0 A " 0 "; ' 3 7. .' i C A L SOCIETY i -1; l i c a v : i : o i J r. r. Volume 50, Number 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Aug. 23, 1934 Subscription $200 a Year alette STARTS TOMORROW Two-Day Event Features Products at Boardman; Invitation Extended. RIVER FIGHT WON Lions Sing Notion's Victory Sing, to Celebrate Coming of Bon neville Sealocks. The annual North Morrow Coun ty fair starts tomorrow at Board man. "Probably of even greater signif icance than the Rodeo Itself, is the display of products of the north end of the county, telling the world of a region that is destined to grow with the river development now in progress," C. J. D. Bauman, Lions president, told the club members Monday in introducing Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superin tendent, who gave a short talk on the organization and program of the fair. Linking in with the river develop ment idea, S. E. Notson, a leading advocate of such development for many years, related the latest vic tory of Inland Waterways, Inc. obtaining of sealocks at Bonneville and told of the years of work leading up to the victory. The North Morrow fair starts to morrow and runs through Saturday. Augmenting the wide array of ex hibits for the entertainment of vis itors will be good music, horse races tomorrow at 2 p. m., 4-H club dem onstration Saturday at 2 p. m., and dancing Saturday night with Kauf man's orchestra of Pendleton play ing. Officers of the fair this year are Ed Sauders, president; Mrs. A. R. Barlow, treasurer, and Mrs. Claud Coats, secretary. Directors are Mrs. A. C. Houghton, Geo. Wick, Frank Brace and Y. P. Rutherford. All open classes are open for ex hibits from over the entire county, Mrs. Rodgers cited, and people of the south end have taken advantage of the opportunity to display their products in competition with north end people. Classifications include exhibits of vegetables, general farm exhibit, fruits and melons, farm crops, bees and honey, poultry, live stock, domestic art, flowers and plants, and domestic science. Pre miums are offered for lots In each division ranging from 50 cents for second places to as much as $3 for first places. Mrs. Rodgers extended an invita tion to everyone to attend the fair. "People cannot eat power," was Mr. Notson's assertion In declaring the main immediate benefit to be derived from river development is lower transportation rates. Thru out his long interest in river devel opment dating from the time he first came to Oregon in the late '90's, Mr. Notson declared he had held transportation to be the larger Item to be considered, and he be lieved the time was now near at hand when barges would dock at Arlington, Heppner Junction, Irri gon, and at other points along the river, to carry crops of the inland country to market. "The work of the old Umatilla Rapids association and of the Tri State Development league was not wasted, as briefs of material gath ered by these organizations were presented at a hearing before Major Williams at The Dalles recently, when in my opinion, the last hur dle was crossed in obtaining the sealocks," Mr. Notson said. "In fact, I believe Major Williams was thoroughly convinced that the locks were necessary when he vis ited Walla Walla a short time be fore The Dalles hearing, and saw (Continued on Pave Four) Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford left early Wednesday morning for Astoria where they are attending the state convention of the Ameri can Legion and American Legion auxiliary, representing the local posts. The three remaining days of the week will be taken up by these conventions, which, according to reports in the papers today, will be largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Sackett ar rived from their home at Salem on Wednesday evening for a visit with the parents of Mrs. Sackett, Mr. and Mrs. S, E. Notson, Mr. Notson ac companied them from Portland where he had been to attend a meeting of district attorneys of the state. Vernon Brown came up with them also. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buschke and baby daughter are over from their home at Elgin for a visit with the relatives here. They expect to re turn home Sunday. Mr. Buschke has been running cattle In Union county for the past year and a half. The little daughter was born last Christmas. Report reaches Heppner of the marriage at Pendleton on Monday of Margaret Misslldlne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mlsslldine to Ted McDald, son of Mrs. Allen Johnston of this city. The young couple are spending their honey moon at Portland and the coast. SPECIAL SALE on Goodyear tires ends August 31st. BuV now and be surprised at the low prices. HEPPNER GARAGE. Tax Foreclosure Date Set for November 5th For the purpose of setting a uni form date for the various counties of the state in the matter of fore- I closures on delinquent taxes, a meeting was held in Portland Tues day attended by most of the district attorneys. A decision was reached to start these foreclosure proceed ings November 5, or as soon there after as possible in cases where the semi-annual Installments on delin quent taxes for 1930 and prior years are in arrears. The proceeding will be under the law passed by the legislature last year providing for the payment of delinquent taxes for 1930 and prior years in ten semi-annual install ments. The law further provides that when three semi-anrfual in stallments become delinquent the county shall foreclose. The depression coupled with the leniency of the tax-collecting offi cials were outstanding causes of delinquency, according to Charles V. Galloway, chairman of the state tax commission. More firmness in tax collections was recommended by Mr. Galloway. He also suggest ed that taxpayers be notified in ad vance that the taxes must be paid or they will suffer the consequences. This action on the part of the dis trict attorneys will undoubtedly af fect a very large number of tax payers in Morrow county. The pol icy of postponing the fatal day has been followed by officials here in the hope that financial conditions would so Improve as to make ex treme measures unnecessary, but time for action under the law now approaches and on and after the 5th of November foreclosures will pro ceed. Health Engineer Finds City Water Tests Okeh In spite of persistent rumors to the contrary, the city water is safe for drinking purposes, according to a test made by C. E. Green, engin eer with the state health depart ment who drew a sample from the city mains himself on August 14. The report showed the water to test "A" or "safe for drinking pur poses." W. E. Pruyn, watermaster, brot the report to the Gazette Times of fice to answer the many unfounded rumors that the city water is not pure. Chlorination is necessary and makes the water taste, but the quantity is insufficient to be harm ful, says Mr. Pruyn. Warrant Indebtedness Being Steadily Lowered C. W. Barlow, clerk of school dis trict No. 1, announces that the war rant indebtedness of the district, which at one time reached a peak of $51,000, has been steadily reduced and is now down to $37,000. While the figure is still high, it should be gratifying to the taxpay ers of the district to learn of the substantial reduction, and that the sum total is at a point now where the payment of back taxes due the district will wipe the slate clean and put the district on a cash basis again. ' IS BONNEVILLE GUARD. W. R. Poulson, former superin tendent of Heppner schools, is now one of the U. S. guards of the Bon neville dam project, holding the commission of lieutenant Besides keeping law and order on the grounds, the guards have the duty of conducting visitors over the huge government project Visiting hours are from 2 to 4 on Sundays. Jasper Crawford and Logie Richardson dropped dn at Bonneville on the way home from Portland Sunday afternoon and were complimented with a personally conducted tour of the grounds by Mr. Poulson. Oc casionally, some of the workers be come obstreperous, Mr. Poulson said as he exhibited a broken tooth received the evening before, but on the whole there Is very little trou ble. He had the unpleasant duty of picking up the remains of the pro prietor of the inn at North Bonne ville whose body was cremated when the inn burned down a few days be fore. He welcomes visits fom his Heppner friends. SHOWS LADAR ALFALFA. Frank Mason was in town the end of the week from his Rhea creek farm, exhibiting a sample of ladak alfalfa grown on his place, the nrRt of the species to be grown in Morrow county. The sample stands about four feet high, and Mr. Mason thinks It will go three tons to the acre. It was grown without water until the flood of May 29, but was Irrigated after that. He just finished cutting the crop Saturday. This grass comes from Russia. CORRECTION. The September term of circuit court reported last week to be held on September 15, has been slated by Judge Knowles to be convened on the 10th. He had originally planned to convene the court on the fifth, but postponed the opening until the tenth due to conflicting dates with the state bar association meeting. Mrs. Bert Kane and Mrs. Henry Happold and daughter Betty, who have been spending a vacation sea son of a couple of weeks at Seaside, returned home on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Cradlck of Portland Is visiting this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Minnie Furlong at Eight Mile. Allen Bean of the First National Bank force has returned from two woeks vacationing, spent at Aber deen, Wash., and Seaside. . Parade of Old be Gala The Parade of the Old West, the big Saturday morning attraction at the Rodeo, will start promptly at 10:30 o'clock. The deadline for en tries has been set at 9:30, and ev eryone expecting to participate must be at the Methodist church corner at that time. The deadline is neces sary in order to give the directors time to get everyone into place be fore the parade starts, announces R. B. Ferguson, chairman of the committee. With at least nine organization floats, and numerous entries for the various other classes, besides the long array of rodeo stock and per formers promised, the committee has taken careful precaution to see that plenty of competent outside judges will be on hand. Thus is as sured the impartial distribution of more than $200 in cash besides the many merchandise prizes offered by the cities of Heppner, Lexington and lone, besides the business houses of all three towns. Among the prizes is the grand sweepstakes of $25.00 to go to the best individual entry. Already acceptances of invita tions to act as judges have been re ceived from Herman Oliver and R. G. Johnson of John Day, Earl W. $1 -$20 TO BE PAID DROUTH CATTLE Purchasing Expected to Start in County Immediately; Herd Pre servation is Consideration. With Morrow county now classi fied as an emergency drouth area the government cattle buying pro gram will get under way in this county immediately. For purchase by the government the appraisals will be on the following basis: for cattle, 2 years old and over, $12 to $20 per head; for cattle 1-2 years old $10 to $15 per head; for cattle under 1 year old, $1 to $5 per head. The payment is made in two classi fications, the first called the benefit payment and goes to the producer, regardless of any liens which may be on the cattle. The second pay ment, called the purchase payments, is made jointly to producer and lien holder and must be endorsed by both. The benefit payment is $6 per head for 2 year olds and over, $5 per head for cattle from 1 to 2 years and $3 per head for cattle un der a year old. The purchase pay ment, of course, is the appraisal price, minus the benefit payment. Both payments are made at the same time. The object of . the drouth relief cattle purchase is to remove from drouth areas the cattle for which there is insufficient food and to util ize these purchased cattle for re lief purposes either as canned beef or as subsistence herds. Consider ation in the development of this program are the preservation of animals or herds of high producing quality, to relieve some of the finan cial load now carried by both bor rower and lender, and to perform those tasks quickly, efficiently and economically. The drou.th relief cattle purchase program now applies to all counties that have been officially designated as emergency." Such classification is made by a special committee in the department of agriculture at Washington on the basis of reports submitted by the weather bureau and the bureau of crop estimates, and on reports submitted from other sources through the office of the state director of drouth relief in the state concerned. The state drouth relief service in each state is authorized to buy any or all of the cattle in an emergency county that the Individual owners and the respective lienholders may wish to sell. Delivery of cattle will be at the designated local railroad shipping points, railroad and mar keting costs to be borne by the gov ernment. Anyone wishing to sell cattle un der the program should contact the county agent's office immediately ZIMMERMAN ON AIR. Peter Zimmerman, independent candidate for governor, is to be heard over KEX tomorrow, Friday evening, according to announce ment from his headquarters in Portland. Senator Zimmerman is hailed as one of the best speakers In Oregon and at this time he will outline his platform and policies. S. J. Devlne of Lexington visited the Zimmerman headquarters while In Portland on Tuesday, and was appointed publicity manager and organizer for Morrow county. He will assist in organizing Zimmer-man-for-governor clubs in the prin cipal centers of the county. Joseph L. Carter has been spend ing the last week at Heppner look ing after the interests of the Jo seph Rector estate of which he Is administrator. He expects to re turn to Portland this week end. W. L. Blakely and family, accom panied by Gay Anderson, Jr., and Miss June Anderson, are spending the week in Portland. Miss Nancy Dutton of Portland Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wightman at Alfalfa Lawn dairy. Beardless rye seed for sale at Frank Shively's. Raised near Spray, West to Rodeo Feature Snell of Arlington, Rodney Keating of Portland, and Mrs. W. D. Mc Nary and Mrs. Herb Thompson of Pendleton. The parade will be organized with the head at the Methodist church on Gale street, extending on down Gale onto Linden way as far as is necessary. The line of march will be along Church street to Main, up Main to the corner of the old power house, across to Chase, down Chase to May and back to Main street, breaking up at the point of begin ning. This year the committee expects to arrange the floats at wide inter vals throughout the parade, and to keep sufficient distance between all entries so that all may have a good chance to show. The queen and at tendants, Rodeo and Round-Up of ficials, the latter with a group of mounted Indians in full regalia, will be prominently placed. Besides the Heppner school band, the Irri gon band has ben invited to join the parade, and the KOIN studio or chestra of Portland retained for the Rodeo dances, will also take part. As the Old West passes in review, it is expected Morrow county will be given one of the rarest treats in its history. Thomson-Becket Nuptials Solemnized Last Saturday Miss Louise Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Thomson, and Mr. Merle Becket, son of Mrs. Daisy Shively, prominent young folks of Heppner, were quietly mar ried at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Benton Saturday, Mr. Ben ton performing the ceremony In the presence of immediate friends and relatives. Present for the cere mony were Mr. and Mrs. James G. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Thomson, Jr. Miss Elvena Perry of Port Orchard, Wash., stood with the bride, while Mr. Harold Becket, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Immediately after the cere mony the young couple left for Portland and Seattle on their wed ding trip, and upon return they will be at home at the Jones apart ments. Both Mr. and Mrs. Becket are graduates of Heppner high school. Mr. Becket is assistant manager of the Heppner branch of the First National bank of .Portland, and Mrs. Becket has been teaching for the past several years at Yakima, Wash. Mr. Becket is an ex-student of Oregon State college and Univer sity of Oregon, having been a mem ber of the student band at each of the schools. Mrs. Becket is a grad uate of Ellensburg normal school in Washington. Both are popular members of Heppner's younger set, who have the compliments of a large circle of friends. Corn-Hog Deal Progresses Slowly; New Ruling Helps Work of completing contracts un der the corn-hog deal of the federal agricultural control program is now being undertaken, though it has moved slowly to date, said Chas. W. Smith, former Morrow county agent now witn tne force of United States department of agriculture men working on the deal In Portland. It is the hope of the men to get the work completed as soon as possible so that farmers may receive their benefit payments. Considerable difference of opin ion existed for a time between the Oregon State college men and the bureau of crop estimates at Wash ington as to rulings which should apply in Oregon, but Mr. Smith said some concessions were received from Washington Saturday which would help iron out the differences. The state college men went to bat for Oregon farmers at a hearing Derore an assistant secretary of ag riculture in Portland recently, and were not at all satisfied with the consideration given their views at the time. More Time Allowed For Crop Loan Filing Extension of time for filing appli cations for seed and feed loans has been announced by the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Section. Ap plications will now be accepted un til September IS, thus allowing 30 days more in which to apply for such loans. With the classification of Morrow county as an emergency drouth area the amount of money obtainable on this type of loan has been increased from $250 to $400, with the provision still in rorce that this type of loan will be made only when other sources of credit are not available to the borrower. Application blanks may be filled out at the county agent's office. MISSIONARY MEETING SET. Members and friends of the Meth odist missionary society are urged to be present at the August meet ing which will bo held Tuesday, the 28th, at 2:30 p. in., in the parlors of the Christian church. Mr. and Mis. Charles Notson, who are leaving In September for Tibet as missionar ies, will be the speakers for the af ternoon. There will also be the opening of the mite boxes and a free will offering taken. All money over the defraying of the expenses of the society will be presented as a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Notson to help them in their work T-! GIVES VVIDE RELIEF Governor Myers Relates Convictions on Visit to Northwest. SECTION IS FAVORED Crops Said Better Than In Many Places; Financing Plan Pre vents Foreclosures. "Farmers of the Pacific north west may justifiably realize their good fortune in having crops which are considerably better than over the nation as a whole. While some spots show the effect of short mois ture, the general picture is much better than many places elsewhere." Such was the encouraging obser vation made this week by William I. Myers, who as governor of the Farm Credit administration at Washington, D. C, has supervision over the federal government's whole unified system of extending credit to the nation's 6,000,000 farmers through the coordinated network of Federal Land banks, Production Credit corporations, Banks for Co operatives, and Intermediate Credit banks. During the past tense months these institutions have met the crit ical situation facing agriculture by lending farmers more than $1,000, 000,000 or between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 for each working day, to stem the tide of threatened foreclo sures and provide farm operators with working capital to do their planting, harvesting and marketing a task which Governor Myers describes as the "most herculean of modern times." The gvernor has just completed a motor trip through Oregon and Washington, accompanied by three of his official staff members from Washington, D. C. A. S. Goss, for merly master of the Washington state grange and now Land Bank commissioner; S. M. Garwood, pro duction credit commissioner, and G. M. Brennan, Intermediate credit commissioner. Over the week end they made an official visit with A. C. Adams, general agent over the Pacific northwest division of the Farm Credit administration, and attended conferences in Spokane with officers and directors of the 12th district Federal Land bank, Intermediate Credit bank, Produc tion Credit corporation and region al agricultural credit corporations. Beginning in the midst of a cha otic situation which threatened to deprive thousands of farmers of their homes under a wave of fore closure, the FCA has not only thrown up a line of defense against foreclosure by instituting a program of refinancing, but has set up an or ganization now capable of giving the farmer a permanent system of complete credit for all sound pur poses whereby farm borrowers through cooperative responsibility may take advantage of the nation's money markets under low terms of interest and favorable terms of repayment. In thus building a more secure foundation under agriculture, banks and finance Institutions have also been steadied and the whole nation al welfare has been served. As an indication of the wide scope which FCA now embraces, Govern or Myers pointed out that the Fed eral Land bank of Spokane holds approximately 25 per cent of all the farm mortgage debt in its territory of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, or a total of approxi mately $131,000,000. Similarly, the 31 newly organized production cred it associations now set up locally throughout the four states to ad vance farmers funds for crops and live stock purposes are meeting the demand in their fields with a vol ume of $13,500,000. "But we have no ambition to monopolize the farm credit field," Governor Myers firmly emphasizes. "The primary purpose of the FCA is not to supplant other agencies, and we are glad to see that other lenders have begun to make agri cultural loans. But we hope their terms of credit will synchronize with the peculiar needs of agricul ture such as we are endeavoring to fulfill." Governor Myers further empha sized that the FCA is making loans only on a sound basis, adequate to serve the basic needs, but premised on a definite provision for repay ment in all cases. "Under the law we were required not merely to disburse money, but to refinance farmers' debts on a basis which would permit them to carry on and ultimately work out. "There has been much misunder standing of this refinancing pro gram. We have taken it to be our job to administer the law In a sym pathetic but fair manner. It Is not our job to bail out creditors. It Is our job to loan farmers all the law will permit if they require It in or er to enable them to meet the de mands of the creditors. "We realize also that, credit alone is not the full answer to the farm er's problem, but we are perform ing an Immeasurable service by helping the farmer to refinance his indebtedness on a lower scale so that he has a better chance to work out eventually. "In broad outline the program of (Continued on Page Four) Mrs. J. W. Becket Dies At Home in Portland Word received early Tuesday by relatives here announced the death at her home in Portland of Mrs. Catherine I. Becket, wife of J. W. Becket. Funeral services were to be held today from the Holman- & Lutz colonial mortuary, Northeast Fourteenth avenue and Sandy boul evard, with interment following in Rose City cemetery. All members of the family residing in this com munity are in attendance at the funeral, going to the city on Wed nesday. Mrs. Becket was born August 10, 1854, at Mendon, 111. She had been an invalid for some time. Surviv ing are the husband, J. W. Becket; two daughters, Mrs. Theodore An derson of Eight Mile, Miss Mary Becket of Portland, and three sons, Walter and Charles of Eight Mile, and Captain John W. Becket of Vallejo, Calif. Mrs. Becket was one of the early pioneer settlers of this community, coming here with her husband in the early eighties. Their farm in the Eight Mile section was reclaimed from pioneer condi tions and developed by them Into one of the finest homes of the wheat belt of this county. Retiring from the farm 27 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Becket have made their home at 235 Southeast Eighteenth avenue, Portland, ever since. Popular Lexington Girl Marries Corvallis Man By BEULAH NICHOLS Miss Velle Ward, daughter of Mrs. Viola Ward of this city, be came the bride of Eldon D. Wink ley of Corvallis at a quiet wedding at Heppner Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Joel R. Benton, pastor of the Chris tian church of Heppner, performed the ceremony in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Lester White and Miss Erma Lane. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother with the wedding party and a few relatives and friends present The young couple left immediately for Portland and will make their home at Corvallis. Lester McMillan received a badly cut leg Sunday night while return ing from Lehman springs in a truck with several other Lexington boys. The lights went out as the truck was going around a curve, causing it to leave the road and slide into a ditch. He was taken to Pendle ton to a doctor who found It neces sary to take fifteen stitches to close the cuts. None of the other boys was hurt and the truck was damag ed but slightly. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Camp bell arrived in Lexington Monday to make preparations for the open ing of school on September 3. Mr. Campbell has been engaged as su perintendent and the other high school teachers are Miss Shirlee Smith and Laurel Beach. The grade teachers are: seventh and eighth, Mrs. Lillian C. Turner; fifth and sixth, George A. Gillis; third and fourth, Miss Eula McMillan; first and second, Mrs. Lavelle White. The city of Lexington is cooper ating with Heppner in every way possible to make the Rodeo a suc cess. Mayor Thomas L. Barnett has declared Saturday, September 1st a holiday In Lexington so that everyone may attend the Rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and family and Mrs. Maude Pointer returned Thursday afternoon from a few days outing at Lehman springs. The Rebekahs of this city were hostesses last Wednesday after noon for a delightful bridal shower honoring Miss Velle Ward at the home of her mother, Mrs. Viola Ward. Twenty-eight guests were present and Miss Ward was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine and grand daughter Maxine and Mrs. Devine's mother, Mrs. Martha Wright, left for Portland Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and family returned last week from Pendleton where they spent a week while Mr. McMillan was having some dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Mrs. Trina Parker and Miss Dona Bar nett are spending the week in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson and daughter have returned from their vacation which they spent at New port. Mrs. Maude Pointer and son Fred who have been visiting at the Or ville Cutsforth ranch left Wednes day morning for their home at Sa lem. Mrs. Harry Dinges and son Danny returned from Portland Friday night. They were met at Arlington by Mr. Dinges and Vernon Warner. Mrs. Carolyn Kuns and daughter Ivah are visiting relatives and friends in Pendleton. Mrs. R. B. Rice spent the week in Heppner with Mr. Rice. Joseph Eskelson and daughter, Kathryn Owens, came up from Sa lem Saturday and are visiting with relatives in and near Lexington. Mr. Stubblefleld of Ukiah was a business visitor in this city Sunday. Harold Beach motored to Walla I Walla Saturday. He was accom panied by Elmer Palmer and Mur iel Patterson. Elsie Tucker spent the week In the mountains with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tucker. Archie Munkers returned from Salem Saturday morning. Mrs. Eva Lane has returned from Portland and Salem where she spent several weeks. Mrs. Bill Van Winkle and Mr. (Continued on I'atce Four) RADIO TO PLAY FDR RODEO Queen to be Named Sat urday; Chief White's Band Returning. DRESS-UP DAY IS SET All Asked to Don Windsor Tie; 25 Outlaws, Two Leading Tophands Here; Everything Set Vernon Leathers and his KOIN studio band of Portand will furnish music for dancing the three eve nings of the Rodeo, negotiations having been completed by Gay M. Anderson and P. W. Mahoney, com mittee in charge, this week, 13 the latest announcement from Rodeo headquarters to add to the expecta tions of the many folks who will make Heppner their mecca next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Not only will the famous radio or chestra play for the dances, but they will participate In the Satur day Parade of the Old West as well. The throne of Rodeodom will be filled at the final contest dance at the pavilion here this Saturday night On display now in the win dow at Wilson's store is the elabor ate black and white leather skirt which will be a part of the queen's attire. Interest waxed keen at last Saturday night's dance here, when Miss Beth Wright led the field by a large margin at her home, Rhea Creek, dance, to take a strong sec ond place behind Miss Dimple Crab tree of Willows who has led the field since the voting began. Miss Crahtree Still Leads. Standings now are: Miss Crab tree 26,100, Miss Wright 22,800, Misa Irma Lane of Lexington 19,900, and Miss Mary Cunha of Lena 15,500. No matter who wins, Rodeodom is assured a comely ruler with three comely attendants, as each of the contestants will have a place at court. To add to the interest next Saturday night, Chief White and his all-Indian orchestra of Lew- Iston, Idaho, who played for the nominating dance, will be back this time in full war regalia. To receive its comely ruler in the proper manner, all the populace of Rodeodom is expected to attire themselves in fitting garb. The committee has decreed the Windsor tie as officially emblematic of the occasion, requesting everyone to don this, and as much other, Rodeo garb as they may desire, on Satur day. Not only will the citizens be earb- ed for the occasion, but the city her self will be In full Rodeo regalia with a commercial decorator from Portland starting the work tomor row. And so the zero hour for Hepp ner's thirteenth annual Rodeo is nearing with all plans well in hand and every feature the best obtain able. The Schmidt Amusement company will be here with three rides for the kiddies. The Hepp ner School band, rehearsing daily for the last two weeks, will be on hand. The Standard Oil public ad dress system will broadcast events. There will be dancing each evening to music played by the KOIN stu dio orchestra, also with public an nouncing system. And stock and performers are already arriving. 11 Tons TNT Here. Twenty-five of the toughest out laws in the country are now In their stalls at the grounds, pawing the earth for their chance to dump tophands. There are eight outlaws from the Round-Up band, eight more of Tony Vey's wild mustangs, and seven old Rodeo performers whose names are known to all. On the roster are lone, Lexington, Le na, Rhea Creek, Black Diamond, Franklin D, Sleepy Dick, Strip, Teapot Dome, Tony, Legs, Zane Gray, George Strand, AV, White Cloud, Buck, Muck-A-Muck, Super Six, Madam Queen, Mickey, Herb French, Roan Gurdane and Wicky up. This gang represents 11 tons of TNT which threatens to blow many a tophand sky-high. But there's tophands already a' showing as believe they know how to handle tri-nitro toluene, or any other kind of explosive. Pat Fisk and Jack Hartman who headed the lists at the cowboy convention at Ukiah July 4, pulled into town last night and are ready to do their stuff. They will probably have a little preliminary work-out at try- outs Sunday afternoon. Race Horses on Way. Kenny Depew, one of the leading performers of past years, will be here Sunday with his string of race horses. Another string is being brought from Long Creek by John French, former Rodeo vice-president. The Frank and Gerald Swag gart horses are on the road, also the Add Moore horses, and Frank Tur ner, Clarence Bauman and Bill Francis each have a pony they ex pect much from. Because of Its system of making no contracts, a full line-up on per formers is Impossible. The Rodeo Is free to all comers, and last year tnere were more than 100 perform ers in all. Indications point to many more this year. To assure allaying the dust and puttng track and arena in the best possible shape, the grounds com mittee this week constructed a (Contnued on Pag Four)