Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 07, 1933, Image 1

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    r, C " r 'J V. - ' J , , ,, M
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Volume 50, Number 39.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Better Quarters for Coun
cil, Library, Fire Truck
Aim of Big Project.
Mayor Anderson Tells Lions of Pro
posal; Landing Field, Bank
Get Action From Club.
Heppner will have an attractive
city hall with good quarters for the
council, library and fire truck if and
when the project proposed by the
city to be executed largely with
CWA money is completed, accord
ing to the report given the Lions
club Monday by Mayor Anderson.
The project was one of several
approved by the county relief com
mittee Saturday and will be acted
upon shortly by the state supervis
ory board in Portland. It contem
plates the employment of at least
11 men, and calls for the expendi
ture of $750 of city money besides
$2150 of CWA money.
Included in the improvement will
be repair of the roof of the city
building at the corner of Willow
and Gale streets; renovating of
quarters for the council and water
office, the library, and the fire truck
and intallation of lavatories. If the
project goes through as planned, the
city will have the most attractive
administrative headquarters in its
The club committee to investi
gate available ground for a landing
field and the possibility of obtain
ing CWA money for the improve
ment of the same, reported that the
chance of obtaining such a field
seemed feasible. Immediately
after the luncheon members of the
committee made an inspction tour
of probable sites.
A new lead on the banking situa
tion was offdered by Edward Bloom
who reported an eastern Oregon
bank as being interested in the es
tablishment of a bank at Heppner
and steps were taken by the club
to make further investigation of
the matter.
A short discussion was had of
proposed truck and bus legislation
now before the legislature in view
of a proposal that no reduction in
truck and bus rates be granted from
those now in force, but members,
feeling they were not well enough
Informed on the matter did not en
dorse the proposal.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Nelll of Pine
City were receiving congratulations
of friends while in Heppner Sun
day. The marriage of Mrs. Nora
Moore of this city to Mr. L. D. Nelll
was an event of Friday, Dec. 1, at
Pendleton, and came as a surprise
to relatives and friends of this com
munity. Mrs. Nelll has closed her
home here and moved her house
hold goods to Pine City. On Mon
day evening the newlyweds were
given a rousing reception at the
Nelll home by their neighbors of
the lower Butter creek country.
Apparently becoming tired of life,
Mrs. Newcomb attempted suicide
at the home of her nephew, John
Smith in North Heppner on Sunday
evening. She used a mixture of
turpentine and linament to which
was added some tablets, and while
the results were not fatal, the old
lady has been in a serious condition
at the Morrow General hospital
where she was taken for treatment.
Despondency is given as the cause
for the act.
A. E, McFarlane, president, and
A. F. Houghton, secretary, West
Extension Irrigation district, were
in the city yesterday on business
before the countv court. Thev se
cured the consent of the court tot
have the county stand half the ex
pense of filing district land plats.
F. W. Turner made a business trip
to Portland the end of the week.
He returned home Sunday, being
accompanied by the Misses Madge
Coppock, Winifred Thomson and
Juanlta Leathers who spent the
Thanksgiving holidays in the city.
Kate J. Young lodge, Degree of
Honor, meets Tuesday, Dec. 12, at
8 o'clock in Odd Fellows hall. The
bazaar will be held at this time. Be
there and bring your coupons.
Clara Beamer, Sec.
A basket dinner will be given at
the Methodist church on Sunday,
December 10. Come and bring your
basket and enjoy this feast of good
things. Everybody Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Hiatt motored
to La Grande Monday, Mr. Hiatt
having some business affairs to at
tend to there. They returned Wed
nesday evening.
The ladles of the Episcopal aux
iliary will hold their annual bazaar
next Thursday, Dec. 14, beginning
at 2:30, A 25o supper will be served
from 6 to 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones were vis
itors In Pendleton on Wednesday,
where Mr. Jones was called on mat
ters of business.
Frank Roberts has been busy this
week renovating quarters in one of
his buildings on west Willow street
preparatory to receiving a variety
store to be operated by Mrs. Flor
ence Dimmlck, recently of Pendle
ton, a sister of D, M. Ward of lone.
Thanksgiving day was the day of
family dinners in lone. At the J.
W. Howk home twenty people gath
ered around the "festive board."
Included were the Elmer Griffiths
family and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn, Carl and
Clarence Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Engelman and son Joel, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs. Margar
et Rietmann and sons Otto, David
and Robert
The parents, brothers and sisters
and their families of Peter and Geo.
Timm all came over from Pendle
ton to eat Thanksgiving dinner at
the Timm ranch.
The families of Kenneth, Earl
and Kelthley Blake ate dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Blake at their
ranch home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley had
as their gdests, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
McCurdy and family, Mr. and Mrs.
George Tucker and daughter, Max
Ine, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman and
Miss Katheryn Feldman. The eve
ning was spent playing bridge with
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy mak
ing high score.
Mrs. Alice McNabb, Wesley Mc
Nabb, James and Glenn Warfield
motored to Pasco, Wash., to eat
Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Jewell. They returned
home in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith motored
to The Dalles on Thanksgiving day
to spend a short time with their
daughter Mildred at the home of
Mrs. Smith's sister In that city.
They reurned home the following
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pomerantz who
have made their home here for the
past few months have moved back
to Portland.
Walter Linn returned Wednesday
from a short trip to the Willamette
valley. Coming with him was his
brother Carl who with his wife
(Alice Head) makes his home at
Slletz, Ore. Mrs. Linn is teaching
at Siletz as she has for the past two
or three years. Teachers in that
part of the state are in much the
same boat as here only more so,
wages being lower and only short
term contracts being given.
Mrs. Kenneth Kistler and son and
daughter of Wapato, Wash., were
guests at the home of Mrs. Kistler's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Prophet,
the latter part of last week. They
returned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy ac
companied by Mrs. Ella Davidson,
drove to Toppenish, Wash., Monday
to spend the dav at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ries. They found
Mr. Ries somewhat improved in
health but still unable to get about.
On Thanksgiving day his doctor had
removed the cast which he had been
obliged to wear on his leg for sev
eral weeks following an operation
for an abscess on his hip. I
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevln with
Betty and Denward spent the holi
day with Mrs. Bergevin's mother
and sister and family at Haines.
They returned home Sunday.
Willows grange members gave a
community welfare social in the
hall at Cecil last Saturday evening,
Dec. 2. The earlier part of the eve
ning was given over to a very inter
esting program put on by the pupils
of the Cecil school and members of
the grange. At the close of the
program four young ladles engaged
In a cracker eating contest, then
two pie eating contests were held
for the small boys and for the men.
Dickie Krebs won the first and the
second which proved to be quite a
lively affair ended with Henry
Krebs first and Glenn Copp a close
second. These contests were the
source of much merriment Danc
ing followed with a supper served
by the H. E. C. about midnight.
This social was held for the purpose
or raising funds to assist the lone
and Cecil schools in their work of
serving hot lunches to grade school
children. The sponsors regret not
having had a better turnout, but
thank those who helped in any way
and gave their support. After ex
penses were taken out the evening's
receipts of $4.60 were turnd over to
each school,
The dance given last Wednesday
evening by the Auxiliary was well
attended and was a financial suc
cess, a neat sum being turned into
the treasury of the organization to
be used In Its welfare work, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward accom
panied by Mrs. Bert Mason, drove
to Spokane last Monday morning.
Mrs. Jennie McMurray enter
tained the Topic club at her home
last Saturday afternoon. Nine mem
bers were present to enjoy the pro
gram. The subject for study was
"India" and roll call was answered
by facts about that country. "Casts
and Outcasts" was reviewed by Mrs.
D. M. Ward. Mrs. Walter Corley
gave a report on the various forms
of religion found in India, and des
criptions of the different harbors
of India were read by Mrs. George
Tucker and Mrs. Earl Blake. De
licious refreshments were served by
tne nostess at the close of the pro
gram. Funeral services for William R.
Wilbanks of Boardman who died at
the Hermlston hospital on Decem
ber 1 were held on Tuesday after
noon at the Congregational church
with Rev. Joseph Pope of Heppner
as officiating clergyman. Interment
was made at the Morgan cemetery.
Mr. Wilbanks leaves to mourn their
loss his wife, two daughters, three
sisters and a brother.
Delbert and Jlnimle Cochran who
make their home at Wallowa with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
G, Hudson have been visiting their
(Continued on Pag Four)
W. R. Wilbanks, Elmer Westervelt
-Victims; Officers See Results
of Gruesome Battle,
Tragedy visited the Boardman
community last Thursday (Thanks
giving) evening when a gruesome
fight caused the death of the two
participants, W. R. Wilbanks and
Elmer Westervelt. Wilbanks, 44,
was a project farmer, and Wester
velt, 45, was working at the Wil
banks Tarm. The fight was staged
at the Wilbanks farm home be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock, presumably
in the dark.
The prostrate men and the up
torn, scarified Interior of the house
was mute evidence to the officers of
the nature of the battle. Wester
velt was dead when found, and Wil
banks, with a slashed throat, died
at the Hermlston hospital the fol
lowing morning after surgical treat
ment had proved of no avail.
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff; Guy
Barlow, deputy sheriff, and F. A.
McMahon, state policeman, made
the investigation on being sum
moned by Warren Vernon Brice,
19-year-old boy, the only other per
son in the house, who was asleep
during the fight. Brice was sum
moned by Wilbanks after Wester
velt had been laid low and told to
go after the sheriff. While Brice
was gone Wilbanks presumably in
flicted the mortal injury to himself.
Dr. Christopherson of Hermiston
attended Wilbanks.
The bodies of the fight victims
were brought to Heppner and pre
pared for burial by Phelps Funeral
home. Westervelt was buried at
Kelso, Wash., Sunday, and Wilbanks
was buried at Morgan following
services at lone, Tuesday.
Westervelt was a native of e-
braska, born February 27, 1889. He
is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Minnie Westervelt of Kelso; two
sisters, Mrs. A. A. Fisher of Kelso,
and Mrs. Max Silven of Bremerton;
and two brothers, Russell and The
ron Westervelt
Wilbanks was born in Albany,
February, 1889. He is survived by
the widow, Mrs. Sarah Wilbanks,
and two daughters. Mrs. Wilbanks
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Chandler of Cecil. A few years
ago the Wilbanks family farmed
near Heppner and Mr. Wilbanks
was quite well known here.
Heppner Lodge of Elks
Observes Sorrow Lodge
Tribute to the departed brothers
of Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks,
was paid by Joel R. Benton who
gave the memorial address at the
annual lodge of sorrow last Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Benton's address
brought out the fitting manner in
which the beautiful service compli
ed with the order's principles of
charity, justice, brotherly love and
fidelity. The departed brothers who
failed to answer to the roll call by
the secretary. Dean T. Goodman,
are Robert R. Butler, Frank Gil
liam, Robert J. Carsner.
Mrs. George Gillis of Lexington
played the funeral march to which
the members entered. Two selec
tions, "There Is No Death," O'Hara,
and "Let Us Have Peace," Ball,
were sung by the American Legion
Auxiliary trio, Coramae Ferguson,
Barbara England, Georgia Moore,
accompanied by Mrs. Gillis. Laurel
Beach of Lexington sang "Face to
Face," Johnson, with Mrs. Gillis ac
companying. J. G. Thomson, Jr.,
esteemed leading knight, presided.
The Rural Teachers club will hold
its second meeting next Saturday,
Dec. 9, at the Eight Mile school
house with Mrs. Beulah Bell act
ing as hostess. Since members of
the club have always preferred to
meet at some rural center this prac
tice has been continued. At a pre
vious meeting at Hard man, the
teachers suggested various topics
they desired to have discussed, and
around these units an interesting
program has been prepared. It will
begin at 10 a. m., and will be as fol
lows: Music and group singing; bus
iness meeting; "Conducting a Music
Festival," Velma Huston; a play,
Hardman ' primary grades; "Clay
Modelling in the School," Kathryn
Feldman; a dialog, Hardman high
school; book review, "First Steps
In Art and Handiwork," Mae Do
herty; "Administering Achievement
Tests," Mrs. Lucy Rodgers; round
table discussion: current problems
in school rooms, possibility of text
book exchange.
Stella Mav Edwards nf rauinm
county was married to Norman Ray
Pentecost of Wheeler county at the
residence of Joel R. Benton, Chris
tian minister, in this city last Fri
day nleht at 10:30 o'clock. The
young people wll make their home
at Kinzua.
All warrants of City of Heppner
registered before Dec. 1, 1933. will
be paid if presented to the City
Treasurer. Interest on said war
rants will cease Dec. 7, 1933.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
Ytn day of December, 1933.
W. O. DIX, City Treasurer,
Wanted Horses to break tn mid
dle at $5 per head and board. Write
to Heppner or Hardman. Duff Mc
Kitrlck. 27-30p
For Sale Circulating wood and
coal heater in good condition. In
quire Gazette Times office.
From Happenings Here and Yon
Windy Weather
Barbed Wire
and other things of more or less
moment as seen by
i :
A hard gale swept the county on
Tuesday. It blew fiercely for a time
in the evening, carrying in its folds
the light loam of summerf allow
fields as it passed between Lexing
ton and lone. It died down before
morning to be followed by a wel
come warm rain yesterday that
grew colder toward evening.
Folks generally welcome the rain,
hoping it will continue to stave off
unwelcome snow storms and a des
tituting cold wave such as the one
experienced a year ago.
The weather is one place Morrow
county has it all over southern Cal
ifornia. We don t have to make
any excuses. Our weather is always
unusual; hence exciting, giving ver
ity to the belief that "variety is the
spice of life."
That variety is really what peo
ple like is attested by the headwait
er (or bartender, or as you like it)
of the place in Chicago where some
2600 people were making convivial
over the resurrection of John Bar
leycorn Tuesday night He, the
headwaiter, as reported in the radio
broadcast, said there really wasn't
any preference being shown for any
particular drink.
Yes, all the drinks were popular,
the radio told the world. But the
messenger of the air failed to give
the complete picture. It should
have broadcast all the headaches
the next morning.
(Continued on Page Four)
Council Lets Ordinance Stand Until
Action by Lefrature; Utah
Casts Deciding Vote.
There will be no legal manufac
ture, sale or transportation of in
toxicating beverages within the city
of Heppner until after definite ac
tion has been taken by the legisla
ture, as Heppner's bone dry ordin
ance will remain in effect, accord
ing to the decision of the city coun
cil Monday evening. Discussion of
the subject was had following the
question of what the city should do
after repeal of the 18th amendment
on Tuesday.
Uncertainty of what the legisla
ture would do about the matter led
the council to the decision to let the
local situation stay as it is until
after the legislature acts. One pro
posal before the legislature would
nullify all dry clauses in municipal
charters and all city dry ordinances
if enacted. But whatever the city
might do would probably be but
temporary at best, City Attorney
Nys Instructed, and no member of
the council was ready to advocate
repeal of existing statutes and leave
the city wide open.
Repeal of the 18th amendment to
the U. S. constitution was effected
Tuesday when the Utah state con
stitutional convention was held,
Utah being the last of the states
voting wet to hold its convention
and the state to cast the deciding
vote tor repeal.
Little interest in the repeal situa
tion was evidenced locally and no
unusual celebration of the event
took place.
The council discussed briefly
some of the projects eligible for
CWA money and transacted current
business. Mayor Anderson, all coun-
cilmen and other city officers were
Wheatmen's Meeting on
at Moro Tomorrow
Forty Morrow county farmers
will attend the annual conference
of the Eastern Oregon Wheat lea
gue, opening at Moro tomorrow, if
expectations as expressed to Chas.
W. Smith, county agent and league
secretary, are carried out Interest
In the meeting has been lively here,
said Mr. Smith, who believes that
a large attendance is justified in
light of the excellent program that
has been prepared.
The program will open at 9 o'
clock tomorrow morning, with call
to order by President Emerson, The
annual banquet will be held at 6:30
tomorrow evening. Convening on
Saturday morning at 8 o'clock, bus
iness of the conference will continue
until 3:30 In the afternoon when
election of officers will take place
as the concluding action of the
E. R. Thurber, examiner of op
erators and chauffeurs, will be in
Heppner Wednesday, Dec. 13, and
can be seen at the court house be
iween the hours of 1:00 and 5:00
o'clock p. m. Those wishing per
mits or licenses to drive cars are
asked to get in touch with Mr.
Thurber during these hours.
Annual Play of High School Class
Slated December 15; Roles
of Players Cited.
The junior class of Heppner high
school will present the three-act
mystery comedy, "The Yellow Shad
ow" by Clark Willard, at the high
school gymnasium Friday, Dec. 15.
This will be the first mystery play
presented in Heppner in recent
years. "The Yellow Shadow" is
one of the best of mystery plays
and provides an opportunity for
good acting.
A puzzling murder, wierd noises,
and mysterious disappearances dur
ing a stormy winter night provides
many thrilling "chills."
Sheriff Macklin (Clifford Yarnell)
is a typical backwoods sheriff who
furnishes the chief comic element
in the play. In Jed Travis, played
by Howard Furlong, we have a
psychological character study. In
his erratic moments he furnishes
the audience, as well as the other
characters, with "thrills and chills."
Jennie Swendig plays the part of
Hazel Wayne, a maid of forty, who
is a New York society leader. Her
ideas of the west have been derived
from a "Buffalo Bill" show. To her
the mystery is "horrible, worse than
In the person of J. Steel (Frances
.Rugg) there is another excellent
character portrayal of a feminine
coroner who is working on her first
Another mysterious figure is Her
bert Marvin (Joe Green) who has
lived in Singapore and whose past
is questionable. Herberts sister,
Mildred (Ilene Kilkenny) who has
inherited Viewcrest lodge, and her
chum Alice Perkins (Jessie French)
are typical examples of modern
young ladies.
The polished and talented attor
ney for Miss Marvin who accom
panies her to the lodge is Gilbert
Wright, played by Ed Dick.
Last but not least In this myster
ious cast is the Chinaman, Wong
Song (Bill Schwarz) who appears
and disappears following out his
own business; and Neil Travis (Lor
ena Wilson the wife of the erratic
Jed who looms ominously in the
background throughout the play.
Dr. N. E.Winnard Dies:
Had Long Practice Here
Dr. N. E. Winnard, well known
physician of Eugene who was prom
inent in the Morrow county med
ical field for many years, died at
the Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland on Tuesday following a
lingering illness. Dr. Winnard re
moved from Heppner to Eugene
with his family in 1919, having prac
ticed medicine here for 15 years,
where he and family made many
life-long friendships.
It was to give the children better
opportunities for education that thei
family moved to the university city.
The son, Norton, in whose memory
an achievement cup Is awarded each
year in the local high school, was to
have carried on In his father's foot
steps; and the family was overbur
dened with grief when he died
shortly after graduation with hon
ors from Harvard medical school.
Dr. Winnard was born in Michi
gan, May 22, 1864. He received his
college degrees in Iowa and later
his medical degree from Rush Med
ical college. He came west in 1890.
He was a member of the Masonic,
Knights of Pythias and Odd Fel
lows lodges and of the Methodist
During part of his practice In this
city, Dr. Winnard had as his part
ner Dr. A". D. McMurdo who con
tinued the local practice when Dr.
Winnard went to Eugene. In Eu
gene Dr. Winnard first went into
partnership with Dr. William Kuy
kendall, pioneer physician of Eu
gene, then with Dr. M. G. Howard.
These three, with Drs. P. J. Bartle,
W. B. Neal and C. D. Donahue,
started the Eugene hospital. About
four years ago Dr. Winnard with
drew to enter private practice.
Dr. Winnard is survived by a
daughter, Miss Charlotte Winnard
of Eugene and his widow, Mrs. Ma
mie Winnard. His brother, Frank
Winnard, whose home is at Hills
dale, spent the summer months
Mrs. Vena Fuller, sister of Mrs.
E. R, Huston, died at her home in
Baker last Wednesday, according to j
word receivea Dy Mr. jnuston nere.
Mrs, Huston, who is at the home of
a brother in Albany convalescing
from a recent operation undergone
at a hospital in that city, was un
able to go to Baker. Mrs. Huston
was reported to be making good
headway toward recovery.
Bishop W. P. Remington and
Mrs. Remington will accompany
Rev. M. G. Tennyson and Mrs. Ten
nyson to Heppner Sunday for ser
vices at All Saints Episcopal church.
Bishop Remington will give the 11
o'clock sermon in the morning and
will preside over confirmation ser
The newly organized Christian
Endeavor society of Hardman will
be the guest of the Heppner society
Sunday evening. Beginning at 6
o'clock, refreshments will be served
and at 6:30 the regular meeting will
be held. All members of the Hepp
ner society are urged to be present.
Lexington paused in its daily rou
tine for two hours Saturday after
noon to pay its final respects to Ed
ward T. Burchell, pioneer farmer
of this community who passed
away suddenly Monday evening fol
lowing a heart attack.
Friends and relatives packed the
Christian church were the funeral
services were held and a large cor
tege followed the body to its final
resting place.
Pall bearers were Earl Warner,
George Peck, George White, Ray
McAllister, Ralph Benge and How
ad Lane. Appropriate songs were
sung by a quartet composed of
Harvey Miller, Mrs. Trina Parker,
Miss Dona Barnett and John Mil
ler. Harvey Miller sang a beauti
ful solo. Mrs. George Gillis was at
the piano.
Edward Theodore Burchell, soni
of H. E. and Katherine Burchell
was born at Bolivar, Missouri, on
December 6, 1868, and departed this
t i a l. . ....
me at i.exingi.on on iNovemDer s.,
1933, at the age of 64 years, 11
months and 21 days.
With his parents he went from
Missouri to Indiana while still a
very small child, and when he was
four years of age the family moved
to Kansas where he resided until
1886 when he came west to Hilis
boro, Oregon. In 1896 he came to
Morrow county and settled on the
ranch where he resided until the
time of his death, being engaged in
farming during this time.
On May 15, 1912, he was united In
marriage to Anna Mae Reaney and
to this union five children were
born, four of whom are living. Be
sides the widow, Mae Burchell, he
is survived by two sons, Edward
and Billy; two daughters, Grace and
Doris, and two brothers, H. N. Bur
chell of Sheridan and C. O. Burchell
of Corvallis.
In his long residence here Mr.
Burchell was esteemed as an honest
and concientious neighbor, thought
ful of his family and friends, who
were many. The entire community
extends Its sympathy to the be
reaved family.
you are interested in the welfare of
your grange you are urged to at
tend the meeting Saturday night
A matter of vital importance to
Lexington grange is to be brought
up at this meeting and it is hoped
that all members will be in attend
ance. Also, there will be installa
tion of the new officers of Willows
and Lexington granges. This will
begin promptly at 7:30 and will be
open to the public. After the In
stallation the grange will be closed
for the transaction of business. The
degree obligations will be given to
any candidates who may be there.
After the business meeting there
will b a pot luck supper and a so
cial hour of dancing for grange
members only.
On Saturday afternoon the Home
Economics club will hold a bazaar
in the dining room at the hall from
one until six o'clock. Cooked foods,
home-made candy, fruit, articles of
handwork, aprons, and many other
items too numerous to mention will
be on sale at bargain prices.
On Friday evening, December 15,
Laurel Beach will go to Walla Walla
to sing the tenor role in "The Cre
ation," an oratorio which is being
put on by the Whitman college or
atorio club. There will be a forty
piece orchestra and one hundred
and fifty people will sing in the
chorus. Howard E. Pratt is the di
rector and the other soloists will be
from San Francisco and Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNlel of
Portland have been vistiing with
their daughter, Mrs. Harry Schrle
ver. Miss Eula McMillan spent the
Thanksgiving holidays with friends
in Antone and John Day.
The road crew is at work this
week grading the Lexington-Echo
market road. Work has also been
started on the cemetery road. Lo
cal men are being employed insofar
as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Fryrear
and daughter of Heppner visited
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Cutsforth
are the proud parents of an eleven
pound son, born Sunday morning,
December 3rd. The young man has
been named Orville William.
Miss Glea Sias entertained on
Friday afternoon with a delightful
jig-saw party. The guests includ
ed Tillie Nelson, Naomi McMillan,
Erma Lane, Faye Luttrell, Mildred
Hunt, Fern Luttrell, Neva Warner,
Rose Thornburg, Jessie McCabe
and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson. De
licious refreshments of chicken
sandwiches, cookies and cocoa were
Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Johnston of
Estacada were calling on Lexing
ton friends last week. The Johns
tons formerly taught in the local
high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller enter
tained the following guests at din
ner on Thanksgiving day: Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Dinges and son Danny,
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Parker, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Baldwin, Gladys Rea
ney and Olivia Baldwin,
Delpha Merrltt fell one day last
week and sprained her left elbow
quite badly.
Ben Tucker and Joe Bond re
turned to Grandvlew, Wash., on
Thursday evening after spending
several days with their uncle, W.
B. Tucker, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn and
daughter of lone were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt on Sun
day. Miss Elsie Tucker of Allcel spent
(Continued on Page Four)
50 Men at Work Under
CWA; Balance Quota to
be Employed Soon.
Civic Betterment Through Improve
ment of Existing Facilities Aim;
Jobs First Consideration,
Twelve more projects were ap'
proved by the Morrow County Re
lief committee Saturday for con'
struction with CWA funds, which if
' naaaaA Ko tVia annonrlenrv r..mmit.
passed by the supervisory commit
tee in Portland will help provide
work for some of the 236 men now
on the registration lists at the re
employment office in Heppner who
are not already called.
Fifty men are now at work on
the four projects first approved, as
follows: Willow creek road, 20;
Lexington cemetery road, 10; Irri
gon ferry road, 10; Boardman pro
ject road, 10.
Approval was expected of the
Johnson hill road, part of the Ione
Boardman market road, in order
to start work tomorrow, leaving
only the upper and lower Rhea
creek road projects of those for
merly approved by the local com
mittee to be passed upon in Port
land. These two road projects have
not been disapproved, though Vaw
ter Parker, local administrator, has
received word that projects other
than road projects are to be pre
ferred because of the large amount
of money already allotted on this
class of work in the county.
The 12 projects passed by the lo
cal committee Saturday Include, for
Heppner: city hall alteration, Ma
sonic cemetery improvement, pub
lic library improvement, re-roofing
school building, window-stripping
for school, improving school heat
ing plant; for county: hunting pre
datory animals; for Lexington:
painting exterior of school gym, kal-
somining interior of school; for
lone: street grading and graveling,
improving school grounds; for Dist
4, painting Davis school.
Approval of these projects will
call for employment of the remain
der of the county's quota of 105
men. How much further the work
will be extended to take care of all
the men on the registration lists
has not been announced.
Wonderful progress has been
made in getting the CWA machin
ery into motion in this county since
its start two weeks ago, and the
benefits are already being largely
It is the intent of the CWA pro
gram to make cities, counties and
states better places in which to live
through improvement of existing
facilities of a general welfare na
ture. None of the money goes for
new construction, and the major
part of it is expended for labor to
provide jobs for the unemployed.
The setup allows 20 percent of the
total allotted by the government for
any project to be expended for ma
terials, the other 80 percent to go
for labor.
It is intended to get full value
for every dollar expended in the
work, and to this end the reemploy
ment offices have been instructed
to pick the men within the com
munities in which the projects are
being carried on who are best qual
ified for each particular job.
The CWA program is intended to
largely offset the amount expended
for direct relief.
V. D. Carlson, district field rep
resentative for the CWA was in
Heppner Saturday to help in the
local organization and to explain
the program to the members of the
local relief committee.
Thanksgivnig Day came on No
vember 30th this year the 87th
birthday anniversary of Mrs. W, W.
Smead, one of Oregon's pioneers,
and the event was celebrated quiet
ly but happily by her at their home
at 405 Jones street, where she was
the recipient of many calls and
gifts by her numerous friends and
relatives. During the day a sump
tuous turkey dinner was served, al
though only a few of Mrs. Smead's
Immediate family could be present,
covers being laid for Postmaster
and Mrs. Smead, their daughter,
Mrs. W. F. Piper of Marshfleld, and
Mrs. Agnes McPherson, who for a
number of years has made her home
with Mrs. Smead, acting as nurse
and companion. The Gazette Times
joins the many other friends of Mrs.
Smead in congratulations and
wishes for continued health and
Outstanding warrants of School
District No. 12, Morrow County, Or
egon, numbered 30 to 62 inclusive,
will be paid on presentation to the
district clerk at Lexington, Oregon,
Interest ceases with this notice.
District Clerk.
Joint Installation of Ruth chap
ter 32, O. E. S., and Heppner lodge
69, A. F. & A. M., is scheduled for
Wednesday evening, Dec. 20, begin
ning with dinner at 6 o'clock. Mem
bers of the two orders and wives,
and husbands are Invited,