Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 10, 1934, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Cattle Men Eye Surplus
At Chicago Conference
Facts tending to show that the
beef cattle surplus problem and the
dairy cattle surplus problem, are so
closely related that any program of
adjustment for one will have to take
Into account the other, were brought
out at the first general conference
on the cattle situation held In Chi
cago recently by the agricultural
adjustment administration.
Though report on the conclusions
reached as a result of the confer
ence has not been received by the
Oregon State college extension ser
vice, details of the problems laid
before the producers, dealers and
government officials emphasize the
gravity of the surplus problem fac
ing the beef Industry.
From 1928 to 1934 numbers of all
cattle, beef and dairy, increased in
the United States from about 57
million to about 67 million head.
Milk cow numbers increased by
about 22 per cent and beef cow
numbers by about the same percent
age. In Oregon the increase is esti
mated by federal men at from 702,
000 head of all kinds of cattle in
1928 to 852,000 head In 1934. Milk
cow numbers are estimated to have
accounted for 44,000 of this increase
and beef cattle 106,000.
Annual cattle slaughter may be
expected to rise from about 21,000,
000 head per year to about 24,000,000
head In the next several years un
less prompt action is taken, al
though the number of finished cat
tle coming to market has not yet
begun to reflect fully the increase
in the number of breeding stock,
say the federal statisticians.
Harry Petrie, chief of the beef
cattle and sheep section in the AAA,
told the conference that the pro
ducers' trouble is chiefly due to a
surplus of breeding stock, both
dairy and beef 6ows. For the past
six years the cattlemen have pro
duced from 1 to lMi million more
cows than they have marketed. A
constantly expanding surplus can
not continue Indefinitely without
glutting markets, he said.
.To the argument that there would
be no surplus it people could buy
what beef they needed, Mr. Petrie
, says that relief purchases for all
those not able to buy would care
for only about 15,000 to 20,000 head
per month. While this and disease
control would help, the surplus
problem is more fundamental than
that, he says.
Beef cattle are now listed under
the farm act as a basic commodity,
making producers eligible to receive
benefit payments for production
control if a program is put into ef
fect. Mr. Petrie told the conference
it is for producers of beef cattle
and dairy cattle to look the facts in
the face and decide whether they
want to stop with removing a few
thousand diseased cattle and a mil
lion or so for relief purposes, or go
to the heart of the problem. ' No
program could succeed without their
combined and effective support, he
1934 Chicks Are Fewer,
Hatchery Reports Show
Indications are that the number
of saleable chicks hatched In the
United States is running less than
a year ago, although future book
ings might suggest some increase,
says a summary of the government
hatchery report just released by the
agricultural economics department
of the OSC extension service.
Saleable chicks hatched by com
mercial hatcheries of the United
States during March were 6.3 per
cent fewer than in March 1933. The
total output for January, February
and March is about 8 per cent less
than for the same months last year.
Decreases in March as compared
with a year ago occurred In the
middle and . south Atlantic states
and In the northeast central and
south central states. The Pacific
coast, mountain and New England
states reported Increases. How
ever, the only section in which the
commercial production of baby
chicks Is showing a consistent ex
pansion over a year ago Is the New
England group, and here most of
the Increase is believed to be for
broiler production, Official reports
on farm hatchings are not avail
able. Bookings by commercial hatch
eries In the whole country for April
or later delivery were nearly 6 per
cent greater than a year ago In spite
of a decrease of 14 to 15 per cent
in the Pacific coast and mountain
Btates. This is a greater increase
than was reported on March 1. It
does not necessarily mean, however,
that more chicks will be hatched,
as the close adherence of hatcheries
to their code Is encouraging buyers
to place orders earlier than last
The Pacific . coast produced in
1933 a total of 36,440,000 pounds of
hops from 26,500 acres, of which
4500 acres were new plantings, ac
cording to the federal crop report
ing board. Although official Infor
mation Is not available, trade re
ports Indicate that the bearing hop
acreage in 1934 will be much larger,
Indications are for 31,900 acres of
which approximately 5000 acres will
be new plantings.
Flea Beetles Menace to
Oregon Potato Industry
Flea beetles, two species of which
are now found in Oregon, constitute
a serious menace to potato produc
tion in this state, causing many in
nnirioa roirnrdltur control to be di
rected to entomologists and farm"
crop specialists at uregon otuie
Though the pests attack both the
leaves and tubers of developing po-t-to.
luiniml In directed at poison
ing the adult beetles, according to a
circular of information on the sub
ject written by Dr. Don C. Mote
and E. K. Jackman and Issued by
the O. S. C. agricultural expert
man! jatntlnn.
Last season's experience with the
' dust method of control demonstrat-
eri ita vnlna. the circular reveals.
portion of one to four by weight of
hydrated lime is most effective and
may be purchased ready mixed or
is easily mixed at home, by using
some device such as the diagonal
axie Barrel dust nc machine nsnd
for treating seed train with limit
ine aauit beetles emerge in May
and June and it is in these months
that application is made as soon ns
the woik of the flea beetle appears
on ine ionage. Number of applica
tions depends upon circumstances,
but they are made at about 10-riav
intervals until the injury is checked
oy eraaication of the beetles. Some
times prompt attack will permit
treating the edces of the field in
vaded first by. the beetles rather
man ousting the whole area..
These beetles are known in fH
on upwards of 50 different plants in-
ciuaing many weeds. Most serious
damage appears on potato, tomato,
pepper and egg plants.
The western flea beetle feeds nnlv
on tne ionage of potatoes, but since
the advent of the eastern type the
larvae, UDon hatching, work rlflvn
Into the soil and feed on rootlets
and develODinsr tubers flprinimlv
damaging the quality and reducing
the yield in many cases. A copy of
the circular describing control
metnoas more luily may be had at
any county agent's office.
Vegetable Canning Needs
Much Care Says OSC Man
With the return of the canning
season, Oregon homemakers are
once more faced with the problem
of how to be certain that the home
canned product is free from the or
ganism known as Bacillus botilua,
which produces the virulent botu
linus poison.
The Bacillus botilus grows under
conditions where little or no oxy
gen is present and where the acid
content is low or the condition is
slightly alkaline, accordine to E. H.
Wiegand, professor of horticultural
products at Oregon State college.
As all vegetables except tomatoes
are very low in acidity, when pack
ed in cans or jars they offer an ex
cellent opportunity for the develop
ment or this organism, unless the
container is properly sterilized, he
Since not less than six hours at
boiling temperature which would
completely disintegrate vegetables
are required to kill some strains
of the botulinus organism, use of the
pressure cooker is the only feasible
method of obtaining proper steril
ization available for home canning,
Mr. Wiegand says. In operating the
pressure cooker, he points, out, it
is important to be sure that all air
has been driven from the cooker
before starting to count cooking
time. This is necessary because
the mixture of air and steam when
the cooker is started will often
cause the gage to register a ficti
tious pressure. The usual temper
ature for cooking in a pressure
cooker is 240 degrees fahrenheit.
which means a pressure of 10
pounds on the gage.
In cases where it Is Impossible to
use a pressure cooker to obtain
complete sterilization, however, Mr.
Wiegand recommends cooking with
boiling water and adding acid to
the vegetables to prevent the de
velopment of Bacillus botilus. Ac
ids such as lemon juice or vinegar
are used, and can be added direct
ly to the brine. For most vegeta
bles three ounces of salt and 8
ounces of lemon juice or 10 ounces
of vinegar to one gallon of water,
or one tablespoon of salt and 4 ta
blespoons of lemon juice or 8 of
vinegar to one quart of water is suf
Use of this treatment does not
mean that the vegetables need taste
sour, as the acidified liquid may be
poured off when the can or jar is
opened and the vegetable cooked
In fresh liquid. A small amount of
baking soda may also be used if de
aired to neutralize the acid.
Mr. Wiegand emphasized the fact,
however, that safety requires that
all home canned vegetables, how
ever prepared, should always be
Morhers o? MerviF rh? army moves orward,
If the heart &rd the "Mdrd brirxq solace rc?rowred,
If the wisdom of Aqes brims liqhf to the'rviqhred,
Ther, Mothei'S of Mervitoyou qoes the crowr .
Mothers of Men, the world has seerx proqress
Since first from the haad of the Ma.ker ir came .
The sors Aid the daughters or eartKi flrar fraAsqressiorv.
Had smoother the palh, &rd the roucjhv&ys moie pldirv.
Mothers of Mer, to you must- be qiverx
The paJm and the qlory of the qood there has beerx;
for earth sirce creation has revei yet boasted
Or heroes so valiajr as Mothers of Mer.
cooked at least 15 minutes at boil
ing temperature after opening be
fore they are even tasted, and that
any showing signs of spoilage, how
ever slight, should be destroyed by
FERA Provides Cows for
Landless Relief Families
Hundreds of thousands of rural
families in the nation who are on
relief rolls are without a cow, and
that is one of the reasons, author
ities say, that they are "on relief.'
Although the Federal Emergency
Relief administration is moving to
make cows available to these fam
ilies, probably half of them are not
now in position to receive a cow, be
cause they have no pasture or till
able land on which to raise feed.
Yet cotton, wheat, and tobacco
growers have much more land lying
idle than is necessary . to supply
land to these landless relief fam
ilies. Many of these growers would
allow relief families to use the acres
they have taken out of cash crops
under government contract But
acres rented to the government
may be used only by the landlord or
tenant and none other.
In decisions announced this week
by the FERA, a way out has been
pointed, which will give these rent
ed acres great usefulness In solving
the. problem of the landless relief
family. The landlord or tenant has.
been growing food or feed crops on
some other portion of his land, and
not on the land rented to the gov
ernment, which has been in cash
crops. If he now shifts his food and
feed crops to the acres rented to the
government, he will have room for
a relief family or families on the
non-rented acres.
The relief family that uses these
non-rented acres from which the
landlord or tenant has shifted crops
wjll be allowed to grow only food
or feed and may not sell that The
landlord may not charge any rent.
These, regulations are made to save
the purpose of the acreage-control
legislation, which is aimed to pre
vent sale of crops from rented acres.
Corvallis. The annual state high
school 'typing and shorthand con
test just held at Oregon State col
lege resulted in two of the three
school champions retaining last;
year's titles. Tigard again won the
typing contest and Franklin high
of Portland once more had the most
accurate team. In the shorthand
contest Salem replaced Corvallis as
the champion. Tigard also won a
state radio shorthand contest just
prior to the state meet.
Ontario. An alfalfa seed confer
ence which will be attended by most
of the seed growers of eastern Ore
gon has been called for Saturday,
May 19, in this oity. The meeting
is intended to bring together grow
ers, county agents, warehousemen,
seed cleaners and seed dealers.
Problems of financing, production,
warehousing, cleaning and distri
bution will be taken up. E. R. Jack
man, extension agronomist at O. S.
C, Is working with local officials In
preparing the program.
Anyone desiring a copy of the
poem "Mothers of Men," (suit
able for framing) printed else
where in this issue may obtain
It free by sending their name
and address to 616 Morgan
Building, Portland, Oregon.
This tribute to mothers will be
delivered by Frank J. Lonergan,
via KGW next Sunday on the
Antlers' Mothers Day program,
11:30 A. M. and later on the
vesper hour program sponsored
by Oregon, mothers over KGW.
616 Morgan Building,
(Paid Adv.) Portland, Oregon.
MoHxei's of Mgi
of Merv. fo-dkv w? sliife vou
Arvd. humbly before you we pledqe
Or eaj-rk &rd i r Keaverx, ye Mothers
eesepr our pi'orrers oorrv rveiis
Mofhfiis oP Merkas there evei beei hero
Amorxq rho sreaJiorv of GocL's miqMy K&ra;
Vvo near you sould sf&jd and say.'l'm ai equal
lr Km? strife and be sh-ess of this battle-scarred lard ?
MoH.?rs of Mer, o you has bee r qiverv
Ar horoiv urxrold by rorvquo or by pen. ;
For rxexr fo rhe army of Cod's Gorxsecraied
March v&liaAtly or " Mortal's of Mer.
Dairy Plan Shelved by
National AAA Officials
Divided sentiment in the dairy
Industry nationally hag caused the
administration to abandon its plan
of putting into effect a benefit pay
ment plan of production control,
extension officials at Oregon state
college have been notified. The de
cislon followed study of the reports
from the 15 regional dairy confer
ences held throughout the country.
Abandonment of .the proposed
plan for the present at least is in
line with the fixed policy of the
AAA not to attempt adjustment
programs without the expressed
support of a substantial majority
of the industry, the announcement
sets out
A limited program of diseased
cattle reduction and relief pur
chases financed by funds made
available by congress may be car
ried out The present, policy of
milk marketing agreements will
also be continued, but no general
control plan will be instituted until
the industry, as a whole is more
nearly agreed on such a program,
The Pacific Northwest gave strong
support to the proposed adjustment
plan and may petition that certain
portions of it be made effective in
this territory, according' to Dean
wm. A. schoenfeld of O. S. C, who
presided as chairman at the -Port
land regional meeting.
On hearing of the decision of the
Washington officials Dean Schoen
feld said it is a matter of great re
gret that other areas did not see
fit to collaborate. It is the belief of
leaders here that certain phases of
the plan applied locally in the Pa
cific northwest would be preferable
to leaving the situation drift ai
though the opinion is held here that
the entire plan should be put ""nto
effect nationally.
While the Oregon, Washington
and Idaho dairymen were strong in
their support of the program with
minor modifications, reports from
many other regional meetings show
that the dairy industry is sharply
divided over the proposed plan.
Organized opposition was encoun
tered in many of the regional meet
ings where . both the private and
cooperative distributors opposed
proposals for cutting down sales,
preferring some plan of government
encouraged salee promotion.
This was substantially the posi
tion taken at the California -meeting,
reports W. A. Lloyd, in charge
of extension work in the western
states, who was with the federal
party at Berekley. The delegates
from Nevada, though few in num
ber, supported the proposed AAA
plan, he said.
The tabulation of signers in the
Oregon corn-hog campaign shows
that a total of 6580 contracts have
been completed, representing every
county in the state. Marion leads
with 577, followed by Yamhill and
Linn with 520 and 506 respectively.
Clatsop with 14 was the lowest
Final check is expected to show
that the contracts from WalloWa
Vote for
George R. Bagley
Justice Supreme Court
The friends and neighbors
of Judge George R. Bag-
ley ask your consideration
of his candidacy for jus
tice of the supreme court.
Bagley-for-Judge Club
J. W. Bailey, Secretary
(Paid Adv.)
you our Iovq
rov heai us ,
am axove.
Mothei'S Day 1934.
county represent the largest num
ber of hogs. The board of review
work is now underway.
First major steps toward getting
a program of adjustment for the
beef cattle industry is taking place
with a conference of representatives
of the industry which started in
Chicago April 26. This preliminary
conference was designed to bring
togetheV representatives of the
corn-belt feeders and the range cat
tlemen with the representatives of
the AAA.
Corvallis. The annual Women's
weekend when co-eds of Oregon
State college entertain mothers of
the students on the campus, will be
held here Saturday and Sunday,
May 11 and 12. This year the moth
ers of the men students as well as
those of the women students are be
ing urged to attend. A full program
has been prepared, including the
By David F. Graham, Republican
Candidate for Congress.
I beg you to
read my
State m e n t
in the Vot
ers' Pamph-
1 e t before
going to
vote. If you
do, I feel
that you
will decide
to take a
chance o n
me, to rep
resent you
there in Washington. I believe I
have the ability and the personal
ity, with the nerve, to do so with
credit to you, the District and my
self. My opponent promises you lots;
what could he do? one man
amongst 434 others? ' I'll bet I
could dp as much, and probably, a
little more.
My opponent asks for credit for
the various laws he helped put on
the Statute books but does not ask
that he be given credit for being
the leader in the fight to put the
Sales Tax there, or for having re
fused to allow the people a chance
to vote on it; oh, no he forgets
about it, entirely. If he were sin
cere and believed it was a good
thing for the people of the State,
why does he not mention it and
demand credit for it? He is afraid
that is the reason. Do you want
that kind of man to represent you?
I should think not
I believe we have too many law
yers in public life and political
offices right now, and that if we
had less, we would be better off and
have less trouble. People who
know me well will tell you I am not
afraid to work ; and that I have had
a first-class training for the ojb.
Please give me an opportunity to
show you what I can do; I'll guar
antee you won't regret it and will
be glad you did, in the long run.
Paid Advertisement.
It was a great record
of leadership that
Chevrolet made in 1933. . . . And
this year, it's even greater. Sales
are already thousands of cars
ahead of last year. Production is
the largest in the industry. And
every day, from state after state,
comes the same report on regis
trations: Clievrolet is leading all
others! What's the reason for this
success? The pictures tell the
story. Chevrolet is the only low
priced car with this winning com
bination of five features. Chev
rolet is the only ' manufacturer
who can say:
nrrn I
Compart Chevralei'g low ddiverrd prices and Mf
, C Af. A. C tarau. A Gwmat Motor VaUm.
honors convocation, student plays,
a reception, the annual mother
daughter banquet, a dance recital
and on Sunday special church ser
vices and a band concert.
Grain in his section has been
helped materially by recent rains,
THE wnmi ATTiACTinua r-nwm ...mm
-i lour
or the greatest cow
boy cntcrta.i'ners of
of all time
STAR Theater
Heppner, Oregon
SUN., MAY 13
Continuous Shows All Day. Come
Early. Doors Open 2:00 p. m.
First Show Starts 2:30.
not found In any
' .WITT"1
Save with a
i; 64
'ifaJf' 'iVi ifffffirttwf-i f : foviKJfc, ...... aflliiiiolfc
said Fred Mankin when in town
Monday from the lone section, Mr.
Mankin estimated that his grain
should make a good four inches
more growth because of the mois
ture, the additional height being
nepded to facilitate cutting.
singer pretty toys
' i
1 Ji
mm ,w jun . .- w.
other low-priced car
n i
Calcium arsenate dust In the pro
(Paid Adv.)