r 1 ..-1 v I r R -1 - " -; ....... ' ' I J . - Volume 50, Number 41. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 21, 1933 Subscription $2.00 a Year HE PLAN LOCA L First National, Portland, Makes Application for Heppner Branch. OFFICERS VISIT E. B. MacNaughton, Presdient, and J. H. Mackle, Vice-President, Meet Large Group Here. The First National Bank of Port. land will open a branch in Heppner just as soon as approval of its ap plication for permit is received from Washing-ton and arrangements are completed for local quarters. That was the statement of E. B. Mac Naughton, president, who with J. H. Mackle, vice-president, waited upon a large delegation of people from all parts of Morrow county at the Elks temple Tuesday afternoon. Mr. MacNaughton said that appli cation for charter had been made. A unanimous expression of opin ion was voiced by her people that Morrow county sincerely wants, sorely needs, and warmly welcomes a bank. The sentiment heartily en dorsed the interest expressed by the Portland institution, and Mr.; MacNaughton's statement was re ceived by a round of hearty ap plause. Signifying the interest of the lo cal people, a committee was ap pointed, largely from among the people present, to extend coopera tion to the bank in such ways as it may be of service. The committee, including leading citizens represent ative of the various sections of the trading territory, was named as follows: C. W. Smith, Chas. Thom son, R. A. Thompson, W. F. Barnett, Bert Mason, J. O. Kincald, Henry Peterson, Mrs. Lucy E. Rode-ers. A. E. Wright, D. A. Wilson, D. T. Good man, John Brosnan, J. W. Beymer ana jacK iynd. News that the strong Portland bank had decided upon opening a branch at Heppner was received as a compliment to the trade Doten- tialltles of this district, which for years has been among the leading wheat and wool producing districts of the state. Confidence was ex pressed on every hand that business conditions here are on the upgrade, and a sincere faith was shown in a rosy future for a banking institu tion with the solidarity of that of the First National of Portland. While many approaches upon the Portland bank had been made by local people, and it was known that some consideration of this city was being given by it, the news given by Mr. MacNaughton Tuesday was the first public assurance that the bank had definitely decided to enter this field. Since starting upon its branch banking program a few months ago, the First National has opened 15 branch institutions, entering the eastern Oregon field first at The Dalles and Pendleton and if the plans laid for here materialize Heppner will have the sixteenth branch. While In Heppner Mr. MacNaugh ton and Mr. Mackie conferred with J. L. Gault, receiver for the local banks which have been in course of liquidation since the first of the year. Negotiations were discussed toward obtaining the old First Na tional bank quarters. News of the First National's deci sion spread like wild-fire and elec trified the atmosphere with a re newed spirit of optimism. Merch ants, as well as people of the county generally, have been irked by the inconvenience of doing business un der the conditions of restricted lo cal exchange facilities of the last year, and are happy, Indeed, over the prospect of aga(n being able to enjoy twentieth century banking service. MASONIC ORDERS INSTALL OFFICERS Many Folks Enjoy 6-o'Cleck Tur key Dinner; Blue Lodge and Star Officers Inducted. Turkey and all the trimmin's were served in copious quantities to mem bers of the Heppner Masonic or ders, their families and friends, con vened last evening for the joint in stallation of officers of Heppner lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., and Ruth chapter No. 32, O. E. S., at Masonic hall. It was necessary to lay the large tables twice to serve the large number in attendance. The dinner was served shortly after 6 o'clock in the dining room, followed by installation of officers in the lodge hall. Featuring the Installation cere monies was the presentation of a past master's jewel to Len L. Gil liam, retiring master, by Earl W. Gordon, and the presentation of gifts to Mrs. F. S. Parker and Mr. Gordon, retiring worthy matron and worthy patron respectively, by Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell and J. O. Turner. Mrs. Sarah McNamer was install ing officer for the Eastern Star, be ing assisted by Mrs. Jessie Pruyn, chaplain, and Mrs. Florence Hughes, Marshal. Officers installed were Ealor Huston, W. M.; E. R. Huston, W. P.: Hazel Vaughn. A. M.: F. S.I Parker, A. P.; Harriet Gemmell J Sec.; May Gilliam, Treas.; Lena Cox, Cond.; Gladys Goodman, A Cond.; Virginia Turner, organist; Rosa Howell, chaplain; Elizabeth Bloom, Ada; Ethel Smith, Ruth Anna Wightman, Esther; Oma Cox, Martha; Coramae Ferguson, Electa; Juanlta Leathers, warder; Madge Coppock, marshal, and J. O. Tur ner, sentinel. With F. S. Parker as installing officer, W. O. Dix as chaplain and P. M. Gemmell as marshal, the fol lowing Blue lodge officers were In stalled: Earle Gilliam, W. M.; Mar vin Wightman, S. W.; Lawrence Beach, J. W.; F. S. Parker, Treas.; Spencer Crawford, Sec; W. O. Dix chaplain; C. J. D. Bauman, marshal; J. u. Turner, S. D. ; Vawter Parker, J. D.; Terrell Benge, S. S.; Chas. B. Cox, J. S.; S. P. Devin, tyler. Heppner chapter No. 26, R. A. M. will install new officers at Masonic hall this evening. Judge Campbell Tells of State Pension Situation In response to numerous inquiries at his office, W. T. Campbell, coun ty judge, gives some information relative to the situation of the old age pension in Morrow county. Thirty dollars a month is the maximum amount to be paid any beneficiary under the pension act which becomes effective January 1, and the county is not obligated to pay the run amount to anyone, the judge said, in answer to many folks who held the belief that they were to get $30 a month from the county as soon as the act becomes effective, To keep from exceeding the 6 per cent limitation, the county was able to budget but $6000 for the pension fund. With 74 applications for pen sions already received, it will be im possible for the county to pay all eligible persons $30 a month, which would require A fund of $27,000. Ex actly what the county will do has not been definitely decided, with tne matter still under consideration by the court. Each individual case will . be considered separately and the court will do the best it can un der the conditions. Should the coun ty pay all applicants $30 a month an additional 2-mill tax would be required, Judge Campbell said. While the judge expressed an ap preciation for the purpose of the old age pension act, he believed those entitled to pensions should un derstand the dilemma faced by the court and not be too severe in their criticism. CORN & HOG PLAN MAY BRING $20,000 New Production Control Association to Affect 1000 Acres In Mor row County. New Milk "Bus" on Route For Alfalfa Lawn Dairy Wightman Bros, are Initiating a handsome new dellverey truck on their mirk route this week. The "bus" was delivered to them here Monday forenoon and has been an object of admiration since. Re cently, through the accident that happened to John Wightman at the railroad crossing coming out from the home at the dairy plant, the de livery on the job here for several years, was about completely demol ished, making It necessary to get a new one. This machine seems to be just about the last word for the Job, and Dick Wightman is prouder of It than a kid with his first pair of red topped boots. Milk from this wag on ought to be just a little bit bet ter than anything heretofore deliv ered from Alfalfa Lawn Dairy; and this Is saying a whole lot. LICENSE RECORD GIVEN. Hunting and fishing licenses is sued for the year in Morrow county are given by Gay M. Anderson, clerk, as follows: anglers, 43; hunt ers, 313; combination, 61; county hunters, 43; county anglers, 21; non resident anglers, 5; non-resident hunters, 2; elk license, 42. Report was made at Mr. Anderson's office of 7 elk killed. These did not in clude all the elk killed by county hunters, however, as reports of some killed were made in other counties, Jack Dosser Answers Summons in Texas James Gentry is in receipt of a letter from Adrian, Texas, announc ing the death there on Sunday, De cember 10th, of Jack Dosser, re cently of Heppner. Mr. Dosser left here for the South the day follow ing the Rodeo, and just at that time he was not feeling any too well. His funeral occurred at Adrian on the Tuesday following his death, and his friends here are not informed as to whether he had relatives re siding in that part of Texas. Mr. Dosser was a resident here for several years and made numer ous friends in this community. Something like two years ago he was operated on in Portland for a malignant internal growth. He never fully recovered from this though getting strong enough to do a lot or work being perhaps a little too ambitious in this regard for his own good. The affliction from which he suffered is no doubt the cause of death. Mr. Gentry, with whom Mr. Dosser worked a great deal of the time while living here, became very mucn attacned to Jack, and he mourns him as one who was a sin cere friend. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. North County Farmers Want Arlington Road Bert Palmateer, in town Tuesday from the Morgan district, was in terviewing the county court on be half of completion of the Arlington road from Morgan. Completion of the road would enable farmers of the west Morgan district to put their wheat on shipboard at The Dalles for nine cents a sack direct from the fields, making a saving of at least 5 cents a bushel over present charges, Mr. Palmateer said. The new rate was given as that quoted by Arlington men, based on barge transportation of the wheat from Arlington to The Dalles with completion of port facilities at Ar lington. Organization of a port dis trict at Arlington was provided for at a recent election. The road proposed for improve ment passes through one of Mr. Palmateer's fields, and he has of fered to exchange land with the county for the proposed new right of way. The distance from Morgan to Arlington by this route Is 19 miles as against 32 miles by way of the Oregon - Washington and Co lumbia River highways. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED. J. O. Turner, Morrow county's representative in the legislature, this week received two letters of appreciation of his services at the recent special session. A warm note of thanks for Mr. Turner's coopera tion and helpful service was re ceived from Earl W. Snell, speaker of the house. The other letter, from R. R. Turner, chairman of the legis lative committee of .the Oregon State Teachers association, congrat ulated Morrow county's representa tive upon his firm stand in behalf of the sales tax for relief of schools. J. L. Gault, bank receiver, was a business visitor In Pendleton on Monday. The smoker staged at the Lex ington school gymnasium last Sat urday was full of action and fun. Seven wrestling and boxing matches and three comedy stunts kept the crowa in nysterics. The matches were as follows: Asa Shaw and Ellwayne Peck wrestled three four-minute rounds to a draw. Both boys were active and clever, Laverne Wright won a decision over Clayton Davis in their three rounds of boxing. Laverne had the advantage because of greater ex perience but Clayton holds terrific punches in either hand. If there ever was a real combat, such i a one was staged by Finley ijiods ana i.ee Shaw in their three rouna boxing match. Fists flew from bell to bell without a let-un Hard blows were eagerly taken in oraer to gain an opportunity to sock tne otner fellow. Francis Nickerson and Don AH stott wrestled a grueling fifteen minutes to a draw. Both worked every hold possible but gained no falls. These boys will have to be re-matched in the future to settle tneir argument. Albert Huff and Virgil Smith re newed hostilities with a terrific on slaught to settle the draw thev trot a. me last smoKer. Each was de termined to mow the other down The result was a draw for the two battered gladiators. Shorty Peck and Garland Thomp son set aside formal manners for tne evening in an endeavor to oin each other's shoulders to the can vas. These two huskies kept the crowd in an uproar with their leg aives, wrist locks and airplane spins, uariand succeeded in win ning the match with one fall. Shor ty avers that there is another day coming, so be it. The last match was a muscle. bending and bone-crushing contest by Bob Allstott and George Gillis. Bob's tremendous strength was too much for Gillis in the first round and he threw the teacher with a series of reverse headlocks. Gillis was more cautious the last round and slipped one over on Bob by pinning mm witn a snort arm scis sors. That was one hold the strong man could not break. It was voiced by several ardent fans that these two should meet again to settle af fairs. The two declared their in tention to continue at any time, at any place, and upon any provoca tion. Several of the contestants were challenged for a bout in the next smoker. Bob Rozencrans challenged i-rariana inompson to a wrestling bout and Don Jones challenged Vir gil Smith to a boxing match. The prospects are looking up to a bigger and better smoker about the middle of January. Last but most hilarious were the comic stunts by the Lexington Boy Scouts. The first of these was a contest called Chinese wrestling. Two fighters were placed facing each other on a pole parallel to the floor and suspended by ropes. The object was for each to try to get his opponent off the pole by the use of pillows, hands and feet Lee Shaw was judged the winner. Another good comedy was the etrcr breaking contest. Keith Gentry and iiii aurcnen were the winners of this event. The Lexington smokers are grow ing in interest, fun and snort. The next smoker benefit to be held in January promises to be the best yet. Elroy, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Martin, had his left arm broken when he was thrown from a horse Friday morning. Laurel Ueach has been chosen to sing the tenor solos In "The Mes siah," with the choir of the Sun- nyskie Congregational church In Portland on Sunday evening, De cember 24th. The Christmas program at the school on Wednesday evening was a very enjoyable one and was weH attended. It consisted chiefly of solos, duets and choruses by Laurel A potential income of $20,000 for producers of corn and hogs in Mor row county is offered through the second production control associa- tion to be organized In the county soon, announces C. W. Smith, coun ty agent. The $20,000 represents the total amount or benefit payments should all corn and hog producers contract to reduce their production of these products by 20 to 30 percent tor corn and 25 percent for hogs. Mr. Smith is in receipt of bulle tins from the Agricultural Adjust ment administration giving full de tails of the plan and the necessity xor it. As in tne case or wheat, the plan is intended to eliminate sur pluses of corn and hogs which are depressing the market, and to es tablish the market prices of the commodities on the basis of a fa; exchange value for commodities the farmer buys. Mr. Smith was unable to say just now soon steps or organization are to be taken in this county, though it will be in the near future. In perfecting the organization an ed ucational campaign will be conduct ed similar to that employed in put ting across -the wheat allotment plan While Morrow county does not figure largely in the production of corn and hogs, it is none the less to the interest of raisers of these com modities to investigate the plan thoroughly, Mr. Smith said. It was estimatetd that 1000 acres are de voted to raising corn in this county, while many farms have hog broods! tne operators of which should inves tigate the plan whether or not the hogs are raised for market. More particulars of the plan are given in another1 article from the state college in this issue. To help speed up the signing and acceptance of contracts, farmers are advised by the adjustment admin istration, (1) to attend all meetings concerned with the corn and hog project to learn the actual workings or tne plan and to be entirely fa miliar with it; (2) to assemble defi nite figures on the acreage of vari ous crops during 1932 and 1933 on the farm to be operated in 1934. and to determine the acreage taken out lor woodlands. DM'.nre. farm build ings, orchards, rotfua iiiid the like so that account may be made for the total farm area; (3) to assemble definite information on number of litters farrowed by sows in 1932 and 1933, and on the disposal of hogs from these litters; also on the num ber of feeder pigs bought and sold In the 2-year base period (Dec. 1, 1931 to Dec. 1, 1932, and Dec. 1, 1932 to Dec. 1, 1933) ; (4) to be thinking aDout tne nelds which may be con tracted to the government, and to determine as nearly as possible the average corn yield for this land during the past five years; (5) to obtain all the data possible on the yields and kind of crops planted the last five years on the lands ex pected to be leased; (6) to assemble Information on uses made of the corn crop during the last two years (on the farm to be ooerated In 1934), whether for grain, silage hogging-down, cash sale or other purposes; (7) to assemble all sales slips, farm records or other kinds of evidence to support claims as to corn and hog production before the county and community committees which must administer this plan locally; (8) to obtain this informa tion for all farms or fields owned or operated; (9) to fill out as com pletely as possible the answers to all the questions asked on the far mer's work sheet, this sheet to be distributed soon. Special Music at Church of Christ Sunday A. M. Two of the beautiful numbers of the cantata, "The Angel and the Star," will be repeated at eleven o- clock this coming Sunday mornine by the ladles' choir. A number of requests have been received for a repetition of this beautiful presen tation with the original setting and the ladies have prepared two num bers for the Sunday morning ser vice. You are invited to come and enjoy this worship in song. Plan also to be present for the song ser vice and the evangelistic sermon at "II" Club Smoker Set For Saturday Night Heppner high school's honorary lettermen's club will put on their second annual smoker at the gym nasium Saturday night The main event is a mixed bout between Fran cis Nickrson and Albert' Huff. Nick erson will wrestle and Huff will box. There are nine other bouts which are all first rate matches. As a curtain raiser the lettermen have arranged a battle royal as part oi tne initiation for the boys who make their first letter this year. Seven boys will take part in the battle royal and each will be blind folded and given a pillow. This is an event seldom witnessed in Hepp ner. The funds received from the smo ker will be used to purchase letters and sweaters for the lettermen. The price of admission is 25 cents and the fights begin at 7:15. The bouts are arranged as follows: Junior Barratt vs. Dick Fergu son, box; Richard Cash vs. John Crawford, box; Lyle Cox vs. Pete Christenson, box; Richard Hayes vs. Riley Munkers, box; Alvin Pet tyjohn vs. Alton Pettyjohn, box: Don Jones vs. Boyd Redding, wres tle; .raul fhelan vs. A. Shoun. box James Shoun vs. Steven Wehmeyer, wrestle; Matt Kenny vs. Reese Bur- kenbine, box; Francis Nickerson (wrestle) vs. Albert Huff (box) : bat tle royal, Ed Dick, Howard Furlong, tay neia, uon Drake, Howard Bry ant, Owen Bleakman, Raymond uralte. LIONS CLUB ACTS ON BANK MATTER Committee Organizes Meeting to Welcome First National Of ficials; Turner Talks. SALES TAX WOULD EH GIVE HEPPIV 51 Supt. Howard Analyzes Operation of Proposed Law in This County. SCHOOLS TO BENEFIT Referendum Petitions Hold up Ef fectiveness Until After March; May be on Primary Ballot. I0NE Ey MARGARET BLAKE 7:30 on Sunday evening. This will be a great service and you are urged J final possessors of the prizes were Charles Carlson will spend the winter months in Portland taking a mechanical course at the Adcox Auto school. Miss Clara Nelson has returned to her home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Nelson. She has been a stu dent at O. S. C. at Corvallis for the past three months. The Past Noble Grands club of the Rebekah lodge held their De cember meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Howk last Friday afternoon Seven ladies were present and the regular business of the club was transacted after which delicious re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. George Tucker and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy spent last Wednesday in enaieton shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom ware business visitors in Portland last week. On their return home they were accompanied by Miss Ed na Lindstrom who has spent the last two months visiting near Portland. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 20. the Masonic lodge and Eastern Star chapter held a joint installation of officers at Masonic hall. Mrs. Ruth B. Mason acted as installing officer for Locust chapter, assisted by Mrs. Martha Dick as marshal!, Mrs. Clara Howk as chaplain and Mrs. Mar garet Blake as organist. The fol lowing officers were installed to serve during 1934: Orral Feldman, Worthy Matron; George Krebs, Worthy Patron; Ruby Roberts, As sociate Matron; Carl Feldman, As sociate Patron; Viola Lieuallen, Conductress; Roxy Krebs, Associate Conductress; Ruth Mason, secre tary; Hila Timm, treasurer; Lola McCabe, chaplain; Anna Blake marshall; Margaret Blake, organist; Mabel Krebs, Ada; Mary Beckner, Kutn; Katheryn Feldman, Esther; Fannie Griffith, Martha; Delia Mc Curdy, Electa; Grace Misner, war der, and George Ely, sentinel. Of ficers of the Blue lodge were install ed by Bert Johnson as installing of ficer and Elmer Griffith, marshal. They were: Carl Feldman, W. M.; H. V. Smouse, S. W.; Roy Ekleber ry, J. W.; George Ely, secretary; Laxton McMurray, treasurer; John Krebs, S. D.; Walter Dobyns, J. D.; Earl Blake, S. S.; Joe Howk. J. S.: D. McCurdy, chaplain, and El mer Griffith, tyler. Following the installation a supper was served to members and invited guests in the dining room. Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Vic tor Peterson and Mrs. Ed Dick of Heppner entertained a group of lone ladies at the home of Mrs. ick. Four tables of bridge were at play. Four prizes were given. one each for 100 honors, a grand slam, a small slam, and a hand with no card higher than a jack. These prizes were awarded in rotation to each person who during the after noon had one of these Items and the person in whose possession they were at the end of the afternoon was allowed to keep them. The to come and bring a friend. The topic, "The Lifted Christ." J. R. Benton, Minister. CHRISTMAS MATINEE SLATED. A free Christmas matinee, show ing "Black Beauty." will be given the children of the community at the Star theater beginning at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon through tne courtesy of the theater and Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks. A very special invitation has been extended by J. O. Turner, exalted ruler, for all kiddies to come and enjoy this fine show. It has always been the policy of the lodge to give the kiddies some kind of a treat at Christmas time, and it Is pleased to announce the hearty cooperation of tne theater in being able to Dermit the kiddies to see the show free on Christmas afternoon. (Continued on Fag Four) The city presented a pretty lively appearance on Saturday as many people were In town shopping around. There was evidence of considerable holiday buying. Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Clyde Denny and Mrs. George Tucker. Guests were Mesdames George Tucker, H. D. McCurdy, Carl F. Feldman, Walter Corlcy, Bert Mason, Garland Swan son, Cleo Drake, D. M. Ward, C. W. McNiimer, Clyde Denny, W. A. Wil cox, Omar Rletmann, Louis Bergev in, Johnny Turner, C. W. Swanson and Miss Norma Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson spent Saturday in Pendleton. While there Mr. J. E. Swanson purchased a new V-8 coupe which was deliv ered to him Sunday. Olllcers to serve the Rebekah lodge during the first six months of the new year have been elected. They are Margaret Crawford, No ble Grand; Rosa Fletcher, Vice Grand; Lena Lundell, sec. and Etta Howell, treas. Appointive officers will be named later and installation held during January. Kenneth Smouse has returned from Corvallis where he has been representative. Limited time per mitted Mr. Turner to give but a few of the highlights of the Knox liquor plan, the sales tax, and the truck ana bus bill. Because of the great amount of explanation already disseminated on the first two measures, Mr. Turner touched them lightly, stressing more the importance of the revision of the truck and bus law which gives relief to the farmer by permitting him to haul his products by truck at the car license fee of $5. Earl Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomson, home from th University of Oregon for the Christ mas vacation, gave a short and stirring talk depicting the univer sity angle In the fight launched to remove w. J. Kerr from the chan cellorship of higher education. Mrs. Margaret Jones Was Morrow Pioneer Funeral services for Mrs. Mar garet Jones were held at All Saints Episcopal here yesterday afternoon at 2:30, with interment followine in Masonic cemetery where other members of the family are buried. The remains arrived from Portland on the train yesterday morning and were taken in charge by Case Mem orial mortuary. Mrs. Jones died at her home in Portland on Sunday, Dec. 15. Rev. John Dawson, rector of Church of the Good Shepherd of Portland, delivered the sermon and conducted the ritualistic ser vices of the church of which Mrs. Jones had been a lifelong member. Mrs. Jones was a pioneer resident of the Heppner community. She was a native of England, born at .Preston, Dec. 28, 1854. She came to America with her parents when a young girl, and at the age of 19 came to Pendleton to make her home with a sister there. Her maiden name was Margaret Tomp kins. She was married to Henrv Jones at Pendleton on Dec. 12, 1880, and came to live on the ranch near Lena in this county. Mr. Jones died several years ago, and of her fam ily she is survived by two children, Mrs. Stella Bailey and William H. Jones of Portland In response to word of the pro posed visit of E. B. McNaughton, president, and J. H. Mackie, vice- president of the First National Bank of Portland, the Lions club Monday appolntetd a committee which ar ranged for the mass meeting and spread the word that resulted in a large group of representative Mor row county farmers and business men being present at the Elks hall to greet the bank officials. Mem bers of the committee were C. W. Smith, L. E. Dick. Gay M. Andeson. Frank W. Turner and J. O. Turner. ' School district No. 1 of Heppner, lhe club was favored by a short comprising 13 teacher - classroom review of some of the main legisla- I ... tion passed at the specfal session. r""8' WOuW reCelve an annuaI aP" given by J. O. Turner, the county's Portnment of $5200 from the op- ...... . ... fin f inn Ik. 1 i .- . ui me aates utx passed ay the recent special legislative assem bly, according to a computation made by C. A. Howard, state super intendent of public instruction. The resulting reduction in the district tax would be approximately 4.4 mills. This was one of several examples given by Mr. Howard on how the operation of the sales tax would af fect school revenues in Morrow county, based on the state tax com mission's estimated amount of rev enue the tax would raise. Operation of the tax is now held up until after March 16 by filing of referendum petitions, and the peo ple may be given an opportunity to vote on it at the primary election next spring in event enough signa tures to the petitions are obtained to place it on the ballot The sales tax bill will reduce the county tax levies approximately one mill and will cut $3,000,000 a year from the school district taxes of the state according to Superinten dent Howard's analysis. Receipts from similar revenue measures in operation in other states indicate that the Oregon bill will produce $4,000,000 annually. Seventy-five percent of this sum, or $3,000,000, will be apportioned to the school districts in proportion to the number of classroom units, or the number of teachers reaui'red This would amount to $400 per teacner-ciassroom unit, since there are approximately 7500 such units in the state. On this basis a one teacher school would receive $400; a two-teacher school would ramiv $800; and a 5-teacher school would receive $2,000. The bill requires the county assessor to cut from the dis trict property tax levy the amount estimated to be received from this fund. The remaining twenty-flve per cent, or $1,000,000 will go to the county school funds of the counties on the basis of the assessed valua tions as equalized by the state tax commission and the county assess or of each county is required to re duce the county property levy by the amount received from this fund. This reduction will average approx imately one mill. Superintendent Howard's compu tation for Morrow county districts is based on June, 1933, attendance records and March, 1933, valuations. Besides district No. 1, Mr. Howard gives figures for distriots 4, 12, 35 and 59. District 4, near lone, an elemen tary district, with one teacher classroom unit, would receive $400 with a reduction in district tax nf 2.4 mills. District 12, Lexington hich school and elementary, with 5 units would receive $2000, with a reduction in district tax of approximately 3.4 mills. District 35, lone, elementarv and high school, having 6 units, would receive $2400, with a district tax re duction of 2.9 mills, approximately. District 59, near Heppner, an ele mentary district with one unit would receive $400, with a reduc tion in district tax of 3.5 mills. Wool Position Strong Reports Local Grower That wool now holds the strongest position at any time since the re cent decline with prospects bright for still further improvement the coming year Is the report of J. G. Barratt who returned yesterday from Portland where he attended a meeting of the Pacific Cooperative Wooigrowers association. "All Indications point to increas ing prices during the first six months of next year. Prices are now on the upgrade, and the mone tary situation is reacting especially favorably to the woolgrower," said Mr. Barratt, who added that com petition will be keen among buyers for domestic wools. The Pacific cooperative has an nounced that it will be in a position after the first of the year to make shearing advances on the basis of a dollar or more a fleece. Indicating the recent price trend, Mr. Barratt said a late sale of their wool netted 27 cents a pound. Cal- iifornla wools sold recently netted as high as 31 cents, he said. (Continued on Pgt Four) CANTATA WELL PRESENTED. The Christmas cantata, "The An gel and the Star," was presented at the Christian church Sunday eve ning to a fair sized audience. The arrangement is for female voices only, and 15 women and young la dies of the church participated, giv ing the cantata in a beautiful man ner, with Mrs. Barbara England directing and Mrs. J. O. Turner at the piano. Solo parts were well sustained by Mrs. England, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Raymond Fer guson, Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and Mrs. Hubert Gailey, and the entire choir made a nice appearance in their vestments. The rendition of the cantata was well received by the audience, many of whom ex pressed a little disappointment that the composition was not longer. We understand that the cantata is to be repeated in large part at the morn ing worship hour as an adjunct to the Christmas sermon by Pastor Benton on next Sunday. Little Bobby Jones had to have his right arm done in splints Tues day evening as a result of a fall he received at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones. No bones were broken, but the liga ments wore torn. Students at Home for the Christmas Holidays The mid-winter holiday season of the schools of higher education will be a few days longer this year than usual and the numerous stu dents from Heppner have been ar riving home over the week end. From O. S. C. come Ruth Turner, Ted McMurdo and Nancy Cox; U. of O., Audrey Beymer, T e r e s s a Breslin, Jeanette Turner and Earl Thomson; Portland, Hazel Beymer, and Adele Nickerson; La Grande, Ted Thomson. Helen Valentine, In her senior year at the university, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Valentine of Lexington. TWO DANCES SCHEDULED. Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, announces the scheduling of two dances for the holiday season, a Christmas dance next Saturday eve ning with Joe Bibby's Dance band of Grass Valley playing, and a New Years dance on the evening of the 30th with Bud's Jazz band officiat ing. Members and guests are in vited. BEQUEST PAYMENT RECEIVED The executors of the estate of Fanny Rood, deceased, have paid over to Heppner Library another 10 percent of the bequest for tLe bene fit of the library as set out In the will. This money is to be used by the library association in the pur chase of new books, so we are in formed by the president, Lucy E, Rodgers,