PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1934. IMl fin In TO Sfl 11 "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER We're Mighty Glad to Feature OREGON PRODUCTS this week and every week, for the more money Oregon can keep, the more Oregon will grow. We commend these Oregon Prod ucts for quality: Knights Catsup Canned Milk . Crown Flour Zan Brooms Porter's Fril-lets Nubora Soap Granules Bisquick Flour WTiite Wonder Soap "Flavor Foods" Mayonnaise and Peanut Butter W. 0. DIX Red & White Grocery "Quality Always Higher Than Price" "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER These Oregon Products are go-getters, and we are pleased to show them this week: Columbia Knit Sweaters $1.65 to $1.95 Bergmann Hand-Made Shoes $8.95 GILBERT SUITS Made-to-Measure, tailored in Oregon WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER You will be surprised at the num ber of Good Oregon Products which line our shelves, and which we are featuring especially this week. All of these are recommended for quality: Golden West Coffee Crown Mills Graham and Cake Flour Rolled Oats. Star Fruit Products Oregon Grown Walnuts. H-D Jell Porter Frli-lets. Sperry Bisquick Luckel-King Soaps. "Flavor Foods" Superior Crackers. H & D Mustard Oregon Honey Vogan's Candies Maple Leaf Syrup Zan Brooms Hanset Brooms Haley's Canned Chicken and Sand wich Spread. Huston's Grocery "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER Just a few of the OREGON PRODUCTS carried in stock regularly: Evans' Golden Corn Grande Ronde Bacon and Hams Kerr's Jams and Jellies Seufert's Columbia River Salmon Knights Rogue River Catsup Hood River Apples and Cherries Hood River Vinegar Closset & Devers Golden West Coffee Nu Bora Soap Granules Zan Brooms Stidd's Tamales Thurlow Gloves Mt. Hood Laundry and Toilet Soaps Morrow County Creamery Butter and many other local products M. D. CLARK THIS WEEK IS DEDICATED TO EVERYTHING OREGON MAKES AND GROWS... It is a State-Wide effort to unite our people in an increased use of the fine products Oregon produces so abundantly . . to the end that added purchasing power will be re-invested ' in Oregon farms,, forest and ! industrial production. Watch your labels this week. Buy with pride, for each purchase advances your own and Oregon's Prosperity. Let's go forward with Oregon! m a i - --- vim '. xxxx : A fine flour "balanced" for all baking needs, with "balanced" recipes packed in each sack. Milled at Astoria with the same care that has sur rounded its manufacture at Minneapolis for the past 70 years. PI LLSBU RY-ASTOR I A FLOUR MILLS CO. We are proud to present . . . Oregon's own CATSUP to Oregon people KNIGHT PACKING CO. Everyday Home Remedies for every minor ailment For sale at all ' DRUG STORES Manufactured by BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. "Tht Northwest's Independent Wholesale Drugging" Established 1890 IN CRYSTAL CLEAR Utility Jars YOUR FAVORITE COFFEE HAS BEEN AN OREGON PAY ROLL BUILDER SINCE 1882 CARNATION MILK Produced In Hillsboro, Oregon, since 1902 "From Contented Cows for Contented Babies" Also "Yours for a Good Morning" CARNATION-ALBERS CEREALS Arrow V0? SALTED WAFERS and RED STAR GRAHAM CRACKERS SUPERIOR BISCUIT CO. RANGES Circulator HEATERS Automatic OIL BURNERS Warm Air HEATING PLANTS "Your dealer has made it possible for you to enjoy MONT AO Comfort and Convenience." See your MONTAG dealer! I BRIGHT The high tensity Neon tubing of the century . . directs you to the better place to buy. For lull information ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORP, Portland BAYLY'S Union Made OVERALLS Ask your dealer BAYLY-UNDERHILL CO. 21 Years of Leadership has proved its ji j Supremacy! X "A . iBSTMrwr Hade in modern mill silk-sifted labora tory tested to assure uniform quality aged by time, insur tag natural wheat flavor tested for success in baking. CROWN MILLS Porter's FRIL-LETS (Fresh Egg Noodles) That won't slide off the fork! Cook tender in fix and a half minutes PORTER-SCARPELLI MACARONI CO. Soap Granules for fine fabrics, dishes, laundry Ask your grocer about Special Gift Sale MSSON'SSOAP.Inc. Portland, Oregon WW- PURE Ml" Filled with fresh flavor of the sea WARRENTON CLAMS These Oregon institutions join in bringing you this message devoted to Oregon Prosperity through the sale of Oregon-Produced Merchandise POWERS FURNITURE CO. Furniture DOERNBECHER MFC. CO. Furniture B. P. JOHN FURNITURE CORPORATION Furniture W. P. FULLER & CO. Fuller Paint and Class CORVALLIS CREAMERY CO. "Flavor Foods" Mayonnaise CRAY & CO. Bakers', Fountain, & Confectioners' Supplies CANDY PRODUCTS CO. Candies, SH Cough Drops J. E. BERKHEIMER MFC. CO. Roofing Materials JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS Jantzen Swimming Suits OREGON MACARONI MFC. CO. "Best Ever" Macaroni COLUMBIA KNITTINC MILLS Sweaters, Swimming Suits RASMUSSEN & CO. Paints WESTERN COOPERAGE CO. Barrels, Kegs HIRSCH-WEIS MFC. CO. Outdoor Clothing. THEO. BERGMANN SHOE MFC. CO. Outdoor Shoei ZAN BROOM CO. Zan Brooms - Baskets TRIANCLE MILLING CO. Feeds - Cereals PITTSBURGH PLATE CLASS CO. Class - Paints HANSET BROS. Hanset Broom WESTERN DAIRY PROD. CO. Sunfreze lee Cream fwuilMOl years ago we started building Oregon's repu tation for brew ing fine BEER . . . your dealer will introduca you to its dis tinctive and sat isfying flavor. BLITZ-WEIN HARD CO. Oregon Products are featured this week by your own merchant at special low prices. Stock up you will get quality, economy and satisfaction. This announcement appears in 72 Ore gon newspapers this week. VV MEMBER w ..Wi: DO OUR PART BISQUICK Delicious Strawberry Shortcake , . In a jiffy SPERRY FLOUR CO. ft AlySoap Cocoanut Oil Base produces abundant lather MT. HOOD SOAP CO. Manufacturer! of High Grade Soap for over 30 yeara Buy them because they're better! MAIL-WELL ENVELOPES Manufactured by the MAIL-WELL ENVELOPE CO., Portland, Ore. "The Perfeot Sleep Covering" WOOL O'THE WEST VIRGIN WOOL BLANKETS PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS Make Oregon Products your first choice every day the year 'round. Through your purchasing you make it possible for your dealer to have ori hand items grown or manufactured in our own great State of Oregon "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER We're strong for Oregon Products. "Buy Oregon" and keep your money in Oregon. Oregon Products Specially Priced Golden West Coffee Porter's Macaroni Porter's Spaghetti Sperry's Bisquick Flour Crown Cake Flour Hoody's Peanut Butter Flavor Foods Mayonnaise Columbia River Salmon Tillamook Cheese White Wonder Laundry Soap Feldman's Naphtha Soap Thomson Bros. "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER We are churning and selling in prints nothing but Grade "A" Butter and are making and selling nothing but Clear Ice made from artesian water NO BETTER PRODUCTS MADE IN OREGON Morrow County Creamery Company "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER the week of April 20-28 OREGON PRODUCTS WEEK and every other week of the year. Money spent for Oregon Prod ucts keeps the money in Ore gon to pay Oregon taxes and to help Oregon grow. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES "BUY OREGON" in HEPPNER In foods, you'll find Oregon Prod ucts lead. We have a. wide array of choice Oregon-grown and Oregon made foods for your selection. Try these during Oregon Products Days and you'll want them every day: Golden West Coffee Crown Mills Flour . Porter's Fril-lets Nubora Soap Granules Warrenton Clams Carnation Milk Sperry's Bisquick White Wonder Soap "Flavor Foods" Zan Brooms We Like to Serve Hughes & Hughes