Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 1933, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 40.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
- o -
Eastern Oregon Farmers
Outline Tax and Other
Programs at Moro.
Relief for Property Tax Burden,
Obtaining Financial Relief Are
Among Main Considerations.
Eastern Oregon wheatgrowers
through the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league have again expressed them
selves on many matters affecting all
phases of their Industry. Their rec
omlmendatlons, emanating from the
annual conference which closed Its
sessions at Moro Saturday after
noon, have been heralded by the
daily press in more or less praise
worthy terms, thus indicating the
significance of their proposals.
Presided over by Frank Emerson
of The Dalles, the sessions were
marked by conscientious determin
ation and hard work on the part of
the majority of the more than 400
registered attendants. A contin
ued faith in the organization was
indicated by the large attendance
and unabated interest as the league
named Its officers for a new year at
the closing session. They are J. B.
Adams, Moro, president; Mac Hoke,
Pendleton, vice-president, and C.
W. Smith, Heppner, secretary.
Speakers Give Facts.
Seeking first hand information so
far as possible, which has been held
to be a greater part of the secret of
its success, the league was favored
with addresses by authoritative
speakers In the different fields again
this year. Hence, it was an infor
mation supplied first hand by such
men as E. M. Ehrhardt, president
of the Federal Land Bank of Spo
kane, in the field of finance, that the
league found the basis for recom
mendations. Speakers in other
fields were men in a position to
know the facts. Expert assistance
was lent by the faculty of the
state college, giving the famers an
accurate foundation on which to
base their deductions.
Moro, where the league had its
Inception in 1925, was a gracious
and considerate host, appreciation
of which was expressed in the
league's resolutions. And while a
seriousness of purpose pervaded the
discussions at all times, the human
element was oft expressed, being
climaxed in the annual banquet
Friday evening. O. M. Plummer,
Portland, president of the Pacific
International Livestock exposition,
was toastmaster for the banquet,
pronounced by many to be the best
occasion of its kind in the league's
Morrow People Attend.
It was estimated that 40 Morrow
county folks attended sessions of
the conference, among them were
noted: C. W. Smith, Glen Jones, C.
B. Cox, C. J. D. Bauman, R. C.
Wlghtman, R, A. Thompson, Ste
phen Thomson, Luke Bibby and
Jasper Crawford of Heppner; Emll
Carlson, Henry Smouse. Carl Peter
son, Henry Baker, J. O. Klncaid
and A. A. McCabe of lone; Burton
H. Peck, Harvey Miller and Orville
Cutsforth of Lexington.
The league's recommendations
were ground out by four major com
mittees, headed respectively by J.
B. Adams, Moro, taxation and leg
islation; L. J. Kelly, The Dalles,
transportation; H. D. Proudfoot,
Wasco, wheat production, handling,
warehousing, etc.; Chas. Harth, The
Dalles, marketing and finance. Their
findings were given endorsement
by the league.
Based on a realization of the
break-down of the system of prop
erty taxation, the taxation commit
tee saw but two ways of lowering
the tax burden on real estate: thru
retrenchment in government ex
penditures and through broadening
the tax base.
Tax Recommendations Made.
This committee recognized that
local government expenditures have
been curtailed around B0 percent In
Columbia basin counties, and that
further retrenchment does not seem
practicable. The county unit school
plan was endorsed as a retrench
ment measure, because "it saves
tax money; more value is secured
for what money is spent; it equal
izes taxes over the county; it gives
better training." Other retrench
ment measures were suggested by
cutting operating costs in state de
partments that have not already
been cut, which the committee be
lieved would be facilitated by ceas
ing to make the state a preferred
crdltor for the monies; by further
consolidation of school districts and
voting precincts where possible; by
taxing all publicly-owned utilities
the same as privately-owned util
ities. Possibilities of reducing property
taxes by drawing from other sources
were recommended, namely: by
lowering exemptions on the Income
tax so that all persons with an In
come of $500 or over would be sub
ject to tax; by adopting a one per
cent sales tax to be remitted to the
Counties by the state for support of
schools; by taxing liquor to tne ex
tent consistent with driving out the
bootlegger; by levying a 4 percent
tax on amusements as proposed by
(Continued on Put Four)
Who is Topsy? Your reporter has
done considerable sleuthing this
week but so far all clues have
proved to be false. However, we
were assured that the mystery
would be solved at the school gym
Friday evening when the grade
school will stage a play entitled
"Down in Mammy's Shack." It will
be on the order of a negro minstrel
with dialogue, singing and dancing
and the enthusiasm which the
youngsters are putting into prepar
ation for it bespeaks a show well
worth seeing. A carnival will fol
low the program with a fish pond
and all the usual concessions. The
proceeds will be used to help meet
the expense of serving hot lunches
to all grade school children during
the winter months. No charge will
be made for children but all adults
will be asked to cross the palm of
the door keeper with twenty-five
cents to be accorded the privilege
of seeing the show.
Mrs. W. P. Prophet and Mrs. Wm.
Whitson and sons left on Sunday
by motor for Yachats, Ore., where
they will visit at the home of Mrs.
Prophet's sister, Mrs. John Grimes.
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Carl Leathers and daughter Jean
of Hardman. Mrs. Leathers is the
daughter of Mrs. Grimes. It is
hoped that the change in climate
will be beneficial to Mrs. Prophet
who has not been well since she
was stricken with a heart attack
last summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowell are
the proud parents of a son, Edward,
born on Thanksgiving day at their
home on Main street.
Mrs. Victor Peterson of Hepp
ner was a visitor in our town on
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill ac
companied by Louis Bergevin drove
to Pendleton Sunday for repairs for
the lighting system of Mr. Bergev
in's tractor.
S. K. Martin of Spokane is audit
ing the books of the Morrow Coun
ty Grain Growers at J. E. Swan
son's office.
H. D. McCurdy spent several days
of last week in Gilliam county on
business connected with his work
as appraiser for the Federal Land
bank of Spokane.
On Thursday afternonn, Dec. 7,
in the church parlors the Ladies Aid
and Missionary society of the Con
gregational church held their an
nual election of officers. For the
Ladies Aid the following were elect
Mrs. Mary Swanson, president; Mrs.
Olena Keller, vice-president; Mrs.
Harvey Ring, secretary, and Mrs.
Jennie McMurray. treasurer. The
officers for the Missionary society
are, Mrs. Olena Keller, president;
Mrs. Jennie McMurray, vice-president;
Mrs. J. A. Troedson, secretary-treasurer.
At this meeting
Mrs. Jennie McMurray told briefly
of some of the exhibits in the de
partment of religions at the Chi
cago exposition.
Rev. Wiley of Condon will preach
in the Congregational church here
on Sunday evening, December 17 at
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
have moved from the Harris apart
ments to the Standard Oil house re
cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Keithley Blake has returned to
Kinzua where he is building a
Miss Lucille Bristow has returned
from an extended visit at the home
of her brother. Edmond Bristow at
Nampa, Idaho.
Miss Dot Crabtree was taken to
Hood River for medical attention
last Thursday following an attack
of illness which proved to be ap
pendicitis. She was operated on
that evening by Dr. Chick who
found that the appendix had been
ruptured for some time. Though
in a very serious condition Miss
Crabtree is reported to be doing as
well as could be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison de.
parted Monday morning for a short
business trip to The Dalles and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith of
Morgan are having considerable
repair work done on the interior of
their home in that place. The work
Is being done by P. J. and Carl Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell and
daughters Dorothy and Sybil, ac
companied by Mrs. M. Jordan, spent
Saturday in Pendleton.
Mrs. Hoech and Miss Mildred
Smith of The Dalles spent Saturday
evening and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Cole Smith.
Considerable interest has been
shown in roller skating at the Le
gion hall. All of the skates bought
by the Legion boys are in use when
ever the hall is opened for skat
ing. On Sunday afternoon the wo
men were given a free skate and
quite a number turned out to see if
they could handle the skates as of
Miss Zoe Elise, weight six and
one-half pounds, arrived on Decem
ber 9th at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Bauernfeind of Morgan.
Mrs. Earl Blake hns been engaged
to keep the books of the Morrow
County Grain Growers.
Mrs. M. D. Farrens is staying at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Martin Bauernfeind in Morgan.
Miss Sybil Howell entertained a
group of her friends at her home
last Thursday evening, the occasion
being the thirteenth anniversary of
her birth. The evening was spent
playing games, pulling taffy and
popping corn. A large birthday
cake, fruit jello and punch were
served at the end of the evening's
fun. The following girls were
guests: Maxlne McCurdy, Bertha
Akers, Bethal Blake, Annabclle Mc
Cabe, Winona Ritchie, Helen Llnd-
(Continued on Pag Four)
Land Bank Appraisals
Said to be up to Date
The objective of the Federal Land
Bank of Spokane to appraise all
applications for loans filed by De
cember 1 has been substantially ac
complished, according to word from
the Spokane headquarters today.
The building of the staff In the
field from twenty appraisers to over
500, together with good breaks in
weather conditions throughout the
four northwestern states has re
sulted in this victory for the ap
praisal department, according to
E. M. Ehrhardt, president.
The above applies to both first
mortgage loans made by the land
bank and first and second mortgage
loans by the Land Bank Commis
sioner which are handled through
the bank.
The practical effect of speeding
up appraisals is shown by the fact
that the farmers of the Northwest
received over double the amount of
money in farm loans for the week
ending November 29 compared with
the previous week, the amounts be
ing $714,650 and $343,900 respective
ly. Approved applications to date
this year total $18,500,240.
In spite of the unprecedented
volume of applications filed with
the Spokane Federal Land bank,
appraisals can now be made cur
rently where the weather condi
tions permit. With an adequate ap
praisal force, the greatest impedi
ment now to the prompt closing of
loans and getting the money to the
farmers is the lack of prompt ac
tion on the part of applicants, their1
creditors and local abstractors and
recorders in returning abstracts
and papers. A total of 4,418 approv
ed applications now await such out
side action, over which the bank
has no control.
Circuit Court Term
Passes Without Jury
The December term of circuit
court completed its labors Monday
without the necessity of drawing a
jury. There were no criminal cases
and such law and equity cases as
were on the .docket were either set
tled out of court or handled by the
judge alone. Judge C. L. Sweek
presided, being accompanied from
Pendleton by J. S. Beckwith, court
reporter. G. E. Hamaker, Portland ;
James A. Fee, Sr., and John Kil
kenny, Pendleton, were outside at
torneys having business before the
Action was taken on the follow
ing cases: Sam McCulloch et ux vs.
Bruce Kelley, settled and dismissed;
W. H. French vs. James H. Walsh,
20 days given defendant in which to
enter supplementary complaint;
Frank Leicht vs. H. Walpole, de
fault and judgment; Chas. Allinger
vs. Adrian Engelman, demurrer ov
erruled and defendant given 20 days
in which to further plead.
A family reunion was held at the
home of Mrs. Nancy B. Hayes on
Rhea creek on Thanksgiving day.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
O. T. Roblnette and children from
Durkee, John Turley of Eugene,
Mrs. Rosa Kirk and daughters,
Mary and Juanita and Ira McCon
kie from Lonerock, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Hayes and son Richard, Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson Hayes, Mr. and
Mrs. James J. Hayes, Miss Inez
Hayes, William Buschke and Mrs.
Nancy B. Hayes. In the evening
the neighbors were invited In for
a dance and supper. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rippee,
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pettyjohn and
their four sons. Mr. Turley had
the honor of leading the quadrilles.
At their regular meeting Friday1
evening, Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E.
S., held their annual election of of
ficers as follows: Ealor Huston,
Worthy Matron; E. R. Huston,
Worthy Patron; Hazel Vaughn, As
sociate Matron; Frank S. Parker,
Associate Patron; Lena Cox, Con
ductress; Gladys Goodman, Asso
ciate Conductress; Harriet Gemmell,
Secretary; May Gilliam, Treasurer.
The appointive officers have not
been named, but will be announced
before installation. The chapter
will join with Heppner Lodge No.
69, in installation of new officers
on Wednesday evening, December
20. The Blue lodge will hold their
election this coming Saturday night.
The American Legion auxiliary
will stage its annual Christmas par
ty at the regular meeting next Tu
esday evening to be held at the
home of Mrs. Harold Cohn with
Mrs. Walter Moore and Mrs. E. F.
Bloom as assistant hostesses. The
guests are expected to attend the
party dressed as little children and
each to bring a small gift, of not
more than 25 cents in value, for the
Christmas tree.
An epidemic of German measles
has affected the school attendance
this week. The measles are light In
form with no serious consequences
reported, but the school superin
tendent is requiring victims to re
main from school for seven days,
The action of the special legisla
tive session in relieving counties of
the expense of caring for the vio
lently insane will cut the Morrow
county tax bill $3000. This amount
was levied for the care of the In
sane, but will not now need to be
extended on the tax rolls by the
A. S. Akers is up from his home
at Portland looking after business
From Happenings Here and Yon
I New Liquor Era
Legislative Acts
( Relief
and other things of more or less I
moment as seen by
Oregon enters a new era In liquor
control with the passage of the
Knox plan by the legislature in its
closing hours Saturday. The Knox
plan, incorporated in a bill spon
sored by Representative John Beck-
man, establishes a system of state
liquor control for the handling of
so-called hard liquors of more than
14 percent alcoholic content Wines
and beer up to 14 percent alcoholic
content may be sold and dispensed
by anyone in any manner under lo
cal regulations.
Many phases of the hard liquor
regulation are to be worked out by
the three commissioners, one from
each congressional district, to be
appointed by the governor. Theirs
will be the job of determining the
number and loc'.ion of state liquor
stores, and, most important, the
price expected to be kept low
enough to eliminate bootlegger com
petition. Hard liquors are to be sold only
in original packages the dealers
to work on salary, no commission
to adults who can present their
50-cent consumer's licenses. Li
censes of habitual drunkards, or
persons against whom dependents
prefer objections, may be revoked.
Dealers may not sell to intoxicated
So much is now known of the
state's liquor experiment. How soon
it will go into effect may be deter
mined somewhat by how soon city
dealers can unload present stocks.
Anyway it seems thehe has been
some pacification of those threat
ening to file injunctions in order to
test constitutionality of the act.
Passed with emergency clause at
tached the act should go into effect
immediately It Is signed by the
governor, barring complications.
' And so we may aWalt develop
ments under the "noble experiment."
And those who seek succor from the
state will be most interested in the
developments. For liquor must
produce state revenue to pay for
direct relief up to $3,000,000 of
such revenues being the only pro
vision for such relief. This to be
augmented by federal funds.
With $1,600,000 allotted for work
relief to be expended on public
works projects, the legislature thus
met two of the major problems im
posed upon it liquor control and
unemployment relief.
A Vk percent tax on gross sales
of tangible personal property and
utility services was passed for re
lief of schools to be effective until
July 1, 1936, expected to raise $3,
000,000 a year. The third major
problem was thus met.
The fourth big problem was to
give relief to small truck operators
through amendment to the truck
and bus bill. This was also accom
plished by removing extra taxes
from small trucks of 2000 pounds
or less light weight 4000 pounds
loaded when used to tranport pro
ducts from the farm to the near
est market, permitting them to op
erate on payment of the car license
fee of $5.
Whatever the results, It cannot
be denied that the legislature com
pleted its task. And that, in the
face of a deluge of trivial legisla
tion which served to clog up the
Inflationists say that at least with
a baloney dollar no one will go hun
gry, reported a financial speaker
over the radio the other evening.
What, with all those CWA pro
jects and farmers' allotment checks,
the prospects are very bright for
a Very Merry Christmas now only
eight shopping days away.
The year 1933 has been unique In
Morrow county in that it has rained
each month of the year, according
to word emanating from the office
of L. L. Gilliam, local government
weather observer. The county has
been favored by good showers so
far In December, with moderate
temperatures, enhancing growth of
vegetation. Already the anniversary
or the first big freezeout last year,
December 8, has been passed, and
predictions are now rife of an open
The annual district conference of
the 6th district, American Legion,
department of Oregon, will be held
tomorrow at Pendleton, starting
with a luncheon at noon. The con
ference In the afternoon will be at
tended by the state officers as well
as other dignitaries of the organiza
tion. In the evening will be held a
banquet and entertainment for the
Legion and Auxiliary, the latter or
ganization having its conference In
Pendleton the same day.,
Mrs. Grace Turner, lone,
Has Poems Recognized
"In That Cozy Little Cottage
(Close Beside the Western Sea)," a
new popular song wtih words by
(Mrs. R. H.) Grace M. Turner of
lone, will be broadcast over KEX
Friday, December 15, at 12:15 noon.
Music is by Sylvester L. Cross of
Portland. The number will be pub
lished by the Master Music Makers
of Portland in their number three
Album of Radio Favorites.
One of Mrs. Turner's poems, "The
Artist," was chosen for publication
in the holiday issue of The Melting
Pot, an anthology of verse edited by
Olive Scott Stainsby of Aanaheim,
Calif. "The Artist" follows:
Of course I am not an artist
Who can work with colors so bright
And mane your very soul rejoice
With a canvas of the sunset's light
cut 1 have taken the orange s gold
And the pineapple's silvery sheen
Lemons as bright as the summer
With ivory pears, in a pot of green.
Then mixing it all with crystals
From a field where sugar cane nods,
I brewed and stirred until there was
An elixir fit for the gods.
Sweek, Hamaker Guests
Of Lions Club Meeting
Judge Calvin L. Sweek was hon
orary chairman of the Lions club
luncheon Monday when in the city
to conduct the December term of
court. He entertained the club
with his wit, and introduced G. E.
Hamaker, Portland attorney, an
other guest, who made an enter
taining speech.
Chas. W. Smith. Eastern Oregon
Wheat league secretary, reported
accomplishments of the annual
league conference at Moro, terming
it one of the best conferences in
the league's history. W. W. Smead
and Frank W. Turner were appoint
ed from the club to assist in con
ducting the sale of Christmas seals,
the local sale being under the su
pervision of Josephine Mahoney for
the state and national tuberculosis
associations. It was announced that
Eugene Courtney, cashier of the
First National bank at The Dalles,
will give a banking talk at the
meeting next Monday. J. O. Tur
ner, representative, will also re
view some of the important legisla
tion passed at the special legislative
At least two of Morrow county's
representatives at the wheat league
meeting at Moro last week end re
ceived more 'than - ordinary thrill
from the visit, for to them it was
in the nature of a homecoming. R.
A. Thompson and H. V. Smouse
both spent many days of their
youth in Sherman county and on
this trip enjoyed noting the many
changes and greeting many old-time
friends. Mr. Thompson's old home
was at Wasco, which place he left
25 years ago and had been back
but once since. He and Mr. Smouse
were once youthful business part
ners when both resided in Sherman
county. To Mr. Thompson each
turn in the road brought vivid
memories of days of his youth. He
played football at Wasco as a young
man, and likes to recall the good
old days when the Sherman county
towns put out some of the toughest
baseball and football teams In the
Again we ask the cooperation of
the patrons of the Heppner post of
fice during the Christmas rush.
Please mail your packages as early
in the day as possible. As we have
no appropriation for extra time this
year we are compelled to work
short handed. The office will be
open for packages until 6 p. m. No
packages will be mailed out after
6 p. m. All letter mail up to 9 p.
m. as usual. Thanking you in ad
vance for the cooperation we feel
sure you will give, we are sincerely
W. W. Smead and Assistants.
Al Rankin, genial manager of
Hotel Heppner, announces that kal
somining throughout and laying of
carpets on floors in Heppner's lead
ing hostelry has been completed,
entirely eliminating on the inside
all traces of the marks left by the
fire at Rodeo time. The hotel is now
neat and attractive on the inside.
Mr. Rankin said that replacement
of windows in the business quarters
on the north side of the building
would probably be left till such time
as these quarters are occupied.
The new state liquor commission
set up under the Knox plan, named
yesterday by Governor Meier, was
announced in the morning press as
follows: George H. McMorran, Eu
gene, first dsitrict; Jas. D. Burns,
Condon, second district; Alex G.
Barry, Portland, third district. The
bill putting the plan into effect, not
yet signed by the governor, was
expected to be signed within the
next dew days, the report stated.
Oregon State College, Corvallis,
Dec. 13. Nancy Jane Cox of Hepp
ner, freshman in home economics
at Oregon State college, had a part
in the "Knave of Hearts," a one
act play presented last Saturday
night, December 9, at the Workshop
theater by the Salamagundi dra
matic club. Miss Elizabeth Barnes,
associate instructor in speech, and
D. Palmer Young, Instructor in
speech, supervised the play.
Christmas trees for sale at Cass
Furniture Co. 40.
More than one hundred people at
tended the meeting of Lexington
grange on Saturday evening. The
newly elected officers of Lexington,
Willows and Rhea Creek granges
were installed. Charles Wickland
er, state deputy, was the Installing
officer and he was assisted by Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Chris Brown
and Clarence Bauman. The new
officers of Lexington eranee are:
Master, Harvey Miller; overseer,
Orville Cutsforth; lecturer, Laura
Rice; steward, E. A. Kelly; assistant
steward, Lawrence Beach; chap
lain, Elsie Beach; treasurer, R. B.
Rice; secretary, Lena Kelly; gate
keeper, Norman Nelson; Ceres, Lor
raine Beach; Pomona, Pearl De
vine; Flora, Tena Scott; L. A. S.,
Beulah Nichols. Several committees
were appointed to serve during the
ensuing year. Six proposals for
membership were received and will
be voted on at the next meeting.
The matter of buying or building a
hall was brought up and discussed
and a committee was appointed to
investigate the matter.
A special Christmas program.
consisting of a pageant, several
pantomimes, solos and choruses,
will be given at the Church of
Christ next Sunday evening, Dec.
17. It will be a pleasing program
and the public is invited. This will
be given by the Bible school, the
several classes being represented,
and assisted by the church choir.
A meeting of the P. T. A. execu
tive committee was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Gillis on
Tuesday evening. The hot lunch
was discussed and score cards were
made for the card party which is
to be given on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown of
Condon were week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene.
Mrs. Henry Rauch entertained a
number of friends at her home last
Tuesday afternoon. Those present
were Mesdames Margaret Williams,
Mays, Getta Cox, Emma Peck, Nel
lie Palmer, Casha Shaw, Rose Es
kelson, Freda Majeski, Florence
McMillan, Doris Graves, Edna Mun-
kers, Emma Breshears and Marie
The Lexington town basketball
team played the Heppner town team
Friday evening, winning with a
score of 40-10, but found a much
harder and faster team in their
game Saturday evening at Condon.
The score was close all through the
game with Condon finally coming
out on the long end of a 51-47 score.
Among Lexington people who at
tended the meeting of the Eastern
Oregon Wheat leagrue Kt.Mqro. Fri
day and Saturday were Orville
Cutsforth, Harvey Miller and H. V.
Smouse. Mrs. Smouse accompanied
Mr. Smouse and visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Orlo Martin.
At the Christian parsonage there
have been a number of pleasing
gifts of meats and sausages since
the butchering season is on. These
gifts are appreciated by Mr. and
Mrs. Sias. Their work in the min
istry here is entirely voluntary and
depending only upon the free-will
offerings of the people, which in
these times have not of course been
any too abundant Mr. Sias has
again this year cut his own wood
from the poplars donated by the
Clark brothers down Willow creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene en
tertained a group of their friends
at a pleasing party Saturday eve
ning. Dancing was enjoyed during
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell and
Mrs. Arthur Keene, left the first of
the week for Banks, Ore., where
Mrs. Campbell will remain for an
indefinite visit with her sister, Miss
Sylvia Severance. Mr. Campbell
and Mrs. Keene will return the last
of the week.
Mrs. J. G. Cowins of Heppner
spent Monday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan enter
tained a number of friends at their
home Saturday evening. Refresh
ments were served at the close of a
pleasant evening.
Eva Wilcox has returned from a
trip to Pomeroy, Dayton and Walla
Walla, Wash.
Lexington School Notes
G. A. Bleakman of Heppner 3poke
before the assembly Thursday af
ternoon on "County Government."
He discussed also precautions which
every school child should observe.
The four upper grades as well as
the high school enjoyed his talk.
Thursday evening, Dec. 14, the P.
T. A. card party will be held at the
gymnasium at 7:30. The admission
price will be 15c or two for 25c and
as the funds taken in will be Used
tt help finance the school hot
lunches evereyone Is urged to be
present. Refreshments will be
served afterwards. Both bridge and
five hundred will be played and
prizes will be given.
The high school basketball team
played their first game of the sea
son on the Heppner floor Friday
evening. The game was very close
at all times and finally was won by
Heppner, 25-23. On Saturday night
they played at Condon, winning by
a score of 37-27. Much better team
work was displayed due to the ex
perience of the Heppner game. Ves
ter Thornburg led the scoring with
23 points. The next game will be
at Echo Thursday, Dec. 21st.
Don't forget to attend the bene
fit smoker to be held at the gym
nasium Saturday, Dec. 16. Mr. Gil
lis and Mr. Williams have arranged
an especially entertaining evening
in which entrants from Lexington,
Heppner, lone and Multnomah club
will- appear. Only the better con
testants of the last smoker will be
on the card and in addition several
(Continued on Ft I Fear)
AH Approved Projects to
be Under Way Tomor
row, Using 90 Men.
New Quarters Established in Hum
phreys Building for Reemploy
ment Office; Women Eligible.
The Civil Works Administration
program is expected to get under
full sway in Morrow county to
morrow, with advice from the Port
land office this morning that the
county's quota had been increased
from 105 to 119 men, all of whom
are expected to be at work tomor
row or as soon thereafter as possi
ble. The local relief committee had
already approved projects enough
to put the former quota of 105 men
to work. Of these, 10 have so far
been approved by the Portland of
fice. The local committee expected
to approve enough more projects
today to employ the full quota of
Approval was received the first
of the week of six more projects,
all of which have already started or
will be started tomorrow. These,
with the number of men on each,
are: Heppner city hall, 10 Heppner
school roof, 10; Heppner Masonic
cemetery, 6; grading lone school
grounds, 5; painting Lexington
school gym, 3; painting schoolhouse,
Davis district, 2.
Three projects approved locally
that have been sent to Portland
for approval have not been acted
upon. They are: Repairing books
for Heppner public library; im
provement Johnson hill road, lone,
and kalsomining interior Lexington
With all the approved projects
under way tomorrow, 90 men of
the county's quota will be at work,
and the remainder will be put to
work just as fast as approval of
projects is received, announces J.
O. Turner, county administrator
for the CWA, who received notice
of appointment on return from Sa
lem the first of the week.
New quarters upstairs In the
Humphreys "building were opened
this week for the county reemploy
ment office, with Vawter Parker,
assistant disbursin g officer, having
charge. He has two assistants, Miss
Lucille Beymer and Nolan Turner.
The reemployment office received
word from Portland this morning
that women may register as well as
men, but It is thought not probable
that married women will be em
ployed if their husbands already
have jobs.
That the CWA program may be
carried on til the first of May next
year was announced in this morn
ing's press, with the appropriation
to be extended from three billion
to six billion dollars.
A second benefit smoker will be
presented by the Lexington school
at 8 o'clock Saturday nie-ht In fhA
gym for the purpose of raising
money to provide a wrestling mat
for the school. Georca rmiio onH
James H. Williams, sponsors, say
mis promises to be even better than
the initial smoker two weeks ago.
All the good numbers have been re
tained for return matches and sev
eral new contestants entered as
well, featuring representatives from
HeDDner. Lexinetnn Inns nrt Mult
nomah club, Portland. An invita
tion is extended to attend the dance
following the smoker, with ladles
COrdiallV invited trt tha amniram am
well as the men. Some Interesting
stunts Detween bouts will keep
things livened up, It is promised.
The special legislative session
failed to do anvthine about th nlri
age pension passed by the regular
session tnis spring, and the act goes
into effect the first of the year. Mor
row county has budgeted $6000 to
apply for this purpose, which, in the
opinion of members of the county
court will not be sufficient to meet
the situation. It Is estimated that
72 people in Morrow county are eli
gible for pensions under the act
"The Yellow Shadow," high school
junior class play which was sched
uled to be presented tomorrow eve
ning, has been Indefinitely post
poned due to a prevailing epidemic
of German measles. A basketball
game which the high school team
was to have played at Pendleton
this week end also has been post
poned, according to word from the
No less than five radio owners of
the city are to be affected by the
city hall improvement They are
tied up to the large aerial erected
on the roof of the building, which
will need to be removed In putting
on the new roof contemplated.
Annual election of officers of
Hennner Lodee No. 69. A. IP.
& A. M., will be held at the regular
communication at Masonic hall on
Saturday evening, December 16. All
members are urged to attend, says,
L. L. Gilliam, W. M.