Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 22, 1934, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from Writ Page)
and now baseball and tennis are the
order of the day. An all school
tournament for the boys and the
frirls is beinfr played off in tennis.
The boys take their turn at the net
during the noon hour and the girls
during activity period. At this time
also the boys 'are busy on the base
ball diamond.
On Sunday afternoon at two o'
clock private funeral services were
held at the P. J. Linn home for the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Linn who died at Heppner last Fri
day afternoon. The baby. Glenn
Edward, was taken ill when about
a week old and passed away just
nineteen days after his birth. In
terment was made in the L O. O.
F. cemetery. The sympathy of the
entire community goes out to the
young parents in their loss. Mrs.
Alsdorf of Fort Rock, Ore., mother
of Mrs. Linn, Clyde Carrick of
Boardman, her brother, and Mr.
and Mrs. Helms of Richmond, her
sister and brother-in-law, arrived
in lone on Sunday morning for the
funeral services, returning to their
homes Sunday evening.
Elmer Griffith went to Portland
on business Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Haguewood
hav moved to the Rood Estate
ranch formerly operated by Chas.
Chris topherson.
Rev. Wiley of Condon will preach
at the Congregational church next
Sunday evening, March 25.
Henry Clark is giving the office
building of J. E. Swanson a coat of
paint which improves its appear
ance greatly.
The March social meeting of the
Women's Topic club was held at
the farm home of Mrs. Edward
Rietmann last Saturday afternoon.
Bridge was the diversion of the af
ternoon with high score won by
Mrs. Bert Mason and low by Mrs.
W. A. Wilcox. A delicious pineap
ple cheese salad with wafers and
coffee were served at the close of
the play. Those present were Mrs.
George Tucker, Mrs. H. D. McCur
dy, Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs. Bert
Mason, Mrs. Roy Feeley, Mrs.
Clyde Denny, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox,
Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. Walter Cor
ley, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. nlez
Freeland, Mrs. Omar Rietmann,
Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mrs. Henry Gor
ger, Miss Katheryn Feldman and
Miss Norma Swanson.
J. E. Swanson drove to Milton
Freewater on Tuesday to choose
some shrubs, trees, etc., for plant
ing on the grounds around his home
and also at his place of business.
Grant Conway, a student at the
University of Oregon, is spending
Easter vacation with his sister, Mr3.
Hugh Smith.
Other students who are at home
for the holiday are Norman Swan
son of U. of O. who arrived Satur
day and Miss Clara Nelson of O. S.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter ar
rived home Thursday evening from
a visit of three months at Austin,
Minn., with the mother and other
relatives of Mr. Cotter. They re
port extremely cold weather in that
part of the country with very little
snow. The coldest weather was
around Christmas time when the
temperature hovered around 20 be
low zero. When they started home
it was only 8 degrees above so the
warm spring days we have been
having are quite a treat to them.
They report stock to be suffering
for lack of feed in the Dakotas be
cause of the severe winter condi
tions. Mr. and Mrs. Cotter state
that the health of Mr. Cotter's
mother, whose condition called
them East, is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Eubanks
have taken an apartment in the
Harris building.
The Christian. Endeavor society
had a St Patrick's party in the
basement of the Christian church
last Friday evening. Twenty-two
young people were present to enjoy
the games arranged by Miss Mar
garet Ely and Miss Helen Grabill.
Most of the games were flavored
with a St Patrick idea. Ice cream
and cake were served at the end of
the fun.
Mrs. P. C. Peterson had the mis
fortune to break one of her legs
just above the ankle when she took
a bad fall while doing her chores
on the ranch Monday evening.
Mrs. Maude Farris went to The
Dalles Sunday mornnig to have
some dental work done. While there
she heard that E Holmquist had
died there during the preceeding
week. The cause of his death was
not learned. Mr. Holmquist will be
remembered by everyone here as
"Swede Ed," having been employed
in and near lone in various capac
ities during the last twenty years
or so. He has made his headquar
ters in The Dalels for several years
but usually came back to this coun
try for a few weeks each spring to
work in lambing camps.
Mrs. Barnes of The Dalles was
a Tuesday visitor at the home of
her cousin, Mrs. H. O. Ely.
George Blake of Alderdale, Wn,
was in lone for a short time Mon
day. Mr. Blake is a cousin of Wil-
lard Blake and operates a sheep
ranch in the Bickleton country. He
was over this way looking for
(Continued from First Page)
The Coast
A trip down or up the coast high
way offers marine scenery unsur
riHHserl hv anv other section of the
world for an equal distance. The
continuous roll of the surf as it
pounds away at the shore has a
never ending fascination, in places
the forest comes down to meet the
sea. Everywhere the green of fern,
grass or shrubbery. Rhodendron
abounds all along the route and
Scotch brome, a pest, but a beauti
ful one, grows in profusion. Where
the road cuts thru sand dunes the
highway department has seeded the
slopes to holland grass. This grass
planted as bunches in rows some
how reminds ona of soldiers all
standing at attention. Beaches In
vitingly displayed and washed to a
snowy whiteness twice daily in
duces a strong desire to linger a
while and hunt agates or sea shells.
In places hundreds of sea lions
are industriously fishing and trying
to arown the roar of the surf with
their bellowing. I was fortunate in
that the day I visited sea lion caves
there were perhaps more than two
hundred in the cave, all talking at
once and no one listening to the
other fellow. I thought at first it
was a ladies' aid meeting but the
guide pointed out several bulls, each
surrounded by his harem. We got
up to within forty or fifty feet of
the closest and I would judge that
the bulls were about ten feet in
length and would weigh something
in excess of a ton, though the guide
informed me that bulls have been
known to achieve a weight of 7500
pounds. There was one visitor from
California, easily distinguished by
the fact that California sea lions are
black while Oregon has the cream
colored variety.
Marshfleld on Coos Bay is now
the main coast city as it is the head
quarters for a large lumbering in
dustry. Just a few miles to the
east, at Coquille, is in my opinion
the beauty spot of Oregon. Many
madrona trees and an occasional
redwood can be seen here but the
dominant note of charm lies in the
multitude of myrtle. February 25th
strawberries, blackberries and ap
ple trees were in bloom in this sec
tion. I had the good fortune to
cross the coast range at several
places and was much interested in
the distinct cleavage between veg
etative and timber types on the two
sides of the mountains, for the
coast range is nothing like the Cas
cades for altitude and a mountain
pass in the coast range will often
be under two thousand feet The
coast is lined with towns and re
sorts. The two main towns between
Coos Bay and Astoria are Newport
and Waldport; however, in the main
the towns and beach resorts are un
impressive if not outright depress
ive and subtract from rather than
enhance the beauties of the drive.
Oregon timbermen have done all
they could to make the coast region
resemble what hell may be like
when it cools off a little. After
creaming 25 to 40 per cent of the
timber, Are has been allowed to
complete the devastation. There is
one bright spot, in that most of
the land is supporting a fair to good
crop of reproduction and should fire
be kept out, we will have another
crop between two and four hun
dred years from now.
Trips inland are worth while. The
Three Rivers country is noted for
its Ashing. Tillamook, the Den
mark of America, is famous for its
cheese. Vast meadows support
herds of Holstein, Guernsey and
other breeds of bossies. Folks here
speak of "so many cows to the acre
of land, which to an east sider
sounds odd, for here it takes a right
good number of acres to support a
cow. While poor "Lo" seems to be
gone entirely from the land he left
the paleface a rich legacy of In
dian nomenclature for all geograph
ic features of the country from
Tillamook north to the Columbia.
Just south of Astoria is a rich ag
ricultural country, which gives the
impression of a section of the Neth
erlands. Much of the land is dyked
and considerable areas ate in bulb
crops for the cut flower markets.
Only the windmills, wooden shoes
and baggy breeches are needed to
complete the picture.
MRS. W. C. 1SOM.
Miss Hazel Williams is very ill in
the Walla Walla hospital. Her
mother, Mrs. Rado Williams, is with
Mrs. Don Rutledge entertained
the H. E. club ladies at her home
Thursday afternoon. A very pleas
ing social hour was spent after
which the hostess served delicious
Jess Oliver left for Washington
the last of the week to start shear
ing sheep. He has Bob West from
Gravel, Wyoming, employed on his
place. Mr. West is a nephew of
Wesley Chaney.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Markham
and family who have been staying
with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCoy
the past several months have moved
into their new residence in the east
end of town.
Edward Houghton from O. S. C.
at Corvallis is spending his spring
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Houghton.
E. C. Bedwell who has been vis
iting his mother at Union returned
Mrs. Tom Caldwell is at Horse
shoe Bend where she is conducting
revival meetings.
Mrs. Edith Markham was a guest
of Mrs. Glen Hadley at Boardman
Mrs. Wallace Spencer from The
Dalles visited Mrs. Jess Oliver on
Mrs. Ray Minnick spent several
days in Pendleton last week taking
medical treatment.
Mrs. E. Fagerstrom, Mrs. R. Wil
liams, Mrs. Nora Wilson and son
Chester, Roy and Ernest Bedwell
and Mr. Caldwell and son Wayne
motored to Walla Walla Monday
night to attend a fellowship meet
ing. Mr. Acock was doing business in
Hermiston Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark were
visitors in the city on Wednesday
from the Eight Mile farm. Mr.
Clark reports grain making won
derful progress right now.
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON. Minister.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services 11 a. m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Evening services 7:30 p. m.
Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek service, Thursday. 7:30 p. m.
At the near approach of Easter
tide, when is especially remembered
the triumphant overcoming of death
by the Lord Christ, in His glorious
resurrection it seems timely to pay
close attention to the drawing near
of the instrument of not only death
but also the symbol of life; the as
surance of every sinner's safety for
eternity, if the sinner will accept
and avail himself or herself of the
provision made, the Cross, whereon
the Prince of Glory died. . And so
on the coming Lord's Day and for
the evening service, especial atten
tion is to be given to the events pre
ceding Easter, resurrection day, and
the topic for the evening sermon
For the morning sermon the topic
will be the question of many di
verse opinions "CHRIST'S SEC
If you have not a Church home,
we invite you to come and worship
with us; you are welcome to come
and test the invitation of this
friendly church.
Remember the Passion Week Un
ion services in the Methodist church
beginning Monday, March 26, and
continuing each evening at 7:30 o'
clock until Friday. Do not miss any
of these services.
following serevices:
Pnlm Sunrinv (Mar. 25th) Holv
Communion 11 a. m. Sermon, "The
Triumph of Jesus." Y. P. F. E. con
ference 7:30 p. m.
Mnnrtav. 7:30 n. m. Mission de
votions and instruction. Subject,
Tuesday, instruction in altar work
for ladies 3 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Devo
tions and instruction. Subject,
Wednesday, instruction in altar
work for ladies at 3 p. m. 7:30 p.
m. Devotions and instruction, Sub
ject, "Sin."
Thursday, instruction in altar
work for ladies 3 p. m. 7:30 p. m.,
Devotions and instruction, Subject,
"The Christ." 9:00 a. m. Candle
light communion commemorating
the institution of the Blessed Sac
rament. Friday (Good Friday) the three
hours watch from 12 noon to 3 p. m.
Meditations from the seven last
words. 7:30 p. m. Devotions and
instruction, subject "The Church."
Easter Sunday, Communion at 7
and 11 a, m. in Heppner. 3 p. m..
Communion in Cecil. 7:30 p. m.,
Easter and Baccalaureate services
in Hardman.
Easter Monday, Easter parish
dinner in Parish hall.
Questions will be answered during
the mission serevice. All those in
terested in knowing about tne
churclf are invited to attend.
General Missioner.
I hereby announce that I will be
a candidate for the Democratic
nomination for the office of County
Assessor before the primary elec
tion, May 18, 1934.
(Paid Adv.) Incumbent
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge,
continued on notice.)
To trade 10-ft. Roderick-Mc
Lean disc for barley or what have
you. F. E. Mason, lone.
To trade Ford car, Ford engine
and 4-wheel trailers. Max Schultz,
I have an abundance of good par
snips to exchange for what you
haVe that I can use. S. H. Shannon,
Want to trade wood for good
used truck tire and tube, size 30x5.
Ernest French, Hardman. 51-52.
Will trade milk cow for grain
drill in good shape; four horse size
preferred. Ralph Butler, Willows,
Will trade two Rhode Island Red
cockerels, July hatch, none better;
for hens or what have you. Mrs.
L. G. Herren Rumble, 106 Water
St., city.
Ask about our new
: It guarantees premiums. :
s Nw York Lift
I wish to announce that I have
opened offices for the Practice
of Dentistry and Dental Surgery
in the First National Bank Bldg.
of Heppner. My office contains
all modern equipment including
X-ray for dental diagnosis.
I'hone 562
"Just the service wanted
when you want it most"
This is to announce that I will be
candidate for the office of Countv
Treasurer, sublect to the will nf thn
voters of Morrow County at the Pri
mary Election, May 18, 1934.
I wish to thank my friends, both
republican and democratic, for their
generous support in the past, and
hope I have proved worthy of their
(Paid Adv.) Present Incumbent.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Public worship 11:00 a. m. An
them by the choir. Solo, "The
Palms," Faures, Mrs. Bloom. Ser
mon, "When Christ Came March
ing In."
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30. Sermon,
"At Sunset"
There will be union services dur
ing Passion Week as follows at our
church: Monday, Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday at 7:30 p. m
The $antata will be given Friday
evening at the Christian church.
You are very welcome to attend
any or all these services.
There will be a special devotional
mission during Holy Week with the
The World's Best Known Refrigerator
Made by the largest manufacturers of re
frigeration and air conditioning equipment
for domestic and commercial use.
See them in operation
Feed Your Laying Hens and
Dairy Cows RIGHT to Get
Heppner Dairy Feed
Heppner Egg Mash
Mixed and Sold by
Jackson Warehouse
Heppner, Ore. Office Phone302, Res. 782
No. I Baled Alfalfa Hay
This beautiful spring
weather brings thoughts
of Flowers and
Plant Now
and use standard tested
seeds. We have
Northrup & Sturgess
Besides all needed
Phone 52 for your wants
Heppner, Ore.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Church Services 11:00 a. m.
Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday 7:30 p. m.
"We welcome all."
... 7:30 p. m.
Friends at Heppner are in receipt
of word that E. H. Hedrick, for
merly superintendent of schools
here, is very ill at h,is home in
Medford. Mr. Hedrick has been at
the head of the Meford schools since
he left this city.
To trade Ford car, Ford engine
2- and 4-wheel trailers. Max
Schultz, Heppner.
Addition to Dairyville, County
of Morrow, State of Oregon,
running thence west 3 chains,
thence north 6.18 chains, thence
east SYt chains, thence south
8.18 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 2 acres,
minimum price $200.00.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
7th day of April, 1934, at the hour
of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of
the Court House In Heppner, Ore
gon, sell said property to the high
est and best bidder.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 10th day ofi
March, 1934, I am authorized and
directed to sell at public auction as
provided by law, the following de
scribed real property, at not less
than the minimum price herein set
forth, to-wit:
Hardman Tract No. 6, described
as: Beginning at a point 689
feet west of the southwest cor
ner of lot 4 in Block 2, Adams
You do not need to UBe blueing, thus
avoiding the risks of streaking your
white household linens. Three to four
teaspoonfuls of W ATKINS WASHING
COMPOUND in boiler or washing ma
chine will do the trick. Will not harm
colored clothes. Twenty-five cents a
Watkins Dealer
with lib.
Bank With Ease
In Your Own City
National Bank of Portland provides the fol
lowing services to make banking more con
venient for Morrow County residents:
Mail your deposits to us, write your checks
as usual and examine your monthly state
ment. You need not come into the bank at
all to receive service almost as convenient as
though you lived next door to the office.
Exchange Deposits
You can make deposits to your account at
this bank in any of the 17 offices of The First
National Bank of Portland. Your deposit
will be credited to your account here the
same day it is made.
Cash for Business
You need not send out of the county when
cash in your store or shop runs low. We
maintain an adequate supply of cash in all
Safe Deposit Boxes
Our ultra-modern Safe Deposit department
will protect your valuable papers and jew
elry in double-locked boxes for less than
Financial Counsel
This bank is vitally interested in the pros
perity of every industry in this district.
Whatever your problems whether you are.
sheepman, cattleman, lumberman or wheat
rancher bring them to the bank. We will
be-glad to talk over your financial plans and
to give you any help we can.
Thomson Bros.
W. O. Dix Grocery
Huston's Grocery
wot of me toaues"
t m p y m Ti
Never before
have we shown
a nicer line of
clothing than we
are now showing-
all bearing
the sign of the
Spring Offerings from Styledom---
include Suitings of new, attractive weaves and color combinations,
great values at the prices ($22.50 to $27.50 extra pants $5.00). They
simply must be seen to be appreciated.
HARDEMAN HATS to top the ensemble ($2.95 to $4.00).
SWEATERS Stylishly new of semi-brush wool some zipper fronts
in a variety of colors. SMART, NEW ($1.95 to $4.95).
tribute bright new offerings of exceptional merit.
We take especial pleasure in showing these offerings of the country's
style leaders, all reputed for TL c. r k .
rat40fmatcrial88ndork- Jw3L WILSON S