PAGE TWO (Banrttr (Itmrs THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30.18S3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEE and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six. Months Three Months Single Copies . !.0O . 1.00 . .75 . .05 Official Paper for Morrow County MEMBER IBITU BETTER FARMING PAYS. IN HIS communication in these columns this week, R. E. Harbi son of Cottage Grove and former Morgan resident, takes what may be a justified "fling" at Wallace's Farmer from which the Gazette Times reprinted an editorial last week, but he does not refute the point which this newspaper meant to convey in reprinting the editor ial, which is, "better farming pays." We did not take Wallace's editor ial to be a defense of the govern ment program of control of agricul ture, but rather a defense of the government -assisted agricultural college extension work which aims to put agriculture on a higher plane. We have no brief for Mr. Wallace if he has used the columns of his paper to sell farmers "dear" corn, but we do agree with the point made by the editorial in question, that better farming pays. The government's present agri cultural control program does seem contrary to its work of teaching better farming methods and meth ods of increasing farm productivity and of improving quality of farm products. Telling farmers to quit raising so much on the one hand, and telling them how to raise more on the other seems inconsistent, but it really isn't If the farmers of the country could supply all the country's needs with better products by farming less land, with less work, and still have their income augmented, they would certainly be benefitted. They would have the time and the means to enjoy more of the niceties of life, and to apply more of their tal ents toward the cultural develop ment of the country. That, as we see it, is the goal aimed at by the two seemingly inconsistent govern ment programs of agricutlural con trol and betterment. A SEW NOTE IS FOREST FIRE PREVENTION'. FOREST fire prevention never has been of such serious importance as it is in this present season, ac cording to a statement just issued by Regional Forester C. J. Buck. Federal, state and private forest agencies, uniting under the leader ship of a forest-minded President, are engaged in a mighty drive to protect young forest growth, and to perpetuate the producing power of forest growing lands. This is of particular significance to the Paci fic Northwest, where so much of the social and economic structure is dependent upon the products of the forest, according to Mr. Buck. "The President is squarey behind the movement for forest protection and conservation as a measure of national recovery and safety," said the regional forester. "We are bending every effort to keep the forests free from fire, since this is the very essence of good forestry. Under Article Ten of the lumber code, members of the logging in dustry voluntarily are undertaking comprehensive fire prevention measures in their operations. They also are pledged to leave their cut over lands in condition for restock ing, by falling all snags and leav ing enough timber uncut to supply seed for cutover areas. They de serve full credit and cooperation in this effort, which opens a new epoch in the logging industry. Fire can quickly undo all of this work. For any citizen to start a forest fire, either carelessly or wilfully, in the face of these measures, is decidedly unpatriotic, to say the least." According to forest service re ports, there have been 292 forest fire3 started on the national forests of Oregon and Washington already this season. Of these, 135 were man-causesd fires, 84 were attribut-man-causesd fires, 84 yere attribut ed to campers and smokers, while 21 were of incendiary origin. IS WALLACE RIGHT? To the Editor: The editorial from "Wallace's Farmer" printed in the Heppner Gazette Times of June 28, condon ing the keeping up of production to former levels through better seed and better farming methods brings up a subject that not only merits but la getting attention. It has been said, and perhaps with more than a grain of truth, that if the state of Texas were to be cul tivated to its highest possible pro ductivity it would feed, to satiety, every human being on the globe. So by what standards of reasoning and ethics does Mr. Wallace preach that the so-called over-production calamity should be accentuated and the farmers who are living out in God's clean open spaces should be driven in and herded in concentra tion camps? Mr. Wallace is finding himself in a position where such editorials will not sustain him much longer. Bet ter write and ask him something about his Hi-Bred Seed Corn which he is selling to the central states' farmers at $7.00 a bushel under the cliiim that it will enable the farmers mT fl - 1 i T 1 1 " iT ' " to get as big outturns as usual and still keep their hands in the U. S. treasury until complete national bankruptcy and dishonor takes place. Ask him how he happens to be supplied with so much of this won derful Hi-Bred corn so far in ad vance of this so-called emergency. The Chicago Tribune is one of the eastern papers which has handed this to Mr. Wallace good and plenty and his retort that he has retired from the company that ia selling this corn and that it is his wife who holds the stock may not forever look like a very satisfactory answer even to the overbefuddled majority. R. E. HARBISON, Cottage Grove, Ore. Tuesdays Set Aside for Campus Vsitors at OSC A weekly "visitors' day" espec ially designed to accommodate par ents and high school graduates who plan to enter college this fall has been arranged for all this summer at Oregon State college, announces E. B. Lemon, registrar. Difficulty in finding deans and other campus leaders in their of fices during summer vacation per iods has deterred many interested persons from going personally to the campus for information they want before starting to college, be lieve the O. S. C. officials. To meet this situation, every Tuesday starting July 10 and con tinuing until fall, will be gvien over primarily to this service. Every dean's office will be open and eith er the dean or his representative will be there to hold personal con ferences with prospective students. For those who are puzzled about what course to take, vocational and educational guidance specialists will be available to counsel with the prospective students or their par ents. Those who want to see any part of the college plant or equip ment will be guided over the cam pus for that purpose. "Visitors are welcome any day, but on Tuesdays from now on they can depend on finding staff mem bers in every school or department ready to give first attendtion to their needs," says Mr. Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harding de parted Tuesday for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter on their ranch near Vancouver, Wash. They expected to return home to morrow. T FOR THE JUNE TERM County Court met in regular ses sion on June 6, 1934, with all offi cers present when among others the following proceedings were had, to wit: Court leased for the year 1934, 960 acres in Tp. 2 N. R. 24 E. W. M. to Neil Doherty for the sum of $30. Court leased for the year 1934 at the sum of $220.20 ten sections and two fractions of sections in Tp. 4 N. R. 26 and 27 and Tp. 5 N. R. 27 E. W. M. The following claims were ap proved and ordered paid by proper warrants: Clive Huston, Cir. Ct. $ 60.00 R. H. Quackenbush, Cir. Ct. 47.40 R. K. Drake, Cir. Ct : 50.70 Clyde G. Wright, Cir. Ct. 51.60 W. H. Ayers, Cir. Ct 72.00 Chas. Becket, Cir. Ct. 57.60 S. J. Devine, Cir. Ct. 54.60 F. S. Parker, Co. Ct. 50.65 H. Tamblyn, Roads payroll. 267.17 H. S. Taylor, Roads payroll.. 279.37 H. D. Rutledge, Roads pay roll 14.05 Fred Nichoson, Emergency.-. 278.94 Lewis Padberg, Emergency.. 106.13 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 58.84 Sylvia Wells, Tax. Col. 68.00 City of Heppner, Various 15.90 Pac. Tel. Co., Cur. Ex. 41.90 M. D. Clark, Poor 10.00 Thomson Bros., Poor 30.28 Hughes & Hughes, Poor 19.23 J. F. Gorham, Poor 20.33 W. F. Barnett, Poor 18.88 Heppner Market, Poor 4.25 Mrs. J. W. Foley, Poor 11.23 Fred Crump, Poor .. 15.50 Portland Eye Hospital, Poor 35.00 C. W. Swanson, Poor 9.77 Bert Mason, Poor 9.25 Tom Caldwell, Poor 7.53 Bristow & Johnson, Poor 5.72 J. R. Benton, Poor 26.46 F. A. Kiehle, Poor 125.00 M. D. Clark, Poor 5.72 M. Bauernflend, Poor 7.49 Tom Caldwell, Poor .. 2.71 Clara Beamer, Poor 7.50 J. R. Benton. Poor 5.00 Wells & Delap, Emergency.... 687.27 A. R. Reid, Emergency 1.10 Gilliam & Eisbee, Emergency 77.35 Northwest Gas Co., Emer. . 9.04 Pendelton Frt. Co., Emer 11.05 A. D. McMurdo, Coroner 5.00 Guy L. Barlow, Election 3.94 Humphreys Drug Co., Elec. 31.33 C. Melville, Election (Boards) 524.00 N. F. Knighten, Election 3.00 Elmer Griffith, Election 1.00 F. H. Robinson, Jus, Ct 59.80 C. G. Blayden, Jus. Ct. 19.60 West Coast Co., Old Age 3.91 State, Sheriff 6.42 Anna Harthrong, Clerk 3.93 Pac. Sty. Co., Treasurer .65 Alex Gibb, Ct. Hse. 1.50 Yale & Towne, Ct. Hse . 12.50 State, Ct. Hse. 5.00 Pac. P. & L. Co., Ct. Hse. 17.84 Gazette Times, Office 111.40 J. K. Gill, Supt. 20.93 Valley Print Co., Supt. 10.43 G. N. Peck, Co. Ct. 44.94 Indemnity Co., Bonds 25.00 C. B. Oral, Sealer 7.53 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. 28.82 I. R. Robison, Roads 17.00 Kilham Sty. Co., Roads 23.37 Panther Oil Co., Roads 165.87 Independent Garage, Roads .. 4.50 A. R. Reid, Roads 5.40 Emory Moore, Roads 10.00 Beall Pipe Co., Roads 23.43 Gilliam & Bisbee, Roads 7.97 Standard Oil Co., Roads 142.57 C. A. Kane, Roads 45.80 Howard-Cooper, Roads 19.43 Vaughn & Goodman, Roads.... 1.15 Jack Allen, Roads 20.38 HHEDHS HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON. Frank Shively, Roads 47.10 66.46 10.10 9.89 25.74 60.55 7.50 8.30 117.30 147.50 275.15 252.13 120.00 Tom Mclntyre, Roads Sanders Magneto Co., Roads Shell Oil Co., Roads State, Roads H. Tamblyn, Roads C. A. Gibbs. Roads Austin Machy. Co., Roads Tum-A-Lum, Roads L. N. Morgan, Roads payroll J. H. Gentry, Roads payroll .. A. J. Chaffee, Roads payroll Marion Hayden, Roads pay roll T FOR THE Mir TERM County Court met in regular ses sion on May 2, 1934, with all offi cers present when were had the fol lowing: The sale of an old grader was au thorized to Adam Blahm upon pay ment of $25.00. The Court authorized the cancel lation of all taxes due on the Gret- chen Anfinson lands now owned by the State of Oregon except that amount heretofore paid by the County to the State. Court made demand upon the Metropolitan Casualty and Surety Company and L. W. Briggs for the loss sustained by the County in the failure and liquidation of the Bank of lone. The following claims were ap proved and ordered paid by the proper warrants: Gilliam & Bisbee, Roads . $ 20.58 State, Roads 39.59 F. Shively, Roads .. 89.55 Ferguson Motor Co., Roads 21.15 Howard-Cooper Co., Roads.. 28.08 C. A. Kane, Roads 13.25 Thomson Bros., Roads 1.00 Ralph Jones, Roads 85.00 Tum-A-Lum, Roads 21.56 P. G. Balsiger, Roads 3.42 Shell Oil Co., Roads 289.12 C. R. Langdon, Roads 29.22 H. Tamblyn, Roads 46.66 E. R. Lundell, Roads 148.82 Honeyman Hdwe. Co., Roads 35.28 Vaughn & Goodman, Roads 3.60 A. R. Reid, Roads 10.30 H. H. Jayne, Roads 40.00 E. G. Noble, Roads 4.25 Union Oil Co., Roads 65.65 Pac. Tel. Co., Cur. Ex. 48.06 Heppner Market Poor 3.75 Jeff Jones, Poor 2.50 Huston's Grocery, Poor 4.17 J. O. Peterson, Ct Hse. 1.50 Office Service Co., Ct Hse. 18.00 W. T. Campbell, Ct. Hse 20.25 State, Sheriff 6.40 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 69.72 Lucy Rodgers, Supt. 49.59 West Coast Co., Assessor . 187.25 J. J. Wells, Assessor 250.00 A. R. Gray, Health 5.75 C. B. Orai, Sealer 7.51 O. R. Barnes, et al, Coroner.. 53.45 E. M. Breshears, Election 1.30 West Coast Co., Election 27.62 Mrs. J. W. Foley, Poor 12.11 Tom Caldwell, Poor 1.60 Mrs. P. A. Mollahan, Poor .... 35.00 J. R. Benton, Poor 12.54 J. R. Benton, Poor 20.40 Gene Stone, Poor 8.00 J. R. Benton, Poor 31.24 G. W. Paulson, Ct. Hse. 62.26 Wells & Delap, Emergency.. 514.50 Geo. N. Peck, Co. Ct 48.48 F. S.-Parker, Co. Ct, 52.63 State, Insane 428.00 Pac. Tel. Co., Cur. Ex 41.65 Lula G. Rumble, Poor . 31.00 Bristow & Johnson, Poor 8.90 C. W. Swanson, Poor 7.63 W. F Mahrt, Poor 1.20 W. O. Dix, Ct. Hse 45 Rheumatic Pain Stopped by Lemon Juice Recipe Try this. If it doesn't relieve you, make you feel better and younger and happier, youx druggist will refund your money. Get a pack age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons and take a tablespoonful two times a day. In A& hours, usually, the pain is gone, joints limber up, wonderful glorious relief is felt. Equally good for rheumatism, or neuritis pain. Costi only a few cents a day. For sale, recommended and guaranteed by all leading druggists. Any druggist will get the REV PRESCRIPTION if you ask bim to do so. Delicious STRAWBERRIES VEGETABLES and all those other tasty "EATMENTS" that the season provides served at all times NOW ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHLNN, Prop. con UHHKS Sylvia Wells. Tax Col. 68.00 P. P. & L. Co., Various 26.46 City of Heppner, Various 15.20 Geo. N. Peck., Co. Ct 37.36 F. S. Parker. Co. Ct 37.08 Humphreys Drug Co., Roads 26.80 Gazette Times, Election, va rious . 211.40 A. B. Gray, Insane-poor 20.80 Mrs. J. A. Foley, Poor 30.00 Fred Crump, Poor 15.00 F. P. Leicth, Poor 7.50 M. L. Case, Poor 2.95 M. D. Clark, Poor-jail 48.36 M. Bauernflend, Poor 7.49 Saxton & Looney, Roads 70.49 H. D. Rutledge, Roads pay roll 41.45 H. S. Taylor, Roads payroll 198.00 J. H. Gentry, Roads payroll 134.21 A. J. Coffee, Roads payroll 264.87 H. Tamblyn, Roads payroll 292.67 Marion Hayden, Roads pay roll 189.38 L. N. Morgan, Roads payroll 250.13 PROCEEDINGS F County Court met in regular ses sion at the Court House on April 4, 1934, with all officers present when the following proceedings were had ; The Court approved the applica tions of F. P. Leicht of Irrigon and T. E. Hendrick of Boardman for beer licenses from the State Liquor Commission. The Court made an order desig nating the First National Bank of Portland as the official depository of County funds and accepted their offer to pay interest thereon at the rate of one-quarter of one per cent on bank balances. The following claims were ap proved and ordered paid by proper warrants. A. J. Chaffee, Roads payroll..$250.07 H. D. Rutledge, Roads pay roll 27.05 L. N. Morgan, Roads payroll 131.75 H. S. Taylor, Roads payroll .. 288.74 H. Tamblyn, Roads payroll .. 337.67 State, Sheriff 6.42 State of Oregon, Insane 560.00 Office Service Co., Ct. Hse. .. 9.00 W. O. Dix, Jail 15.36 Patterson & Son, Poor 7.75 W. O. Dix, Poor 1.64 J. F. Gorham, Poor 9.93 Mrs. L. G. Rumble, Poor 37.00 Mrs. J. W. Foley, Poor 12.79 R. C. Phelps, Poor 12.48 L. C. Smith Co., Sheriff 7.00 M. Bauernflend, Poor 7.49 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 32.80 Burroughs Mach. Co., Ct. Hse. 15.50 American Brush Co., Ct Hse. 5.90 Thomson Bros., Poor 20.67 Hughes & Hughes, Poor 3.04 Huston's Grocery, Poor 19.29 Dr. A. B. Gray, Poor 41.40 Heppner Market, Poor 2.85 M. D. Clark, Poor 3.45 J. O. Turner, Poor 5.00 DR THE APRIL TERM PRICE UP TO to the DULHI ADVERTISEMENT NEW REDUCED PRICES Amount n-,.-,,- , Nflw Reduced of STANDARD MODELS List Prlct Reduction Sport Roadster J465 $25 Coach 495 25 Coupe 485 25 MASTER MODELS Sport Roadster 540 35 Coach 580 35 Town Sedan 615 30 Sedan 640 35 Coupe 560 35 Sport Coupe 600 35 Sedan Delivery 600 45 COMMERCIAL CARS Commercial Chassis 355 30 Utility Long Chassis 515 50 Dual Long Chassis 535 50 Utility Chassis and Cab 575 50 Dual Chassis and Cab 595 50 Utility Long Chassis and Cab 605 50 Dual Long Chassis and Cab 625 50 Commercial Panel 575 35 Special Commercial Panel 595 35 Utility Panel 750 50 Dual Cab and Stake Body 680 50 Dual Long Cab and Stake Body 740 50 Above are list prioea of passenger cava at Flint, Mich. With bumpers, spare tire and tire look, the tint price of Standard Modela ie 918 additional; Master Models, $20 additional. List pricee of commercial cars quoted are t.o.b. Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Prices subject to change without notice. Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C, terms. A General Motora Value. Heppner FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Oregon THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934. J. R Benton, Poor 24.24 W. S. Newport, Poor 1.94 J. R. Benton, Poor 16.80 Fred Crump, Poor 15.50 F. P. Leicht, Poor 7.50 P. P. & L. Co., Various 28.95 Gay M. Anderson, Gen. 5.45 City of Heppner, Various 12.10 Humphreys Drug Co., Var. .. 55.00 West Coast Co., Various 140.02 Pac. Sty. Co., Sheriff 5.63 C. B. Orai, Sealer 7.29 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. 50.35 Sylva Wells, Tax Col. 81.62 C. J. D. Bauman, Tax Col. .. 100.00 Gazette Times, Tax. Col.- Various ... 181 70 State of Oregon, Fire Patrol 33.58 Wells & Delap, Emergency .. 243.85 Max Crandall, Audit 150.00 Union Oil Co., Roads 453.12 Tum-A-Lum, Roads 35.10 Gilliam & Bisbee, Roads 72.28 State, Roads 35.61 State, Roads 39.54 H. Tamblyn,- Roads 83.26 Ralph Moore, Roads 6.00 Frank Barlow, Roads payroll 123.75 Ferguson Motor Co., Roads 25.36 Valvoline Oil Co., Roads 109.88 F. Shively, Roads 56.78 P. G. Balsiger, Roads 250.06 E. R. Lundell, Roads 108.62 W. H. McMahon, Roads 25.55 J. D. Freight Co., Roads . 7.74 Henderson Bros., Roads 100.35 J. McEntire, Roads 9.34 Shell Oil Co., Roads 377.18 Mack Truck Co., Roads 66.94 Vaughn & Goodman, Roads 6.19 John Jenkins, Roads 8.52 Frank Howell, Roads 42.00 Tum-A-Lum, Roads 18.70 A. Lietz Co., Roads 7.86 A. R. Reid, Roads 4.65 Allis-Chalmers Co., Roads .... 3.45 J. H. Cox, Roads 3.50 Ada L. Cannon, Roads 85.00 Frank Nixon, Roads 71.64 A. M. Baldwin, Roads 2.78 Neal Knighten, Roads 27.00 C. A. Kane, Roads . 65.59 Marion Hayden, Roads pay roll 209.62 Geo. Hayden, Roads payroll 158.50 J. H. Gentry, Roads payroll 80.80 CALL FOR WARRANTS. All General Fund Warrants of Morrow County, Oregon, registered on or before June 20th, 1934, will be paid at any time on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Interest on above warrants ceases with July 12th, 1934. Heppner, Oregon, July 5, 1934. LEON W. BRIGGS, 17-18 County Treasurer. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice is hereby given by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, that I have taken up at my place, known as the Tom Pullen place, and the M. H. Stoneman place on Rock creek, 7 miles west of Hard man, Oregon, the following describ ed animals found running at large on my said premises, and that I will on Saturday, the 14th day of July, 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, offer for sale and sell the said animals to the hghest and best bidder for cash DRASTIC REDU record low price of AND in hand, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animals are described as follows: One cow with calf by side, brand on cow is an X with bar over it on left hip. One cow with a combination brand M J on left hip. One red bull, 3 years old, not branded. One roan bull, 2 years old, not branded. One cow with calf at side; brand on cow is a bar J on left hip. Fourteen head of mixed cattle, from yearlings to three-year-olds; all being branded J U the J being inside the U on left hip. One black 2-year-old heifer with blotch brand on right hip. M. H. STONEMAN, Lonerock, Oregon. "notice to creditors, in the county court of morrow county, state of oregon, l. c. hirshheimer estate. Notice is hereby Riven that the under signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of L. C. Hirshheimer, de ceased, by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estute are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as hy law required, to the uiv dersiirned at the offiec of G. 11. Cellars, 725 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published July 6, 1934. Last publication August 2, If 34. JOHN H. DUNLOP, Administrator of the estate of L. C. Hirshheim er, deceased. G. H. Cellars, 726 Failing Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the underr signed has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County executor of the estate of John David Bauman, deceased, and that all per sons having claims aganst the said estate must present the same, duly verified ac cording to law, to me at Heppner, Oregon within six months of the date of first pub lication of this notice said date of first pub lication being June 28, 1934. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed administratrix of the estate oi Nancy Mathews, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of said estate, and that said Court has set Monday, the 2nd dav of July. 1934. at the hour of 10:0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time ana place lor hearing objections to said final account and all persons having objections to Baid final account or to the settlement of said eBtate are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 31st day of May, 1934. ANNA B. ENGLEMAN, Administratrix NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the btale of Ore gon for Morrow County, on the 13th day of June. 1934, by the Clerk of said Court pursuant to a judgment and decree ren dered in said Court on the 12th day of June, 1934, in favor of 0. E. Johnson, plaintiff and against Itertha D. dllmnn defendant, for the sum of $1500.00, with interest thereon from the 18th day of March, 1932, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the further sum of $lbu.00, attor ney's fees, and $16.00, the cost and dis bursements and directing me to sell all the right, title and interest of said defendant CTION: BRING UP, F. O. B. FLINT, MICHIGAN Reductions amounting to as much as $50 tlw most sub stantial price cuts announced in the low price field this year have dropped Chev rolet's base price to a new low figure of $465. Juat compare this price compare any Chevrolet price with those of other cars. Then compare what you get for what you pay! There'll be no question in your mind which car to buy. Chevrolet offers patented Knee-Action and others do not! The same thing applies to Fisher body, cable-controlled brakes, Y-K frame, shock -proof steer ing, and 80-horsepower, valve-in-head six-cylinder engine. Yet the price of the Chevrolet Standard is lower tban that of any other six or any eight in the world. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. and of defendant, William McCaleb, in and to the following deacnoeo rei wi. to-wit : All of lot six (6) in Mock one (1) of Ayer's Fourth Addition to the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. 1NOW ill UimjKM": w ' will on the 14th day of July. 134, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, uregon, sen smu . property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, and apply the proceeds .liur.a.r 1,1 the imvinent of said judgment and accruing costs of sale. Dated and first published this 14th day of June, 1934. U. J. u. UAUfliniii Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for Morrow County administratrix of . the estate of William A. Wilcox, deceased,, and that all persons having claims against said estate must present the same to me at the of fice of my attorney, P. W. Mahoney, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said date of first publication being June 7, 1U34. AGNES WILCOX. 13-17 Administratrix. Professional Cards Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dentul diagnosis. First National Batik Building l'hone 502 Heppner, Ore. Heppner Abstract Co. J. 1.00.1 E KICHAKDSON, Mgr. RATES REASONABLE HOTKL HEPPNER BUILDING DR. E. C. WILLCUTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN fe SURGEON (Over J. C. Penney Co.) PENDLETON, OREGON AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty G. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON t PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON t J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT IAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phong 323 227 North Main Street Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted WM. BROOKIIOUSER PAINTING PAPERHANGINO INTERIOR DECORATING Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis OILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon - - P. W. MAHONEY ATTOBNEY.AT-LAW Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offioe In Court House Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods Watohes - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon P. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roborts Bnlldlng, Willow E treat Heppner, Oregon