Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 31, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Garnet Barratt, Ray Ferguson
and Jap (jrawford arrived home on
Tuesday evening from Browning,
Montana, where they went the past
week with a shipment of the Bar
ratt sheep. Some pretty warm
weather was experienced on the
journey but the sheep arrived at
their destination In good shape.
Crawford had a little real exper
ience In getting a tap on the head
by a sand spout chain suspended
over the tracks while viewing the
scenery from the top of a car. For
tunately he was not entirely knock
ed out and saved himself from go
ing over the edge of the car. A
few miles farther on he was met by
a physician and a few stitches tak
en in the cut on his forehead. The
boys report an enjoyable trip and
left the sheep on abundant pastur
age. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and
Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. M. C.
Fredrickson, all of Portland, were
visitors in this city over the week
end, being guests at the home of
Mrs. J. B. Natter. Mrs. Miller will
be remembered as Miss Mary Beh
rens, and with her mother and fam
ily left Heppner 28 years ago. This
being her first visit to Heppner
since that time, she noted many
changes had taken place, but en
joyed meeting a large number of
former friends and acquaintances.
Mrs. Belle McCullough, Mrs. Nina
Brix and Mrs. Stella Conner of Seat
tle, Wash., sisters of the late Mrs.
Polly Church, were in Heppner on
Tuesday to attend the funeral of
their sister. Chas. Church and
family of Graton, Calif., were here
also and were compelled to start
on their return journey home imme
diately after the burial of his moth
er. Mr. Church has been making
his home in California for the past
two years or so, living about ten
miles out from Santa 'Rosa.
Ralph Harris of Park hotel, lone,
was looking after some business
matters here on Tuesday. While
it showered heavily in the south and
east portions of the county Monday
afternoon, Mr. Harris stated that
the rain was very light over the
lone section. It is his opinion that
much good would yet result to crops
if visited by some abundant show
ers of rain right soon; crops over
much of that area, however, are too
far advanced for rains to be of any
Mra E. W. Rhea of Redmond and
her cousin, Jesse Stout of Mt Shas
ta, Calif., were visitors in Heppner
for a short time on Friday, being on
their way down to Stanfleld for a
visit with members of Mrs. Rhea's
family. They looked up a number
of relatives and friends in Heppner,
Mrs. Rhea stating it had been about
fifteen years since she was in Hepp
ner last. Mr. Stout formerly resid
ed here and visited here at Rodeo
time three years ago.
D. O. Justus states that the storm
of Tuesday evening did not strike
at their place on upper Hinton
creek, but they were treated to a
fine rain. At the ranch of Mrs.
Uzz French below the forks of the
creek, however, the downpour was
very heavy and a lot of damage
was done to fences, besides a lot
of rock was washed in on the prem
ises. The water almost reached the
house and some damage is reported
to outbuildings.
E. F. Bloom, superintendent of
Heppner schools, departed for Cor
valls and Eugene on Wednesday to
interview applicants for positions
' in the high school. Mr. and Mrs.
George Mabee accompanied Mr.
Bloom as far as Portland. Mr. Ma
bee, who had been re-elected to the
position of high school principal,
tendered his resignation, and other
applicants for the place are now
under consideration by the school
T. J. Humphreys, accompanied
by his daughter, Miss Evelyn
Humphreys, departetd on Friday
morning for Hillsboro where they
expected to be over Memorial Day.
Miss Humphreys, who Is president
of the Business and Professional
Womens club of Heppner, and Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers represented the local
club at the state convention of the
clubs held in Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Raymond Ferguson and
children and Mrs. Richard Law
rence motored to Pendleton Satur
day for a short visit with friends.
Mrs. Garnett Barratt and sons
drove over also and visited at the
home of her mother. Saturday eve
ning Mrs. Fereguson and Mrs. Bar
ratt drove on to La Grande and
were guests over night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Snider.
Manager Anglin of the local Safe
way Stores has been busy this week
installing in his large display win
dow the latest type of vegetable
spraying device. With this new
equipment water is put on fresh
green goods In a delicate spray and
they are kept fresh. John thinks
it will help in keeping down the
temperature of the store room as
mam WnnteH to take care of an
established business In the sale of
McConnon Products in Morrow and
Gilliam counties. Good living right
now with increasing profits as you
become acquainted with customers
and business. We finance respon
sible persons. Experience not nec
essary. Apply by letter to McCon
. non and Company, Dept. WBZ765,
Winona, Minnesota. 10-11.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Glthens who
visited for ten days at the homo of
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Spencer Crawford, de
Darted on Monday for the Willam
ette valley. They expected to visit
for a while with relatives ana
friends In Clackamas county,
Harold Oohn returned home on
Sunday night from Browning, Mon
tana, after delivering hia sheep to
his summer range allotment
Members of the Methodist church
attended a district missionary meet
ing in Walla Walla on Friday last.
Those going were Rev. and Mrs.
Joseph Pope and daughters Loraine
and Joan, Mrs. Alice Adkins, Mrs.
S. E. Notson, Mrs. H. C. Case, Mrs.
Gustaf Nikander, Mrs. Alex Gibb,
Miss Opal Briggs and Miss Lucile
Mrs. Maggie Hunt returned on
Friday evening from Hood River
where she had been with her sister,
Mrs. Polly Church, who was 111 at
the hospital there. Upon leaving
Hood River Friday, Mrs. Church
appeared to be much better, but
Saturday morning word reached
Mrs. Hunt of the passing of her sis
ter. We are in receipt of a kindly let
ter from our old-time friend, J. W.
Vaughan of Spokane, who wrote us
under date of May 28, the occasion
being his 86th birthday. The many
friends of Mr. Vaughan in and
around Heppner will be glad to
know that he is still hale and hear
ty, enjoying the best of health.
L. Van Marter holds the lead for
sales of J. I. Case farm implements
over all dealers in the states of
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, ac
cording to word from headquarters
of the company. Much new ma
chinery Is being taken out by far
mers and ranchers of this county
this season.
Walter Moore, manager of the
Production Credit corporation at
Pendelton, was in Heppner over
the week end for a visit with his
family, and also looking after some
field work In connection with his
position. He contemplates moving
his family to Pendleton before long.
Miss Juanita Crawford and Miss
Miriam McDonald, teachers the
past year in the Heppner school,
departed for their homes Sunday,
Miss Crawford going to Athena and
Miss McDonald to Spokane. Miss
McDonald will teach here again
next year.
For Sale 3 wagons, 1 3-bottom
gang plow, 1 14-ft. Acme header,
2 grain drills, 2 harrows, 1 Pontiac
car, 1 set blacksmith tools. Can
be seen on the uBrchell ranch, 3'A
miles northeast of Lexington. H.
N. Burchell, Sheridan, Ore. 11-13
J. R. Voile, who was in the city
on Friday, informed this paper that
he is moving down to Irrigon from
the Voile mill on Rhea creek, and
will make his home with his family
on a tract of irrigated land he has
leased on the project
Earl Warner was in town Satur
day from Lexington. The drouth
has struck that section pretty hard
and he is doubtful if the yield will
be more than 50 per cent normal.
Rains this week may help a lot,
For Sale 2 second-hand John
Deere high lift mowers, 1 McCor
mlck Bib 6 mower, 1 10-ft sulkey
rake suitable for cutting right-of-ways
on wheat allotment at bar
gain prices. L. Van Marter, Hepp
ner. 7tf.
D. A. Wilson, Burl Coxen, W. L.
Blakely and Gay M. Anderson, Jr.,
formed a party of fishermen going
to Paulina lake south of Bend for
a few days of angling for the big
trout They departed Monday.
J. M. Crawford, H. E, Crawford
and John G. Odell of the Walla
Walla office of Tum-A-Lum Lum
ber company arrived in Heppner
yesterday to check up on the com
pany's loss in Tuesday's flood.
Doug Gurdane, who makes his
home at Umatilla, was In Heppner
yesterday for Memorial Day, and
greeting numerous old-time friends.
He is always glad of a chance to
get back to the old home town.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket, in
town Tuesday from their Eight Mile
home, were compelled to remain
over in the city on account of the
washout of the approach of the
bridge crossing Rhea creek.
and all those
other tasty
that the season
provides served
at all times
Mrs. Adelyn O'Shea and her son
Richard departed Sunday for EI
lensburg, Wash. Mra. O'Shea has
been one of the grade teachers in
the Heppner school for several
years past.
Mrs. Artie Conder, who has been
living for some time with her bro
ther, Milton Morgan, near Bend, is
visiting with her relatives here.
To Trade 16 - horse combine
hitch, 2 large Zerk guns, 1 good
used wagon, for cattle or hogs. Or
ville Cutsforth, Lexington. 10-11
Miss Vivian Warner of Pilot Rock
was a guest over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Shively in this city.
Clarence Scrivner and daughter
were here from The Dalles Wed
nesday, coming to Heppner for
Decoration Day.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendelton, will be at the
Hepper Hotel Wednesday, June 16.
June 16th.
For Rent A five-room house, in
side recently painted and kalso
mined. $10 per mo.- See C. W. Bar
low. 11-12.
George Currin of Gresham was a
visitor in the city Wednesday, be
ing here for Decoration Day.
For Sale or Trade A No. 7 16-ft
Hillside International Combine
Harvester. See J. O. Turner.
Wanted C o m b 1 n e harvesting.
Caterpillar outfit. $2.00 per acre.
Write Geo. Beltz, Arlington. 11-13
Wanted Partner with Caterpil
lar for harvesting. I have the com
bine. Cecil Sargent, lone. ll-13p
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston of Eight
Mile were shopping in this city on
Tuesday afternoon.
For Colonial Dames cosmetics
see or call Mrs. Albert Adkins,
phone 554. 12tf.
Chevrolet 4-door sedan, fine con
dition, at a bargain. Call at 6
Church St. 6tf.
For Sale Cheap Case combine
parts. Phone 497, E. W. Moyer,
city. ll-13p
Friers for sale. Mrs. Harvey
Bauman. 12tf
New Industrial Engineer
Appointed by P. P. & L.
To aid in the industrial develop
ment of the communities served by
Pacific Power & Light company, B.
P. Bally has been promoted to the
position of industrial engineer for
the utility, it is announced by Lewis
A. McArthur, vice-president and
general manager. Baily will carry
forward the business development
activities formerly handled by Geo.
H, Wisting, whose entire time is to
be devoted to the sales problems of
Northwestern Electric company.
"It la believed that one of the re
sults of the present economic situa
tion will be the decentralization of
industries, and it is possible that
many manufacturing units will be
looking for new locations in smaller
communities close to the field of
consumption," said McArthur in
commenting on the change. "It will
be part of our program to see that
the communities we serve get their
share of the results that follow such
changes, it being understood, of
course, that the Pacific company
expects to benefit through the se
curing of increased load."
One of the activities contemplat
ed by Bally is a survey of the indus
trial possibilities of each district
served bv the company. Purpose of
the survey will be to make available
as complete information as can De
obtained regarding the natural re
sources, existing industries and de
velopment possibilities of each com
munity. Baily is thoroughly familiar with
the territory served by Pacific Pow
er & Light company. He has been
with the company since 1910, start
ing as manager of the Pasco dis
trict. From 1911 to 1918 he was
manager of The Dalles district,
from 1918 to 1925 he was manager
of the Astoria district, and from
1925 to 1929 he had charge of the
Yakima district. Since 1929 he has
been in the operating department
of the company, with headquarters
at Portland.
Grangers attention: Don't for
get the contest the Grange Bulletin
is giving and so save all your sales
slips and leave with the following
advertisers: Safeway, both Red &
White stores, Case Furniture Co.,
ainiRm & Bisbee. Fofd Garage and
Chevrolet Garage. Your secretary
Where FIRE Can't Reach Them
In Our Safe Deposit Vault
There is little time to save valuable pa
pers after a fire starts in your home.
The only safe place to keep such valua
bles is in a safe deposit box, out of reach
of fire ; out of sight of prying eyes ; free
from danger of careless handling.
Don't take chances on having them
burned or mislaid. For less than lc a
day you can rent your own safe deposit
box in our fire and burglary proof
vaults. Arrange for your safe deposit
box today!
Deposits in this bank insured under terms of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Flan
west of me kxuw
Lumber Shingles
Lath Sash Doors
Cement Plaster
Building Paper
All damaged material at
HALF PRICE or less.
will call for the slips.
H. E. C. met at the hall and quilt
ed on the flower quilt, and Mae
Doherty invited all to come and
eat dinner and ice cream with her
school. It was very much enjoyed
by all. Miss Doherty will be a teach
er in the Heppner school next fall.
Wright Brothers have finished
shearing and haying on Rhea and
McKinney creeks is well started
I wish to express my sincere ap
preciation to the democratic voters
of Morrow county for their support
in writing in my name on the pri
mary nominating ballot for the of
fice of county treasurer. I assure
you one and all that if I am success
ful at the polls in the general elec
tion in November, I will serve you
to the very best of my ability and
render a full and strict accounting
of my stewardship of all funds
coming into my care and keeping.
I thank you.
lone, Oregon.
Enlistments Desired to
Fill U. S. Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps
desires young men for enlistment to
fill vacancies which will occur dur
ing the months of June, July, and
August, 1934.
Requirements for enlistment pro
vide that accepted applicants must
be American citizens, unmarried, at
least eighteen (18) years of age, of
good habits and character, sixty
six inches tall or over, and able to
furnish at least three letters of ref
erence from reputable people.
Information, literature and appli
cation blanks may be obtained from
the postmaster or from the United
States Marine corps recruiting sta
tion, 208 U. S. court house, S. W.
Broadway and Main street, Port
land, Oregon. Applicants residing
at remote distances from Portland,
will be given preference in filling
existing vacancies.
Gold fish and aquariums at Gordon's.
Penney's "Talk Price"
with Savings for You!!
After fighting High Price Goli
ath for years, "David" Penney
decides to "up" the trusty sling
shot tomorrow, and let him have
a lot of Penney Low Prices right
between the eyes! Come! Save!
for Womtn
Imagine buying
pur Hmi
handkerchief t
6c4 A good big
Here's How Penney's Low Prices Sky Mr. High rriee'Goffdth'
Men! Keep Cool, Smart in "SOLAR"
Sennit Sailors! Toyos!
Printed Percales
N atone. Small, med- fk
ium Jargedesigns.36 in. A
Real Values at
Vests, bloomers,
panties, briefs,
flesh, tea rose,
32-421 Sturdy I
Handy Terry Towels
for hand or face towels.
Colored borders; 18x3r XUC
New Fabric GLOVES
White, Colors!
Plains, novelties,
piques, meshes
6-8 V4 ! Smart
gauntlets, too, in
many fabrics!
hUde To Wear
Tested Quality,
triple stitched,
Kb eight pock
ets. Be-moreed
It certainly . doesn't cost
much to have a smart look
ing summer straw when you
buy a "Solar"! They're sd
light, cool, and comfortable !
New sennit sailors and toy
os in pinch front and optimo
shapes. All with leather
sweatbands. Get in the style
parade with a Solar!
For Tough Wear Buy These!
Penney Gives You a Lot for
The retan uppers keep out moisture!
And to make doubly sure they're
weatherproof we've built these with
white storm welts I Composition soles
and heels. Smooth and comfortable.
Men's and Boys' Air-cooled
Canvas SHOES
With Odorless Insoles, tool
These are the famous "BOZO"
brand, made with porous duck up
pers and odorless insoles. Cool and
comfortable! Built to stand lots of
hard wear. In white, brown or neutral.
Men's Work SHOES
Black retan. White c, 98
storm welt. Plain toe.
"More-Edge" Blades
Keen-cutting, fits all 1
double -edge razors, for 49
JUNE 1, 2, 4, INCL.
JELLWELL, Per. Pkg 5c
CATSUP, Highway, OQf
14-oz. bottles 2 FOR M V,
MUSTARD, Horserad
ish, Best Foods, 9-oz. jar J.UI
LARD, 8-pound pail 89c
SHRIMP, M full 5-oz. MQn
Oysters tI tins TEtV
Soap, White King laun- Qf)n
dry 10 FOR t DC
? Bars White King Toilet Soap FREE
PICNIC HAMS, Per Pound . . 13c
Stop and Inspect our new vegetable
window and sprayers, the finest and
only one of Its kind In Morrow county,
assuring fresh vegetables always.
LEMONS, Per Doz. 29c
TOMATOES, 2 lbs. 25c
BANANAS, 4 lbs. 29c
LETTUCE, 2 for . . 15c
CARROTS, 4 Bu. 19c
Double Acting 5 POUNDS 10 POUNDS
Baking Powder Q 1.49
SUGAR 18 lbs 98c S4.98
Vacuum Packed
SYRUP 5 LBS. 59c : : 1 0 POUNDS
Maximum cane and maple J 19
MARSIIMALLOWS, fluffiest of 4
all. POUND PKG. 1 i C
CRACKERS, Grahams or Snow- Q-f
flakes. 2 POUNDS OJ.C