HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1934. PAGE THREE George Hughes, wife and daugh ter Alma, of Vancouver, Wash., passed through Heppner on Tues day, remaining for a short visit with his uncle, Sam Hughes, and other relatives, and then to Eight Mile to visit until the end of the week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Laura Driskell. Mr. Hughes left Heppner 34 years ago and this is his first visit here since that time. The editor of this paper remem bered him as a lad, and we acknow ledge a pleasant call. At their mountain home near Reid's mill on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cason entertained in honor of Miss Winifred Austin, sister of Mrs. Cason, and her father, Chas. Austin. The chicken dinner was enjoyed by the following gusts: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and daugh ters, Jeanette and Anabel, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner and daughter Jean, Mrs. Harry Turner, Miss Beatrice Thomson, Anson Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Kruger. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Latourell and Carl and Verner Troedson de parted Tuesday morning for points east. The Troedson boys were to pick up a new Ford at Flint, Mich., and drive it home, while Mr. and Mra. atourell were to go on to Vandalia, Ohio, where Mr. Latourell expected to participate in the Grand American trapshooting tournament slated to begin this week end. AU expected to take a peek at the world's fair at Chicago before re turning home. D. A. Wilson motored to John Day Sunday to take John Farley back to his home there and the managership of the Wilson John Day store after a week's visit with relatives and friends here. James Farley who relieved John came back with Mr. Wilson. Henry Aiken, Rodeo president, also went as far as Long Creek where he transacted some Rodeo business. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor motored over to Walla Walla on Sunday, spending the most of the day in the park there. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, who were on their vacation here, had never been in the Walla Walla valley, and they all enjoyed the day in that fertile section of the Colum bia basin. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Burt of Cor vallis were in the city Monday. Mr. Burt is on the staff of the college extension service, and Mrs. Burt is a former Morrow county girl, nee Mias Mary Ganger. They were ac companied by Mrs. Burt's sister, Mrs. Henry Clark of lone, and her two daughters. Chas. Allinger was in town Wed nesday shaking hands with numer ous old friends. He makes his home near Milwaukee, south of Portland, and reports conditions thereabouts none too good. It has been a very dry season and crops of all kinds are short. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd DeBunce and John Anglin motored to Yakima Sunday to visit Mrs. Anglin, who has been in the Washington city for several weeks superintending the renovation of some property re cently acquired by the Anglins there. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and Marylou motored to Portland and Prineville Monday, returning home Tuesday with Kay who spent a week visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Schwarz at Prineville. Jasper Crawford of the G. T. force was called to Portland over the week end on matters of business. He was accompanied on the trip by J. Logie Richardson of Heppner Abstract Co., who enjoyed a visit with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith of The Dalles were in Heppner Saturday with Mrs. Pauline Quaid of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Smith being in terested in the property of Mrs. Quaid on Balm Fork. WELCOME to our RODEO dV Final Queen's Dance WILSON'S for Windsor Ties, Top Hats cV everything needed for Dress Up f JoseDh Fskelson. rjioneer Morrnw county farmer of the Lexington sec tlon, came up from his home at Sa lem the end of the week. He was visiting over the week end in Hepp ner at the home of his son, Earl Eskelson. For Sale 1 full blooded Jersey bull, good disposition; 1 22-in Case separator; 1 iron wheel wagon; 1 Democrat wagon. May trade for young stock, work horses or colts. Walter Jepson, Rhea creek. 24-5 Copper carbonate for wheat treat ing. Green's Feed Store. 23-25 Florence Becket, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becket of Eight Mile, underwent on operation for removal of tonsils at the office of a local physician on Monday. She is making rapid recovery. Miss Irene Beamer is attending the state convention of Christian Endeavorers in session at Turner this week. The convention lasts eight days. T. J. Humphreys and daughter, Miss Evelyn, returned home Sunday from a two-weeks vacation spent at Twin Rocks and Rockaway on the coast. Ralph "Bud" Benton left for Port land Thursday evening after spend ing some time at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Ben ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz who moved to Portland recently, have acquired property at 5630 NE Tillamook St., their present address. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls mo tored to Lehman springs Saturday evening, spending Sunday there. Herman Neilson, Rood canyon resident, was in town for a short time yesterday. He has finished with his wheat harvest Concord grapes ripe now. Bring boxes, pick them; 10c per lb. W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon, Ore. 24-25. Copper carbonate for wheat treat ing. Green's Feed Store. 23-25 Delicious STRAWBERRIES VEGETABLES and all those other tasty "EATMENTS" that the season provides served at all times NOW ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Sheep range for rent 3000 acres in Sections 19, 18, 24, 25, 14, 30, Twp. 2 N., Ranges 24, 25, and 640 acres at McEntire Well, Range 23. Neil Doherty, Lexington, Ore. The families of Dr. A. D. McMur do and Gay M. Anderson spent Sunday at Hidaway springs, popu lar mountain resort. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jones made a week-end visit into Yakima val ley, returning Sunday evening with a load of peaches. NOTICE I will not be responsi ble for any bills I have not contract ed myself. MARTIN STEWART. Board, room and washing for school children over 10. Mrs. Mary Howard, Heppner, P. O. box 127. 24 For Sale 20 yearling Hampshire rams, 12 2-yr.-old Ramboulllet rams. W. H. Cleveland, phone 8F11. 23tf August Tire Sale Heppner Ga rage Lowest prices in town. Good years. 21-25 Two good dairy cows to trade for wheat. W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon, Ore. 24-25. General trucking, anywhere, any time. Phone Walter Corley, lone. 26 Extra special on Goodyear Tires during August Heppner Garage. 25 For sale 12-passenger school bus. R. L. Ekleberry, Morgan, Ore. 24 2 rooms and bath, completely furnished. Bonnie Cochran. Copper carbonate for wheat treat ing. Green's Feed Store. 23-25 Canning peaches for sale. Walter Bray, Umatilla, Ore. tfp. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mrs. J. W. Stevens spent a few days of last week visiting friends on Butter creek. Esten Stevens and Harvey De Moss left on a trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Clair A.shbaugh have moved their household effects to Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren were visitors in Hardman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond MacDon- ald and Miss Zetta Bleakman have returned home from Prosser, Wn., where they have been picking fruit. Miss Nellie Bleakman is spend ing a few days with her cousin Miss Enjoy Your Trip on New Stopping to change tires in heavy traffic spoils a holiday not to mention the risk. Better put on new Goodyears World's most popular tires then your car will be safely equipped also for the fall and winter to follow Today's prices are low take advantage of them! Come in, let us fix you up all sizes all prices. Sensational NEW GOODYEAR ALL-WEA See it ! Let us explain why it actually de livers43 More Miles of Real Non-Skid. Costs more to build but no more to buy! III i I WL . L Wmm PUBLIC'S FIRST CHOICE TIRES FOR 11 YEARS Vaughn Cr Goodman HEPPNER, OREGON were VASTLY NFKIKNT A.. Mn.il. Admission to Uu (rounds reduced trom Sue to 25c, ltV Ued.1. and this Me iMaludos free general admlsslen (usually 50c) to the combined Night Shew at the grandstand but everybody pays no pnsses printed. Attend dally, help break attendance records. A?riCUltUre, Hortioultw, UvestMk, 4-H Mobs, fcadnstry. Thoroughbred Racing: S3 ZTik In 25c reserved seats and boxes (to and Roc extra. New mile trnrU. Free Double Night Show: T&r& 32 form plus a contest rodeo (ro-day-o) la the Arena. This It not hippodrome Wild West, but lough selected backers from California and Oregon Itanres. Ducking Ilrnhmas from Texas) longhora bnlldogglng (teen from Mexico) cowboys from Mexico and Canada. A varied program t suit all. General uilniisslon to night show FREE. Reserved seats Me. 1,000 free seats, free s'nnillng room for le.BoO more. L, f . A different pyrotechnlo program aaoh alght not just fire IUAIIcU work. Entertainingly thrilling beautifully Impressive. Do not miss one of the six different pyrotechnic performances nil different. I?-iImivrwf liVtiw. In case UO.I1UIUUHBH, f00t rrowas ury ana nappy. Races, rodeo, SHINE. Admission to Grounds: eluding parking, tSo. No pass-out checks. Everybody pays the reduced rate Employees, Concessioners, Exhibitors, Conteotauss, Friends, Patrons all allltA LABOR DAY-The Big Neva Bleakman at Ditch creek ranger station. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers went to The Dalles after peaches last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Brannon have gone to Salem to pick hops. Roy Ashbaugh and Forest Adams went to Condon Friday. Miss Ar leta Ashbaugh returned home with them. W. W. Brannon is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Hogue in Eight Mile. Joe Howell went to Top after his mother, Mrs. Adeline Howell. Mrs. Howell who has been ill is much im proved. Sam Johnson of Spray was call ing on Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke were visitors in Heppner Saturday. Among those attending the dance in Heppner Saturday night were Roy Ashbaugh and Arleta, Forest Adams, Owen and Delbert Robin son, Murl and Darrell Farrens, Delsie, Zetta and Nellie Bleakman, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and Lois and Charlotte Adams. Mrs. Anna Heiney spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Irl Clary. We Invite You to join the crowds at HEPPNER RODEO THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY AUG. 30-31-SEPT. 1 Phelps Funeral Home Telephone 1332 Trained Lady Assistant Licensed Funeral Directors Heppner, Oregon Labor Day Goodyears GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Thick tough Con ter Traction tread Full Over size Built with Supertwist Cord $4.40 $4.95 $5.20 $5.40 $5.70 $6.05 30x3 V4 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 5.00-19 Prices subject to change without notice State tai if any, additional t7nP of rain come see how the new 1,000- IampF0 Indoor trail keeps the and other f on RAIN OR Reduced from We to tftc. Children ttnAnF It feaa. Oar admission la Opening Da Sept. 3-8 Mra. Walter Scott is visiting friends in Hardman. Mrs. Edith Stanton of Walla Wal la is visiting her mother, Mrs. Al len, and sister, Mrs. Edith McDan lel. She was accompanied by Clyde feraber. Miss Grace Leathers is staying with her brother, Carl Leathers. Rams of Famous Flocks To be at Pendleton Sale Buyers attending the eighth an nual Oregon ram sale at Pendleton August 27 will find the offerings there in keeping with the high standard of past years, according to Walter A. Holt, secretary of the Oregon Wool Growers' association, sponsoring the sale. Among the 550 high quality ani mals already consigned to the sale lljL iifc-41glVWXl!fc Fresh Produce Prunes, apple box 75c Lettuce, 2 Hds. . 15C Lemons, fancy doz. 35c Swt. Spuds, 4 Lbs. 25c Celery, 2 Bu. . . . 15C St. Beans, 4 Lbs. 25c BACON Fancy Breakfast PER LB. ... 25c SUGAR Pure Cane 15 lbs 89c HONEY Pure Strained Oregon O PAIL ... 53c SOAP . White King Granulated PER PKG 32c 3 PKGS 95c YOU CAN Makes Summer Meals easy to prepare This electric cooker is one of the most versatile appliances you can own. It bakes as well as any oven roasts meats perfectly, cooks vege tables, stews, soups and desserts. Has Pyrex cover and removable aluminum cooking compartment. Ideal for picnics. 00 Electric Toaster How often a crisp, crunchy piece of toast hits the spot! The new electric toasters make toast es pecially easy to prepare. Many models completely automatic. Electric Mixer Whenever you have a job of mixing, blending, beating or juicing, an electric mixer will do it for you quickly, thorough, ly, smoothly. Every woman de serves one of these labor-saving appliances. SEE YOUR DEALER OR Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Services will be 25 Rambouillei rams from the famous breeding establishment of John K. Madsen of Mount Pleas ant, Utah. Rams from this flock have averaged the highest price at the national sale at Salt Lake dur ing the past 10 years, and during the current year had the highest average at both the California and Texas sales. Another important consignment is that of 35 head of what the breed ers call the "New-Rambouillet," a bred of rams with "not a wrinkle in a carload," from the Deer Lodge Farms company at Deer Lodge, Mont. This company has sold the three high studs, the high pen of five and the highest average at the two most recent Casper, Wyoming, sales. The largest sections of the sale will include 200 each of Rambouil- SAVINGS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 and 25, Inch LARD The price is soaring BUY TODAY 8 LB. CARTONS 95c 8 LB. PAIL $1.05 BAKING POWDER Clabbor Girl 2 LBS ... . 28C 5 LBS 65c 10 LBS. $1.19 VINEGAR Pure Cider Vinegar PER GALLON 23c ROLLED OATS Very special at this price 9-LB. BAG Regulars 49c MILK Oregon or Federal 12 TALL TINS 79c; CASE $3.09 .. COFFEE .. "ROASTER TO CONSUMER" AIRWAY, 3 LBS 65c NOB HILL, 3 LBS 79c DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS 57c PREPARE YOUR FOOD . . . the . . . in . . . at tC with these electric table appliances Complete Table Cookery in one Appliance This clever Kitchen Corapakt fries, toasts, broils and bakes! Takes up little room. Is easy to keep clean and economical to operate. A roaster placed on top serves as an oven for baking pies, cakes and biscuits and for t t PA roasting meats. AO 9 3 These appliances are faithful servants, too! lets and Hampshlres, with the re mainder of the 550 head divided among lincolna, romneys. Rom el da 'es, Cotawolda and Panamas. Col onel A. W. Thompson of Lincoln, Nebr., will act as auctioneer. The sale will open at 10 o'clock in the morning at the Round-Up grounds in Pendleton. "Buck buyers throughout Wash ington and adjacent territory are invited to this sale, which will of fer the finest consignment of the various breeds gathered together for any similar sale at any point in the far west," said Mr. Holt. "Per sons wishing to Improve their spec ial matings through the purchase of stud rams will find their needs supplied by this sale, and the range operator can meet his requirements of the breeds mentioned in any numbers to suit the purchaser." "y"tL "3X way you want less timtj low cosLj L Electric Casserole keeps kitchen cool You'll be proud to own this at tractive electric casserole! It cooks souffles, pot roasts, spaghetti and a variety of other delicious foods to perfection! All the heat stays in the casserole is not dissipated about the house. Pyrex cover. With removable aluminum 6.75 inset, lis: Without inset, $5.75. Electric Waffle Iron Yon seldom hear people say "I don't like waffles!7' That's why it's always safe to serve guests this delicious treat. No bother with an electric waffle iron! i Electric Coffee Maker You'll be amazed at the fresh, tempting flavor of coffee made in an electric coffee maker. Water contacts coffee only onctf Any family can afford a number of these appliances. Their oper ating cost is very small. t