Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 15, 1934, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from Tint Pujre)
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
The March social meeting of the
Women's Topic club will be held at
the home of Mrs. Edward Rietmann
on next Saturday aftenoon, March
17 tn.
Mrs. Emily McMurray went to
Hermiston last Saturday and had
her teeth extracted by a dentist in
that city. She will remain In Her
miston at the home of her son Fred
until she feels able to return home.
She was taken over by Mr. and Mrs,
Loren Hale who returned to their
home that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden return
ed last week from Gresham where
they have spent the winter. They
were accompanied home by Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Hayden of Portland,
who will visit here for a short time.
Mr. Hayden is an uncle of Mrs. Ol
den. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns, Mr.
and Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Hayden and Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Howell and family enjoyed
an outing on the sands last Sun
day. The gentlemen of the party
hunted jackrabbits while the ladies
hunted for Indian arrow heads
which are sometimes found -out
Homer Mankin departed from
lone about two weeks ago headed
for Bonneville where he hoped to
get work on a construction crew at
the dam. However, he found that
work was being given only to men
who had been residents of Mult
nomah county for at least six
months so he went on to Las Ve
gas, Nevada, where he worked for
nearly two years on the Hoover
dam near there, and where he
hopes to again find employment
J. E. Swanson secured permis
sion from the city council to re
move the locust trees from the
parking west of his office build
ing. Mr. Swanson will replace these
trees with a more pleasing variety
in the near future.
Mrs. Rosa Jackson who has spent
the past six weeks visiting Mrs
Emily McMurray was driven to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis
Batty, in Eight Mile by George
Carkuff last Friday. Mrs. Jackson
will visit her daughter for some
time and then plans to visit other
children In Idaho and Washington.
influenza is still claiming victims
in our city. Miss Pope, teacher of
the first and second grades, is ill
and her place is being filled by Mrs.
Inez Freeland. Miss Margaret
Crawford has also been confined to
her bed by an attack of this disease
during the past week.
Mrs. M. R Morgan was taken to
a Heppner physician Monday for
treatment for her leg which suffered
severe injuries when the car in
which she was riding with her son
Milton was struck at Lexington by
a car which failed to stop when
coming on to the highway near the
schoolhouse there. Mr3. Morgan
found that the injured member was
not fractured but was so severely
sprained that the doctor put it in
a cast to enable it to heal properly.
Miss Edith Phillips of Portland,
associate grand matron of the
grand chapter of the O. E. S. of
Oregon, paid the local Eastern Star
chapter an official visit on Thurs
day evening of last week. While
here Miss Phillips was a guest of
Mrs. Orral Feldman.
The members of the Girls league
of lone high school entertained the
members of the high school basket
ball squad at a party at the gym
last Friday evening. Games were
played and refreshments served at
the close of the party.
The members of the misionary
society of the lone Congregational
church are interested in their neigh
bors in Africa. At their March
meeting in the church parlors last
Thursday afternoon thirteen mem
bers and guests were present to
hear the papers prepared for the
afternoon's program.
Because of a widespread variety
of entertainments on Saturday eve
ning the smoker, which was held
here to determine the wrestling and
boxing champions of Morrow coun
ty, was not as successful as was ex
pected. The results were as follows:
Boxing: 125-lb. John D. Wat
kins of Heppner defeated Harding
Smith of Lexington by a decision.
He was most aggressive and scored
several knockdowns. 135-lb. Al
fred Caldera of Lexington defeated
Richard Hayes of Heppner. 145-lb.
Virgil Smith of Lexington scored
a knockdown on Gerald Swaggart
or Heppner. Smith weathered some
terrific rushes before he let go a
long effective right that set Swag
gart back on his heels. 158-lb. Art
Hughes of Heppner won by default
of his opponent.
Wrestling : 135-lb. Francis
Nickerson of Heppner threw Boyd
Redding of Heppner and won the
championship. 158-lbs. Bob Ro
sencrans of Heppner scored one fall
on Emmett Kuns of Lexington.
Harvey Bauman refereed the
wrestling and Vester Lane the box
ing. The judges were Harry Tur
ner and Clarence Bauman.
As an extra event Harvey Bau
man and George Gillis put on an
exhibition of the professional style
of wrestling. The referee, Vester
Lane, did more wrestling to protect
himself than did the combatants.
The proceeds of this smoker will
go to swell the fund for the dental
clinic which la to be held in Lex
ington. A continuation of this
championship event will have to be
held at a later date when more
competition can be secured.
An Interesting program of short
talks and appropriate St Patrick's
day music preceded the business
meeting of Lexington grange Sat
urday evening. After some group
singing R. B. Rice gave a talk on
"Rodent Control." Harvey Miller
sang a beautiful solo, with Mrs. J.
O. Turner at the piano. Mrs. J. H.
Williams and Mrs. Harry Schriever
were heard in a vocal duet with
Mrs. George Gillis as accompanist
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county u-
perintendent, explained the Oregon
School Law system. The closing
number was a vocal duet by Harvey
Miller and J. O. Turner, accompan
ied by Mrs. J. O. Turner.
During the business meeting two
proposals for membership were re
ceived, these being for W. B. Tuck
er and Foster Odom. Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Dick of Heppner were present
and were given the obligation of the
order, making them members of the
grange. Tena Scott and Beulah
Nichols were appointed captains of
the two teams in the Grange Bulle
tin contest
The Lexington Home Economics
club met Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. George Gillis as hostess. The
guests were Mrs. Aita Cutsforth,
Mrs. Nancy McWaters. Mrs Ppn.-l
Gentry, Mrs. Laura Rice, Mrs. Tem-
pa jonnson, Mrs. Emma Peck, Mrs.
Bertha Dinges, Mrs. Myrtle Schrie
ver, Mrs. Celeste Williams, Mrs
Laura Scott Mrs. C. Gibbs Mrs.
Anne Miller, Mrs. Margaret Miller,
ana Mrs. .Margaret Williams. A
short business meetine was held
with the president, Bertha Dinges,
jji earning, .cars, feck, Mrs. Rice,
Mrs. Schriever and Mrs. Dinges
each gave short talks on some sub
ject pertaining to gardening. The
next meeting will be at the home
or Mrs. Anne Miller.
A small fire was discovered on
the roof of the Guy Shaw house
about 9:30 Sunday morning but was
extinguished before any serious
damage was done. It is not definite
ly known how it started.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Munkers have
returned to their home here after
spending the winter with relatives
in .Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan spent
the week end moving their familv
uauK to ine rancn where they will
remain during the summer.
motored to Pendleton Friday eve
motored to Pendleton Friay eve
ning to attend the smoker where
Mr. Gillis wrestled Ted Myers of
Mrs. Elsie M. Beach and son
Laurel spent Saturday in Walla
Mrs. Ted McMillan visited rela
tives and friends in Arlington last
Mrs. Frank Moyer and son Melvin
went to Oregon City Saturday. They
were called there by the critical ill
ness of Mrs. Moyer's sister-in-law,
Mrs. Percy Conner.
Mrs. Helen Haddox and young
son of Portland are guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett,
at their farm home in Sand Hollow.
Mrs. Eva Bowman of Athena is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Lawrence
Copenhaver, who is ill.
Miss Delpha Merritt went to
Heppner Saturday to attend the
miscellaneous shower which was
given for Mrs. Jim Brannon.
Miss Eva Wilcox was consulting
a physician in Heppner Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and
son Duane went to Portland Sat
urday to have some dental work
Mrs. Lawrence Beach is ill at her
home here. Her mother, Mrs. M.I
Thompson of Walla Walla, is with
With the continued warm weath
er the wheat is growing rapidly
and with plenty of moisture in the
soil the farmers are looking for
ward hopefully to a bumper crop.
A miscellaneous shower was erv
en at the hall on Tuesday afternoon
for Mr. and Mrs. James Leach
whose home was destroyed by fire
last week. They received many
useful household articles for which
they are deeply appreciative.
The Rebekahs are planning
dance to be given at the hall on
Saturday night March 24.
School Notes
The student body play, "Laugh
Clown," is well on its way to be the
biggest success that Lexington has
ever put on. "Laugh Clown" is a
comedy mirthquake in three acts
that will give you a good laugh and
will make you forget any trouble
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge.
continued on notice.)
To trade 10-ft. Roderick-Mc
Lean disc for barley or what have
you. F. K. Mason, lone.
To trade Ford car. Ford pntrinp
and 4-wheel trailers. Max Schultz
I have an abundance of good par
snips to excnange tor what you
have that I can use. S. H. Shannon,
Want to trade wood for good
used truck tire and tube, size 30x5.
Ernest French, Hardman. 51-62.
win iraae mim cow ror grain
drill in good shape; four horse size
preferred. Ralph Butler, Willows.
Will trade two Rhode Island Red
cockerels, July hatch, none better;
ior nens or what have vou. Mrs
L. G. Herren Rumble. 106 Water
St., city.
IMHiiiiii mi i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
: Start your boy with a sound savings z
account an insurance policy. :
Combines investment and protection.
New York Life :
"Just the service wanted
when you want It most"
you ever had. The cast is aa follows:
Mrs. Hurley, a widow, Faye Lut
trell; Patricia Hurley, the youngest
daughter, Erma Lane; Evelyn Hur
ley, fats sister, Helen Breshears;
Arthur Hurley, Pat's brother, Viv
ian White; Fritz Benton, an ex-
burglar, Jack McMillan; Danny
foiling, a nice young man, Alfred
Van Winkle; Gallagher Starling
Pat's girl friend; Alma Van Win
kle; Dale Terrence, Arthur's fian
cee, Doris Burchell; Dr. Pratt, a
stylish doctor, Vester Thornburg;
the maid, who saves a young man,
Rose Thornburg; Aunt Sue, who
couldn't marry Uncle Jake, Fern
Luttrell; Uncle Jake, who got mixed
up with the ghost, Kenneth Palmer;
the gardener, who is necessary to
the plot, Edward Hunt; the detec
tive who is called in, Lester Cox.
The third science club meeting
was held last Wednesday with elev
en members present. Kenneth Pal
mer and Claude Wilcox gave a very
interesting program of chemical ex
periments. They were as follows:
Lighting candles with a burnt
match, the picture of two men who
had been fighting, the electric shock
which consisted of high tension
wires strewn over the chairs. An
other experiment showed the pic
ture of a man after prohibition was
repealed. Making water burn aeem
queer but it really did burn. Guzz
ler tube experiments were very
pretty; when the lights were turned
out and the current sent through
them many colors could be seen. A
report on "Star Gazing," given by
Mr. Gillis was very interesting. The
next meeting will be on March 21
at 7:30 p. m.
The girls' athletic association,
sponsored by Miss Freda Hammell,
entertained the boys of the high
school and the high school alumnae
at a St. Patrick's party in the gym
nasium Friday night. A color
scheme of green and white was used
in the table decorations and re
freshments. Miss Eula McMillan, third and
fourth grade teacher, is now back
after a week's absence due to the
Now that the basketball season
is over and spring weather is here,
baseball seems to be the main sport
for the boys. The last few days
have been fine for taking the kinks
out of the arms and getting the
batting eye on the ball. The boys
hope to have a team before the sea
son is over.
The boys wish to express their
appreciation for the party which
the girls gave them last Friday
night at the school gymnasium.
They had a fine time and vote the
girls very excellent hostesses.
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON, Minister.
HiDie scnooi
Morning services
a. oocieiy
9:46 a. m
.. 11 a. m.
- l.dU J. III.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek service. Thursday. 7:30 p. m.
During the week preceding Eas
ter Sunday, which is April first, the
churches of the city will observe
"Passion Week," in a series of
Union meetings held in the Meth
odist church.
These Passion Week meetings
will be held on the following eve
nings of Passion Week: Itfnnrtnv
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and'
rnaay, ana Deginning at 7:30 o'
clock each evening as listed above.
Mark these dates on your calendar
and plan to be in every one of these
services. The meetings will begin
with an approDriate sone- servinp
each evening promptly at 7:30. Joel
centon win nave charge of the pre
liminary services and Joseph Pope
will bring the messages.
Do you have a reeular nlacn of
worship? If not, the Church of
Christ bids vou a heartv wplrrm
to our services. Bible School, Lord's
j-a.y services or worship and the
helpful and inspiring Midweek services.
For the cominff Lord's Dnv th
sermon topics are: For the morn
ing service, "A New Day for the
Church." And for the pvpnlno- ser
vice, "Follow Thou Me."
every section of Oregon to aid him
in this work.
The university for many years has
maintained an herbarium, in which
have been preserved thousands of
plants, with accurate records of
when they were taken. By using
information obtained from these
records Professor Henderson was
able to point out the extreme earli
ness of this spring. Now he wants
to make as complete as possible the
collection of early flowers and
plants for this year, so that in years
to come this material may be used
by research students and others.
Persons In any part of the state
noting early blooming plants or
flowers are urged to send them to
Professor Henderson, in care of the
university. If these amateur botan
ists desire any information on their
findings, this will be supplied by
Professor Henderson on request.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell and
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford
will attend a meeting of the Legion
and Auxiliary in Condon tonight
(Continued on Pase Threp)
ference in the brand of patriotism
displayed," Mr. Pearson declared in
laying his premise for the kind of
patriotism needed in America. By
comparison he cited Hitlerism as
a brand of false patriotism. "Hit
ler, whose own blood ia larcrplv
jewish, will some day pay for his
persecution or the jews in Ger
many under the name of patriot
ism.' the SDeaker Dredicted.
Will trade wood for spring grain.
Foster Collins, Hardman.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Public worship 11:00 a. m. An
them, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes,"
Lane. Sermon, "The Weak End
of the Week End."
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30.
Choir practice Wednesday eve
ning 7:30.
Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning 7:30.
You are always welcome at all
the services of our church.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Church Services . 11:00 a. m.
Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday 7:30 p. m.
Thursday 7:30 p. m.
"We welcome all."
Early Plant Samples
Wanted for U. of 0.
Eugene. The early spring which
Oregon has enjoyed, a season ad
vanced at least two months over
the average, has not only been a
source of enjoyment to lovers of
the out-of-doors, but is a matter of
great scientific importance as well,
it was declared here by L. F. Hen
derson, curator of the University of
Oregon herbarium. It is of utmost
importance that data as complete
as possible on all forms of vegeta
tion in all sections of the state be
compiled, and Professor Henderson
has called on interested people in
Feed Your Laying Hens and
Dairy Cows RIGHT to Get
Heppner Dairy Feed
Heppner Egg Mash
Mixed and Sold by
Jackson Warehouse
Heppner, Ore. Office Phonei302, Res. 782
No. I Baled Alfalfa Hay
This beautiful spring
weather brings thoughts
,of Flowers and
Plant Now
and use standard tested
seeds. We have
Northrup & Sturgess
Besides all needed
Phone 52 for your wants
Heppner, Ore.
By virtue of an Order of the
County Court, dated February 19,
1934, I am authorized and direct
ed to sell at public auction, as pro
vided by law, the following des
cribed real property, at not less
than the minimum price herein set
Lots 17, 18, Block 30, Irrigon,
minimum price to be $12.50.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Block 25, Irrigon, minimum
price $35.00.
Therefore I will on the 17th day
of March, 1934, at the hour of 2:00
P. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest
and best bidder for cash in hand.
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 10th day of
March, 1934, I am authorized and
directed to sell at public auction as
provided by law, the following de
scribed real property, at not less
than the minimum price herein set
forth, to-wit:
Hardman Tract No. 6, described
as: Beginning at a point 689
feet west of the southwest cor
ner of lot 4 in Block 2, Adams
Addition to Dairyville, County
of Morrow, State of Oregon,
running thence west 3H chains,
thence north 6.18 chains, thence
east 314 chains, thence south
6.18 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 2 acres,
minimum price $200.00.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
7th day of April, 1934, at the hour
of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon, sell said property to the high
est and best bidder.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
This is to announce that I will be
a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, snhierr tn thn will rf tv,a
voters of Morrow County at the Pri-
iB pure, keeps your hands soft. Fine
for dishes as well as clothes. Removes
grease and dirt easily. Especially good
for silks and woolens. Dip tea towels
in a thin starch. This will help to keep
them white and prevent lint on china
and glass ware.
i Watktns Dealer
mary Election, May 18. 1934.
I wish to thank my friends, both
republican and democratic, for their
generous support In the past, and
hope I have proved worthy of their
(Paid Adv.) Present Incumbent.
Sheep Men!
f 1
Your Bank Wants to Help You
The Heppner Branch of The First National Bank of Port-
land wants to aid in your spring financing problems.
For 68 years, growth of The First National Hunk of Port
land has been closely linked with the sheep Industry In
Eastern Oregon. Establishment of the Heppner Brunch
now makes us more vitally interested than ever in your
prosperity. The future of this branch depends on llepp
ner's development.
Bring your financial problems to the bank. We will be glad
to discuss them with you ahd to give you any help we con.
Stute and county agricultural agencies are organized to aid ,
you with lambing and feeding questions .... this bank is
equally Interested In helping you finance' your operations.
Come in the bank at your first
opportunity. Talk over your
plans with us and ask about our
various services which particu
larly fit your needs. This bank
is especially well equipped to
serve you through its connec
tions with other offices over the
state and its bank-by-mall system.
E. L. Morton, manager of the Heppner
Branch of The Fimt National Hank of
Portland, is thoroughly familiar with
the sheep industry. During a lifetime
of experience in rural banking, he haa
fitted himself to he of real help in solv
ing problems of the sheep man, cattle
man and rancher.
WtST OF THE nodcier
Cylinder Reboring
Now Available in Morrow County
Announce the installation of a KWIK-WAY CYLINDER RE
BORING MACHINE the machine that has established new
standards of accuracy in motor reconditioning work.
It handles all types of internal combustion gasoline engine
cylinder reboring work, including all sandard makes of automo
bile, truck and tractor motors Caterpillar 30's a specialty.
The KWIK-WAY has established new standards of accuracy
in motor reconditioning. Through it limits of accuracy have been
attained which were before considered impossible. It will work
not only to the limits of accuracy demanded by present-day mo
tors, but to even closer limits than are adhered to by manufactur
ers of these motors.