Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 30, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from First Pajre)
on, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Corley, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lun
dell and Mrs. Earl Blake. Prizes
for hlph score were won by Mrs.
Earl Blake, Mrs. W. R. Corley, H.
D. McCurdy and J. E. Swanson, and
low score by Mrs. C. W. Swanson,
Mrs. E. R. Lundell, W. R Corley
and Bert Mason. Sandwiches and
salad were served. Mr. and Mrs.
Cotter started in their car and will
make the trip in it unless weather
conditions become too unfavorable
when they will store it and go on
by rail.
Eight and one half tons of tur
keys were received by Swift & Co.
here last week.
Willows grange held their regu
lar meeting at the hall in Cecil Sat
urday evening, Nov. 25. In addition
to a large number of members there
were present the following visitors
from Lexington: A. E. Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine. Eight
applicants were balloted on to be
come members of willows grange
by initiation. Election of officers
resulted in the following persons
being elected to serve the grange
during the coming year: Master,
Vida Heliker; overseer, George
Krebs; lecturer, Mary Lundell;
steward, Vernice Crawford; assist
ant steward, Donald Heliker; chap
lain, Ida Copp; secretary, Roxy
Krebs; treasurer, O. L. Lundell;
Ceres, Dot Crabtree; Pomona, Dim
ple Crabtree; Flora, Harriet Heli
ker; gatekeeper, W. G. Palmateer;
lady assistant steward, Hattie Van
Schoiack; new member on execu
tive committee, J. O. Kincaid. Mrs.
Rose Bubeck was elected to fill a
vacancy on the executive commit
tee, also. These officers will be in
stalled jointly with those of Lexing
ton at a public Installation at Lex
ington on Dec. 9. Chas. Wickland
er, state deputy, will be installing
Interesting talks were given by
the visitors from Lexington. Later
travel talks were given by several
members who have recently re
turned home from visits in various
places. Mrs. O. Spaulding of Ar
lington has just returned from a
trip through the east and . south.
She visited the Century of Progress
Exposition at Chicago and in a
number of other cities among them
Joliet, HI., New Tork City, Wash
ington and Philadtlphia, then re
turning to her home by the south
ern route visiting several California
cities on the way.
Mrs. Peter Timm told of the trip
taken by her family to southern
California recently. They particu
larly enjoyed the coast highway
through the redwoods and they
made stopovers in all the principal
cities. They also had the thrill of
a few small earthquake tremors.
Among souvenirs brought home by
Mrs. Timm were avacado pears,
redwood burls, a bit of cotton which
she picked herself and numerous
other interesting articles, as well as
pictures taken on the trip.
J. O. Kincaid and Mrs. Ernest
Heliker each gave short talks on
their trip to Boise, Idaho, to the
National Grange convention and
the happenings there.
The community welfare commit
tee announced a program and dance
to be given on the night of Satur
day, Dec. 2, at the hall, the proceeds
to be used for the benefit of the hot
lunch program of the Cecil and
lone schools. A small charge will
be made at the door for the pro
gram and a supper will be sold later
in the evening. It is hoped that this
project will be given excellent sup
port by everyone.
Week-end visitors at the Heliker
ranch were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van
Orsdal and daughters, Janice and
Thelma, also Miss Lyrel Ingram
and William Rhodes. On Sunday
Mrs. Minnette Senteer and Mrs.
Beckwith of La Grande and Mrs.
Harriet Ingram of Pendleton spent
the day at the Heliker ranch. All
of the guests returned to Pendleton
on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Vida Heliker, J. O. Kincaid
and A. M. Zink have returned from
Boise, Idaho, where Mr. Kincaid
and Mrs. Heliker were in attend
ance at the National Grange con
vention. Mr. Zink journeyed on to
King Hill, Idaho, for a visit with
his daughter and son-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. W. E. Thompkins and
their family. Mrs. Heliker also
visited there for a short time be
fore her return home.
H. W. Filkins has returned from
a three weeks visit at Albany with
a orother.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore drove
to Portland with Irvin Padberg the
last of the week for a short visit
with their daughter, Mrs. Wrex
Hicock. They returned home Sun
day evening.
Rev. W. S. Wiley of Condon sup
plied the pulpit at the Congrega
tional church Sunday evening. He
preached a sermon on the topic of
Thanksgiving to an interested au
Fred McMurray of Hermiston
brought over a load of potatoes to
sen Here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Haguewood
will spend Thanksgiving at the
Home oi Mrs. Haguewood g sister,
Mrs. Calandra, at Hood River.
A large number of people, both
local and from more distant points,
attended the turkey shoot at the
Russell Miller farm Sunday.
"Strolling by the River," played
by Mr. Sampietro's ensemble and
sung by Gall Young on the "Book of
Life" hour over KOIN, the Journal,
yesterday, Wednesday. Lyric writ
ten by Grace (Mrs. R. H) Turner
of lone, music by Sylvester L. Cross.
All General Fund Warrants of
Morrow County, Oregon, registered
.prior to this date, will be paid on
presentation at the office of the
county treasurer on or after De
cember 15th, 1933, on which date
Interest on said warrants will cease.
Dated Heppner, Oregon, Novem
ber 29, 1933.
38-40. LEON W. BRIGGS,
County Treasurer.
At Heppner
JOEL R. BENTON. Minister.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services 11 a. m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Evening services 7:30 p. m.
Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek service. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
On this day of nationally pro
claimed Thanksgiving, the Heppner
Church of Christ most earnestly
prays and hopes and wishes for this
city and county, as well as for the
wide world, a full and overflowing
measure of everything in this life
which shall most surely and truly
bring a proper spirit of THANK
FULNESS. May the finest and best and most
gracious experiences of life be yours
today and in all the tomorrows
that shall come to you.
May the greatest possible poise
and prosperity (which is spiritual
poise and spiritual prosperity), be
yours through all the remaining
years of life; with a beautiful, gol
den sunset at the close of the day.
If you have not a church home,
we invite you to come and worship
with us. Come and test the wel
come of this friendly church. Come
at 9:45 for the Bible school every
Lord's Day morning. For the com
ing Lord's Day the sermon topic
for the morning worship will be,
"Exalting a Nation." At the eve
ning hour, 7:30, the Women's Mis
sionary society will have charge of
the services. They will present a
most interesting program, with spe
cial music. Be sure and hear this.!
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Public worship 11:00 a. m., Duet,
"When the Morning Breaks," Mrs.
Neva Cochell and Miss Winifred
Case. Solo, "God Shall Wipe Away
All Tears," Berry, by Laurel Beach.
Sermon, "The One Thing No Man
Can Do."
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evangelsitic service 7:30 p. m.
Song service of Revival hymns.
Solo, "Prayer Perfect," Stearns, by
Mr. Beach. Sermon, "A Big Buy
but a Poor Sale."
The interest in our revival meet
ing is increasing and we shall make
an announcement concerning the
meeting at the morning service.
We hope to se you at the services
just as often as you possibly can
The Lexington Home Economics
club met Thursday afternoon at the
home of Bertha Dinges. Election
of officers was held and the follow
ing were chosen: President, Bertha
Dinges; v ice-president, Anna
Smouse; secretary, Lorena Miller;
treasurer, Beulah Nichols. The next
meeting of the club will be held on
the afternoon of December 7th at
the hall to get things in readiness
for the bazaar which is to be held
on the afternoon of December 9,
beginning at one o'clock. The ba
zaar will be open to everyone dur
ing the afternoon but will be closed
to the public at six o'clock on ac
count of the grange meeting during
the evening. It will be open to
grange members during the entire
evening. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers en
tertained a number of friends with
a pleasant party at their country
home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl were Pen
dleton visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Scott re
turned last week from a visit with
relatives in Portland.
Ben Tucker, MVrle Lansden and
Joe Bond of Grandview, Wash., are
spending the week at the W. B.
Tucker ranch on Black Horse.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ingles of
Boardman spent the week end with
Lexington friends.
Bert Johnson of lone was a Lex
ington visitor Saturday.
J. H. Frad of Portland is visitine
nis daugnter, Mrs. Arnold Pieper.
Mrs. Gunnar Lindhe and brother,
John Viedman, former residents of
uie Lexington vicinity, were over
from their home at Langley, Wash.,
last week and visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice.
Ruth Cowins of Heppner spent
the week end with her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allvn.
Mrs. Merle Miller and children
returned last week from a month's
visit with relatives in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Helms and
children came over from Hermis
ton Sunday and will remain until
after Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Helms.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach,
Miss Faye Luttrell and Vernon
Munkers motored to Portland Sun
day, taking Miss Edna Luttrell who
teaches at Tualatin.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Padberg went
to Portland over the week end. Mr.
Padberg came home Sunday but
Mrs. Padberg remained for a longer
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry of
Portland spent a few days of this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus
Thanksgiving services will be
held tonight (Thursday) at the
Church of Christ at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Laura Eskelson, who has
been visiting Mrs. Lawrence Palmer
spent last week at Ellis ranger sta
tion with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gentry enter
tained at their home Saturday eve
ning with four tables of bridge. The
guests included Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Ingles, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald White,
Mr, and Mrs. John- Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Turner, Mr, and Mrs.
J. G. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams,
Miss Eula McMillan and Laurel
Elmer Palmer is down from his
ranch at Hardman and is helping
his father for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurtry
and son have moved into the Morey
house which was recently vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matlock who
have moved to The Dalles.
Lexington School Notes
The senior class play, "The Man
From Nowhere," was quite a suc
cess and everyone enjoyed the en
tertainment Favorable comments
on the acting and stage setting
were numerous. The play cleared
over twenty dollars. The high
school glee club provided two cur
tain calls.
On Friday, December 1st, at eight
p. m., the P. T. A. benefit card party
will be held in 'the gymnasium.
On Friday evening after the play
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Williams
entertained the play cast and two
of the teachers al their home. The
guests spent the evening working
jigsaw puzzles. Delicious refresh
ments were served late in the eve
ning. The guests included Mrs. La
Velle White, Miss Freda Hammel,
Miss Rose Thornburg. Miss Doris
Burchell, Miss Tillie Nelson, Miss
Helen Breshears, Vester Thornburg,
Garland Thompson, Jack McMillan
and Vivian White.
Honor students in the grades the
past six weeks were: First grade,
Gerry Cutler, Colleen Miller, Jack
Miller; second grade, Louise Hunt,
Marcella Jackson, Ivah Kuns, Col
leen McMillan; third grade, Bunny
Breshears; fourth grade, Wendell
Fulgham, Duane Johnson; fifth
grade, Jerrine Edwards, Kenneth
Jackson; seventh grade, Danny Din
ges; eighth grade, Elwynne Peck,
Jack Van Winkle.
On the high school honor roll:
Freshmen, Kenneth Peck, 2; Edna
Rauch, 2.25; Bernice Martin, 2.5.
Sophomores: Alma Van Winkle. 1:
Doris Burchell, 1; Alberta Fulgham,
1.75; Edith Edwards, 1.75. Juniors:
Doris Klinger, 1.75; Vivian White,
1.75; Helen Breshears, 2; Fern Lut
trell, 2.25; Lester Cox, 2.25; Edward
Hunt, 2.5. Seniors: Faye Luttrell,
1.66; Vester Thornburg, 1.75; Gar
land Thompson, 2; Erma Lane. 2.25:
Claud Wilcox, 2.25.
The P. T. A. card party, sched
uled for Friday evening, has been
An interesting Thanksgiving pro
gram was given in the high school
auditorium Tuesday afternoon. Pre
ceding the program the P. T. A.
held a short business meeting.
Students of the grades and high
school were dismissed on Tuesday
afternoon for the Thanksgiving
holidays which will last during the
remainder of the week.
A large crowd attended the com
muntiv club card nnrtv FHrtnv pvt..
ning. Eleven tables of 500 were in
play. Bob Roeers won. the nrize
for high score. After a supper of
not aog sandwiches, dancing was
enioved for a few hours The lnh'a
parties are increasing in popularity
and will be held throughout the
winter. The parties are held in
Aicy Madden's hall.
Among the Lonerock people who
delivered turkevs in Onnrlnn fho
past week for the Thanksgiving
market were Emmet Davin M
Dora Ranous, David Grieves and
Mrs. George McLaughlin.
,mmet Davis was a Condon vis
itor Thursdav.
Herbert Adams, who has been
trapping near Monument during
the fall, visited Lonerock frienria
this week. Mr. Adams plans on
spending the winter on the Mad
den range trapping coyotes.
Mr.and Mrs. Georze Fichfer an
Miss Carrie Pullen were Condon
visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kin? will
Thanksgiving with relatives at
TT !1 i
Elmer Booher of Condon was in
LonerOCk Fridav. TTe nama An-nm
to purchase a mule from Mahlon
atoneman which was hauled back
in Lloyd Rhinehart's truck Satur
day. Mrs. Bud Perry is ill with influ
enza at ner Home.
The Kngihts of Pythias met in
their hall Saturday evening with
nine members present,
Joe Hayes was a business visitor
in Heppner last week. He also vis
ited relatives on Rhea creek.
Ira McConkie and Mrs. Rose Kirk
were here from Rock creek Satur
day visitine relatives and frienria
Harold Dobyns has been in Lone-
rocK lor the past week working
with Mr. King, the local trapper.
Among Lonerock people attend
ing the dance at Hardman Satur
day night were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
LeTrace Miss Rnxie Wlrir ai t
gren, Lester Wick, Paul Huddles-
ton, Gorman Reynolds, Marie Mik
kalo and Cleo Rohi nsnn.
Mrs. Dora Ranous and Mrs. Guy
xauuuieston were business visitors
in Condon Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Rohl nsnn dobl
ed through town the latter part of
tne weeK with part of their cattle
which they were taking to the Geo.
Webb place in the Mayvllle district
to be wintered.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis LeTrace Wednesday evening
included Mr. and Mrs. King, Harold
Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes
and Roxie Wick.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orwick and
sons visited relatives in Trail Fork
At a meeting of the Mutual Tee
phone line Saturday afternoon ar
rangements were made for a long
distance telephone connection for
the local line. Guy Huddleston's
lease was also renewed for another
year. Mr. Huddleston is soon to be
gin construction of his own line be
tween Lonerock and Condon, a dis
tance of twenty miles.
Elwood Hastings of Hardman is
visiting in Lonerock. He was ac
companied over by Kinnard Mc-
uanici and son Dallas. Mr. Mc
Danlel returned home from his
work in the mountains with the for
est service.
Mrs. Elmer Booher and Mrs. Ben
Tweed of Condon visited in Lone
rock Sunday.
Linnie Lowden and Art Seale of
Condon passed through Lonerock
Thursday with a bunch of horses
which they were taking to Condon
from the Bend country.
Art Andrews has purchased a lot
from Ollle Andrews and is building
himself a house. He also purchased
part of the house belonging to the
late Geo. Lee and is using the lum
ber In the construction of his home.
J. B. Huddleston and Miss Bess
Huddleston have been visiting In
Portland the past week.
Mr. May hew, who herded sheen
for George Fichter during the sum
mer has gone to Canada to visit his
The weather has been mild here
the past week with a warm rain
falling Monday.
The third successive wedding oc
curring within the last few weeks
to interest Hardmnn fnlka wn tViaf
of Miss Mary Sallng, daughter of
Mrs. Corda Saling, and Walter Scotf
of Heppner which took place last
Wednesday afternoon in Heppner.
The bride was born and grew to
young womanhood here and also
received her education here. Mr.
and Mrs. Scott will spend the win
ter months at Long Creek where
Mr. Scott has employment for the
winter. The Scotts have the well
wishes of their many friends here.
The program, consisting of five
one-act plays and a few musical
numbers which was given by the
grade school under the supervision
of H. DeMoss and Marjorie John
son, last Saturday eveniner at th
high school auditorium was a suc
cess both financially as well as in
manner of presentation. The danr
also sponsored by the grade school
were wen received.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and
Mr. and Mrs. Perl Howell have
opened a restaurant in the Kistler
Duiming. it is reported that Bus
ter Bleakman is going to operate a
pastime in a part of the same build
ing which is soon to be open to the
The Christian Endeavor Vanr-lotr
from Heppner sent a number of
delegates, their advisor, Miss Craw
ford and Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Ben
ton out here last Sunday afternoon
for a meeting with the Hardman
society which is just organizing in
response to an invitation from this
group. The Heppner society has
extended an invitation to our so
ciety to visit their meeting Sunday,
December 9, and Mr. Benton has
requested that we remain for thr.
church services later in the eve
ning. B. H. Bleakman, local postmaster
and merchant, was attending to
matters of business in Heppner one
day last week.
Elwood Hastings took Kinnard
McDaniel and son Dallas to his
Lonerock home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Robison of
Heppner spent the week end at
their ranch home here, coming out
for the play and dance. Maxine
McDaniel returned home with them
Sunday to stay until after Thanks
giving. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman and
daughter, Neva, were also out from
Heppner for the play and dance.
Arlton Stevens come up from the
Musgrave place near lone the last
of the week for a few days' visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Burnside were
marketing their turkeys in Hepp
ner last Friday.
Joe Howell spent Sunday visiting
at the home of his aged mother,
Mrs. Adaline Howell.
Clifford Howell who has been
working near Lonerock for the past
several montns is visiting indefinite
ly at the home of his parents, Mr.
ana oars. .rranK Howell.
Sam McDaniel. Jr is visiHno- in
definitely at his home here from
the Clyde Wrieht ranch
Les Robison and son Delbert were
visiting nere during the week.
The road WOrk which wna nrn
gressine nicelv wna stnnnoH hv tvm
heavy rainfall which terminated in
a snow storm, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hams were vis
iting friends and relatives here on
ounaay irom Rood canyon.
Broad Education Gained
By Students at U. of 0
Eugene. Students at the Univer
sity Of Oreernn rpppivp'n hrnnd an
general education, while training
ior tneir cnosen fields, according to
Dr. H. R. Tavlnr rflrnrtnr thp
personnel research bureau, who has
just announced the results of vocab
ulary tests elven tn a nnmhpr nf
students both at the beginning of
tneir nrst year and near the end of
their fourth.
While the test measures the gen
eral vocabulary, it is generally as
sumed that to add one of the care
fully chosen
have to do from 50,000 to 100,000
words of general reading, and a no
ticeable gain in the four years
would definitely Indicate pursuit of
sc Knowledge outside or tne
student's major field.
The Increase in word vocabulary
at the University of Oregon aver
aged nearly 20 words per student,
or a net gain of 20 per cent, Dr.
Taylor said.
Rodent Control Program Starts
Ontario Following a series of
meetings held In each district where
rodents constitute a menace to
crops, the Malheur county rodent
control program directed by Coun
ay Agent R. G. Larson Is under way
again for this year, covering some
00,000 acres. A preliminary survey
showed that where poisoning had
been done for more than one year
there was practically no infestation,
but a considerable number of goph
ers are still present on land where
only one season's control work has
been done.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation for the help
and Bympathy extended during the
recent Illness and death of our wife
and mother. Especial thanks are
extended to our friends and neigh
bors In and about Lexington who
were so kind In our time of need.
Omcr C. Luttrell and Family.
Wanted Horses to break to sad
dle at $5 per head and board. Write
to Heppner or Hardman. Duff Mc
Kitrick, 27-30p
The Book
the first line of which reads,
"The Holy Bible,"' and which
contains Four Great Treasures.
The first line reads, "The Holy
Bible." Since the word biblio In
Latin Is plural and means library,
we know at once that we have here
not a single book but a collection of
several books.
The second line, "nnntsinlntr thp
Old and New Testaments," means
ooviously that there are two main
divisions and that the distinguish
ing feature is a difference in age,
one group of books being more re
cent than the other.
The third line savs. "Trns1ntpl
out of the original tongues," indi
cating mat tne Bible was originally
published not in English but in
more tnan one other language.
"And with the former transln
tions diligently compared and re-
visea, snows mat this translation,
which was made under the author
ity of King James I in 1611, is the
successor to several earlier trans
lations. Turning over the pages we dis
cover that the text is divided into
numbered chapters and verses,
which seems rather an unusual
way to Dresent a hnnk nnt
learn that these divis ions werp nnt
made by the original authors but
were inserted in 1551 by Mr. Robert
Stephens, a nious nrinter whn ho
lieved that more people would read
me oiDie ii ne made it easier to
read. Several earlier attempts had
been made to divide the hnnk intn
chapters and verses, all of them
A single dance is ennnp-h in indi
cate that the Old Testament is
much larger than ' the New and
here is an easv wav tr remomhor
how many books are in each. The
Key numDer is three, which multi
plied by itself gives nine. The Old
Testament has thirty-nine books.
Again multiply three by nine and
you have twenty-seven, the num-
oer oi dooks in the New Testament.
Caesar, you remember, divided
Gaul into three parts. Similarly,
scholars divide thp niH Ttnn,
into three divisions the historic
dooks, Deginning with Genesis and
ending with Esther: tho nnntip
books, beginning with Job and end
ing with the Song of Songs; and the
remainder, which consists of ser
mons. Or. as thev are mnrp cnm-
monly called, books of prophecy.
i tne nistonc books the first five
have a certain unity which has long
caused them to be rpcarripH
They are called the Pentateuch,
meaning tne nve-in-one book, and
there is a tradition that Moses
wrote them all. Whether he did or
not we can leave to the scholars to
dispute. These are the five:
Genesis the book of beginnings.
Exodus the book of going out.
Leviticus the book for the
Numbers a sort of amplified cen
sus report.
Deuteronomy a Greek nnmp
meaning "second law," or review
uiiu uigest oi tne laws.
Next Week: A Great Declaration.
Many Facts Noted in
Franchise Survey
Eugene. New franchises or re
newals of franchise for public util
ities granted by cities should pro
vide for extension of service, great
er efficiency, lower rates and simi
lar considerations, rather than fi
nancial compensation to the city, it
is declared by Guy S. Claire, former
professor of law at the University
of Oregon in an article published In
the current number of the Com
monwealth Review, a journal is
sued by the school of social science
of the University of Oregon.
An extensive survey of franchises
granted by cities of Oregon has just
been completed by Mr. Claire, and
a wealth of data was gleaned. Fran-
Trade and Employment
(Printed without charge. Dis
continued on notice.)
To Trade Good Guernsey bull
for what have you. Arnold Pieper,
To trade Organ and camp cook
stove for anything I can use. Alex
Wilson, city.
To trade Netted Gem potatoes
for hogs or wheat. Michael Cassi
dy, Boardman.
To trade Practically unused $150
C melody Buescher saxophone for
good bed room or living room suite,
W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon.
Want to trade for 2nd-hand cream
separator. W. L. Copenhaver, Lex
Good mule to trade for wheat
Jason Biddle, lone.
Netted Gem potatoes to trade for
wheat. Alfred Skoubo, Boardman.
To Trade Young turkeys for
wood. Mrs. Chris Brown, city.
Geese to tradn for fresh vnimi
milk cow. Lana A. Padberg, lone.
To TradeWood and pigs for
wheat. W. H. French, Hardman.
To trade Cows and hav track
and carrier for Van Brunt grain
drills. Leo Gorger, Lexington.
One 3-bottom, 14-in. gang to
trade for rye or wheat. W. P. Hill.
Box 528, Heppner.
To Trade 6 head good mules for
good horses; aslo saddle mare for
work horse. Troy Bogard, Hepp
ner, fone 6F12.
To Trade Horse for wheat or
wood. Wm. Kummerlund, Lexing
ton. For trade Dairy cattle for sheep,
wheat or barley. Roy Neill, Echo.
chises studied Included bus lines,
telephone, telegraph, electricity, gas,
water and any others that cities
grant Date of franchise, length,
remuneration to the city and spec
ial concessions were included In the
Franchise should be granted for
long enough periods to encourage
public utilities to provide adequate
equipment, but should not be so
long that a change In economic
conditions, size of municipality or
change in industry would bind the
municipality to disadvantageous
conditions. The Oregon legislature
has Indicated that 20 years shall be
the limit of a franchise grant, he
points out.
In case of utilties where the in
itial cost is very great and removal
of facilities for use elsewhere al
most impossible, Mr. Claire sug
gests an intermediate franchise or
permit, with a main feature that
would permit the continuance of
the franchise as long as the utility
will furnish adequate service at
reasonable rates, or until the mu
nicipality purchases the property
of the utility.
Franchises should be drawn in
general rather than in detailed
terms, the survey states. Instead
of attempting to settle details as to
rates and services this should be
left to the determination of the pub
lic service commissioner from time
to time. The commissioner is in a
position to know the facts and by
reason of a staff of trained experts
is in a position to give expert as
sistance. PINE CITY
Business visitors from Pine City
in Hermiston Thursday were Mrs.
Ollie Neill and daughter, Oleta, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Ayers and daughter,
Juanita, Earle Wattenburger and
John Healy and son Billy.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
daughters, Betty, Francis and Pat
ty, were in Pendleton Saturday on
business. Mrs. Bob Beebe and son
Wayne went to, Pendleton with Mr.
and Mrs. Finch and are visiting
Mrs. Bebee's sister.
Pine City visitors in Hermiston
Saturday were Mrs. Roy Omohun
dro and daughter Iris and son Ray
mond, Mrs. Ollie Neill and daugh
ter Lenna, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wat
tenburger, Earle Wattenburger, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Foley and Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Neill.
Mrs. Jasper Myers is quite ill with
a cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buselck and
daughters Barbara and Donna and
"Just the service wanted
when you want it most"
Popular national food. Fresh
daily. Just the thing for your
party. Made in my home. At
local stores. Mrs. Geo. Moore
Feed Your Laying Hens and
Dairy Cows RIGHT to Get
Heppner Dairy Feed
Heppner Egg Mash
Mixed and Sold by
Jackson Warehouse
Heppner, Ore. Office Phone 302, Res. 782
No. I Baled Alfalfa Hay
Headquarters for
Canned Foods
son Robert visited with Mrs. Bu
seick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mrs. Peter Carlson, who has been
visting for some time in Portland,
returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Roy Coxen and Mrs. Frank
Ayers of Hermiston helped pick
turkeys at Mrs. Ollie Neill's place
and at C. H. Ayers' Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny and
sons, Matt and Billy ' of Heppner,
spent Friday night at the John
Healy home.
Miss Frankie Neal spen the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Omohundro near Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and
daughter Juanita- spent Friday with
Mrs. Ollie Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Omohundro
have moved from their home near
Pine City to a place near Hermis
ton which they have purchased.
Mrs. Omohundro's daughter, Frank
ie Neal, will continue school at Pine
City until the beginning of the sec
.ond semester when she will go to
Mrs. J. J. Chisholm and daughters
Barbara and Marjean and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Conser of Walla Walla
visited at the home of Mrs. Ollie
Neill Sunday.
Notice is hereby given tliat the un
dersigned wua duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County administratrix of
tiie estate of Nancy Mathews, deceased,
and all persons having cluims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same duly veri
fied as required by law, to said admin
istratrix at the law olllce of Jos.. J. Nys.
at Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 30tli
day of November. 1S)33.
You can give your cooking new
pep with different flavors and
extracts. Such as Watkins' Or
ange or Almond Extracts, Wat
knis' Strawberry, Pineapple, Ba
nanna, Maple and Mixed Fruit
Flavors a nut cake flavored
with Watkins' Black Walnut
can't be beat
Watkins Products
Can you afford to be
Insurance Counsellor
Fresh and Cured
Buttorfat, Turkeys, Chickens
bought for SWIFT & CO.
Phone us for market prices
at all times.
Phone 88 IONE, ORE.