PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1933. THB HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March SO, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 16, 1911 Published every Thursday morning by VAWTXB and BFENCEB CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hipp tier, Oregon, as second-class matter. ABYSBTE3IN bates given on APPLICATION. INFLATION. ALL of the discussion over the money question, as far as we un derstand It and that isn't very far seems to come down to this: There are a great many sincere persons who believe that the only economic salvation of the nation lies in increasing the volume of money in circulation. That, broadly, is called "inflation." And there Is an other group of persons, most of them doubtless equally sincere, who think that "inflation" can end only when the entire nation has been plunged into bankruptcy, once it is begun. These two groups probably are both wrong. It does not seem to us that what is needed is more actual currency, but a more rapid circula tion of the currency already avail able. If we read the reports of the Treasury correctly, there is enough gold reserve in the hands of the Government and the Federal Re serve Banks, to warrant the issuing of practically twice as much cur rency as is now in circulation and still remain well within the limits of what has always been regarded as the most conservative finance. Against our four and a half billion gold reserve there is little more than five billion of currency out standing; yet a forty percent gold reserve is considered extremely high. We do not think that either the Administration or the Federal Re serve Board is so unpatriotic, so deaf to the distress of the people of the United States as to withhold Its hand if there were any way untried of getting more currency into the hands of the public short of outright gifts. We think they are working toward getting money into the hands of the public, in a dozen dif ferent directions, and that they are making progress. Farmers and many other industries are getting more money for what they have to sell, more men are earning wages and immense sums are being spent for public works and other enter prises which put money into circu lation. But we do not regard these normal processes as "inflation," at least not in any derogatory sense of the word. As for the rabid anti-inflationists, who see in every move to make the dollar cheaper in terms of com modities and services, a threat to the investments of the creditor class we think they have very shaky ground to stand on. We hope to see it possible soon for debtors to pay their debts in dollars that are no dearer than were the dollars they borrowed. RUBALIZATION OF INDUSTRY. tlTE WERE impressed by what Secretary Wallace said in speech in Chicago not long ago. He remarked that the President's land policy "may in time be recognized as the most important since the Home' stead Act" As Mr. Wallace Interprets the pro gram of the Administration and he ought to be in the best position to do so the deflnitet aim Is to re- store rural life to millions who have been herded into the cities. That does not mean setting many mil lions more people at work in the highly competitive business of farming, as Mr. Wallace explains It, but it means the establishment of local industries, utilizing local raw materials, In country districts where the farms and forests can supply the materials readily on the one hand, and where the local popula- tion will be the primary customers for the output of those Industries. As an ideal to be aimed at, this cannot be too highly praised. Tak ing the lumber industry as an ex ample, and the goal of Mr. Wallace's program of reforesting all the less desirable agricultural land as hav ing been achieved, what could be more natural, even inevitable, than the establishment of local wood- working plants in every reforested district, to say nothing of such oth er industries as depend upon wood products for their raw material. like certain kinds of rayon, methyl alcohol and other chemical pro cesses. Such a program as that will take time and a lot of it It ought not to take so long to get industries es tablished in agricultural regions where the raw materials are the product of annual crops, like cotton, corn or wheat We hope this general Idea will be stimulated and encouraged. It seems at the moment doubtful whether many of the big industries will regard It as economical to man ufacture their products in thousands of scattered plants; yet Henry Dord does lust that, and does it success' fully. It is time that the concen tration of Industry In big factories in big cities, which began when steam power was introduced, were done away with. With electric cur rent universally distributed it is as easy to operate power machinery SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Six Months Three Months Single Copies , -05 OflSolal Paper (or Morrow County mimmi pn the farm as in the city. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL. STAFF Editor Francis Nickerson Class News Andy Van Schoiack Sports Billy Cochell Grade News Jennie Swendig Reporters: Clifford Yarnell, James Beamer, Ray Reid, Francis Rugg, Don Jones, Cleo Hiatt. Editorial What is temper? This question often arises when we see some in dividual "lose his head" and do things which under normal condi tions he wouldn't think of doing. Many persons who have investi gated this subject say that temper is a form of temporary insanity. One thing is certain, temper, when displayed, shows definite lack of mental control. When we fly into a rage we demonstrate what our real selves are like. The veneer of civilization is forgotten and the primitive instincts of the savage plainly show themselves. For this reason an outward demonstration of temper is as out of place in so ciety as a savage would be in a first class city hotel. In spite of this, however, we con tinually find people who actually brag about how hot-tempered they are. It is wondered how many hot tempered persons would fly into a fury if they knew that each time their temper was lost they would get a well-deserved thrashing. An outward display of temper is childish in that it shows a decided lack of mental control and of nat ural dignity. It is when considering such hu man failings as this that we realize the basic primitiveness of man. The Proposed Amendment Will the new amendment to the high school constitution pass or not? The amendment states that any student who does not pay his student body fees will be excluded from participating in athletic con tests or from attending any activ ities of the student body. Since athletic contests and assem blies are the only kind of amuse ment furnished by the school, the amendment is believed by the stu dent council a good way to force the students to pay their fees. The money raised from fees is the only means by which the student body may carry on activities, therefore the amendment is important. Heppner Defeats Lexington In one of the most thrilling games ever witnessed on the new gym floor, Heppner high school's "Fight ing Irish" basketball quintet de feated the speedy Lexington hoop- steis 2d to 23. Lexington took a fast 6 to 0 lead in the first few min utes of play but Heppner rallied and the score scood 12 to 12 at the end of the half. In the second half the game seesawed, first one team leading then the other, until the last few minutes of the game when Roy Gentry, Heppner guard, got his shooting eye and put three out of four shots through the hoop. The game was refereed by Harold Buhman. The line-up: Heppner Gentry 8, rg; C. Phelan 2, lg; Schwarz 2, c; Green 8, rf; Jones 5, If; Hiatt s. Lexington Wilcox 2, rg; Wright 1, lg; McMil lan 3, c; Hunt 2, rf; Thornburg 15, If. Student Body Meets At the student body meeting last Friday a new amendment was pro posed for the constitution. It stat ed that all students who failed to pay their student body dues would be excluded from student body ac tivities. A proposition concerning a roller skating rink to be operated by the student body was also dis cussed. Though committees were appointed to further study the mat ter nothing definite was decided. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN Who Jimmie Farley and Howard Bryant fought about? Olivia Baldwin smile? Lorena Wilson shake with fear when hearing of Floyd's meas les? Joan Pope laugh very boistrously? The person who keeps Marvin Morgan company evenings? Fritz Ayers wiggle his ears? Raymond Drake gayly starting for lone? Heppner high school's most ideal girl should have: Eyes like Marie Barlow's. Hair like Katherine Healy's. Teeth like Francis Rugg's. Eyelashes like Miriam Moyer's Mouth like Rachel Anglin's. Jessie French's voice. Louise Anderson's humor. Jennie Swendig's knowledge. Lorena Wilson's personality. Beth Wright's hands. Play Postponed. "The Yellow Shadow," a play which was to have been presented Friday by the Junior class has been postponed until after Christmas. Class News Mr. Pevey's spare time has been occupied in relabeling the chemicals in the laboratory. The race Is on! For the next two weeks the members of the typing ciasses will strive to attain the fast est speed rates. Alice Beakman is leading the typing II class with a rate of 46 words per minute. The typing I class have just started their race. The public speaking class has started work in debate. Last week the occupations class visited the Morrow County cream ery where they were given a prac tical view of making butter, Ice cream ond testing milk. Perhaps the point of most Interest to the class was an ice cream feed which was given them by Mr. Cox. Mr. Pevey was initiated into the Benzine Ring at the regular meet ing last Thursday evening. Grade Sohool News The second grade is beginning its Christmas projects this week. The pupils are now doing work in art and they will later read stories and poetry that have to do with Christ mas. Wilma Beymer, a pupil in the fourth grade, wrote a letter to her cousin who teaches in St. Paul. Her cousin's pupils answerd Wilma's let ter. The boys and girls in St Paul were very interested in our rodeo and in the Pendleton Round-Up. Wilma's classmates are going to answer these letters and tell the St. Paul pupils about the West In the sixth grade arithmetic charts, Arthur Vance succeeds Shir ley Wilson as chairman, and Lester Taylor replaces Frances Cox as sec retary. There are quite a few pupis ab sent in the grade school. Most of the absentees have measles. There is a banner given to the one of the four upper grades that is the best in spirit, attitude, cooperation, memorization, and voice in music. The sixth grade won the banner from the fifth this six weeks. The standings of the grade school gym teams are: Fifth and sixth grade boys Elks 18, Lions 17, Bull dogs 17, Beavers 7. Seventh and egihth grade boys T r o j a n s 15, Cougars 14, Broncs 11, Lions 9. CIVIC OFFICIALS TO MEET. Eugene. The second regional conference of the League of Oregon Cities will be held December 15 at Baker, it was announced here by Herman Kehrli, executive secretary of the organization. The first meet ing, held recently at Marshfield, was highly successful and led to the de cision to continue the sessions in several parts of the state. Municipal revenue, federal aid, public works, civil works, and mu nicipal liquor control will be chief topics for discussion at Baker. Since the adjournment of the state legislature is set prior to the meet ing, those present are expected to consider steps to be taken by mu nicipalities in controlling liquor in accordance with state laws. Data from which a model ordinance can be prepared on liquor control is ex pected to be gathered by League officials at the meeting. Announcing NEW FORD V-8 for 1934 THE UNIVERSAL CAR The New Ford V-8 for 1934 is now on display at the showrooms of Ford dealers. Surpassing even the great Ford of 1933 in economy, beauty and comfort, it is truly the car of this mod em age the culmination of thirty years Ford progress. It combines the proved performance of the V-8 cylinder engine with two important new features Dual Carburetion and perfected Clear-vision Ventilation. See this car today and drive it at the first opportunity. OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE NEW FORD V.8 BETTER PERFORMANCE. Greater power, new speed, quicker acceleration, smoother per formance, more miles per gallon especially at higher speeds, and quicker starting in cold weather all these result from the new dual car buretor and dual intake manifold. New water-' line thermostats enable the engine to warm up more quickly and to maintain an efficient oper ating temperature. Added engine refinements , reduce oil consumption, further improve operat ing economy and reduce maintenance costs. m NW VENTILATION SYSTEM permits clear vision, prevents di-afis and provides desired amount of fresh air in any weather. Individual control for front and rear side windows. When ventilation is desired the window glass is raised to the top. Then the handle is given an addi tional half-turn. This slides the glass back horizontally to form a narrow slot. Through BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and fam ily of Arlington were guests dur ing the week end at the Bryce Dilla bough home. The Meads are mov ing to Wallowa soon where Mr. Mead will have an agent's position at the depot there. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson of Wasco spent several days here last week at the A. R. Barlow home. Mrs. M. L. Morgan left Sunday for Portland where she will again work during the Christmas season in the postoffice as a postal clerk. Mrs. Ed Barlow is taking Mrs. Morgan's place in the school cafe teria. George Blayden motored to Hepp ner last Tuesday. He was appoint ed by the court as administrator of the estate of the late Elmer Wester- velt. Stanton Hadley celebrated his eighth birthday last Saturday by having the members of the second grade in school to his party. Games were played during the afternoon and refreshments were served. The Ladeis Aid Silver tea was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Eva Warner. The society gave Mrs. J. R. Johnson, one of their early members, a lovely hook ed rug which the ladies had made. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Warner, Mrs. A. B. Chaffee, Mrs. Chas. Nickerson, Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mrs. Jess Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickerson and Edith have moved into the home of Grandma Nickerson and will be with her this winter. Mrs. Sarah Wilbanks was a busi ness visitor in Heppner last Satur day. M. L. Morgan was home during the week end. He is employed at Hardman on the relief crew. A large crowd attended the Ladies Aid bazaar laat Friday evening and a neat sum of money was cleared by the organization. A lovely chick en dinner was served after which the fancy work, candy, fish pond and other booths were opened. The Humanophone side show attracted many of the people. Mrs. Shell is staying at the Mor gan home during Mrs. Morgan's ab sence. Russell Miller of Lexington was a Boardman visitor last Monday. George Wicklander and his bro ther Charles, state grange deputy, spent several days last week visit ing granges and attended Ponoma this slot air is drawn out by the forward motion of the car. This simple ventilation system main tains draft-free circulation, insures passenger comfort, prevents fogging windshield in cold or stormy weather. Both windshield and cowl ven tilator can be opened to supply additional air needed for comfortable warm-weather driving. DISTINCTIVENEW APPEARANCE enhanced by the newly designed chromium-plated radiator shell and grille, new hood louvres, new hub caps. Interiors are attractive, with new tufted uphol stery, new mouldings, new cove-type headlining, new instrument panel, new arm rests, new hard ware. Swivel-type sun visors in De Luxe bodies prevent glare from front or side. VENDERS IN COLOR. On De Luxe cars fend ers are in color to harmonize with body colon -wheel colon optional. New enamel finish on grange meetings of Hood River and Wasco counties. Remember the turkey shoot on Sunday, December 17. This is spon sored by the Alumni society and lunch will be served during the day. The community Christmas tree program will be given in the school auditorium Thursday evening, De cember 21. An interesting program is being prepared and Santa Claus is expected to be present and give a treat to each one present Ev eryone is invited to attend. The Home Economics club's din ner given in Root's hall last Mon day evening was well attended and a wonderful dinner which included turkey, was served. The evening was spent in playing cards. A Christmas cantata will be given in the community church Saturday evening, December 23. All are in vited to attend. Mrs. Albin Sundsten gave a birth day party for her daughter Lillian last Saturday afternoon. The grades, high school and town basketball teams will play their first game at Umatilla Saturday evening. 4-H Corn-Hog Contests To be Held at 1934 P. I Announcement that 4-H club bovs and girls may begin planning now with definite assurance that the t-oruana union stock Yards Die feeding and corn growing contests will be sponsored at the Pacific In tefnational Livestock exposition in Portland again in 1934 was made during the 4-H club hour over KOAC recently by George A. Pier son, president of that company. Each year for several years the sum of $1,075 for the pig feeding contest and $450 for the corn grow ing contest, a total of $1,525, has been awarded to club members at the Pacific International by the Portland Union Stock Yards com pany. Each year interest has been greater, the number of entries high er, and the quality of exhibits bet ter, Mr. Pierson says. Announce ment of next year's contest was made early so that clubbers might get off to a good start. Erik Bergstrom, pioneer wheat raiser of Gooseberry, was looking after business here Saturday. He is well pleased with the crop condi tions, and reports work on the farm progressing, everything being just right for winter plowing. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby Kiven that the un dersigned was duly appointed t'y the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Morrow oumy, minuuisiitnui w the estate of Annie Williams, deceased, and all persons having claims again.-U the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same to the un dersigned, with proper vouchers, at the law onice oi jos. j. iy, ui xacppuci, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. . . Dated and first published WIS Ziia day of November, 11)33. Administrator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Nut ice is hereby uiven that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Murrow County, dated November aisi, W33, in that certain suit wherein Mar garet H. Woodson, as plaintlH, recov ered a judgment against the defend ants ttfllft .T (lilliam. Louis E. Bisbee. timeline F. Bisbee, pesonally and acainst Lpnn L. Gilliam and E. E. Gil liam as executors or me tsiaie oi Frank Gilliam, and against each of them for the sum of Fifteen Thousand and no-100 Dollars together witn in terest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the 1st day of June, 1931; the further sum of Seven hundred and no-100 Dollars, attorney's fee, and the plaintiff's costs and dis bursements incurred in this suit taxed and allowed in the sum of Twenty and 70-100 Dollars, and a decree oi lore closure UEainst the defendants. Eflie J. Gilliam, a widow, Louis E. Bisbee and Emeline i Bisbee. husband and wife. Lenn L. Gilliam and E. E. Gilliam as executors of the Estate of Frank Gil liam. Lenn L. Gilliam, single. E. E. Gilliam and Mary Gilliam, husband and wite, C C. Gilliam ana Hazel Gilliam, husband and wife, Ona Gilliam, a spin ster, Hazel Vaughn and Charles Vaughn, wife and husband. Minnie W. Shutt, s widow, I will, on the Twenty-third day ot December, VJ66, at tne Hour oi Ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door ot the county court house ir HeiiDiier. Morrow County. State of Or egon, offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand all of the following described real property sit uated in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest cor ner of Block numbered Five (5) in the Town of Heppner, in the Coun ty of Morrow, State of Oregon, running thence East Fifty (50) feet; thence South Eighty (80) feet; thence East Twenty-seven (27) feet; thence South Sixty-three (63) feet; thence West Seventy-seven (77) feet; thence North One hundred and Forty-three (143) feet to the point of beginning, being parts of Lots Eight (8) Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Five (5) in the Town of Heppner, aforesaid, or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, -costs and attorney's fee and accruing cosis oi sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication: November 23, 1933., NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF SEAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that by virtue all bodies and fenders has greater wearing qual ity and more enduring luster. GREATER RIDING COMFORT results from increased spring flexibility. The spring leaves are newly designed for quieter and easier action. Shock absorbers are improved. Scat cushions are deeper, with new, softer springs. New type, individual bucket seats provide increased comfort for front-scat passengers in the Tudor Sedan. Adding to comfort is the new driving ease of the 15-to-I steering gear ratio. PRICES REMAIN LOW Tudor Sedan, $535. Coupe, $515. Fordor Sedan, 585. be Luxe Tudor, $575. De Luxe Fordor, $625. De Luxe Coupe (5 windows), $555. De Luxe Coupe (3 windowi), $555. Deluxe Roadster, $525. De Luxe Phaeton, $550. Cabriolet, $500. Victoria, $610. (All prices f. o. b. Detroit.) of an execution in foreclosure duly is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, on ttie 20th day of November, 1933, by the Clerk of said court pursuant to a judg ment and decree renuereu in nam cuun on the 7th day of Novembtr, 1933, In favor of James Ben Green. Executor of the estate of Sanford Green, deceased, plaintiff and against Harriet M. Brown, and Koy Brown, her husband, defend ants, for tiie sum of $2523.4-4, the sum of $200.00, attorney s ieea, anu, the costs and disbursements, and di recting me to sell the following describ ed real property, situate in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The WVi of SWii, SW14 of SE4 and SB'n of SW! of Section 26, the E'A of SE'i, SW'i of SEV4 of Sec tion 27, the E'a of NES4 and NWft of NE!4 of Section 34 and WV4 of NW'i, NV4 of SWVi and EH o NW'.i of Section 35 in Township three (3) South, Range 25 East uf Willamette Meridian. Now. in obedience to said execution. I will on Saturday, the 23rd day of December, 1933, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of tiie Court House at Heppner, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the said real property and apply the pro ceeds to the payment of said judgment or so much thereof as may be neces sary and the accruing cost of sale. Dated this 2sra aay oi November, 1933. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county, Administratrix oi the Estate of Uzz French, Deceased, and she has duly qualified. All persons having claims against said estate must present them to me, auly venned as required by law, at the oiiice of P. W. Mahoney, in Heppner. Oregon, on or before Six months from the date ot nrst publication or this no tice. LULU FRENCH, Administratrix of the Estate of Uzz French, Deceased. Date of first publication. November Sixteenth. 1933. Professional Cards DR. E. C. WILLCUTT Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon (Over J. C. Penney Co.) PENDLETON, OREGON AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty G. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talka to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON J. O. TURNER Attorney at Law Phone 173 Humphreys Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN fc S0BOEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Tested and Glauses Fitted. VVM. BROOKHOUSER FAINTING PAFERHANOINO INTERIOR DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. J. II. McCRADY DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis Gilman Building Heppner, Oregon A. U. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND S0BGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Heppnsr, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloe in L O. O. F. Building Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goodi Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Seal Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building:, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon