Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 01, 1934, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 47.
Subscription $2X0 a Year
Short Crop, Low Price
Responsible, Agent
Tells Lions Club.
Plans for Alpine Visit In Hand,
Committees Announce; Delega
tion Set for Lewisten Trip.
"The $163,899 of allotment money
to be distributed to Morrow county
wheat farmers amounts to more
than the entire income from the
1932 wheat crop," Chas. W. Smith,
county agent, told the Lions club
at its Monday noon luncheon in the
course of explaining the method of
distribution of the county allotment
checks which arrived at his office
that morning.
In citing the regulations govern
ing the distribution, Mr. Smith said
that no one connected with the al
lotment plan was allowed to en
courage or participate In any kind
of celebration staged in recogni
tion of the checks' arrival. So long
as the allotment money is identi
fiable as such, it is unattachable, all
regulations intending to place the
money in the hands of the farmers
without any strings attached to It.
Orders were to deliver the money
only to the person whose name ap
peared on the check or to an author
ized member of his immediate fam
ily, and no information was to be
given anyone else concerning it.
In explaining his statement as to
the 1932 wheat crop income, Mr.
Smith said that the exceedingly
poor crop and low price of that year
was responsible for netting the far
mers less than was being received
In the first batch of wheat allotment
checks. He also told other of gov
ernment agricultural adjustment
measures that were being applied or
which would be applied In this
county, Including the corn-hog ad
justment plan which would bring
participating farmers $3.75 a head
for each pig raised on the average
in the years 1932-33; also the water
melon, beef cattle, dairy and butter
Industry codes which were expected
to reflect favorably on commodity
prices in these lines.
The commercial club's committee
in charge of arranging the program
for the club's junket to Alpine next
Saturday night reported plans well
In hand for the occasion. Program
features announced Included the
presiding of and good will rnessage
of J. O. Turner, music by the school
pep band and high school boys' trio,
two skits by the high school, mes
sages of response from S. E. Not-
son, president and secretary re
spectively of the club, and commu
nity singing led by Ray P. Kinne.
The committee in charge of trans
portation announced obtaining use
of the county bus which would car
ry about 20 of the performers In
addition to a number of private
passenger cars. A general invita
tion was extended to the people of
Heppner to join in the junket of
good fellowship, arranged in re
sponse to an invitation from the Al
pine Farm Bureau. The program
was announced for 8 o'clock, with
the junket to leave Hotel Heppner
at 7 o'clock.
In response to announcement of
a four-state waterway rally to be
held at Lewiston next Tuesday, ex
pected to be one of the largest dem
onstrations of its kind ever to be
staged in the northwest, the club
named a committee to arrange the
attendance of a local delegation. C.
J. D. Bauman, S. E. Notson and
Jasper Crawford were named on
the committee. One of the princi
pal objects of the meeting was ex
pected to be the recommendation of
sealocks at Bonneville dam, with
other action looking to the encour
agement of upper-Columbia and
Snake river development. The
meeting was announced to begin
with a noon luncheon and to con
tinue through the afteroon.
Miss Anabel Turner and Miss Ma
rie Barlow, from the high school,
sang two pleasing numbers in duet,
accompanied at the piano by Miss
Juanlta Leathers,- their music su
pervisor. Those present at the
meeting were honored by having
their ','phlzzes" shot by F. A. Mc
Muhon, state policeman and ama
teur photographer, who sports ex
tensive apparatus for shooting in
side pictures which was used on
this occasion In compliment to the
John W. Hiatt has been appoint
ed business census enumerator for
Morrow county with instructions to
complete the enumeration by Feb
ruary 15th. He has been at work
fo'r more than a week and is In
hopes that he may be able to com
plete the work by the 10th. The
enumeration is being taken by the
Federal Bureau of the Census and
requires Information from all bus
inesses with the exception of pro
fessions and manufacturers, re
guiding employment data, operat
ing expenses, net sales and stocks
on hand. Mr. Hiatt announces that
he would appreciate It If businesses
not yet visited will have the infor
mation in hand when he calls. He
expects to bo in Heppner all next
week, beginning Monday.
Attend Funeral of Sister
At Billings, Montana
Rev. Joel R. Benton, Mrs. Ben
ton and their son Dick returned to
their home in Heppner Tuesday
from Spokane and Lewiston, Idaho.
They were called away last week
by the serious Illness of Miss Ruth
Benton, sister of Mr. Benton, and
departed from Heppner Wednesday
afternoon by auto, going as far as
Spokane, where Mrs. Benton and
Dick remained, while Mr. Benton
and a sister residing in Spokane
took the train for Billings, Mon
tana, At Bozeman a telegram an
nounced the death of Miss Benton.
Ruth Ann Benton was born at
Lewiston, Idaho, and passed away
at Billings, Montana, at 11:30 a. m.
Thursday, January 25, 1934, at the
age of 41 years. For the past three
years she has been house super
visor at the Deaconess hospital in
Billings. Funeral services w-ere
held there on Saturday and the
body was shipped to Lewiston where
burial was made on Monday In the
family plot in the cemetery there.
She is survived by her brother here,
a brother residing at Olympia, Wn.,
and a sister at Spokane.
A little here, and a little there,
and it shouldn't be long before the
school band will have its new uni
forms. That's the belief of Hepp
ner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, who
voted to help the cause along by
staging a benefit dance at their hall
on Saturday evening, February 10.
Already nearly $100 of the desired
$250 to $300 for the purchase of
capes and caps has been raised since
the I. O. O. F. orders started the
ball rolling several weeks ago with
a benefit dance which netted more
than $40. Another $42 was contrib
uted by the American Legion aux
iliary home-production play, and the
fire boys paid in $7.50. It is hoped
to have the uniforms when the band
gives its spring concert late In
April, says Harold Buhman, direct
A number of Heppner people were
in Pilot Rock Saturday evening for
the banquet and old-time dance
sponsored by the Umatilla county
woolgrowers auxiliary. Plates were
laid for 216 people and It was not
possible to seat all who attended at
once, it was reported. J. G. Bar
ratt and Mrs. J. J. Wightman of
this city were on the banquet pro
gram In their capacities of vice
president of the state woolgrowers
association and president of the lo
cal auxiliary, respectively. Others
attending from here were Mrs. Bar
ratt, Mr. Wightman, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson. The affair was reported to
be very enjoyable.
While ski jumping attracted
throngs of Oregonians to the sides
of Mt. Hood last Sunday, the golf
ing season was officially opened in
Heppner by the first large turnout
of golfers attracted by Spring's pre
mature arrival. A crystal-clear,
warm, sunlit day revealed the opa
lescent dome of Mt. Adams over
looking the mouth of the Willow
creek valley a beautiful picture
from the hillside course, set out
against a sky of azure blue, over
a landscape of greenery rarely seen
in late January. Maybe it was just
plain spring fever, for nary a dodo,
nor even a birdie was reported.
Some prefer one kind of sport,
others have sport of their own such
as a wintertime spring affords
Morrow county people. Gerald
Booher and Lowell Turner, service
station man and barber, report, get
ting real sport out of shooting jack
rabbits on the wing. They have a
sort of contest between themselves
as to who can knock over the great
er number of the sagebrush deni
zens on the run, whenever oppor
tunity is afforded to make a jaunt
into the hills.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 6,
in their new quarters in the Odd
Fellows building. The rooms for
merly occupied by Dr. McCrady
have been renovated and furnished
through the cooperation of the
American Legion and Auxiliary
members. In order to replenish the
supply each member is asked to
bring a dish towel.
Mrs. Sylvia Wells and Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers will be hostesses.
Richard Wells this week pur-
chased the W. W. Hinton residence
tract of 67 acres situated just be
low the city limits west of town,
where he and Mrs. Wells expect to
make their home In the future. The
tract was originally developed by
Mr. Wells' brother, Clyde. The E.
L. Morton family will move into the
Wells town residence.
Continued gain in deposits by the
newly opened Heppner branch of
the First National Bank of Port
land was shown yesterday when to
tal deposits were reported to have
reached $225,000. This compares
with $118,000 as reported a week
ago, and with $76,000 on opening
day January 15.
Heppncr's fire squad were recip
ients of $7.50, It's share of the last
15 percent dividend declared by the
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
bank. Believing tho school band
had more need of the money than
the fire boys, the $7.50 was turned
into the band's new uniform fund.
The January business meeting of
Willows grange was held on Satur
day evening at their hall in Cecil.
A large crowd was in attendance
and splendid reports were made by
the various committees. J. O. Kin
caid, chairman of the agriculture
committee, gave a report on the or
ganization of the local Agricultural
Production Credit asociation which
was formed in Pendleton last Wed
nesday, Jan. 24, to serve Morrow,
Umatilla, Wallowa and parts of
Grant and Union counties. The
legislative committee chairman, O.
B. Spaulding, had arranged for
Earl Snell of Arlington, speaker of
the House of Representatives, to
give the legislative talk for the eve
ning, so a recess was declared so
that visitors who were not grange
members could have the pleasure
of hearing Mr. Snell. The subject
of his discourse was "Oregon Laws"
and he gave his listeners valuable
information on Oregon laws, both
old and new, and on amendments
to many of them. Mary Lundell,
lecturer, had a splendid program
prepared for the evening and it
was presented at this time. Mrs.
Hila Timm, assisted by Mrs. Con
nie Crawford at the piano, led the
audience in community singing.
Several good program numbers
were given, among them the read
ing by Vida Heliker of Vol. 1 of
"The Gleaner," a grange and com
munity paper prepared by "The
Grange Oracle." A. E. Johnson, a
visitor, gave a talk which he called
"Hot Air." It was greatly enjoyed
by his audience both for its worth
while information and its bits of
After the lecturer's hour grange
was called to order and regular
business resumed. A petition to
President Roosevelt asking that
locks of sufficient size to accomo
date ocean-going vessels be con
structed at the Bonneville dam was
approved by the grange and circu
lated for signatures during the eve
ning. The executive committee pre
sented Harry Cool with a Patrons
of Husbandry pin in token of his
serving the grange as treasurer for
several years past. He continues
with his work as Willows grange
fire Insurance agent. O. L. Lundell
will serve the grange as treasurer
for 1934. ;
The master and secretary of the
grange are proudly exhibiting new
brief cases which they will use to
carry the various books and papers
used in their work. These cases
were made to order by Gene Noble
of Heppner and are of saddle leath
er with the grange name and num
ber stamped upon them.
Visitors at this meeting from oth
er granges were Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Snell of Mayville grange in Gilliam
county, and A. E. oJhnson of Lex
ington grange.
Announcement was made at this
time of a grange county council to
be held at the hall in Cecil on Feb.
24. This will be an all day meeting
starting at 10 a. m.
Refreshments of homemade
doughnuts and coffee were served
by the Home Economics committee
at tne close of the grange meeting.
Mrs. Bob Allstott Sr. of Heppner
spent the past week visiting at the
home of her son, Bob Allstott Jr.
Mrs. Leora Withers of The Dalles
was a business visitor in lone over
the week end. Mrs. Withers owns
the ranch operated by Burgeon Led
better. Word has been received by Mrs.
E. C. Heliker of the marriage of
her niece, Miss Lois Devine, daugh
ter of Mrs. Tompkins of King Hill,
Idaho, to Mr. Carrol Hurst, also of
King Hill, where the young couple
will make their home.
The Women's Topic club will hold
their February study meeting at
tne nome or Mrs. Lana Padberg on
Rhea creek next Saturday after
noon, February 3.
Miss Emmer Maynard of May-
nard, Iowa, arrived in lone last
week to make her home with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Mason. Miss May
nard is an aunt of Mrs. Mason, be
ing the sister of the late Mrs. Adelia
Godfrey, Mrs. Mason's mother.
A cooking school put on by Mrs.
Humphreys, home economist of the
Crown Mills of Portland, assisted
by her daughter, was much enjoyed
on Thursday and Friday afternoons
of last week by a large group of
women. A baking demonstration
which showed newer and better
ways of doing such old things as
making and baking bread, pies and
cakes, took up several hours each
afternoon. On the afternoon of the
second day door prizes were given
which included merchandise as well
j ag all the good thingg baked Dy Mnj
Keithley Blake came over from
Klnzua last week. He has com
pleted the building of a house for
his brother, Roy Blake, and will
help in the construction of another
house over there as well as doing
some remodeling work. On his re
turn he was accompanied by his
wife and daughter who have spent
the past few weeks at the ranch of
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake.
Mrs. Walter Eubanks and Johnny
Eubanks drove to Pendleton on
Wednesday to take Mrs. Letha Bus
chke and daughters home. They
remained until Sunday In order to
be with the mother of Mrs. Eu
banks, Mrs. Mary Waddle, who has
been quite 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann
were dinner hosts to a group of
mends last Wednesday evening. Af
ter dinner bridge was enjoyed with
nign scores won by Mr. and Mrs
Louis Bergevin and low bv Mrs
Victor Rietmann and Earl Blake.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rietmann
(Continued on Page Six)
Dr. McMurdo Notified of
Chairmanship on Day
of Event.
"Great Birthday Gift" of Nation to
be Used in Control of Infantile
Paralysis; Speech Heard.
Nearly 400 people assembled at'
the Elks hall Tuesday evening to
honor President Roosevelt on his
52nd birthday anniversary and to
cents a couple, receipts totaled $91,
a goodly share of which was turned
over to Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chair
man of the local celebration, to be
remitted to Mr. Roosevelt as Mor
row county's contribution to the
Warm Springs Foundation for In
fantile Paralysis.
The local party was one of an
estimated 6,000 held in all parts of
the country on the evening of the
President's birth anniversary, un
der the sponsorship of a national
committee of which Henry L. Doh
erty of New York was chairman. It
was expected to raise $5,000,000 as
an endowment for the foundation to
aid crippled children, an enterprise1
close to the heart of the president,
who is likewise president of the
foundation at Warm Springs, Ga.
Small silk American flags were
given as favors to those attending
the local party and the hall was fit
tingly decorated. Blaine E. Isom
was in charge of decorations.
Dr. McMurdo was not notified of
his appointment as chairman of the
local committee until the day of the
celebration when he received five
airmail letters containing instruc
tions. The instructions therefore
arrived too late to be of much as
sistance and the affair was largely
carried out along the lines planned
by the Elks entertainment commit
tee. A feature of the national party
was President Roosevelt's short ad
dress from the White House, in
which he expressed appreciation of
the parties and the birthday mes
sages he had received. He termed
the occasion -""th: Knftst, enjoyable
birthday of my life." The presi
dent's message reached here at 8:15,
and had been concluded before the
local party started, though many
who attended were privileged to
hear it in their homes. "No better
birthday gift was ever conceived,"
Mr. Roosevelt said. His address
dealt mainly with the importance
of infantile paralysis to the health
of the nation, and the humanitarian
steps being employed in its control,
and contained a fine tribute to the
medical, nursing and hospital' pro
fessions who are leading the battle.
The lone school board this week
set a precedent among the school
boards of the state, so far as Is
known, says A. E. Johnson, chair
man, when it unqualifiedly endorsed
the proposed sales tax measure.
The action taken by the board in
cluded the passing of a resolution
as follows:
"Resolted that this board is in
favor of the sales tax and respect
fully urges that, if referred, it be
sustained by the people for the fol
lowing reasons:
"The taxes on real property in
this county are approximately 40
per cent delinquent thus depriving
schools of sumcient money to op
"At least 90 per cent of school
money is derived from real proper
ty taxes which are paid by about
50 per cent of the people;
"School warrants draw six per
cent interest until paid which Is an
added burden to taxpayers. Some
of these warrants are from six
months to two years old. Teachers
and other employees of school dis
tricts cannot cash their warrants
unless discounted from five to thir
ty per cent;
"The sales tax will materially aid
the schools in these trying times
because the law specifically provides
that the money derived from the
tax shall, after deducting cost of
collection, be applied exclusively to
the schools and said amounts de
ducted from the real estate taxes.
It is not a new tax but merely an
aid to overburdened property own
ers who in all fairness are entitled
to aid from those who contribute
nothing to the upkeep of our schools
but who demand much;
"The lone district under the law
will receive approximately $3250.50
which sum would be deducted from
the district tax of $20,800.04 mak
ing a reduction in the district school
tax of about 15.6 or a mlllage re
duction ow 3.9 mills.
"Members of this board consider
it their duty as directors and citi
zens to take a stand on this or any
other question affecting our school
to advocate those things which they
consider necessary to the proper
functioning of our school and to
condemn those things which they
consider detrimental. In accord
ance with their right and belief
they earnestly urge that the sales
tax be supported and sustained that
our schools may continue to operate.
A wedding of interest to Lexing
ton people took place at St. Pat
rick's church in Heppner Saturday
morning when Miss Mary McCabe,
daughter of Frank McCabe, became
the bide of Robert Edward Rice,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice
of Lexington, Rev. J. P. Stack of
St. Patrick's church officiating. Mr.
Rice is a well known young farmer
of this community and his bride
was formerly a beauty operator In
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jackson of
Hubbard are guests this week at
the home of their son, Ralph Jack
son. Mrs. Nancy McWaters of Baker is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Gen
tly. In the basketball game Friday
night the Lexington Independents
won from the Condon town team
with a score of 45-15.
The Rebekah card party Friday
night was well attended. Bridge,
five hundred and pinochle were
played. High score in bridge was
won by Mrs. Nancy McWaters, in
five hundred by Ralph Jackson and
in pinochle by Earl Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox have
returned from a month's visit in
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ingles of
Boardman were guests at the Bur
chell home Sunday.
A number of Lexington men were
in Pendleton Wednesday for the
formation of the Production Credit
association to serve Morrow, Uma
tilla and other eastern Oregon coun
ties. Those going from here were
H. V. Smouse, Edward Rice, E. L.
Smith, Chas. Marquardt, W. G.
Hynd, David Hynd, George Peck,
R. B. Rice, Frank Saling, George
White and Lester White.
Mrs. R. B. Wilcox left on the
train Saturday night, going to Sa
lem where she will visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eskel
son. The Three Links club will give a
dance at Leach hall Saturday night.
Music will be by Bud's Jazz Band.
The Lexington Home Economics
club will meet on Thursday after
noon, February 8th, at the home
of Mrs. Orvllle Cutsforth.
Thomas A. Keating of the Ore
gon Journal was in Lexington one
day last week calling on the local
representative of the Journal, Mrs.
Emma Breshears.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Williams
and Mrs. C. Williams spent the
week end in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck enter
tained a group of friends at a pleas
ant dancing party at their home
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson and
Miss Freda Hammell were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gillis
Monday evening.
The cooking school which was
held in Leach hall on Monday and
Tuesday afternoons was well at
tended. This school was conduct
ed by Mrs. Humphreys of the
Crown Mills.
John Skuzeskl of Heppner was a
business visitor in this city Wed
nesday. Mrs. Dona Hill of Rufus is spend
ing the week with her father, Omar
Walter Jepson of lone was trans
acting business here Wednesday.
Gene Doherty is driving the school
bus during the absence of Edward
School Notes
On Wednesday evening of this
week the faculty entertained the
P. T. A. with a very interesting
program. The program was pre
ceded by a short business meeting.
The Science club met last Thurs
day night. Seven members were
present. At the next meeting offi
cers will be installed. A suitable
name for the club will be selected
at that time. Anyone is eligible to
belong to the club who has had a
year of science. This applies both
to graduates and patrons who are
interested as well as to high school
The third Lexington smoker is
scheduled for this Friday at 8 p. m.
A number of good events have been
arranged for. The smokers given
in the past have been quite success
ful and sufllcient funds will soon
be on hand to purchase the neces
sary athletic equipment. The ad
mission price has been reduced to
25c and 10c.
The high school basketball team
lost two games last week, losing to
Condon 27-18 here on Friday night
and to Stanfleld 20-1,0 on Saturday
nignt at stannem.
There will be only one game this
week, coming Saturday night at
7.30 when the high school will play
Heppner here. This will be a dou
ble header with the town team play
ing the Heppner town team.
January 31, 1934, will go down
as one of the outstanding dates in
American history. That day, yes
terday, it was President Roosevelt
devalued the dollar to 89.06 cents,
according to report In this morn-:
Ing's Oregonlan. Under the pro
visions of the act that then went
into effect, Uncle Sam automatically
became the owner of all the nation's
gold coin. Further mintage of such
coin ceased and all such coin was
ordered melted into bullion to be
kept In the country's treasury. Co
lncidently a price of $35 an ounce
was established to buy gold In for
eign markets, and a $2,000,000,000
stabilization fund was made avail
able to the secretary of the treasury
for the purpose of regulating the
foreign value of the dollar.
Judge C. L. Sweek was a Heppner
visitor yesterday, coming over from
Pendleton on matctrs or business.
Brother of County Judge
Dies at Medical Lake, Wn.
Judge Wm. T. CamDbell was call
ed to Medical Lake, Wash., Wednes
day morning in answer to word that
his brother, John A. Campbell, had
died there at 12:30 a. m. Monday.
Judge Campbell and wife had Just
returned from there Sunday eve
ning and his brother at that time
seemed to be improving, though yet
very ill. Judge and Mrs. Campbell
were accompanied to Medical Lake
by their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene, and it
is expected that funeral services
will be held today.
John A. Campbell owned farm
land in the Blackhorse section here,
and for a number of years was a
resident of Morrow county, but late
years has made his home in Spo
kane county, Wash., and more re
cently was engaged as a mechanic
in the shops at the state hospital at
Medical Lake. It is thought that
he was a victim of carbon monoxide
poisoning, as the building in which
Mr. Campbell worked was close and
the accumulation of gas fumes was
very strong at times.
Going to Medical Lake last week
Mr. and Mrs. Cambpell were ac
companied as far as Thornton,
Wash., by Mrs. C. W. McNamer,
who visited with relatives there and
returned home with Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nys and chil
dren returned home Monday eve
ning from Silverton where they at
tended funeral services on Sunday
for Ellis Stevens, 67, brother-in-law
of Mr. Nys. Mr. Stevens died on
Wednesday last at his home in Hall
Prairie near Silverton, death com
ing suddenly while he was at work
on the farm. He had apparently
been in good health up to the time
of his death, which came as a shock
to the community in which he had
long been a prominent and con
structive resident. He was a char
ter member of Silverton L O. O. F.
lodge, and had been secretary of
his local grange for 14 consecutive
years without missing a meeting.
Besides his widow he is survived by
a son and a daughter. Esson Ste
vens, a cousin of the deceased, of
ficiated at the funeral services
which were attended by a large
number of friends and relatives.
The fire department responded to
an alarm last evening to find that
a fire in the woodshed at the Pat
Heaiy home on Church street had
been subdued with the use of gar
den hose while the firemen were
delayed in getting the fire truck to
the scene because of the absence of
the key from the ignition switch.
Chas. W. Smith, councilman, push
ed the truck to the scene with his
car. It was believed some child
playing about the truck may have
removed the ignition key. The
truck had been in the street for
several days while a new concrete
floor was being laid in its stall at
the city hall. The fire was mostly
in the roof of the woodshed, and
no explanation was given for its
L. Van Marter, formerly manager
of the Peoples Hardware company,
has taken the appointment as local
representative of the J. I. Case Co.,
manufacturers of all kinds of farm
equipment. Mr. Van Marter expects
to establish a local store in the near
future where a full line of Case ma
chinery and parts will be carried.
Mr. Van Marter established an en
viable sales record with the Case
company when he was manager of
the hardware store, and both he and
the company he represents have ex
pressed confidence in the future of
the farming industry of Morrow
More signs of spring! Archie Ball
says buttercups and birdbills are
blooming on his place high up in
the mountain foothills. J. O. Tur
ner saw squirrels out when he viS'
ited his north-Lexington farm on
Sunday, A. H. Nelson picked a
newly blossomed babyface in the
pasture of his farm in the lower
country. Even bruin has emerged
from his hibernation, according to
reports of folks living in the timber.
And this is only the first of Feb
F. F. Wehemyer, local forest
ranger, left today on a tour of CCC
camps in Oregon to assist in carry
ing on an Instructional program in
forestry under the supervision of
the U. S. and state forest services.
Illustrated lectures will be given on
this trip by Mr. Wehmeyer and W.
V. Fuller of the state forester's of
fice on various forestry subjects.
Gene and Raymond Ferguson, of
Ferguson Motor company, and Gay
M. Anderson, Jr., motored to Walla
Walla Monday afternoon, returning
with one of the new model Chev
rolets which will be used as a dem
onstrator at Ferguson Motor com
pany until their first carload of
the new cars arrives. The new car
has been creating much interest.
The Business and Professional
Womens club will hold their regu
lar meeting at the home of the
Misses Leta and Evelyn Humph
reys at 6:30 Monday evening, Feb.
5th. A specially interesting pro
gram is planned by the legislative
committee, and outside speakers
will be heard on subjects of vital
51B3.899 COMES TO
$12,000 More Will Make
First 80 Pet. to be
News Brings Influx of Gladdened
Fanners; Business Stimulus
Felt; New Era Forseen.
More and broader smiles than
have been seen in Heppner in many
a day appeared on Main street the
first of the week as wheat growrs
from over the county came in for
their share of the $163,899 in allot
ment checks, distribution of which
began at 1:30 o'clock Monday af
ternoon. The amount received rep
resented all but $12,000 of the 80
percent first payment under the
new wheat production adjustment
plan, in exchange for which farm
ers participating have agreed to re
duce their seeded acreage by 15 per
cent for 1934. The $12,000 is the
amount of first payment due on
contracts in which some alterations
were necessary before payment
could be made. It is expected this
additional amount will be distribut
ed shortly.
The checks were received Sunday
by Leonard Carlson, treasurer of
the Morrow County Wheat Produc
tion Control association, and were
brought to the office of C. W. Smith,
county agent, Monday morning. Be
fore they could be distributed, it
was necessary to check them
against the listings, and it was 1:30
in the afternoon before everything
was set to hand them out
News of the checks' arrival spread
like wildfire and when the office
closed Monday evening, more than
a hundred of the 400-odd checks had
found their way to their destination.
Almost immediate effect of the
added stimulus to the trade life of
the county was noticeable. Hardly
had the ink dried upon the receipt
registetr before many checks were
on deposit at the bank. Several
had found their way to the tax col
lector's office the day of arrival, and
some of the dollars that had start
ed rolling in various channels had
changed hands more than once be-
fore the day's end, giving new vigor
to business generally.
No wonder then that the smiles
of farmers became contagious, and
the allotment money was generally
welcomed as one of the greatest
boons to come to the county in
many a day.
The classic remark of many farm
ers was: "That's the first time I ever
had anything handed to me." True,
the money is generally regarded as
a gift, but at the same time the
donee is aware of the solemn obli
gation to the government which
the gift implies, an obligation the
fulfillment of which it is his expec
tation and the expectation of the
government will help relieve the
burdensome wheat surplus and re
store the normal market price to a
basis where wheat farming will
again be profitable.
Like magic the allotment checks
have restored the faith and confi
dence of the wheat grower in his
industry, and have given promise
of a brighter future which has in
stilled a greater will to work. And
this spirit is being reflected in his
town neighbor, who too, glimpses
the waning of depression and the
dawn of a brighter era.
Local Trap Artist
Sets Skeet Record
Pendleton trapshootetrs got tired
of banging at straightaways and
took up skeet shooting a while
back. Of course It wasn't long
getting to the ears of Charlie Lat
ourell, president of the local gun
club and Heppner's number one
trapshooting ace. Charlie can't
stand passing up anything new In
the way of shooting, and the irre
sistible impulse led him to Pendle
ton along with Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
B. R. Patterson and Adam Knob
lock. Now, skeet shooting is just a
complicated form of trapshooting.
the only difference being that a fel
low has to see double to be a good
skeeter. First he Is given a clay
pigeon from an orthodox trap. On
the next shot the pigeon is shot
directly at him from a trap situ
ated to one side. After so many
rounds of this see-saw shooting,
birds are released from both traps
at once, with the shooter under or
ders to shoot the bird going away
from him first. By that time the
other bird is sailing directly over
head, and if he is fortunate enough
to crack It. the shooter must Im
mediately duck to escape the show
er of clay that ensues.
Before Charlie got mixed up In
skeeting over Pendleton way, the
best skeeter had a record of 17 dead
ones out of 25. On his first trip two
weeks ago Charlie busted that rec
ord with a 20, and last Sunday he
turned in a 22. But he's not going
to be satisfied until he gets 23 skeet
ers in a row. And Is Heppner go
ing In for skeeting? Well, there's
them that 'lows as how.
Paul M. Gemmell was confined to
his home by an attack of "flu" this