Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 30, 1933, Image 1

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    -r 0 R 1 C -
H 1 3
Volume 50, Number 38.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Willow Creek, Boardman,
Irrigon, Lexington
Roads Aided.
Vawter Parker Named County Dis
bursing Officer; Reemployment
Office May be Had Here.
With an allotment quota of 105
men, Morrow county was granted
four of seven proposed projects un
der the CWA program, according
to word brought home last Thurs
day evening by W. T. Campbell,
county judge, and Harry Tamblyn,
county engineer. The men were In
Portland to hear an explanation of
the proposed program and to pre
sent Morrow county's claims in per
son. It is expected the four allotted
projects will put 56 men or 50 per
cent of the county's quota, to work
Immediately. The first men select
ed will be taken from the present
relief rolls, Judge Campbell said.
The allotted projects are:
Surfacing ferry road at Irrigon.
Work on county road at Board-1
man. j
Improving Lexington cemetery
road. i
" Improving Willow creek road
southeast of Heppner. I
So far as possible men for eachj
project will be taken from the com-
munities in which the project is lo
cated, said Judge Campbell.
In approving the four projects the
civil works administration did not
turn down the other three, but post
poned them for the' time being. It
is expected enough projects will be
allotted within a short time to pro
vide work for all the county's un
employed. Vawter Parker has been named
disbursing officer for Morrow coun
ty under the CWA. He was in Port
land Saturday to receive informa
tion concerning his duties, and tem
porarily has established offices at
the city library.
Mr. Parker says it is the Intent of
the CWA to provide work for all
unemployed persons as fast as pro
jects can be presented and approv
ed. All the projects so far approved
were expected to be under way by
December 1.
He announces that a flock of pro
jects have been proposed which will
be considered by the local commit
tee and sent to Portland this week
end. Included are many school re
pair projects, a project to repair
city library books, and others com
ing under the specifications of the
From the county registration lists
already 18 men, mostly from the
Hardman district, have been put to
work on the Hardman-Bock creek
sector of the Heppner-Spray road
where work was started last week.
It Is expected more jobs will be pro
vided as the work progresses.
A reemployment office will be es
tablished at Heppner, Mr. Parker
says, If the county accepts the prop
osition tendered it by the civil works
administration to provide the nec
essary quarters. It is believed the
establishment of an office here
would greatly facilitate the work lo
cally as the registration is now ef
fected through the reemployment
office at Pendleton.
While the CWA program is ex
pected to offset direct relief so far
as possible, it is the intent of the
administration to obtain a full day's
work for the wages paid. Wages
run from 50 cents an hour for com
mon labor to as high as $1.20 an
hour for certain types of skilled la
bor. According to announcement
of Raymond B. Wilcox, CWA di
rector for Oregon, the local dis
bursing officers are given a large
responsibility In the proper hand
ling of the government money.
All projects are allotted strictly
on a work basis with no definite
amount of money set aside for each
Havnlg as her guests members of
Ruth chapter 32, O. E. S Mrs. O. T.
Ferguson entertained with a bridge
party at Masonic hall on Friday
afternoon. Guests were Mrs. C. W.
McNamer, Mrs. A. A. McAtee, Mrs.
Gay M.. Anderson, Mrs. A. D. Mc
Murdo, Mrs. Earl W. Gordon, Mrs
Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson, Mrs. Gene Ferguson, Mrs.
L. E. Dick, Mrs. L, Van Marter,
Mrs. Dean T. Goodman, Mrs. Chas.
Vaughn, Mrs. W. E. Pruyn, Mrs.
W. C. McCarty, Mrs. E. E. Gilliam,
Mrs. John J. Wlghtman, Mrs. D. M,
Ward, Mrs. W. O. Bayless, Mrs.
Hanson Hughes, Mrs. D. A. Wilson,
Mrs. H. A.Cohn, Mrs. F. B. Nlcker
son, Mrs. Blanche Patterson, Mrs.
Harvey Bauman, Mrs. Frank S.
Parker, Miss Ann Wlghtman, Mrs.
Annie Hciny. Mrs. Vaughn receiv
ed high honors In bridge, and de
licious refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Heppner high schools basketball
quintet will open Its 1933-34 season
when it meets the lone hoopers in
the loca gym Saturday night The
game will be a double header with
both the Heppner and lone high
school and town teams playing. Ad
mission adults loc, children dc.
Schools Urged to Avail
Themselves of CWA Aid
A chance for Morrow county
schools to make themselves places
to be proud of instead of dirty,
unkempt places some of them are,
is offered through the civil works
administration program now get
ting well under way over the en
tire nation, says Mrs. Lucy E. Rod-
gers, county school superintendent.
It is emphasized that the money
available does not come as a loan,
but is an outright gift of labor for
projects including repair and im
provement of school buildings and
A total of $400,000,000 has been
appropriated to carry on this part
of the national recovery program,
and the chance for repair and im
provement of the school plants of
Morrow county needs to be taken
advantage of by every district in
the c o u.n t y, Mrs. Rodgers says
Practcially every school building
needs painting on the outside. Near
ly all should be reflnished or paint
ed on the Inside. School furniture
needs revarnishing and repairing.
Most rural schools need more shelf
space and reading tables. Outbuild
ings in every rural district need to
be moved and painted Inside and
"When not one rural school in
Morrow county meets the state re
quirements for standardization, this
is an opportunity for having Im
provements made that no district
can afford to overlook," Mrs. Rod
gers says.
Districts must furnish supervision
for projects and at least 50 percent
of the materials used. The CWA
furnishes all labor and up to 50
percent of the materials. School
boards can make application at the
office of J. O. Turner in Heppner.
The blanks should be filled out and
filed with Vawter Parker early next
Credit Aid for Farmers
Aim of Oregon Council
Cooperation to promote the re
financing of Oregon's agricultural
industry is the first project agreed
on by the Oregon Agricultural Ad
visory council recently appointed
by Governor Meier on request of
the Federal Farm Credit adminis
tration. This decision was reached
at the organization meeting of the
council in Portland, which was at
tended at their own expense by
nearly all of the 32 members. To
assist in the refinancing problems,
the council will ask the governor to
appoint county farm credit com
mittees to serve voluntarily.
O. M. Plummer, manager of the
Pacific International Livestock ex
position, was elected chairman of
the council, A. E. McCornack, Lane
county farmer and banker and
president of the Pacific Cooperative
Wool Growers, vice-chairman, and
L. R. Breithaupt, Oregon State
college extension economist, secre
tary. W. A. Schoenfeld, dean and
director of the Oregon State col
lege school of agriculture, who was
appointed as acting chairman by
the Governor, presided during the
meeting until the permanent offi
cers were elected.
Six district chairmen were elect
ed who, with the officers, make up
the executive committee. George
Fullenwider of Carleton, presdient
of the Oregon Dairymen's associa
tion and member of the state grange
agricultural committee, is chairman
of district number one; George W.
Potts, Jefferson, president of the
Oregon Farmers' Union, district
two; E. W. Carleton, president Ore
gon Horticultural society, district
three; Glenn March, Hood River,
president of the Oregon Cooperative
council, district four; Fred Phillips,
Baker, president Oregon Wool
Growers' association and executive
committeeman Oregon Cattle and
Horse Raisers, district five; and
Henry Semon, Klamath Falls, bank
er and master farmer, district six.
In his statement to the council,
Governor Meier pointed out that
the outstanding problem In farm
finance at this time is that of get
ting land bank loans closed, partic
ularly in cases where some compo
sition, or an extension agreement is
necessary to bring the total existing
indebtedness of the farmer within
the amount obtainable for refinan
cing. This was further emphasized
by G. L. Jordan who represented
the farm credit administration at
the meeting. He stated that thous
ands of land bank loans that have
been approved have not been closed
owing to difficulty and delay in
working out an equitable agree
ment with creditors for the liquida
tion of the old debts out of the pro
ceeds or the loan.
The Bookworms met on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. E. F.
Bloom, with Mrs. .Harold Case mas
ter of ceremonies. She reviewed the
book, "Master of Jalna," to the de
light of the members present, who
were Mrs. u. w. Smith, Mrs. A. A,
McAtee, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs.
f. M. uemmell, Mrs. Spencer Craw-
ford, Mrs. J. O. Turner, Miss Leta
Humphreys and Mrs. Bloom. Mrs.
George Mabee was elected to mem
bership in the club to fill the va
cancy caused by the removal of
Mrs. J. T. Lumley from the city.
Refreshments were served.
Willow lodge No. 66, 1. O. O. F., of
Heppner, sponsors of a benefit dance
for the Heppner school band held at
Lexington last Saturday night, an
nounce the dance as being quite
successful, giving proceeds sufficient
to purchase the articles of equip
ment which the lodge desired to
provide for the band.
Mother of Heppner Saddler Came
to County in 1872; Funeral Rites
Set Tomorrow Afternoon.
Mrs. Mildred Noble passed away
at her home in Heppner at 12:15
p. m. on Tuesday, following an ill
ness of long standing, but which
was perhaps due largely to the in
firmities of age. For several months
she had been bedridden much of
the time, and during the past few
weeks it was thought she could not
survive from day to day, but her
strong vital force kept her alive
and during all of this time her
mind was quite clear and active.
The funeral arrangements are in
charge of Phelps Funeral home
and services will be held at the
Christian church on Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Joseph
Pope, pastor' of the Methodist
church, delivering the sermon, and
assisted by Joel R. Benton, pastor
of the Christian church and Rev.
Vance Wise, pastor of the Pente
costal church. Interment will fol
low in the family plot in Masonic
Martha Mildred Gray was the
daughter of Yancey B. and Martha
Gray, early pioneers of the Ore
gon country. She was born in
Huntsville, Randolph county, Mis
souri, June 5, 1849, and her final
summons came on November 28,
1933, when she had reached the
ripe old age of 84 years, 6 months
and 24 days.
As a young girl she came to Ore
gon in 1865, her parents with their
family crossing the plains in that
year, and upon reaching the Wil
lamette valley settled at Amity
across the river from Salem, where
they lived for some time and then
moved into the capitol city and
Mrs. Noble was for four years con
nected with the Oregon state in
stitution for the blind. ' Her mar
riage to George Noble occurred in
January, 1870, at Salem and in July,
1872 Mr. and Mrs. Noble came to
what is now Morrow county, but
then Umatilla, and settled on Mc
Kinney creek where they engaged
in the stock business fronrl872 to
1883 when the family moved into
Heppner to take advantage of the
school facilities, but retaining their
ranch interests. Mr. Noble entered
the harness and saddlery business
here. At the home in Heppner, Mrs.
Noble, being a fine seamstress, con
ducted a dressmaking business for
many years and often had from
three to four women in her employ.
Failing health caused her to give
up this work, however, but there
are many living in this community
who remember how efficient she
was in her line of work. She has
lived somewhat in retirement dur
ing her declining years, though her
mind was active and her memory
of events of the past was always
Mrs. Noble is one among the re
maining few in this community
who had much to do with the pio
neer days here. During the early
years of her residence on the Mc
Kinney creek place, she was left
with her young children for months
at a time while Mr. Noble was in
The Dalles where he secured work
at his trade of harness and saddle
maker. She could relate exciting
experiences of the many visits of
Indians as they passed up and down
the creek on their numerous visits
to the mountains and her strategy
In handling the redskins was often
put to the test. When the outbreak
of 1878 was drawing near to this
section, and there were many ru
mors of what might happen to those
situated on the ranches away from
town, the family moved into Hepp
ner to be under the protection of
tne tort that had been erected here.
Mrs. Noble was the mother of six
children, two of whom, Clarence
and Mildred, passed away in their
young childhood, and those surviv
ing are Eugene G. Noble of Hepp
ner, George B. Noble of Winne
mucka, Nevada, Mrs. Jennie Mc
Carter of Heppner, and Frank N.
Noble of Mt. Vernon, Ore. Besides
these there are 11 grandchildren
and several great grandchildren.
Mrs. Noble was the last of her
family; she was a woman of deep
religious convictions and was al
ways known as a kindly neighbor
and affectionate wife and mother.
On the whole the county court
has received fine cooperation in ob
taining right of way for the pro
posed changes In the Hardman
Rock creek route of the Heppner
Spray road, said Judge W. T. Camp
bell, in announcing that practically
the entire right of way had been
obtained. The new route eliminates
several turns In leaving Hardman,
going almost on a direct line from
Main street through the site now
occupied by the old flour mill, he
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. DeBunce, re
cently of Salt Lake City, with their
three children, have established res
idence in Heppner at the corner of
Main and Church streets, where Mr,
DeBunce is conducting a general
photography business. For a few
months before coming to Heppner
Mr. DeBunce assisted his father In
conducting a like business at John
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. E., Is
staging a ball at the lodge hall this
evoning for members and invited
guests with music by Bud's Jazz
Moro, Oregon, December 8 and 9
9:00 9:05 Call to order by President Emerson.
9:05 9:25 Address of Welcome Giles French, Mayor of Moro
9:25 9:45 Response , E. M. Hulden, Arlington
9:45 10:00 "The Work of the Wheat League" Frank Emerson
10:0011:00 TVheat Production Control Association." J. F. Cox,
Chief Replacement Crops Section, or D. C. Mum
' ford, Extension Specialist in Agricultural Econ
omics. 11:0012:00 Committee meetings.
1:15 2:00 "Farm Finances," E. M. Ehrhardt, President Federal
Land Bank of Spokane.
2:00 2:45 "Setting up Production Credit Associations," Paul F.
M'atson, Assistant Manager of the Federal Interme
diate Credit Bank.
2:45 3:05 "Farm Mortgage Adjustments," W. A. Shoenfeldt,
3:05 3:25 "The Country Bank and the New Financial Set Up,'1
Gene Courtney.
3:25 6:15
Committee meetings.
Committee meetings.
8:00 9:00 Committee meetings.
9:00 9:30 Columbia River Navigation, Shelby Wiggins, Portland
9:3010:15 "Gasoline Cooperatives," J. O. Kincaid, lone, and S.
S. Cully, Athena.
"Cooperative Buying" Roy Penny, Hermiston.
"Subsidized Wheat Exports," Oris Dorman, Spokane
"New Conditions for Selling Pacific Northwest
Wheats," Harold Sanford of the Continental Grain
Company, Portland.
"New Developments in Experimental Work," D. E.
Stephens, Superintendent, Sherman Branch Experi
ment Station.
1:00 1:30 Committee meetings.
1:30 3:30 Report of Committees.
3:30 Election of Officers.
Edward Burchell, 65, Stricken by
Heart Attack at Home; Was
Long-Time Resident
Edward Burchell, 65, died at his
farm home near Lexington Monday
evening from a heart attack. Mem
bers of the family were at work
picking turkeys when' Mr. Burchell
collapsed. He was taken immedi
ately to the house tsd died within
five minutes. Though he had been
in ill health for some time, his un
expected passing came as a severe
shock to family and friends. He
would have reached his sixty-fifth
birthday December 6.
Mr. Burchell was a long-time res
ident of the Lexington vicinity, be
ing engaged in wheat farming for
many years. He is survived by his
widow, Mae Burchell; four chil
dren, Edward, Grace, Doris and
Billy, and two brothers, H. N. Bur
chell of Sheridan, and Chas. Bur
chell of Corvallis.
Funeral services have been an
nounced for 2 o'clock, Saturday af
ternoon, at the Christian church in
Lexington, Chas. A. Sias, minister,
officiating. A more complete obit
uary will appear next week.
Oregon "State College, Corvallis,
Nov. 28. Frances Troedson of lone,
sophomore in education at Oregon
State college, was recently appoint
ed on the ticket committee for the
Junior Prom, annual al school for
mal to be held on the tentative date
of March 3. Work by the varoius
committees will start at once. The
queen of the Prom will be chosen
by the men of the junior class this
year according to plans made at a
recent meeting of the committee
chairmen, and selection of the can
didates will start immediately.
Those making the honor roll In
high school on last grade reports
are: Three l's each, Armin Wihlon,
Irene Beamer; two Is each, Clif
ford Yarnell, LaVerne Van Marter,
Joan Pope; one 1 each, Francis
Nickerson, Ralph Currin, Florence
Moyer, Billy Thomson, Alice Bleak-
man, Miriam Moyer, Beth Wright,
Owen Bleakman, Irvin Perlberg,
Jessie French, Jennie Swendig, Bet
ty Doherty, Catherine Healy, Mar
garet Sprinkel, Paul Brown, Dean
Goodman, Dora Bailey.
J. O. Turner, representative in
the legislature from this district
drove up from Sulem where he Is
attending the special session, yes
terday afternoon. He is eating tur
key dinner today with his family
at the home of his parents, Mr
and Mrs. R. W. Turner, following
which he will return to his duties
at the state capitol. Mrs. Turner
Is going to Salem with him, to
remain until the close of the ses'
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lumley took
their departure for The Dalles on
Saturday. Mr. Lumley, who has
been chosen for the position of
teacher of science in the high school
there, began his work on Monday
John Turley, who spent the sum.
mer months in the high mountains
with the sheep of D. O. Justus, is
spending a short time In Heppner,
Heppner unit, American Legion
Auxiliary, will meet next Tuesday
evening at tho home of Mrs. Cora-
mae Ferguson.
For Sale Circulating wood and
coal heater in good condition. In
quire Gazette Times office.
No True Bills Found
In Grand Jury's Grind
No true bills were found by the
grand jury in its session from Mon
day until Thursday evening' of last
week, according to the report sub
mitted to Judge Calvin L. Sweek at
the close of the session. The inves
tigations were not completed, the
report stated, and the jury asked to
be reconvened at a later date. The
report, signed by S. J. Devine, fore
man, Clyde G. Wright, Clive Hus
ton, Harry Quackenbush, W. H.
Ayers, Chas. Becket and R. K.
Drake, follows:
We have been in session five
days. We have returned one not a
true bill, but no true bills.
"We have examined the offices
connected with the administration
of justice, the county jail, and the
county poor house.
We have no comment or recom-
dation in reference to the said of
fices, jail and poor house other than
contained in our former report
'TVe have inquired into all mat
ters pertaining to the violation of
the criminal statutes of the State,
committed or triable in Morrow
County, which have been brought
to our attention or of which we had
knowledge. We have been unable
to complete some investigations for
the reason that witnesses and evi
dence are not available at this time,
but will be later; hence, we deem It
advisable that we be recalled at a
later date."
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Turner in Sand Hollow was the
scene of a very pleasant dinner par
ty on last Friday evening when
their neighbors were invited to par
take of an elaborate turkey dinner
prepared by Mrs. Turner. Tables
were spread for twenty-three invit
ed guests and following the sump
tuous repast, 500 was enjoyed for a
time, six tables being in play. At
cards the first prize went to Mrs. E.
E. Edwards and the '"booby" prize
to Geo. N. Peck.
Guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Casebeer, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slocum,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam J. Turner, Mr, and
Mrs. E. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moyer,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conner, Mrs. J.
O. Turner, Donald Turner, Mrs. Ola
Ward, Miss Merle Carmichael.
Charles Allinger, for 33 years a
resident of the lone district, wai
bidding good-bye to his Heppner
friends Tuesday morning, prepara
tory to leaving for his newly ac
quired home about two miles south
of Milwaukee, near Portland. Mr.
Allinger lias puicnu&eu a. Biimu
place mere wnere ne win mane nis
home in the future. His daughter,
Miss Lillie Allinger, former cashier
of the Farmers & Stockgrowers Na
tional bank here, has been residing
In the city for several months. In
his long residence in this county,
Mr. Allinger farmed and followed
his trade as carpenter. The family
was prominently identified with
much of the growth of the neighbor
ing city and the well wishes of a
wide circle of friends over the coun
ty acompany them to their new
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schaffer were
in town Saturday from the Freeze
out ranch of Hynd brothers. Much
rain has come this fall In the foot
hill country, and the range condi
tions are pronounced excellent by
Mr. Schaffer.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert V. Turner
arrived from Portland Wednesday
to spend Thanksgiving with the
home folks. They are guests of
Mr. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Turner.
Annual Service for Departed Bro
thers to be Held at 2:30; Joel
R. Benton to Give Address.
The annual lodge of sorrow for
all Elkdom to be held next Sunday
will be observed by Heppner lodge
358 at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
Departed brothers of the last year
whose names will be called are Rob
ert R. Butler, late representative
in congress from Oregon whose
home was at The Dalles; Frank
Gilliam, pioneer hardware merch
ant and leading citizen of Heppner,
and Robert J. Carsner, late regis
ter of the U. S. land office at The
Dalles, state senator, and pioneer
stockman of this section.
The service will open with the!
funeral march, Mrs. George Gillis
of Lexington at the piano, while I
members enter. Opening ceremon-l
ies of the lodge will- be presided
over by Jas. G. Thomson, Jr., es
teemed leading knight, followed by
invocation. The American Legion
Auxiliary trio, Georgia Moore, Ethel
Smith and Coramae Ferguson will
sing two numbers, "There Is No
Death," 0'Hara,,and "Let Us Have
Peace." Ball. Following: the cere
monies of the lodge, Joel R. Benton,
minister of the Church of Christ of
Heppner, will deliver the memorial
address. Laurel Beach of Lexing
ton will sing "Face to Face," John
son. Singing of "Auld Lang Syne"
by the audience will be followed by
closing ceremonies of the lodge and
A cordial invitation ij extended
to the public to join in the services.
Members of the American Legion
post entertained the members of
the Auxiliary and a few other in
vited guests with a turkey dinner
last Wednesday evening. About
thirty persons enjoyed their hospi
tality and ate their share of the
turkey and "trimmin's" provided.
After dinner which was served In
the Auxiliary room, everyone went
into the Legion hall where several
hours of old time dancing were en
joyed. Mr. Cone, an old friend from the
Willamette valley, has been visit
ing with Art Turner the past few
Mrs. Helen Fan-ens returned on
Friday evening from Salem where
she had been called by the illness
of her daughter, Mrs. Homer Ly
ons (Arleta Farrens). Mrs. Lyons
was well on the road to recovery
when Mrs. Farrens left her to re
turn home.
J. W. Howk, local agent for the
O. W. R. & N., was a Portland vis
itor several days last week. WTiile
away his place was filled by P. P.
A large number of friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Balsiger met at the
Congregational church parlors on
Monday evening to bid' them fare
well before their departure at the
end of the week for Galvin, Wash.,
where they have purchased a gen
eral merchandise store and will
make their home. Mr. Balsiger is
a member of the school board and
has been engaged In various phases
of the wheat business during his
years of residence here. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Balsiger have been active
in church and civic work for many
years and will be missed by their
many friends and the community
at large.
The tea and needlework sale held
by the Auxiliary in their room In
the Legion hall last Saturday after
noon was a success in every way.
A large number of ladles dropped
in during tho afternoon and prac
tically all of the articles on display
were sold and orders taken for a
great many more. During the af
ternoon Miss Lucy Spittle sang two
charming vocal solos and Miss Lor
raine Pope gave a musical reading
in her delightful way. The Auxil
iary wishes to thank the public for
its support and especially those who
are not members of the organiza
tion who helped in various ways to
make the affair successful.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann and
sons and Mrs. Inez Freeland will
motor to Redmond to spend
Thanksgiving with the family of
Mrs. Elaine Merritt who is a daugh
ter of Mrs. Freeland.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith spent
most of last week vacationing at
variou3 points in the Yakima val
ley, iney report a, ueugutiui tup,
the weather being ideal and the fall
landscape especially beautiful
around Toppenish and Sunnyslde.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin with
their daughter Betty Jean, their son
Buddy and Miss Alice Patterson
who makes her home with them,
departed last Thursday for West
Virginia where they expect to spend
several weeks visiting at the old
home of Mr. Mankin.
Going east to visit seem3 to be in
the air this fall. Word has been
received of the safe arrival at their
destination In West Virginia of
Mrs. Lee Beckner and Mrs. Roy
Lleuallen who started east some
time ago.
On Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Cotter were given a
party by a group of friends prior
to their departure for Rochester,
Minn., where they will visit with
the mother of Mr. Cotter who was
recently Injured by a fall. The
evening was spent playing bridge.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swan-
(Continued on Fag Four)
Livestock Men Organize
at Portland, County
Agent Tells Lions.
Cluh's Committee Solicits $55 From
Business District; Blind Work
and Airport Discussed.
The importance of the new fed
eral loan structure to Morrow coun
ty was emphasized by Chas. W.
Smith, county agent, in a report of
recent meetings attended at Spo
kane and Portland, before the
Lions club luncheon Monday. Lack
of local banking facilities and the
curtailment of refinancing or the
making of new loans through the
regional agricultural credit associ
ation almost makes it mandatory
for this county to organize under
the new federal setup in order to
obtain credit to carry on production
operations, he said.
He told briefly of the new plan
as explained by federal financing
officials at the Spokane meeting,
which throws five of the former
type loans under one head with
the new administration functioning
similar to the federal land bank.
The new setup provides for the
establishment of local loan com
panies in which those obtaining
loans must take stock up to 5 per
cent of the loan.
At Portland Saturday steps were
taken by livestock men to organize
a single large livestock loan com
pany for eastern Oregon to be cap
italized at $600,000 wtih headquar
ters at Baker, Mr. Smith said. J. G.
Barratt of Heppner was named one
of the directors.
Morrow county farmers generally
are slow to take up with the stock
purchase idea in order to obtain
loans, he said. But it appears
something must be done in the field
of "barn yard" and wheat produc
tion loans in order to provide credit
facilities. He said that a full dis
cussion of the matter is slated for
the Eastern Oregon Wheat League
conference at Moro on December
3-4, from which it is hoped a defin
ite plan of procedure will be had.
W. W. Smead reported for the
Lions club committee that assisted
in the local Red Cross drive. A
total of $55.50 was raised in the
business district covered by the
committee, Mr. Smead said, without
a single turndown. J. D. Cash and
F. W. Turner assisted Mr. Smead
in the solicitation. A report was
not available from Chas. W. Bar
low, drive chairman, as to the city
and county totals.
M. L. Case, club blind committee
chairman, made a report on the
blind situation In the county as re
ported recently through Red Cross
headquartrs which has cooperated
with the club, local Red Cross chap
ter and the county in carrying on
blind work in the county. He also
gave a short description of the
work of the state blind school at
Salem and of the self-help blind
school in Portland. The work of
the Salem school aims to equip its
students educationally to a point
entitling them to entrance in col
lege or university, with instruction
in typing and other vocational work
Included, while the Portland school
is purely a trade school, assisting
its students in the making of ar
ticles which give them an income
when sold.
What chances Heppner might
have of providing ground for an
airport to be constructed from funds
allotted by the Civil Works admin
istration was discussed, and Dr. A.
D. McMurdo, president, appointed
a committee to investigate the mat
ter. Appointed were Earl Eskel
son, Earl W. Gordon, Spencer Craw
ford and Chas. W. Smtlh.
The club's committee to investi
gate the possibilities of obtaining a
bank in Heppner reported further
progress, with developments at the
tim not warranting a detailed re
Work on the Willow creek road
improvement project approved by
the civil works administration
started immediately after announce
ment of the approval, with Harry
Tamblyn, county engineer, and a
surveying crew doing the prelimin
ary work. The first work will con
sist of eliminating what Is known
as the Corbin grade shortly above
the forks of the creek. It is ex
pected to relocate the road beside
the creek at this point. Another
proposed improvement is the elim
ination of the sharp curve at the
rock bluff known as the "caves" a
short distance below the forks.
News of the death of Mrs. Sally
Ames at her home in Ellensburg at
11 o'clock Monday morning was re
ceived here shortly after by rela
tives. Mrs. Ames was the mother of
Mrs. Harold Cohn and Mrs, Adelyn
O'Shea, and an aunt of Mrs. B. R.
Patterson, all of this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. O'Shea left Im
mediately for Ellensburg, where fu
neral services were expected to b
held yesterday. Three sons and one
daughter besdies Mrs. Cohn and
Mrs. O'Shea, survive, namely Willis,
Holton, Ernest and Hazel. .