Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 22, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 51, Number 2.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Wider Territory Covered
as Various Codes Suc
ceed President's Pact.
Sotting of Price Levels, Regulating
of Trade Practices Brings
Bird's Flight to County.
' The Blue Eagle is no longer a
fledgling. With ever spreading i
wings the azure-4iued bird is cir
cling ever wider in its flight, bring
ing under its wing heretofore un
tried territory. Still an uncertain
denizen of the heavens, it is being
eyed askance, whether it be indeed
a messenger from Heaven.
That such a messenger it may be
is the hope of many local business
houses who are now being drawn
under the newly adopted codes for
their respective industries which
are to replace the president's gen
eral reemployment agreement. The
reemployment agreement did not
generally affect businesses of Mor
row county, but the codes are more
far-reaching in effect.
The codes not only have for their
purpose the stimulating of em
ployment, but they seek further to
uproot parasites that have been
eating at the vitals of business.
Generally, all the industrial codes
seek to eliminate unfair trade prac
tices of which unreasonable price
cutting and misrepresentation of
commodities have been notorious
Grocers of the county who met at
the council chambers in Heppner
last Thursday evening were advised
that under the code they are not
permitted to sell any article for less
than 10 percent more than its cost
price. Provisions of their code
stipulate that the offering of cash
discounts, the giving of premiums,
trade checks or other articles of
value in order to stimulate sales, is
taboo if the government bird is to
wing to them with its omen of pop
plar favor. It is the intention that
every article be sold on Its own
merits, at a price expected to guar
antee the vendor his cost plus a
reasonable amount in addition for
overhead expense.
The grocers are the first to form
a county organization, with local
administrative olilcers. Their ad
ministrative board, named Monday
evening, is John Anglin and E. R.
Huston, Heppner, and Bert Mason,
All lines of trade are being
brought under codes of similar in
tent. The automotive dealers' code,
the local administration of which is
regional In character, has similar
price-flxing provisions. Their code
among other things establishes a
price list for used cars, setting
forth a price for each make and
model of used car which may not
be exceeded by any dealer In taking
a used car as part payment on a
new car. "
The graphic arts code, under
which this newspaper is operating,
provides that printing establlsh
coming under it may not sell their
products at less than cost of pro
duction. The aim of all the codes is said
to be the elevation of business eth
ics by regulating working hours, es
tablishing livable wage rates, elim
inating child labor, and the abol
ishing of unfair trade practices.
It is the announced policy of the
national government to let indus
try regulate itself so far as It will,
and to this end the various codes
administrative bodies are drawn
almost entirely from within the line
of industry which the code affects.
If industry proves capable of regu
lating itself, the government will
not interfere, it is said; but If in
dustry fails, then the government
will take a larger hand.
While penalties are provided for
the punishment of those who fail
to comply with the code to which
they subscribe, it is expected public
favor as it is won or lost by the
Blue Eugle, will be the deciding
factor in the permanence of the
bird's place in the sun.
Wm. Duran was sentenced to 90
days in the county jail by Judge C
L. Sweek in circuit court here Mon
day. Duran waived grand jury in
vestigation and plead guilty to the
charge of operating a distillery for
the purpose of making intoxicating
liquor. He was taken by otllcers at
his home in south Heppner In the
act of operating a distillery set up
on the kitchen stove. The charge,
made under the provisions of the
Knox law, was the first liquor prose
cution to be made under this law
in Morrow county.
Action In four civil cases was
taken In circuit court here Satur
day, with Judge C. L. Sweek presid
ing. Motion and order of default
and judgment was entered in the
case of Henry Scherzinger, plain
tiff, vs. Mary Glavy O'Connor, with
J. O. Turner as plaintiff's attorney.
Three of the cases were entered on
the docket through complaints filed
by Ralph W. Campbell, attorney
for the State Industrial Accident
commission, against Reuben W.
Voile, et al, Frank E, Everson, and
S. T. Robison.
Corn-Hog Deadline Set;
Dairy Program Nearing
April 3 Is the deadline for signing
corn-hog production adjustment
contracts In Oregon, it Is announced
by the state campaign committee
which was given authority from
Washington to fix its own closing
date. Reports from the counties
show that the campaign is well
along and that with the exception
of one or two places this closing
date will require no unusual speed
ing up. '
A definite closing date Is essen
tial in fairness to those farmers
and those counties that have signed
promptly and should not be held
back in getting their contracts thru
and approved, ready for benefit pay
ments, says H. A. Lindgren, chair
man of the state committee at Ore
gon State college. The state board
of review must have the whole pic
ture in hand before any consider
able part of its work can be com
pleted. Hog growers who hope for a "sec
ond chance" such as has now been
given those wheat producers who
failed to join the control program
at first, are likely to be disappoint
ed, it is explained, as the hog con
tract Is only for one year, while the
wheat contract is for three years,
making reopening possible.
The dairy control program moves
on apace with announcement from
Washington that regional confer
ences to discuss proposed provisions
with producers and handlers of
dairy products will be held the lat
ter part of March and early April.
The location and date of the Pacific
Northwest conference has not been
announced, but Dean William A.
Schoenfeld, Director Paul V. Maris
of the extension service, and P. M.
Brandt, chief in dairying, have
joined in a recommendation that it
be held in Portland, as the most
central location for this region.
With the county agents' offices
again the clearing houses for the
emergency federal seed loans, W. L.
Teutsch, assistant state county ag
ent leader, has been designated to
coordinate this program in Oregon.
Loans up to $250 are available, but
any application for $150 or more
must first be made to the local pro
duction credit association.
Mr. Teutsch suggests that time
of applicants will be saved if the
necessary information for the ap
plication be in hand the first trip to
the county agent's office. This in
formation includes a complete le
gal description of the farm, a list
of all indebtedness of every kind, a
record of the 1933 crop production,
a list of all livestock and major
farm equipment on the place, and
a record of all hay, feed and seed
now on hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiger
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. Balsiger's brother, Fred Bal
siger, in White Salmon, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Gabbert and
children of Portland were guests at
the Mlsner ranch on Saturday and
Sunday. They also brought with
them Corrine Van Winkle, a play
mate of their daughter Patty Ann,
and Wilford Reynolds, a nephew of
Mr. Gabbert.
Mrs. Eunice Warfleld and son
Buddy of LaCrosse, Wash., arrived
the latter part of last week for a
visit at the home of Mra. Warfleld's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Coch
ran. The regular business meeting of
Willows grange will be held at the
hall in Cecil on Saturday evening,
March 24. A number of business
discussions will be held during the
evening and the lecture hour pro
gram will be in charge of teachers
who belong to the grange. For re
freshments ladies are asked by the
H. E. chairman to bring pie.
Mrs. H. D. McCurdy and children,
Harlan, Jr., and Maxine, took ad
vantage of the school holiday Fri
day and went to Pendleton for den
tal attention. They were accom
panied by Bertha Akers and Mrs.
George Tucker.
Frank Mason, Jr., who has spent
the winter working in California
returned home Saturday morning.
Dwlght Misner drove to Portland
Sunday on business.
H. O. and Elvln Ely and Wallace
Matheys were business visitors in
Pendleton Sunday.
Lowel Clark has returned to lone
after spending the past few months
In C. C. C. work on the coast,
Mrs. Charles Nord of Portland
visited at the home of her son, Ray
liarnett, last week.
Eight members of the P. N. G,
club of the Rebekah lodge met at
the home of Mrs. Frank Lundell
last Friday for their regular March
meeting. After the business hour
a social time was enjoyed and de
licious refreshments were served by
the nostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
have returned to Portland after
spending the winter in lone.
Last Thursday afternoon the
Girls league of the high school en
tertained all the mothers of high
school students with a delightful
tea at the home of Mrs. J. E. Swan
son. Several numbers were ar
ranged by the girls for entertain
ment. Miss Francis Troedson play
ed a piano solo, Misses Miriam Hale,
Irene Zlnter, Elaine Nelson and
Ruth Kitching gave a humorous
skit and Miss Troedson and Miss
Hale sang a vocal duet while re
freshments were being served. A
whipped Jello dessert, iced cookies
decorated with shamrocks and tea
and coffee were served.
Basketball activities were finished
with the tournament at Heppner"
(Continued on Page Four)
The following geographic sketches
by F. F. Wehmeyer, local forest
ranger, are continued from last
week. The sketches were inspired
by a rcent trip of Mr. Wehmeyer's
in connection with the U. S. Forest
service "Show Boat" school of in
struction to CCC camps of the
Willamette Valley
The Willamette valley is literally
studded with well built, prosperous
appearing cities and towns. Port
land is the queen city, not only of
the Willamette but the entire state
as it is strategically located at the
junction of the Willamette river
and the mighty Columbia. Salem
and the twin college cities of Cor
vallis and Eugene are rivals for the
domination of the center of the val
ley which is rich in diversified ag
ricultural pursuits. Some of the
impressive sights are the miles of
hop fields just south of Oregon City
and a fellow wonders at the colos
sal amount of yeast it takes to leav
en the bread for the nation, and
the large walnut and filbert or
chards in the vicinity of Dallas and
the thousands of acres of good ag
ricultural land lying within easy
maketing distance of Portland that
is waiting for that good old pioneer
spirit that it takes to clear logged
off land. Recreational possibilities
seem unlmited within a short drive
from any of the cties within the
valley. Portland's great outdoor
playground is up the Sandy and on
to Mt. Hood. The Sandy is also
famous for its smelt as well as its
scenery. The Clackamas river
Band Uniforms Ordered,
Parents, Theater Help
The Heppner school band will
soon appear clad in bright new
capes and caps of purple and gold.
The order for the new uniforms has
gone forth, made possible through
the assistance of parents, friends
and organizations of th mtmnn.
nity, announces Harold Buhman,
band director.
Most recent of contributions, was
that of parents of band children
who turned in a fund of $32.40 this
And now comes annonnrempnt nf
aid from the Star theater, which
will give all proceeds above ex
penses from the show on March 27-
28-29 to the band uniform fund.
"Jimmy and Sally," featuring Jas.
Dunn and Claire Trevor will ha thi
attraction, and the usual admission
prices will be charged. A pre-sale
of tickets will be made by band
'Almost everv known device and
idea has been used in raising mon
ey for this cause, said Mr. Buh
man. "We are hoDine the remiirpd
amount will be in hand by the time
the uniforms arrive." The list of
those contributing to the fund so
far include I. O. O. F., American
Legion, American Legion Auxiliary,
firemen, a. f. o. E., Rhea Creek
Grange, Rodeo Association. Barents
and friends.
Power Company Pays
1933 Tax Bill in Full
Sheriff Bauman, tax collector, re
ceived a check for $3972.16 on
March 15, which covered taxes of
Pacific Power & Light Co. due Mor
row county for the year 1933, less
3 discount According to Ray P.
Kinne, local manager of the com
pany, tax collectors of Oregon and
Washington will receive a total of
$358,755.43 in settlement of the 1933
tax bill of the company in the two
states. Inoludlng the 3 federal
tax on sales of electricity to domes
tic and commercial customers, and
various other state and federal'lev
ies of a special nature, the com
pany's total tax bill for 1933 was
$441,199.26, Mr. Kinne pointed out,
and 1934 taxes of all kinds will
amount to approximately $515,717.
A meeting of republicans of Mor
row county, young and old, has
been called for the courthouse to
morrow evening at 7 o'clock to dis
cuss plans for organizing a Young
Republicans club. Any republican
who desires to see the principles of
republicanism perpetuated in Mor
row county, whether before active
in party work or not, is invited to
attend. It is especially urged that
all young republicans, even though
not of voting age, who are interest'
ed in the formation of a group for
the discussion of governmental
problems, attend.
neppner inends received an
nouncement this week of the arrival
of William Lee Hallock. 7 lbs. 6 oz.
to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hallock of
Redmond at Bend on March 12.
Mr. Hallock, who spent much of
his youth in Heppner and who was
more recently cashier of the Far
mers & Stockgrowers National bank
of this city, has a host of friends
here who are pleased to extend con
C. M. Bentley, examiner of op
erators and chauffeurs from the of
fice of P, J, Stadleman, secretary
of state, will be in Heppner next
Saturday, the 24th, between the
hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. at the
courthouse, Ail those wishing per
mus or licenses to arive cars are
asked to iret In touch with Mr Rent.
Icy at that time.
where the hydro-electric power is
generated that lights Portland's
streets and which (according to
Oregonians, at least) makes Broad
way the best lighted street in Amer
ica, is a close second in popclarity.
Just over the ridge is Bull Run,
from which Portland gets her do
mestic water supply. At Estacada
which has been the end of the road
up the Clackamas, there are a num
ber of ginseng beds, which with
their shaded areas covering In some
cases, several acres, appear to be
something out of the ordinary as a
farming venture. Bordering the
Willamette on both sides, fern ap
pears to be the greatest curse and
really amounts to a vegetative
plague. If some blight or disease
could only be introduced that would
spread and kill out the fern, that
part of the country could raise more
stock to the section than we of the
east side could to a township. Af
ter a trip over the entire valley, it
causes no wonder that the glowing
accounts of the first visitors brought
that flood of pioneer immigration
to Oregon. Those Intrepid pioneers
who fought their way west over ev
ery obstacle and though the way
was literally paved with the bones
of their friends and relatives, they
finally reached the goal of their
dreams. It was worth the struggle,
for paradise holds no greater prom
ise than could be fulfilled right in
the Willamette valley where Mt.
Hood to the north and Mt. Jefferson
to the south stand guard to see that
nature's promises to this fruitful
valley are never broken.
(Continued on Pae Four)
Tales of Old Times
pioneer editor of the "Gazet" writing:
from National Military Home,
It must have been about 1883 that
Peter Borg arrived in Heppner and
opened up his jewelry store in a cor
ner of Cash. Mallory's drug store.
He was a good jeweler, and an all
round good man, square and fair,
and when he fixed a watch it stayed
fixed unless it had chronic harden
ing of the artechokes, and when it
did, Peter would tell the man.
Peter crossed the plains from
Missouri, had a good span of mules
and light wagon, end of course had
a dog tagging al&'ig under the hind
axle. This dog did not seem to take
very well to the climate of the
Heppner Hills, and showed strong
symptoms of homesickness. My dog
Dash tried to play with him and
get him to laugh it off, but the de
pression that has since scouted
around here had already arrived on
him. There were acres of dogs
camped under Frank Maddock's
store, but they were all near-collies
or half-collies, who had been whaled
by herders and had skipped to
town, and they all smelled strong
of sheep. Pete's dog would not mix
with them, and within a week after
arrival in Heppner he disappeared.
Advertising in the Gazet used to
bring in most anything, but it fail
ed to bring back that dog. Six
months later, Pete received a let
ter from an old neighbor back in
Missouri, stating that his dog had
arrived back at his old home, with
pretty sore feet, but after resting
up a few days he was having the
time of his life playing with the
dogs who had been his playmates
from puppyhood. It was quite a
stretch from Eastern Oregon to
Missouri, but Peter Borg's dog
showed them that he could make it
all right.
Lions Ask Establishment
of CCC Camp in District
The Lions club voted at its Mon
day noon luncheon to Invite the es
tablishment of a CCC camp in the
local forest district again this year.
The action was taken on the advice
that so far plans of the government
do not include a camp to be located
here this season. The invitation
was believed to be meritorious be
cause of the large wealth of mer
chantable timber located in this
district, which compares favorably
with other districts in which CCC
camps have been authorized.
The luncheon assemblage was fa
vored with two enjoyable enter
tainment features from the school.
Billy Thomson and Lorena Wilson,
members of the high school public
speaking class, each recited a story
by O. Henry. Guests included V. G.
DeLap of Portland and John Pen
land of Pendleton.
David Hynd was in the city yes
terday from the Rose Lawn ranch,
Sand Hollow. He reported lambing
now well under way at both the
Sand Hollow and Cecil ranches of
Hynd brothers, with excellent con
ditions prevailing and slight losses.
One day last week, 244 lambs ar
rived at the two ranches, 105 at
Sand Hollow and 139 at Cecil. Mr.
Hynd was after another man to help
with the work.
San Souci Rebekah lodge of
Heppner gave a shower last eve
ning for Mrs. James Leach of Lex
ington in appreciation of Mrs.
Leach's loss in the recent fire which
consumed the Leach farm home
near Lexington. There was a large
attendance of members of the or
der, and the gifts Included many
useful and practical articles.
Folks From Near and Far
Catch Festive Spirit in
Gala Celebration.
Unusually Emerald Hue Augments
Reflections of Mother Land;
Large Crowd Attends Ball.
Few, indeed, are the years when
V.;iln f NTa..r TTVfn nrara a
deeper emerald on March 17 than
they were last Saturday. A land-
nL thi n.nt fitting fnr th I
scape this, quite fitting for the ex
pression of "Erin go Bragh, for the
spirit of the shamrock, the clay
pipe, and the Kelly hat, with which
New Erin celebrated the day of the
patron, St. Patrick. Mayhap, not
in complete typical picturesqueness,
but in spirit, at least, was New Erin
transplanted to the mother sod for
a day.
"Ireland forever!" Will its fond
memories and lovable traditions
never die. New Erin, those with
strong ties to the homeland and
those with ties more remote, caught
the spirit of the day as expressed in
the one large public observance,
the annual St Patrick's ball. Or
iginal wearers of the green made
more solemn observance with ap
propriate rites at St Patrick's
church, itself named for the patron
whose day was being observed.
"Erin go Bragh" was the motif
in decorations for the ball room,
with the slogan displayed on the
walls and green and white stream
ers hung from the ceiling furnishing
harmonious coloring for the spirit,
further reflected in the Irish ballads
frequently played by Fletcher's or
chestra of Pendleton, musicians for
the occasion.
The decorations were not elab
orate, but the crowd, assembled in
festive mood, was one of the largest
to gather in Heppner in many a day.
Morrow countians, there were, from
near and far. And, like the inhab
itants of New Erin who on this day
especially were reminded of close
ties to the homeland, so former
Morrow countians were drawn by
the occasion to renew old bonds of
The Ladies Altar society of St.
Patrick's church were sponsors for
the ball, and served a bounteous
midnight supper.
Farm Prices Make Gains
Over Costs Last Month
Most farm prices made substan-i
tial gains during February, and as
a whole these gains were greater
than increases in prices paid by
farmers, according to the monthly
Agricultural Situation and Outlook
report just prepared by the Oregon
State College extension service.
Eggs were the only major com
modity that did not share in this
general price increase. As com
pared to January, grains rose 3
points, fruits and vegetables nine
points, meat animals 9 points, and
dairy products four points, while
eggs dropped nine points.
In terms of pre-war conditions,
the February index of all farm
prices stood at 76, the index of
prices paid by farmers for commod
ities usually bought stood at 118,
and the purchasing power of the
farm dollar was 64 per cent of pre
war, or parity. The farm dollar In
February with a purchasing power
of 64 per cent of parity is a much
better dollar than the farm dollar
of a year ago which had a pur
chasing power of only 49 per cent
of parity. This 15 point gain in pur
chasing power represents slightly
less than a third of the gain that
must be made before the farm dol
lar will have an equal value with
the industrial dollar.
The purchasing power during
February of some of the major
farm commodites in relation to par
ity was as follows: Eggs 59, chick
ens 76. wool 121, lambs 94,
beef cattle 60, hogs 45, butterfat
70, wheat 69 and potatoes 107.
The outlook report also Includes
brief commodity notes, among
which are notes on poultry, lambs
and potatoes.
Hatchery reports indicate a small
er output than a year ago. For the
United States as a whole, bookings
for chick deliveries after February
1 were about 13.7 less than for
last year.
The early lamb crop is sligthly
larger and the condition of lambs
is better than last year. An earlier
than usual market movement is in
Prelimnary estimates of potato
plantings indicate that they will be
larger than last year. So far the
bulk of this increase appears to be
in the early and intermediate
The Busy Bee 4-H club met at
Mrs. Swendlg's home Saturday af
ternoon. We finished our dish tow
els and tea towels. We cut our
.patterns for the laundry bags. Some
of us are taking group two and otn
ers group one, and will make hot
dish holders. Patricia Smith,
H. C. McDaniel, lighting sales
supervisor with the Pacific Power
& Light company, was in the city
yesterday. He makes his home at
The Dalles.
Bob Woodward "Signed" to Pitch;
New Uniforms Ordered; Strong
Pennant Bid to be Made.
The organization meeting for the
Wheatland Baseball league to lay
plans for the coming season will be
held in Arlington this evening, ac
cording to announcement by Frank
Holien of Condon, league president.
Mark Merrill, playing manager, and
R. B. Ferguson, business manager
of the local club, expect to be in
With several good workouts this
week, Manager Merrill has begun
to whip the local team into shape.
Most of last years squad is back on
the job with several new recruits,
but most heartening news for the
Ltm's. penant Pects conies in
"""" ,, u
Woodward, speed ball artist who
performed on the mound for Hepp
ner two years ago, will be back on
the job this season. Other than
"signing" Wooward, Manager Mer
rill has not yet indicated who will
fill other positions.
"We do want it known that we're
going out to make a Btrong bid for
the pennant," the manager asserted.
New uniforms, to carry the names
of various business firms who have
generously contributed for their
purchase, were ordered this week.
The new outfits will be mighty
snappy, the manager says, and the
fellows who wear them must do
some tall digging.
Combined Choirs to Give
Beautiful Easter Cantata
On Friday evening, March 30, at
eight o'clock, the united choirs of
the Methodist' and Christian
churches will present the beautiful
Easter cantata, "Redemption Song,"
under the direction of Mrs. Edward
Bloom. Mrs. J. O. Turner will be
at the piano. This will be a splen
did presentation and you are urged
to mark this date on your calendar
and plan to hear this delightful and
timely musical offering.
Boyd Copenhaver received a bad
ly cut hand Sunday afternoon when
the car which he was cranking
kicked back, striking his hand
against the license plate. He was
taken to Heppner to a physician to
have the injured member attended.
Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvannus Wright were their
daughters, Mrs. Fred Matlock and
children of The Dalles and Mrs.
Glenn Gale and son of White Sal
mon, Wash.
Mrs. J. G. Johnson and grand
son, Billy Burchell, spent the week
end in Boardman as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles.
R. H. Lane returned Friday from
a business trip to Portland.
A farewell party was given Thurs
day afternoon for Mrs. Celeste Wil
liams who left Friday morning for
Grants Pass where she will make
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Burchell of
Sheridan were guests oil Mrs. Mae
Burchell a few days last week while
Mr. Burchell was looking after bus
iness interests in this community.
Mrs. Golda Leathers is spending
the week in Portland where she is
having some dental work done.
Mrs. Sweinhart and daughter
were guests of Mrs. George Allyn
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever
and family left for Portland Tues
day morning. They were accom
panied by Mrs. John Miller and two
Carlyle Harrison of Underwood,
Wash., was a guest at the L. A. Pal
mer home over the week end.
Misses Clara Nelson, Ruth Din
ges and Helen Valentine arrived
home during the week end to spend
the spring vacation with their re
spective parents. The young ladies
are students at Oregon State col
lege, Corvallis.
Mrs. Sara White left Monday
morning for Portland where she
will visit relatives.
Alta Cutsforth and Beulah Nich
ols motored to Pendleton Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. J. G. Cowins and daughters
of Heppner were visitors at the
George Allyn home Friday.
Tom McDandel is in Portland
where he Is receiving medical treat
ment. School Nottw
The play, "Laugh, Clown," will
be presented Friday evening in the
high school auditorium.
In the play Mrs. Hurley and her
daughter Pat have just moved to
their summer home. Gallagher Star
ling, Pat's girl friend, is coming to
visit and also Mrs. Hurley's son
Arthur is coming home. Arthur is
bringing with him a forty-thousand-dollar
diamond and a surprise. Soon
after he arrives the diamond Is
stolen. If you want to find out who
stole the diamond and what the
surprise is be sure to be on hand
at the auditorium Friday evening
at eight o clock.
The Lexington teachers journeyed
to Hardman Friday to attend the
spring Institute.
The P. T. A. card party which
was held in the gymnasium Thurs
day evening was quite successful
Mrs. J. O. Rasmus is unable to
be at her place in the dry goods de
partment of the Thomson Bros,
store, being confined to her home
and threatened with pneumonia.
Sheriff's Office Reports
Total of $125,525, Tho
Local People Lag.
Quarterly Payments, Sliding Scale
of Rebate and Interest Cause De
lay and Extension of ' Time.
Tax payments for the first quar
terly period have been unusually
heavy In Morrow county, totalling
to date $125,525.33, according to an
nouncement by the sheriff's office.
The quarterly period was to have
ended March 15, but complications
in making up the rolls and receipts
due to the new law governing the
payment of taxes made it necessary
for the local office to extend the
time to April 15.
A large amount of the tax so far
collected represents payment of
back taxes, with some $50,000 in
current taxes being paid by various
public utilities. Actually, so far
there has been but a small amount
of current taxes paid by local peo
ple, according to the report
It is pointed out that the provis
ions of the new law, allowing a
3 percent cash discount on taxes
paid in full before March 15, will be
extended to April 15, so that tax
payers may still take advantage of
the saving up to the extended date
by paying the year's taxes in full.
Work of making out the 1934
rolls and receipts was more than
doubled by the new law putting tax
payments on a quarterly rather than
a semi-annual basis, the collector's
office reports. Allowing of rebate
and establishment of a sliding scale
of interest on delinquent payments
are cited as other features that have
complicated the work materially.
ine new law allows a rebate of
two percent for each three-months
period for which payment of a quar
ter s taxes are paid preceding the
actual due date; i. e., if a taxpayer
should pay his year's taxes in full
before April 15, he would be al
lowed no rebate on the first quar
ter, out would be allowed 2 percent
rebate on the second quarter, 4 per
cent on the third quarter, and 6 per
cent on the fourth quarter, making
an average saving of 3 percent on
the lull year's payment.
The new law places the interest
rate for delinquency at 2-3 of 1
percent per month or fraction of a
month until paid. Interest has now
accrued on unpaid first quarter
taxes at the rate of 2-3 of 1 percent
and after April 16 it will jump to
i -s percent, alter May 16 to 2
percent, with an additional 2-3 of 1
percent added for each month
thereafter, making a total of 6 per
cent which will have accrued if the
quarter's taxes have not been paid
Dy .December 15.
A form setting out the sliding re
bate and interest scale, with a
transcript of the new law, has been
mailed to taxpayers along with the
tax statements. A study of this
form will show that by paying the
full year's tax in the first quarterly
taxpaying period instead of paying
it all at the end of the year the
taxpayer will not only receive a re
bate of 3 percent, but would be re
lieved from paying an average of
3 2-3 percent interest, making a to
tal saving of 6 2-3 percent
The new law provides that any
and all taxes not paid by December
15 shall become delinquent. The
final date for paying each quarter's
taxes are first quarter, March 15;
second quarter, June 15; third quar
ter, September 15, and fourth quar
ter, December 15.
Corvallis. E. L. Potter, head of
the division of agricultural econom
ics at Oregon State college, is now
in Washington, D. C, on a two
months' leave of absence to assist in
formulating a plan of agricultural
adjustment for the beef cattle in
dustry. Professor Potter's services
were requested by Chester C. Da
vis, administrator of the farm act
Potter was for 20 years head of the
animal husbandry department at
the state college and is personally
familiar with the livestock industry
of the west. He is one of a half
dozen O. S. C. staff members who
have been called to Washington for
varying periods to assist in the ag
ricultural adjustment program.
Due to an error, the mimeo
graphed letters sent out to school
clerks of the county by the Mor
row County Rural Teachers club,
petitioned that schools be opened
on next September 6. September
3 Is the first Monday and the logi
cal opening date. The teachers'
committee desires that this error be
Glenn Edward Linn, aged 18 days,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Linn
of lone, died on Friday, March 18,
at Mrs. Lillie Aiken's nursing home
in Heppner. Burial took place on
Sunday afternoon at 2 30 at I. O.
O. F. cemetery, lone, with commit
ment services at the grave.
Kate J. Young lodge, Degree of
Honor Prot. Assn. meets Tuesday,
March 27, at 8 o'clock In Odd Fel
lows hall. All members are urged
to be present Clara Beamer, Sec.