Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 07, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Flexible AAA Machinery
Used in Drouth Crisis
The unprecedented drouth in the
middle western statea is greatly
affecting the program of agricul
tural adjustment, according to
word received by the extension
service at Oregon State college. Not
only is the far-flung organization
' set up by the AAA being pressed in
to emergency relief service, but ad
justment programs and even con
tract requirements are being rap
idly modified to meet the new con
ditions. Flexibility of administration of
the various AAA activities makes
possible immediate adjustment
where necessary, farm act leaders
point out, an example being the
designation of many counties in the
affected area as drouth counties
wherein contract signers will be
released from certain restrictions
on feed crop acreage or from graz
ing restrictions on contracted acre
age under the wheat or corn con
tracts. Plans for an adjustment program
for beef cattle have been deferred
to provide for possible coordination
of that program with any necessary
removal of surplus cattle as an
emergency drouth relief activity.
Relief buying of livestock is being
started at once under the direction
of E. W. Sheets, newly appointed
director of drouth relief under the
AAA. Mr. Sheets was formerely for
many years head of the animal in
dustry division in the department
of agriculture.
Speed in purchasing the beef is
necessary because of actual lack of
feed for stock in some of the drouth
areas. The beef to be bought will
be canned for relief purposes.
The advisory committee of 25 on
cattle adjustment plans appointed
a subcommittee of five which has
been working out details of a plan,
which when completed, will be sub
mittted to the industry in a series
of regional meetings before being
put into effect
On the west toast interest is be
ing shown in a public hearing on a
proposed marketing agreement for
Bartlett pear industry of Califor
niaOregon and Washington. There
is also interest in a move in the
early potato states of the east coast
for a marketing agreement cover
ing potatoes. The potato business
is threatened this year with a heavy
increase in acreage planted which
usually means distress prices.
Whether potato marketing agree
ments might be extended to the
west this year is not yet known.
were Eight Mile people calling on
friends and relatives here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins were
in from their mountain ranch one
day last week attending to matters
of business.
Mrs. Blaine Chapel and Mrs. Sam
McDaniel, Jr., departed last Friday
for the Monument country where
they expect to spend several weeks
with their husbands.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel
and family were Lonerock people
spending Monday visiting friends
and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Farrens and
baby daughter, Mrs. Elsie Devore,
Miss Ellen Peck and Frank Barlow
were callers in town Monday from
the Rhea creek way. Mrs. Devore
was visiting old time friends while
in the county from her home in
Mrs. L. J. Burnside spent Sunday
and Monday with her sister, Mrs.
Walter Farrens, who is ill at her
home here.
There will be a benefit dance at
the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night
with supper served at midnight
Everyone is urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and
Echo of Boardman were visiting
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary
Coats, mother of Mr. Coats.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren,
Miss Glays Lovgren, Mr. an Mrs.
Lloyd Harshman and small daugh
ter and Miss Delsie Mae Harshman
Strawberries in Sugar
Hold Shape When Canned
In the order in which they ripen
the Narcissa, Marshall and Corval
lis strawberries are recommended
for home canning, the latter prob
ably being the most firm, says Lucy
A. Case, extension specialist in
foods at Oregon State college. In
order to aid in retaining the shape
of strawberries when canned and
to prevent their shrinking and ris
ing to the top of the jar, add sugar
and let them stand over night
Using one-third to one-half cup
of sugar per box of berries, place
the hulled washed berries in alter
nate layers with the sugar in pre
serving kettles and let them stand
about twelve hours or over nignt.
By the process of osmosis, the ber
ries are plumped, losing part of
their juice and absorbing part of
the sugar. The next morning can
them by the hot pack, the oven
method, or the open kettle method.
By the hot pack method, the
plumped berries and juice are brot
to a boil, placed in hot jars, partial'
ly sealed and lowered into boiling
water with rack under them, the
water one inch above the tops of
the jars. After boiling 20 minutes,
remove with tongs and completely
seal. Rolling jars on their sides
helps to distribute berries evenly
after cooling. It saves time and
products in many cases, to test
certain types of jars for leakage
before packing, says Miss Case, by
partially filling with hot water, in
verting and watching for leakage.
Other methods of canning and
preserving food are described in ex
tension bulletin 450, "Home Food
Preservation." Recipes suggesting
the use of strawberries and sun
kissed jam are given in a mimeo
graph, HE 193, "Strawberry Re
cipes." These publications can be
obtained free of charge from your
county extension agent or by writ
ing to the home economics division
of the extension service, Oregon
State College, Corvallis.
Gold fish and aquariums at Gordon's.
AAA Adds to Income;
Farm Science Needed
Short bits from Agricultural Ad
justment front:
Cash income of American agri
culture increased more than 39 per
cent during the first year of the op
eration of the AAA, according to
figures compiled at Washington.
The AAA reported that rental and
benefit payments to farmers who
cooperatetd accounted for more
than 12 per cent of the ltt billion
dollars of increase.
Approximately 1,200,000 of the
United States, representing the
bulk of the nation's commercial
production of corn and hogs, have
signed reduction contracts and will
participate in the 1934 program.
The Oregon Extension service re
ports that contracts in Oregon to
tal right around 6500. The board
of review is now working on the
county reports.
A country grain elevator code
became effective May 21 which ap
plies to elevators in Oregon as well
as all other states where grain is
marketed by farmers. Chief bene
fits expected for the farmers from
the code will be through enforce
ment of fair methods of competi
tion, AAA authorities say. These
prohibit intentional under-weighing
or over-weighing, and provide
for dockage and grades in con
formity with the federal grain
standards act Protection is also
given small elevators from being
driven out of business by larger
competitors outbidding them tem
Secretary Wallace has again de
nounced the idea that' there is a
conflict between agricultural science
and the effort to adjust agricultural
production. His attention has been
called to an article by a writer who
was amazed that the technical
branches of the U. S. D. A. should
operate full blast to perfect crop
and livestock production while the
AAA labored to cut it down.
"Agriculture needs not less sci
ence in its production but more
science in its economic life," de
clared Secretary Wallace. "Mere
ly because it has served so well
is no reason why we should charge
science with responsibility to appor
tion production to need and to dis
tribute the fruits of plenty equit
"What would happen were farm
ers to abandon science, or even to
use it with greatly decreased effi
ciency? They would have to con
tinue plowing, sowing, and reaping.
But they would use poor machin
ery, poor technique, and poor seed.
They would allow pests and dis
eases to ravage their crops and
would harvest inefficiently what re
mained. By so doing they would
certainly reduce the output. But
they would do so at a cost ruinous
to themselves. They would increase
their unit costs of production out of
all proportion to any conceivable
gain in prices."
For Rent A five-room house, in
side recently painted and kalso
mined. $10 per mo. See C. W. Bar
low. 11-12.
MRS. W. C. I80BL
Miss Ruth Leicht is staying at
the home of Dr. Houser at Walla
Walla and receiving medical treat
ment Mrs. Frank Leicht, daughter
Nellie and son Frankie motored to
Walla Walla Saturday to spend the
day with Ruth and report her get
ting along fine.
Billy Markham and Mrs. Edith
Puckett went to Patterson Friday
to pick cherries.
Mrs. Ollie Coryell and Mra Rus
sell McCoy motored to The Dalles
Tuesday for a short visit with rel
atives. L. L. Cork accompanied
them as far as The Dalles, being en
route to Hood River to vist his sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Smith.
Marshal Markham spent the week
end with his family.
James Warner left for The Dalles
Thursday where he expected to
meet his brother and go for a visit
with other relatives in Yamhill.
Rev. Walter Warner and wife of
Wasco visited with Mr. Warner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James War
ner and other relatives several days
last week. Rev. Warner finishes
his pastorate at Wasco and Arling
ton this month and expects to leave
for eastern and southern points In
August. Both Mr. and Mrs. War
ner will attend Yale university the
coming season.
Bessie Wilson and Rose McCoy
left for The Dalles to pick cherries.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell and daughter,
Mrs. Bob Smith, and the Misses
Josephine and Belle Fredrickson
motored to The Dalles Friday.
Ollie Coryell, Russell McCoy and
Clarence Woods who are working
in the CCC camp at Tollgate spent
Saturday and Sunday with the
home folks.
Ernest Bedwell had the misfor
tune to-have his bicycle stolen from
their yard one day last week. As
yet it has not been located.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kendler and
little daughter, Yvonne, of Umatilla
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Isoni Sunday.
Mra W. C. Isom motored to
Stanfleld Saturday to deliver baby
chicks to Mrs. Fred Thorne.
For Sale 2 second-hand John
Deere high lift mowers, 1 McCor
mick Bib 6 mower, 1 10-ft sulkey
rake suitable for cutting right-of-ways
on wheat allotment at bar
gain prices. L. Van Marter, Hepp
ner. . 7tf.
The Heppner Gazette Times
Offers to Subscribers, New or Old,
Paying One Year Advance in
Show an actual profit on next
year's reading! ... Your home news
paper and the pick of this choice list of magazines
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ITKirr O . t. &
Heppner Hotel
i Bring a pencil! Bring a friend! Be here early
because when the clock strikes two our brilliant
cooking school opens. More than a school a com
plete short course in the modern art of preparing and
serving delicious, well-balanced, economical meals
with a minimum of time and energy.
We want you to meet
Mrs. Audrey Herington
'. . j J
L 1 Him JMrn i !
We are lucky to have Mrs. Herington conduct our
school. She is entertaining, trained, experienced. In
two days, she will review before you a host of new ideas, new menus, new sur
prises. She is looking forward to knowing you all. Plan to be there.
It is Free!
The united efforts of the electrical dealers of your town bring this valuable and
worthwhile school to you absolutely free. No stone is being left unturned to make
every session an extraordinary and long-remembered event. To attend this school
is a privilege no woman can afford to miss.
" Baking Day
Nine-Minute Chocolate Cake;
New White Cake ; New Icings
Refrigeration Day
Tempting triumphs for meal
time and partytime
Free Recipes, Souvenirs and Prizes
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always At Your Service