Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 10, 1934, Image 1

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alette totted
Subscription $200 a Year
Volume 50, Number 9.
Organization for Year
Completed at Meeting
Monday Evening.
Week-end Camping Trip and Con
test at Konnewlck on Calendar
for Local Scout Troop.
The addition of ' fourteen mem
Jjers to the local scout committee
was the principal order of business
at a meeting of this group Monday 1
evening at the office of Chas. W.
Smith, for the past three years
chairman of the committee. Ap
pointment of committees and dis
cussion of plans for the year con
sumed the balance of the meeting.
New members added to the commit
tee are Gerald Booher, Merle Beck
et, Glen Hayes, R. B. Ferguson, J.
O. Turner, Vawter Parker, John
Anglin, John Vaughn, Alva Jones,
Ray Kinne, Earl Eskelson, E. L.
Morton, Dean T. Goodman and J.
D. Cash. Former members who
with Chairman Smith have served
three years and who retain mem
bership on the committee are Dr.
A. D. McMurdo, Edward F. Bloom,
C. J. D. Bauman and Spencer Craw
ford. In addition to the committee
the past year the troop has been
served by Phillip Foord, scoutmas
ter, and Marvin R. Wightman, as
sistant Troop activities of the immediate
future discussed Monday evening
are the -week-end camping trip for
the entire troop to be made this
week end, a court of honor to be
held Wednesday, May 16", and the
transportation of a patrol to the
Scout contest camp near Kenne
wick the week end of May 19th. The
camping trip this week will be a
troop affair with many of the scouts
preparing to pass tests at the court'
of honor. Also, on this trip it is
expected to choose the patrol to
represent the troop at the Kenne
wlck meeting.
Plans for financing the troop for
the year were discussed and the fi
nance committee instructed to re
port to the committee soon with rec
ommendations. The troop fees for
the Blue Mountain council amount
to approximately $75 per year, and
with the other expenses required
for the proper carrying out of the
program some additional funds are
needed. It is expected the commit
tee will formulate plans for taking
care of the financial situation soon.
With a registration of 38 boys the
troop contains practically all boys
of scout age In the community, and
the troop stands near the head of
the council in the number of mem
bers in proportion to the eligible
Committees were appointed to
have charge of the various divisions
of Scout activity as follows:
Outdoor activities: camping trips,
hikes, transportation, etc C. J. D.
Bauman, chairman; Gerald Booher,
vice-chairman; Merle Becket, Glen
Hayes, R. B. Ferguson.
Education and good turn, parent
nights, contacts A. D. McMudro,
chairman; J. O. Turner, vlce-chalr-
man, Vawter Parker, John Anglin.
Advancements E. F. Bloom,
chairman, Ray Kinne, vice-chairman,
John Vaugnh, A. W. Jones.
Finance and publicity Spencer
Crawford, chairman; Dean T. Good
man, vice-chairman; Earl Eskel
son. General Chas. W. Smith, chair
man; J. D. Cash and E. L. Morton,
Mother-Daughter Dinner
Given by B. P. W. Club
Ninety-nine mothers and daugh7
ters of Heppner attended the Mother-Daughter
banquet sponsored
by Business and Profesional Wo
mens club at the Episcopal parish
house Monday evening. Mae Rose
Walker of Portland, chairman of
music and arts department for the
state B. P. W., was guest speaker
for the occasion. A four-course
dinner prepared by Mrs. Ada Cason
was enjoyed.
Lucy E. Rodgers, toastmistress,
steered an interesting program.
Following the club collect by La
Velle White, the girls sang a song
entitled "Mother." "The Kind of
a Mother I Like" by" Lorena Wil
son was responded to by Clara
B e a m e r with "The Kind of a
Daughter I Like." Frances Rugg
gave a talk on "Chums." A vocal
trio by Anabel Turner, Marie Bar
low and Jessie French was followed
by talks, "My First Beau," Lillian
Turner, and "My First Proposal,"
Ealor Huston. Lucy Spittle of lone
sang a solo. Corsages were pre
sented Eleanor Page, youngest mo
ther; Ruth Stevens, oldest mother,
and Mrs. Walker as honor guest.
Margaret Williams, vice president,
presided. Yellow roses were used
in the table decorations, with place
cards of purple and gold.
Theater Opens Tonight
With New Equipment
The Star theater will be open to
the public tonight after being clos
ed since Sunday for the installation
of a new silver screen and new
sound equipment The new equip
ment is of the very latest and will
afford the people of Morrow county
the best in talking cinema repro
duction, anounces Mrs. Elaine
Furlong, manager.
The new screen with porous glass
beaded surface is five feet larger
each way than the old screen, and
will give a larger and truer re
production of the pictures. It rep
resents the latest development In
silver screens. The new sound
equipment is the latest development
of Masterphone, giving a wider
range of sound reproduction by re
producing higher and lower tones
than the old equipment It also
uses alternating current from the
light service instead of direct bat
tery current as did the old. Much
painting and general cleaning of
the theater has also been done, as
suring more pleasing entertainment
for show patrons.
Retaining of Services of
Band Director for the
Summer Stressed.
Ray W. GUI Entertains With Talk;
Waterways Association Mem
bership Drive Presented.
C P. Strain Gives Talk"
Before Local Audience
C. P. Strain of Grants Pass, for
18 years assessor of Umatilla coun
ty and known as father of the sales
tax in Oregon, addressed an audi
ence at the courthouse last evening.
His argument favoring, passage of
the proposed sales tax for school
relief contained a strong plea that
in addition to ability to pay, taxes
should be assessed a little bit along
the line of benefits received. He
also argued that all people should
be tax conscious. -
Mr. Strain is a granger and his
talk was addressed mostly to the
granger-land owner, whom he de
clared needs relief as well as the
schools. The speaker spent four
months last winter in California
where the sales tax Is now in oper
ation, he said successfully, and he
even paid part of it.
Morrow county has been given a
quota of three enlistments in the
CCC organization for the coming
season, according to announcement
by J. O. Turner, county relief man
ager. The quota includes young
men between -the ags of 18 and 21
with dependents. Local enllsters
will report at Walla Walla. While
the CCC quota is small, r . r . Wen
meyer, local forest supervisor, re
ports some 30 men from this county
will be used by the forest service.
These men will be men trained In
forest work who will help direct
CCC workers. The only camp in
the Umatilla forest this season will
be located at Toll Gate.
The annual spring fire school for
this district of the Umatilla Nation
al forest started yesterday at Bull
prairie and will continue until to
morrow evening. All employees of
the local district are In attendance
as well as Instructors from the Pen
dleton and Portland forest offices.
Invitations were extended to men
from Heppner and other towns of
the district who are expected may
join emergency Are-fighting squads
to be organized again mis year.
Mrs. Harold Cohn, poppy poster
chairman of Heppner unit 87, Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary, has announc
ed the winners of the poppy poster
contest as follows: High school di
vision, Marjorie Parker, first; Wil
lis Adkins, second; seventh and
eighth grades, Leah Mahrt, first;
Billy Barratt, second; honorable
mention, Erma McFerrin, Paul Mc
carty, Irena McFerrin, Harriet Ha-ger.
Heppner friend3 of Earl Snell of
Arlington, republican candidate for
secretary of state, launched a Snell-for-Secretary-of-State
club at the
office of J. O. Turner last Friday
evening. With more than fifty
members the club Is expected to give
much impetus to Snell's campaign
here. Turner was named president,
Vawter Parker, secretary, and Mar
vin Wightman, treasurer. With the
campaign now In its final stages,
Snell will invade eastern Oregon
this week in a plane piloted by
Chester McCarty, a long - time
friond. He will visit The Dalles,
Pendleton, Baker, Ontario and
Bend. Enroute to Pendleton the
plane will circle several times over
Arlington. He will wind up his cam
paign with two radio addresses, one
on May 16 over KGW from 9:15 to
9:20 p. m., and the other over KOIN
on May 17 from 8:45 to 9 p. m. Snell
clubs have now been formed in
nearly every large city in Oregon,
his headquarters reports.
Unanimous endorsement of open
ing the city swimming pool for the
coming season, and .foregoing irri
gation a few days a month if neces
sary in order to keep the pool open,
was given by the Lions club at its
Monday luncheon in response to
presentation of the matter by Spen
cer Crawford In behalf of the Amer
ican Legion. "The legion post in
vested $3000 in the swimming tank
without hope of returns, as a com
munity enterprise. Now the situa
ton confronting the opening of the
tank is too large for the legion to
handle and it is asking cooperation
from the entire community," Craw
ford said.
In view of a predicted water
shortage for the coming season, it
seems certain that united support
of the community In a measure of
conservation is essential to opening
the tank if sufficient water is to be
available. But another large com
munity interest is at stake in the
opening of the tank, according to
the outline given of the situation.
That interest lies in obtaining the
services of Harold Buhman, direct
or, to continue his work with the
school band during the summer
months. If the tank Is opened and
Mr. Buhman is again retained to
supervise it, he has agreed to con
tinue his work with the 'band. In
this respect, it was believed, open
ing of the tank is doubly Important
to the city, as much progress could
be made with the band during the
Several speakers emphasized the
value of the tank in the past In
making accomplished swimmers of
many children of the city who
otherwise would have had no oppor
tunity to learn to protect them
selves in the water. This, in addi
tion .to the fine constructive outlet
it has afforded for the expendture
of the energies of youth, giving add
ed Incentive for making operation
of the tank possible.
The club entertained Ray W. Gill,
state grange master, as honored
guest of the day, and he responded
with an entertaining and enlighten
ing talk on some fine points in rec
ognizing good melons and vegeta
bles when visiting the market, With
melons and vegetables, as with
fruits, nature has provided ways
of telling the ripe and good from
the not-so-good, Gill said, and told
in an entertaining way what the in
dicators are in the case of certain
melons and vegetables. He was in
the city to argue against the pro
posed sales tax measure at a meet
ing held at the courehouse In the
Another sales tax discussion, that
of C. P. Strain in favor of the tax,
given at the courthouse "last eve
ning, was announced by Edward F.
Lawrence Beach of Lexington,
county chairman of a membership
campaign for Inland Waterways as
sociation, was a guest of the club
and urged support of the waterways
program through paying member
ship fees at a dollar each. Money
is badly needed at present, Beach
emphasized, to complete surveys and
prepare the brief for presentation
at a hearing before the engineers
to be held at The Dalles. With al
terations of plans in construction of
the Bonneville dam, a saving of
$2,000,000 is estimated which should
work to the benefit of the Inland
Waterways association in their fight
for the building of sea locks, Beach
said. ,
Henry Aiken Named President at
Organization Minting; Officers
and Committee Heads Set'
Looking -to a bigger and better
Heppner Rodeo, August 30-31, Sep
tember 1, the organization meeting
at the Elks club Tuesday evening
was held a full month earlier than
any organization meeting in pre
vious years. The early organiza
tion was planned in order that more
time would be available to look af
ter the details in connection with
this year's show, and the large, rep
resentative attendance of business
men of -the community presaged a
widespread interest expected to
make the 1934 Rodeo outstanding
in the annals of the show.
Henry Aiken whose work as a
vice president last year showed him
to be well qualified for the position,
was named president and general
manager. D.. A. Wilson was named
first vice president, Earl Eskelson,
second vice president and Herb
French, third vice; president and
arena director. Len L. Gilliam, a
fixture' in the association for years
through his loyal and capable ser
vices, was retained as secretary
treasurer. These men, all of whom
have held administrative positions
in the past, will comprise the board
of directors. In addition to his po
sition as vice president, Mr. Eskel
son was named chairman of the
finance committee.
A new system in setting up the
various committees was adopted,
the board of directors naming the
chairman of each committee, who
in turn will select his co-workers.
The committee chairmen with the
number of persons to serve on each
committee were given as follows:
Advertising, Jap Crawford, .3; dec
oration, Ray P. Kinne, b; parade,
C. W. Smith, 7; concessions, Earl
W. Gordon, 3; first aid, R. C. Phelps,
3; parking, S. P. Devin, 7; dances.
Gay 'is. Anderson, 3; housing, H. O,
Tenney, 3. J. O. Turner was named
to take charge of ticket selling and
collecting at the grounds.
Plans for the show discussed in
eluded holding of a queen contest
conducted in a manner similar to
that of last year. This year's plans
call for starting the queen dances
at Heppner on July 7, and to be
held at two-week Intervals in home
communities of the contestants with
the wind-up dance and the naming
of the queen to be held at Heppner.
Details of the Vious entertain
ment features are to be left largely
in the hand3 of the various com
mittees to work out as they see best
under the supervision of the direct
ors. The directors announced the
determination of stopping all leaks
possible and to conduct the show as
economically as possible eonsistent
with giving a good show.
Last year's financial report show
ed a deficit of $183.34, resulting
from the fire "of the last day which
razed the carnival grounds. Had it
not been for the fire, last year's
show would have paid its way nice
ly, it was believed.
Breaks and Bobbles Give
Fossil 8-5 Win in Ev
enly Pitched Game.
Arlington Dumps lone to Knot Top
Place; Umatilla Coming for
Half-Way Battle.
Won Lost Pet
lone 3
Arlington S
KoBsil 2
Umatilla 2
Heppner 1
Condon 1
Laat Sunday's Results
Heppner 6 at Fossil 8, Arlinfirton 6 at
lone 4, Condon 12 at Umatilla 13.
Where the Teams Play Next Sunday
Umatilla at Heppner, Fossil at lone, Ar
lington at Condon.
Tales of Old Times
pioneer editor of the "Gazet" writing
from National Military Home,
Mrs. Gist and her daughter, Miss
Emma Gist, who is a beauty oper-
ator in Seattle were visiting old
friends in lone Sunday and Mon
ay. The Gists made their home
here several years ago. They were
on their way to Idaho to visit Leo
Gist who will also be remembered
by many.
H. D. McCurdy made a business
trip to The Dalles on Tuesday.
The Missionary society of the
Congregational church held its
monthly meeting in the church par
lors last Thursday afternoon.' A
study of the life and work of Ka-
gawa, a Japanese Christian Social
ist, was made. Following this part
of the program Mrs. L. D. Hale re
viewed the teachings of the various
religions practiced In Japan.
Mrs. Paul G Balsiger who under.
went a major operation In the Hood
River hospital last week Is reported
to be making satisfactory recovery.
Her daughter, Mrs. Allen Learned
Gill-Notson Tax Debate
Draws Good Audience
Ray Gill, state grange master and
leader in the. fight to defeat the
proposed sales tax for school relief
to be voted on May 18, was met In
debate at the court house Monday
evening by S. E. Notson, district
attorney, who upheld the tax. The
circuit court room was comfort
ably filled for the event which would
have drawn a much larger crowd
had It not been for a number of
conllictlng events.
Notson agreed with Gill In most
of his objections to the tax, but con
tended that the need of relief for
the schools more than offset the ob
jections, and that much more good
than harm should be accomplished
by passing the tax as an emergency
(Continued on Page Six)
The degree team of Pendleton Re-
bekah lodge visited Sans Souci lodge
of Heppner last Friday evening and
conferred degree work for a class
of candidates. A large attendance
was had from Heppner and neigh
boring lodges of the county. Events
of the evening Included a bounte
ous supper, and the hall was bright
ly decorated with seasonable flow
ers. Mrs. Verna Hayes, local noble
grand, reports the meeting as very
successful and enjoyable.
The Gazette had some pretty hard
sledding during the first year, when
it was struggling to get on its feet.
Quite often it needed $50 or $100, to
encounter emergencies, and very
often when it met its payroll Sat
urday night there was nothing left
over for the editor. But he was al
ways welcome to any reasonable
amount from the big safes of J. L.
Morrow & Son and Heppner &
Blackman. Will Morrow and Phil
Cohn were princes, and always
ready to accommodate. They kept
their big ads. permanently stand
ing, and recognized the poetic fact
that he who whispers down a well
about the goods he has to sell, will
never nab the nimble dollars, like
he who runs an Ad. that hollers!
The nearest railroad was at Al
kali in those days, and quite often
some big wagon-loads of goods
would come up for the Heppner
stores, and instead of having their
ads. reset and announcing the arri
val of new goods, these merchants
would tell me to write up a raft of
reading notices boosting the new
goods, at ten cents a line.
Such liberality enabled the Ga
zette to pull through its Infancy,
and the big sheepmen stood- by,
many of them paying for copies of
the paper to be sent to their rela
tives In distant states. They regards
ed the coming in of another paper
into such a small town as pretty
much the same as bringing a band
of scabby sheep onto the adjoining
range where a clean band was run
ning. Among the Gazette's stand
ard supporters in its Infancy were
Judge W. P. Dutton, Jim and Lishe
Sperry, Bill Penland, Will Wal
bridge, Dan Stalter, John Natter,
Frank Maddock, Kills Minor, Chas.
Wallace, George Noble, George
Harrington, Price Florence and his
two brothers, Martin Anderson, Tom
Quald, Pat Quaid, Jim Jones, Nelse
Jones, John Elder, Joe Rector, Mar
latt Brothers, Tom Ayers, Pole
Thompson, and many others whose
names are now dimmed by the ail
ments of advancing age, but whose
kind consideration will never be
forgotten. When I climb the Golden
With the half-way mark in the
Wheatland league series coming up
next Sunday when Umatilla comes
to Heppner, there is plenty of time
yet for many things to happen.
Three ties resulted from last Sun
day's games with lone and Arling
ton at the top, Fossil and Umatilla
in the middle, and Heppner and
Condon at the bottom.
Heppner journeyed to Fossil for
the last mix, and took it on the chin,
8-5, from the team they defeated on
the home grounds the week before.
Some too many bobbles, and may
hap so some of the home boys
think a rather bad end of the
breaks, were responsible for Fossil
taking what, dn earned runs, should'
have been Heppner's game, 3-0. The
game was evenly and well pitched
with Kelsay for Fossil allowing but
six safe bingles, and exactly the
same number being meted out by
Bobbie Woodward and Ray Massey
for Heppner.
Fossil stepped out in the lead by
a scratch run the first time up when
Woodward messed up Jackson's
bunt, Jackson stealing second and
third and racing home when Bill
Massey muffed his brother Al's peg
in an attempt to cut the runner off.
The Pilkdowners copped three more
tallies the next time up on a little
free-hitting and loose-fielding spree.
They went scoreless from then un
til the fifth, and Heppner blotted
out their edge in the fourth with
some hot fireworks.
Thomson, first up, singled and ad
vanced as Lieuallen walked, both
scoring on Al Massey's two base
blow. Al's brother Bill next stepped
up and clouted a hot grounder out
through the gate in the wood fence
in left field the ball reported to
have been retrieved by a service sta
tion man a few blocks away, but no
one knows. Anyway Bill was forced
to pull up at third as Al scored, Bill
making it in a little later on Tur
ner's fielder s choice.
But with one run each in the fifth
and sixth, Fossil again stepped out
into the lead, and two more in the
eighth were pure velvet, as Hepp
ner's lone marker in the seventh
via Ray Massey's hit and H. Van
Horn's bobble on Hayes' grounder,
proved a belated rally.
Box score and summary :
Crawford, 1 4
Thomson, m 5
Lieuallen, s a
A. Massey, c 4
B. Massey, 8 8
Beach. 1 4
Turner, r 3
Woodward, p s
Hayes, 2 4
R. Massey, p 2
Merrill, r 0
Totals - 36 6 6 24 17 7
Annual Poppy Sale Slated
by Auxiliary for May 26
Memorial poppies which the wo
men of the American Legion Aux
iliary will distribute here on "Poppy
Day," May 26, have been a means
of providing employment to hun
dreds of disabled World War vet
erans through the winter and spring
months. The little red flowers have
made possible earnings of approx
imately $100,000 for these disabled
"Making of the paper poppies
which the American Legion Auxil
iary offers on Poppy Day to be worn
m honor of the World War dead is
reserved strictly for the war dis
abled," Mrs. J. D. Cash, local pres
ident explained. 'It offers a means'
of employment to veterans unable
to do other work and not only
brings them money for the support
of themselves and families, but aids
in their rehabilitation by giving
them beneficial, interesting work.
"The poppies are made in gov
ernment hospitals and in special
poppy workrooms maintained by
the Auxiliary. Employment is re
stricted to men unable to do work
of other types and preference . Is
given those with families to sup
port The paper poppy is used ex
clusively by the Auxiliary because
its making is a hand rather than
machine process.
"The best of working conditions
are, of course, provided for the dis
abled men employed in the poppy
project. The number-of poppies a
man can make in one day is re
stricted in order that the workers
will not tax their strength. The
work is directed In such a manner
that it will aid in the physical and
mental rehabilitation of the veter
ans, as well as give them financial
benefits. The money contributed
for the poppies pays the wages of
the poppy-makers and helps sup
port the Legion and Auxiliary's ac
tivities for the welfare of the dis
abled veterans and dependent fam
Water-master Gives Encouraging
Report; Ordinances Discussed;
Other Matters Considered.
Council Takes Favorable
Action; Joins League
of Oregon Cities.
Perlberg Named Prexy
At Stutentbody Election
Ervin Perlberg, a former stu
dent of Lexington high school who
has attended Heppner high school
for the past year, was elected pres
ident of the student body at the an
nual election Friday. Although Er
vin has never participated in ath
letics, he was supported by the "H"
club in the election. Ervin has been
active in many school functions. He
played one of the leading charac
ters in the junior class play and has
had a part in several skits present
ed before the Friday assemblies. He
is vice-president of the Benzine
Ring, high school science club.
The other candidates elected were
vice-president, Don Drake; secer-
tary, Lorena Wilson; ' treasurer,
Chet Christenson; sergeant-at-arms,
LaVerne Van Marter; yell duchess,
Ethyl Hughes. Members of the
Hehisch committee are: seniors.
Juanita Morgan, Cleo Hiatt; juniors,
Betty Doherty, Boyd Redding, and
sophomores, Marjorie Parker, Leon
ard Gilman.
0 0
0 1
2 1
0 0
3 1
Jackson. 1 4 18 10 0
Roland, 8 6 0 0 1 2 0
H. Van Horn, 2 4 2 0 1
J. Van Horn, 3 ..- - 4 0 0 8
Fisk, c -.. 6 2 1 11
Misener, r 4 0 2 0
Schomp, 1 4 10 8
Miller, rn 2 10 0
Kelsay, p 8 10 1
Fraiser, m 2 0 0 1
O'Rourke. r 10 11
Totals 88 8 6 27 18
Earned runs, Heppner 3, Fossil 0 : struck
out by Kelsay 8, by Woodward 6, by Mas
sey 2 ; bases on balls off Kelsay 4, off
Woodwnrd 4, off Massey 1 : hit by pitched
ball, Miller and J. Van Horn by Wood
ward ; two baHe hit, A. Massey ; three base
hits, B. Massey, Fisk. Umpires, A. Kelly
and Davis ; acorer, Wm. McHoberts, Jr.
County Drilling Well
On Courthouse Ground
Drilling operations were started
back of the courthouse this week
on action of the county court to
provide water for fire protection.
The court has the promise of a ma
terial reduction in its fire insurance
bill if sufficient water is provided to
give the courthouse protection dur
ing the dry season when pressure
from the city mains Is insufficient to
give adequate protection. ,
Water from the well is expected
to be used also for irrigating the
courthouse grounds. In deciding
to drill the well, the court reports
it had no intention of trying to beat
the city of Heppner out of water
revenue, but took the action en
tirely with a view to fire protec
tion. City water will continue to
be used within the courthouse.
Lexington Superintendent
Takes California Position
James H. Williams has resigned
the superlntendency at Lexington
to accept a position in Santa Mon
ica Junior college, California, for
next year, where he will have
charge of the science department
at a salary of $2400 per annum.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams will leave
for California to attend the sum
mer sessions at Berkeley where Mr.
Williams will continue his work on
the doctor's degree. Recently he
received the master's degree from
that institution. Mr. Campbell of
Union has been elected to the su
perlntendency at Lexington.
Raymond H. Turner of lone this
week announces his candidacy for
county treasurer in the democratic
lists, asking his Morrow county
friends to write in his name for
the ollice at. the primary election
May 18. Mr. Turner said he decid
ed to become a candidate for the
ollice on Insistence of many friends.
A wedding of Interest to Morrow
county friends was that of Miss
Ella Fell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Dolph Fell of Heppner, to Ted
Blake, former lone boy, which was
solemnized at Vancouver, Wash
on May 8. Rev. T. J. Keating of
the Methodist church officiated, and
in attendance were Clell Ray of lone
and Mildred Miller and Anne Mc
Namee, both of Portland. The
young people will make their home
in Portland.
Virgil E: Esteb, nephew of Leon
ard and Emil Carlson, was elected
president of the Yeomen by a unan
imous vote at Gerlinger hall, Uni
versity of Oregon, on May 3. Es
teb graduated from lone high school
in 1931 and entered Linfleld college
the following fall. He transferred
to Oregon as a junior last fall and
was elected Yeoman treasurer to
fill a vacancy in the' winter term,
Yeomen club Is a campus organi
zation for independent men with a
membership of more than two hun
dred. The club will give an infor
mal dance at Craftsman's club on
May 19.
(Continued on Page Six)
Gold fish and aquariums at Gor
don's, .
The fire siren will be sounded at
12 o'clock noon each Monday be
ginning next Monday, announces
Gay M. Anderson, mayor. The pur
pose of sounding the siren is to keep
it in working order and to prevent If
possible a recurrence of the situa
tion which prevailed at the time of
the early morning fire last week
when the siren failed to work.
That kiddies of Heppner will be
availed of the city's swimming pool
this summer through use of city
water if it Is at all possible to spare
water for the purpose was the sen
timent expressed by the mayor and
council at the monthly meeting
Monday evening. Mayor Anderson
and all councilmen were present,
and expressed themselves warmly
in favor of keeping the tank open
unless a shortage of water such as
would cause real inconvenience to
the city should prevail.
Suggesting, amusingly, that the
city might follow the lead of San
Francisco in starting a move for
smaller bathtubs, W. E. Pruyn, wa-
termaster, gave encouraging news
in reporting that the installation of
a new siphon in one of the city
wells had increased the flow of wa
ter. More water is now coming
through the master valve half open
ed than flowed through it when fully
opened before the sipon was in
stalled, he said. The siphon has
dropped the water in the well sev
eral feet, however, and the water
master did not know whether the
valve could be opened wide with
out the water dropping too low for
the siphon to function. At the ele
vation of the well, the siphon should
still draw water from a depth of
twenty feet, he estimated.
The watermaster, City Attorney
Nys and Recorder Huston were
named on a committee to check up
on the. water regulations and ascer
tain just what control measures the
city is permitted to take, and to
prepare a new ordinance covering
water control for presentation at
the next meeting if they find the
present regulations to need amend
ing. The swimming tank matter
was discussed on presentation of a
resolution from the'Lions club fa-
voring the tank's opening. In the
discussion consideration was given
to the matter of keeping Harold
Buhman here for the summer as
swimming instructor so that he may
continue his work with the school
band, the band being highly com
plimented in remarks of the coun
cilmen. In the interests of better govern
ment for Heppner, the council unan
imously voted a membership in the
League of Oregon Cities, an organi
zation with headquarters at the
state university, comprising the
principal cities of the state, which
has for its purpose the promulga
tion of uniform ordinances and oth
er measures for bettering municipal
government throughout the state
through expert study of general
conditions based on intelligent co
opeartion of member cities. Coun
cilman Goodman proposed the reso
lution adopting membership in the
Immediately upon joining the
league action was taken to seek its
cooperation in solving a knotty
problem proposed, that of controll
ing itinerant peddlers. Councilman
Goodman read a control ordinance
disseminated by a national trade
publication, an ordinance In effect
in Green River, Wyo., which it was
said has been fought in the courts
by a large manufacturing concern
and was upheld by the U. S. circuit
court of appeals. . The ordinance
would ban itinerant peddling un
less residents called on extend an
Invitation to peddlers to call on
them. Action on the ordinance was
deferred pending advice from the
A liquor control ordinance spon
sored by the league and adopted
by 16 cities was also discussed. It
was turned over to a committee
headed by Mr. Goodman for thor
ough study.
The council voted to contribute
space In its chambers for a local
employment and relief office to be
used under the new relief set-up
explained by Geo. N. Peck, county
commissioner. A new program of
rural work relief will be started
soon to replace the direct relief
program which has been in effect,
according to Mr. Peck. The new
program is under state control with
the county cooperating, the work
to be carried on with federal funds
provided for the purpose.
A petition from residents of the
section for a street light near the
reservoir on upper Chase street
was read and referred to the com
mittee on streets and publio prop
erty. The matter of compliance
with state law In regard to deposit
of city funds was discussed and the
treasurer instructed to Investigate.
The water committee was given ad
ditional time In which to investigate
the petition of Mrs. L. G. Rumble
to be relieved of payng the com
mercial minimum for water at her
hospital. Current expense bills
were ordered paid.
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks
will meet at their hall tonight at
8 o'clock for' the regular meeting.