Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mrs. D. E. Gilman of thia city was I A. H. Nelson, Lexington wheat-
seriously injured in an automobile
accident near Multnomah Falls on
Friday. She was riding with Dr.
Gertrude French of The Dalles, the
ladies being on their return to that
city from Portland. When about a
mile or so east of Multnomah Falls
the heavy coupe swerved and went
over and down an embankment for
about 60 feet, the machine turning
over several times and landing on
its top. ' The ladies were both se
verely injured, and it is reported
that Mrs. Gilman suffered a frac
ture of one kneecap, besides bruises
and internal injuries. They are in
the hospital at The Dalles, where
they were taken after first aid had
been given them at the C, C. C.
camp a short distance from where
the accident occurred.
Dave Yegan and wife of Brown
Ing, Montana, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt
over Friday and Saturday. Mr. Ye
gan is in the hotel business at
Bowning, and as Mr. Barratt visit
that city several times each year
while looking after his flocks on
the range near by, he makes the
hotel of Mr. Yegan his headquar
ters, as do some others from this
section. Mr. and Mrs. Yegan were
on their return home after making
a tour of Texas and the southwest.
At St. Patrick's church in Hepp
ner on Saturday morning occurred
the marriage of Robert Edward
Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Rice of Lexington, and Miss Mary
McCabe, daughter of Frank Mc
Cabe, Rev. Father Stack officiating.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was enjoyed at Elkhorn
restaurant and the young people
were abundantly showered with
rice. They will make their home in
this county at the Artesian well
ranch of the parents of Mr. Rice.
The big tractor on the ranch of
Dwlght Misner is now working day
and night as Mr. Misner has begun
the "spring" plowing. Passing the
ranch after dark Friday evening,
the editor made note of the Xact
that the soil was turning to the
plows in excellent shape. Condi
tions for winter plowing are just
about right now and the farmers of
the county are reported to be quite
generally taking advantage of the
This olllce had a pleasant call
from Mrs. Laxton McMurray of
lone on Saturday, The McMurrays
are now on their wheat ranch south
of lone, where she states they are
enjoying rural life once more. The
whrat in their vicinity is growing
wonderfully just now, and it is to
be hoped that no adverse condi
tions of weather will happen to set
-It back.
C. J. Anderson and son of the
lower Gooseberry country, were In
Heppner Tuesday to get their allot
ment checks. Mr. Anderson thinks
this has been Just about the finest
winter so far in his experience of
some fifty years as a farmer in
Morrow county. Crop prospects
are excellent right now.
Editor Crawfod accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Turner on a jaunt to
Boardman and Irrigon on Friday
afternoon and enjoyed the beautiful
spring-like weather. Mr. Turner
visitetd the north end projects in
the interests of relief work, hand
ing out some supplies to the needy
in those districts.
Guy Huston, for long years in the
farming business at Eight Mile,
was here on Tuesday, reporting a
mighty fine outlook for this sea
son's crop. Plenty of moisture, with
mild weather, is bringing crops
along rapidly. Farmers are also
quite busy with their winter plow
ing. This paper is grateful to a large
number of our subscribers, who, up
on cashing their allotment checks,
remembered that the printer could
use a little of the cash that Uncle
Santa Claus is distributing these
days. There is room in the till for
more payments of this nature.
Lee Beckner, who raises an abun
dance of wheat on lands out south
of lone, was called upon to make
the largest reduction, perhaps, of
any farmer in the county In com
pliance with the wheat allotment
program. He was after his "allow
ance" here on Monday,
For Sale Few articles of furni
ture before leaving last of Feb.
Electric washer, davenport, dining
table with chairs, bedstead, sanitary
couch, etc. C. A. Sias, Lexington.
E. J. Evans was among Lexington
farmers in Heppner Tuesday, draw'
Ine down a check from the allot
ment committee. He is well pleased
with crop prospects in the Black'
horse region.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil White of Uklah
were here on Tuesday. Mr. White
still operates his wheat farm In the
Lexington country, and was here
to get his allotment cnec.
Billv Becket, a student at the Ad-
cox aviation school In Portland, was
home over the week end for a visit
with his mother, Mrs. Frank enive-
B. F. Swaggart, pioneer farmer
and proprietor of the Eastern Ore-
Eon Jack farm, was transacting
business in town this morning,
Roy Mlssildlne, who farms at the
hai of .Sourdough canyon, was
attending to business affairs in the
city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devlne spent a
few hours here Thesday, coming in
from the farm norm or jjexington,
w w Rechdolt was a visitor In
Heppner on Saturday from his
home on the Boaraman piujeui.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Misner were
lone wheatraisers looKing ane
business here on Tuesday.
grower, was here Wednesday. He
is just a little concerned at present
over the bad winter conditions pre
vailing in the middle west, for fear
that some of it may get across
the Rockies and strike the Inland
Empire wheat belt. Wheat in his
section is very tender now and in
no condition to withstand a freeze.
Ellis Thomson arrived home the
end of the week from southern Cal
ifornia. While in the south he vis
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Waters at Bellflower, where they
are engaged in the floral business,
raising dahlias for the city trade.
They asked to be remembered to
Heppner friends, and Mr. Thomson
states that Mr. and Mrs. Waters are
enjoying a splendid trade.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett and
Miss Dona Barnett of Lexington
were here on Tuesday to get their
allotment checks. Besides being
engaged in the general merchandis
ing business, the Barnetts are ex
tensive wheatraisers who have long
engaged in the game. They are an
ticipating a fine yield of grain this
season, providing present prospects
hold good.
Charley Marquardt and Ralph
Jackson were Lexington residents
here Wednesday. The former is
producing wheat and the latter
takes care of it in his warehouse at
Harry Dinges, manager of Far
mers warehouse, Lexington, had
business interests calling him to
Heppner on Wednesday, and he
spent several hours in the city:
Wendell Cleveland was confined
to the Heppner hospital a few days
this week by illness. He was able
to return to the farm home up Wil
low creek the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker were
lone people in this city on Wednes
day, having matters of business to
attend to. This office acknowledges
a pleasant call from them.
Will trade 160 A. dairy tract on
coast for creek ranch In Morrow
county, some wheat land in con
nection acceptable. Write W. L.
Baker, Canary, Ore.
N. Thomsen was up from his
farm near lone on Wednesday. He
reports some moisture coming along
and grain Is prospering.
R. B. Wilcox, dairyman of Lex
ington, and also a wheat producer
of that section, was a visitor here
E. L. Smith was a north of Lex
ington farmer looking after matters
of business in the county seat on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and
W. F. Palmateer were among Mor
gan people in this city the first of
the week.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at HO
TEL HEPPNER on Wednesday,
Feb. 7th.
Frank Winnard is up from his
home at Portland., expecting to re
main here during the lambing sea
son. When in town, look over the bar
gains at the new Variety Store, two
doors west of telephone office. 44-7
Hatching Eggs Purebred Barred
Rocks and Black Minorcas. F. M.
Bell, 13F22, Eight Mile. 3tp
Cecil Thome, who farms near
Morgan, was doing business at
Heppner Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelman of
lone were transacting business in
this city today.
Lawrence Beach, business man
of Lexington, was a Heppner visit
or Tuesday.
Hood River Apples, 50c per box.
Case Furniture Co., H. C. Case. 47-8
Annual Outlook Report Forsees
Gradual Betterment from the
Many New Deal Flans.
A prospective increase in raw ma
terials prices Including farm com
modities, better and cheaper credit
and less unemployment with con
sequent better demand for farm
products, are forseen as likely de
velopments in 1934 in the first of
the agricultural situation and out
look reports for this year just is
sued by the economists of the Ore
gon State College extension service.
This issue, which is the annual
review and outlook number put out
at the start of each year, has been
prepared by L. R. Breithaupt, ex
tension agricultural economist, as
sisted by A. S. Burrier, associate,
and H. H. White, assistant econo
mists. It is now ready for distri
bution through any county agent
or direct from Corvallis.
Total supply of agricultural pro
ducts for the ensuing year is ex
pected to be less but no great im
provement in export demand is for
seen at present, hence any mater
ial improvement in the economic
position of agriculture must come
largely from improvement in the
home market, the report points out.
Home demand, moreover, depends
on the continued flow of income to
industrial workers, hence any Im
provement in business conditions
should be reflected in agricultural
betterment, even though It brings
some advance in farm labor costs
and prices of farm supplies.
The new year starts out with
farm prices 14 points above the low
level reached early in 1933, though
it is not equally distributed to all
branches of agriculture. Farm pur
chasing power is not comparably
improved because of the advance
in prices of things farmers buy.
Complete application of the AAA
programs and other projects de
signed to adjust production to the
probable demand, are expected to
balance the temporary disadvant
age to agriculture of the price ad
vances under the NRA and similar
movements the review sets out
The review is illustrated with
charts, graphs and tables which
help give a complete but easily un
derstood picture of the agricultural
business outlook as the new season
starts. It also contains suggestions
and aids to farmers In making out
operating budget and keeping farm
accounts so as to put their enter
prise on a strictly business basis.
Examiner's Schedule
Changed for County
Inasmuch as the re-licensing of
Oregon motor vehicle operators in
the eastern part of the state has
been almost completed, it has been
deemed advisable to combine the
two eastern Oregon traveling ex
aminers' territories so that they
might be more economically oper
ated, announced Hal E. Hoss, sec
retary of state, this week. For this
reason, a new schedule has been
drafted which will be handled by
C. M. Bentley, examiner.
Effective February 1st, the ex
aminer will be on duty at Heppner
once every four weeks, beginning
Saturday, February 24th, 1934. He
will return on Saturday, March 24th,
and continue on this basis until
further notice. The hours will be
from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and the lo
cation will remain at the courthouse.
Movies and Slide Sets
Used Widely in Oregon
Corvallis Visual aid material
from the state system of higher ed
ucation was used by schools, clubs,
granges and other organizations In
more counties this year than ever
before, according to the annual re
port just issued by U. S. Burt, head
of the department of visual Instruc
tion in the general extension division.
Moving picture films, slide sets,
charts and other visual aid mater
ials are all sent out now from a
single office on the Oregon State
college campus. Under this unified
plan, the budget for the work has
been cut from more than $10,000 a
year to less than $5000 a year.
The consolidated library now In
cludes 316 motion picture films and
790 glass and film slide sets, mak
ing it one of the finest visual aid
libraries in the United States, the
report shows. The smallest service
fee in effect .anywhere, ranging
from 10 to 25 cents a set, Is the only
charge made for the use of this vast
store of Interesting educational ma
terial, A recent express company
ruling allows the return of such
material at half the out-going rate.
Last year more than 250,000 per
sons viewed materials from the vls
ual aid library at meetings or
classes held in 30 Oregon counties.
Requests also came from five other
states for materials,
Blasting Drain Ditches
Has Limited Application
Digging drainage ditches with
dynamite is usually an economical
method only where a tractor or
team cannot be used, but in such
places the work can be done quick
ly and well at fairly reasonable
cost, says Art King, extension soils
specialist at Oregon State college.
Methods of blasting ditches have
changed greatly In the last few
years, since the passing of the sur
plus low powered war explosives,
says King. Now the accepted prac
tice is to use dynamite running 50
to 60 percent nitro-glycerine. Sin
gle sticks of this kind are put in
the ground along the line of pro
posed ditch, and placed shallow in
stead of three to four feet under
ground, as was beat with the slow
When properly placed in wet
ground, such a charge may be set
ofT by firing a single stick with a
cap, King explains. The result Is
a ditch 3 to 4 feet deep and 8 to
12 feet wide, costing from 6 to 10
cents a foot. The wetter the ground
the better the job. In fact, some
standing water is no handicap.
Mr. King does not recommend
home use of this method unless the
aid of the county agent or other ex
perienced person is obtained. Blast
ed ditches are used only where run
ning water will keep them open, and
not for collecting seepage.
U. of O. Students Write
Early Oregon Stories
Eugene. Since this is the "Dia
mond Jubilee" year of statehood
for Oregon, University of Oregon
students In jounalism have pre
pared a number of stories for news
papers that will be appropriate for
publication during the present year,
the 75th of statehood, it is an
nounced by Eric W. Allen, dean.
The stories cover many fields and
are rich in pioneer lore. Much val
uable historical data are also con
tained in some of them. Among
the stories are "How People Trav
elled When Oregon Was New," and.
How Oregon Pioneers Built the
First Roads," by G. A. Shadduck;
"How Oregon Towns Looked 75
Years ago," and "Jacksonville as
the Hub of Southern Oregon," by
Paul Ewing; "How Oregon Lived
in its First Statehood Year," by R.
R. French; "Indians Were Quiet
When Statehood Came," and "En
tire Northwest Fights the Indian,"
by Ernest Rae, and "How Oregon
Pioneers Started their Schools,"
and "How Higher Education Ar
rived in Oregon," by Lenore Wells.
The stories in mimeograph form
can be obtained by writing to the
school of journalism at the univer
sity, or to the Oregon State Edi
torial association office In Eugene.
Lost, strayed
cocker spaniel.
or stolen-Reward.
Semi-Annual Statement of
Morrow County Clerk,
July 1 to Dec. 31, 1933.
General Fund Claims Paid:
Election $
Current Expense
County Court
Justice Court
Court House
Circuit Court
Widow Pension .'
Poor ;
County Physician ;
Tax Collection .
' District Attorney .
Publishing Budget .
County Agent
Club Work
..$ 18,441.83
Warrants Drawn:
General Fund
General Road
Market Road ....
$ 18,441.83
Warrants Outstanding:
General Fund $ 6,757.30
General Road 1,172.99
Market Road 35.19
Miscellaneous .65
Outstanding road bonds $517,000.00
Sinking Fund 4,326.51
Dated this 11th day of January,
County Clerk.
Next Saturday night there will
be a birthday party for the Hepp
ner C. E. society at the Christian
church. This is also the birthday
of the National Christian Endeavor
society. The social hour will begin
at 6:00 p. m., and all ex-Endeavor
ers are invited to come and join in
a good time.
The Gazette Times Printing Ser
vice Is complete. Try It,
1 Crush and dissolve S Bayar
Aspirin Tabled kl half
glass of water.
2 GARGLE thoroughly
throw your head way back,
allowing a little to trickle down
your throat.
3 Repeat gargle and do not
rinse mouth, allow gargle to
remain on membranes of the
throat for prolonged effect.
Remember: Only Medicine Helps Sore Throat
Modern medical science now throws
on entirely new light on sore throat.
A way that eases the pain, rawness
and irritation in as little as two or
three minutes!
It requires medicine like
BAYER ASPIRIN- to do these
things) That is why throat special
ists throughout America are pre
scribing this BAYER gargle in
pluce of old-time ways.
Be careful, however, that you get
real BAYER Aspirin for this pur
pose. For they dissolve completely
enough to gargle without leaving
irritating particles.
j Feb. 2 to 10th Inclusive
Tomatoes, Corn SH 1(34 ILL
Peas, St. Beans
5-oz. Tins
4 TINS 49c
Alaska Fink
Tall Minced
4 TINS 58c
16 LBS. 83c
LBS. ..
Federal Brand
DEPENDABLE, 2 LBS. Vacuum Packed 53c
o marvelous gift the entire
)V family will enjoy. Don't miss
Nfc-it's FREE
Maximum Cane & Maple
10-LB. $4 P
TIN .. M..M.D
LETTUCE, 3 HEADS ... 20c
Extra Large ORANGES, Per Doz. 35c
Two non-advertisers manufactured practically the
same kind of rat traps, costing 1 5 cents each, which were
sold to thte trade at 20 cents, the purchaser paying 30 cents.
One of the producers decided to advertise. His in
creased sales enabled him to make the traps for 1 Oc each.
He then sold them to the trade for 1 5 cents. The purchaser
bought them at 25 cents. Who paid fo the advertising?
Not the maker of the rat traps, because he made more
money, by selling more traps. Not the retailer, for he made
the same profit on less outlay. Not the purchaser, because
he bought for five cents less. Who paid for the advertis
ing? Why, the fellow who didn't advertise, and the dumed
rats with their lives, on account of the large increase in the
use of traps.
Jk iu iwa iUfi iw