HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934, PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford motored to Waltsburg" on Saturday where on Sunday they attended a gathering in Preston park, cele brating the 76th birthday of Hugh Dunlap, an uncle of Mr. Crawford's. While crop conditions appear good in the Walla Walla country, farm ers are complaining much of weeds and the grain is badly infested with both the black and green aphis, and fears are entertained that this pest will cut down the yield very con siderably. Dr. A. D. McMurdo, county chair man for the recent party honoring President Roosevelt's birthday, re ceived formal invitation to attend the banquet held in the White House laat evening at which Mr. Roosevelt was presented with a check for $1,000,000, netted from the parties held all over the nation. The million dollars goes to the Warm Springs foundation for In fantile paralysis. Edward P. Bloom received a tele phone call early Tuesday morning from his brother who is superin tendent of schools at Umatilla, tell ing him of his brother's election to head the public schools at Nome, Alaska, next year. Mr. Bloom said his brother was much elated to be elected to the position. Mr. Bloom himself taught school in Alaska for several years, and admitted a yearn to return on hearing the news. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Stephens and Mrs. Stephens' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rue, were visiting in town Monday from the Stephens' farm near Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Rue were paying a visit to the Stephens home from Monument Gold fish and aquariums at Gor don's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Benton, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner and Mrs. C. W. Barlow returned home Satur day evening from La Grande where they attended the eastern Oregon convention of Christian churches, reporting a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz returned to their home at Prineville Sunday after a week's visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. Schwarz is recovering nicely from an operation undergone about a month ago. Wanted Paper hanging, $3.50 per room; kalsomlnlng $2; interior dec orating. Let us estimate your work. Myers Paint Shop, 202 E. Webb, Pendleton, phone 108. Drop ua a card; ask to see our wall paper book. 7-9 For Sale 2 second-hand John Deere high lift mowers, 1 McCor mlck Bib 6 mower, 1 10-ft sulkey rake suitable "for cutting right-of-ways on wheat allotment at bar gain prices. L. Van Marter, Hepp ner. 7tf. J. O. Turner, local attorney, was in Pendleton Monday to assist in presenting a case before the state supreme court. He is one of the appellant's attorneys In the case of F. E. Mason vs. Mary Mason. Austin Devin is very sick at his home in Sand Hollow. He suffered hemorrhages of the lungs a few days ago and this was followed by pneumonia. He Is now being cared for by a special nurse. The regular meeting of Ruth chapter No. 32, O. E. S., at Masonic hall on this Friday evening, and a goodly attendance of officers and members Is requested by Mrs. Ealor Huston, worthy matron. Mr. and Mrs. E. R.' Huston were at Baker on Sunday where they visited for a part of the day with Miss Lenora Fuller, niece of Mrs. Huston, who is one of the teachers in the Baker schools. Henry Smouse, wheat farmer of the lone district who Is prominent ly Identified with farmer-organization work in the county, was transacting business in the city yes terday. The local dealer, Frank Shively, fitted ud a new Dodge truck this week which becomes part of the equipment on the Ralph Benge farms. W. F. Mahrt was awarded second prize by The Dalles Light Co. In a sales contest between dealers of the Oregon and Washington territory, with the Spokane dealer first. E. W. Christopherson, wheatrais er of the lone section In town Sat urday, reported crops In his sec tion helped by recent rains. The Ferguson cabins were treat ed to some interior decorating on Friday, Mr. Myers, the Pendleton paint man, doing tne worn. Ralph Harris, clerk of the lone school-district and former county surveyor, was transacting business In the city yesterday. For Sale John Deere binder and 2 10-ft. sections Cheney weeder. Priced to sell. E. W. Chrlstopher- w-iu Have a Democrat wagon for sale at Geo. Allyn's, Lexington, for $22.50. Walter Jepson, lone. 9-10 Deep well pump jack to trade for horses or what have you. O. E. Peterson, lone. 8-9 Leo Gorger is installing a new Delco light systetm in his home near lone. ' For Colonial Dames cosmetics Bee or call Mrs. Albert Adkins, phone 554. 9-10 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, fine con dition, at a bargain. Call at 6 Church St 6tf. 5-room bungalow to trade for Portland property. See Frank Tur ner. 8tf. son, lone. For Sale; Dry, greeh-cut wood, half mile of highway, easy place to load. Ernest French, Hardman, Oregon. 8"10 nwf Fridlev. Sherman county farmer, was a visitor here Wednes day, while looking aner Dusiness matters. fnr Sale International Hillside rmhlne. 16-ft cut. $245, worth much moro. Orvllle Cutsforth, Lex ington. Fmncls T. Wade, assistant at torney general for Oregon, was In the city yesterday on Dusineas. For Sale or Trade A No. 7 16-ft Hillside International Combine Harvester. See J. O. Turner. Gold fish and aquariums for sale at Gordon'!. County Grange Council Meets at Rhea Creek At the hall of Rhea Creek grange on Sunday the County Grange coun cil was called to order at 10:45 a. m. by the chairman, Minnie Mc Farland, who presided. A planned program for the day's work had been prepared by the chairman and was well followed through. In the morning session were the opening song, minutes of last meeting, read ing of correspondence, considera tion of new and old business and the reports of masters of the various granges. These reports proved in teresting and Instructive as each grange, through Its master, tells of the activities, membership gain, financial standing, and what the va rious committees are doing in agri cultural, legislative and cooperative work and the many projects taken up between Pomona and County Council meetings. These reports are a real help, as in this way we get new ideas and learn what have proved to be successful methods of handling grange work. At about 12 o'clock the assem blage was delighted to hear the call, "Dinner is served," and it was a pleasure to feast' with the good members of Rhea Creek grange in their well arranged dining room. The afternoon meeting opened with singing and the business of the day was resumed by talks by masters, lecturers and others on grange membership. Four mem bers -from Washington county (whose names your correspondent did not get) were present, and one of them, a lecturer, gave a good talk on that subject Groups were form ed by the different committee rep resentatives from different granges and plans laid for future work. The H. E. C. group seemingly did not care "to tell the world" their plans, and there is doubtless a pleasant surprise coming from them later on. Following a group discussion by the cooperative committee, O. L. Lundell announced a meeting of the county cooperative shipping or ganization to be held in lone on Saturday, May 12th. The agricul tural committee report was made by C. W. Smith, county agent. Their plans are chiefly weed eradication work, and keeping the membership Informd on the AAA, and it was suggested that the agricultural com mittee keep posted on latest infor mation concerning allotments. Much interest is being taken right now in legislative questions and the legislative' committee group had quite a sizeable line-up of work for the immediate future. The truck and bus bill was explained and discussed by J. O. Kincaid and Chas. W. Wicklandcr, state deputy, suggested that truck owners take membership in A. C. T. O. in order to build strength to fight the bill before election, also suggested that we take note of the legislators vot ing against the bill. Some time was taken up in talks on the ad visability of abolishing the lower house of the legislature and having the bills presented at the first meet ing acted on a few weeks later at a second meeting, giving time for a thorough study of the bills be fore acting on them. The legisla tive committee asks that everyone read the Bulletin carefully for the legislative Information it contains, Jesse Richards, master of Stan- field grange, Mr. Penny and Mr Dunning from Umatilla county all attended the council meeting and each gave a talk on a number of legislative questions. Mr. Richards Is candidate for nomination to the office of joint senator from the dis trict comprising, Morrow, Umatilla and Union counties. Bro. Corson of The Dalles, representing the Grange Bulletin, was present and explained the advertising contest now being carried on. He reports success in signing up advertising for the Bulletin. He further stat ed that a special edition of the Bul letin, consisting of eight pages, will be on the press this week with in formation of interest to those ex pecting to attend State Grange, about hotels, camp cabins, camp grounds, stores, service stations, etc., and it would be well for you to have a copy of this issue to take along with you. The date of the State Grange meeting is May 12th to 15th, Inclusive. Pomona Lecturer Mary Lundell led the group In a recreation stunt which was much enjoyed, after which the committee reports were resumed. The meeting was then closed.. It being the general ex presslon that it had been a busy, instructive and educational, as well as pleasant gathering. At 6 p. m. the ladles of Rhea Creek grange again delighted the visitors by serv ing them a luncheon consisting of clam chowder, jello, cake and cof fee. This was for all those who were remaining for the evening meeting. Pomona officers met In the eve ning to rehearse the 5th degree, and four members of Lena grange had the Pomona degree conferred upon them. Ray W. Gill, Btate master, was In attendance and the degree team was glad to receive helpful suggestions from him, and also from Chas. W. Wicklander, state deputy. Mr. Gill's visit was much enjoyed, and a number of questions pertaining to grange work- were asked and answered. Th Pomona officers will exempli fy the 5th degree at the Gilliam Wheeler Pomona meeting in Con don. May 26th, and have accepted the invitation of Anna Skoubo, master of Boardman grange, to meet at Boardman about 1 p. m., Saturday, May 19th, to rehearse the work. The Greenfield grange la lies are putting on the tableaux work at Condon. Willows grange will hold their business meeting on May 12th, and will give a public dance at their hall in Cecil on May 19th. Correspondent THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL STAFF. Editor Cleo Hiatt Reporters, Ilene Kilkenny, Francis Rugg, Cliff Yarnell, Owen Bleak man, Ervin Perlberg and Jennie Swendig. Our Present High School Adminis tration. At the beginning of the school year 1933-34, the newly installed student body officials faced the try ing task of rallying the school spirit. Upon taking office, the new ad ministration immediately made known its authority and announced its intention to return the control of student functions to the students themselves. This administration fanned the dying embers of school spirit into blazing life. It created a new in terest among the students, and en forced all the old traditions of the school. The student body is now controll ed by a new democratic government of the students, by the students, and for the students. This administration has set a good example for the rest of the students to follow, and as Abraham Lincoln said, "the success of the Nation depends on the coming gen erations." So if the coming gener ation of students will recognize and follow the example set by our pres ent student body officials, we need have no fear for the success of our school so far as spirit and democ racy are concerned. "H" Club Presents Program The "H" club entertained at the Friday assembly. Marvin Morgan held the student body spellbound when he took Howard Furlong for a "spin" in his imaginary "flivver." After the ride, Coach Mabee pre sented letters to the following stu dents: football: Roy Gentry, Claire Phelan, Harold Ayers, Marvin Mor gan, Reese Burkenbine, Matt Ken ny, Owen Bleakman, Don Drake, Howard Bryant, Howard Furlong, Ray Drake, Floyd Jones, Louis Gil liam, Cleo Hiatt, Curtis Thompson and Ed Dick; basketball: Roy Gen try, Claire Phelan, Harold Ayers, Floyd Jones and Joe Green; girls' gym: Ethyl Hughes, Lorena Wil son, Juanita Morgan and Jennie Swendig. These girls earned 120 points for doing various exercises, hiking, running, jumping, throwing and bicycle riding. The program was closed with a short skit in which Claire Phelan played the "boogie man" and scared Paul Phelan. Mrs. Ayrs' son. Mrs. Ayers, Marvin Morgan, hid the so- called boogie man, her lover, in a closet, and Mr. Ayers, Harold Ay ers, came and found him. Harold Ayers, Claire Phelan, Mar vin Morgan and Roy Gentry, grad uating seniors, were presented sweaters for having earned three or more letters in one sport. Students Enter Contest Last Friday, three members of the chemistry class entered the State Chemical Trophy contest by taking an examination which cov ered all the main branches of chem istry. The school with the highest team average on the examination will receive the trophy. The contest consists of applicants from all the major high schools of the state. Class News The junior-senior banquet will be held Saturday evening In the Chris tian church. Elaborate prepara tions are under way and the juniors predict a very enjoyable time for everyone. Seniors are busily preparing for baccalaureate and commencement Two chickens caused much dis cussion in school last week. One had four legs and the other had three. They were brought in by a biology student Roy Gentry and George Starr visited Whitman college in Walla Walla last week. They report a very enjoyable time. The typing students were unable to attend the typing contest at Fos sil Saturday. They will attend the contest at Pilot Rock this week. Have you ever seen Steve Wehmeyer's new car? Mr. Pevey at a dance at lone? Bill Schwarz sitting in a dark stairway? Coach Mabee with a black eye? Cliff Yarnell getting parts for his Ford? Ray Drake in town at night? Ray Reid with only one light? RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. In memory of Mary J. Sperry who died April 29, 1934, at Heppser, Oregon. , The Angeiy of Death has entered our midst and we are called to mourn the loss of a faithful friend and co-worker. Our tears are min bled with yours, your sorrows are ours. May the gloom of the sor rowing ones be dispelled by the promise: "I am the Resurrection and the Life, sayeth the Lord; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die." Resolved that the charter of Sans Souci Rebekah Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F. of Heppner, Oregon, in testi mony of our loss be draped for the allotted time and that we tender the family our deepest sympathy in their affliction, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent the family. ELLA BENGE, SADIE SIGSBEE, EMMA JONES, t Committee. Baker R N. Daniel of Haines, who last year made a gross income of $84 an acre from his 10-acre al sike clover seed crop, this year is planting 42 acres of his 80-acre tract to seed crops. He will have 8 acres of Ladak alfalfa, 8 acres of red clover, 8 acres meadow fescue, 15 acres alsike clover, and 3 acres of meadow foxtail. Mr. Daniel's success last year has also stimulat ed the interest of other farmers of this district in seed crops, reports County Agent P. T. Fortner. Six sets harness to trade for cows. F. L. Brown, Boardman, Ore. Special Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON! For a good meal anytime go to the ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Science says Today use a LIQUID Laxative If you want to GET RID of Constipation worries The unwise use of harsh laxatives may drain the system, weaken the bowel muscles, and in some cases even affect the liver and kidneys. A doctor will tell you that the wrong choice of laxatives often does more harm than good. Fortunately, the public is fast returning to the use of laxatives in liquid form. A properly prepared liquid laxa tive brings a perfect movement. There is no discomfort at the time and no weakness after. You don't have to take "a double dose" a day or two later. In buying any laxative, always read the label. Not the claims, but the contents. If it contains one doubtful drug, don't take it. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a prescriptional preparation in which there are no mineral drugs. Its in gredients are on the label. By using it, you avoid danger of bowel strain. You can keen the bowels regular, and comfortable. The liquid test: This test has proved to many men and women that their trouble was not "weak bowels," but strong cathartics: First: select a good liquid laxa tive. Second: take the dose you find is suited to your system. Third: gradually reduce the dose until bowels are moving regularly with out any need of stimulation. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has the highest standing among liquid laxatives, and is the one generally used. It contains senna, a natural laxative which is perfect ly safe for the youngest child. Your druggist has Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Campaign Started With Better Cream as Object A statewide campaign to improve the quality of cream for butter making in Oregon was launched the first week in May by four cooper ating agencies interested in further ing the butter quality of the state. A series of 10 meetings wore held first at which four leaders of the in dustry contacted creamerymen and others in most sections of the state, explaining the desirability of the program and means of accomplish ing the results sought The National Creamery Butter makers' association is sponsoring a national campaign for cream bet terment, following more strict reg ulation by the federal authorities on butter quality. This movement reached Oregon just at the time the new butter code made some cream grading with higher payment for top quality mandatory on the In dustry. Agencies cooperating in the move ment are the Oregon Dairy Prod ucts Improvement association, the state department of agriculture, the Oregon butter committee created by the new code, and the dairy de partment at the state college. Favorites! Our Fine Rondo Our biggest seller . , . and no wonder ! Much finer and smoother than the average 80 square fabric . . . and printed in such smart patterns that they'll inspire you to create one of those expensive-looking summer " ardrobes! At only 19c a yard! BATISTE And Lovely Patterns, too ! 15c Yd. There are patterns that will snrgest dresses for you . . . others that you'll want to make up for a little girl . . . all of them fresh, dainty, summery! And how they wear and launder! 39". LOOKS Like Pure SUU PRINT RAYON In a Clever Crush proof Weave! 49c Yd.- Finest of rayon, the yarns so twisted and woven as to produce a springy texture that not only doesn't crush, but will hold its shape! 39 inch. Flor als, dots, monotone prints! Chiffon-Sheer! Personality Printed VOILE For Cool, Summery Frocks 5)Cyd. Dainty soft florals, novelties and plaids . . . and all absolutely fast color! It's a remarkably low price for this fine, drapy cotton sheer choose now from big assortments! 39 inch. PLAIN SILKS A Substantial Close Weave Flat Crepe; lovely colors. WHAT VALUES! 69c yd. French NAINSOOK Very Sheer! 19c yd. For children's dresies and hand-made un derthings. All white; 36 in. WHITE FLAXON Crisp, Sheer 25 yd. For cool, airy summer frocks for big girls and little! 39-40 inches Flowery Voil ones 15 yd. The simplest of dresses will be charming ... if you make them of Blue Bonnet! II m The Nation's Dessert I PER PKG. I V 5c J Savings for Fri.-Sat.-Mon., May 11-12-14 P.N.BUTTER,2Lbs.27c Maximum Fresh Bulk Marshmallows -:-Lb. 17c CHEESE, Oregon full Q cream loaf. PER LB. lOt CRACKERS, 2-lb. caddy O-fl Snowflakes or Grahams. dJLs Fluffiest of all, delicious SOAP, Sunny Monday orAQn Luna. 10 BARSOC BEANS, Mexican Reds or M Small Whites. 10 LBS. TC tJC COFFEE KOASTEK TO CONSUMER AIRWAY, 3 LBS 65c NOB HILL, 3 LBS 79c DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS 57c Vacuum Packed PICKLES, Bread and but- AQn ter. 2 14 oz. JARS i tJC Baking Powder CLABBER GIRL 10-oz tin. 9c Try some today 2-lb. Tin 28c VEGETABLES -:- FRUITS A Carrots 4 Bu. 25c Lemons Per Doz. 29c Cabbage, new, Lb. 3c Oranges Doz. 29c Medium size Str. Beans, 2 Lbs. 25c Strawberries Best quality at lowest prices ugar PURE CANE 100 LBS. $4.95