Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 09, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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F. W. Turner returned home Fri
day from Portland and Bonneville.
He was accompanied by his daugh
ter, Miss Jeannette Turner who
had been in the city for some time
receiving treatment for an infected
tooth. Miss Anabel Turner also
made the trip to the city and party
enjoyed their stop at Bonneville,
where they got to see President
Roosevelt and hear him speak.
Mrs. Charles H. Latourell and
Miss Alice accompanied Jos J. Nya
on a motor trip to the coast, leav-
lng Sunday morning. Mr. Nys ex
pected to spend the week at Rock
away with his family, while Mrs.
Latourell and daughter expected to
visit for some time with friends at
Tillamook. Mr. Latourell will mo
tor to Tillamook for them later.
R. L. Ekleberry of Morgan was a
visitor in Heppner on Tuesday af
ternoon, while looking after some
business affairs. He has not finish
ed with all has harvest but reports
the yield as pretty light In the
Morgan section, however, there have
been some pretty good yields and
the advance in price lends encour
agement. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brlggs and
Miss Opal Briggs left for Portland
this morning to spend a week in
the city. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Bassett, who is returning to
her home In the valley after spend
ing some time at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Hughes.
Announcement was received in
Heppner this week of the arrival of
Edith Shirley, weight 7 pounds 5
ounces, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
McCord at Baker. Mrs. McCord
will be remembered as Miss Neva
Chidsey, a former Heppner girl.
C. N. Daley, investigator of
creameries and milk supply, was
here Monday from Pendleton. He
was looking over the local cream
ery as well as inspecting dairies
dispensing milk to Heppner resi
dents. W. R. Anderson of the Oregon
state liquor control board was a
visitor in Heppner on Monday while
making a check-up of the local
liquor store and others licensed to
handle intoxicants In this commu
nity. M. D. Shanks, district attorney
of Linn county, was a visitor at
Heppner Monday from his home at
Lebanon. He was looking after the
interests of Eugene Bible university
In lands that they hold in this coun
ty. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and her moth
er, Mr3. Ruth Stevens, have as their
house guest this week Mrs. William
Butler of Hood River, who accom
panied Mrs. Rodgers on her return
from Bonneville Friday last
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor of
Portland are guests at the home of
Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Huston. They arrived Sun
day night, coming to Heppner over
the MceKnzie pass.
Watermaster Pruyn has received
from the state board of health a
report on the sample of water tak
en from the mains Sunday, July 29.
It is grade A, with extremely low
bacterial count.
Hanson Hughes, who was in Port
land for Buyers week, returned
home Friday, stopping to take in
the doings at Bonneville and par
ticipating in the reception to Presi
dent Roosevelt.
Mrs. Jennie Routh and Mrs. Eva
Scott, mother and sister of Mrs. A.
J. Chaffee, returned to their home
at Pasco on Sunday after spending
a week visiting at the Chaffee home
in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson,
Kay and Marylou, were visitors at
Portland on Monday, Mr. Ferguson
going to the city on matters of bus
iness for Ferguson Motor Co.
Earl Gordon returned Friday
night from Portland. On the way
home he took In the proceedings
at Bonneville during the visit there
of President Roosevelt
C. N. Jones and family were at
Bonneville on Friday to see the
nresldent and view the extensive
work going on as the building of the
big dam proceeds.
Board, room and washing for
school children over 10. Mrs. Mary
Howard, Heppner, P. O. box 127. 24
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers of
Hermiston were visitors in Hepp
ner for a short while Monday.
J. S. Moore of the Alpine district
was attending to matters of busi
ness In this city on Monday.
August Tire Sale Heppner Ga
rage Lowest prices In town. Good
years. 21-25
Music lessons, all Instruments.
Prices reasonable. Harold Buhman.
General trucking, anywhere, any
time. Phone Walter Corley, lone. 26
Extra special on Goodyear Tires
during August Heppner Garage. 25
For sale 12-passenger school bus.
R. L. Ekleberry, Morgan, Ore. 24
For Sale Cook stove, practically
new. Gay M. Anderson.
Canning peaches for salo. Walter
Bray, Umatilla, Ore. tfp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Daul and
fomiiw nt F.llnn Creek. Nebraska,
have been visiting for the past
week at the J. F. Gorham home.
They plan to go to the coast be
fore returning home. Mrs. Daul Is
a sister of Mrs. Qornam.
Mrs. Claud Coats, Ed Sauders and
Mr. Edwards were business visit
ors In Heppner last Wednesday.
The Ladles Aid Silver tea was
I held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Ba-
ker last Wednesday afternoon.
Hostesses were Mrs. Baker, Mrs. A.
P. Ayers, Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mrs.
Frank Stevens. A lovely lunch of
ice cream and cake was served.
A lovely dinner was given at the
Baker home Saturday evening hon
oring W. A. Baker's birthday. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lilly
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Courtright and
Miss Mildred Allen.
The premium lists for the North
Morrow County fair are printed and
may be obtained at the postoffice
or the Red & White store.
The highway oiling crew left
Monday after being in town for ten
days. They are working in Hepp
ner now.
Mr. and Mrs. J?. H. Miller took
Mrs. Doyle Hubbell and baby to the
doctor at Hermiston Saturday to
have the baby x-rayed. The baby
swallowed a bottle cap last Wed
nesday. Eldon Wilson or La Grande vis
ited over the week end in Board
man. Mrs. John Davis of Portland is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon.
J. F. Barlow and George Blayden
were business visitors in Arlington
Echo Coats fell while playing
Monday and threw her arm out of
place at the elbow. She was taken
to the doctor at Heppner. No bones
were broken.
F. F. Klitz has been hired by the
city to pump water.
Mrs. Leo Root, Vernon Root and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow returned
home Sunday from a visit in Cor
vallis with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mef
ford. C. M. Brown is visiting at the
Floyd Surface home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Surface of
Portland are visiting at the home
of their son, Floyd Surface, this
The Alumni association gave a
dance last Saturday night in the lo
cal gym. A large crowd attended
and all had a good time. The mu
sic was furnished by the oiling
crew orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown left last
Saturday on a trip to Yellowstone
National park. They stopped In
Walla Walla Saturday night and
started Sunday on a business trip to
Idaho and then on to the park.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barlow and
Lucille and Stacy Roberts were
Boardman visitors Sunday.
A number of Boardman people
attended the smoker in Hermiston
last Tuesday evening.
George Hendrix was called to The
Hotlnn Mnnrlair hir a maaoona otatinn I
that his son, J. Hendrix, was ser
iously injured in an automobile ac
cident. A stage struck the back of
the sedan in which young Hendrix
with four other young men were
riding. Mr. Hendrix received a bro
ken hip and internal injuries.
Miss Billy Markham spent the
week end with friends at Echo. She
Is an Irrigon candidate for fair
Chas. Steward was reported as
very ill Friday night.
John and Robert Smith and
Frank Fredrickson loaded out a
car of melons last week.
Friends here will be glad to hear
of the complete recovery of Miss
Florene Brace who has been in the
state tuberculosis hospital at The
Dalles the past year. Frank Brace
motored to The Dalles Wednesday,
returning with his daughter Thurs
day. Quite a crowd gathered in Irri
gon Friday evening to view the
special train that carried our Presi
dent, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to his
home in the east. Several motored
to Umatilla where the President
was expected to make a short stop.
Chester Wilson motored to Yak
ima one day last week, returning
with a load of peaches which he
sold in this vicinity.
Art Eisle is working on the school
house at Boardman.
Mrs. Bessie Wisdom and son
Bishop left Friday for Freewater
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Lamoreaux
were called by wire to the bedside
of their daughter Virginia at Yak
ima Saturday mornnig. She had a
serious attack of appendicitis and
was to be operated on at once. Vir
ginia, or Mrs. Charles Vanderlinde,
has had numerous attacks of ap
pendicitis the past year.
Mrs. Jess Oliver and daughter
Ethel left Sunday for Goldendale,
Wash., to visit her mother, Mrs.
Gus Hallett.
Dr. Houser of Walla Walla was
an Irrigon visitor Friday.
Mrs. Ray Brown and children
went by stage to Eugene Sunday to
visit her parents. C. F. Sparks who
had been visiting his daughter's
family returned to Eugene with
Mrs. Leicht and daughter Nellie
motored to Walla Walla Friday.
Bobby Brace, Frankie Leicht and
John Swearingen, Boy Scouts, went
by bike to Hermiston Saturday
where they camped out, returning
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson were
visiting at the home of Mrs. John
MacDonald on Monday."
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and
daughter Jean and Mrs. Frank Mc
Daniel were business visitors in
Heppner Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams re
turned home from Walla Walla
where Mr. Adams has been a pa
tient in the veterans' hospital. Miss
Zetta Bleakman has been staying
at the ranch and cooking for the
harvesters during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave
are enjoying a fishing trip to Dia
mond lake.
Among those attending the dance
at Lonerock Saturday night were
Mr. and Mr3. Carey Hastings, Roy
10 Years Ago
(From The Gazette Times. Auk. 14, 1924)
The Turner clan gathered In con
siderable numbers at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Turner on Wednesday and celebrat
ed the 40th wedding anniversary of
that worthy couple.
At the close of the August term
of county court held during last
week, Commissioner Benge ten
dered his resignation as a member
of the court and same was accept
ed. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek depart
ed on Sunday for Tillamook where
Mr. Sweek is taking in the Elks
convention this week. They were
accompanied by Miss Marjorie
Phelps Funeral Home
Telephone 1332
Trained Lady Assistant
Licensed Funeral Directors
Heppner, Oregon
and all those
other tasty
that the season
provides served
at all times
Penneys for Tested QuatyjftS
Com fhrt-Loncfwear-Lo w Price!
r t
Tested Quality! "Oxhide"
Full cut not skimped!.
Stronger because they're triple
Btitched I Bar-tacked and reinforced !
Highest standard 2:20 denim I Built
a to wear and wearl 8 deep pockets I
1 HSP-
Heavy 2-20 den
ims, triple
stitched bar
tacked. Full cut.
Boyf 'sites 89c.
Men's Work SOCKS
Heavy Weight!
B ue and brown
mixed; heavy
weight cotton.
White top, toe
and heel. A buy.
Men's Work Shoes
Wide widttu!
Double tanned I
Weatherproof I
Goodyear weltl
Leather soles.
Robber heels.
Men's Coat Sweaters
50 Wool!
Long-sleeve, V
neck style with
two patch pock
ets. 36-46. Solid
or heather.
J. G. Penney Go.
Could YOU stop
in time
Goodyears GRIP best,
STOP quickest! . . .NEW
When you "G-3" your wheels
look what you get No Ex
tra Cost! Flatter, wider All
Weather Tread. More Center
Traction (16 more non-skid
blocks). Heavier Tougher
Tread. Supertwist Cord Body
and 43 More Miles of real
r Speedway
uooayear apeeaway
Tough thick Center Trac-
J D..M ...11. V-
iiun iicuu. duiii nun
Supertwist Cord. Full
Oversize. Lifetime guar
4.40-21 4.75-19
$4.95 $5.70
OthtralzM In proportion. Expert
tlrt mounting.
Price subject to ch.nile without
notice. State tax. If any, additional
v i ..i aim
..4 v imjiK
I tot Al-"
Vaughn & Goodman
Heppner, Oregon
Ashbaugh, Forest Adams, Elmer
Steers, Delcie, Nellie and Zetta
Bleakman, Delbert Robinson and
Al Lovgren.
B. F. Devore has gone to The
Dalles to spend a few weeks. Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Barnard came up
after him.
Hollie Leathers is visiting at the
home of his son, Carl Leathers.
A $500.00 reward will be paid for
information leading to the arrest
and conviction of the person or
persons who set fire to the hay
stacks of Tom Boylen, Jr., on the
Vey ranch about 12 miles South of
Echo, Oregon, on July 19, 1934, at
two o'clock a. m.
22-23 RITA VEY.
C. M. Bentley, examiner of oper
ators and chauffeurs from the office
of P. J. Stadelman, secretary of
state, will be in Heppner Saturday,
August 11, between the hours of 9
a. m. and 5 p. m. All those wishing
licenses or permits to drive cars
are asked to get in touch with Mr.
Bentley at that time.
Miss Kathleen Decker and Miss
Rose Witz of San Francisco are
house guests this week of Mrs. Or
rin Furong, arriving last week end.
The young ladies are friends of
Mrs. Furlong's with whom she
gained acquaintance while working
in San Francisco a few years ago.
Wanted second-hand saddle. If
you have a good second-hand sad
dle for sale, see E. O. Noble. tf.
Notice of sale of animals.
Notice Is hereby sjtven by virtue
of the laws of tha State of Oregon
that I have taken up at my place,
1 12 miles SW of lone, the following
described animals, and that I will,
on Saturday, August 18, 1934, at said
place, at 10 oclock A. M. of said
day, offer for sale and sell said ani
mals to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, subject to the right of re
demption of the owner or owners
thereof. Said animals are describ
ed as follows:
1 bay mare, 1100 or 1200 lbs., 4
white feet, branded bar over JK on
right shoulder.
1 gray gelding, 1100 or 1200 lbs.,
branded AL connected on left
1 bay mare, 1350 lbs., indistinct
21-23 lone, Oregon.
. - - .. iisieian i isilJi-J- t.
) ::
Fancy Breakfast, Swift quality
LB. .
DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS. . 57c Get Today-
Vacuum Packed
IXL Brand in Mushroom Sauce
17-oz. tins
3, 25c
C. & H. Brand in glass jars
32 oz. Sweet, fancy 39c
32 oz. Dills, fancy 29c
BANANAS, 3 Lbs 25c
Lettuce, large hds., 2 for 15C
No. 1 quality, last call at this price
Large bars Laundry, several brands
10 BARS 23c
Clabbor Girl
32-oz. Size 28c
5-Lb. Tin 65c
NO. 10
. . . .$l.00
z&ig (reduced! I
f rm UAnn Amount
To the savings
effected by Chevrolet 8 great
economy, rugged construction and outstanding
dependability has recently been added a saving
of as much as $'0 in the purchase price. And you
still get the same features that have made Chev
rolet trucks so popular in every hauling field
the valve-in-hcad, six-cylinder engine the sturdy
bodies the exceptionally heavy frame, axle, and
transmission. Your Chevrolet dealer will gladly
show you how these Chevrolet features can help
to reduce your hauling costs.
Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy ,
G. M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Value
Utility Long Chassis . . $515 $50
Dual Lone Chassis ... 535 50
Utility Chassis and Cab . 575 50
Dual Chassis and Cab. . 595 50
Utility Long Chassis
and Cab 605 50
Dual Long Chassis
and Cab 625 50
Utility Panel 750 50
Dual Cab and Stake Body 680 50
Dual Long Cab and
Stake Body 740 50
Above are list prices of
commercial cars f. o. b.
at Flint, Mich. Special
equipment extra. Prices
subject to change with.
mit noting