HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1933. PAGE THREE Mrs. Lester DoolitUe Is home from Portland, having spent ten days or more In the city with Mr. DoolitUe, who Is now under the care of a phy sician there. She reports her hus band Is making some Improvement and he will continue his treatment at Emanuet hospital, where he is now located. While Mr. Doolltlle Is in a very serious condition, It Is thought he will ultimately be re stored to normal health. He expects to be able to make a trip home this week end or the first of the coming week. Thursday evening at their home in the Jones apartments, Mr. and Mrs. George Mabee had as their guests to an auction bridge party, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Mrand Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tur ner, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cash and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. Three tables were in play and honors went to Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Smith. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Chas. Klinger, Lexington turkey raiser, marketed 279 choice turkeys at Portland the past week, getting the top of the market for them. His crop of birds is not so large as last season, and the price this year has not been so good, yet he is pret ty well satisfied with the results and thinks he Is doing rather well. He will market some ten tons of birds this year. Mr. Klinger was looking after business here Monday after noon. Lou I a Balsiger made Heppner a visit Tuesday and Informed this pa per that he is leaving lone right away for Galvin, Wash., where He will engage in the general mercan tile business, having purchased a store there. Mr. Balsiger and fam ily have resided in lone for the past 13 years, and he has been engaged in warehousing and grain buying. Galvin Is situated on the Pacific highway and is close to Centralia. Sam E. Willis, who for many years was a resident of Morrow county and who for the past num ber of years has been engaged in the shoe repair business at Baker, was buried in that city on Thursday of last week, following his sudden death at his shop from a stroke of paralysis. Many of the older resi dents of this community will re member Mr. Willis as he was a pio neer settler here. Floyd Worden, who farms out in the Eight Mile section, was a visitor In Heppner on Friday with his fam ily. He reports ideal conditions out his way for the on-coming crops; Jots of moisture and the grain mak ing fine headway. With the addi tional heavy rains of the first of the week, there is assurance that no check will be made in the progress of crop and range conditions in Morrow county. Jacob H. Frad came up the end of the week from his Portland home and reports that much rain is still the order there. He is glad always to get back to Morrow county and absorb a little of the sunshine, tho he realizes that we could use a lot of the rain here that Portland does not need but does not know just how It can be forced over the Cas cades for our use just at the oppor tune time. E. J. Merrill was down from the ranch near Hardman on Saturday. Beautiful growing weather has pre vailed for weeks in the south end of the county and grain and grass Is just Jumping. Range is the best for years, and Mr. Merrill thinks the outlook right now for the com ing season's crops justifies an opti mistic spirit. There should be an abundant yield next summer. Anson Wright was looking after business here Saturday from his ranch near Hardman. There Is an abundance of good grass on the hills this fall and stock will go Into the winter in good condition. Mr. Wright states it has been many long years since range conditions in the south end of the county were as good as they are now. Theo. Anderson states that Eight Mile farmers were visited by heavy rains Sunday night and Monday, and the fields out that way are thoroughly wet, so much so that there should be no danger of grain suffering from a freezeout this com ing winter. Mr. Anderson was look ing after business while in the city Tuesday afternoon. A. A. McCabe was here Monday forenoon from the farm on lower Rhea creek. The rain was not so heavy over his part of the county as It was about Heppner and tow ard the foothills. Much moisture has fallen In that vicinity this fall and Mr. McCabe says everything is okeh for the growing crops. IRnncn conditions at the Sand Hollow ranch of Hynd Bros, are hotter than for vears. states David Hynd, who was in the city Monday. Mr. Hynd was also a visitor at Port land during the past week, and he thinks that business conditions are Improving in the metropolis. .Tim TTplms of Lexinirton was here for a Bhort while Saturday after noon. He says It keeps nim Dusy chasing the elusive dollar around these days, and his hand Is out for nniA nf this Dromlsed "inflation that seems to be yet"just around the corner." mvb .T. B. Coolev and Mrs. W. E Brock visited In Heppner on Fri day, the former at the home of her sister, Mrs. Vawter Crawford, and the latter with her sister, Mrs. Josle Jones. The ladies returned to their Pendleton home in the early after noon. Rprt Johnson, one of lone's school directors, was in the city the end of iha wopIc mnklne an Investigation In regard to obtaining CWA money for school repair wont in nig cuy. Fred McMurray was In town on Tuesday from his farm home at the mouth of Butter creek taking or ders for "spuds." Fred says he har vested some 5000 sacks of potatoes this year. He formerly went In for potato raising In a large way at Jor dan siding. Vawter Parker returned from a short visit to Portland on Sunday morning. He was In the city to at tend a meeting of the state relief committee, representing the Mor row county set-up. Negro minstrel and dance, Rhea Creek Grange hall, Sat., Dec. 2; music by Bud's Jazz band. Adults 25c, children 10c. One admission for minstrel and dance. Program begins at 8. Adv. Bud Benton returned to Heppner the end of the week from Portland where he had been for the past sev eral months. He is doing relief duty for Jack Bryant on the local paper route. Jack Bryant underwent an oper ation for appendicitis at a local hos pital the end of the week. He Is re ported to be making good progress toward recovery. Monte Bundv. in the cltv Tuesdav from the farm In the Alnine rllstrlrt announced a variety of weather pre vailing there with grain getting a good start Mr. and Mrs. j. G. Barratt spent the week end in Portland where Mr. Barratt was called on business. They returned home Sunday after noon. Tom Barnett, genial and optimist ic resident of Lexington, was greet ing numerous friends in Heppner Friday while here on business mat ters. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and Mr. and Mrs. Al Troedson of Mor gan were in the city on business for a short time Monday morning. O. E. Peterson and Leonard Carl son were farmers of the lone dis trict transacting business in this city Tuesday, Wanted Horses to break to sad dle at $5 per head and board. Write to Heppner or Hardman. Duff Mc Kitrick. 27-30p Mr. and Mrs. John Berestrom were Eight Mile folks who were shopping in Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harding and son Jack are spending Thanksgiv ing day with relatives at Yakima. Lost 22 special pistol between Methodist church and depot. Re ward. Leave at this office. 28p Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter were lone residents in this city for a short while on Friday. Albert Nelson was shopping in town Tuesday from the north Lex ington district Add-a-Stitch club apron sale,40c. Sat, Dec. 2, Flamo Shop, beginnnig at 10:30 a. m. Highest cash prices paid for live stock. L. J. Huston, Tlie Dalles, Ore. 27-34p. Horace Yokum, long time resident of upper Willow creek, was in the city Tuesday. Studphftker lie-hf six nednn. lnnka and runs good, $95. John Vaughn. Hood River apples for sale. Case Furniture Co., H. C. Case. 26-28p. Floyd Adams was In from the Hardman section Tuesday. Christmas Gift Idea Offered by Mrs. Sager With the approach of another Christmas season, homemakers once more take up the search for attractive, useful and economical gifts, preferably something that can be made at home. Mrs. Azalea Sa ger, extension specialist in cloth ing and textiles at O. S. C, sug gests an attractive scarf for each member of the family as one partial solution of the problem. A knitted scarf and beret to match will please the little tot the grade school or high school girl, while the older members of the family will often welcome a gay silk scarf, Mrs. Sa ger says. Scarfs, by the way, are benig worn short, not more than a yard long, and tied up closely about the neck. Two strips of plain silk material one-third yard wide and a yard long can be combined to make two good looking scarfs, Mrs. Sager says. To make them, take two strips of cloth of different but har monious colors. Mark the center of each strip; that is, 18 inches from either side. Then mark the center of this. Connect this point to a point on the opposite side at the center 18 inch mark and at the outer edge. This makes a triangle 18 Inches at base and 15 Inches on either side. Each strip will cut three triangles and two small end triangles measuring 12 x 9 x 15. Intermingle the colors and sew the triangles together again so that a flat strip remains; the two small end triangles and central triangle og one color, the Intermediate tri angles of the second color. Sew the two sides together. Then press it so that the side seam is In the cen ter of the scarf instead of at one side. Sew up one end. Turn the scarf inside out and blind stitch the open end. Snoop Dipping Vat Constructed McMinnvllle A dipping vat for sheep has been constructed on the Duerst farm in Yamhill county, using directions given In the U. S. D. A. bulletin on sheep dipping. Mr. Duerst was assisted In the construc tion of the vat and the dipping of his flock to eliminate scabs and ticks by S. T. White, county agent, BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Twenty tables were In play at the "bug" party last Friday evening, given by the high school girls' ath letic association in the gymnasium. High scores were won by Elsie Wilson and Bill LaLonde and low by Esther Jones and Alfred Turner. The girls served a lunch of sand wiches and coffee after the game and then dancing was enjoyed dur ing the remainder of the evening. Charles Barnes of California is in Boardman this week visiting with friends. Mrs. Neal Bleakney of Echo Is at the Weston home taking care of her mother. Lloyd Mallory of Biggs visited rel atives here Friday. Miss Mabel Brown of Alderdale visited during the week end at the home of her parents. Deibert Johnson of Wasco spent Friday and Saturday in Boardman. The Home Economics club met with Mrs. L. V. Root Wednesday and elected new officers for the new year. The officers are, Mrs. Ray Brown, president; Mrs. Guy Barlow, vice-president; Mrs. L. V. Root, secretary, and Mts. Nick Fa ler, treasurer. The Ladies Aid bazaar will be held Friday evening, Dec. 8, in the school house. Chairmen for the committees are; Dinner committee, Mrs. Eva Warner; fancy work, Mrs. J. F. Gorham; concessions, Mrs. Earl Cramer; candy, Mrs. S. C. Rus sell; fish pond, Mrs. M. L. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow and daughters and Miss Olivia Baldwin were Boardman vlstiors from Hepp ner Sunday. Mrs. Glen Hadley and Mrs. Sund sten and son Albin motored to Pen dleton Saturday. Mr. Parry is a business visitor in Portland this week. Last week Guy Barlow installed two new hot water heaters in each of the school busses. The H. E. C. will give a dance in the gym on Thanksgiving night, Thursday, Nov. 30. Vernon Root and Mike Healey motored to Portland Sunday to meet Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healey who have returned from a trip to California. Miss Lucille McDuffee and Bill Francis of Heppner were visitors Sunday at the Guy Barlow home. Buster Rands of Hood River came to Boardman last week and is vis iting at the Healey home. An interesting Thanksgiving pro gram was given by the Sunday school at the community church Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Miller were guests at a lovely dinner Sunday at the home of Mrs. Eva Warner. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harford and family have moved onto the A. E. Porter ranch this week, which they have rented. Mrs. Porter left Sun day for Portland where she will be with her daughter. Mr. Porter who is slowly recovering from severe burns will be confined to the hos pital another month. Carl Doring won the turkey which the alumni society raffled off. The lucky number was 9. Mrs. Edwin Ingles went to Port land Monday where she will visit until after Thanksgiving. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Eleven Boy Scouts of troup 64 at tended the court of honor at Her miston Friday night Clair Caldwell and Robert Smith are trucking wood from the moun tains near Meacham. A. C. Houghton made a business trip to Portland Thursday. He was accompanied by Mr. McFarland of Umatilla. Miss Graves of Hermiston was a guest of Mrs. George Rand Wednes day. Mrs. Rand and Miss Graves called on Mrs. J. A. Grabiel and Mrs. Blanche Watkins in the after noon. Billy Mosbert, Fred and Clyde Caldwell and Roy Connell were Heppner business visitors Monday. Mrs. Roy Minnick and Mrs. O. R. Barnes motored to Pendleton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham and Mrs. Frank Markham were called to Yakima Thursday by the death of Mrs. Frank Markham's sister, Mrs. Barker, who had been an In valid for years. Fred Markham, Frank Leicht, Donald Rutledge and A. C. Hough ton motored to Heppner Tuesday, Mrs. Fred Markham and Marshal Markham were shopping In Pen dleton Wednesday. Wayne Mafield of La Grande is visiting his mother, Mrs. O. R. Barnes. Quite a crowd from here mo tored to Hermiston on Wednesday nignt to near Walter Pierce's ad dress. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Badger of Ed dyvllle visited friends here last week on their way home from Yak ima. Maurice Williams and Henry wier motored to Walla Walla Sat urday. Chas. Maxwell and Howard Wea ver of Portland visited over the week end with Mr. Maxwell's sis ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Harder and family who are now located at Hood River visited with Mrs. Harder's aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom, Sunday and Monday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bean and family of Brem erton, Wn. Mr. Bean, Mr. Harder and W. C. Isom motored to Uklah Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kendler of Umatilla visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom Sunday evening. The regular meeting of Irrlgon grange was held Thursday night and the following officers were elect ed; Mrs. Minnie McFarland, mas ter; Clay Wood, lecturer; Mrs, Frank Brace, chaplain; Mrs. A. C. Houghton, secretary; Mr. and Mrs, Don Rutledge, assistant and lady assistant steward; Roy Minnick steward; W. C. Isom, gatekeeper and Frank Frederickson, treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand, Mrs. Geo. Rand and Mrs. Shell were shopping In Hermiston Friday. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL STAFF Clifford Yarnell Bill Cochell . Louis Gilliam Editor Assistant Sports Grade News Lowell Winters Reporters, Cleo Hiatt, Steven Weh meyer, Chester Christopherson, Frances Rugg, Don Jones, Owen Bleakman, Francis Nickerson. Editorial What is school attitude? Is It the conduct of the Individual student, or is It the conduct of the whole group In a student body? Student attitude is neither of these, but It is probably the strong est single factor in deciding how much a student will get out of school. Attitude itself is the stu dent's Idea of his work. If the stu dent is interested in his work and his acivltles, if he takes each as signment of school work cheerfully, and if he can go to school without wishing he were some place else, and without violating too many de portmental regulations, then he has a good attitude. From this it should be evident that attitude is the stu dent's viewpoint on school. In some schools, as a result of careful work by the teachers, nearly the whole student body has a good attitude; and in others, the students don't have a good attitude. This attitude cannot be built by the teachers alone; the student must reaMze the importance of good attitude himself and then let the faculty give him opportunities to do things that will help keep up a good attitude In him. Attitude is usually aided by the use of activities such as clubs and teams and student organizations for self-government When students enter wholeheartedly into these va rious activities, they become inter ested In their work in school be cause they are having a good time while going to school. The principle is much the same as feeding a small child candy to make him do some thing. The attitude in Heppner high school has shown a great improve ment In this last year as is evi denced by the higher grade stand ings and the very noticeable de crease in the number of demerits given out this year. Therefore, if we enter actively in to our school work and play without "raising too much Cain," we will find that everything will come much easier and that our teachers will think much more of our possibil ities. Frosh Program Station P H O O E Y broadcasting from the Paramount studios in the high school assembly room last Fri day brought to us the frosh pro gram. Dean Goodman acted the part of "speiler" very well. His so norous voice enabled him to arise to such an occasion. Katherine Par ker and Nonnie McLaughlin exhib ited their talents as opera singers. Dora Bailey sang a solo and gave a reading. One of the outstanding numbers on the program was a pre tended invention by Mr. Lumley, lo cal scientist, which ushered man kind fifty years into the future. This placed certain prominent characters of the student body in embarrassing and humorous situations, some of COOKthe entire meal without soiling the bottom of the pan SUCH is the convenience of nameless cooking with a General Electric Range. And the new calrod heating unit speeds up cooking just as fast as you will ever want it. Enow the joy of foods with full flavor and nutritious goodness, stop waste through shrinkage and loss of healthful, natural juices. Cooking failures are unusual with a G-E range and think of the convenience from automatic heat control. Electric current cost averages less than one rent per person per meal with this modem range. Don't you want a new electric range? Easy monthly terms can be ar ranged. RINU-A-UTI Faeteet aeUing light in America. MixWnUe your kitohen or bathroom with thia fixture, felling com- !1 .95 See Your Dwlw Pacific Power "tAlways at which, It is hoped will not prove to be true. Frosh Have New Pennant Having won the class rush this year, the freshmen were entitled to select colors and procure a pennant to take the place of the tiny green one which hung in the assembly the first of the year. The class chose rose and grey for their colors and secured a pennant which was hung in the assembly hall Thursday. Have you ever Seen Lorena Wilson's new Jacket? Seen Anson Rugg roll his eyes? Seen Claire Phelan studying? Seen Ed Dick when Ethyl Hughes was very far away? Seen James Farley, Francis Rugg or Albert Huff chew gum? Heard Bill Cochell and Floyd Jones hold conversation in the public speaking class? Seen Paul Phelan's new girl? Class News The public speaking class was a scene of turmoil during the past week. Various heated discussions were held of argumentative nature by persons who, it seemed, were quite gifted along lines of debate. The fine weather last Thursday brought the gym boys out to play baseball. Thursday night the Benzine Ring gave a party honoring Mr. Lumley, their club advisor. After the party, Steven Wehmeyer and Francis Nickerson were initiated into the club. Mrs. Francis Case has been sub stituting in Mr. Lumley's position this week. Plans are being made for an "H" club smoker to be held at the gym nasium during the Christmas vaca tion. School will be closed Thursday and Friday of this week for Thanks giving holidays. Four more poems were turned in to the English V poetry class this week. The shorthand class started this week to type business letters from shorthand notes. Baseball Scores High school indoor baseball lea gue scores for last week are: A team 14, D team 4, E team 19, and B team 8. The schedule for this week is A vs. C, D vs. E, B team bye. Heppner high school's basketball quintet will practice with the town team at 4 o'clock next Friday. This practice is in preparation for the game with the two lone teams on Saturday. Town Team Wins Heppner's town basketball team defeated the high school team 40-25 in the school gym Friday evening. In the first quarter the high school team led with a score of 8-4, but in the second and third quarters Coach Mabee put in his second, third and fourth strings, and the town team walked over them with a score of 40-10. Mr. Mabee put his first string back In the last quarter and they held the town regulars and ran the score up to 25. The start ing lineups: High school: Guards, Gentry and Driscoll; center, Schwarz; forwards, H. Furlong and Green. Town team: Guards, Massey and J. Furlong; center, Beckett; forwards, Hottman and Farley. Grade School News The eightn grade was very well pleased when they received a letter from their classmate, Ruth Green. Ruth is getting along fine and would like to be back in school. The sixth grade has written to New York for some Information on BETTER LIGHT... BETTER SIGHT WITH THESI Modern Lamps PIN-IT-UP It. name explains it. l:iu it up quickly aud easily auywtiere. SUadee ran be had in colore, Standard Mark, com- w nn Diet 1 -OU L i i urn i ii In colon M.85 NEW FAMILY LIVING ROOM LAMP A big, frioudly lamp whirh li(UU the entire living room and permit, all to read around it. Scientifically oon truoted for direct as well aa indirect lihUn. to 75 Trice oompleU I3.U or Call Our Office & Light Company your services" workbooks. The seventh grade is through with the six weeks' examinations and Is ready for report cards which are to be given out Wednesday. The second and third grades nave devoted much of their time this week to the study of the history of Thanksgiving. Junior Class Flay Lorena Wilson and Edwin Dick head a cast of ten in "The Yellow Shadow" by Clark Willard, a mys tery play which is to be presented by the junior class of the high school at the gym Friday, Decem ber 15. The cast is as follows: Nell Travis, housekeeper at View crest, Lorena Wilson; Gilbert Wright, attorney for the late Max wel Marvin, Edwin Dick; Mildred Marvin, heiress to Marvin Estate, Ilene Kilkenny; Alice Perkins, Mil dred's chum, Jessie French; Hazel Wayne, Mildred's cousin, Jennie Swendig; Joe Travis, Howard Fur long; Herbert Marvin, Joe Green; Sheriff Macklin, Clifford Yarnell; Jennie Steel, coroner, Francis Rugg, Wong Song, Bill Schwarz, What is the "Yellow Shadow?" Amid thrills and laughter a shrewd detective solves this weird mystery and brings peace to the heiress of Viewcrest and her friends. The story takes place at the isolated Viewcrest Lodge on Puget Sound. Business Shows Gain Says U. of 0. Expert Eugene. Business in the United States is fast nearing a firm foun dation, and is definitely on the up swing, it is declared by Dr. N. H. Comish, professor of business ad ministration of the University of Oregon, who has been studying sta tistics and factors noted in many parts of the United States. Gain in business of 160 per cent was made by 89 companies during the first nine months of 1933, according to Standard Statistics, Dr. Comish points out Babson's figures show that business has improved as much as 25 per cent since last March, in spite of temporary setbacks. Employment of nearly 4,000,000 men formerly without work, cur tailment of surplus production, elim ination of unfair competitive prac tices and elimination of child labor were cited as forces that will make PORTRAITS What would make a better gift than a Photograph of yourself? There are only three weeks until Christmas. DeBUNCE STUDIO is now located PERMAN ENTLY ni Heppner. Corner Main and Church. Reason able prices. Open evenings and Sundays. McCORMICK-DEERING Diesel Tractor School EBREL & TEMPLE 812 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON 10:00 o'clock WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6 Tractor to be torn down completely to show all working parts. Expert engineers will conduct the school. All questions will be answered. Karl L. Beach Est. Morrow County Dealers May we take this priv ilege to wish you a very enjoyable Thanks givingyou your familyyour friends and neighbors. -:- All special prices that were in effect Mon., Tues. and Wed., will be in force Fri. and Sat. also. Here are two real specials for Fri. and Sat. SUGAR Pure cane, extra fine 16 LBS. 100 LBS. 84c $5 09 for Improved business. Recogni tion of Russia and subsequent in creased exports will definitely aid business, Dr. Cornish said. Tile lines Laid In WaHbington Hillsboro Nearly two and one half miles of tile drainage lines, draining approximately 126 acres, were laid out on four Washington county farms recently by County Agent W. F. Cyrus and A. L. King, extension specialist in soils from Oregon State college. The size of the tile ranged from eight to four inches, depending, Mr. Cyrus says, on the area of land to be drained and the amount of fall or grade. It is particularly important, he says, to lay the tile at the right depth to get the full benefit from It. ATTENTION. The Willing Workers of the Christian church will have an apron and cooked food sale on Sat, Dec. 9, in Shelly Baldwin's windows. Mr. and Mrs. Nels M. Johnson were visitors In the city this morn ing from the Dry Fork district. Special Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON! For a good meal anytime go to the ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. MILK Federal brand 7 Tall Tins.... 45c PER $2.98 CASE