Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 20, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Edward F. Bloom received a ca
blegram from his brother In Nome,
Alaska, Monday night saying that
himself and family were safe from
the ravages of fire which hit there
that day. The Are swept over half
the city, doing widespread damage
to property. Two Eskimos were
burned to death and several white
people were injured by blasts used
in combatting the flames. News
reports say the situation is serious
with winter just setting in and food
supplies running short. The home
of the Bloom family was destroyed
in the fire, and the folks here were
anxious for the welfare of the year
old baby member of the family in
Frank Monahan, prominent local
sheepman, who has been very sick
for the past three weeks at his
home near Heppner with an attack
of intestinal flu, is now recovering
and able to sit up. His daughter,
Miss Mary Monahan, graduate
nurse, was called from St. Mary's
hospital at Walla Walla to care for
her father during his illness, and
returned to her work there Mon
day. This was the first case of
nursing Miss Monahan has had out
side of the hospital since her grad
uation. Charles W. Smith, former coun
ty agent here now with the United
States department of agriculture
with headquarters at Corvallis, was
here over Sunday in conference with
local officials on details regarding
the local drouth relief program.
Since leaving Heppner about two
months ago, Mr. Smith has been
much on the move working over a
wide portion of the state. He re
ports his family nicely located in
Corvallis, with the children in
school, and all enjoying life.
George McDuffee and Tom Gur
dane, ex-sheriffs of eastern Oregon,
the former of Morrow county and
the latter of Umatilla county, ar
rived in the city the first of the
week preparatory to going on a deer
hunt. Both men are now employed
with the State's Steamship com
pany at Portland, and expressed
pleasure at being able to take time
. off from their jobs long enough for
a hunt.
H. N. Burchell of Sheridan, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate of
Edward Burchell, was here the first
of the week, coming over from Pen
dleton Sunday, where he took in
the Round-Up. He says that it is
still quite dry in the Willamette val
ley and much rain is needed there.
Mr. Burchell was looking after some
estate matters in this city Tuesday.
Frank W. Turner and daughters,
Jeanette and Anabel, departed by
car this morning for Eugene where
Mr. Turner took the young ladies
for the opening of school at the un
iversity. Jeanette will begin her
third year at the university, while
Anabel will be a freshman, the lat
ter having been graduated from
Heppner high school last spring.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morton depart
ed the first of the week on a vaca
tion trip taking them to Portland
and other points. During their ab
sence Mr. Morton is being relieved
as manager of the local branch
First National Bank of Portland by
H. L. Clatterbus, assistant manager
of the Pendleton branch of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swaggart of
Lena returned home the first of the
week from a visit to Curry county
where they enjoyed two weeks of
outing near Gold Beach. Frank
says this is a great place to go for
good fishing and he pulled in some
big ones.
Guy Cason was among a group
of hunters from Arlington passing
through the city yesterday on their
way to the tall timber. Guy for
merly lived at lone and Heppner.
For sale cheap, two grain drills,
one 3-bottom gang plow. Can be
seen on the Burchell ranch, 3 '.4
miles northeast of Lexington. H.
N. Burchell. Sheridan. Ore. 25-27
W. P. Mahoney, who has been in
disposed for some ten days and be
ing cared for in the Heppner hos
pital, was able to return home the
first of the week.
Gordon Bucknum and Roy Gen
try left Monday evening for Mt. An
gel where each will enter Mt. An
gel college with the beginning of
the school year.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY,, SEPT. 26. Hours 9:00 a. m.
to 6:00 p. m.
MntlcB Snedal this month Your
choice of Lavendail or Voiloll oil
permanent wave for $3. Also reg
ular wave $2.50 at Farrls Beauty
Shoppe, lone. 27-29
Nestle Permanent Wave spiral
or croqulnole $3.50. Our machine
equipped with automatic timer and
cooler. Lucifte's, phone 1202.
Miss Bernadlne Eastman of Port
land is visiting Mrs. Leonard Carl
son in Eight Mile. They were vis
itors in Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marquardt,
farmers of the Lexington section,
were doing some trading in this
city Tuesday afternoon.
A general exodus of Heppner folks
last week end was occasioned by
the Pendleton lund-Up which a
large number enjoyed.
Wm. J. Doherty, leading farmer
and school clerk In the Alpine dis
trict, was in Heppner Monday on
Edwin L. Ingles, superintendent
,of the Boardman schools, was a
business visitor in the city Tuesday.
Wm. D. Campbell, principal of the
Lexington schools, was a business
visitor here Tuesday evening.
For sale or trade, Ford car, two
sets of harness and trailers. Max
Schultz, Heppner, Ore. 27
For sale cheap, 214 h. p. engine,
or will trade for lhi h. p. engine.
Bruce Bothwell, city. 26-29p
For Sale Purebred Rhode Island
Red pullets, beginning to lay. Leo
Gorger, Lexington.
Black-faced rams for sale or trade
for fine rams; 2-yr. olds. Mike Ken
ny, Heppner. 26tf.
Average salaries for teachers in
Morrow county for the year have
been computed by Mrs. Lucy E.
Rodgers, county superintendent
Elementary teachers receive an av
erage of $90.77 a month, high school
teachers an average of $111.40, and
heads of schools an average of
$184.77. The average for all high
school teachers including heads of
schools is $127.70.
Josephine Mahoney was elected
chairman of the Morrow county
chapter, American Red Cross, at the
annual meeting held in the library
Monday evening. She succeeds Joel
R. Benton, resigned. Mrs. Frances
Case was reelected secretary, and
Miss Leta Humphreys, treasurer.
Edward F. Bloom was named an
nual roll call chairman.
Published by the Journalism Class
Editor Lorena Wilson
Assistant Editor .... Betty Doherty
Sports Editor Howard Bryant
Grade School News .. Ernest Clark
Reporters: Margaret Scott, Irene
Beamer, Boyd Redding, William
Football season is upon us once
again. Our chances for a winning
team are bright, but a lot depends
on us. A good team is not made
from practice alone. It is made
from the support it gets. Attend
ing the games will not help much if
we just go to be going somewhere:
we have to go to the games with the
idea of backing our team, winning
or losing. Cheering them on wheth
er it was a touchdown or a poor
play is really showing our loyalty
to the team. Razzing our team or
the opposing team only shows our
poor sportsmanship, and is a dis
credit to our high school.
Let us, throughout the football
season, and later the basketball
season, show our team that we are
loyal to them whether they win or
whether they lose.
This year, let's fight for the team!
The Heppner High gridsters are
rapidly rounding into shape under
the touch of Coach Winter. Their
Lemons for Rheumatism
Bring Joyous Relief
Want to be rid of rheumatisim or neuritis
pain? Want to feel good, years younger and
enjoy life again? Well, just try this inexpensive
and effective lemon juice mixture. Get a pack
age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Dissolve it
at home in a quart of water, add the juice of 4
lemons. A few cents a day is all It costs. If
you're not free from pain and feeling better
within two weeks you can get your money
back. For sale, recommended and guaranteed
by all leading dntKirists. Any druggist will get
Want New Beauty Now)
"Rejuvenation Special"
A regular $3.50 Value!
Just Imagine! A $2.00 jar of Colon
ial Dames Massage Cream, an IN
DISPENSABLE year-around beau
ty aid PLUS a special $1.50 jar of
Colonial Dames Circulation Cream,
an added SKIN LUXURY that will
lend an exciting new note to your
Fall beauty routine. And you get
both for only $2.00.
Colonial Dames Circulation Cream
is a special formula, heretofore
available only through their Holly
wood Salon, and used widely by
Hollywood celebrities and socialites
who want results IN A HURRY!
Try it! Watch a miracle of love
liness take place In your skin!
Phone 554
first game is at Condon on Friday,
September 21.
An addition is being made to the
footbal equipment Coach Winter
and the managers have been work
ing on a basket room or drying
rack which works much the same
as a postofflce. When the boys get
through practicing they hand in
their suits, which are taken by the
managers and put In a space to dry.
Every space is numbered and every
boy has a number so his suit does
not become lost or exchanged with
Band Activity
All those of Heppner school who
wish to enter band work this year
should see Mr. Buhman, band in
structor, some time this week. All
students from the fifth grade up
who are doing average work in
school, have an ambition to achieve,
and will work, are eligible.
Because of students graduating
and leaving Heppner, each year
there are vacancies in the senior
band to be filled. To fill these vacan
cies, a junior band is maintained.
If a senior band member does not
do capacity work, he will be re
placed by a member of the junior
band. It is hoped that provision
will soon be made for a city band
for Heppner so that those who grad
uate from school and those of the
city who are interested will have
an opportunity to carry on band
Junior Loud Sox Day
On Friday, September 14, most of
the junior class came to school
wearing brilliantly decorated socks.
For the benefit of the student body
they had to assemble on the stage,
much to their embarrassment.
James Driscoll, Joe Stephens and
Andrew Shoun failed to wear col
ored socks, and as a penalty they
are required to give a skit at the
next student body meeting.
Benzine Ring Meets
The Benzine Ring held its first
regular meeting Thursday evening.
The officers elected for the coming
year are :President, Donald Drake;
vice-president, Betty Doherty, and
secretary-treasurer, Lorena Wilson.
A home-made telephone was set up
and tried out successfully. Mr. Pe
vey read an article on the Oregon
Caves and then told some of his
own experiences there. This was
followed by an article on "Pain Kill
ers" by Raymond Drake.
Two students who were elected to
take the place of some of the se
niors who graduated last year, are
Ed Dick and La Verne Van Marter.
These boys will be initiated and
more new members voted on at the
next meeting.
Frosh Penalties
By tradition of H. H. S. the fresh
men are required to wear green rib
bons. Besides this the sophomores
always have other rules for the
freshmen. This year some of them
1. That all freshmen girls enler at
the south entrance and all boys at
the north entrance of the building.
2. That all freshmen say the
10 Years Ago
(From The Gazette Times, Sept. 18, 1924)
"Pep to Feature Rodeo Next
Week," says main headline.
Calvin L. Sweek delivered main
address at National Defense Day
Going out to help Charley Vaughn
bring in his deer, Earl Gilliam had
the good fortune to run a big buck
from a thicket and bagged him.
Postmaster Smead will visit Pen
dleton tomorrow and take In the
address of Hon. William J. Bryan.
Phelps Funeral Home
Telephone 1332
Trained Lady Assistant
Licensed Funeral Directors
Heppner, Oregon
Shell Fish
Delicious, appetizing,
giving a zest to meal
time, are the season's
offerings of the choice
foods served here.
Drop in anytime
Pledge of Allegiance within sight
of the flag every morning.
3. That all freshmen will be pun
ished If any article or book is found
on his desk after leaving freshman
assembly room.
Glee Club Elects
Billy Cochell was elected presi
dent and La Verne Winters secre
tary at a meeting of the Boys' Glee
club last Friday.
Boys' Gym
The boys' gym class met In the
gymnasium last Thursday for the
purpose of organizing clubs. The
boys elected leaders who chose
teams. The clubs and leaders are
as follows: The Trojans, Howard
Cleveland; Cougars, Emmett Ken
ny; Indians, James Shoun; Yanni
gans, Charles Cox. These teams will
play indoor baseball for the remain
der of the semester.
Have You Ever Seen
Bill Cochell's new girl friend?
The Shoun brothers' motorcycle?
The girls' football team?
Margaret Farley introduce Louise
Anderson in English 3 class?
Paul Phelan walking with Ruth
October 6 to 13
19 Showi In One II acres undarorw
roof. Exhibit of purs-bred livestock,
Oool, Poultry, Pel Stock, Wild lift, land
Product, Manufactured Product!, 4-H
CubandSmiih-HughsiVocarionalEdw ,
cation Work) Combination Hon Show
and Indoor Rod to
i IF
p ma Mmmm mm I iti ; I
Mow Makes Eioamo ftvanHalbHe Coc
E!GuQ nOSQpI?(o)ylMlDilQS
Bullt-ln Ranges -g il
Remodel your kitchen and Ml 1 '
build into it one of th modern iS83j . ' -gr
electric ranges. 3f
llciiy . i ilXTTi Built-in Refrigerators
8Hit)- i fcHH i When you renovate your
u-S 1 es fr-rl home, don't overlook modem
j Ipr tfjjj electric refrigerator.
Farm Water Systems
You can now give your
family the convenience of an
up-to-date water system.
Built-in Lighting Fixtures
There are many homes which
would increase remarkably in
value if modern light fixtures
were installed.
"Who May Apply?
Any property owner, individual, partner
ship or corporation with a regular income from
salary, commissions, business or other assured
sources (It is not necessary to be a depositor
in the financial institution consulted). Note:
Mortgage, if any, must be in good standing
and no past-due taxes, interest or lien against
the property."
"To Whom Do I Apply?
To any national bank, state bank or trust
eompany, savings bank, building and loan
Pacific Power &
John Glavey and Marshall Fell
standing side by side?
Arleta Ashbaugh's "Dark and
The bookkeeping class go down
mWamm. HHI
No. N2'fe Size Sun Laden
2 Tins 25C .
No. 2 Tins, Garden
2 tis 25C .Se
Vacuum Packed Dated
"freshly Ground
(Quoted from official
association or finance
the Federal Housing Administration, or to a
contractor or building supply dealer."
"How Much May I Borrow?
From one hundred to two thousand dollars,
depending on your income, for improvements
on any one property. A like amount in con
nection with not more than five properties."
"How Long May Notes Run?
For any number of months from one to
three years."
Always at
the fire escape instead of the stair
way during fire drill. I wonder who
started that?
Grade School News
The fifth grade has Just organized
2 Tall
Tins ..
Uniform size
Fine quality
CELERY Special-
Excellent qualty
Sun Kist Quality
Royo Seedless
Crystal White
10 BARS 35c
30 BARS $1.00
Brookfleld Loaf
LB. ...
The Pacific Power 8s Light Company in
Its desire to assist owners of homes, farms,
apartment houses and business property who
wish to secure the benefits of the National
Housing Act offers a free advisory service in
each of its offices in the territory which it
The Federal Housing Administration
wishes to encourage the modernizing and
repairing of city property and farm homes
and make available the necessary money for
such improvements. It is possible to arrange
for credit of $100 to $2,000, payable over a
period of one to three years.
tome) of the Improvements for
which Loans are Available
Plumbing Installations
New Heating Installations
AkCetdK1onlngEqulpinnt Electric Refrlger
ktu4 be built-in of non-portable.
literature of the T, M. A.)
company approved by
Light Company
Your Strvico
the Good Helpers club with Kay
Ferguson, president, Jackson Cant
well, vice-president, and Claudine
Drake, secretary. Its rule are
based on citizenship and helpfulness.
Pack, best quality pink
25c El $1-39
TC LBS. 23c
2 lbs. 29c
4 bu25c
DOZ. Att
ULBS. 25c
Yolo Brand
M Bots. 25c
Hershey Bulk
LBS. ..
Lighting Fixtures
Horns Laundry Equipment4
Pressure Water Systems
Electric Ranges
"What Security Is Required?
Only that you have an adequate regular
income and good credit record in your
"What Is the Cost of This Credit?
The financial Institution may not collect as
interest and (or) discount and (or) fee of any
kind a total charge in excess of an amount
equivalent to $5.00 per $100.00 of the original
face amount of a one-year note, deductable in