Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 28, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 16.
Subscription $200 a Year
Margaret Gillis, Nurse
with State Assocation,
Explains to Lions.
Skin-Testing Campaign to Assist in
Controlling; "White Plague";
Good Results Had.
Tuberculosis, the once dreaded
"white Plague," is preventable and
long strides have been made toward
its complete eradication In Oregon,
Miss Margaret Gillis, nurse with
the Oregon State Tuberculosis as
sociation, told the Heppner Lions
club at its Monday luncheon. Con
stant vigilance and unceasing work
have been the means of lowering
Oregon's death rate from tubercu
losis to the lowest rate in any of
the states, Miss Gillis said.
Misg Gillis was in the county to
make a check-up of the skin-testing
campaign made for the Board
man and Irrigon communities last
February, and explained the nature
of this test which it hoped to carry
out at Heppner for the rest of the
county shortly after school opens
In the fall. By this test the pres
ence of tuberculosis in the individ
ual is determined and steps pre
scribed where necessary.
The skin test by which tuberculo
sis Is revealed is somple and safe,
Miss Gillis said. It consists of In
jecting a clear serum between the
layers of the skin in the front fore
arm just below the elbow. If posi
tive reaction to the test is shown,
a red spot appears where the serum
is injected. Such reaction does not
mean the presence of active tuber
culosis, but does call for a further
Positive reactors are asked to
have x-ray pictures taken of the
chest. These pictures reveal to a
qualified doctor whether the reactor
has an arrested case, and whether
a further examination is necessary.
Dr. Bellinger, head of the state tu
berculosis hospitals and one of the
outstanding authorities on tuber
culosis, reads the x-ray pictures and
himself does much of the follow up
work. It was to prepare for a visit
of Dr. Bellinger to the Irrigon and
Boardman sections that Miss Gillis
was here the first of the week.
If the x-ray pictures reveal cases
where personal examination is
deemed necessary, a capable chest
specialist, such as Miss Gillis, is
sent Into the field to obtain histories
of such cases to assist the examin
ing physician In determining future
treatment. If the nature of the
case is such as to demand It, appli
cation is made for care at one of
the state tuberculosis hospitals.
The state tuberculosis association
has taken the lead in conducting
the skin-test clinics, through which
a number of active cases of tuber
culosis have been uncovered and
proper treatment given. The asso
ciation provides the services of the
nurse, and local physicians gener
ally cooperate In giving the test and
In taking the x-ray pictures, with
no cost to the children examined
except for the pictures. The service
is made possible thru the annual
Bale of Christmas Seals. Miss Gil
lis said that fine cooperation was
had at Irrigon and Boardman, and
the Lions gave assurance that good
cooperation would be given if the
tests are made here.
The matter of obtaining recogni
tion for the Heppner-Spray road In
the expendtlurs of federal road
funds recently received by the state
was also discussed by the club, and
It was expected to use the club's
influence in seeing that the cause
was represented before the meeting
of the. Btate highway commission
next Saturday.
Miss Adele Nickerson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nickerson,
was married on Sunday afternoon
at All Saints' Episcopal church to
Mr. Wm. C. Hayes of Etowah, Ala
bama. Rev. M. G. Tennyson, Epis
copal minister, performed the cere
mony In the presence of immediate
members of the bride's family. Mrs.
Hayes, a graduate of Heppner high
school with the class of 1932, re
cently completed a beauty course in
Portland and opened Adele's Beau
ty Shoppe here about a month ago.
She Is a popular member of Hepp
ner's younger set. Mr. Hayes is a
young engineer who came to Hepp
ner recently as a member of the
federal coast and geodetic survey
ing crew who have been at work in
this vicinity. As soon as Mr. Hayes'
work Is completed here, the young
couple expect to go to Washington,
D. C. They have the well wishes
of a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Noerenberg
and two sons, spent Tuesday night
with the C. W. Smith family. Mr.
Noerenberg is a brother of Mrs.
Smith, and owner of the Centralia
Tribune, a weekly newspaper In
Centralia, Wash., and during the
past session of congress was secre
tary to Senator Dill. They were on
their way from Washington, D. C,
to Spokane to visit other relatives.
Lost Ford hunting coat; reward.
Finder please leave at this office.
Field Day at Cool Farm Sunday
Well Attended; Cox and Smith
Speak on Program.
"All of the free ice cream you can
eat" has been heard by many a boy
and girl, however, it is our guess
that last Sunday was one of the,
very few times that this has been
a reality when W. C. Cox, manager
of the Morrow County Creamery
lived up to his promise and supplied
free Ice cream to all who attend
ed the Willows grange annual pic
nic at the H. E. Cbol farm near
How to get better prices for but
ter and increase the consumption
were the topics discussed by Mr.
Cox and by C. W. Smith, county
agent. It was brought out that the
butter made in Oregon would be
worth three-quarters of a million
dollars more per year at present
quotations if it were all sold on the
basis of official wholesale quotations
for 92 score butter, than if it were
all sold on the basis of 89 score
quotations. When higher prices are
received by the creamery It natur
ally can distribute more back to the
producers. The producer of the
butter fat and the butter maker
must work hand in hand in mak
ing good butter. The producer's
part is to furnish good cream to the
creamery and the butter maker
must apply his knowledge and skill
In making the highest quality but
ter possible from the cream. The
buttermaker cannot be expected to
make high quality butter that will
bring top price unless he has good
materials to work with. Cleanliness
of the cows and the milker and the
various utensils as well as prompt
cooling of the milk are fundamen
tal if good butter is to be made.
Dairy utensils used should be
scrubbed with hot water containing
soda washing powders and not soap
which is ordinarily used by the
Cardinal points to be observed in
producing cream from which high
quality butter can be made are;
Strong-flavored feeds should not
be fed to cows shortly before milk
ing; keep healthy cows; keep cows
clean; wipe udders with a clean,
damp cloth before milking; screen
the barn and milk house; the milk
er's hands should be washed and
dried by a clean towei before milk
ing; use clean, sterile utensils;
wash and sterilize the separator
twice dally; cool the cream prompt
ly by setting can In flowing water!
cover the cream cans with a clean
tea towel to keep out foreign obi
jects; keep the cream at a temper
ature below 50 F. if possible; use
well-tinned, sanitary utensils; keep
the cream in a pure atmosphere;
keep the utensils in a clean, well
ventilated place; the cream should
contain 32 to 35 percent fat; and
deliver the cream to the creamery
before it turns sour.
Members of the 4-H clubs of the
lone district contributed several
numbers to the program and horse
shoe pitching was the main sport
of the day. A good crowd of grang
ers and their friends was present
111 Luck Trails Family
of Local Farm Operator
A streak of ill luck seems to be
trailing the family of A. W. Gam
mell of this city. On Sunday, while
hauling hay in from the field, Mr.
Gammell was run over by the load
ed wagon and his left leg broken.
The Injury was between the ankle
and knee, both bones being broken
twice. His injuries were promptly
cared for by a physician and he is
getting along as well as could be
In the latter part of March the
infant daughter of Edna Piatt,,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gammell,
who resides in California, died. On
the 13th day of June her husband
was killed in a truck accident and
Edna is now bereft of both child
and husband. A letter received by
Mr. and Mrs. Gammell on Tuesday
contained the Information that their
son, Floyd, was at the Veterans hos
pital In Walla Walla and was to be
operated on that day for appendi
citis. Truly troubles are not com
ing singly to this family.
The republican central committee
for Morrow county met at the court
house In Heppner last Saturday and
perfected its organization for the
fall political campaign. S, E. Not
son was made chairman, C. J. D.
Bauman, secretary; Guy L. Barlow,
W. W. Luckman, L. L. Beach, Hen
ry E, Peterson and Walter W.
Luckman, members of the nominat
ing committee; C. J. D, Bauman,
state central committeeman, and
A. C. Houghton, congressional
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston en
joyed a visit over the week end
from W. W. Stewart nnrt Mm Ir.
etta Davis, brother and sister of
Mrs. Huston who were here from
their homes In Albany. Mrs. Ada
Bloom, another sister of Mrs. Hus
ton, had been a guest in the Huston
home for a week. They returned
home on Sunday via Heppner-Spray
road and McKenzie pass and were
accompanied as far as the mouth
of Service creek bv Mr. inH Mrs
Huston and the party enjoyed din
ner together there before separat
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Huston returned
home through Condon and Arlington,
Jack Terry, Former Rodeo
Star, Meets Near Death
Jack Terry, who followed black
smithing here for several years and
who won the bucking championship
for two years at the Heppner Ro
deo, was terribly Injured on Dec
oration Day when the boom of a
derrick he was moving at his home
near Stockton, Cal., hit a high ten
sion electric line, sending 7000 volts
through his body, according to
word received by friends here. He
is at Room 105, St. Joseph's hospi
tal, Stockton, receiving the best of
care, but will not be able to walk
for at least four months.
Doctors call Jack the "Miracle
Man" for being still alive after tak
ing the high voltage which burned
his feet and hands to the bone. He
underwent an operation on the 19th
for the removal of the dead flesh
from the feet, which left little of
the feet but bone. The doctor was
afraid for a time he would lose the
right foot, but was encouraged as
the poison drained from Jack's sys
tem. Skin grafting on the feet was
to be started Saturday. It is likely
Jack's buckaroo days will be over,
even though recovery is complete.
Meantime his Heppner friends will
be pulling for him strong.
Miss Alice Palmer, only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer of
this city, and Mr. Carlisle Harrison
of Cascade Locks were married at
Yakima, Wash., at two o'clock on
Saturday afternoon in the presence
of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer,
brother and sister-in-law of the
bride. Mrs. Harrison is a graduate
of Lexington high school. She is
also a graduate of Pacific univer
sity and of the Oregon State Nor
mal school at Monmouth. After
graduating from the normal school
she taught one year in the school at
Morgan and one year at Cascade
Locks. Mr. Harrison works in the
state fish hatchery at Bonneville.
After a short honeymoon trip to the
coast they will make their home at
Cascade Locks.
Ray Phillips, local meat market
employee, was burned quite badly
about the face and arms one day
last week. He was dipping lard
from a kettle when the dipper han
dle broke, letting it fall back into
the kettle and Bplashing the hot
lard on him.
Dallas Ward returned Sunday
evening from Minneapolis, Minn.,
where he is an instructor in the
high school. He was accompanied
by Buster Gentry who is a student
in the university in that city.
Miss Annie Hynd, Miss Nellie
Doney and David Hynd were out
going passengers on the train Sat
urday night, their destination be
ing Portland where they went on a
combined business and pleasure
Miss Mae Gentry, who is employ
ed at Vancouver, Wash., arrived in
Lexington Tuesday for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Lester White motored to Port
land over the week end to visit with
Mrs. White.
Harold Beach Is now employed
at the county agent's office In Hepp
ner. Miss La Verne Brown of Portland
was a guest of Mrs. Roy Johnson
last week. Miss Brown is the
daughter of Chester Brown of
Harry Dinges spent the week
end in Corvallis where he attend
ed at O. S. C. alumni picnic.
Mrs. Arthur Rowell of Hermiston
who has been visiting relatives in
Lexington is assisting Mrs. J. E.
Gentry with the cooking during
Ralph Wickersham of Portland
was a guest at the Harry Duvall
ranch over the week end.
Mr. and Mr9. W, L. Copenhaver
have moved their household effects
Into the Penland house. They left
the first of the week for Athenai
where they will visit with their
daughter, Mrs. Dick Swift.
Fred Pointer, Vernon Warner and
Jack McMillan motored to Moro
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears
and daughters, Vera and Bunny,
were Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Harvesting was temporarily dis
continued Tuesday on account of
the high wind which shattered much
of the wheat. The wind, accompan
ied by much dust and by low tem
perature, was the strongest one that
has blown here for some time.
Miss Tillle Nelson arrived Wed
nesday afternoon on the stago from
Pendleton where she recently un
derwent an operation for appendi
citis at St. Anthony's hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Burchell of
Sheridan were looking after busi
ness interests here last week. They
were accompanied by Miss Elveris
Brown of Sheridan and Miss Doris
Burchell who has been working In
Portland since the close of school.
In passing another car on the
highway Saturday night the War
ner car, driven by Vernon Warner,
left the road and ran into a gravel
pile. The fenders were bent but no
serious damage resulted.
Miss Edna Rauch left Mondav for
Echo where she will attend school
preparatory to confirmation.
Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson of Hepp
ner was transacting business in
tnis city Tuesday afternoon.
Among Lexington people who
spent Sunday picnicking at various
places In the mountains were Mr.
and Mrs. Orvllle Cutsforth and
family, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smouse
and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nel
son and family, Beulah Nichols and
Billie, Harriet Pointer, Ruth Craw
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack-
Tentative Allocation of Federal
Funds Gives Local Road Funds
to Finish Grade and Surface.
Tentative allocation of federal
secondary highway funds by the
Oregon State Highway commission
calls for $35,000 for completion of
the Heppner-Spray road, according
to information received In Heppner
this morning. The amount of $35,
000 is based upon estimates by the
engineers of the commission, and it
Is expected would be sufficient to
complete the grade and surfacing
of the road.
Final decision on the allocation of
funds will be made by the commis
sion at its meeting in Portland next
Monday, and it is expected there
will be a delegation from Heppner
present to urge the completion of
the road. In line with the recent
ly announced policy of the com
mission to use the allotment of fed
eral money to complete roads now
nearly finished before starting new
projects, it is believed the Heppner
Spray road will receive favorable
consideration of the road body. In
case the tentative allocation is made
officially it is expected the contracts
for grading and surfacing will be
awarded immediately and work will
be started within a few weeks.
Tales of Old Times
pioneer editor of the "Gaaet" writlnf
from National Military Borne,
Uncle Charlie Wallace had a hap
py, hospitable home up on Balm
Fork, and he and his good wife,
Aunt Abigail, always welcomed us
when we dropped in to stay all
night, on our way to hunt bear up
in the Blue Mountains. One night
as we sat around in the big front
room, and the conversation rather
slowed up, Judge Dutton asked Un
cle Charlie how many cows he had
'W-e-ell, let's see," said Charlie.
"I sold ten cows to Professor Ken
nedy, ten to Will Morrow, three to
Butcher Bill, and one to John Red-
ington, five to Tom Quaid, two to
Bill Leezer, and let's see, some to
somebody else, and well, I can't
remember. But the books will
And Aunt Abigail, the good wife,
chimed in with:
"Why, Charles, you know that
you never kept a book in your life!"
So, we let it go at that, and Jim
Fuller changed the subject
"Don't shoot the squaws, boys,"
said Captain English, as the battle
raged among the lodges (Jf the hos
tile Nez Perces at the Big Hole bat
tle. Just then a big squaw raised
the flap of a lodge and took a pot
shot at the Captain. She shot high,
so that the bullet went through the
hat instead of lower down.
Professor Kennedy, phrenologist,
came to our town and gave free
lectures but charged $5 for an xam
ination and a chart of your head
bumps. He figured out that my
bumps showed special talent for en
gineering and sizing up distances
for instance, I could walk right over
to a window sill and put my finger
on the exact center. I insisted on
trying it, and he said There! you
struck it exactly! But I also insist
ed on testing it with a tape meas
ure, and found I was seven inches)
off. But the rest of the bumps were
bumptious, and I must have con
sulted that chart as much as three
or four times. And where is it now?
Yes, where?
Demurrers in Local Cases
To be Heard at La Grande
Demurrers filed In the cases of
the state vs. Gay M. Anderson,
county clerk, charged with larceny
of public funds, and the state vs.
W. G. McCarty, R. W. Turner, R.
A. Thompson, R. I. Thompson and
C. N. Jones, directors of Heppner
Farmers Elevator, charged with
illegal operation of a public ware
house, will be heard before Judge
Knowles, circuit judge for Union
county, at La Grande next Satur
day. Frank J. Lonergan of Port
land will argue the Anderson de
murrer, while J. J. Nys, J. O. Tur
ner and P. W. Mahoney, local at
torneys, will represent the elevator
directors. Francis Wade, assistant
attorney general, will represent the
state in both cases.
Should Judge Knowles uphold
the demurrers the cases will be re
referred to the grand jury, other
wise they will come to trial at a
date to be set later.
Visitors at the regular meeting of
Ruth Chapter O. E. S. on Friday
evening were W. W. Stewart and
Mrs. Loretta Davis, brother and
sister of Mrs. Ealor Huston, wor
thy matron. The visitors are past
presiding officers of the chapter at
son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Duvall, Mr. and Mrs. James Leach,
Mr. and Mrs. Merl Miller and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott.
Mrs. Alda Troedson and daugh
ter Frances were here Monday
afternoon from their ranch near
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff of Mor
row county, was a business visitor
In this city Monday afternoon.
Would Learn Story of
Doughboy and Dollar Bill
What kind of a story could this
dollar bill tell, had it the power of
speech ?
J. D. Cash, J. C. Penney Co. man
ager and an active member in the
local post American Legion, has
the bill, taken in the regular chan
nel of trade at his store this week.
It is one of the large, old-time is
sue bills which circulated before
Uncle Sam started to conserve pa
per by issuing the later, more petite
size. Written with ink on its back
is the inscription, "Samaur, France
R. E. LaGreve, 309 Residence, Al
bany, Ga. Sept 6, 1918."
No doubt R. E. LaGreve was an
American doughboy in Saumur
France on Sept. 6, 1918, a little
more than two months before the
armistice was signed. As to the
circumstances under which the bill
was inscribed, one may only guess
until the story is learned, as MrJ
Cash hopes it will be when he puts
the American Legion Monthly on
its trail.
Miss Betty Bergevin and her
brother Denward returned last
week from a visit of several weeks
With relatives at Gibbon, Walla
Walla and Haines.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cook depart
ed last Wednesday for their home
at Grants Pass after a short visit
with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth
Blake and her family. They went
by way of Portland expecting to
make several short stops on their
way home.
A school election has been called
for July 2nd at Morgan to elect one
director for a two year term to take
the place left vacant by Alfred Od
om who has resigned.
John F. Honey of Gresham was
an overnight visitor at the Park
hotel two nights last week on his
way to and from Idaho where he
made a business trip.
On last Friday evening several
members of the local chapter of the
O. E. S. went to Heppner where
they were entertained by the O. E.
S. chapter of that city. All report
an enjoyable evening.
Miss Helen Farnsworth of The
Dalles is visiting at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. D. M. Ward.
Members of the school board
elected at the annual meeting last
week met at the office of the clerk,
Ralph Harris, on Monday evening
and were duly sworn in. Although
none of the three was present at the
meeting at which they were elected
they have decided to serve. They
are Mrs. Bert Mason, E. J. Blake
and H. D. McCurdy.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bergevin and Mr. and Mrs. Laxton
McMurray spent a day on a pleas
ant outing in Umatilla county where
they looked at the wheat crop out
look and also watched peas and
beans being harvested near Athena.
They also paid a short call at the
home of Mr. Bergevin's parents at
Charles Conner of Portland ar
rived in lone Monday morning. He
will be employed at the Willard
Blake farm during harvest.
Miss Nellie Carlson of King City,
Calif., who has been a house guest
of Miss Liena Troedson for the past
two weeks returned to her home
Virgil Esteb who has been a stu
dent at U. of O. the past year re
turned to lone last week and will
spend the summer at the ranch of
his uncle, L. Carlson.
Norman Swanson's name Is
among those published recently in
the Portland papers as being on the
honor roll at the U. of O. spring
On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Dorr Mason entertained a group of
their friends with a chicken dinner.
After dinner cards were enjoyed.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Engelman and Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Swanson.
The 4-H Cinderella cooking club
met at the home of their leader,
Mrs. Kenneth Blake, last Wednes
day afternoon. The meeting was
called to order by the vice-president,
Helen Lundell. Following the
business meeting the making of
baking powder biscuits was dem
onstrated. The girls learned how
to make various kinds of biscuits
with one foundation recipe. Butter
scotch biscuits were finished by
Helen Lundell and Opal Cool and
served to the club with jello at the
end of the afternoon. Five mem
bers of the club were present The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Helen Lundell on July 11.
Walter Corley and Fred Buchan
an made a trip to Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe and
Mrs. Cole Smith drove to The Dalles
Monday where they went direct to
nearby orchards and secured a large
quantity of apricots for canning.
Mrs. Victor Rietmann entertained
last Friday evening with a dinner
party In honor of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Engelman of Portland who have
been visiting here the past week.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Swanson and
the guests of honor. Following din
ner bridge was played and high
score was won by Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Frank
Lundell and Mrs. Clell Rea were
business visitors in Pendleton on
Norman Swanson departed Sun
day for Spokane where he has ac-
(Continued on Past Four)
20,000 Republicans From Over State
Expected to Attend Affair at
Jantzen Beach, Portland.
Portland, June 27. (Special) If
the advance sale of tickets is any
criterion, at least 20,000 Republi
cans from all parts of Oregon will
be in attendance at the Republican
clubs' state-wide picnic at Jantzen
Beach park in Portland, Sunday,
July 8.
According to officials of the out
ing, reservations for tickets have
been received from all sections of
the state and a large throng of par
ty members, residing outside of
Portland, is expected to be among
those present
The picnic is the first move of a
concerted campaign by Republican
leaders to revive interest and create
harmony and unity within the party
ranks. Britt Nedry, president of
the Oregon Republican clubs, left
Portland today for a tour of the
western sector of the state to stim
ulate interest in the forthcoming
affair and to assist in organizing
Republican club chapters in the va
rious towns. He planned to visit all
communities in the Willamette val
ley, southern Oregon, and coastal
districts before returning to Port
land. The picnic program committee
has scheduled a long list of events
for the entertainment of the visit
ors. The honored guests for the
occasion will be Oregon's delega
tion in congress and leading party
nominees. All will be introduced
and will deliver brief talks.
"If success is to be obtained in
the general election, the party must
be marshalled into an undivided
army," Mr. Nedry stated at a recent
meeting of Republican leaders. "We
hope to accomplish this by means
of forming chapters throughout the
state and are holding the picnic for
the purpose of launching our or
ganizing drive. Every Republican
who is able should attend this out
ing, and observe at first hand the
men who aspire to bear the party
standards in the coming election."
Ralph Hamilton, former speaker
of the Oregon House, is general
chairman of the executive commit
tee in charge of the picnic and Sam
Wilderman and John H. Hall are
serving as vice-chairmen. State
Senator F. M. Franciscovich of As
toria will be master of ceremonies.
James Hart Dies Suddenly
At Los Angeles Yesterday
The news was received by the
relatives . at Heppner early this
morning announcing the sudden
death at Los Angeles, about 4:00
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, of James
Hart, brother of Mrs. Melissa Mar
latt and Mrs. Ellen Schwarz. His
death was doubtless caused by a
heart attack, as for some years past
Mr. Hart has been afflicted with
heart trouble.
Definite arrangements for the fu
neral had not been made as we go
to press, but the relatives here ex
pect that the body will be brought
to Heppner for interment Mr. Hart
was long a resident of this commu
nity and engaged in business here
for many years. He grew up here
and was a graduate from the local
high school. For the past twenty
five years he has followed the hotel
business, having worked for Phil
Metschan of the Imperial hotel In
Portland, as steward, later going to
Longview, Wash., where he held a
similar position with the Monticello
hotel, and during the past several
years he has been with the Roose
velt hotel at Hollywood, which is
under the management of the same
man for whom Mr. Hart worked at
Longview. At the time of the open
ing of the Hotel Heppner, Mr. Hart
was in charge, and his manage
ment of the new hostlery proved
his ability as a hotel man. The
many friends of Mr. Hart here will
be grieved to learn of his demise.
Charles H. Latourell and Miss
Alice Latourell motored to Chehalis,
Wash., the and of the week, where
Mr. Latourell took part in a trap
shoot on Sunday and held high gun
for the shoot. In the 50 bird match
from the 16-yard line, he broke 4ft
birds for first place, and in the 25
bird 20-yard handicap he broke 21
birds for third place, but was high
over all, winning a nice gold watch
chain given as first prize. Mr. Lat
ourell expected to leave yesterday
for Reno, Nev., to participate in a
national shoot which started Tues
day and will end Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cox, Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Gemmell and Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer Crawford drove to
Milton yesterday evening where
they attended a meeting of Nell
Best post, American Legion, and
Auxiliary. New officers for the post
were installed by Mr. Crawford,
aoting in his capacity as district
commander for the 6th district. Be
fore returning home they enjoyed
nlonsnnt visit with Mr. and Mrs.
j James M. Burgess. Mr. Burgess,
new superintendent of schools for
MUton-Freewater, is on the job
getting the year's work lined up.
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn White, for
merly with the Methodist church
here, visited with friends over
Tuesday, Mr. White being here to
look after some property interests
on lower Willow creek. They are
with the M. E. church at Talent,
Work of Field Crews in
This County Draw
ing to a Close.
Allotment Acreages Generally Run
ning Under Farmers' Estimates;
Reduction Placed at 15 Pet.
The wheat allotment acreage sur
vey for Morrow county is being rap
idly closed up, and it is expected
that by July 16th all farm areas
under production control will have
been measured, according to reports
coming from the office of the Mor
row County Wheat Production Con
trol association. Nine field crews
are measuring the land and the
acreages are being computed in the
production control office. Farmers
are asked to come to the office and
fill out the certificates of compli
ance. It would be well for each
grower to wait five or six days af
ter the farm supervisor visits his
ranch before calling to fill the com
pliance certificates, in order to be
sure that his acreage figures have
been completed.
Most of the acreages are running
under the farmers' estimates. From
the acreages that have been figured,
it looks as though there has been
more than a fifteen percent reduc
tion throughout the entire county.
Most of the estimates as given in
by the farmers are fairly accurate
and show that they had a very good
idea as to the number of acres their
fields contained.
Contrary to newspaper reports
Morrow county is not going to use
the aerial method of measuring the
wheat lands, due to the fact that so
many of the farmers started their
harvesting operations before auth
orization was given by the office of
the Wheat Section in Washington
that the aerial survey would be per
mitted. Owners' proof of compliance have
been sent to landowners who live
outside of the county and it is hoped
that these will be returned in time
so that clearance sheets can be sent
to Washington, D. C, by July 25.
N. C. Donaldson, state wheat ag
ent is now on the job assisting the
association officials in the mid-Columbia
territory in interpreting the
rulings as laid down by the Wash
ington office.
Morrow Grain Growers
Lease Local Warehouse
Heppner Fanners Elevator com
pany warehouse in this city was
this week leased to Morrow Coun
ty Grain Growers, Inc., the papers
in the transaction being passed
J. E. Swanson will be manager of
the local institution along with the
other property of the association,
with a local man in charge here.
Announcement has not yet been
made as to whom the local mana
ger will be. It is understood that
all lease money will be turned into
the hands of the trustees for the
benefit of the creditors of the Far
mers Elevator company.
The warehouse and elevator prop
erty has been operated the past
year by Ralph Jackson of Lexing
ton with Warren Blakely as the res
ident manager.
New Books Received
By Heppner Library
Some $50 worth of new books
have just been received at Heppner
library, purchased out of funds
from the bequest of the Fanny O.
Kood estate. These books are to
be circulated when the name plates
being prepared at the office of the
G. T. have been attached. $175.00
of the bequest has been received
and expended for books, and these
will all have the book plate.
Included among the books just
received are: Log of a Cowboy, by
Adams; Natives Return, Adamic;
Within This Present Barnes; Little
Dutch Tulip Girl, Little Jeanne of
France, Brandes; Understood Bet
sy, Canfield; How to Lead and Play,
Culbertson; Robinson Crusoe, De
foe; Microbe Hunters, de Kruif;
Captain Archer's Daughter, Deland;
I Went to Pit College, Gilflllan;
Lamb in His Bosom, Miller; Men
Against the Sea, Nordhoff; Three
Men and Diana, Norris; Life Be
gins at Forty, Pilkin; Ivanhoe,
Scott; L and L High School and.
Collegiate Dictionary; How Could
I be Forgetting, Northwest Nature
Trails, Lampman.
Mr. and Mrs. f!. H Tjitniimll miHa
an early get-away from Heppner
.Wednesday morning for Rena, Nev.,
wnere tjnarne goes to attend the
national trap shoot. They were ac
companied on the trip by Jasper
Crawford. Thev wnnlri pnvr oKmt
925 miles in making the Journey,
being also accompanied by a young
coupio wno were returning to their
home In the eastern nnrt nf Ma.
vada, and Reno would be reached
sometime today. The return to
Heppner will be by a shorter route.
Boyd DeBunce Is assisting Man
ager Anglin in the Safeway store
this week, as Is also Anderson