No. 1, Morrow County, Ore
gon, appearing In the Gazette Times
last week should have Included the
number of the last warrant called
as warrant numbered 2690. The
notice was inadvertantly worded,
"outstanding warrants" and did not
include the number to which war
rants were called. This will notify
holders of School District No. 1
warrants, that only those warrants
up to and Including warrant No.
2690 were called with Interest cens
ing on Sept. 21, 1934, and that in
terest will not cease on outstanding
warrants of higher number until
further notice.
C. W. BARLOW, Clerk.
Economics Specialist
To Conduct Meetings
Mrs. Azalea Sager, extension
specialist in clothing, will come to
Morrow county from Corvallis on
October 3, 4, 5, and 6. Wednesday,
October 3, she will be at Willows
grange; Thursday, October 4th, at
Boardman grange; Friday, October
5, at Greenfield grange, and on Sat
urday, October 6, she will appear
on the program at Pomona grange
at Rhea creek.
Mrs. Sager's demonstration will
be on garment finishes, making of
bound buttonholes, various types of
pockets, hem finishes, various neck
finishes, plackets, etc. On Oct. 3, 4
and 5, the meetings will begin at
10 o'clock and continue through the
afternoon. All women in the coun
ty are invited to attend any of these
meetings whether grangers or not.
Last year Mrs. Sager's meeting at
the Willows grange was very well
attended and the ladies there were
enthusiastic about having her re
turn this year.
Annual Roll Call, Life -Saving
Classes, Nome Relief, Acted
on by County Chapter.
Plans for the annual Red Cross
roll call to begin November 11th,
preparation for holding of life-saving
classes at Heppner, and anoth
er plan for helping Nome Are dis
aster sufferers, were laid yesterday
by the Morrow County Red Cross
chapter, assisted by Ralph E. Carl
son, field representative of the na
tional chapter.
To help the Nome sufferers a milk
bottle has been placed at the en
trance to Humphreys Drug store,
where contributions may be drop
ped. Life-saving classes, schedule
of which will be announced later,
will be in charge of Laurence Win
ter, physical education instructor
in the high school, and Dr. A. D.
McMurdo. The course of instruc
tion will cover a period of several
Quotas and committees for the
annual roll call are announced by
Edward F. Bloom, general roll call
chairman as follows:
Quotas: Heppner $125, Boardman
$5, Rhea Creek $10, Hardman $10,
lone $15, Irrigon $10, Lexington $25.
Committees: Special gifts and
group enrollment, John Anglin;
Heppner business district, Ray P.
Kinne; Heppner house to house,
Evelyn Humphreys; rural, Joe Bel-
anger; supplies, Joe Belanger; com
munities, Lexington, Dona Barnett
lone, Anton Lindstrom; Boardman,
Edwin Ingles; Rhea creek, Ed
Rugg; Lena, Rose French; Hard
man, Effle Stevens; Irrigon, Mrs.
W. C. Isom; Cecil, Beth Bleakman
Hynd; window display, Leta Hum
Sunday, Nov. 11, has been desig
nated as Ked Cross Sunday, and
ministers of the county are asked
to cooperate by bringing special
messages on Red Cross work that
Legion and Auxiliary
To Install New Officers
R. B. Taylor of Milton, district
commander, and Mrs. Beatrice
Christopherson of Hermiston, dis
trict president, American Legion
and Auxiliary, will be in Heppner
next Tuesday evening to install of
ficers of the local post and unit
Ceremonies will be at I. O. O F,
hall beginning with 6:30 o'clock
dinner to which all ex-service men
and ladies, and auxiliary members
and escorts are invited. Mr. Taylor
will install the legion officers and
Mrs. Christopherson the auxiliary
officers following the dinner.
Elective officers to be installed
include Elbert Cox, commander
Walter McGhee, vice-commander,
and Paul M. Gemmell. adjutant
finance officer for the Legion; and
Etta Parker, president; Cyrene Bar
ratt, first vice-president, and Ruth
Tamblyn, second vice-president for
the auxiliary.
Corn-Hog Work Done;
No Word on Payments
Final signing of the corn-hog
contracts was completed last Sat
urday with the exception of a few
contracts. These few contracts are
being completed this week and the
final papers will be sent to Wash
ington Friday or Saturday. No def
inite assurance has been received at
the county agent's office as to just
when first payment may be expect
ed. Only six corn-reduction contracts
were made out in this county and
the measurement of corn acreage on
these farms will be made as quickly
as possible. The checking of com
pliance on the farms signing hog re
duction contracts will be made as
soon as Instructions for checking
this compliance are received at the
county agent's office.
A thousand pounds of elk meat
lies wasted out on Butcher Bill
prairie as the result of the work
of some wanton hunter, who after
killing the big bull, extracted Its
teeth and left it to rot in the sun,
reports W. E. Francis, state game
policeman. Apparently the elk was
killed before the deer season open
ed and the decaying carcass has
scented the atmosphere of the
beautiful prairie with a foul stench.
Anniversary Celebrated Today on
Mr. Iter's 80th Birthday;
Married In Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Her are quiet
ly celebrating their 69th wedding
anniversary, and Mr. Iler's 80th
birthday, at their home today. It
is a happy occasion with both en
joying good health and receiving
tne congratulations of a host of
friends, who are joined by this
Mr. and Mrs. Der celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary nine
years ago, and the occasion was rec
ognized by a large party sponsored
by the Masonic and Eastern Star
lodges of the city. In the Gazette
Times report of that event is in
cluded the following history of their
marital career.
John Her and Jennie Ray were
married at Gale creek, near Forest
Grove, Oregon, on September 7,
1875. They made their home in
that vicinity for several years, and
with their family of three children
came to Morrow county 39 years
ago (now 48), settling on their farm
west of Heppner beyond Clark's
canyon, where they spent many
years overcoming pioneer condi
They have now been retired from
active life for some twenty years,
and have resided for most of that
time in Heppner. Since first com
ing to the county they have con
tinuously resided here with the ex
ception of but three years, and dur
ing this time have made many last
ing friendships.
Of the three children, two. Mrs.
William Le Trace and Mrs. George
Evans, reside in and near Heppner,
wnue one son, Roy, passed away
several years ago.
Nick Leathers Victim
Of Hunting Accident
Nick Leathers, pioneer hunter of
Hardman who has probably killed
more deer than any other man In
Morrow county, was the victim of
the the first hunting casualty re
ported in this district this season
He was mistakenly shot by a young
hunter reported to be from Win-
lock, the bullet striking him just
above and behind the knee of one
leg and making a nasty wound.
Leathers was hunting with a par
ty of Heppner and Lexington men,
including Earl Eskelson of thiR
city and Clarence Carmichael of
Lexington who took him to a doctor
at Fossil. The accident happened
over in the Notch country not far
from Kinzua. He is the father of
Miss Juanita Leathers, teacher in
the local schools.
Frank B. Cauthorn, internal rev
enue agent of Portland was in lone
on Friday on business connected
with his work.
The members of the Masonic
lodge spent several hours last Wed
nesday afternoon cleaning the lot
around their building. At supper
time th'ey were fed a bounteous pot
luck meal by the members of the
Eastern Star as a reward for their
Mrs. George Tucker and daugh
ter Maxine were Saturday visitors
here from Echo.
Mrs. Harriet Brown spent the
week end at her home in Hermis
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin took
their son Denward to Spokane, Wn.,
Sunday where he will be enrolled
at Gonzaga during the coming year.
Accompanying the Bergevins was
Mrs. Bert Mason who visited with
her sister, Mrs. Chas. Delzell, and
family in the Washington city.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson and
daughter Treva Jean departed on
Monday for their home in Los An
geles, Calif., after a visit of several
weeks with relatives here. They
were accompanied by Mrs. David
son's mother and sister, Mrs. Earl
Morgan and Earline who will visit
in California for a time.
Harold Kincaid who has been
busy with his trucking business In
various parts of the state spent
Sunday and Monday here.
Mrs. Inez Freeland, Mrs. Henry
Gorger and Mrs. Elmer Griffith
were hostesses to the Women's Top
ic club at the home of Mrs. Griffith
in Morgan last Saturday afternoon.
Three tables of bridge were at play.
High score was won by Mrs. Bert
Mason and low by Miss Lucy Spit
tle. Delicious refreshments of
molded chicken salad, hot biscuits
and coffee were served. Guests
were Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mrs. Geo.
Tucker, Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Ag
nes Wilcox, Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mrs.
Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Walter Cor
ley, Mrs. C. F. Feldman, Miss Lucy
Spittle and Miss Katheryn Feld
man. A number of local hunters were
in the mountains the first day of
the season to get their buck. So
far the only successful ones have
been Garland Swanson, Walter
Bristow and Donald Heliker.
Ted Blake was a Portland visitor
from Tuesday to Friday of last
Mrs. Miller of Salem who visited
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Garland Swanson, last week re
turned to her home Friday.
Keithley IUake of Kinzua accom
panied by his daughter Betty Belle
Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Ely are the
(Contnued on Fas Poor)
School Band and Caravan
Assist in Staging
Heppner Day.
Derby Honoring City Proves Out
standing Race; Rodeo Officials
Assist Judging, Announcing.
Heppner day at the Grant county
fair attracted near a hundred
Heppner and Morrow county folks
who enjoyed the parade, fair and
rodeo attractions on Saturday. Of
the number thirty-three composed
the Heppner school band who, with
their leader, Harold Buhman, were
loudly acclaimed on every hand.
Under the direction of R. C.
Phelps, the caravan of local cars
was formed at Mt Vernon sharply
at 10:30 o'clock. Signs painted for
the occasion by John Anglin were
tied on two of the cars. They bore
the inscriptions, "Greetings from
Heppner and Morrow County," "We
Are Glad to be Here, John Day,"
"Did You Have a Good Time at
Heppner?" and "Come Over and
See Us Some Time."
Besides twelve local cars includ
ing the school bus which carried the
band, the caravan was joined at Mt
Vernon by Guy Boyer and son who
now reside a short distance from
Mt. Vernon, and by Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Saling of Prairie City, all
former Morrow county residents
who tended their effort to making
the caravan a success.
On reaching the edge of town, the
band dismounted from the bus and
marched in the lead, the procession
making the trip up and down Main
street to the lively music while the
public address system, assisted by
D. A. Wilson, made appropriate an
nouncement. The caravan included
only part of the many local folks -'
who were on hand for the day.
Henry C. Aiken and Eb Hughes,
president and director of the Hepp
ner Rodeo, were there as race and
arena judges respectively, while
Mr. Wilson, a Rodeo director, as
sisted with the announcing for the
parade and afternoon show as well
as for the caravan.
The attractive parade started
soon after the caravan arrived, and
the local band was given the honor
of leading this also. Many colorful
floats, and a variety of typically
western entries, besides the comely
court of queen and attendants were
presented in this event The parade
led the crowd to the rodeo grounds
where awards for the winning pa
rade entries were announced and
the rodeo program proceeded with.
Well on Into the evening the crowd
was then treated to bucking and
racing exhibitions of high caliber,
interspersed with calf roping, clown
stunts, the Oliver brothers contest
for the best range horse, and other
From its specially reserved sec
tion in the grandstand the local
band played generously of its rep
ertoire, one of its pieces being the
"Washington Post March" which
was dedicated to Herman Oliver,
arena director and one of the mov
ing factors in the affairs of Grant
The last attraction of the pro
gram, the Heppner derby for which
local business men contributed $100
in prize money, proved to be the
big race of the day with six fast
horses hotly contesting each other
for a mile. The crowd was given a
thrill in the spectacular finish for
first place of the horse that got off
last in the start, coming in a head
winner over the next two horses
which finished almost neck and
By ovation from the crowd and
by the warm thanks as expressed
by Mr. Oliver and others, the band
was Indeed accorded a royal re
ception. Among Heppner and Morrow
county folks who attended were
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Hnery C. Aiken, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
French, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard
French, J. O. Turner and son Don,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bayless, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Drake, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Blakely, Miss June Ander
son, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Tenney,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGhee, Mr.
and Mrs. Alva Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. J.
G. Barratt, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown,
Lawrence Redding, Mr. and Mrs.
Jason Biddle of lone, Mr. and Mis.
Harold Buhman, R, C. Phelps, Jap
Crawford, Dr. J. H. McCrady, Gay
M. Anderson, Gay Anderson, Jr., E.
O. Ferguson, Roderick Thomson,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Horn,
Bill Shipley, Jim Cowlns, Dave Mc
Afee, Louis Bergevin, Chas. Huston,
Miller Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd
DeBunce, Helen McClaskey, Miss
Delia Ulrich, John Bellenbrock,
Miss Eula McMillan of Lexington,
and the 33 members of the band.
The largest buck brought Into
Hoppner bo far recorded was thut
bagged by Ambrose Chapin out
near the head of Butter creek last
week end. It weighed In at 213
pounds, hog dressed, for the bg
buck contest at Green's hardware