PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934. LEXINGTON By BEL'LAH B. NICHOLS 1P34 will long be remembered as the year of the big free show to be given by the grange at Lexington on the evening of August 11th. The men of the grange have full charge of the show and 'nave en gaged a colored troupe of singers and musicians, also a hypnotist of note who promises to put five men, picked from the audience, under his magic power at one time. Another big feature is the beauty contest (for men only). A valuable prize will be given for the ugliest mug stuck through a hole in the curtain on the stage. The public is invited. Maynard Hardy and party of friends from Mitchell. S. D., were guests of Mrs. Elsie M. Beach last week. Mr. Hardy is a cousin of Mrs. Beach. Mr. Hardy says that although they planted their crops twice this year everything just burned up and they had no crops in that state. Many of the farmers have no feed for their stock al though some of the more fortunate had hay left from their 1932 and 1933 crops and by selling part of their stock they will have enough feed to last Some of those that were hardest hit are just quitting and leaving the state, hoping to do better elsewhere. From here Mr. Hardy and his friends went to the coast and on to Seattle from where they expected to take the northern route back to South Dakota. The Rebekah lodge of this city met Tuesday evening with the new ly installed officers in the chairs for the first time. These officers are: Mary McMurtry, N. G.; Trina Par ker, V. G.; Mae Burchell, secretary; Cora Warner, treasurer; Edna Hunt, warden; Grace Burchell, con ductor; Merle Carmichael, chap lain; Laura Scott, inside guardian; Lou Broadley, outside guardian; Ada Eskelson and Ola Ward, sup porters for N. G.; Edith Miller and Bertha Dinges, supporters for V. G. A farewell party was given last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sarah Booher, honoring her sister, Mrs. Nettie Crow of British Columbia. Those present were Mesdames Nettie Crow, Carolyn Kuns, Sarah Thornburg, Eva Lane, Ola Ward, Mary McMurtry, Fran ces McMillan, Nellie Palmer, Min nie Leach, Anna Keene. Riley Mun kers, Natalie Rauch, Rheta Cutler, O. Cox. Bertha Dinges. Sylvia Bey mer, Edith Miller, Emma Peck, Tempa Johnson, Lou Broadley, Ef fie Parkins. Lucille Massey and Sarah Booher. Delicious refresh ments were served at the close of a pleasant afternoon. Most of the farmers in this com munity have completed their har vest In most cases the yeild has been rather light, not more than one half as much as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeF. Morti more and children of La Grande spent a few days of last week at the home of Mrs. Mortimore's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker. Ruth Dinges, Helen Valentine and Erma Duvall returned from Portland Sunday. Lee Reaney of Salem was look ing after business interests here last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ingles of Port land were calling on Lexington friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ingles are former teachers in the local high school. Mrs. Roy Campbell was in town one day last week, the first time in many months. She has been very ill for some time but her health is now greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Young of Medford are spending the week with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cox. Mrs. Eva Lane has gone to Port land and Salem where she will visit with friends and relatives. Mr. Saunders, piano tuner from Walla Walla, is in town this week. T. M. Scott left on the train Fri day night going to his home at Salem after spending the week here with his daughters, Mrs. W. L. Co penhaver and Mrs. W. B. Tucker. Earl Warner was a Pendleton visitor Thursday. Mrs. David Steagall of Monu ment is the guest of Mrs. Wilbur Steagall this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McMillan and daughter Patricia who have been visiting relatives in this community for the pa3t two weeks, returned to their home at Hillsboro the first of the week. O. J. Cox is confined to his home by illness. A physician was called from Heppner to attend him the first of the week. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and children and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and children returned Sunday from a week's out ing at Lehman springs. at Salem after a visit of a few weeks at the J. E. Swanson home and by Mrs. Garland Swanson who will visit friends and relatives in Salem for a short time. Mrs. Inez Freeland of lone and Charles Christenson of Mill City have signed contracts to teach in the local high school during the coming year. Misfortune seemed to have picked Johnny Eubanks for its victim last week. On Tuesday he had a finger badly crushed while handling gas drums and two days later his truck ran off the McNabb grade with some damage to a wheel. How ever, the finger is healing nicely though at first the doctor had thought he might have to remove the crushed portion, and his truck is on the road again bringing in wheat Mrs. Emert and daughter Patri cia returned on Thursday night from a visit of several weeks with relatives in California. Mrs. Kittie Turner of Tacoma was a guest at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Elmer Gritlith, at Mor gan last week. Mrs. Turner de parted for La Grande the last of the week to attend the celebration of the anniversary of the coming of the railroad which was held in that city the latter part of last week. At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST JOEL K. BENTON, Minister. Bible School 9 :46 . m. Morning services 11 a. m. C. E. Society 7 p. m. Evening services 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Wednesday 8 p. m. Midweek service, Thursday 8 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Public worship 11:00 a. m. Solo, "My Task," by E. L. Ashford, MiS3 Lorraine Pope. Sermon, "Faith and Feeling." The evening services will be held at the Church of Christ Young peoples union meeting 7:00. Evening worship 8:00. Sermon, "Getting Ahead of the Devil." Choir practice Wednesday eve ning 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning 7:30. You are very cordially invited to attend all these services. PENTECOSTAL TABENACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK, Pastor Services Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Church Services 11:00 a. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Thursday night prayer meeting, 7:30. "We welcome all." WORTH OF PERSONS MUST BE PROTECTED (Continued from First Page) OddBut TRUE - THE mOUTtt- s & OF THE- ' f MOTIONS THfcN MJfc THE ' Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Andrews and daughter, Mrs. Helen Montgomery of Portland, and Mrs. Mary Si monds of La Center, Wash., were visitors here Wednesday and today, leaving immediately after noon to return to their homes. These peo ple were formerly residents of Heppner and Morrow oucnty and it has been many years since they were here last Mr. Andrews lived for a long time down at Alpine and he went out past the old home place and on down to Hermiston, just to note the changes that have taken place since he left the country. They enjoyed meeting numerous old time friends at Heppner, Dut tne town did not look quite natural. CLEARANCE SALE All spring and summer merchandise greatly reduced. CURRAN READY TO WEAR and MILLINERY. JV CALIFORNIA GAROtNER. gL HAS TCMELOPtD h TREE rV TrVKT BtAWa 2 HERBERT WCHAR0S0M, MNNilWS, WINN,' 22 NEARS OLD HAS UVED ON NOTHING BUT PEANUT BUTTER BREAD AND NHLK AU. HS UFE f ' TH OMIV J :m ! State Republican Club to Organize at Eugene 28th Following the unanimous man date of a preliminary meeting held in Portland during May, the Ore gon Republican club will perfect a permanent organization at Eu gene, on Saturday, July 28. Since this i3 the final day of Eugene's far-famed Oregon Trail pageant, a large group of Republican men and women are expected to attend for the two-fold reason. Britt Ned ry, temporary president of the state organization, announces that every interested Republican man and woman in the state of Oregon is invited to attend the Eugene ses sions and aid in the formation of policies and plans. E. G. Boehnke, president of the Lane county chapter, is In charge of the committee on convention ar rangements, assisted by Hugh Ros son, Frank Reid, Lawrence T. Kar ris, Fred Stickels, J. E. Turnbull, .Mrs. Frank L. Chambers, Mrs. J. L. Hesse, Cal Bryant Mrs. C. A. Huntington, Mrs. Mary Near, Sid King, Fred Guyon, Dr. M. C. Harris, Robert M. Fischer, Robert Calla han, A. C. Fourney, Clarence Lom bard, Lynn McCready, A. R. Paris, Clarence Simon, and Frank Hill. There will be morning and after noon sessions in the Eiks' Temple and a six o'clock banquet in the .Men's building at the University of Oregon. All convention visitors and cara vans have been extended an invita tion to stop over at a banquet at Corvallis on Friday evening, July 27, following which committee cau cuses will be held. Burton Hutton of Corvallis is in charge of arrange ments for the banquet, assisted by George Penson and a large commit tee. Stewart Weiss of Portland, ad visory board member, will lead a large caravan from Multnomah county. State officials In charge of the Eugene convention are Britt Nedry, Tigard, chairman; Mrs. Mil dred Fortner, Portland, secretary; Burton Hutton, Corvallis, treasur er, and Joe Singer, Portland, ser-geant-at-arms. Wanted second-hand saddle. If you have a good second-hand sad dle for sale, see E. G. Noble. tf. 1934, for transporting pupils as fol lows: For furnishing and operat ing a 20-pupil capacity bus from Claud Huston ranch to Eight Mile to cross roads to Heppner, a dis tance of approximately 26 miles one way, for the school year beginning Sept. 4, 1934. Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 18-20 C. W. BARLOW, Clerk. ! 10-CENT SPEGIAL ! S Bars SANISOPK for 10 Cents! A deodorant, antiseptic soap which soothes and heals the most sensi tive skin, with each purchase of 2 Tube Watkins Shaving Cream, or 2 Tubes Watkins Tooth Paste, or One Tub of Both. J. C. HARDING Watkins Products Austin I. Smith, wife and baby daughter were visitors here this week from their home in Portland. They spent two days here with the parents of Mr. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. CLEARANCE SALE All spring and summer merchandise greatly reduced. CURRAN READY TO WEAR and MILLINERY. O.S.C. MAN WRITES TEST. Corvallis Arthur L. Albert, as sociate professor of communications engineering at Oregon State college, is the author of a new textbook en titled, "Electrical Communication," just published by John Wiley and Sons of New York. The 450-page il lustrated work covers the entire field. Professor Albert, who is a na tive of Oregon and a graduate of Jefferson, Ore., high school, predicts that the time is not far distant when anyone will be able to talk to anybody else wherever they may be, on land, sea or In the air. IONE this and make it grow through co operation. "There is every assurance that the emergency education program will be continued this year. It is especially desirable that classes for adult education be arranged' and that persons over 16 years of age be encouraged to use the opportunity to continue their education. Classes in economics, political science and the cultural arts are recommended. Our people should begin plans for these classes so that no time will be lost when the funds are made available." The county superintendents them selves and the people whom they serve should feel deeply gratefui for this opportunity made possible for them by the state department of education and the University of Oregon through a host of capable, interesting, and well informed teachers and lecturers, among whom were: Jay C. Knode, Prof, of Education, University of New Mexico; Bern ard Hinshaw, Head of Art Dept, Il linois Weseleyan University; Lillian Rayner, Remedial Teacher, Los An geles Public Schools; B. Alden Lil lywhite, Chicago Relief Adminis trator; Emma Henkle, Oregon State Normal School; Ida Mae Smith, Oregon State Normal School; Roy L. Skeen, Eastern Oregon Normal School; Norman F. Coleman, Pres. Reed College; P. A. Parsons, Prof. Sociology, U. of O.; P. M. Collier, Prof. English, U. of O.; Geo. Turn bull, Prof. Journalism, U. of O.; Alexander Goldenweiser, Prof, of Thought and Culture, U. of O.; Harriet C, Long, State Librarian; Carroll D. Clark, Prof, of Sociol ogy, University of Kansas. There'll Never bea"Last Round-Up"! Famous Pendleton Show 25 Years Old (Continued from First Page) club and their families enjoyed a 'picnic at the Columbia river last Sunday. About sixty persons en joyed a picnic dinner and then spent the rest of the day loafing, boating or swimming as the notion struck them. Miss Mary Van Vactor, a sister of Mrs. Edw. Rietmann, has been appointed county health nurse of Klickitat county, Washington, with her headquarters at Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger and family motored to Pilot Rock Sun day where they met 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCarty of Ukiah and en joyed a picnic with them. Alfred Balsiger of The Dalles vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger, during the past week. H. R. Decker of Portland, repre sentative of the Farmers National Warehouse corporation, was a busi ness visitor in lone Monday. He was accompanied by Ralph Jockaon of Lexington. Walter Bristow returned on Fri day's train from Walla Walla where he has been employed in harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell de parted by auto for Portland Tues day morning. They will Bpend a week or so on a vacation at va rious western Oregon points. They were accompanied by Mrs. Elinor McMillan and aughter Beverly who were returning to their home SCHOOL CONDITION SHOWN IN REPORT (Continued from First Page.) 1932 and first half of 1933 com bined: Levied $207,900.64; delinquent at June 30, 1933, $88,026.21; percent 42.34. May I suggest that you consider the transportation of high school pupils from the smaller high schools to the larger ones both for economy and for a possible improvement in high school instruction. For ex ample, Irrigon to Boardman; Hard man to Heppner; Lexington to eith er Heppner or lone. There are just enough pupils in each to make a comfortable bus-load. C. W. Barlow departed for Port land today to look after some bus iness affairs. When he returns he will be accompanied by Mrs. Barlow and Lucille who have been spend ing a short time in the city with Mrs. Barlow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers. While helping at Morrow County Creamery Wednesday Jimmie Gem mell allowed a large vice to drop on his hand, receiving some badly mashed fingers that required the attention of a physician. Wanted Typewriter in good con dition. A. Q. Thomson. 1 yt $1) '" wmmMtoMwutuz4pat&tsmmmwmmsn Dr. Wilson D. McXary, president of the 1934 l'endleton Round-Up, (left) and i. Roy Haley, president of the first Itotind-Up held In 1010, ar e telling young Jack Swcek why the traditions of the Round-Up must he cherished. In the background, scene from the first Round-Up. The Silver Jubilee Itnuntl-Up dates are September 13, 14 and 15. The Round-Up, Pendleton's his toric show that keeps the glamor of the old, wild .West alive, will celebrate its twenty-fifth (Silver Jubilee) anniversary September 13, 14, and 15. An honorary order of "Pendle ton Top Hands" Is now being or ganized in Pendleton, with Its members pledged to perpetuate the Pendleton Round-Up through succeeding generations. The brilliant pageantry of range sports that made the shout of "Let 'er Buck!" known around the world in the, Round-Up'a quar ter of a century of history will thrill the throngs at Pendlteon again this year. Having weather ed the past three trying years with colors flying and the dauntless spirit of Til Taylor still In the saddle, the Pendleton Round-Up emergeB this year with a greater show than ever. A new thrilling event, the "wild ride," will be added to this year's three day show with 12 vicious bucking horses mounted and bucking in the arena simul taneously, all released from the snubbing horses at the same In stant Perhaps the greatest parade ever held at Pendleton will be seen this year, for George Strand, director of parades, is collecting additional historic buckboards, stage coaches, freight wagons, pack train equipment and other priceless relics of early day trans portation. The usual colorful In dian features of the parade will be maintained. The "Westward Ho" parade will be held Friday, September 14, In stead of Saturday as has been the custom at previous Round-Ups. To those who have attended the Round-Up for years, this Is of special importance, for real dyed-in-the-wool Round - Up visitors never wants to miss the spectacle of the great "Westward Ho" pa rade. In 1910 when Pendleton citi zens felt that the modern West was arriving and the old, wild West was disappearing, the first Round-Up was held. The Incorpor ators were Max Baer, (no relation to the present heavyweight cham pion), Will Ingram, Leon Cohen, J. H. Gwinn and J. H. McAllister. The first president was J. Roy Raley and the first treasurer was Roy W. Rltner, this year's busi ness manager of the Round-Up. Fred W. Stelwer, now in the Unit ed States Senate, was on the first Round-Up board, with Til Taylor, last of the truly great sheriffs of the old West, Roy Bishop of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, and L. G. Frazler, who Is now serving bis 25th year on the Round-Up board. This year's president of the Round-Up is Dr. Wilson D. McNary, who served also in 1933. The past presidents were Henry W. Collins, Tillman D. Taylor and J. Roy Raley, The first year's Round-Up sur prised Pendleton with a gather ing of 10,000 visitors which taxed the housing facilities of the city until every private home was filled. The budget for the first year's Pendleton Round-Up was only $2,680, whereas budgets of succeeding years were between $20,000 and $80,000, as the show grew In size and world-wide re known. The first "Happy Canyon" night pageant was held In 1911 and, depicting the conquest of the West, has proven, year after year, a worthy companion to the thrill ing arena events of the day. This year, as in previous years, some of the world's greatest cowboys bucking horse riders, bull-doggers, ropers and relay riders will be competing for generous cash prizes and coveted championship trophies. Pendleton's famous string of bucking horses is being supplemented with new ones that are expected to gain fame equal to that of Roosevelt Trophy, Long Tom, Philip RollinB, No Name and other almost unconquerable buckers whose performances have helped establish the Pendleton Round-Up as the "greatest of them all." Livestock Director Herbert Thompson has found some new bucking horses and is still picking them up wherever a truly sensa tional bucking horse can be discovered. CALL FOR BIDS. School District No. 1 will receive bids up to and Including July 28, LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want It most" Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. DELCO PLANTS, PUMPS, RADIOS AND APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE W. F. MAHRT Life : Auto : Accident INSURANCE Office Next Door to County Agent's Office A. Q. Thomson : B. Thomson NOW! Take Your Car to the Laundry COMPLETE Auto Cleaning Service Upholstery and Interior Cleaned the ELECTRO-LUX way ELECTRO-LUX takes out all the dirt, prevents dry rot in upholstery, and de-moths it. VACUUM CLEANING ONLY $l.50to$3.50 Grease spots removed and upholstery de-mothed at extra charge. WE INVITE INVESTIGATION . Ferguson Motor Co. Outing Season Good Old Summer Time is with us. For the out ing, the summer camp, or just the day off for a pic nic, you will need just the proper supplies WE HAVE THEM Staple groceries, canned goods, fresh fruits, mel ons, etc. PHONE US YOUR WANTS Huston's Grocery Heppner, Ore.