Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 10, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Commencement exercises for the
graduation class of the Boardman
high school will be Thursday eve
ning, with the following program
to be given: Selections by the or
chestra; "The Valiant," 1-act play;
"The Sword of Ferrara," vocal so
lo, Harvey Adams; processional,
"Anchors Aweight,"-orchestra; ad
dress of welcome, WMlard Baker;
invocation, Rev. W. O. Miller; pres
entation of award; "Cheery Lights
of Home." "Where the River Shan
non Flows," high school chorus;
presentation of class gift by Lois
Messenger; presentation of class,
Edwin Ingles, principal; presenta
tion of diplomas, Nels Kristenson,
chairman of board; recessional,
"The Graduate March," orchestra.
Baccalaureate services were' held
in the church Sunday morning. Af
ter the invocation by Rev. W. O.
Miller, selections were sung by the
high school chorus, vocal solo by
Margaret Harford; selection by
girls' chorus; sermon by Rev.
Payne; Hymn by congregation, and
Miss Lois Messenger entertained
a number of her friends at a party
at her home Friday evening. Guests
were Margaret Smith, Sybil Ma
comber Lois Kruse, Mildred Allen,
Bonny Byram, Marguerite Harford,
George Graves, Zelda Carpenter,
Marvin Ransier, Ed Compton, Del
bert Mackan, Dean Byram, Fred
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Root and Ver
non and Mrs. Eva Warner left Tues
day for a motor trip east Mr. Root
is a delegate from the community
church to attend general assembly
of the Presbyterian church at Cleve
land, Ohio. Mrs. Root and Vernon
plan to drive on to the eastern coast
and Mrs. Warner will stop in Min
nesota at her daughter's.
Miss Clara Ruff of Hillsboro has
been elected as the high school
teacher and Miss Mildred Peregine
of Stanfield as the primary teacher.
The 7th and 8th grade teacher has
not been elected.
Mrs. James Howell fell last week
and sprained her ankle, which has
caused her much pain, but is better
Ira Berger of Oregon City was a
visitor in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and
Chloe, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie
and son Donald, motored to Pasco
Sunday. Mrs. Barlow and Chloe re
mained there at the Jay Cox home
for a visit
Harold Hatch of Kent was
Boardman visitor Sunday.
Ten tables of 500 were in play at
the H. E. club card party Friday
evening which was given in Root's
hall. High scores were won by Mrs.
Claud Coats and Ray Barlow. Host
esses were Mesdames Claud Coats,
Guy Barlow, Leo Root, Z. J. Gil
lespie, E. T. Ingles and A. R. Barlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mefford and
family have moved to Boardman
and Mr. Mefford will have charge
of the feed store during Mr. Root's
Thirty-five ladies attended the
silver tea at the church last Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. AJbin Sund
sten was elected secretary-treasurer
to fill the vacancy left by the res
ignation of Mrs. Guy Barlow. Host
esses were Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie, Mrs.
Chas. Hango, Mrs. James Howell
and Mrs. Ray Barlow.
The high school students enjoyed
a picnic at Cold Springs Monday.
The Alumni tennis court is near
ing completion and will be ready
to play on the last of this week.
Mrs. Norkoski of Biggs was a
guest last week at the Sundsten
Mrs. Ada Goodwin of Silver Falls
came to Boardman Thursday for a
visit with her mother, Mrs. Eva
. E. T. Messenger returned home
from The Dalles last Friday where
he has been in the hospital for the
past three weeks since he was ser
iously burned. He left the hospital
on Tuesday and was at the home of
his (laughter, Mrs. Mildred Hamel,
for several days before coming
home. His hands which were bad
ly burned are healing nicely.
Miss Norma Gibbons has' been
offered a contract to teach at Lib
erty school near lone. Miss Gib
bons is a graduate of E. O. N. S.
and is attending Oregon university
A large crowd attended the smok
er last Wednesday evening which
was held in the Al Murchie building.
Dave Johnston won from Harry
Hamman of Hermiston in the main
Art Johnson and Buster Caldwell
went to a draw.
Vernon Partlow and Jimmy Len
hart, a draw.
Tommy Arnold won from Stanley
Cecil Ellis and Peter Farley, a
Edward Skoubo won from Frank
Logan Todd was the referee.
Teachers, classmates and friends
are elated over the success of one
of our delegates, Edna Stephens,
7th grade pupil, having won third
place in the spelling contest held at
Heppner last Friday. Lura Steph
ens, Jean Leathers and Mildred
Clary were other contestants at
tending. Others present besides the
contestants were Mrs. O. C. Steph
ens, Mrs. Marie Clary and children,
Harvey DeMoss, Mrs. Carl Leathers.
Quite a crowd attended the track
meet activities from here, among
these being Murl and Dolly Far
rens, Delsle and Pat Bleakman, Ar
leta Ashbaugh, Jim Stevens. Irl
Clary and Lura Stephens were con
testants in the track meet.
Mrs. C. H. McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Johnson are visiting for a
while with relatives at Portland,
motoring to the Rose city the mid
dle of last week.
Mrs. Blaine Chapel has moyed her
household effects from Rood can
yon where she has been domiciled
while teaching school there the past
year, back to her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Klnnard McDaniel
and family and Oren McDaniel of
Lonerock were visiting relatives
here a short while Sunday. Kin-
nard McDaniel has ben quite ill the
past few weeks and is at present
under the doctors care but states
he is much improved now.
Delsie May Harshman visited rel
atives here a few days last week
from Eightmile.
Mrs. Victor Lovgren of Eightmile
visited friends and relatives here
for a few days last week.
Miss Edith Stevens and brother
Jim made a business trip to Condon
last Sunday.
Miss Mary Ellen Inskeen and bro
ther Jim were attending to matters
of business in the lone country last
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Farrens are
spending a while in Pendleton
where Mrs. Farrens is consulting a
physician, going up with James
Inskeep Thursday.
When returning home from Port
land Tuesday, Frank Helms wreck
ed his truck in which he had just
taken a load of stock to market.
The truck was seriously damaged
but neither Mr. Helms nor Harvey
Ayers who had acompanied him
was hurt Near the Cascade Locks
the truck left the road and ran in
to a tree in the timber, wrecking the
truck completely, undoubtedly be
yond repair.
All the pupils and teachers of the
Pine City school as well as a good
many parents went to Heppner on
last Tuesday to attend the Morrow
county May Day festival. Several
of'the grade school pupils placed in
the track meet among them being
Jack Healy, 1st in broad jump, 2nd
in ball throwing; Harold Neill, 3rd
in broad jump; Guy Moore, 2nd in
broad jump; 3rd in high jump;
Betty Wilins, 1st in running, 3rd in
jumping; Helen Healy, 2nd in base-
bail throwing; Elsie Rauch, 2nd in
running. Mabel Rauch won second
in the spelling contest
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter
Lenna and Ray Ayers spent Tues
day night at the home of Mrs. Neills
niece, Mrs. Burl Coxen, in Heppner.
They returned home Wednsday
Mrs. John Healy and children
spent Tuesday night in Heppner at
the home of Mrs. Healys sister, Mrs.
James Farley.
Mrs. Almira Kennedy of Union
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Helms, the past week,
left Friday to return to her home.
A group of Pine City high school
students, the . teachers, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Beebe and son Wayne
and Miss Oleta Neill drove to thte
park at Columbia school, near Her
miston Saturday for a picnic lunch.
In the afternoon they drove on to
Cold Springs reservoir and to Hat
Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Henderson of
Lexington called on Mr. and Mrs.
Jasper Myers Sunday.
Mr., and Mrs. T. J. OBrien and
daughter Katherine were business
visitors in Echo and '.Hermiston
A. E. Wattenburger started cut
ting his first crop of hay Monday.
Earle Wattenburger, Frank Carl
son, Lowell Young, Oscar McCarty
and Dick Carlson were fishing in
Willow creek above Heppner Sun
day. They report pretty good luck.
Mrs. L. D. Neill and daughter
Alma motored to Heppner Friday
evening to attend the meeting of
the Rebekah lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch, Mr.
and Mrs. Dillard French, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kilcup, Miss Theresa
Quigley and Joe Brosnan attended
a meeting at Rhea Creek grange
Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Finch and Mr. and Mrs.
Dillard French took the Pomona
Mrs. Ollie Neill and Clayton Ay
era were business visitors in Echo
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
motored to The Dalles Tuesday on
T. J. O'Brien was in Heppner
Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger
and children and Mr. and Mrs. Em
ary Cox and daughters were visitors
in Pendleton Monday.
Miss Isabella O'Brien returned to
school Monday after haying been
absent for several weeks. Isabella
hurt her knee some time ago, when
the wheel came off of the car in
which she was riding and threw
her against the front seat. She has
had her knee in a cast for quite a
while but it is now well enough
that the cast has been removed.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
daughters and Cecelia, Helen and
Jack Healy attended the picnic at
the Pleasant Point schoolhouse on
Sunday. The picnic was a joint
gathering of the Brosnan school,
Pleasant Point school and the
Pleasant Point grange. A large
crowd attended and a very good
time was had by all.
Katherine O'Brien, small daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien,
was taken to the doctor in Heppner
Sunday to have a tick taken off the
back of her neck, where it appar
ently had been for a day or two, and
had caused quite a sore place on
her neck. Katherine a alright now
but was rather ill Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenbur
ger and children attended the show
in Hermiston Sunday evening.
Lloyd Baldridge visited at the
Roy Neill home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew were bus
iness visitors in Hermiston Friday,
Frank Helms, who wrecked his
truck the first of last week, got a
new Chevrolet truck this week.
Miss Cecelia Brennon was a din
ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foley
Tuesday evening;.
Portland. Spencer Crawford of
Heppner has been named on the
executive committee of the state
wide ex-service men's Snell-for-Sec-retary-of-state
club. Earl Snell
of Arlington, candidate for repub
lican nomination May 18, is an ex
service man. Britt Nedry of Tigard
is chairman of the organization and
Rex Palelius of Portland is secretary-treasurer,
Oregon Fruit Prospects
Bright as East Suffers
In the face of the smallest eastern
and middlewestern fruit crop in
many years, indications now are for
Oregon to produce a normal crop in
most respects with exceptionally
heavy crops of some fruits in cer
tain sections. With the exception
of the prune crop in Douglas coun
ty, there is no major fruit crop fail
ure in prospect
This is the conclusion drawn by
the office of the extension economist
at Oregon State college from re
ports obtained the last week in Ap
ril from county agents and other
officials in the major fruit regions
of the state.
The season in general is fully a
month ahead of normal, with some
kinds of fruits coming on the mar
ket at the earliest date on record.
The first Oregon raspberries reach
ed Portland market April 27, after
local strawberries had been on hand
from at least two sections of the
state for several days. Jackson
county growers expect their apri
cots to be ready for market by May
10, a month ahead of the usual date.
The prospective southern Oregon
peach and apricot crop is expected
to be the largest ever produced.
Wasco county expects three-quarters
of a crop, while both peaches
and apricots in Umatilla county
were practically cleaned out by
frost. This is the only section re
porting frost damage. In Wasco
and Jackson counties and some
parts of the Willamette valley the
peach crops are expected to be good.
The pear crop of Jackson county
promises to be about normal, barr
ing possible reduction because of a
shortage of moisture reserves. Some
frost marking on Bartletts may
show up but the total crop is ex
pected to equal that of last season.
The state pear crop as a whole may
be somewhat less in total tonnage
than last year.
A total apple crop in the state in
excess of the light crop of last year
is in prospect. Wasco and Jackson
counties report increases, and Mai
heur has fair prospects.
The prune situation is highly va
riable, ranging from a near failure
in Douglas county to a crop at least
double that of last year in Polk.
For the state as a whole the indica
tions are for a crop about equal to
the 1933 yield.
Most sections report fair to good
cherry prospects, except Umatilla
where frost cleaned most of the
crop. .Wasco and Polk expect less
than half a crop while the Jackson
crop is larger than last year. A
good quality light crop is expected
for the state as a whole.
Among the berries the strawberry
crop will be well above last year's
short crop, and the raspberry crop
prospects are good on an acreage
somewhat reduced in leading pro
ducing sections,
ed. The five-year average is 19.3
million bushels.
Potato growers have indicated
that they intend to plant about 3.1
million acres. If yields come up to
the 1928-1932 average of 112 bush
els per acre, such an acreage will
produce about 375 million bushels of
potatoes. A crop of this size would
be about 38 million bushels more
than the 1933 crop and 20 million
bushels above the average crop of
the past five years.
Fruit prospects in eastern and
northeastern United States are the
poorest in many years, due to cold
weather in February. Peaches and
pears seem to be damaged more
tnan apples and cherries, but all
have suffered heavily.
The circular, which also contains
articles on the farm real estate tax
situation, the farm labor supply,
the farm mortgage financing situa
tion, and other Information of cur
rent interest to farmers, may be
had free from any county ' agricul
tural agent
Oregon bankers in cooperation
with agricultural leaders and the
state college extension service have
again placed this state at the top in
national ratings for banker-farmer
work, according to the latest bul
letin of the agricultural commission
of American Bankers' association.
Oregon along with Georgia and
North Dakota made a perfect score
in banker-farmer cooperation. Or
egon has reached this mark now
five consecutive years, a record not
equalled by any other .state.
We are sincerely thankful to all
the neighbors and friends for their
sympathy and kindly ministrations
in our bereavement by the death of
our mother, Mary J. Sperry.
The object of the Sales Tax (expires auto
matically June 30, 1936), is two-fold: (1) to
maintain rural and city school standards and
prevent shortening of-school terms by providing
needed cash which delinquent property taxes
cannot provide; (2) to lower taxes on real
. Need for rural school relief has been admitted
by sales tax opponents. At 1933 special session
of the legislature, they introduced various make
shift measures that transferred state funds
(needed for blind, insane, orphans) to schools. All
these bills were rejected by your elected rep
resentatives. A Sales Tax was proposed by a
Grants Pass farmer-Granger, and passed.
On May 18, you will vote to uphold or reject
this two-year Sales Tax.
for statement that Sales Tax will actually re
' duce your property taxes, is Ray W. Gill, State
Grange Master. In Lakeview Tribune, March 22,
1934, Mr. Gill wrote: "As far as my brother
and I are concerned, we would save money by
the adoption of the Sales Tax, for the reduction
on our property would be about $110." Mr. Gill
and his brother would have to spend $618 a
month on taxable items before their Sales Tax
would equal their property tax saving I No tax
on rent, doctor bills, insurance, commercial feed.
Only lo tax on $1 purchase!
Why la the Sales Tax Being Opposed? Because Opponents Oppose It "As a Theory"
Choose Between a "Political Theory" and Actual Cash Saving on Your Annual Tax BilL
308 X YES
This advertisement prepared, lubmitted and paid for by th
School Relief A Property Tax Reduction League. Paul T Shaw.
Chairman, K. E. Young, Manager, 907 Spalding Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Farm Parity Prices Slip
One Point ; Crops Forecast
The purchasing power of farm
commodities decreased slightly dur
ing the month ending March 15,
according to the monthly agricul
tural situation and outlook report
just released by the Oregon State
College extension service. During
this period the index of farm prices
remained at 76 per cent of the 1910
1914 level, while the prices paid by
farmers rose from 119 to 120. Hence
the purchasing power of farm com
modities dropped from 64 to 63 per
cent of pre-war "parity."
This decrease cancels one-fourth
of the 4-point gain made the month
previous when the purchasing pow
er of farm commodities rose from
60 to 64 per cent of parity.
The report states that a winter
wheat crop of nearly 492 million
bushels is indicated by the April 1
condition of winter wheat plantings,
compared with a very short crop of
351 million bushels last year. In
Oregon a crop of nearly 17.5 million
bushels of winter wheat is expect-
Contrast the SAFETY
of the HEDB
. . . with any car at
any price!
The Ford V-Shei
welded itee! poke
whceU. Each It
trong enough to
lutein the weight
of ten Ford cart.
The Ford V-8 of
fer! you the adVen
tagei of Safety
Glaw. It ii a vit
ally important fea
ture In a family car.
; There U added
safety in the Ford
: V'8's unuiually
v-7 great braking eur-y-.'i
face per pound of
weight. You atop
:: smoothly, eurely and
' quickly.
Free action (or
alt four whceU
with the priceleit
dependability of
trong axle con
etructlon. Thll
mean riding eaae
plul eafety. '
Other Ford lafety feature! are a
welded all-tteel body . . , double drop
X-type frame . . . a torque-tube drive
uch as racing can rely upon for con
trollability . . and many others. And
don't forget the new Ford V-8 for
1934 is the moat comfortable and eco
nomical car Ford hai ever built!
Before you buy any car at any
price, drive the new Ford VS.
$515 and up F. O. B. Detroit.
Easy termi. See your Ford Dealer.
Here's a big
mm $T32.i5'JU
IfiSA ts&e Jf With 0311-0(1 units and Thrift J '
i - """" v 'X v.
4 4 :
c1 """"""
The Pacific Power & Light Company and
loco) electric range dealers are cooperating
in a piofl to make it easy for you to enjoy
Nevsc was there a more opportune time to buy that de
sired electric range. Think of it ! Wiring free in many instances
at least this company pays up to $25 of the cost. The
certificate reproduced above will be issued at time of purchase
by the dealer making the sale on any electric range you
choose. But this is not all. Easy terms are being offered so
that only a small down payment puts a beautiful new range
in your kitchen. We reserve the right to discontinue this
plan at any time, so we advise immediate action. C
On of the newest designs with straight lines, conforming to the
styling of built-in all electric kitchens. This model has over-sized oven,
large atorage drawer, new design automatic temperature control, and
is finished in all white porcelain enamel with stainless top. Can be pur
chased with open-coil or Catrod units.
A Hotpoint Electric Range givei you a great deal more than simply
a "new" range. It gives automatic cookery more houri of freedom
better tatting food, greater cleanliness.
Every woman praises the brilliant
beauty and modern styling of the new
de luxe General Electric' refrigerators.
The new models are the most attract
ive we have ever presented. And, with
in those snowy white walls is the famous
General Electric mechanism that has
won recognized leadership in depend
able, attention-free performance at
low cost.
- New 1934 models are now on display
at our office. Here you can look at both
types of household refrigerators: the
sealed-in-steel life-time Monitor Top
that requires no attention, not even
oiling and the General Electric con
ventional flat -top type with new styling
and performance capacity. ,
Only $f0 down pleme a General
Biecric Refrigerator m your home
Model X-5
pilaU fl80.00
r .
I r J
Model HE-4 J.
.124, Tl
e A Hamilton Beach mixer doei more
kitchen tasks easier, quicker, better. With
attachments, it is used in preparing every
meal -from juicing oranges for breakfast
to mixing the dessert for dinnar.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service
you'll want an