Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 02, 1934, Image 1

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    " ' 5 TO P. 1 C A L. SOCIETY
n r r 0 'I
Volume 50, Number 21.
Subscription $200 a Year
Interchange of Good Will
, Featured by Gift of
$100 for Derby.
Closer Relationship Possible Thru
Better Roads, Stressed; Is Boost
for Rodeo as Many Attend.
An Incident of good fellowship
marking closer relationship between
the people of Morrow and Grant
counties was the Rodeo "kick-off"
banquet staged under auspices of
the Rodeo association at I. O. O. F.
hall Monday evening. Twenty
three leading Grant county citizens,
the majority of whom were from
John Day, were present to receive
the $100 bill contributed by Hepp
ner merchants for the staging of a
Heppner derby at the John Day
race meet on Saturday, Sept. 22,
and to express good will greetings.
A most enjoyable program of en
tertainment featured vocal solos by
Mrs. J. L. Gault of Corvallis and
Marvin Roy of Pilot Rock, and mu
sical recitations by Miss Loraine
Pope. Mrs. Gault sang two groups
of three numbers each, the first be
ing an Indian group and the other a
group of classical numbers, in which
she thoroughly gained the hearts
of her audience. Mr. Roy first sang
"When You and I Were Young,
Maggie" in an appealing manner,
following with a group of yodeling
songs which called forth hearty
response from his listeners. Miss
Pope's readings combined the sub
lime with thoughts of lighter vein,
and her manner of presentation
marked her as an accomplished ar
tist of musical verse. Mrs. J. O.
Turner accompanied Mrs. Gault
and Miss Pope, and Mrs. Roy ac
companied her husband. The mu
sical program was a rare treat to
the Heppner peole, and many from
here as well as many from among
the visitors expressed deep appre
ciation of this enjoyable feature.
J. O. Turner, toastmaster, steered
the program In an accomplished
manner with appropriate introduc
tions and responses for the various
speakers. Gay M. Anderson, mayor,
welcomed the Grant county visitors
and extended them the hospitality
of the city.
Response to Mayor Anderson's
welcome was made by Herman Ol
iver, president of Oregon Cattle and
Horse Raisers' association, cattle
man and banker of John Day and
member of the Oregon State Board
of Higher Education, who intro
duced the members of the visiting
delegation in an entertaining man
ner. Those introduced included R.
G. Johnson, Grant county agent;
Rosa Maloney, chairman Grant
fair board; J. N. Pocock, cashier
Grant county bank; O. L. Dickens,
John Day postmaster; Johnnie Far
ley, president John Day Lions club;
Walter Dickey, Clarence Schmidt,
Lester Bodenhamer, Jack Parrish,
Vern Shipman, Jimmy Maple, Dr.
W. B. Prophet, Leo Gunther, Chas.
Trowbridge, treasurer Grant coun
ty fair, and Arthur W. Jones, editor
John Day Valley Ranger, all of
John Day; John Carter, Long
Creek; Kenneth McHaley, Prairie
City; Ralph Reiter, Ritter. How
ard Black, Louie DeLine, Miss An
na McGann and Mrs. Christine
Green were also here from John
Presentation of the Heppner
derby fund was made by Chas. B.
Cox, postmaster, to Mr. Maloney,
the fair chairman, who responded
with fitting expression of appre
ciation. Mr. Jones, the editor, paid
fitting tribute to the land of his
adoption and to the closer friend
ship made possible through better
road connections. S. E. Notson
further stressed the advancement
of this section and of the state
through the good roads program
which has been developed much
faster than he, as one of the early
advocates, ever dared hope. A real
Lions roar was given by C. J. D.
Bauman, president of the Heppner
club, to which response was made
by Mr. Farley, president of the John
Day club. A little extra fun was
injected Into their pep talks when
they drug Mr. Carter "onto the
carpet" for alleged shop-lifting.
Henry Aiken, Rodeo president,
wound up the speaking program by
telling of the features of this year's
show on August 30-31-September 1,
which are expected to make it bet
ter than ever. He also extended
felicitations to the Grant county
show and invited Grant county peo
ple to the Rodeo. Miss Irma Lane
and Miss Beth Wright, candidates
for Rodeo queen were Introduced
by Mr. Turner, Miss Dimple Crab
tree and Miss Mary Cunha, the
other candidates, were unable to
accept the invitation to attend.
In a letter received from Mr.
Jones yesterday, he said: "The boys
are all very enthusiastic about the
wonderful reception, fine hospital
ity and splendid program of enter
tainment arranged. I am sure that
you may expect a much better co
operation in all matters of common
interest between the two counties
hereafter and believe such gather
ings once in a while are eminently
worth while."
The dinner was prepared and
served by Mrs. Ada Cason, and cov
ers were laid for 110 people. The
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Rodeo Queen Voting at Lexington,
However, Favors Miss Irma
Lane, the Home Condidate.
Miss Dimple Crabtree of Willows
grange retained the lead in the race
for queen of the Heppner Rodeo
in the voting at Lexington last Sat
urday night at the dance sponsored
by Lexington grange. Total vote
for each candidate now shows:
Miss Dimple Crabtree, 11,000.
Miss Irma Lane, Lexington, 8,500.
Miss Beth Wright, Rhea Creek,
Miss Mary Cunha, Lena, 3,900.
While Miss Crabtree retained the
lead, it was by virtue of her excell
ent vote at her home dance the Sat
urday previous, and Miss Lane's
home community gave her the ma
jority for the evening. Her vote
Saturday was 5100 to Miss Crab
tree's 4400. Miss Wright polled
2400 and Miss Cunha 2700 for the
Next Saturday evening the vot
ing will take place at Heppner at a
second dance sponsored by the Ro
deo association. The Pied Pipers of
Condon have been retained to fur
nish the music for this occasion,
and dancing will be on the fine new
floor at the county open-air pavil
ion. Lena grange will have charge of
the succeeding dance, August 11, at
Heppner. Rhea Creek will give
their dance on August 18, and the
final voting with announcement of
the queen will take place at Hepp
ner, August 25, the Saturday pre
vious to the Rodeo on August 30-31,
September 1.
The candidate receiving the most
votes in the contest will be queen,
the others to be her attendants, at
the Rodeo.
Jack rabbits are crowding down
into the alfalfa fields and cultivated
districts with the drying up of their
feed in the sage brush. Damage is
not as great as can be expected with
the continued dry weather.
Poisoning of rabbits has been ef
fectively carried on In several east
ern Oregon sections. One of the
most effective methods of poison
ing, according to Ira N. Gabrielson,
assistant biologist In charge of ro
dent control operatives in Oregon,
Is to use chopped green alfalfa
dusted with strychnine. About 12
pounds of chopper alfalfa is dusted
with one ounce of powdered alka
loid strychnine and is scattered In
small handfuls along a hillside in
the main runways. Care must be
taken to avoid poisoning stock.
Small stakes placed near the piles
assist in collecting the unused
baits. Orders for strychnine for ths
purpose and instructions as to the
mixing and placing of baits may be
had at the county agent's ofllce.
The League of Western Writers,
Inc., will hold their eighth Interna
tional convention at the Multno
mah hotel In Portland, August 14
18, Inclusive. Some of the best
writers on the coast will be present
and speak at the convention. It is
expected to be the strongest pro
gram of its kind ever hold In Ore
gon. All who are interested in
writing and good literature will be
Rodeo association expresses Its
thanks to all who helped to make
the occasion a success.
Miss Marjorie Clark
Weds Gordon Ridings
Of much interest to their many
Heppner friends was the marriage
in Portland, Wednesday, July 25, of
Miss Marjorie Clark, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D. Clark of
this city, to Mr. Gordon Ridings of
Eugene. The ceremony was quietly
performed at high noon by Rev. F.
E. Haight, well known Methodist
minister, in the chapel of the Meth
odist church with the bride's par
ents, her brother-in-law and sister
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggs of Eu
gene, in attendance, Mrs. Riggs
standing with the bride and Mr.
Riggs with the bridegroom. The
bride was charming in a bridal
gown of white organdy with cor
sage of gardenias. The beautiful
ring ceremony was used.
Immediately after the ceremony
the young couple left for a wedding
trip to the coast, expecting also to
visit Oregon caves and Crater lake
before going to Eugene where they
will be at home for a month at the
Wilder apartments. On September
1 they will leave for New York
where Mr. Ridings will resume his
position as coach and physical ed
ucation Instructor at Seth Low ju
nior college, Columbia university,
while also continuing work toward
his doctor's degree. Mrs. Ridings
will take work at Columbia toward
her master's degree.
Mr. and Mrs. Ridings are alumni
of the University of Oregon where
both were prominent in campus ac
tivities. Mr.- Ridings is a member of Phi
Delta Theta social fraternity at
Oregon, and of Phi Delta Kappa,
national honorary fraternity in ed
ucation at Columbia. He was out
standing in athletics while attend
ing Oregon, receiving letters in both
basketball and baseball. Since leav
ing Oregon he has specialized in
physical education. It was In line
with this work that he came to
Heppner as Red Cross supervisor
of the American Legion swimming
pool for two summers at which time
he made many friends here.
Mrs. Ridings Is a native Heppner
girl, a graduate of Heppner high
school before entering Oregon
where she majored in literature and
was especially prominent in cam
pus musical circles. She is a mem
ber of Chi Omega sorority. She was
a member of the glee club and girls'
trio for three years, and in her ju
nior year had a prominent part in
the annual class vod-vil, one of the
outstanding campus activities. She
was also selected as one of the
leaders of the girls' cheer section
the year the activitiy was Inno
vated. Her popularity in Heppner
caused her to be selected as queen
of the first Heppner Rodeo.
The marriage of these two young
people comes as a happy culmina
tion of a romance of long standing
and has the compliments of a wide
circle of friends.
The well being drilled by the
county an the court house grounds
has been put down to a depth of
150 feet and the water showed with
in 46 feet of the top when a test
was niade Friday. In the test 1250
gallons was dipped from the well in
an hour, the last 30 minutes of
which was worked with the water
30 feet deep, and though 600 gallons
was dipped in this time the water
was not lowered. Judge Campbell
said drilling would be continued for
a time as the formation In which
the drill Is now working gives In
dication that a still larger flow may
be tapped. Fred Nichoson of lone
is doing the drilling.
Heppner's Interior Road
Important Highway Link
This map, made several years ago, shows the
importance of the Heppner-Spray road as a con
necting link in the state highway system. News
was received this week of the allocation of $40,000
on the route, which will close the last gap, making
it hard-surfaced throughout and accessible to
year-round travel. This map was prepared at the
direction of the late R. J. Carsner, former state
senator, "who pioneere the efforts soon to be suc
cessfully crowned by the road's completion. A
few changes in surveys during the road's con
struction makes some of the distances shown on
the map inaccurate.
13 -Tally Rout in First Inning
Proves Too Much for Locals
to Overcome; Score 1-49.
Out in the center of the world's
largest belt of ponderosa pine at
Seneca, Heppner bumped up against
a bunch of big sticks in the hand3
of the Grant county all-stars Sun- I
day afternoon. Before the local
boys were really aware that they
were playing a ball game, the all
stars had chalked up 12 markers in
the first inning with successive
home runs by "Butter" Shields and
Willingham aiding and abetting the
The all-stars confronted Ray
Massey 15 times before the dust
was shaken from the last batsman s
heels, and before Ray's mates could
take time to wipe the sweat from
their brows, and take note of the
fact that it was really a ball game.
Ray had a sore arm and wasn't up
to snuff, but only five safe hits
were registered against him at that.
He made a little trouble for him
self by hitting one batsman and
walking another, but four errors by
his teammates didn't help any..
Wick Parrish, late of Condon and
Arlington, blew in about the middle
of the first inning fiasco. He was
rushed into a suit and came to Ray's
relief in the second inning, and the
final score of 14-9 indicates he did
a good job. The all-stars touched
him up for one run in the third on
Shield's fielder's choice and Wil-
lingham'a hit, and gne more in the
seventh on hits by Hollenbeck and
McKrola, but that was all.
Heppner showed a bit of fight in
the second, when the boys scored
four runs on hits by Bill Massey,
Bucknum, Clarence Hayes, Parrish
and Crawford. Parrish hit his first
of two three-baggers in this rally,
Bill Massey s nemer's choice and
Turner's hit brought in another In
the third, and three were garnered
in the fourth on Parrishs second
three-bagger, and hits by Turner,
Homer Hayes and Bill Massey. The
final score was made in the ninth
on successive two-baggers by Bill
Massey and Bucknum.
The locals touched up Shields for
14 hits in all, while the all-stars got
but 11 safe blows off Ray Massey
and Parrish. The line-ups were,
Heppner, Jap Crawford If, Ray
Massey p-2, Lowell Turner 1, Homer
Hayes cf, Bill Massey c, Gordon
Bucknum ss, Clarence Hayes cf,
Raymond Ferguson 3, Bill McRob
erts 2, Wick Parrish p; all-stars,
McKrola cf, Farley 2, Shields p,
Willingham 3, Burke If, Klnsey ss,
Holmboe c, Pynes rf, Hollenbeck 1.
Accompanying the team were
Mrs. Lowell Turner, Dr. J. H. Mc
Crady, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayes
and Richard, Earle Bryant and
John Conwell. The party stopped
at Joaquin Miller resort for eve
ning dinner, and report an enjoy
able time.
The Gazette Times reported last
week that F. M. Watkins and Ad
ren Allen of Irrigon had eah been
sentenced to 60 days in the Uma
tilla county jail on plea of guilty
to the alleged larceny of beer keg
at Hermiston. Watkins alone was
sentenced under this charge, Allen
having been charged in another
larceny case, trial for which has
not been set.
Come In and drive the new Ply
mouth. Heppner Garage.
Work of Fighters Saves
Homes, Lumber ; Wind
Fans Flames.
Wind Shift Helps In Control; Em
ergency Crews Called; Bill
Becket Receives Burns.
Changing wind and hard work
by a large crew of firefighters
checked a bad forest fire, starting
from the Voile mill shortly above
the forks of Rhea creek about 3
o'clock Monday afternoon. Sparks
from the mill chimney are believed
to have started the fire which com
pletely razed the mill and spread
rapidly to the surrounding forest.
Homes close to the mill were all
saved through hard work on the
part of the fighters.
A high wind quickly took the
flames into the crowns of the trees
and It moved at a rapid rate for a
time, causing the emergency fire
crew to be called from Heppner.
The wind was in the northwest
when the fire started, and early re
ports were that the flames were
headed toward Ditch creek. Later
in the evening the wind shifted
from the south, and by backfiring
the crew got it well in hand. Tues
day morning the fire had dropped
down into underbrush. A consid
erable amount of logged off land in
its path helped to check the fire's
progress. When put in check it is
estimated to have covered a stretch
a mile long and half a mile wide,
being confined to the Rhea creek
The mill shed and machinery of
the Voile mill were a complete loss
with no insurance. Several thous
and feet of lumber piled near by
was saved.
Billy Becket and Bob Rosencrans
had a close shave in the fire. They
were bringing a truck load of wood
through, when the truck slipped off
the grade into a burning stump.
The wood on the truck caught on
fire, and the boys threw it off to
save the truck. In doing so they
burned their feet, but saved the
truck, thoutrh three of the tires
anj the battery were put out of
commission. Frank Shivery, owner
of the truck, reports insurance to
cover the damage.
The mill belonged to Reuben and
John Voile, each of whose homes1
are close by.
Oregon Trail Pageant
Very Good Production
That the Oregon Trail pageant
presented in Eugene last week end
was a grand spectacle of much ed
ucational and entertainment value
is the belief of Vawter and Spencer
Crawford, Gazette Times proprie
tors, who had the good fortune of
attending the presentation on Sat
urday. More than 2000 people took
part in the epic showing of Oregon
history from the time of the first
covered wagon train up to the pres
ent day. It was presented on a
stage covering the football gridiron
at Hayward field with a mountain
setting some 60 feet in height.
Nothing less than astounding was
the rapidity with which scenes and
performers appeared with never a
hitch. Choruses, orchestrations,
lighting effects and all were su
perb. Report was heard that the
pageant paid its way on Friday, the
first day, and that Saturday's re
ceipts would be in the clear, mak
ing it possible that such a presen
tation would be given yearly.
The parade Saturday morning
wn.q nlsn hitrhlv nrnispH. Tt was
uade up of more tnan 120 entries,
most of which depicted typically
Oregon scenes.
Saturday morning Spencer Craw
ford attended the organization
meeting of the Oregon Republican
club as a member of the nominat
ing committee. All the temporary
ofliccrs were retained.
A supply of Premium Lists for
the Oregon State Fair has just been
received at the ollice of Joe Belan
ger, county agent, Heppner, from
Max Gehlhar, director of the state
department of agriculture. These
premium lists are available to Mor
row county farmers desiring them.
This year the premium list is issued
in the form of a ninety-two page
booklet as well as in separate leaf
lets for those Interested only In a
part of the exhibits. Any of these
may be had for the asking at the
county agent's office.
All State Fair premiums are pay
able in cash during fair week, im
mediately after judging is finished.
Those sending in exhibits may find
a check waiting for them when they
attend the fair, perhaps sufficient
to cover the day's expenses.
The non-high school district
board rejected applications for es
tablishment of two new bus routes
for the county at Its meeting here
Monday evening, and instead put
transportation of pupils from the
districts affected on an individual
pupil basis at the rate of 1V4 cents
a mile. Districts Included in the
action were Eight Mile, Dry Fork
and Rhea Creek.
Many Enjoy Hospitality of
Justus's at I.O.O.F. Picnic
One of the large and enjoyable
social occasions of the season was
the annual summer picnic of Odd
fellows and Rebekahs held Sunday
at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. O. Justus on Hinton creek. Mr.
and Mrs. Justus have extended
their famous hospitality for this
occasion the last several years, and
each year it has grown in popular
ity. Those attending brought bas
kets well filled with good things to
eat, and dinner was eaten on the
lawn at the noon hour. A general
good fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Those attending included the
hosts and R. R. Justus, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs. Irene
Straight, Norma and Irene, Mrs.
Edith Thorpe and two children, Mr.
and Mrs. John Wightman, Anna
and Dick Wightman, Robert Wight
man, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle,
Paul and Margaret Doolittle, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Ayers, Harold Ay
ers, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill, Alma
Neill, Guy Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Dee
Neill, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coxen,
Betty Marie and Glenn, J. L. Yea
ger, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker,
Marjorie Parker, James Mitchell,
Joe Belanger, Mrs. S. P. Devin, Mrs.
Lillian Cochran, Mrs. Olive Frye,
Mrs. Hanson Hughes, Mrs. Florence
Paul, Mrs. Neil Knighten and Fred
die, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Ruth
Stevens, Mrs. Julia Cypert, Mrs.
Amy Claxton, Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee,
Irma, Doris, Ailene and Billy Scott.
President Roosevelt Due
In Portland Tomorrow
Franklin Delano Roosevelt will
arrive in Portland at noon tomor
row on his first trip to Oregon since
becoming president. He will arrive
by boat on his return from the Ha
waiian islands. Newspaper reports
this morning indicated that Port
land would be the virtual capital of
the country when the president is
there, with many high officials ar
riving to greet him.
The president's stay in Oregon
will be brief, as he expects to be
back in Washington by the end of
the week. He will visit Bonneville
to inspect work on the new dam,
and eastern Oregon people are
hopeful that he will give sanction
to the larger sealocks at that time.
On his way east by special train he
will also visit the Grand Coulee
dam work.
J. G. Barratt returned Saturday
evening from Salt Lake City where
he attended a drouth relief confer
ence last week. Mr. Barratt was
especially interested in the drouth
work as it will be applied to the
sheep industry. Morrow county so
far has not been included as one
of the drouth counties, though Mr.
Barratt said application had been
made to include it as conditions
which prevail here are said to jus
tify it. Full details of the drouth
relief for the sheep industry have
not been announced, but the relief
is expected to be similar to that
given the beef industry, with the
government paying for stock found
necessary to slaughter because of
lack of feed.
A farewell dinner was given Mrs.
Charles Smith by the American Le
gion auxiliary at the Lucas Place
Tuesday evening. Those present
were Helen Cash, Lucy Rodgers,
Lucille McAtee, Lena Cox, Helen
Cohn, Anna Bayless, Cyrene Bar
ratt, Ada Eskelson, Coramae Fer
guson, Hanna Jones, Lera Craw
ford, Georgette Morgan, Sylva
Wells, Eay Ferguson, Mrs. Dick,
Virginia Turner, Mrs. Morton, Mrs.
McGhee, Ruth Tamblyn, Harriet
Gemmell, Frances Rose and the
honoree. A token of remembrance
was presented to Mrs. Smith by
Mrs. Rodgers.
Mrs. Joel R. Benton who has been
in Portland for more than a week
receiving medical attention is re
ported much improved from her ill
ness and is expected home either to
day or tomorrow. Mr. Benton who
has been in Portland will return
with her and will hold services at
the Church of Christ as usual next
The county agent's office an
nounces the arrival of a supply of
form W37 to be used in the wheat
production control program. This
form applies to farmers who have
unequal acreages in crops for va
rious years, and it will be necessary
for all such farmers to sign one of
them as soon as possible, as the
forms must be sent to Washington.
On response to the wishes of a
delegation from Boardman and Ir
rigon which waited upon the county
court yesterday, that body allotted
$700 for use in staging the North
Morrow County fair, to be held this
year at Boardman on August 24
and 25.
The county court announces that
a rental of $20 an evening will be
charged for use of the pavilion in
Heppner for dances. The invest
ment recently made in the new
floor and other improvement of the
pavilion makes the $20 charge rea
sonable, the court believes.
Walter E. Moore and son Larry
were in Heppner today on business
connected with the Pendleton Pro
duction Credit corporation.
$40,000 for Grading 2.46
Mile Stretch, Finishing
Surfacing, Allotted.
New Span Over Rhea Creek Also
to be Built; All-Year Road is
Important State Link.
Allocation of funds for complet
ing the last gap of the Heppner
Spray road was made Monday night
by the state highway commission at
its meeting in Eugene. While re
port in this morning's Oregonian
showed the allocation of $40,000 for
grading 2.46 miles between Hard
man and Chapin creek, it is known
that $40,000 was the engineer's es
timate for surfacing and grading
all the remaining unfinished stretch
and that this amount will close the
last gap in the highway.
Also allotted by the commission
was $8,000 for building a bridge
across Rhea creek on the Heppner-Condon-Wasco
highway. Money
for this work came from an allo
cation of federal aid funds of
which Oregon received $3,097,814,
the major portion of which was dis
tributed at the Eugene meeting.
The commisison's action on the
Heppner-Spray road not only as
sures the early completion of Hepp
ner's road into the interior, but
closes an important link in the
state highway system. Though a
secondary highway, this road con
nects up the Oregon-Washington
highway at Heppner with the John
Day highway two miles south of
Spray, providing the most direct
route for a large amount of traffic
from points to the northeast to cen
tral Oregon or California.
By this route it is 52 miles from
Heppner to Spray. Thirteen miles
west of Spray on the John Day
highway, is the connection with the
Service creek cut-off to the Ochoco
highway at Mitchell, a distance of
24 miles. From this point it is 74
miles to Redmond and the junction
with The Dalles-California high
way. From Redmond to Bend is
22 miles, making a total distance
from Heppner to Bend of 185 miles.
It is 226 miles to Bend via the Sher
man highway, the route most com
monly used before, hence the dis
tance to Bend is shortened by 63
The distance to John Day by this
route is 121 miles.
When the last of the gravel is In
place on the Heppner-Spray road,
it will be an all-year road, the first
all-year road into the interior from
The $8,000 allotted by the com
mission for a bridge on Rhea creek
will replace the present narrow
span at the Rugg place, and will
serve both the Heppner - Condon
and Heppner-Spray roads.
Local people have received news
of the allotments with much pleas
ure. Short Court Session
Held by Judge Sweek
Judge Calvin L. Sweek and J. A.
Beckwith, court reporter, conduct
ed a short session of circuit court
here Tuesday to hear a number of
cases in law and equity. Two di
vorce actions came before the court
with a decree entered granting Ru
by Matteson divorce from Lloyd L.
Matteson, and a complaint filed by
Harvey T. Walpole for divorce from
Lenore Walpole.
Foreclosure complaint was heard
in the case of Bertha Crites, plain
tiff, vs. Laura Moyer, et al, defend
ants, with B. S. Martin of Salem
representing the plaintiff.
Judgment was given State Indus
trial Accident commission against
E. Harvey Miller. A case of John
Kilkenny, plaintiff, vs. James Daly
was dismissed. A case to remove
clouds on title, Edith O. Jackson
vs. F. E. Pence, was heard, with
Louis V. Lundburg of Portland and
Martin & Martin of Salem repre
senting the parties.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and
children, Patricia, Robert, David
and Jerry, departed this morning
for Corvallis to make their home.
Mr. Smith has assumed his new po
sition as a director of emergency
work under the AAA for Oregon
with headquarters at Corvallis, af
ter being located here as county
agent for seven years, on a year's
leave of absence granted by the
county court. Previous to their go
ing to Corvallis the Smith's have
been honored by a large number of
social functions, signifying their
large circle of close triendshlps
made while residing here. The
Smith home here will be occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belanger, Mr.
Belanger taking Mr. Smith's place
as county agent.
Tommy Everson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Everson of the lone dis
trict, was acldentally shot in the
wrist this morning with a .22 bul
let. While lifting his gun over a
fence, the trigger caught on a nail
and discharged the gun. He was
treated by a local physician who
reports the injury not serious.