PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1934. (Bundle StmrB THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30.1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. - ... I. ADVERTISING RATES GIVES OR APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year . 12.00 Six Months Three Months Single Copies - , 1.00 , .75 . .06 Official Paper for Morrow County PETTY VANDALISM. A STRANGER coming to Hepp ner, should he step into the lobby of the postoffice, might form the opinion that the city is predomin antly moron. At least there is a decided lack of culture evidenced in the numerous scrawlings, scrib blings and caricatures on the walls, the like of which are found only in unmentionable places. The obscene markings are known to be the work of minors. It is re ported that the vandalism is ac complished in the late evenings when the minors are supposed to be at home. Resurrection of the curfew law has been suggested as a means of correction. Curfew, and the strong arm of the law might afford protection. It is doubtful if they do any correcting. There is but one way to cure any trouble and that is to go to the source. Vandalism is the result largely, except in cases where the child is absoluttly mentally de ficient, of improper training. Prop er education in the home and in the school, with direction of the talents of youth into productive channels is the only real cure for the evil. City authorities and citiezens of the community generally have a responsibility, yes. The authorities are expected to protect public, as well as private property, and to bring offenders to justice. The cit izens have a duty in providing ade quate channels for properly direct ing the talents and exhuberance of youth. Petty vandalism is the early ear mark of criminality. It should not be allowed to go unnoticed. Re spect for property and obedience of law are principles which need to be stressed in the making of good citizens. The principles are based on sound reason and should be impressed upon the youth in a reasonable manner. Unreasonable chastisement leads only to resent ment, malice, and in the extreme, to hate. ANOTHER MILESTONE. rATED from the time of issu- u ance of the Heppner Gazette, earliest established of the consoli dated papers now known as the Gazette Times, this newspaper is 51 years old today. It is just an other milestone, meaningless per haps, in that no special observance is being made of the occasion, but nevertheless worthy of note. It makes little difference that somewhere in the uncertain past the volumes were thrown off in their numbering, inadvertently, mayhap through slip-up of the makeup man, so that actually the birthdate is March 30. The Gazette was es tablished March 30, 1883, by one J. A. Stine. There is now no way to keep the numbering sequence in or der, except to observe the anniver sary with this issue. Editors of the past have come and gone. Some names still stand out vividly on the canvas of the past: J. W. Redington, Otis and A. W. Patterson, Henry Rasmus, and Fred Warnock of the Gazette; E. M. Shutt and E. R. Hicks of the Times; Thomas Nelson of the Record; E. G. Harlan and S. A Pattison of the Herald. The present management took over the Gazette in 1910, and consolidated it with the Times in 1912 . There shall be no attempt here to recite history. Suffice, that con stantly through the past 51 years the Heppner papers chronicled the d i r b r TT Tim Xs56 Thousands have Ended their Bowel Worries by taking this Can constipation be safely relieved? "Yes!" say medical men. "Yes!" say the many thousands who have followed their advice and know. You are not likely to cure your constipation with salts, pills, tablets, or any of the habit-forming cathar tics. But you can correct this con dition by gentle regulation with a suitable liquid laxative. THE LIQUID TEST: First: select a properly prepared liquid laxative. Second: take the dose you find suited to your system. Third: gradually reduce the dose until bowels are moving of their own accord. Simple, isn't it? And it worksl The right liquid laxative brings thorough bowel action without using force. An approved liquid laxative (one which is most widely happenings of the day reliifiously as the time and talents of the edi tors permitted. Militnntw t timu but ever consistently have the news papers woriiea tor progress in the community, according to the dic tates of their consciences. Journalism standards have been raised throuirh the vears a olenroi- code of ethics established, and bet ter equipment has appeared with which to enhance the nmontaHnn of the news, the advertising mes sages and the opinions of the edi tors. iNewspapenng, at one time of questionable value, has become established as a legitimate busi ness, filling a need in the economic world. Just as a birthdav thoue-ht mav the chronicles unfolded throughout me new year De of continued growth, progress and happiness within the field of the ttfLzptto Times. OCR BLUE MONDAY. Somebody shot White Kittv. She aian t really belong to anyone in particular. We all loved her. She was the neighborhood cat She came to us last fall, a thin. slab-sided, appealing kitten, win ning the hearts of all of us with her affectionate, trusting ways. We all lea her and made over her, and she repaid us all, not only by keep ing our woodsheds and houses free of mice and rats, but with her af fection. She loved us all and we loved her. Today she was found stretched out with a bullet hole in her side. She had crept home to die. Her wounded side had been chewed in her agony. Today there is no White Kitty to rub around onr ankles as we hang up our clothes. We will mi3s her peeping through the kitch en window as she sits on the low est limb of the tree just outside. A little boy will wait in vain for White Kitty to come and play with him . We are all blue today some one shot White Kitty. Contributed. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS The members of the local Odd Fellows and Rebekahs orders en joyed an oyster feed and social hour after the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows lodge last Saturday evening. Several out-of-town mem bers were able to be present and an enjoyable time is reported. The grade and high schools took advantage of the fine spring after noon last Wednesday and hiked in a body to Rock creek where a pic nic lunch was enjoyed. The pleas urable day was marred somewhat by the minor injuries Nona Inskeep, fifth grade pupil, received by fall ing on the rocks and receiving cuts and bruises about the face. Nona was brought back to her home and the wounds were dressed. She is now completely recovered. Mrs. Art Benson and children ar rived here from Estacada Thurs day to be with her husband for a few weeks. Mr. Benson has em ployment on the Heppner-Spray road. On last Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens entertained at a dinner at their home here In hon or of their son Arlton's 21st birth day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave, Ed Musgrave, Mrs. Frank McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens and children, Loes and Arlton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jenkenson and children and Mrs. Dick Roach enjoyed a motor trip to Condon last Friday. Just getting acquainted with the country, they said. Fan Miller recently became the owner of a 1930 Ford coupe which he has been seen sporting about. Rex and Pence Brisbois of Izee and Spray respectively were at tending to matters of business here Saturday. Saturday visitors in Heppner were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mus grave and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roach. Miss Genevieve Morgan spent a few days of last week visiting at the J. B. Adams home. Mrs. Walter Farrens returned to her home here Sunday, having spent the past three weeks doctoring at Condon. Mrs. Lorena Iaom and Art Anderson brought her over and spent the day visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Leek made a week-end business trip to Jennings Lodge, returning for work on the Heppner-Spray road Monday. Jack Devore made a business trip to Condon last Friday. Eight Mile visitors in the city on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harshman and small daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Lovgren, Miss advice! used for both adults and children) is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It isfa doctor's prescription, end is perfectly safe. IU laxative action is based on senna a natural laxa tive. The bowels will not become dependent on this form of help, as in the case of mineral drugs. Hospitals and doctors have al ways used liquid laxatives. The dose can be measured, and the action controlled. Pills and tablets containing drugs of violent action are hard on the bowels. If there are children in your household, don't give them any fad form of laxative, cut use a health ful, helpful preparation like Syrup Pepsin. Its very taste will tell you it is wholesome, and agreeable to the stomach. Delightful taste, and delightful action; there is no dis comfort at the time, or after. Ask your druggist for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, all ready to take. Gladys Lovgren and Everett Harsh- man. Walter McKitric arrived here from Scranton, N. D., last week to join his brother, Duff McKitric who has been working m this country the past four years. Kinnard McDaniel and daughter Ramona spent Sunday with rela tives here. Miss Edith Stevens has been at the McDaniel home in Lonerock caring for Ramona the past two weeks as Mrs. McDaniel has been staying with her daugh ter, Mrs. Everett Harshman and infant son at the latter's home here. Willetta and Nellie, small daugh ters of Mrs. Dora Paddock, spent the week end with their cousins, Nona and Wanda Howell. Rood Canyonites in the city on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. L. J. and Ted Burnside, Mrs. Blaine Cha pel and Tilden Williams. Billy Reynolds was in from the mountain ranch last Thursday. Gus Steers, who has been work ing for Mrs. Ada Cannon at the Bur ton valley ranch the past month, has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty of Eight Mile were visiting friends here during the week. Rev. M. G. Tennyson of Pendle ton conducted church services here last Sunday evening with a fairly large crowd in attendance. He was accompanied by Mrs. Ed Clark of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Orwick were Lonerock visitors here Sunday. Yvonne, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings, was ill last week with measles. The meas les epidemic has been prevalent here since the Christmas holidays but is practically extinguished now. Oscel and Jim Inskeep came up from the lone country Saturday evening and remained over Sunday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ad Inskeep. Maxine, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Lotus Robison, at Heppner. Composing a party hiking to Glutton Falls last Sunday after noon were the Misses Mary Ellen Inskeep, Genevieve Morgan, Char lotte Adams, and Delbert Carman, Forest Adams and Elwood Hast ings. Miss Dolly Farrens was visiting Mrs. Verl Farrens at her home near Rhea creek last Sunday. Raymond MacDonald has gone to work for Clyde Wright during the lambing season. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins were in from their Camas prairie ranch Monday attending to matters of business and visiting about the city. Mrs. Stanley Robinson, who teaches near Lonerock, spent the week end at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Merrill at their ranch near here. S X THT5 MPW "ffi " I THOR ONLY jOT li$645.0 JEVER before have so many quality features been offered at such a low price. THOR'S Rigidspan Chassis assures added years' service. Mechanism, motor and legs are anchored to one heavy cast iron unit Reduces possibility of misalignment, vibration Why THE powerful, compact motor of a Hamilton Beach Food Mixer lifts off the stand with one hand there is nothing to release or detach. The same hand starts and stops the motor or controls mixing speeds giving complete one-hand operation. A Hamilton Beach mixer does more kitchen tasks easier.quicker, better. With attachments, It is used in preparing every meal from juicing oranges for breakfast to mixing the dessert for dinner. Before you select a food mixer see the Hamilton Beach. SEE YOUR DEALER OR Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Tour Service BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber motored to La Grande Saturday to attend the funeral ser vices of a two-year-old nephew of Mr. Macomber's who was drowned Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck and family have moved into the Cramer house In town recently occupied by Art Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen and sons have rented the ranch of Mrs. Eva Warner and moved there Wednes day. Mrs. Willard Brown, Miss Lucia Jenkins, Miss Thelma Brown and Miss Elizabeth Marshall motored to Heppner Saturday. In the main event at the smoker Wednesday night Dave Johnston won the decision over Peck Mc Clasky of Arlington. Buster Rands, 142, knocked out Spin McClasky 140, of Arlington, in the first minute of the first round. Fred Slanger 150 won by decision over Jack Pace 150. Mike Healy 150 won the decis ion from Don Isom 153, Irrigon. El mer Tyler 160 won by decision from Tiny Caldwell 150, Umatilla. Bob Marshall 155 knocked out Howard Ellis 160 of Wildcat. Porky Tur ner won the decision from Hi Hoff man. The Alumni association spon sored the smoker. Many out of town fans attended and the build ing was crowded. Laura Bell and Elizabeth Kristen- son gave their teacher, Miss Mar shall, a surprise party on her birth day last Wednesday afternoon and invited the rest of the third and fourth grade students. Lunch of jello and cake was served. A bridal shower was given for Mrs. Frank Hamel (Mildred Mes senger) of The Dalles last. Friday afternoon at the Macomber home. The bride received a number of lovely and useful gifts. Mrs. Hamel, daughter of E. T. Messenger of Boardman, just recently announced her marriage which took place in Walla Walla on November 25. Mr. and Mrs. Hamel will make their home near The Dalles. Mrs. Hamel is a graduate nurse of The Dalles hospital. The last Ladies Aid Silver Tea was held last Wednesday evening when the ladles invited their hus bands to attend. An interesting program was given after which a lovely lunch was served. Hostesses were Mesdames Harry Waite, Guy Barlow, Claud Coats and L. V. Root. M. L. Morgan left Saturday for Portland where he will enter the veterans' hospital for an examin tion. Mrs. Frank Hadley who has been seriously ill was taken to a hospital at Heppner in an ambulance last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and down brings this new THOR to do your Laundering THOR'S est of washing actions yet with a gentleness that makes clothes last 40 to 50 longer. Produces 936 water currents per minute, af fording a speedy washing action that cannot braid, tear or tangle even the most delicate fabric Washes seven pounds of clothes spot lessly clean in from 5 to 7 minutes. Equipped with quality Lovell Bar Release Wringer. Swings to five positions. Cushion rolls. Easy, safe operation. real JMixer?- not get a h1 -;rh 4 family of Heppner were visitors I during the week end in Boardman. The missionary meeting will be held Wednesday, March 21, at the church and will also be a flower show for the church. Each lady is asked to bring a perennial flower or shrub to plant on the church lot The men have been working dili gently during the past week level ing the ground and planting a lawn. The election of officers will be held at this meeting. A large crowd attended the Style show given at the community church Monday night by the young peoples class. The boys modeled the latest styles and furnished the audience much amusement. Mrs. Bell is working at a home on Willow creek. Mrs. Robert Mitchell is visiting her mother in Portland. The grange meeting will be held Saturday evening, March 17, in the gymnasium. Remember the high school enter tainment vodvil, country store and dancer in the auditorium Friday evening, March 16. Be sure to bring the tickets for the country store that you receive from local mer chants, as you may win some worth while prizes. Miss Miriam Campbell of Arling ton was a guest Saturday and Sun day at the home of Mrs. Earl Cra mer. The high school basketball team motored to Milton-Freewater last Friday to the Eastern Oregon bas ketball tournament where they were defeated by the fast Pendle ton team 43 to 16. Mr. and Mrs. Ingles and Mr. King took their cars. PINE CITY By OLETA NEILL Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and daughters Barbara and Donna and son Robert spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Buseick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger. A large number of Pine City peo ple attended the show in Hermis ton Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Oleta were in Echo and Hermiston Friday on business. The Pearson shearing crew are shearing a bunch of sheep at the Boylen place this week. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Coxen and daughter Betty Marie and son Glen of Heppner called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenbur ger and children were in Heppner Monday on business, Mrs. Reid Buseick and children and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger called on Mrs. Ollie Neill Monday after noon. Mrs. Jasper Myers was at the C. H. Bartholomew place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdall of Pendleton visited at the home of Super-Agitator assures the speedi THIS HAMILTON BEACH FOOD MIXER WITH JUICER $22.75 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger Sunday. Harvey Ayers called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Smith vis ited at the E. B. Wattenburger home Monday evening. Mrs. Ollie Neill and C. H. Ayers were at the Frank Ayers place Sun day. A. E. Wattenburger and Reid Buseick were in Stanfleld Monday on business. 'A Little Clodhopper," a three- act comedy, will be presented at the Pine City auditorium Thursday evening, March 15, beginning at 8 o'clock. Admission charges will be 10c and 25c. After the play re freshments will be sold. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge from Seattle visited Mrs. Dodge's sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace, from Thursday until Saturday. Frank Leicht and Don Rutledge were business visitors In Portland Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Walker from near Enterprise have moved on the Johnny Goebel place. Mr. Benton and Mrs. Beamer of Heppner were in town Tuesday. Frank Ryder, who has been em ployed on the section here for some time, is being transferred to Biggs. Mrs. Roscoe Williams, Mrs. Fred Houghton and Mrs. Frank Brace were Walla Walla visitors Satur day. Quite a crowd of Irrigon people attended the smoker at Boardman Wednesday. Among the many doing business in Hermston during the week were Leola and Otto Beneflel, Snow Mc Coy, Mrs. Earl Isom, Mrs. Minnick, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Shell, Mr. Hor ner and Mr. Rand. Miss Fletcher of La Grande was a week-end visitor in the Roy Hor ner home. Mrs. Jess Oliver is ill and has been confined to her bed for several days. County Agent Chas. Smith of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. French and Mr. and Mrs. Pennock of Hermis ton were guests of the grange at the regular meeting Wednesday night. Carl Eisle left last week for an extended visit in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowluare attend ed church services in Hermiston Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duvall. Mrs. Frank Leicht and daughters Ruth and Nellie motored to lone Saturday in the interests of 4-H club work. ' Lavelle, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Markham,' entertain ed a number of her little friends Sunday at a weiner roast on the river, the occasion being in honor of her 8th birthday anniversary. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby eiven that the under- fi.Kned, administratrix of the estate of Charles B. Wright, deceaesed, has filed her final account of her administration of said ewtate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that said court has set Monday, the 7th day of May, 11)34, at the hour of 10:00 o clock A M., of said day at the County Court room at the Court house at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and all persons having objections to said final account or the set tlement of Baid estate are hereby required to file the same with said court on or be fore the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 15th day of March, 1U34. EMMA C. BRESHEARS, Administratrix. Estate of A. Neppach NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY No. 4774 IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF CLACKAMAS Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of A. Neppach, ueceasea. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of an order of sale of real property made and entered in the above entitled Court and estate on the 13th day of February, 1934, the undersigned Executrix of the Estae of A. Neppach, deceased, will from and after Monday, the 23rd day of April, iy;j4, at Koom 4U4 Yeon liu d ne. Port land, Multnomah County, Oregon, and-or at the Enterprise Building, 220-8th Street, Oregon City in Clackamas County, Oregon, proceed to sell at private sale to the hiirh- est bidder in one parcel or any separate parcel or sub-division thereof, subject to the confirmation of the above entitled Court, the following described real prop erty, to-wit : Section Thirty six (36), Township Six (f South, Rnnge Twenty-nine Special Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON! For a good meal anytime go to the ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. (29) East of W. M.. In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon ; aid sale and-or aales will be made for all cah or for at leaat 10 per cent earth and the balance on credit, provided the pur chaser or purchaser shall execute a note payable to said executrix secured by a mortu-aire on the real property purchased. to secure the payment of the balance of the purchase price thereof. Date of hrst publication, March 8, 1&34. little of last publication, April 5, 1934. HAZEL HOKP1NU, Executrix of the Estate of A. Neppach, deceased. Frank C. Hanley and Joseph F. Hodler, Attorneys for Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Executor of the Estate of Andrew Carlson, deceased, has filed wih the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, hit final ac count, and the Judge of said Cuurt has fixed Saturday the 7th day of April, 11134, at the hour of 2 :00 P. M. of suid day as the time, and the County Court room in the County Court House at Heppner, Ore gon as the place for hearing and settle ment of said account. Any and all objec tions to said final account must be filed with the Clerk of suid Court on or before said date. Date of the first publication of this no etic, March 8th, 1934. The date of the last publication of this notice, April 5th, 1934. VICTOR L. CARLSON, Executor of the Estate of Andrew Carlson, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Edwin S. Duran, de ceased, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present lite same, wun voucnera duly verilied as required by law, to me at the ortlce of my attorney, J. O. Turner, In Heppner, Oregon, within six months irom the date hereof. Dated and first published this 15th day of February, 1934. MUSES E. 11UKAN, Administrator. Professional Cards DR. E. C. WILLCUTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Sc SURGEON (Over J. C. Penney Co.) PENDLETON, OREGON AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty 0. Ii. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT 1AW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone 323 227 North Main Street Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted WM. BROOKIIOUSER PAINTING PAPERHANOINQ INTERIOR DECORATING Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X.Ray Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUEQEON Trained Nnrae Assistant Odlce in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY-AT.LAW Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Court Hons Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods Watches - Clooks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIEE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J.NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon