Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 30, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 50, Numbr 25.
Subscription $200 a Year
No Main Street Parking
Asked ; Entries to be
on Hand at 9.
KOIN Orchestra to Make Bow This
Evening; Band All Set; Season
Admission May be Had at $2.
At 10:30 Saturday morning, Ro
deo crowds will be treated to one of
the outstanding features of the
three-day show when the Parade
of the Old West passes In review.
Brightly decorated floats, ladies of
the gay '90's riding side-saddle,
four-horse teams, Indians in war
regalia, officials of Rodeo and of
the Pendleton Round-Up, Queen
Shirley and Queen Dimple, and the
long cavalvcade of mounted cow
boys and cowgirls, pets, comedy
stunts, band music all will go to
make of this a stellar attraction.
To clear the way for the parade,
orders have been given for no park
ing on Main street Saturday until
after the parade, and to aid folks in
obeying the order the committee has
secured the use of a number of va
cant lots where free parking will be
All entries are requested to be on
hand near the Methodist church
corner by 9 o'clock to facilitate get
ting them in place. The parade will
form with the head at the corner
of Gale and Church streets, and
will proceed up and back down
Main street.
Arrangements for this event as
well as the other extra Rodeo at
tractions are well in hand.
The election of Miss Dimple
Crabtree of Morgan as Queen Dim
ple was announced following voting
at the final queen's dance at the lo
can pavilion Saturday evening, and
her royal attendants will be Miss
Beth Wright, Rhea creek; Miss Ir
ma Lane, Lexington, and Miss Mary
Cunha, Lena. Their's should prove
a popular reign through these three
days of Rodeo.
The Schmidt Amusement com
pany had their rides and conces
sions established at Main and Cen
ter streets yesterday evening, and
were open for business, surround
ed by a flock of longing youngsters.
And this evening Vernon Leathers
and his KOIN studio band from
Portland will be on hand for the
dancing at the pavilion, and will
preside also tomorrow and Saturday
The Heppner school band, in their
bright uniforms, will play at the
show each day, besides appearing
in the parade and at other inter
vals. They have been working over
time for the last, three weeks, and
will make a snappy appearance.
Rodeo headquarters has been es
tablished at the Frank Shively ga
rage where all show entries will be
made, and all information regard
ing anything connected with the
Rodeo will be disseminated. Tick
ets for the show will also be avail
able there each morning. For those
interested in saving on the cost of
admission, adult tickets for all
three days may be purchased for
Show admission prices are 75
cents for adults today and tomor
row and $1 Saturday, and 25 cents
for children today, free tomorrow,
and 50c Saturday.
Bailey & Babb, contractors of
Heppner, have been given the con
tract to build a new house on the
farm of Oscar Peterson near lone.
Tum-A-Lum Lumber company Is
furnishing the material.
Rhea Creek Orange
old m
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Try-Outs Reveal Likely
Looking Tophands Who
Will Go Up in Show
Some little inkling of what may
be expected to happen this after
noon, and the afternoons of tomor
row and Saturday, was given at the
try-outs last Sunday when a large
gang of fans saw some top-notch
bucking exhibitions. All of which
led to the conclusion to watch that
boy Rutherford when he goes up In
the show.
Glen Rutherford, whose home
town is Boardman In the north end
of the county, drew one of the
toughest mustangs of the lot in the
last tryout And he rode him to a
finish "a championship ride in any
show," so many said.
Five boys went up all told on Ave
different horses, ad all were good
rides, excepting that Lloyd Depew
of Ukiah miscalculated the prowess
of Al Smith and was left lying in
the dust.
It so happens that occasionally Al
just runs and kicks up his heels a
bit, forgetting to do his stuff. That's
why he was tried out Sunday. Well,
this time, he lit out lickety-split and
when he got up a good head of
steam, he proceeded to blow off. He
just natur'ly migrated way to one
side all at once and Lloyd continued
in the same direction in which Al
started, though Lloyd's momentum
forward ceased and he sat down.
A pretty fine ride was made by
Bob McDow of Dayton, Wash., who
drew a cute little bay horse with
obstreperous mannerisms. In the
snubbing process, Eb Hughes, snub
ber, just barely escaped a boxing at
the hands of this mustangs front
feet. Finally the horse was all
cinched up and Bob was up way
up, as the critter when released
went off the ground about six feet
with all four feet and a hump in his
back like a dromedary. .But Bob
Buck Tiffin, who placed second in
the northwest bucking at Pendleton
last year, and Jack Hartman, one
of the winners at the last Ukiah
show, were the other riders who
did their stuff. All of these riders
will be In the lists for the show.
P. & S. Bank Declares
3rd Dividend, 15 Pet.
J. L. Gault, receiver of the Far
mers and Stockgrowers National
bank, has received telegraphic ad
vice from the Comptroller of the
Currency at Wahington that his
recent recommendation for a third
dividend of 15 percent to the cred
itors of that bank has been" ap
proved. Checks covering this div
idend will be prepared promptly,
forwarded to the Comptroller for
his- signature and should be ready
for distribution about September 20.
With the former dividend of 40
percent released last September to
gether with the 15 percent disbursed
in February of this year, the pres
ent dividend of 15 percent makes a
total return to the depositors of
this bank of 70 percent which re
sult has been accomplished entirely
from the collection of the bank's as
sets, no part thereof having been
supplied for dividend purposes thru
the Reconstruction Finance corpor
Grand sweepstakes, $25.
Organization floats 1st, $30; 2nd,
$20; 3rd, $10.
Best costumed lady riding side
saddle 1st, $10 by City of Lexing
ton; 2nd, $5 merchandise by M. D.
Clark; 3rd, $2.50 merchandise by
Central Market.
Four-horse teams 1st, $15 by
City of Heppner and $5 by John Day
Valley Freight Line; 2nd, $10 by
City of lone and $2.50 by O'Donnell's
pastime; 3rd, $7.50 by Pat Mollahan
and Ray Kinne, and $2.50 merchan
dise by Heppner market
Best costumed cowgirl 1st, $5
merchandise by J. C. Penney Co.;
2nd, $2.50 by Howard Lane, Lexing
Best costumed cowboy 1st, $5
merchandise by Wilson's; 2nd, $2.50
by Howard Lane, Lexington.
Best equipped horse $3 merchan
dise by Montgomery Ward Co., Pen
Best looking horse $5 by Frank
Best buggy team 1st, $5 by Mc
Afee & Aiken; 2nd, $2.50 by Beach
Hardware, Lexington.
Best costumed juvenile boy or
girl cowboy over 8 years 1st, $5 by
Ralph Jackson, Lexington; 2nd,
$2.50 by Dr. A. D. McMurdo.
Best costumed juvenile boy or
girl cowboy under 8 years $5 mer
chandise by Patterson & Son; 2nd,
$2 by W, F. Barnett & Co., Lexing
ton. Best clown with animal and
equipment 1st, $5 merchandise by
Thomson Bros.; 2nd, $2.50 by Frank
Oldest Morrow county pioneer,
man $5 by First National Bank.
Oldest Morrow county pioneer,
woman $5 by Phelps Funeral
Pets 1st, $5 by Brashear's Va
riety, Garland Swanson, Ralph
Jackson, Harry Dlngcs, all of Lex
ington, and lone Cash Market; 2nd,
kodak and films by Gordon's; 3rd,
$1.50 cash.
Best old-time cowboy 1st, hand
stamped belt by E. a. Noble; 2nd,
(Continued on Page Four)
H. E. Cool Family Has
Enviable Record in
4-H Club Work.
Lee, Charles Noteon, Vemor Sac
kett Club Visitors; Rodeo Presi
dent Presents Queen.
Probably the most outstanding
record for a single family in 4-H
club work in the county ia that of
the H. E. Cool family of lone. Four
young Cools, Mabel, Opal, Alvin and
Maude, have won more than 50 rib
bons in their several years of sheep
and calf club work, 12 of the rib
bons being firsts and one a cham
pionship ribbon.
Miss Mabel Cool, eldest of the
children, displayed the ribbons and
told of the work required to obtain
them, before the Lions club Monday
noon luncheon. Present also were
Opal and Maude, but Alvin was un
able to be present due to illness.
Mabel and Opal have been in club
work seven years, and Alvin and
Maude for five. Mabel, who one
year was beaten out by only two
points for the right to show at the
national 4-H club fair at Chicago,
will exhibit at the state fair this
week end.
Another Lions club guest was
Miss Dimple Crabtree, whom Lions
president C. J. D. Bauman cited as
another champion, having won the
election to be queen of the Rodeo
starting today. Queen Dimple is a
close neighbor of the Cools, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Crabtree. To her introduction by
Rodeo president Henry Aiken the
Lions responded with hearty ap
plause. It was a day of visitors at the
club meeting, with visitors provid
ing all of the program. Vernor
Sackett of Salem, who was present
with his brothers-in-law, Lee and
Charles Notson, sang two solos
which were well received. These
men were introduced by S. E. Not
son, father of the Notson boys and
Mrs. Sackett who are visiting in
Heppner Lee and Charles after an
absence of several years.
Lee, a member of the Lions club
in his home town, Logan, Iowa,
where he is photographer and ser
vice station operator, made a short
talk in lighter vein. Introduced by
his father as the small son of the
family some 30-odd years before,
Lee's talk was emphasized by the
impressive size of his 300-odd pound
physique. Charles, a Methodist
minister, who has been in the east
for several years is in Heppner with
his wife to spend about a month
before sailing for Indo-China to
take up work in the mission field.
The "star" performer of the pro
gram introduced by President Bau
man was Dwight Misner who told
entertainingly of a recent trip to
Yellowstone national park with Mrs.
Misner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Man
kin, all of lone. Mr. Misner went
into detail as to how the transpor
tation and finances of the trip were
arranged, gave many interesting
highlights of the trip and consider
able description of the points of in
terest visited.
"Before starting on such a trip
one should have a big wheat crop,"
he said. "Or failing in this, It is
well to be on the good side of the
missus." He credited Mrs. Misner
with holding the purse-stringy and
Mr. and Mrs. Mankin with furnish
ing the transportation, telling It all
in a humorous manner. He was
somewhat disappointed in the num
ber of animals seen In the park,
having looked forward to the ani
mals as a special attraction. The
party saw but one herd of elk, a
herd of buffalo not much more in
teresting than a herd of cattle, said
the speaker and a number of
black, brown and grizzly bears. The
young of the grizzly, largest of bears
in the United States, weigh but
eight to fifteen ounces at birth, was
a bcllcve-lt-or-not cited.
A sight described as one of less
enjoyable nature, was the loading
Into an ambulance of several people
who had been badly Injured when
their car plunged over the bank of
the Yellowstone river. The accident
happened just below a beautiful
falls, and Mr. Misner surmised that
all the occupants of the car were
looking back at the falls, allowing
the car to go uncontrolled over the
Jay H. Upton, state senator and
republican candldute for congress,
arrived In Heppner yesterday and
Is remaining over today to take in
the Rodeo. Senator Upton I now
on his way home to Bend after cov
ering most of the district, and re
ports prospects favorable for his
election. He was Introduced about
town yesterday by S. E. Notson,
and was accompanied to lone and
Lexington yesterday by W. W.
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Miss Dimple Crabtree, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crab
tree of Morgan, holds the ruling
reins of Rodeodom this week
end. A charming lass of 18 who
learned her way around with
horses through a life spent on
the.farm, she was elected queen
in the popular voting conduct
ed in connection with a series
of six queen's dances, with the
final vote taken at the dance
here Saturday night. Queen
Dimple led the voting through
out as the representative of
Willows grange, her sponsor.
All Children Present After 21 Years
to Celebrate 3!h Wedding
For the first time in 21 years all
the children of Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Notson were at home Tuesday. The
occasion was the 39th anniversary
of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Not
son which occurred near Dunlap,
Iowa, August 28, 1895. It was a jolly
housewarming for Morrow county's
district attorney and his wife at
their home on Gale street, featured
mainly by a large family gathering
and renewal of acquaintanceships.
Coming farthest were Charles, the
youngest son, with his wife, who
made a cross-continent trip from
Washington, D. C. They are stop
ping at home for a month before
sailing to west China to take up
work in the mission field on the bor
der of Tibet, Since finishing his
high school work at Heppner,
Charles was graduated from As
bury college in Kentucky and has
held pastorates at several places in
the east He filled the pulpit for
union services at the Church of
Christ last Sunday evening and was
well received. Mrs. Charles Not
son is also a graduate of Asbury
college, and will deliver the address
at the union services at the Meth-
(Contnued on Page Four)
Forty-two elk in a single band
were seen by Olin and Neva Bleak
man and Miss Dorothy Lorenzen on
Penland prairie one day last week,
reports Bert Bleakman, father of
Olin and Neva, who has charge of
the Ditch creek guard station this
season. Twelve or 15 of th band
were bulls, Mr. Bleakman said.
Miss Lorenzen, a friend from Port
land, was especially enthusiastic
about the sight as she had not be
fore seen an elk. Mr. Bleakman
was In town for a short time Friday.
Lost Bracelet Sat nite at dance.
Leave at Ferguson's. ltp.
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Lena Grange
Registration Slated for 1
o'Clock Monday; All
Pupils to Report.
Faculty Positions Filled; Superin
tendent to be in Office Tomor
row; Everything Set.
Superintendent E. F. Bloom and
Mrs. Bloom arrived Tuesday eve
ning, and most of the faculty mem
bers are on hand for the opening of
school next Monday. "The usual
schedule relative to the opening of
school will be carried out this year,"
Mr. Bloom announces.
Students will assemble for the
first time Monday, at 1 p. m. It is
highly important that all pupils be
on h,and at that time. Grade teach
ers will meet at 9 a. m. and high
school teachers at 10 a. m.
Students enrolled at the close of
school last year registered at that
time. This registration is not final,
however, if parents or pupils, for
good reason, wish to change regis
tration. Mr. Bloom will be in his
office from 10 to 12 Friday to confer
with pupils or patrons regarding re
quirements and choice of subjects.
Parents .are urged to avail them
selves of this opportunity.
The teaching staff this year is,
for the grades, Mildred Peregrine,
1st and 2nd; Elizabeth Dix, 2nd and
3rd; Mae Doherty, 4th; Ethel Dale,
5th; Miriam McDonald, 6th; Juan
ita Leathers, 7th; Harold Buhman,
8th and grade school principal; for
the high school, Claude Pevey, sci
ence and mathematics; Minnie Sta-
ley, home economics and languages;
Bert Evans, English and public
speaking; Shirlie Brownson, com
mercial and music; Laurence Win
ter, physical aducation, social sci
ence and high school principal; Ed
ward F. Bloom, superintendent and
social science.
Six new teachers are included in
the teaching staff. Mildred Pere
grine, in charge of the primary de
partment, is a graduate of Oregon
normal at Monmouth with advanced
work at Cheney normal school in
Washington and the University of
Oregon, with four years experience
at Stanfleld. Mae Doherty is a
graduate of La Grande normal, has
advanced work at Monmouth
and five years experience in Mor
row county. Etta Dale is a grad
uate of La Grande normal with a
year at Whitman college and two
years experience in Umatilla coun
Shirlie Brownson is a graduate
of Oregon State college with ad
vanced work in music Laurence
Winter is a grauate of U. of O.
where he also took graduate work
and has two years experience at
Redmond. Bert Evans is a grad
uate of Oregon State college with
MA degree from University of Ore
gon where he was also fellow teach
er. Superintendent Bloom believes the
school to have a highly proficient
corps of teachers this year, and
with the plant in good shape, he
looks for a highly successful year.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rust came
over from their home at Fossil yes
terday evening to take in the Ro
deo. Clarence is driver on the John
Day bus run.
Claude Hill arrived home Tues
day from Montana where he spent
the summer with the Chas. Bar
tholomew sheep.
Mrs. Harlan Devin is over from
Condon this week, visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew
Timely Rodeo Tips
Show starts at 1 :30 each afternoon.
Entries close at 10 o'clock the night before each
day's show.
Parade of Old West at 10:30 Saturday morning.
All parade entries must be on hand at 9 o'clock.
No parking on Main street Saturday until after
the parade.
Special parking lots have ben provided by com
mittee. Parking free.
Down-town ticket booth open at Rodeo Head
quarters, Frank Shively's.
Dancing begins at 9 o'clock each evening at the
1 Donald Adkins 25 Ed Sheridan
2 F. W. Turner 26 Jimmie Farley
3 A. T. Vey 27 Homer Hager
4 Ed Hirl 28 Edwin Hughes
5 Bill Bosley 29 F. E. May
6 Rock Richmond 30 O. A. Philbrick
7 Lyle Zimmerlink 31 Tommy Philbrick
8 Ad Moore 32 Richard Burke
9 Ke ineth Depew 33 Harry Dick
10 Carl Cox 34 DavidCowpo
11 Virgil Pisquett 35 Frank Swaggart
12 Leonard Carter 36 Lew Swaggart
13 Jack Hartman 37 Hazel Swaggart
14 Ivan Applegate, 38 Jim White
15 Jerry ttrosnan 39 Shaniko Red
16 Gerald Swaggart 40 lkArthur
17 John Watkina 41 Mirle Swaggart
18 Herb Owens 42 Lloyd Depew
19 Bobby McDowell 43 Guy Cash
20 Glenn Rutherford 44 J. V. Pedro
21 Buck Tiffin 46 BuBter Tippett
22 Dave Hinton 46 Tom Woods
23 Cody Dodson 47 Bob Fletcher
24 Pat Fisk
Saddle Bucking
Rock Richmond on Big John
Kenneth Depew on White Cloud .
Glenn Rutherford on AV
Cody Dodson on Baby Doll
liuster Tippett on Super Six
Lyle Zimmerlink on Lena
Bobby McDowell on Rhea Creek
Pat Fisk on Franklin D
Glenn Rutherford on Spot
Herb Owens on Weinie
Bill Bosley on Roan Gurdane
Cody Dodson on Muck-A-Muck
Tom Woods on Ruff Neck
Amateur Leonard Carter, Ivan Apple
gate, Pat Fisk, Jimmie Farley, Richard
Burke, Jack Hartman, Shaniko Red, Ed
Sheridan, Homer Hager, Lloyd Depew, Bob
Fletcher, Edwin Hughes.
Open A. T. Vey, Kenneth Depew, Dave
Hinton, J. V. Pedro, Tom Woods, Guy Cash.
Saddle Horse Race K. Depew, Joe Bros
nan, Harry Dick, Jack Hartman.
Pony Express Race Ad Moore, Kenneth
Depew, Gerald Swaggart, May & Philbrick,
Hazel Swagagrt.
Boys' Pony Race W. E. Francis, Tom
my W. Philbrick, Lew Swaggart, Jim
Free for All Race K. Depew, Richard
Burke, Frank Swagart, Jim White.
Relay Race K. Depew, Gerald Swaggart,
May & Philbrick, Frank Swaggart.
State Woolgrowers Pick
Heppner for Convention
The executive committee of Ore
gon Woolgrowers association, meet
ing in Pendleton Monday evening,
picked Heppner for their next con
vention, announces J. G. Barratt,
association vice-president The time
for holding the convention' will be
chosen by the president and secre
tary and is expected to be some
time in January.
Mr. Barratt extended Heppner's
invitation to be host to the wool
growers this year, the second time
this city has had the privilege of
entertaining woolmen of the state.
The last woolgrowers convention
was held here in 1916 when Mr. Bar-
ratt's father, W. B. Barratt, was
association president Mr. Barratt
promised the woolmen they would
be entertained here without being
charged a registration fee for en
tertainment and has assurance of
plenty of support to make good his
Rev. and Mrs. B. Stanley Moore
and small son and Mr. Moore's
mother, Mrs. B. F. Moore, arrived
in Heppner Tuesday evening for a
visit of a couple of days with Hepp
ner friends. The Moores have been
located at Ontario since leaving
Heppner three years ago, and are
just returning to their home there
after enjoying a vacation which
took them to Oregon coast points
and as far north as Seattle. Ex
tremely hot weather had been ex
perienced at Ontario before they
left, the thermometer registering
as high, as 108.
All the grocery and retail stores
will close from 1 oclock until
after the Rodeo, today, tomor
row and Saturday... Other busi
nesses also signed a closing agree
ment but because there were some
businesses which did not agree to
close, the committee has left it up
to those signing as to whether
they will close. Today and tomor -row
the last delivery will be made
at 1 o'clock, and Saturday the last
delivery will be made late in the
There will be no closing of bus
inesses in Heppner, Monday, La
bor Day.
Starting Gun at 1:30 to
Raise Curtain on Typ
ical Western Show.
Native Americans in Full Regalia
to Vie Saturday; Plenty of
Competition Promised.
At 1:30 this afternoon the 13th
annual Heppner Rodeo will be on its
way to make new champions in
the sports of cowboys, to furnish
entertainment to the throngs of
visitors, and to give zest to the life
of all as the haze of Indian summer
drifts over the hill lands rich in
the lore of cowboys and native
Americans. It's round-up time on
the range, but It's rodeo time in
The calves are bawling in the
corrals; the wild mustangs are
tethered in their stalls, stamping
and snorting their displeasure; and
the cowboys are gathered about
awaiting their chance to match
their skill, to see who shall be ad
judged the best. And the "hot-
blooded race stock from many a
prize sire and worthy dam, they,
too, are sniffing into the air await
ing the call to the post
"He's up!" "They're off !"
Yes, it's rodeo time. The judges
are here. The city's In gala attire.
Naught but suspense awaits the
opening gun.
Hot dog venders, ferris wheel and
merry-go-round, all the acouter
ments of the carnival have arrived.
For several days the folks have
been drifting in for the holiday
and at 1:30 this afternoon the fun
will start .....
The program each afternoon, with
events announced by the Standard
Oil public address system, will in
clude saddle horse race, pony ex
press race, calf roping, boy's pony
race, bareback bucking contest, free
for all race, bucking contest, ama
teur calf roping contest and relay
race. On Friday will be added the
two-year-old race, and on Saturday
the Morrow county derby and the
Indian war bonnet race. The last
race was arranged for this week.
It will be run by Umatilla Indians
in full regalia through special ar
rangement with the Pendleton
Round-Up association.
Twenty-five of the toughest buck
ing horses in eastern Oregon, in
cluding eight from the Pendleton
Round-Up string, eight Tony Vey
norses and nine Rodeo horses are
on hand. There's Madam Queen,
Black Diamond, Muck -a -Muck,
Teapot Dome, lone, Lexington, Le
na, Rhea Creek, Herb French, Al
Smith, Strip and all the rest of the
gang, some new and others with
well known records for outlawry in
the annals of Rodeodom.
And the buckaroos? They're still
arriving this morning. But Glen
Rutherford, Buck Tiffin, Bob Mc
Dow, Jack Hartman, Pat Fisk, Tom
and Al Tibbets are among the gang
and Al Tibits are among the gang
of tophands. Then there's Kenny
Depew, Leonard Carter, Virgil Pi
quet from over in the John Day
country, who with Eddie Sheridan,
Joe Pedro, Bob Fletcher, will be in
the lists either as riders or ropers.
Phone calls and telegrams were be
ing received at headquarters yes
terday afternoon, promising other
entries who had not yet arrived.
Harry Dick and Jim White are
among a group of Indians who have
arrived with race stock. Then
there's Kenny Depew, Add Moore
and Frank and Gerald Swaggart
(Continued on Page Four)
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Lexington Grunge