PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1934. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March S0.18S3; THE HEFPNEH TIMES. Established November 1& 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB and SPENCEB CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner. Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING SATES GIVEN OH APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months Three Months Single Copies $2.00 1.00 151 Official Paper for Morrow County "Golden Autumn for Aged I TTOPIAN in the extreme is the J plan of Dr. F. E. Townsend of Long Beach, Cal., to establish a sys tem of old age revolving pensions that would give every deserving person over the age of 60 a livable income and stimulate business of the country in a manner to assure perpetual prosperity for all. A plan with such high ideals makes a deep appeal to everyone, and is deserving much study to find if it truly has merit It would be foolish to dismiss such a plan as impossible without thoroughly analyzing its workability. Certain ly, if it is workable it should be put into effect post haste. At first glance the plan does seem impossible. It appears to be ere ating something from nothing- still, we are intrigued enough by the idea to play with it a bit. Senator Patman gained a wide spread following when he proposed a similar plan before the last ses sion of congress. Like Dr. Town send, he believed that placing mon ey in the hands of a widely distrib uted class would stimulate buying and bring back prosperity. The Patman and Townsend plans differ in this respect only as to the peo pie in whose hands the money should be placed. Senator Patman would distribute the money to World War veterans, Dr. Townsend to the deserving aged folks. Senator Patman's plan was de feated on the accusation of class legislation. Dr. Townsend's plan might be attacked on the same score but while today the aged may be in a class by themselves, eventually all will join the class unless they shall reach a sooner reward. It is a strong indictment against civilization that old age and pov erty must be synonymous. Such has been the case through the ages, and so far little has been done to erase the indictment. Even today in the United States only eight percent of the people who reach the age of 60 have retained a competence suffi . cient, or are able to earn an in come large enough to make them self-sustaining. Of the other 92 percent, 85 percent depend at least partly on relatives, while the re maining are dependent wholly up on public and private charity. Such a situation does hot afford a rosy prospect for the people generally. Old age under the present system is "the bleak winter of life" as des cribed by the author of the revolv ing pension plan. How much better a "golden au tumn" if such could be attained. To attain it the individual would have to lead a life free from habitual crime. That is a feature which should discourage many with crim inal tendencies. Whether the plan would have the effect of undermining individual in itiative is questionable. Under some of the paternalism already displayed by the New Deal, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people who believe the government will take care of them despite their own efforts to produce. This class might now NOTICE OF HEARING DISTRICT MEMBER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a budget committee of the Non high School District of Morrow County, State of Oregon, at a meeting of said committee held on the 30th day of July, 1934, prepared an esti mate in detail of the amount of money proposed to be expended by said Non-high School District for all purposes during the fiscal school year beginning June 19, 1934, and ending June 17, 1935, and an estimate In de tail of the probable receipts of said Non-high School District from all sources for the school year 1934, 1935. The Board of Education of said Non-high School District has fixed the 25th day of. August, 1934, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place at which said estimates may be discussed with the Board of Education of said Non-high School District, at which time and place any and all persons interested will be heard for or against said tax levy or any part thereof. That said estimates and attached original estimate sheets are on file in the office of the County Superintendent of Schools and are there open to the inspection of all persons interested therein, and the same are by reference made a part thereof. KKCKIPTS Cash on hand at the beginning of the is made Amounts received from other sources KXPEXDITTKKS Tuition - Transportation ... Printing - - Travel Expenses of the Board Members Interest on Warrants - - Emergency TOTAL EXPENDITURES ItKCA PITULATION Total Receipts -.. -.. Total Expenditures DIFFERENCE (Amount to be raised by tax on the Morrow County Non-high School District) $16,400.00 Dated this 30th day of July, 1934. E. E. RUGG, Chairman, Budget Committee. ELMER GRIFFITH, Secretary, Budget Committee. see where they would be "set up for life," obviating necessity for them ever doing anything for themselves, or for society generally. Herein lies much of the fault in all socially idealistic plans. People generally have not been educated to the fact that government is noth ing more than the people who com pose it, and that if none contributed to the government pot there would be no pot for anyone to take from. There is also a question about the feature of the plan which provides for the issuance of two billion dol lars of additional currency to put the plan into effect Inflation of the currency beyond a point where collateral exists to sustain its value has the effect only of cheapening the existing currency in an amount equal to the excess, resulting in commodity price raises to offset the advantage expected to be gained. Still the United States might stand a two billion dollar inflation with out dire consequences. As for a 10 percent sales tax, it would undoubtedly work a great hardship on people with small in comes, who would have to pay the high tax for sometime before they would be reflected benefit from the plan if it did work. But in order for the plan to work at all it could have but one effect the taking from those who have, and giving it to those who haven't, for it would create no new wealth. There is nothing alarming in this, either, for the United States has plenty for all to enjoy a much high er standard of life if it were proper ly distributed. PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Niell and daughter, Mrs. Amy Claxton, who have been visiting on Butter creek with relatives for several weeks left Monday for their homes in Buffalo and Springfield, Missouri. The Pine City school board held a meeting Monday afternoon to de termine who would drive the school busses for the coming year. Burl Wattenburger will drive the bus up Little Butter creek and Earle Wat tenburger will drive the bus up Big Butter creek. Mrs. Ollie Neil left Sunday morn ing for a visit with her niece, Mrs. A. J. Castello in Portland. A party was given at the C. H. Bartholomew home Saturday eve ning in honor of Mrs. Bartholo mew's 60th birthday. A large crowd was present and very delicious ice cream and cakes were served as re freshments. C. H. Ayers and family were Hermiston business visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wattenbur ger and daughter Ina of Oakland, Calif., called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Mrs. Ollie Neill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and children, Isabella, James and Mal colm, were in Pendleton Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdall of Pendleton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger Sunday. Marion Finch and T. J. O'Brien attended a meeting of the Pleasant Point grange Saturday evening. Mrs. A. J. Vey and Bobby Schil ler and Miss Croala Schiller mo tored to Pendleton Saturday. Miss Alma Neill left Saturday morning with Mrs. Burl Coxen and children of Heppher for a week's visit with relatives in Bend. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and sons Gor don and James and Miss Oleta Neill were in Hermiston on business on Wednesday. C. H. Bartholomew accompanied by Marie and Cecelia Healy, mo tored to Heppner Saturday. Marie and Cecelia stayed with relatives and Mrs. Mary Bartholomew ac companied her son home, return ing to Heppner Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters Oleta and Lenna called at the A. E. Wattenburger home on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers called on C. H. Ayer3 Sunday afternoon. Miss Berdena Bowman is now staying with Mrs. E. B. Wattenbur ger. Gordon, Pat and Katherine O' Erien stayed at the Mrs. Ollie Neill home while their parents were in Pendleton Thursday. Earl Wattenburger was a business visitor in Echo Friday. Mrs. Truman Sethers and daugh ter Phoebe who have been visiting ON NON-HIGH SCHOOL BUDGET. year for which this budget - - None None ..$ 9,000.00 .. 6,000.00 25.00 75.00 500.00 .. 800.00 ..$16,400.00 - . None - $16,400.00 MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH, Chairman, Board of Education. LUCY E. RODGERS, Clerk, Board of Education. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew, left Sun day afternoon for Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger and children and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdall were visitors in Heppncr Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Coxen and sons Ellis, Floyd and Gerald called on Mrs. Ollie Neill Thursday afternoon. Miss Berdena Bowman called on Miss Lenna Neill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bill Bucknum and Miss Ro sanna Farley brought Marie and Cecelia Healy home Sunday. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Oleta visited Mrs. W. L. Suddarth of Irrigon Friday. You will be surprised at the low prices on Goodyear tires during the month of August Heppner Garage. For Sale Ford truck, only driv en 24,000 miles. Inquire G. T. office or Box 373, city. 20-21p House for Rent 6 rooms with bath; out of flood zone. Call 5F6. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In the Counts' Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Josiah W. Osborn, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under sgneti, Administrator c. t. a. of the estate of Josiah W. Osborn, deceased, pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 6th day of Aug ust. l'Jli-t, will, on and after the 8th day of September, 1934, offer for sale and sell the following described real property situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wlt: Iieginning 12.17 chains West and 10.15 chains North of the Southeast corner of Section 29, Tp. 2 N.. R. 23 E. W. M. and running thence West 3.18 chains, thence South 45 minutes East 7.15 chains, thence West 2.32 chains, North 15 minutes West 11.15 chains. North 48 degrees 42 minutes East 7.25 chains, East 75 2-3 links. South 45 minutes East 7.81 chains, West 75 2-3 links. South 45 minutes, East 97 links to place of beginning, containing 5.74 acres, more or iess, excepting a strip of land 8 feet wide to be used as an irrigation ditch, beginning 4 chains North 45 minutes West of the starting point above described, thence running South 73 degrees West through said described tract of land. Excepting also a strip of land 8 feet wide running Northeasterly and Northerly through said described tract of land and now used as an irrigation ditch. Together with all the easements and water rights belonging to said land and particu larly all grantor'B right in and to the irrigation ditch now running from Willow Creek on the Curtis Place through the McBee Place to the above described land and right of way of said ditch. Also, beginning 12.14 chains West Lemons for Rheumatism Bring Joyous Relief Want to be rid of rheumatisim or neuritis pain? Want to feel good, years younger and enjoy life again? Well, just try this inexpensive and effective lemon juice mixture. Get a pack age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Dissolve ft at home in a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. A few cents a day is all it costs. II you're not free from pain and feeling better within two weeks you can get your money back. For sale, recommended and guaranteed by all leading druggists. Any druggist will get the REV PRESCRIPTION for you. Keep your kitchen cool . . . and your disposition unruffled with these electric table cookery appliances Use this Electric Cooker out-of-doors You can do your cooking on the back porch in this handy electric cooker. Will hold an entire meal roast, potatoes and vegetables. Bakes pies, cakes, etc., as well as any oven. Will keep food hot several hours without current. Ideal for picnics. 00 You should Electric Toaster If you want to make delicious, criip, golden-brown toast quickly and economically, you must have an electric toaster. The latest models are very at tractive! Electric Waffle Iron Sunday morning breakfasts, hurry-up luncheons or late-at-night snacks aren't complete without waffles! It's no trouble at all to prepare them on an electric waffle iron. Electric table cookery appliances save. Have a first cost anyone can afford. Operat ing cost is barely noticeable on your electric service bill. See these featured appltancesl SFF YOIID n PALER OR Pacific Power & Light and f North of the Southeast corner of Section 89, Tp. 2 N., R. 2S K. W. M., thence North 45 minute West 210 feet, thence West 210 feet, thence South 45 minutes East 210 feet, thence East 210 feet to the place of beginning:, containing one acre, more or less, situated in Morrow County, State of Oretron. Also. beninninK 12.09 chains West and 3 chains North of the Southeast corner of Section 29, Tp. 2 N., R. 2S E. W. M., and running thence North 45 minutes West 2621 feet, thence West 210 feet, thence South 45 min utes East 262'4 feet, thence East 210 feet to the place of beginning, con taining 1.25 acres, more or less, at private sale for cash. Dated August 9, 19S4. JACK HYND. Amtnistrator c. t. a. of the Estate of Josiuh W. Osborn, deceased. First Publication August 9, 1934. Last Publication September 6, 1934. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of September, 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in Hepp ner, Morrow county, Oregon, i will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The West half of the Northeast quar ter, the East half of the Northwest quarter, the East half of Southwest A I R - C O N D I T I O N E D Observation and Dining Cars wggw w YE PORTLAND ROSE Now air conditioned Observation and Dining Cars fo make your comfort supreme. Fresh, clean, purified air tempered to your utmost comfort at all seasons of the year. OTHER FEATURES: Modern Standard Sleepers; new type Tourist Sleepers; de luxe Chair Car. Barber shop. Bath, Radio. Library. Buffet,soda fountain. Those fam ous meals at papular prices. Off-the tray food service, Sleeping Car Rates Now 3 Less local Agent will quota low faros to and holp you plan trip. UNION Kitchen Compakt fries, broils, toasts and bakes This clever appliance does the work of several appliances even bakes potatoes in its unique oven drawer. Is easy to use; easy to keep clean; takes up little space. Has re mcsable aluminum pan and broiler (ack. Green porce-CJ CH lain enamel finish. Iti9v own these handy appliances, tool (Always at Your Servicu quarter of Northwest quarter, the Southwest quarter, the West half of Southeast quarter of Section Eight (HI, and ail that portion of the East half of Southeast quarter of Section Eight (8 lying west of the Gooseberry Road as the same is now established and used over and across said lands, all in Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East of the Willam ette Meridian, in the County of Mor row and State of Oregon. Said sale is made under execution is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State; of Oregon for Morrow County, to me di rected in the case of Isaac L. Howard and Edith A. Howardi his wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Rose F. Roberts. Administratrix of the Estate of Albert S. Roberts, deceased ; Rose F. Roberta; Frank H. Watts and Daisy Watts, his wife; F. E. Watts, Oscar Keithley. Alberta Rose Roberts, George Allyn Roberta, William Shelton Roberts, and Wilton A. Roberta ; Elliott P. Roberts and Helen R. Xoberts, his wife ; Roscoe D. Roberta and Bonita M. Roberts, his wife; and Ivan F. Roberta and Marian E. Rob erts, his wife, Defendants. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. First publication August 2, 1934. Last publication August 30, 1934. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 25th day of August, 1934, at the hour of 1 :30 o clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, I will sell at auction Sample round trip fares to Chicago $80.85 de luxe Chair tfi 1 Rfi ,n Tourist Sleep $04.00 ,,rsberth eIt $54.40 Standard Sleep era berth extra Proportionately low round trip fares to other points east. all point CHESTER DARBEE, Afrent Heppner, Oretron PACIFIC Electric Casserole cooks perfectly Even difficult jdishes like souffles are easy to prepare in this electric casserole. Its heat is steady and reliable, and every bit of it goes into your food instead of heating up your kitchen. Has Pyrex cover and removable alum-J Tftl inum inset On m O Without inset, $5.75. Electric Coffee Maker An electric coffee maker brews coffee the proper way : ; . allows the water to remain in contact with grounds only 3H minutes! Electric Mixer An electric mixer beats, blends andmixesingredients extracts fruit juices and does many other tasks quickly, smoothly, thoroughly. Every kitchen needs Company 5K to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described reai property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit; - Southeast Quarter SEli). South Half of the Northeast Quarter iNE1). Southeast Quarter (SEU) of the North west Quarter tNWVil. and the North east (NE1-) of the Southwest Quarter S W W of Section Th irty-ix ( 36 ) , Township One U) South, Range Twenty-five (25), East of the Willamette Meridian; North Half NVj) of the North Half INV,,), Southeast Quarter (SE1) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1), South Half (Sft) of the Northweut Quarter (NWV) of Section One (1), Township Two (2 South, Range Twenty-five (25), Eaat of the Willamette Meridian. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, Begin- -ning at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi) of the North west Quarter (NWl) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-five (25), East of the Willamette Meridian, which point is marked by an iron wagon spindle, thence East 22.72 chains along East and West center line of the North Half (NVj) of said Section Thirty-six (36), thence South Twenty (20) degrees 3 minutes West 8.77 chains along center of County Road; thence South 68 de grees 67 minutes Went 6.44 chaina along center of County Road ; thence South 77 degrees 27 minutes West 7.02 chaina along center of County Road ; thence South 36 degrees 2 minutes West 2.47 chains along center of County Road ; thence South 30 degrees 0 min utes West 6.96 chains along center of County Road; thence South 67 degrees 25 minutes West 3.63 chains along center of County Road ; to a point 19.55 chains North of the center of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of said Section Thirty-six (36) ; thence North 20.27 chaina along the North and South center line of the West Half (Wfc) of mi id Section Thirty-six (36), to the place of beginning and containing 26.7 acres, in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, Said sale is made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed in the case of Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Rank of Portland, a corpora tion, vb. Daisy liutler, single; W. V. Pe dro, single (Record Owner), and Al. Hen riksen. C. J. D. RAOMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. First Publication July 26, 1934. Last publication August 23, 1934. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed has filed her final account as exec utrix of the estate of N. L. Shaw, de ceased, and thut the County Court of the Mate of Orejton for Morrow County has appointed Tuesday, the 4th day of Septem ber, 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Raid day, as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said final account. Ob jections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. CASHA F. SHAW, Executrix. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. Willetta Vincent-Crigler, administratrix of the Estate of Waldo L. Vincent, Plaintiff, VB. Fred Albert and Minnie Albert, husband and wife, Defendants. Equity No. 3039 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SjALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That by virtue of a Writ of Execution, Decree and Order of Sale issued out of the above en titled Court in the -above entitled suit to me directed, dated July 27, 1134, in which the plaintitT, Willetta Vincent-Crigler, ad ministratrix of the Estate of Waldo L. Vincent, obtained a decree against Fred Albert and Minnie Albert, husband and wife, for the recovery of the following sums: $1153. 88 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from June 30, 1933. until paid: for the further sum of $150.00 attorney fees, and ft plaintiff's costs and disbursements taxed at $14.40, and foreclosing that certain mort gage in favor of the plaintiff, dated August 29, 1 929, recorded in Hook of Mortgages for Morrow County, Oregon, Vol. 36 at page bu, of the mortgage records of Mop row County, Oregon, and which mortgage covers the real property hereinafter des cribed. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with said Writ of execution, Decree and Or- der of Sale, I, C. J. D. Bauman, the under Bigned, Sheriff of Morrow County. Oretron will sell at public auction to the hi chest bidder for cash at the front door of the County Court house in Heppner, Oregon, at two o clock r. M., Monday the 3rd day of September, 1934, all the right, title, estate, lien and interest which the said de fendants Fred Albert and Minnie Albert, husband and wife, had on the 29th day of August, 1929, or have since acquired down to and including the date of the sale in and to the following described real prop erty or any part thereof, situated in Mor row County, Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of the North east Quarter, the Southeast Quarter, and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section five in Township three South of Range twenty-nine East of the Willamette Meridian, contain ing 280 acres, to satisfy said several amounts above re cited together with interest, costs and ac cruing costs. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 30th day of July, 1934. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore. G. II. Bishop, Attorney for Plaintiff, Freewater, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. LOLA BELL, Plaintiff, VS. JACK, HELL, Defendant, SUMMONS. No. 3024. To Jack Hell, defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or before four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Hummonn upon you, and if you fail to ho appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit : That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and plaintiff be for ever dissolved, and plaintiff have an abso lute divorce, and that plaintiff have the control and custody of the three minor chil dren, namely. Jack Hell, Laurel Hell, and Alta Hell, and that you be required to pay $25.00 per month for the care and Biipport of said minor children, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by pub lication thereof In the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, once a week for four successive weeks pur suant to an order of Hon. Wm. T. Camp bell, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated July 17th, 1934, and the date of the first publication of this summons is July 19th, 1934. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and address, Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the underr signed has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Cou n ty executor of the estate of John David Mailman, deceased, and that all per sons having claims aganst the said estate must present the same, duly verified ac cording to law, to me at Heppner, Oregon within six months of the date of first pub lication of this notice said date of first pub lication being June 28, H)34. C. J. P. RAUMAN, Executor. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE IS HEREHY filVEN That on ( he second Monday in August (Monday, August 13, 1!'34, the Hoard of Equalization for Morrow County, Oregon, will attend in tho Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, and publicly examine the Assessment rolls of sa id Cu n t y for the yea r 1934, and will correct errorR in valuation, description or quality 0f land, lots or other property, as sessed by the Assessor of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year 1934. All persons interested or having any complaint against their assessments for the year 1934, should appear at that time. Petitions for reduction in assessment must be made in writing, verified by oath of ap plicant or his attorney and must be filed with board the first week It is in session and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon. Jiny iv, iva. JESSE J. WELLS, Assessor. 19-22 Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under lined has been duly appointed by tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the es tate of Thomas E. McDandel, deceased, and has duly qualified as such, and all persons having claims aicainst the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same verined as required by law, to said administrator at the law office or Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of July, 1934. WtCMAM T. MCKUIIfcKTS, 19-23 Administrator. Professional Cards Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis. First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Office Phone 496 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON. Mgr. KATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING DR. E. C. WILLCUTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON (Over J. C. Penney Co.) PENDLETON, OREGON AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty O. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON T PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON t- J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT IAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN ft STJBGEON Phone 323 227 North Main Street Eyeg Tested and Glasses Fitted WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTING PAPERKANOINO INTEBIOB rECOBATtNO Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND STJBQEON . Trained Nnna Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offise in Court Hoait Reppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods Watohes - Clocks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate, Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Stmt Heppner, Oregon