HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 PAGE THREE r ' ' " ' ..i ...... , Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones of Pasco I and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Atherton of I Portland arrived at Heppner onl Friday for a visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were guests at the homes of F. S. Par ker and J. O. Turner and returned to Pasco on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Atherton remained for the week as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford, for a more extended visit with the relatives here. Mrs. Atherton and Mrs. Jones are sisters' of Mr. Craw ford and Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Lulu Bookman and Edward Everett Jones were married at high noon on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bonnie Cochran on Court street, Joel R. Benton performing the ceremony. Immediately follow ing the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Jones took their departure for Weiser, Idaho, to make their home. They were accompanied by the children of Mrs. Jones and her father, Mr. Morris who had made his home with the family for a number ef years. Oscar Keithley of lone states that his brother, Emerson Keithley writes him that his son, Christoph er Keithley, whose death was re cently announced in these columns, apparently passed away from a heart attack during the night as he was found dead in his bed at his home at Santa Rosa, Cal. How- ever, when Mr. Keithley wrote, the exact cause of his son's death had not been determined by the cor oner. Miss Mary Monahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan of this city, was among the graduates of St. Mary's academy in Walla Walla at the close of school the past week. Attending the gradua tion exercises from here were Mr. and Mrs. Monahan, their son Jam es, daughter Patricia and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hisler. Mrs. John Padberg visited In the city for a short time on Tuesday afternoon from the famify home on Heppner flat. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Archie Padberg, is still having to go to Portland for treatment of injuries received some months ago in an auto accident, her progress toward recovery being very slow. Her husband is in Portland with her now. Charles Notson writes his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson, that he and his wife are scheduled for the missionary field In China, on the border of Tibet If present plans work out, they will be leaving for the foreign field In September, sailing from Seattle. They expect to make the folks at Heppner a visit in the meantime. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gault return ed on Sunday evening from Canyon City where they enjoyed the week end attending the Whisky Gulch celebration. Mrs. Gault assisted in putting on the pageant during the celebration, and reports reaching us are to the effect that the per formance was very excellent and attractive. Spencer Akers, who has been in Heppner for some time repairing the damage done to his property near the north end of Gale street by the recent flood, departed on Sunday for his home at Portland. He was taken as far as The Dalles, by his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow. Charley Ritchie, who was in town for a while on Tuesday, reports somewhat slow recovery from the recent flood damage. Rhea Creek ranchers had a lot of work piled up on them and It will be some time yet before the effects of the wash out are overcome. Mr. Ritchie is on the Jim Khea place. R. Allan Bean Is the new teller and bookkeeper at First National bank, taking the place of Mrs. Luke Blbby, resigned. For the past year Mr. Bean has been with the head office of the bank in Portland. He is a son of R. E. Bean, manager and part owner of the Times at Freewater. Mrs. Carrie Vaughn returned to her Heppner home on Sunday eve ning. She has been spending sev eral months In Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Becket, assisting in caring for these aged people who are 111. She was met at The Dalles by C. W. tsariow. Mrs. E. R. Huston returned on Friday evening from Portland where she had been to attend the meeting of the grand chapter, O. E. S. of Oregon. She was accompan ied by her sister, Mrs. F. E. Bloomi of Corvallis, who will be a guest for1 a week at the Huston home. Mm. Jan. Thomson. Jr., and Miss winifrpfl Thomson returned Sun day from Portland where they spent Rose Festival week. Tney were nr-cnmimnled bv Miss Charlotte Woods of McMinnvme, wno is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thom son In Jones apartments. Young folks of the Lutheran Sun day Bchool at the Eight Mile church motored to the mountains south of Hardman on Tuesday where they enjoyed a picnic. They were accom panied by Rev. C. S. Bloomquist of Seattle who conducted services at the church on Sunday. Mrs. O. H. Bengston is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge in Clarks can yon. She arrived the end of the week, accompanying her brother, Terrll Benge, who had been visiting Mrs. Bengston and husband at their home In Medford. Spencer Crawford, foreman of the G. T. office, was1 laid up at home for several days this week, suffer ing an attack of summer flu, or something of the sort. His Illness kept him in bed for several days. Report received here on Monday announced the sudden death in Condon on Sunday of Ed Kellogg. Mf. Kellogg had long been a res- ient of this part of Oregon, living in the vicinity of Heppner for many years. Funeral services were held at Lone Rock Tuesday. Oscar Keithley has about recov ered from the blow he received a few days ago when he got a kick in the face from the crank of an automobile. His eye was blackened and nose broken, but this all comes) as experience in life as a man pur sues his duties. Clyde Swift is getting under way with the harvesting of 700 acres of wheat on Heppner flat. He was in town on Monday and would not make a prediction as to what the wheat might yield, but thought it would turn out fairly well. New reduced prices on Plymouth cars. Heppner Garage. D. A. Wilson, Gene Ferguson, Henry Aiken and Earl Eskelson were Heppner gentlemen attend ing the Whiskey Gulch celebration at Canyon City on Saturday. They found a big crowd of people there for the last day's program. Miss Beatrice Thomson has re turned to Heppner for the sum mer. She was a student the past year at Linnfleld college in Mc- Minnville and will spend her vaca tion at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Q. Thomson. Raymond H. Turner, democratic nominee for county treasurer, visit ed Heppner on Wednesday for a short time. He is getting into the harvest at lone, but because of the light crop, states the season will be a very short one. Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope de parted on Tuesday for Portland where Mr. Pope will attend the an nual conference of the Methodist1 church in session there this week. Miss Opal B r i g g s accompanied them. Miss Louise Thomson has gone on a trip to Denver, Colo., as a part of her recreation for the summer. Miss Thomson teaches at Yakima and expects to spend the most of the vacation season at Heppner. Mrs. Chas. Vaughn, who spent several days in Portland the past week, being a delegate from Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., to the meeting of the grand chapter, re turned home on Saturday. Martin Lovgren of Eight Mile was a visitor in the city on Satur day. He is about ready for enter ing harvest, and reports there will be a lot of good wheat garnered in! his part of the county. Mrs. Ellis Irwin, Miss Betty Ir win and Miss Dorothea Anderson departed on Saturday to return to their homes at Rockaway. They visited with relatives in this vicin ity for two weeks. Miss Jessie Palmiter, formerly of the teaching force of Heppner school, and with the Oregon City schools the past year, is a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch were visitors in town on Wednesday from the farm out Alpine way. They are getting ready to harvest their grain and anticipate a pretty light yield. -Come in and drive the new Ply mouth. Heppner Garage. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copenhaver of Lexington, who recently return ed from Southern California where they spent several months, were visitors in Heppner on Saturday. Emil Carlson was in the city on Tuesday attending to some business matters. He Is beginning wheat harvest this week at the farm near Gooseberry. Miss Marie Barlow departed for Portland on Sunday and will spend the summer in the city with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers. Charley Becket represented up per Eight Mile In the city Monday. Preparations are going forward for the wheat harvest at the Becket farm. Garnet Barratt got home on Sun day from a visit to his sheep camps near Austin, where he found the woolleys doing well on green feed. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Noble motor ed to Walla Walla on Sunday where they enjoyed visiting for the .day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Wm. Luttrell and young son of Hermlston were week-end visit ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark In Heppner. Paul Webb came down from his Walla Walla home the first of the week to look after property inter ests in this vicinity. Barred Rock3 and R.I.Red friers, 24 to 3 lbs., dressed ready for the pan, 50c. Phone 3F3, Mrs. Chris Brown. 14-15 Anson Wright, pioneer Morrow county stockman, was In the city on Saturday from the Hardman ranch. Tindal Roblson and Cllve Huston were Eight Mile farmers In the county seat on Monday, Curtis Thomson is home for the summer vacation from Whitman college at Walla Walla. Paul Hisler, Butter creek ranch man, was looking after business here on Saturday. Chrysler-Plymouth agency. New and used cars. Heppner Garage. Lost Pair of glasses Sunday. Leave at this office. BOARDMAN Hy RACHEL J. BARLOW Much interest was taken in the school election held Monday. Nels Kristensen was reelected director, receiving a small number of votes Mrs. Earl Cramer, the only other candidate, and in the close race for clerk, Mrs. Cloud Coats was elected over Mrs. Floyd Surface. About 140 votes were cast. Mrs. Eva Warner and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Root and Vernon re turned home last Thursday from a motor trip in the east. On their way east they stopped in Colorado where they visited with the A. T. Hereim family who were formerly residents of Boardman. Mrs. War ner visited her daughter and fam ily in Minnesota and Mrs. Root and Vernon went on to New Jersey while Mr. Root remained In Cleve land, Ohio, to 'attend the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, to which he was a delegate from this presbytery. On the re turn frip the Roots attended the world's fair in Chicago, and Mrs. Warner accompanied them on home by way of the Yellowstone national park. A grange meeting was held last Saturday evening and plans were made for Pomona grange which will meet here in July. Mr. an Mrs. Truman Messenger and children from Condon spent the week end here at the J. F. Bar low home. George Wicklander Jr. and Wil lard Nickerson were employed on the section at Biggs, last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger and daughter Lois attended the Rose Festival in Portland last week also visiting at the Uram Messen ger home while there. They re turned home Saturday. George Blayden's foot is slowly recovering from a painful injury which he received last week. He was making some large wooden sheep troughs for Maddens and in some way one of the troughs slip ped and fell on his instep. He is getting around on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow were business visitors in Pendleton last Thursday. Mrs. Byram returned home from California last Friday. She had been visiting for the past six weeks with her daughter's family near Los Angeles. Mrs.'T. E. Hendrick, Mrs. H. V. Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo of Boardman and Mrs. McFarland of Umatilla, returned home Mon day from attending state grange which was held at Roseburg. Pauline Strobel and Ray Barlow had their tonsils removed at the office of Dr. Christopherson in Her miston Wednesday. A large number of black widow spiders have been found in this lo cality and are on display at the postoffice and stores. Ed Barlow is working during harvest at the Misner ranch near lone. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Madden are staying here with the latter's mo ther, Mrs. McConkie. Vernon is working for John Madden. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead were Boardman visitors Sunday. Their daughters, Helen and Cathryne have gone to Chicago to visit rela tives. Echo Coats and Mardel Gorham accompanied Truman Messenger home Sunday evening and will re main there for a visit. Harold Hatch spent the week end in Boardman. "Kill Any Black Spider East of Cascades," Mote The sudden infestation of Black Widow spiders that has been re ported from many parts of eastern Oregon has brought many inquiries concerning their identification and the effect of their bite to Dr. Don C. Mote, entomologist of the Ore gon Experiment station. In a re cent interview over the state owned station at Corvallis, KOAC, Dr. Mote says that so far as he knows these, spiders are not found west of the mountains. The three distinctive features for identification given by Dr. Mote are the glossy black body with a round abdomen about the size of a pea; long, strong black legs that stick up above the back somewhat like those of a grand-daddy longlegs; and finally a distinctive red mark ing on the lower part of the abdo men of the adult female. Though roughly described as in the shape of an hourglass, these red markings may be in a number of different forms or may even be rather indistinct, warns Dr. Mote. At times two triangular red marks may touch to form an hourglass shape, while again there may be four spots instead of two or the two may not touch. Though the ordinary spider does more good in eating insects than harm, it is a safe practice in re gions where the black widow is known to exist to kill any black spider, says Mote, but in doing so to be careful not to be bitten. The bites of the black widow do not prove fatal on humans so far as authentic records go, though there are some reports of death in the southeast that may be true. The distress caused by the poison is so great, however, as to warrant every care to avoid being bitten. Several days in the hospital is a not uncom mon result of the bite of the black widow. There is no specific treat ment, according to medical men, the only thing to do being to put the patient to bed and give sup portive treatment. The spiders are not known to willingly attack man unless one comes in contact with a web where the female has a sack of eggs. The spiders are found most frequently in outdoor toilets, old sheds, barns, and wood or rock piles. Short Shots About AAA Show Oregon Activities N. C. Donaldson, for seven years county agent in Wallowa county, has taken over his new duties as wheat administrator for Oregon under the AAA and has established headquarters at Corvallis in con nection with Oregon State college. Donaldson will be in charge of the compliance work and general ad ministrative details during the life of the wheat contracts. Until now the college extension service has been the "clearing house" for this work pending the necessity for the permanent organization plan. Don aldson has done outstanding work in his county in the AAA programs and is experienced in working with the wheat industry. Five Oregon counties had been added to the secondary list of the 732 counties included in the official ly recognized drouth areas as of June 15. These Oregon counties are Jefferson, Crook, Harney, Mal heur and Wheeler. Following the appointment of W. A. Schoengeld, dean of agriculture at O. S. C, as Delicious STRAWBERRIES VEGETABLES and all those other tasty "EATMENTS" that the season provides served at all times NOW ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. AIR-CONDITIONED Observation and Dining Cars r if? i -v f SfeiFa When traveling,enoy the best T PORTLAND ROSE Nowofr-concfonec)Observationand Dining Cars to mak your comfort supreme. Fresh, clean, purified air tempered to your utmost comfort at all seasons of the year. OTHER FIATURISi Modern Standard Sleepem new type Tourlit Simpers; d lux Chair Car. Barber thep. (kith. Radio. Library. Thoie famous meals at popular prices. Also off-lhe-tray food service. Sleeping Car Rates Now 13 Less local Agent will quota low fares to all point! and help yon plan trip. fflmw mm CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR Greater than ever VISIT THE National Parks UNION PACIFIC drouth relief administrator for Or egon, the latter designated P. M. Brandt and E. R. Jackman of the station and extension staff to pro ceed at once to the regions affected. and determine which if any of the proposed federal methods of assist ance are applicable in this state. Cattle purchasing is being carried out in the primary drouth coun tries, but reduced rates for shipping feed and cattle, credit for feed, and assistance in maintaining water supplies are the chief proposals for the secondary counties. Preliminary reports from the vol untary city surveys of milk con sumption shows that the amount now in use is far below the mini mum rquirements for general health, says the consumers council of the AAA which is conducting the study among school children of the principal cities. A news release from Washington received at O. S. C. states that the Portland, Ore., committee found that consumption of milk and other dairy products is "decidedly below" even the cheap est possible adequate diet The analysis shows that the average consumption of milk among Port land families questioned is less than three quarts a week per person. Government Shuts Down On Shady Seed Dealers Federal enforcement officials are "cracking down" with considerable regularity on seed dealers who mar ket seed to farmers that is not as represented in the way of purity and germination, according to word received by G. R. Hyslop, head of the plant industries division at O. S. C. In a recent case a dealer was prosecuted for selling 100 bags of rye for seed labeled as having 82 per cent germination which tested only 32 per cent. Some 40 bags of the lot still in the hands of a local dealer were seized, and released on ly after bond was given that the rye would be ground or otherwise denatured. The government main tains seed testing laboratories where accurate tests may be had by growers or dealers, one of which is located at O. S. C. Men Tomorrow low Prices! Tested Qualify Men's FAST COLOR Shlrti, too! as Ea. SHORTS of closely-woven broadcloth. 3 button yoke front! Elastic sides! Balloon seat won't bind! Full cut Government Standard sizes 28-42. Swiss ribbed, combed cotton SHIRTS. Long length. 32-46. Every customer says "They're Bargains !" COTTOK SHIRTS Men's 25C Softer, more ab sorbent, longer lasting! Swiss ribbed, combed yarns. 32 to 46. Men's Athletic SUITS Cool Nainsook 49 Checked nain sook suit with suspender-strap back. Sizes 36 to 46. A real buy! 'leo'o UHION SUITS Ankle-Length 59c Knit from the' best cotton-ecru color only BDtes 36-46. A value at this low price. Boys' Sw'tss Ribbed Cotton Athletic SHIRTS Government Standard Skei! Well made of combed cotton . . that means Bmooth fit and longer wear! Cut full with roomy armholes I They're plenty long . . . won't ride up! Hell need extras for vnpn'-'nnl Stock up! Fast Color BROADCLOTH Boys' SHOUTS With Roomy Balloon Seatl , 25C Carefully tailored of closely woven broadcloth) Peep 3-button yoke front I Elastic sides ! Tightly sewn pearl but tons! Many patterns! Government Standard sizes that won't bind. 22-30. Men! They're Cool, Comfortable Feel Like Silk! RAYON SHIRTS-SHORTS Remarkably Low Priced At 49' Here' the ideal underwear for sum mer wear Extra fine quality rayon full cut, in white or pastel colors. Shorts have a yoke front, with elastic hack. Shirts neatly finished at neck and the armholes Buy them now! am SUGAR BUY NOW Tax Free and market advancing, while it lasts IOOLbs.$498 LBS. PEANUT BUTTER Fresh and Delicious 27c COFFEE Roaster to Consumer Always Fresh AIRWAY 3 pounds 63c NOB HILL 3 pounds 79c DEPENDABLE 2 pounds 57c MILK Federal or Oregon Brand 6 Tall Tins 39c PER AO MAYONNAISE 'ood always Full Quart Best food always QQa VOX, CRACKERS Snow Flakes or Qf g Grahams, 2 Lbs. OAC JELL-WELL Per Pkg. tlC SALAD OIL oT20c&79c Bring Your Containers BEANS Reds or small whites, 10 LBS. MATCHES f Quality Per Ctn. 45c Highway Quality efcitJV PAY CASH and BANK YOUR SAVINGS PORK & BEANS Van Camp's Quality, No. 300 Size 20c Per Doz. 75c 3 Tins VEGETABLES FRUITS BUNCH Beets, Onions Carrots i Radishes, 3 for IOC NEW SPUDS, 50 pounds 89c OCr 12 LBS. AOX ONIONS fancy new sweet dry 9LBs. MUs BANANAS Golden AAn Yellow 4 LBS. MUX, Savings for FRI.-SAT.-MON., June 22-23-21