Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 08, 1934, Image 1

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    :isr.ift 80CUTY
public a-j -OrV
pORTLAiO. Ok-.
Volume 50, Number 52.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Champs, Boardman and
Stanfield Go to District
Meet This Week.
Referee, Coaches Make Mythical
Selection; Heppner Gets. Into
Consolation Flay.
Condon, who won the sub-dis
trict championshp, and Boardman i
and Stanfleld, runners-up, emerged
from the tournament here last week
end with the prlvlege of playing for
district honors at Milton-Freewater
this week end. In taking the cham
pionship. Coach Schriver's boys
from Gilliam county won from
Boardman in the final game Satur
day night, 37-25, after defeating
Stanfield that morning, 42-18, and
after having eliminated Lexington
in their initial game Friday after
noon, 34-26.
Boardman reached the finals af
ter winning two closely played
games, first eliminating Umatilla,
35-32, Friday evening, and then de
feating Heppner, 17-16, Saturday
Stanfield, who landed up in third
place after stumbling over Condon,
won the right to go to the tourna
ment by taking the consolation fray
from Heppner Saturday evening,
17-16. Before meeting their Con
don Waterloo, they had taken Her
miston out of the picture Friday
afternoon, 33-24.
Coach Mabee's boys of the home
town were strong contenders thru
out, as the scores Indicate. They
exhibited one of the strongest de
fensive teams in the tournament
but lacked the necessary scoring
punch to keep in the running. They
first met and defeated lone, 20-13,
after lone had dropped Arlington
from the running, 30-22. In one of
the hardest fought and fastest tilts
of the series they lost to Boardman
by a 3-polnt margin. Then in their
final game they were overcome by
Stanfield by a single point. A tri
bute to Heppner's strength, and to
the team's key man, Roy Gentry,
was given In the selection of Gen
try as an all-tournament guard.
Besides being effective in his team's
play at all times, Gentry was a con
sistent scorer in every game, count
ing in all for 20 of Heppner's total
of 56 points.
Announcement of the all-tournament
team was made after the
final game Saturday night, by Ed
die McMurdo, Walla Walla, who
refereed all games. The selection
was made by the coaches of the
various participating teams and Mc
Murdo. i Condon was represented
by Teats, forward and Allen, guard.
Boardman took the center position
with Ransier, and Umatilla's Erwin
was selected as the running mate
for Teats at forward.
All the men exhibited clean, fast
play and scoring ability that made
them outstanding contenders for
the honors received. Ransier was
high scorer for the tournament with
43 points, besides being the back
bone of the Boardman team. Teats,
second In scoring honors with 42,
was a consistent point-getter as
indicated by the markers annexed
in the various games of 15, 13 and
14. Allen's consistency as a scorer
as well as his fine defensive play
at all times earned him a place on
the mythical team. He scored 22
points in all. Erwin played in only
one game, but his worth was shown
when he hung up high Individual
score for a single game with 20
The coaches who assisted with
the selections areuMabee, Heppner;
Beach, Lexington; Tucker, Iono;
Bchriver, Condon; Hostetter, Ar
lington; Ingles, Boardman; Water
man, Stanfleld; Donovan, Umatilla,
and Cochran, Hermiston.
The starting toss-up for the last
game Saturday night was made by
Jessie French, tournament queen,
the voting for whose selection fea
tured the three-day attraction. En
tries had been named by boys of
the various high school classes with
Miss French representing the Jun
iors. The other entries were Mar
jory Parker, freshman; Katherlne
Healy, sophomore, and Alice Peter
son, senior.
Financially, the tournament was
successful, said E. F. Bloom, local
' school superintendent and one of
the committee on arrangements
The proceeds were sufficient to pay
expenses to visiting teams at the
rate of eight cents a mile, as well
as to defray all other expenses.
Music by the Heppner school pep
band helped to enliven the tourna'
ment sessions.
Following are the game line-ups
and Individual team and player
Tents 15 f Graven 2
Hurrouith 7 f Compton 2
Allen 6 o - KhiwIit 17
Smith a K Chaltoe
Parmnn 4 SC Macknn 4
Kulwtltutlonn Condon: Smith (, 2, Mor
ton if, BurruuKha g.
R. Attebury 1 f Jones 4
Hoilrlck 10 f Green 2
K. Attebury 6 e Benton 2
, Weaaell Gentry 6
Lautrhary i g Phelan 2
Subntltutlon Stanfleld: Folti g. Hepp
ner: Oilman f.
(Continued on Pag Four)
"Americanism" Keynote of Essays
for Girl's, Orations for Boys:
Award Qualifications Cited.
The American Legion Auxiliary
again wishes to emphasize its inter
est in creating a 100 American
citizenry. The Medal Award Essay
contest for the girls of the eighth
grade will be sponsored again this
year. The subject for the essays
will be "The National Recovery Act
and the American Citizen." The
American Legion School Medal
award will be given to the eighth
grad,e girl who best fulfills the fol
lowing award requirements:
Scholarship Scholastic attain
ment, evidence of industry and ap
plication to studies.
Honor Strength and stability of
character, high standard of con
duct, keen sense of what is right,
adherence to truth and conscience,
devotton to duty, and practice . of
clean speech.
Service Kindliness, unselfishness,
fellowship, protection of the weak,
promotion of the interest and wel
fare of associates without hope of
personal gain.
Courage Bravery in face of op
position and danger, grit to stand
up for right, and to do one's duty.
Leadership Abilty to lead, with
tact and tolerance of the views of
others, and to accomplish by group
Americanism Know the flag
code, know the Star Spangled Ban
ner, write a creditable essay.
Each of the above requirements
will count 16 2-3 points toward a
total score of 100.
The essays must not be over 500
words in length. They must be
written in ink on one side of or
dinary note book paper allowing an
inch margin on the left of each page
Spelling, penmanship, sentence con
struction, and neatness as well as
subject matter will be considered
in judging the essays. The essays
must be in the hands of the Amer
icanism committee not later than
April 6, 1934.
For the boys of the eighth grade
an oratorical contest will be spon
sored. The orations must be writ
ten and committed to memory and
delivered in public. The date for
the contest will be announced la
ter. The orations must not be more
than 500 words long. The boys may
choose their own subjects but they
are requested to choose subjects
that pertain to Americanism. "Am
ericanism" is an unfailing love for
country; loyalty to its institutions
and ideals; eagerness to defend it
against all enemies; true allegiance
to the Flag; and a desire to secure
the blessings of liberty to ourselves
and our posterity. The boys will
also be rated in scholarship, honor,
service, courage, and leadership as
well as judged on their orations.
First and second prizes will be
given the boys making the two
highest scores. The girl making
the highest score will receive the
medal award and the one making
the second highest score will be
given a suitable prize.
James Leach Farm Home
Complete Loss by Fire
Fire of unknown origin complete
ly destroyed the farm home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Leach near Lex
ington Wednesday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Leach had come to Hepp
ner about noon and at about 2 30
Mrs. Mae Burchell, who lives about
a mile from the Leach ranch, dis
covered the Are and turned in the
alarm. By the time help could ar
rive the house was entirely envel
oped in flames and none of the con
tents could be saved. The fire
chemicals were taken out from Lex
ington and used in preventing the
flames from spreading to other
buildings. No insurance was car
ried. The loss to Mr. and Mra Leach
was estimated to be not less than
George Robert Wagner was born
at Camanche, Iowa, September 3,
1855 and died at Pendleton, Oregon,
February 28, 1934, after some two
years of falling health, being aged
78 years, 5 months and 25 days. At
his request he was brought back to
Spray, his home community and
laid to rest In the Haystack cem
etery, March 1, beside his brother,
Carl, who preceded him in Decem
ber, 1932, and his sister, Lavina,
who passed away In 1925.
Rev. Glen Barker of Wlnlock
conducted the services which were
held at the cemetery.
Besides making his home in the
Haystack country for many years,
he engaged in the jewelry business
at Monument for a long period
Anally disposing of this business
and returning to make his home
again with his brother and sister.
A man of strong convictions and
high principles he made . friends
wherever he lived. His was the
true pioneer spirit. Although his
life was more closely connected
with Grant and Wheeler counties
than other sections of the state, he
leaves many friends in Heppner
and vicinity who cherish his mem
ory. Eliza Gates, Spray, Oregon.
Rev. Robert Brymer, evangelist
who has hold two series of meet
ings In Heppner, will be at the
Methodist church this evening only
to address a meeting beginning at
7:30. Rev. Brymer Is now conduct
ing meetings at Pendleton. The
public Is Invited.
High Principles of Service
Organization Cited
in Address.
Fart Played by Individual in Good
Government Stressed; Tol-
e ranee Practiced.
"Good individuals make good
cities, good cities make good states,
and good states make good nations,"
thus did Eddie Shea of Portland,
Oregon's district governor of Lions
International, emphasize the im
portance of individual citizenship
in building good government, be
fore the Monday noon luncheon of
Heppner Lions. Mr. Shea's talk
dealt entirely with the Lions' code
of ethics which stresses good citi
zenship as its main objective.
"Good citizenship calls for an ac
tive interest In the religious, polit
ical and social life of the commu
nity by the individual, looking tow
ard harmonious relationships
among its people and general bet
terment of the social order through
building of more pleasing surround
ings, stimulation of culture, eleva
tion of health and morals, and fos
tering of a business structure based
upon the Golden Rule." That is the
Lions' interpretation given by Mr.
Shea, based upon the principles and
objectives of the organization.
In working for the stated object
ives, the club discussions must be
free from political partisanship or
religious sectarianism. For while
Lionism encourages its members to
take an active part in both political
and religious activites, it permits
them to do so according to the dic
tates of their own conscience, and
the beliefs of individual members
are at all times respected. Within
its own organization, and in respect
to its views of national government,
Lionism upholds representative
"There are two extremes of gov
ernment. Absolute monarchy, which
leads to oppression, and Btrict de
mocracy with laws made directly
by all the people, which leads to
mob rule, the -district governor
quoted from an authority on government.-
"Between the two lies
representative government, the best
balancd form of government yet
The organizations manner of in
stilling its members with the idea
of loyal, unselfish service to the
community has been well tested,
and Its success Is indicated by the
rapid growth of Lions Internation
al, youngest of service clubs, to
hold first place in membership
among service clubs of the nation.
Not only In the United States but
in several foreign countries are its
principles at work, to breed inter
national understanding and good
fellowship, the district governor
He commended the Heppner club
for its good record of service, and
also the true spirit of Lionism pre
vailing at the meeting.
Chas. Thomson, vice president,
presided in the absence of Dr. A.
D. McMurdo, president, who was
confined at home by illness. Special
entertainment features included a
vocal solo by Ray P. Kinne, the
club's song leader, accompanied by
Mrs. J. O. Turner, club pianist, and
a piano solo by Miss Marjorie Par
Milton F. Morgan, age 83, a pion
eer of the Inland Empire, and for
a great many years a resident of
this community, owning and operat
ing a farm in the Sand Hollow sec
tion, died on February 11 at the
Soldiers home in Sawtelle, Califor
nia, where he has been for about a
year past Mr. Morgan left this
part of the country a good many
years ago, and before going to Saw
telle he made his home with a
daughter residing at Trinidad, Col.
He Is survived by this daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Graves, and a large num
ber of relatives residing in Cali
fornia and Oregon. A niece, Mrs.
W. L. McCaleb, and two nephews,
Levi and Will Morgan, reside in
The Womens Study club will meet
next Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson.
The subject to be studied is "Wo
men Under the Soviet" Topics
assigned include "Marriage and di
vorce under the Soviets," "Sex,
morals and communism," "Eman
cipation of Russian Mohammedan
women," "Byezprizornl, Byeznador
nl and other Russian children,"
"Special privileges of women In In
dustry," "Women in party and gov-
ernmental activities," "Have women
In Russia gained or lost as a re
sult of the revolution?" Mrs. A. A.
McAtee is the program leader.
A mass meeting of all present
and former members of Doric lodge
20. Klllirhts nf Pvthlna Vina hoon
called bv' W. W. Smead. rllatriM
deputy grand chancellor, for Tues
day evening, March 20, at I, O. O.
, nan. mere are matters of in
terest to every Pythian to be dis
cussed, Mr, Smead says, besides re
freshments and a general social
Local Nimrods Get Poor
Start in Wire Tourney
The Heppner-Pilot Rock gunners
who last year finished at the head
of the list in the preliminary
matches of the Oregonian's annual
telegraphic trapshooting tourna
ment lost both their matches in
the opening round of the 1934 event
Sunday. Local nimrods journeyed
to the Pilot Rock traps, and Chas.
H. Latourell and Adam Knoblock
helped compose the three-man team
for the day. Latourell contributed
a perfect 25, Knoblock 23 and Newt
Royer of Pilot Rock a 24 for the
team score of 72. Salem, Bend and
Bob Miller's Gun club will be the
locals' opponents next Sunday.
Work started this week to get
the local traps In shape, so the boys
can shoot at home next Sunday and
as often thereafter as they like,
said Latourell, president of the lo
cal club. The poor start is no in
dication of how the locals will fin
ish, he said. Shooting by itself the
year the tournament was started,
Heppner won the large silver loving
cup as high team in the shoot-off
match, and local nimrods have par
ticipated in every shoot-off since,
as one of the 10 high teams in the
preliminary matches. Latourell ex
pects to be in Portland next Sun
day to participate in the annual Hy
Everding Birthday shoot.
Rural Teachers Propose
Unified School Opening
All. schools of Morrow county
would open on September 6 next
and conform to the standards set
by. the state board of education re
garding the length of the school
year, if recommendation of a spe
cial committee of the Rural Teach
ers club are put into effect The
recommendations are carried in a
resolution adopted by the club
meeting at Pine City, Saturday.
Katherine' G. Feldman, Marian
Henderson and Velma F. Huston
composed the committee. The uni
fied opening date of September 6
was set by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
county school superintendent. Cop
ies of the resolutions have been
sent to the various district clerks.
Lack of unified opening leads to
confusion in the county testing pro
gram, causing disadvantage to the
school children, argues the resolu
tion. It also cites that the state
requires a speciAed amount of work
to be covered In the school year,
namely nine months. The resolu
tion is concluded with a petition to
school board members to comply
with the unified opening and the
set length of schrgVyear..
Heppner Liquor Stock
Arrives; Checking In
The stock of hard liquors to be
sold at Oregon Liquor Agency No.
2, Gordons pharmacy, arrived this
morning and checking of the stock
started immediately under the su
pervision of Mr. Anderson, assistant
district supervisor of the state li
quor control board. It was expected
the agency would be ready to dis
pense goods under the provisions of
the Knox law either this afternoon
or tomorrow morning.
Permits, at the rate of $1 for the
year for residents, are now avail
able at any time, it was stated.
Pine City was host to the Rural
Teachers club Saturday, with a
large attendance of members and
people of the community, some of
whom assisted with the program.
A Friendship quilt made by mem
bers of the club was presented to
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, as an appre
ciation of the club for her interest
in its work. Numbers on the pro
gram included a piano solo by Alma
Neill; talk on rhythm bands, M.
Henderson; selections by Pine City
rhythm band; "Character Educa
tion," Miss Sheridan; playlet, "The
Doctor," Pine City; "Teaching of
Decimals," Mrs. Beach; quartet
number, Pine City school; tap
dance, Pine City primary pupils;
book review, "Uncle Sam's Attic,"
Harvey DeMoss; Pine City glee
club directed by Marian Hender
son; "Remedial Technique," C. W.
Smith; duet, Fred and August
Rauch; "Teaching Music in Rural
School," Miss Quigley; announce
ments by Mrs. Rodgers. Although
the Pine City teachers are the most
recent members, they showed the
true spirit of hospitality as always
shown by the club and were ably
assisted by the people of the com
munity. Anna Heiny, secretary.
The American Legion auxiliary
held its regular meeting Tuesday
evening. Plans were discussed for
the organization's annual Easter
Monday ball to be given April 2.
Mrs. J. D. Cash, president, appoint
ed committees to proceed with the
plans. After the business meeting
members assisted Mrs. Earl Eskel
son, child welfare chairman, in sew
ing on garments to be sent to the
auxiliary's child welfare center in
Portland. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Chas, Smith and
Mrs. J. O. Turner, hostesses.
The Guy Boyer family, former
Heppnerites, now live near Mt. Ver
non over in the John Day valley.
"We are nicely locuted In the beau
tiful John Day valley where we are
neighbors of, and do our trading
with, Mr. and Mrs. Art Minor,"
writes Mrs. Boyer this week in
sending for a recent copy of the
Gazette Times containing articles
by J. W. Redington, former "Ga
zet" editor. "We are always de
lighted to see any Heppner folks
that pass this way."
Wehmeyer, Local Ranger,
Gives Impressions Af
ter Visit to Camps.
Benefits Seen to Timbered Areas
and to Youth Employed; Pur
poseful Program Followed.
(Editor's Note Mr. Wehmeyer,
j ranger in charge of the Heppner
I district of the Umatilla National
luieau, neie gives an uuuexgumu
able account of the aims and pur
poses of the Citizens Conservation
corps. Having just returned from
a month's tour which took him to
all winter CCC camps in Oregon
while assisting in conducting classes
in forestry, he is in a position to
fairly judge his subject. Because
of the prominent part played by the
CCC in local forest development
work last season, and the expect
ancy that a local camp will be es
tablished again this year, his story
is of much interst.)
One of the first things President
Roosevelt did after becoming exec
utive head of the nation was to have
legislation enacted whereby the
Citizens Conservation corps was
created. This was the first army
of its kind in the history of the
world, unique in that Its 325,000 men
were armed with picks, axes and
other tools for construction pur
poses rather than gun3, bayonets,
and other implements of destruc
tion; The president's first concern" was
for the boys of America, thousands
of whom were tramping the high
ways and byways of the nation,
seeking employment in vain. Two
hundred and fifty thousand lads
eighteen to twenty years of age
were enrolled and given an oppor
tunity to do honest work at a given
In order that the C. C. C. might
become immediately effective, four
departments of the national govern
ment were called in. The depart
ment . of labor was to enroll the
men, which they did, bringing them
into the service at the rate of 8,500
per day. A figure never achieved
by the army and navy combined,
during the world war. The army
was to handle, feed, clothe, trans
port and house the men. The de
partment of the interior, through
the Indian bureau and the national
park3 was to furnish much of the
needed work. When one stops to
consider that the peace time army
is only about 125,000 men, he can
better appreciate the job handed
the army personnel. The depart
ment of agriculture, through the
forest service, was to supervise
those projects to be done on the
national forests and cooperate with
state and other agencies having
camps. Many state and private
land camps were established as the
basic purpose of the organization
was to build forests and through
this objective to build the men.
The forests of America from col
onial times to the present day have
contributed largely to the rapid
growth, wealth and development of
the nation and even in this day we
still cut 52 per cent of the world's
timber supply.
Our president Is a forester; he is
a member of the Society of Ameri
can Foresters and has practiced
forestry on his estate in New York
for the past twenty years. He knew
the vital needs of the forests and
how important certain improve
ments were if the remaining stands
of timber were to be protected and
developed. The C. C. camps have
been engaged in this work for the
larger part of the past year. Con
sidering that the men had no train
ing for this type of work and that
thousands were physically inferior
to the work at the start, results
have been very satisfactory. Some
thing like 7,000 miles of truck trails
have been constructed through the
forests, thousands of buildings have
been built, thousands of miles of
telephone line have been strung
through the forests, in addition to
hundreds and thousands of other
Many people think that it is just
made work or work laid out just to
keep the men busy. Such is not
the case as every project has been
based on a program, planned on the
needs of each forest section, with
such studies as hazards, visibility
and hour control figuring promin
ently in the program.
The personnel is physically, men
tally and possibly morally better
off after enrollment This state
ment Is; supported by the facts that
the average gain in weight has been
12 pounds per man, that study
courses and the best of reading ma
terial have been available to the
men at all times. Church services,
though not compulsory, have been
fairly well attended. Thousands of
the boys have cast off that tough
ness of the city slums for a bodily
toughness than can only come from
healthful open air exercise and a
wholesome environment
Too much credit cannot be hand
ed the army for their work in build
ing men. Their work has been
largely executed under supervision
of reserve officers. Several thousand
(Continued on Pag Four)
Emergency Act to Benefit Farmers
Without Credit; Rules Cited
by Commissioner.
Regulations governing the $40,
000,000 emergency crop loan fund
recently authorized by congress
were received this week by C. W.
Smith, county agent They indicate
that a farmer may obtain such a
loan if he cannot qualify for credit
elsewhere, if he has a Justified need
for credit and if he is cooperating
with the production control pro
gram of the Agricultural Adjust
ment administration, according to
the statement of S. M. Garwood,
Production Credit commissioner of
the AAA.
Sample work sheets have been
received, and application blanks
will probably be in his office some
time this week, said Mr. Smith.
The same community committees
that served last year will be re
tained, and anyone wishing to make
application should get in touch with
his community committeemen for
latest information.
The maximum amount to be made
available to any one farmer this
year is $250, and the minimum is
$25. The Interest rate will be 5
per cent per annum. Provisions for
taking crop liens have been worked
out under Mr. Garwood's direction
and detailed regulations will be
placed in the hands of local emer
gency crop loan committees within
the near future. The time and
place where these committees will
receive applications will be made
known locally within a short time.
Applications for loans from $25
to $150 may be made directly to the
emergency crop loan offices provid
ed the applicants do not have suf
ficient security to obtain loans else
where. A farmer in this district applying
for a loan of $150 or more must first
make application for a loan to the
Pendleton Production Credit asso
ciation. Rejection of his applica
tion by this association will be con
sidered sufficient evidence that oth
er credit is not available and the
farmer may then make application
to the emergency crop loan office.
The emergency crop loans are en
tirely separate from, and are not
to be confused with production
credit association loans. The Emer
gency Crop Loan fund is an emer
gency relief measure for this year
only, to make funds available to
those who cannot qualify for cred
it through the regular channels of
a production credit association.
In announcing the regulations
Mr. Garwood said he could not em
phasize too strongly that the emer
gency crop loans are to provide a
means of temporary relief for this
year only, and that this year's loans
will probably be the last of their
Farmers who have a source of in
come other than farming are not
eligible for emergency crop loans.
The loan Is made for the cash
cost of growing crops, only, and the
money may not be used for pay
ment of existing debts, rent, taxes
or past-due accounts. The money
was appropriated for the specific
purpose of producing, planting, fal
lowing and cultivating crops, and
for feed for farm livestock in
drouth and storm-stricken areas.
The act imposes a very severe pen
alty for using loans from the fund
for any other purposes.
Championship Smoker
To be Staged Saturday
Saturday evening the glove-sling-
ers and muscle-manglers will gath
er at Lexington from all corners of
the county for the purpose of elim
inating each other from the cham
pionship tournament. Who will be
the champs? All are determined
to hold the coveted position, but
few will.
The proceeds of the meet eo Into
a fund for repairing the teeth of
tne school children.
The championship medals are on
display in Frank Turner's office
window. J. H. Williams and George
uuiis nave been arranging the de
tails of the match and predict an
entertaining and exciting evening.
Mrs. Earlor Huston, worthy ma
tron of Ruth chapter 32, O. E. S.,
announces that Dr. Irene Phillips
of Portland, associate grand ma
tron, will make an official visit to
Ruth chapter tomorrow, Friday.
The school of instruction will be
at 2:30 p. m., and Mrs. Phillips will
be officially received at the regular
meeting in the evening. Owing to
illness, Mrs. Phillips was unable to
be at Heppner on Saturday last as
previously announced.
An award for the annual Morrow
county spelling contest, plans for
which are being arranged with the
date to be set in the near future,
was announced this week by Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, school superinten
dent. The award is in the nature
of a loving cup to be presented by
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phelps of Hepp
ner in the lbwer division, grades
3 to 5, and replaces the cup won
permanently In last year s contest.
The Willing Workers of the
Church of Christ met Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Joel R.
Benton. There was a good attend
ance and delicious refreshments
were served. The group decided to
held a food sale the lust Suturday
of each month.
City Solons Meet First
Time in New Quarters ;
Sell Pest House.
New Bridge to be Constructed;
Traffic Hazard Corner of K
and Elder to be Fixed.
Not so pretentious as the nation's
capitol, nor yet so imposing as the
statehouse at Salem, but much the
best quarters ever to house Hepp
ner's governmental body, is the new
city hall christened Monday eve
ning by the council when they held
their first meeting in the clean,,
spacious room in the northeast
There was no special christening
ceremony, no breaking of cham
pagne bottle, nor either imbibing
of contents though it was lightly
suggested that a keg of beer might
be in order. Suffice was the no
ticeable pride of mayor and coun
cilmen in their new home, to say
nothing of the watermaster whose
office the room contains.
Nor could all the council be pres
ent for the inaugural occasion. Dr.
A. D. McMurdo and Frank Shively
were kept at home by their own
illnesses, and W. C. Cox by the ill
ness of Mrs. Cox. It remained for
G. M. Anderson, mayor, Jeff Jones,
C. W. Smith and Dean T. Goodman,
councilmen, to clear the evening's
The quarters are called new ad
visedly. For while the building was
old, and while the council had met
in the same space before work of
renovating began, the transforma
tion attained through help of the
CWA is quite complete. The room
is enlarged, its walls neatly plas
tered and kalsomined, the wood
work painted, and new lighting fix
tures installed. Two large, modern
diffusing fixtures containing elec
tric bulbs of high candlepower shed
a clear white light throughout the
room. No longer must the recorder
suffer from eye strain in reading
minutes or communications.
A few finishing touches, Buch as
applying another coat of paint to
the exterior and finishing of rest
rooms, were discussed. These will
be taken care of soon, and the
transformation will be complete
a city hall worthy of the name.
The council did not tarry over
ceremony anent the new quarters.
As soon as a quorum could be as
sembled the routine business was
disposed of. Some plans concerning
the new bridge across Willow creek
at the Cowins place in southeast
Heppner were discussed. Work on
the bridge is slated to start soon.
Timbers and concrete have been
supplied by the CWA. Further in
vestigation was to be made as to
whether rock or concrete abutments
would be most economical.
The street committee reported
on remedying of a traffic hazard at
the corner of K and Elder streets,
near the schoolhouse, where a light
pole sits in the corner of the inter
section. By the committee's request,
the P. P. & L. company agreed to
paint the lower portion of the pole
white, and if the menace is then
not sufficiently removed they offer
ed to set two poles away from the
intersection to replace the one.
Finally the matter of selling the
city's pest house was brought up,
and the bare structure sold for $100.
Necessity for such quarters was
gone. The property was not con
sidered valuable from any angle,
and $100 was deemed a fair price.
Probably the action was not import
ant, but it marks the passing of an
old landmark. There may be those
who will glance up at the hill on
passing by, and note the additional
bareness of the landscape after the
old pest house is gone.
At a recent meeting of the Busi
ness and Professional Womens club
plans for improving our city's ap
pearance were discussed, and the
following resolution adopted:
"Resolved, that wherea3 our city
shows desperate need of cleaning
up; and, whereas, we believe the
labor may be furnished without
cost to the city; that we recom
mend to the city council the follow
ing: "That the city marshal be re
quested and be authorized to set to
work, from time to time, the occu
pants of our city jail on those parts
of our city that are in need of a
better appearance."
CWA classes in literature and
public speaking, now Just getting
under way, are open to anyone In
terested without charge, announces
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent. The classes are
regularly scheduled for 7:30 o'clock
each Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day evening at the court house.
M. R. (Big Matt) Matthew, vet
eran traveling salesman who has
made the Heppner territory for
years and who makes his home at
The Dalles, is announced to be ser
iously 111 at the St. Vincents hos
pital in Portland. He has a wide
circle of friends here who hope for
his early recovery.