Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 06, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 26
Subscription $200 a Year
Willows Grange Float
Awarded Sweepstakes ;
Loudly Acclaimed.
Round-Up Officials, Indian, and
Old West Reflections Featured;
Procession Announced.
The return of prosperity, reflect
ed In the very size and spirit of the
crowd assembled for the Parade of
the Old West and all the Saturday
events at the Rodeo, was charming
ly portrayed in the Willows grange
float which claimed the parade
sweepstakes prize and first place
among the organization floats. All
the products of garden, orchard and
field were shown pouring from an
immense cornucopia, with fruits,
grains and vegetables adorning the
float In profusion. Atop of all was
the protecting eagle, and standard
bearers held Old Glory portraying
charmingly the true substance of
the nation and the protection ac
corded it by a benevolent govern
ment. The float was built on a large
truck, and on the back of the cab,
serving as a background for the
horn of plenty, was an Immense
framed piece of art done in grains
by Mr. and Mrs. August Lundell, In
which were the words "Willow
Creek Grange." The whole reflect
ed a great amount of meticulous
work and evoked much acclaim
from the throng of spectators, as
well as bringing the award of the
At 10:30 as the parade started up
Main street, all cars had been clear
ed from its path, and the Standard
Oil address system was in place
with George Austin, the announcer,
at the microphone. Herman Oliver
assisted in spacing the entries as
they advanced, and each was an
nounced as it approached, the words
of the announcer ringing clearly the
full length of the street
In advance rode Mayor Jack Al
len of Pendleton bearing Old Glory.
In his wake rode Miss Inez Hayes
and Mrs. Luke Bibby, (nee Reta
Neel,) former Rodeo queens, and
Mrs. Ruth Peterson, prominently
connected with the Ukiah cowboy
convention; Mrs. Bibby in the cen
ter, wearing a black velvet riding
habit with high hat and riding side
saddle. Henry Aiken, Rodeo presi
dent rode next, in his wake Queen
Dimple (Crabtree) and attendants,
the Misses Beth Wright, Irma Lane
and Mary Cunha, and honorary at
tendant. Miss Letha Carter. Then
came Queen Shirley (Thompson) of
the Pendleton Round-Up and at
tendants, Miss Ruth Porter and
Miss Margaret Brosnan.
Then came Dr. Wilson D. MeNary,
president of the Pendleton Round
Up, followed by other Rodeo and
Round-Up officials, with the Hepp
ner school band in their bright uni
forms of purple and gold marching
in the van and playing sprightly
music to which the horses pranced.
In the wake of the band came the
floats, mounted cowboys and cow
girls, the decorated automobiles,
the pets, comedy entries, the ladies
riding side-saddle, and numerous
other entries, all Interspersed to
add variety and surprise, and to
keep the crowd in suspense for the
near hour which it took the parade
' to pass.
An attractive feature was a group
of Umatilla Indians In full war re
galia riding single file, and giving
their war whoops, symbolic of the
Old West. Symbolic, too, was the
old stage coach which once ran be
tween Pendleton and Ukiah, now
the property . of the Pendleton
Round-Up; and the ladies riding
side-saddle, three of them, Mother
Mary Brown of Condon more than
80 years of age who was awarded
the prize for the oldest pioneer
woman, and Mrs. R. A. Thompson
and Mrs. Earl Eskelson.
Reflecting more of the Old West
was Dee Cox, oldest pioneer man in
the parade, who threw seed from a
sack as he rode, showing how seed
ing was done in the early days In
comparison with the modern way,
exemplified by a large diesel tractor
and modern drill entered by Beach
Hardware company of Lexington.
And another portrayal of earlier
days was that of Bob Beard as an
old miner on the American Legion
and Auxiliary float.
Lexington grange float which
claimed second prize was hardly less
beautiful than that of Willows
grange, depicting as did the winner
the fruits of agriculture. It was
drawn by a four-horse team of
bays belonging to Oral Scott which
took first prize for this class. The
Odd Fellows and Rebckah float,
carrying a group of brightly decor
ated tots in a charming setting was
awarded third prize for floats, with
Rhea Creek grange, also present
ing a cornucopia, receiving honor
able mention. The Rhea Creek
float was drawn by a four-horse
team of browns driven by Al Berg
strom, which received second prize
for the teams.
Another pioneer who featured
prominently was B. F. Swaggart
riding one of his fine light Creamo
line Btallions, Oregon Sunrise. Be
side him rode Miss Eva Wilcox, for
mer Rodeo queen.
(Continued on Page Four)
Parade Prize Winners.
Those who have not received their prizes
Bee L. L, Gilliam at Gilliam & Hi bee store.
Organization floats : lBt, $30, Willows
grange; 2nd, $20, Lexington grange; 3rd,
$10, 1. O. O. F.-Rebekah.
Bent costumed lady riding aide saddle:
1st, $10 by City of Lexington, Mrs. Luke
llibby ; 2nd, $5 merchandise by M. D. Clark,
Mrs. Earl Enkelwon ; 8rd, $2.50 merchan
dise by Central Market, Mrs. R. A. Thomp
son. Four-horse teams: 1st, $15 by City of
Heppner and $5 by John Day Valley Frt.
Line, Lexington grange; 2nd,$10 by City
of lone and $2.50 by O'Donnell's pastime,
Khea Creek grange; 3rd, $7.50 by Pat Mol
lahan and Ray Kinne and $2.50 merchan
dise by Heppner Market, Claude Buschke.
Best costumed cowgirl: 1st, $5 marchan
dine by J. C. Penney Co., Inez Hayes; 2nd,
$2.50 by Howard La: e, Lexington, Roberta
Best costumed cowboy: 1st, $5 merchan
dise by Wilson's, Kenneth Depew ; 2nd,
$2.50 by Howard Lane, Lexington, Leon
ard Carter.
Best equipped horse: $3 merchandise by
Montgomery-Ward Co., Herman Oliver.
Best looking horse; $5 by F. W. Turner,
Florence Becket.
Best costumed juvenile boy or girl over
eight years: 1st, $5 by Ralph Jackson, Lex
ington, Catherine Thompson ; 2nd, $2.50 by
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Edna B. Rice.
Best costumed juvenile boy or girl under
8 years: $5 merchandise by Patterson &
Son, Bob Kilkenny; 2nd, $2 by W. F. liar
nett & Co., Lexington, Betty Smithurst.
Best clown with animal and equipment:
1st, $5 merchandise by Thomson Bros.,
Paul Hisler entry; 2nd, $2 by W. F. Har
nett A, Co., Lexington, Wilma Mae and
Florence Ann Beymer.
Oldest Morrow county pioneer man: $5
by First National Bank, Dee Cox.
Oldest Morrow county pioneer woman:
$5 by Pheips Funeral Home, Mother Mary
Pets: $5 by BrasherB Variety, Garland
Swanson, Ralph Jackson, Harry Dinges,
lone Cash Market, won by Ray Avers ; 2nd,
kodak and films by Gordon's, Akers boy.
Best old-time cowboy: 1st, hand stamp
ed belt by E. G. Noble, Ben Swaggart.
Best old-time cowgirl: 1st, $2.50 by Tum-A-Lum,
Kuth Peterson ; 2nd, $2 by Hus
ton's Grocery, Beulah Eskelson.
Baldest cowboy: Bottle of hair tonic by
Coxen & Chapin, Earl Eskelson.
Hungriest looking cowboy : One day's
feed at Hotel Heppner, Jack Allen, Mayor
of Pendleton.
Cowboy with longest beard: Haircut and
shave by Roy Vardley, Lexington, Dr. W.
D. MeNary.
Gold Miners: 1st, $5 by Owl Garage,
Bert Mason, F. H. Robinson, Bristow &
Johnson, George Cochran, lone, won by
Bob Beard ; 2nd, $2.50 by Dr. R. C. Law
rence, Juanita Phelps and Elsie Crump.
Celsus L. Keithley Laid
To Rest This Afternoon
Commitment services are being
held at Masonic cemetery here this
afternoon for Celsus L. Keithley,
long time Heppner resident who
died Tuesday morning at his home
in Pendleton following a lingering
illness. He was 64 years of age.
Mr. Keithley came to Heppner as
a boy four years of age in 1874, hav
ing been born in St. Charles, Mis
souri In 1870, the son of Julius and
Mary E. (Lurton) Keithley. As a
young man he engaged in ranching
with his brother, Emmet S., near
Hardman. In the Klondike gold
rush days, he spent five years in
Alaska. Returning to Heppner in
1900, he entered the U. S. forest ser
vice, being transferred to the Whit
man district office at Walla Walla
at the time the Umatilla forest
headquarters were removed from
Heppner to Pendleton. He resigned
from the forest service in 1923 to
enter the real estate business in
Pendleton with Clyde Wells, a for
mer neighbor and business asso
ciate at Hepnper, and he continued
In this business until his recent ill
ness. He married Anna (Gilliam) Stew
art at Heppner, and together they
made their home here for many
years, making a large circle of
friends and taking an active part
In the religious and social life of
the community. Besides the widow
Mr. Keithley is survived by a sis
ter, Mrs. Leora Wyland of this city,
and the brother, Emmet S. of Ono,
Mr. Keithley was always known
as a man of sterling character, up
right in all his business dealings
and faithful to every trust.
Funeral services were held at 10
o'clock this morning at the Chris
tian church In Pendleton, Rev. A.
F. Van Slyke officiating. A number
of Heppner friends of the family
attended the services. Burial serv
ices are being conducted by Wil
low lodge 66, I. O. O. F., of which
Mr. Keithley was long a member.
M. D. Clark, R. B. Ferguson and
W. O. Bayless were named on the
city budget committee at the reg
ular meeting of the council Monday
evening. They will sit with the
council Monday evening, Sept. 17,
In preparing the budget for 1935.
Application was made by the coun
ty court for a right of way for pipe
line across Gllmore street, and a
committee named from the council
to discuss the matter of obtaining
some water from the new county
well for the city. Payment of cur
rent expense bills was made. Pres
ent were Mayor Anderson and
Councllmen Jones, Goodman, Mc
Murdo and Crawford.
Notice Is hereby given thRt there
will be a meeting of the Heppner
Rodeo association in the council
chambers at Heppner on Monday
evening, September 17, at 8 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of amending
the by-laws and electing officers for
the ensuing year. All qualified vot
ers of Morrow county are eligible
to vote on matters to come up at
the meeting:
Anyone having a claim against
the Heppner Rodeo association Is
requested to present the same
promptly to Len L. Gilliam, secre
tary, at Gilliam & Bisboe store.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson, all of
their children and grandchildren,
their son-in-law and all their daugh
ters-in-law except Mrs. Lee Not
son, who were present to celebrate
Mr. and Mrs. Notson's 39th wedding
anniversary at the family home here
School Starts With High School
Crowded; Grades Normal; Foot
ball Practice Started.
With a new attendance record of
125 in the high schol and a normal
enrollment in the grades, the Hepp
ner schools opened Monday and
everything is running smoothly, re
ports Edward F. Bloom, superin
tendent All teachers were on hand
for the opening, and Mr. Bloom is
enthusiastic in his optimism for the
teaching force, new teachers as well
as old.
Some discomfort has been caused
by the heat, making Mr. Bloom a
little envious of the position of his
brother who has just got settled at
Nome, Alaska, where the tempera
ture is ranging between 35 and 55
degrees. The work is progressing
nicely in spite of the heat, how
ever, and Wm. Driscoll, janitor,
has the plant in good order.
Tuesday saw the beginning of
football practice, with 25 boys turn
ing out for the squad in charge of
Laurence Winter, coach, making
prospects bright for a good team.
The first workout was held yester
day with the boys being put thru
a tough pace.
The first game will be played at
Condon on the 22nd. Other teams
on the season's schedule are Her
miston, Milton, Pendleton and Ath
ena. Mr. Bloom reports a good
nucleus remaining from last year's
team around which the coach will
build this year.
Plans are laid for appearance of
the "Hehisch" in the Gazette Times
beginning next week, to which pa
trons may look for news concerning
school activities during the year.
An Oregon mother has the most
beautiful baby in Michigan. At
least so adjudged has been Laura
Louise Kelly, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, 2565 Tyrone
St., Flint, Mich., one of 49 finalists
who have their pictures on display
at the Sears-Roebuck building at
the Century of Progress in Chlca
go. Visitors at the fair are each
allowed one vote for their choice.
Sears, sponsors of the contest, re
ceived more than 114,000 entries
from all parts of the country. A to
tal of $40,000 in prizes will be
awarded. Winners will be an
nounced about October 5. Mrs.
Kelly was formerly Miss Laura
Burnside, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Burnside of this county.
She writes, "Seems to me it is a tri
umph for Oregon (?) Ha! Ha!"
Ralph Beamcr and Miss Mary
Gemmell were quietly married last
Thursday at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Norman Florence on
upper Willow creek, Joel R. Ben
ton, Christian minister, perform
ing the ceremony. Mr. Beamer
runs a local delivery, and Mrs. Bea-
mer is a popular Heppner girl. They
nave the well wishes of a host of
Henry Aiken, Rodeo president
expresses his heartfelt appreciation
of the loyal cooperation received
from all folks of the county in mak
ing tne 1SM4 Kodeo a success: also
to those folks from neighboring
counties whose help and support
made tne success possible.
Miss Gwen Evans of Lexington.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ev
ans, and Stephen Thompson of
Heppner, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Thompson, have announced their
marriage to be an event of Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr.
Thompson's parents.
Homer Green was doing business
In town yesterday, coming in from
the Eight Mile farm.
on Tuesday, August 28. Those in
the group are, standing at left, Lee
Notson of Logan, Iowa; top row, left
to right, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Not
son of Almira, Wash., Miss Margar
et Notson, Mrs. and Mr. Charles
Notson who leave soon for the mis-
So many former Heppnerites and
out-of-town people were herded up
in the old town Saturday that it
would have taken an expert cow
boy, indeed, to cut them all out and
get them weighed in as they should
have been.
This little, ol' cow town was
mighty all fired glad to be able to
entertain Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Me
Nary who were house guests of Dr.
and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo. "Doc"
MeNary, you know, is president of
Pendleton's big Round-Up which
comes off next week end. Doc said
he liked our little show, in spite of
the parade judges calling attention
to his beard, and in a well delivered
speech over the "mike" at the
grounds invited all the folks over
to their show. The invitation will
be accepted by maijs. you bet, Doc.
From Pendleton also came Mayor
Jack Allen, who carried the flag In
the parade and was adjudged the
hungriest-looking cowboy of the
lot. Maybe that's because Mayor
Allen is saving up for a little state
pie. He's democratic candidate for
state senator, you know.
More notables from the Round-
Up city included Herb Thompson,
livestock director of the Pendleton
show, and Mrs. Thompson, who as
sisted here with the judging at the
grounds and parade, and their
daughter, Miss Shirley, queen of the
Round-Up. Mrs, Thompson was
first queen of the Round-Up, and
her daughter is the 25th. Then
there was George Strand, parade
director, and Melvln Fell, Indian
director of the Pendleton show.
Also John Hamley, Dr. Hanavan,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kilkenny, Judge and Mrs. C.
L. Sweek, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stone,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lieuallen, many
of them former Heppner residents
who now figure prominently in the
affairs of the Umatilla county city.
On Thursday, Senator Jay H. Up
ton and friend, D. B. Stuart, of
Bend took in the show. Mr. Upton
and the late "Bob" Carsner were
the first two men to log the Hepp-ner-Spray
road from the mouth of
Chapin creek to Spray, also the Ser
vice creek cut-off to Mitchell, and
together they maneuvered to get
notice for the road, now nearing
completion. These men liked the
little show and were sorry they
couldn't stay all three days.
m w m
In the stampede also was B. F.
Swaggart who has spent 55 years of
his life bringing into being a dis
tinctive type of fine horses known
as Creamolines. Mr. Swaggart rode
Oregon Sunrise, one of the light
cream stallions, in the parade. His
large farm holdings are in the
Swaggart butte district north of
Lexington, the buttes being named
for him. One of Mr. Swaggart's
horses, Palomina, gained world
fame as a movie star with Hoot
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Whittlngton
of Bend, former Heppnerites, have
n't missed many Rodeos in the last
13 years, and were In the stampede
again this year.
And Grant county folks? Well,
say, they just flocked in, and theirs
was a big part in putting on the
show. Herman Oliver, number one
cattleman and a member of the
state board of higher education,
was one of the judges and most
helpful In many ways. Then there
was Clyde Buchanan and his fine
horse Diamond, and Sherman Guth
rige of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs.
John Carter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
French, all of whom helped with the
show, and Clarence Porter, one of
last year's arena judges, all of Long
Creek, from which place also came
Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, John
being known as the Will Rogers of
Grant county, also the Misses Ruth
Porter, attendant to Queen Shirley,
and Miss Letha Carter, honorary
attendant to Queen Dimple. Again
from Prairie City came Mr. and
sionary field in Tibet; middle row,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Notson and
daughter Jane of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Notson, and Mrs. (nee
Mary) and Mr. Vernor Sackett of
Portland; in front are Robert and
Bruce, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Proposed SERA Project Would
Give Drouth Relief; Lions
Hear Convention Report.
A project for developing water
resources on the range and timber
land of Morrow county was discuss
ed before the Lions club Tuesday
noon by J. O. Turner, relief admin
istrator for the county. Turner
said such a project had been ap
plied for through the SERA to meet
the drouth conditions existing in
the county.
The plan is to have several crews
of men put to work in the moun
tains digging out and cementing up
springs, and piping water into
troughs burned out of logs, a suffi
cient number of troughs being in
stalled at each development to wa
ter a band of sheep at a time. The
forest service has already installed
25 such developments in this dis
trict, but need is reported for many
more due to prevailing, dry condi
tions. Besides the development in the
timber, Turner said plans are also
laid to drill some wells outside the
timber, with the possible location
of one being on the Ione-Boardman
ro-.d where there are many miles
of range land without available wa
ter. C. J. D. Bauman, club president,
commended the float committee for
having the club represented in Sat
urday's parade, and complimented
the officers of the association for
the fine show this year.
Spencer Crawford reported the
state American Legion convention
attended recently at Astoria, prais
ing the address of National Com
mander Hayes, who he said did not
talk in generalities but cited con
crete instances in revealing the un
derhand work of communism in
the United States. Both the nation
al and state programs include lively
anti-communism campaigns. Other
work in which the Legion expects
to be active includes service to the
war disabled, Boy Scouts, junior
baseball, child welfare work, anti
diphtheria and tuberculosis work.
and Americanism education, Craw
ford said.
He cited the Astoria convention
as perhaps the best ever held in the
state, from the standpoint of at
tendance and accomplishment.
Mrs. Chester Saling, and Rice Mc-
Haley and son, Kenneth. Mr. and
Mrs. Chance Wilson were among
Monument folk present, Mr. Wilson
being a several-time arena judge at
Rodeo. And from John Day town
came Johnny Farley and Lester
Bodenheimer, and from Canyon
City Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Johnson
who assisted with the parade judg
ing. Such good will from the Grant
county folks can only be repaid by
Heppner migrating to John Day on
the 22nd for Heppner day at the
Grant county fair.
Gilliam county was also well rep
resented, with Earl W. Snell, can
didate for secretary of state, taking
in Saturday's show with Mrs. Snell
and assisting In judging the parade.
They came from Arlington as did
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wheelhouse,
Frcn Williams and a whole group
of young folks. From Condon came
Mother Mary Brown, early Morrow
county pioneer, and Mr. Brown,
and also noticed in the stampede
were Johnny Baker and Sid Wllll
mott. There were others your re
porter was unable to cut out of the
Rodney Keating, Portland attor
ney, came up especially to act as a
parade judge and declared he had
the time of his life. And from Bon
neville where he Is lieutenant of
guards on the big dam project, came
W, R. Poulson, former superinten-
dent of Heppner city schools.
Saddle Horse Race: 1st day, Harry
Dick $10, Kenneth Depew $5; 2nd
day, W. N. Huddleston $8, Harry
Dick $4; 3rd day, Gerald Swag
gart $8, May & Philbrick $4.
Pony Express Race: 1st day, Ger
ald Swaggart $31.25, K. Depew
$18.75, Hazel Swaggart $12.50; 2nd
day, K. Depew $30, Hazel Swag
gart $18, G. Swaggart $12; 3rd
day, K. Depew $30, Frank Swag
gart $18, Add Moore $12.
Calf Roping (Time given after
name): 1st day, Tom Woods, :25
4-5 $50, K. Depew :26 2-5 $34, Dor
rie Hinton :28 2-5 $21; 2nd day,
Dorrie Hinton :25 1-5 $55, Tony
Vey :28 4-5 $37, K. Depew :36 2-5
$23; 3rd day, K. Depew :22 $55,
Ivan Applegate :49 2-5 $37, Edwin
Hughes :56 1-5 $23.
Boys' Pony Race: 1st day, Tommy
. Philbrick $9, Lew Swaggart $4.50;
2nd day, T. Philbrick $9, Lew
Swaggart $4.50; 3rd day, Frank
Swaggart $8, W. E. Francis $4.
Bareback Riding: Jack Hartman
for Cody Dodson on Muck-a-Muck
$11.25, Tom Woods on
Roughneck $7.25, Glenn Ruther
ford on Spot $4; 2nd day, Buster
Tippetts on Weinie $12, Tommy
Woods on Roan Gurdane $7.70,
Glenn Rutherford on Spot $4.30;
3rd day, Glenn Rutherford on
Weinie $6.50, Buster Tippetts on
Lady $6.50, Duff McKitrick on
Chubbie $6.50 all thrown).
Free for All Race: 1st day, K. De
pew $16.50, Richard Burke $8.85;
2nd day, K. Depew $19.35, W. N.
Huddleston $9.65; 3rd day, K. De
pew $14, Harry Dick $7.
Bucking Contest Finals: K. Depew
on Black Diamond $100, Guy Cash
on Teapot Dome $60, Lloyd De
pew on Herb French $40; 1st day,
K. Depew, White Cloud $10, Bus
ter Tippetts on Super Six $6, Lyle
Simmelick on Lena $4; 2nd day,
Guy Cash on Herb French $11.25,
Buck Tiffin on Lexington $6.75,
Lloyd Depew on Madam Queen
$4.50. .
Two-Year-Old Race (Friday only):
K. Depew $29, W. E. Francis
$10.50, F. W. Turner $7.
Amateur Calf Roping: 1st day, Ed
win Hughes :39 $41, Bob Fletcher
:42 4-5 $22.60, Ivan Applegate :45
$13.45; 2nd day, Shaniko Red :35
4-5 $41, Ed Sheridan :38 2-5 $22.60,
Lloyd Depew :39 1-5 $13.40; 3rd
day, Pat Fisk :32 4-5 $30.50, Bill
Huddleston :38 2-5 $16.30, Ed Hirl
:47 4-5 $9.20.
Relay Race: 1st day, K. Depew $30,
Frank Swaggart $13, May -A
Philbrick $12; 2nd day, K. Depew
$30, G. Swaggart $18, Frank Swag
gart $12; 3rd day, G. Swaggart
$30, F. Swaggart $18, K. Depew
$12. (Kenneth Depew also award
ed silver bit given by Hamley &
Co. of Pendleton for best time
for three days.)
Consolation Race: F. W. Turner
$14.75, G. Swaggart $6.35, F. Swag
gart $3.40.
Indian War Bonnet Race: Ike Ar
thur 1st, Harry Dick 2nd, McKin
ley Williams 3rd, $25.
Morrow County Derby (Saturday
only) : Gerald Swaggart $60, Rich
ard Burke $40, Kenneth Depew
$10, W. N. Huddleston $10. (Third
money split between horses that
didn't finish because of accident.)
AAA Wheat Chief Speeds
Checks to Cooperators
Oregon wheat growers who are
cooperating in national production
control, may expect to receive their
second 1933 benefit payment checks
sometime in September and the first
payment on the 1934 crop late In
October, according to word brought
to Oregon personally by H. E. Far
rell, head of the wheat section of
the AAA.
While these dates may vary some
what, according to the speed of the
necessary clerical work from now
on, Farrell gave every assurance
that the utmost speed is his desire
and he backed up his words by def
inite action in approving some
changes in forwarding the compli
ance forms from Oregon, which ex
tension officials at O. S. C. believe
will tend to expedite the prelimin
ary work.
Mr. Farrell, who is making a per
sonal tour of the western states,
confirmed the official announcement
that the acreage reduction from
the established base will be only 10
per cent for the coming year instead
of 15 per cent required for the year
just ended. This amount of reduc
tion by the cooperators In the pro
gram will still permit the country
to produce, under normal condi
tions, a total of 775,000,000 bushels
of wheat, which is more than 1,000,-
000 bushels above the domestic re
quirements, he explained. With the
carry-over from this year, such a
prospective production will leave
plenty of margin for a carry-over
into the next year crop, as well as
enough to meet prospective export
The benefit payments on the 1934
crop, part of which will be made in
1935, will be the same as were paid
on the 1933 crop. Hence, the pay
ment which is expected to be start
ed in October will be for 20 cents a
bushel with nine cents additional
to be paid after compliance has been
made next year.
Robert Jones and Barbara (Ben
ton) English were married last
week at Chehalis, Wash., returning
to Heppner Friday evening to make
their home In the Case apartments.
Mr. Jones runs a local freight truck
and Mrs. Jones Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Bonton. Their
marriage is complimented by many
Ukiah's Favorite Wins
Bucking and Other
Rodeo Laurels.
Announcing System, Prominent
Visitors Help Entertain; Derby
Accident Alone Mars Show.
Amid cheers of the more than
3000 yelling spectators, a new buck
ing champion was named at the
closing of Heppner's 13th Rodeo
Saturday. Kenneth Depew of Ukiah
it was, who went up on Black Dia
mond, rated the toughest of Rodeo
horses, and spurred him to the gun
a beautiful ride, climaxing his
mastering of White Cloud in Thurs
day's qualifying event and Sleepy
Dick in Saturday's semi-finals.
Though "Kenny" has been a star
performer at the Rodeo for many
years, and has been crowned cham
pion many times at his home town's
cowboy convention, this is the first
time he has come out on top in the
many Rodeo bucking contests. Not
satisfied with this laurel alone this
year, he turned in the fastest time
in the calf roping for the three days,
22 seconds, on Saturday. Kis race
horses were also among the fastest
on the track, winning the pony ex
press race two days, the relay race
two days, and the free for all race
all three days. Prize money to the
amount of $400, and a beautiful sil
ver mounted bit for the best time
in the relay race for the three days
was his share of the booty for his
good work, and had there been an
all-round cowboy prize, it, too would
have gone to him.
Derby Accident Mars
But for everything to run smooth
ly is not the lot of any cowboy. As
luck would have it, the only flaw in
the three days performance went
against "Kenny." It happened in
the Morrow County derby, the last
event on the program, coming as an
anti-climax to the smoothness of
the preceding events. All the horses
were started beautifully at a dead
heatrthen Carf-Cox Tin the Depew
horse began to leave the rest He
rounded the east end turn, down
the north straight-away, cutting his
horse sharply into the first west end
turn. The horse's footing gave way,
and he spilled. Immediately be
hind same Ike Arthur on the Rich
ard Burke horse and Neilly White
on the W. N. Huddleston horse. It
was too late for them to dodge, and
all three horses and riders were
piled in a heap. Gerald Swaggart, -behind,
went past to finish first,
and Arthur remounted to flifish the
race, while Cox and White were
helped from the field, Cox to have
his wounds dressed by a local phy
sician. None of the riders was hurt
seriously, but it was an unfortunate
ending for Depew's fine string of
Kenny" was not without compe
tition in his own family. His young
er brother Lloyd gave him a race
in the bucking contest, when the
latter finished third with a fine ride
on Herb French. Second place went
to Guy Cash of White Bird, Idaho,
tor a beautiful ride on Teapot
Dome. Cash had ridden Buck and
Super-Six in the qualifying events,
and Lloyd Depew had ridden Mad
am Queen and Mickey.
An ideally clear autumn day pre
vailed for the staging of this year's
Rodeo, and a happy, contented
though tired throng left the grounds
at tne close or Saturday s perform
ance as Apollo's chariot dropped low
into the western heavens.
Announcing System Helps.
It had been a good show in fact
it had surpassed the expectations
of many. The single mishap was
unfortunate, but couldn't be helped.
One thing certain, the announcing
couldn't be beat George Austin
with the Standard Oil public ad
dress system, and Dr. R. C. Law
rence, local dentist, did the job up
brown, filling in the lulls with music
and humor, and Austin's imperson
ation of Amos 'n' Andy, Brother
Crawford and all the rest, was ad
mittedly worth the price of admis
sion. The spirit of the crowd was amply
testified to as it stood in reverent
silence to the memory of the late
L. V. Gentry, one of the organizers
of the Rodeo; also in its tribute to
Jack Terry, twice Rodeo bucking
champion, who lies helpless in bed
at his home In Stockton, Calif.,
from injuries received by being
burned when a hay derrick he was
moving came into contact with a
high-power line; also In Its recep
tion of C. W. McNamer, first presi
dent of the Rodeo, who served ac
tively up till two years ago, and
Henry Aiken, Mr. McNamer's suc
cessor; also the applause given Jack
French, one-time Rodeo bucking
champion who served as one of
this year's judges, when he made a
beautiful exhibition ride on Straw
berry Roan besides Its reception of
Dr. W. D. MeNary, president, and
George Strand, John Hamley, Mel
vln Fell and Herb Thompson (also
Rodeo judge), other officers of th
Pendleton Round-Up, and to Her
man Oliver, a director of the Grant
County Fair and another of the
Judges for this year's Rodeo,
There were many people present
(Contnued on Pfttft Foot)