PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1933. (BtxzttU Sintf js THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 3ft 1S83; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTER and SPENCER CKAWTOBS and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVXBTISrjr BATES GIVES OH APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Six Months Three Months Single Copla 1.00 .76 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County THE REVISED BCDGET. A NEW budget has been prepared a for the Heppner schools. The first flare of combat over the budget presented last week subsid ed into calm discussion of the prob lems presented, with opponents and proponents showing consideration for the well-being of the schools and what they represent as well as for the stressed conditions of the taxpayers. From these discussions the school board chose its course, the appoint ment of a new budget committee. This committee, with the board. had the benefit of opinions of the former budget committee and those who opposed the former budget, in drawing up the new budget which they present as truly picturing the financial needs of the schools for the coming year. In the discussions it was brought out that the majority of folks were satisfied that the operating expenses of the school had been cut about as low as ia consistent with the gen eral welfare. There was not much kick on that score. But, It was re vealed, the "hitch" which caused the big increase in the proposed levy came in the item of outstanding warrant indebtedness. This item of $50,800 was partially offset by in cluding estimated receipts from de linquent taxes of $31,623.66, leaving a balance of $20,166.34 to pay off warrant indebtedness, if collected, included in the amount of the levy. The logical argument prevailing in the discussion was: Why levy again to pay warrants for which taxes had already been levied? If the taxes that had been levied were not paid, what chance would there be for payment of another levy for the same purpose? Such a levy was but pyramiding the obligation of taxpayers to pay indebtedness, making it that much harder for them to pay and redeem their prop erty, for the back taxes as well as the new levy must be paid by property-owners to keep from losing their property. It was also argued that carrying any amount as esti mated receipts from delinquent taxes was a mistake, because there is no certainty what amount of these may be paid. The budget committee accepted this argument as logical, but found a condition to exist which did not permit relying entirely on the pay ment of delinquent taxes to redeem the outstanding warrants. There had been issued in warrants some $7000, representing capital invest ment, for which so far no levy had been made. It was to cover this item and to make up for a certain amount of delinquent taxes that would not be collected that the com mittee allowed an item of $9000 to cover warrant indebtedness. The committee, however, ignored entirely any estimated receipts from delinquent taxes, and In bal ancing the budget found that the $22,000 to be raised by taxation was but a 6 percent increase over the levy made last year. In view of the fact that big cuts in the levy were made the last two years, and last year's levy being almost 50 percent less than the levy three years ago, they believe there should be no general objection to the new budget They realize, as has been often expressed in the budget discussions, that the only solution to the present tax difficul ties lies in increased Incomes gen erally, so that more people may be enabled to pay their taxes; but it is also expressed that a certain amount of confidence In the future must be had In order to carry on at all. or "heel." of one whose main con cern before had to do mainly with the physical aspects of life. To the purely liberal arts type of mind it was unseemly, and apparently still is, that the two varying courses of education could be made compati ble under a man who for so long had been interested in but the one, and to that type of mind, less ele vating course. A deep philosophy underlies the apparent issues, a philosophy not dissimilar to that for the sake of which Socrates took the potion of hemlock. An analysis of the underlying thought of the university, as ex pressed in its habits and traditions, is necessary to arrive at the reason for the stand now being taken by the university faculty. Those edu cators, a fine group of people, are not motivated in their stand be cause of personal prejudice to any great degree; they are not simply expressing a time-worn grudge, nor have they any particular thought of their personal welfare. They are but fighting for a principle, a prin ciple which to them appears vital to the very life of an institution they love. It is lamentable that hasty and unkind words of a personal nature have escaped the mouths of lead ers in the fight. The nen on either side are outstanding gentlemen who ordinarily have the respect and ad miration of those with whom they come in contact. They should now prove themselves big enough to overlook personalities and to dis cuss the fundamental principles in- voivea, to establish a common ground, if possible, on which fac ulty and administration may stand in further advancing higher educa tion in Oregon. Transition, change, progress is ever accompanied by strife. But arbitration rather than bloodshed is the civilized rule for settling dis putes. VITAL TOPIC SUBJECT. Eugene. Definite data on rental charges of sewerage service, a vital topic before cities and towns of Oregon, is contained in the latest bulletin of the Bureau of Municipal Research and Service of the Uni versity of Oregon. The bulletin was issued in cooperation with the League of Oregon Cities and was edited by Herman Kehrll, executive secretary of the league. George Hayden was in the city yesterday from the farm home in the Hardman district. COMES THE DAWN. THE issue is now being forced as to whether William Jasper Kerr, chancellor of higher education, shall be the administrative head of the university of Oregon. This week the faculty of the uni versity voted unanimously for the resignation of Roscoe Nelson, chairman of the board of higher education, not so much, as they would have it appear, because Mr. Nelson made an unconscionable attack upon them, but because Mr. Nelson's attack afforded an oppor tunity for which they were looking, to strike at Mr. Kerr. If one could doubt the sincerity of Mr. Nelson's stand, one might say tnat his appearance in Eugene and Corvallis was planned as part of a melodramatic scheme to put Mr. Kerr "on the spot," so perfect it appears was the groundwork laid tor open battle. It is not probable that the battle will have devastating effect upon the type or education afforded the university student, no matter what the outcome. The issue is really whether or not Mr. Kerr shall have authority over the university fac ulty. One who has breathed the at mosphere of both the state college and university at the time Mr. Kerr was president of the college can easily sense the shock the delicate liberal arts nature must have re ceived by being put under the hand, STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU It A T I O N. ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF vvaumxss vr august 24, 1913, Of Heppner Gazette Times, published Weekly at Heppner, Oregon, for Oc tober 1, 1933. State of Oregon, County of Morrow, as. Before me. a Notarv Public In and for the State and county aforesaid. personally appeared Vawter Crawford, who. having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and savs that he is the Editor of the HeDDner Gazette Times and that the following Is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, man agement (and if a dailv paper, the cir culation), etc., of the aforesaid publica tion lor tne aaie snown in tne above caption, required by the Act of Aug ust 24, 1912. embodied in section 411. Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: That the names and addresses of the publishers, editor, managing editor, ana Dusiness managers are: Publishers. Vawter and SDencer trawiuni, ieppner, uregon. Editor, Vawter Crawford, Heppner, regoii. Managing Editor, Vawter Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Business Managers. Vawter an Spencer Crawford. Hennner. Oregon That the owners are: Vawter Craw ford, Heppner, Oregon; Spencer Craw ford. Heppner, Oregon. That the known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security holders own ing or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: Mrs. Catherine uonerty, tteppner, Oregon. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stock holders, and security holders, if any, contain not onlv the list of stnckhnlrf- ers and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security Bolder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of ...... y,t ..via wipuianuu IUI WIlOIIl such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain swHCLiiciun cinuiaciiig auianis IU11 Knowledge and belief as to the circum stances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities tnan as so stated by him. VAWTER CRAWFORD. Editor. Sworn to and Subscribed before me tnis 8tn day of November. 1933. (SEAL) JOS J. NYS, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires May 24. 1935.) 80; and interest to the 13th day of May, 1933. J2.04. making a total of $614.84. with interest thereon from May 13. 1933, at eight per cent per annum: $1000.00 reasonable attorney's fees and Plaintiff's costs of suit taxed at $125.50: and costs of sale, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate in the County of Morrow in the State of Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the North east quarter, the Southwest half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, the West half of the Southeast quarter and the east half of the Southwest quarter of Section 9; all of Section 16: the East half and all that part of the East half of the South west quarter lying East of the County Road of Section 17; the North half of the Northeast quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 20; the West half, the West half of the Southeast quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 22; the Northwest quarter of Section 27 : and the North half of Section 28; all in Township 1 South of Range 24, E. W. M., together with all the estate, right, title, interest, homestead or oth er claim or demand as well at law as in equity, which the mortgagor had on the 12th day of July, 1920, or might thereafter acquire of, in or to the said premises or any part thereof; and also all right, title and interest of the de fendants above named or any of them and all persons claiming by. through or under them which they then had or now have in or to said premises. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said writ on said judgment, decree and order of sale, and in compliance with the command of Eaid writ, I will on the 2nd day of December. 1933, in af ternoon at the hour of 4 o'clock of said day at the front door of the County NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE. On the 2nd day of December, 1933, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A M. at the front door of the Court House in Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located in Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: The SEH SE'i of Section 20; the S SWVi. SWi, SE'i of Section 21; the SMi NWi, SW NE"4 of Sec tion 27; the NWU. W4 E4, SEW NE' of Section 28: the EMi NEH of Section 29; all in Township 3 South. Range 25 East of the Wil lamette Meridian. Said sale is made under execution is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mor row, to me directed in the case of George McDuffce, Plaintiff, vs. E. Albee and J. J. Wightman, as ex ecutors of the estate of Wm. Hen drix, deceased. Defendants. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd aay oi ivovemoer, itwa. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FOBS. CLOSURE SALE. In the District Court of the United states tor tne District of Oregon. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corooration plaintiff, vs. David Breuer and Berthe u. Breuer, nis wile, E. M. Hulden and Beulah M. Hulden. his wife, Lorena t-osson inompson. and Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, a municipal cor poration, and Regional Agricultural reuu corporation oi spoKane, Wash ington, a federal corporation, defend- an is, r,.,. xj,,Qn j- u "Yi 1"-l" win uu juugmem, ae- "vv." " " ,ce u"; seu cress and order of sale issued out of at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to tne nignest bidder for cash in hand, all right, title and estate which defendants in this suit have, or any of them had on the 12th day of July, 1920. the date of the mortgage describ ed herein, or have since acquired, or since said date have had in or to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said judgment, de cree and order of sale, with interest, costs and accruing costs, including the costs upon this writ. (Signed) JOHN L. DAY, United States Marshal for the Dis trict of Oregon. JAMES A FEE. and FEE & RAN DALL, attorneys for Plaintiff, Post office address, Pendleton, Oregon. the above court in the above enttiled cause to me directed and dated the 24th day of October, 1933, upon a judgment, decree and order of sale rendered and entered in said court and cause on the 21st day of August, 1933. in, favor of The California Joint Stock Land Bank oi san jvrancisco, a corporation, plaintiff, against David Breuer and cerine u. sreuer. nis wire, and E. M Hulden and Beulah M. Hulden, his wife, for the sum of $6,304.86 with in terest thereon from April 26, 1933, at the rate of six per cent per annum, for taxes for the year 1927, $176.09, for the year itus, io3.1i), tor the year 1930. $129.00, for the year 1931, $104.49, for me year isai siav.BS, with Interest up on each of said sums from May 5, 1932, NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a meeting of the Levying ?har,lrif Mo7t7 County, Oregon, at the Court HousS in Heppner, Oregon on hnriit S 0fDecemiT' 1933,wh and where the estimates arrived at by the ,S Sl,ttf'f ot Morrw County, Oregon, hereinafter set forth, may be dts sublectTo JchtvTvf fr,r,dKa1d WSen a.nd wnee a"y persons who shaH be any Dart thereof V' a 1 be heard ln avor of or ainst said tax levy or Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 26th day of October 1933 WM. T. CAMPBELL, Judge. GEORGE N. PECK. Commissioner. FRANK S. PARKER. Commissioner. ESTIMATES nrenfnf VJfi .fet 18 ,a6e l" cmPliance with Chapter 118. General Laws of , ., " . ttiiiciiuiiiiiiH uiereio, ana snows tne several services ma terials and supplies for the budget estimates for the Department or Officer Estimated 1933 Expenditures NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 2nd day of December, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M at the iront door of tne Court House in Hepp- ner, Morrow County, Oregon, I will sell at auction as provided by law, the following described real property at not less than the minimum price set iorin arm upon tne iouowing terms, io-wh: SW4 SEV4, SEV SW',4 of Section 8; N NW54 of Section 17; Twp. 4 South, Range 29 E. W. M., for the minimum price of $500.00 of which one-fourth shall be paid down in cash and the balance in three equal annual payments at 6 per cent In terest and purchaser to pay sub seauent tax assessments. Sale is made by virtue of an order of tne county court, dated November 1st, 1933, directing and authorizing me to sen saiu property as provided by law. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Novem ber am, ivdi. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE CLOSURE SALE. In the District Court of the ITniiorl amies lor tne uistrict ot Oregon. The California Joint Stock Land IsanK OI Ban Francisco, a rnrnnpuhnn Plaintiff, vs. Mathiaa Halvorsen; Hepp ner Farmers Elevator Company, a cor poration, The First National Bank of Heppner, a corporation, J, L. Gault receiver, Lumbermen's Security Cor poration, a corporation, and Morrow County, Oregon, a municipal corpora- By virtue of a writ on Judgment, de cree and order of sale iHsued out of the above court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 24th day of October, 1933, upon a Judgment, de cree and order of sale rendered and en tered ln said court and cause on the 2lBt day of August, 1933, in favor of The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation as plaintiff, against Mathlas Halvorsen for the sum of $8.92449 with int...,. thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from May 10, 1933, taxes for the I year 1931, $559.62; tuxes for 1932, $612.- COUNTY JUDGE Salary $ 1.250.00 $ Salary 1.600.00 Deputies 2,064.00 Books, blanks, incident als and travel expense .. 850.00 Tax Collection Fllwi CLERK Salary 1,600.00 Deputies 1.200.00 Books, blanks, incidentals son mi TREASURER Salary 1.000,00 books, oianks. incidentals 300.00 ASSESSOR Salary 1.250.00 Deputy and field work 1,620.00 Books, blanks.incidentals 400.00 Tax Extension 100 00 SUPERINTENDENT Salary 1.500.00 Travel Expense 375 00 Books, blanks,incidentals 175.00 Club Work 100.00 CORONER Mileage, fees 150.00 COUNTY COURT Expense, mileage 800.00 ACCOUNTANTS Book Audits 250 00 CURRENT EXPENSE Postage, telegrams, tele phone, stationery, etc. 900.00 JAIL Prisoners' board 300 00 ELECTION Expense , 1,400.00 INDIGENT SOLDIERS Appropriation 100.00 COURT HOUSE Janitor 864.00 Fuel 400.00 Light, water 500.00 Incidentals 250.00 POOR Care of poor 3.000 00 WIDOWS' PENSIONS Expense 1,800.00 PHYSICIAN Salary 300.00 INSANE Expense 3,000.00 CIRCUIT COURT Jurors, witnesses, bail iffs, incidentals, spec- lal counsel 1,800.00 JUSTICE COURT Expense 200.00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY JPxnM - 150 00 COUNTY AGENT Appropriation 2,300.00 TAX REBATE SEALER'6 ' 100 00 Appropriation 116 00 OLD AGE PENSION Expense 6,000.00 LIBRARY Appropriation 200.00 INSTITUTE Appropriation 75 00 MISCELLANEOUS Overseer (machinery) .. 960.00 Insurance 442 00 Bonds 645.00 EMERGENCY Appropriation 6,000.00 COUNTY SCHOOL Per Capita 14.290.00 MARKET ROAD Appropriation 7,000.00 ROAD BONDS Sinking Fund 22.000.00 Interest Fund 25,470 00 ROADMASTER-ENGINEER Salary 2,000.00 ROADS-BRIDGES Repairs, labor, materials equipment, roads, brid ges and incidentals .... 25.000.00 STATE TAX Tax . 50,000.00 WARRANTS OUTSTANDING General Fund Warrants 9,592.00 6. mo. 1930 1931 1932 1933 ! 712.50 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 877.75 1,096.00 679.84 6,611.61 6,452.42 5,803.67 877.74 660.00 57.83 4,095.98 3.981.66 3.831.01 500.00 61.23 1,101.12 1,075.64 1,143.19 693.05 945.00 303.55 4,450.85 4,394.71 4.111.82 769.43 294.45 2,425 64 2,489.95 2,314.90 28.90 79.25 117.60 78.52 362.29 1,384.70 1,298.99 1,034.49 110.00 510.00 110.00 390.97 909.37 806.17 821.44 162.44 202.07 227.56 274.66 15.25 1,483.09 1,598.01 25.00 113.76 18.00 41.50 843.99 843.99 5,269.56 3.625.22 1,937.54 1,792.45 2.807.88 3,559.54 4,284.74 1,000.70 1,568.00 1,840.00 2,054.41 150.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 405.53 24.00 49.76 1,158.52 129.36 1,039.85 1,126.90 901.03 28.40 232,80 200.05 201.98 13.40 77.43 205.24 41.19 1,100.00 2,600.00 2,850.00 2,400.00 133.88 27.27 41.10 110.41 109.36 99.86 190.97 187.27 200.00 200.00 200.00 480.00 1.200.00 1,200.00 1,080.00 156.50 483.63 223.50 294.25 300.00 448.00 528.00 339.00 at the rate of eight per cent per an num; $750.00, reasonable attorney's fees, and plaintiff's costs of suit taxed at $84.25 and the costs of sale, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property situate in the County of Morrow in the State of Oregon, to-wit: The South half of Section 2, and the Southeast quarter of Section 3. all in Township 2. South of Range 26. E. W M.. together with all the estate, right, title, interest, homestead or other claim or demand as well at law as in equity, which the mortgagors had on the 30th day of June, 1920, or might thereafter acquire, of, ln or to the said premises or any part thereof, and also all right, title and Interest of the de fendants or anv of them, and all per sons claiming by, through or under them, which they then had or now have ln or to saia nremises. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said writ on said Judgment, decree anu order of sale, and in compliance with the command of said writ, I will on the 2nd dav of December. 1933. in af ternoon at the hour of 3:45 o'clock of said day at the front door 01 the County Court House in HeoDner, Ore gon, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all right, title and estate which defendants in this suit have, or any of them had on the 30th day of June. 1920, the date of the mortgage described herein, or since have NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. One nr r ,r"l(' Blale 01 Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING or said district ?nn b,e.heid at the Council Chambers, on the 20th day of November, 1933, at -. 1,1 mo tuieiiiuou lor me purpose or aiscussing tne Duugei Herein after set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the 1 vt 11 "eK'o'ung on June au, i33, and ending on June 30, 1934, is estimatea , e following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county n 8tate 80,1001 fund. elementary school fund, special district tax, and . wmi invjiicya OI Hie UlMiriCl. BUDGET Estimated Receipts Balance on hand at beginning of school year (third Monday ln June) for which this budget is made $ 3.405.03 From county school fund 3,282.34 From state school fund 632.09 From elementary school fund . 2 937.40 From tuition for pupils below high school t 1,225.00 From county high school tuition fund for tuition and trans portation 5.500.00 Total estimated receipts $16,981.86 Estimated Expenditures Elementary High School TOTAL GENERAL CONTROL Personal Service: superintendent $ 600.00 $ Clerk 100.00 Stenographers and other office assistants .... 135.00 Supplies 70.00 Elections and publicity 35.00 Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) 25.00 Total Expense of General Control INSTRUCTION Supervision Personal Service: Supervisors Principals .!.i!!!ZZ"!Z"'." 1,350.00 600.00 100.00 135.00 70.00 35.00 25.00 f 1,930.00 Supplies, principals and supervisors Total Expense, Supervision INSTRUCTION Teaching Personal Service: Teachers Teachers Teachers 25.00 6.210.00 425.00 25.00 180.00 15.00 4,096.00 675.00 400.00 180.00 15.00 Supplies (chalk, paper,' eTcT-V."""' Z Textbooks (desk copies and indigents) juxpeuse 01 -reaming OPERATION OF PLANT Personal Service: Janitors and other employees 750.00 Janitors' supplies 150.00 f"e' 450.00 Light and power 125.00 Water 75.00 Total Expense of Operation , MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Repair and replacement of furniture and equip ment Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds Total Expense of Maintenance and Repaln AUXILIARY AGENCIES Band Grade Text Books " '", Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies FIXED CHARGES Insurance 225.00 xoiai -ixea unarges DEBT SERVICE Principal on bonds $ 3,000 00 Princpial on warrants 9,873 96 Interest on bonds 2.500.00 Interest on warrants 3 048 00 Total Debt Service EMERGENCY 200.00 200.00 25.00 300.00 750.00 150.00 450.00 125.00 75.00 300.00 200.00 25.00 225.00 1,825.00 11,770.00 3,100.00 900.00 350.00 450.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year $39,256.96 Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax 16,981.86 Balance, amonnt to be raised by district tax $22,275.10 Summary of Estimated Expenditures For school year from June 30. 1933. to Jane 30. 1934. Personal service , tic qok on Supplies zz...i"z;izzzzzz 850:00 itiimt.eiiaiii-e anu repairs 900 00 Debt service ' 18 431' 96 Miscellaneous ". Z.Z ZI 2 250 00 Emergency ZZ.i.ZZ 'sOaOO Total $39,256.96 Indebtedness Amount of bonded indebtedness (including all warrants is- - sued by vote of electors) $46,000 00 Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants Issued and en- uurseu not paia lor lack of runds" 60,818 43 Total Indebtedness $96,818.43 Dated this 7th day of November, 1933. Attest: CHAS THOMSON, w C COX Acting District Clerk. Chairman. Board' of Directors.. Budget Committee: M. L. CASE, D. A. WILSON. SPENCER CRAWFORD. TOTAL $203,488.00 are ISthoriled'hv tT""'8 are "ot lnclude1 """'n the 6 per cent limitation and State Tax j Kfinnonn Bond Sinking Fund t 22 000 00 Bond Interest Fund ......ZZZ.'ZZZZ.' XtfOM TOTAL ... 97,470.00 Estimated receipts other than taxation, for the year 1934- hherirr s fees ocn nn Clerk's fees " 1 son 00 25 Forest Rentals ZZ'Z a75 00 Delinquent tax V'" a im 00 Miscellaneous 9,amm Motor License from State .....'.'Z.'Z.'.'.'Z.'.'ZZ 5,000.00 !....$ 17,717.00 TOTAL RECAPITULATION ioiai eHi maiea exnenfiitiire fop 1W4 cv,inn4 0 -. nr. T,,tai outi,tf,ri (n t 1 j, Dul,Jcl'1 lu 0 per cent limitation ....fiuo.uin.uu total estimated receipts not Including proposed tax 12,717.00 B"1'He;,am0U"t t0 be r,llfled by "ation subject to 6 per cent liml- $ 93,301.00 Dated this 26th day of October, 1933. MORROW COUNTY BUDGET COMMITTEE, WM. T. CAMPBELL. Chairman. GEORGE N. PECK. Secretary. Couidv'Tae$?17CoV1n i'hteHh!!.a"!?UK"t ?f "ttandlng indebtedness of Morrow county is $j17,000.U0 In serial road bonds and $9,692.00 General Fund Warrants. GAY M. ANDERSON, Clerk. NOTICE OF MEETING OF TAX LEVYING BOARD OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER NOTICE IS HERET1V OTVFM ihal Und. lh. fill, Jo J 1933, at 7:30 o clock in the evening of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said City of Heppner will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the tax budget hereinafter set forth of said City of Heppner for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1934, and lit. 1 Hrtlu iLy oi neppiier may ai mat lime appear ana De heard either in opposition to or ln favor of the tax levy set forth herein, or any item PERSONAL SERVICE Chief of Police $1,080.00 City Recorder 240 00 City Treasurer 24000 City Attorney 240 00 Night Marshal 840 00 Insurance (State) '"' ". 70 00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Lights .:. Printing 2,710.00 ..$1,200.00 , 100.00 MAINTENANCE AND BRIDGES Streets and Bridges 750.00 1,300.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Hose, Fire Chief, Extras, Truck, Fuel, Gas and Incidentals. 350.00 750.00 BOND REDEMPTION Redemption of Water Bonds 350.00 ..$6,000.00 ALTERATION OF BUILDING Alteration of Building $ 600.00 6,000.00 PAYMENT ON PROPERTY Payment on Property 280.00 600.00 MISCELLANEOUS Incidentals 280.00 .. 750.00 INTEREST ON BONDS .. WATER DEPARTMENT Salary Superintendent BopKkeeper .. 4,010.00 I 750.00 4; 1,010.00 1,200.00 Labor, repairs, incidentals ZZZZ.ZZZZZZZZZ.Z 1,50000 8,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $19,650,00 Water Collections . Licenses Fines Estimated Receipts ,..$10,000.00 .. 475.00 60.00 County (Road Tax) o Balance in General Fund ZZZZZZZZZ l,4iaoo TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $12,735.00 Recapitulation Total estimated exnendltureit for the venr iqsj .. ,. Total estimated receipts for the year 1934 Z.Z.ZZZ".ZZZZZZ3.'..U736.'00 Total amount to be raised by taxation t oik no Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 17th day of October, 1933 LEVYING BOARD. D. A. WILSON, Chairman. CHAS. W. SMITH. Attest: E. R. HUSTON, '' (SEAL) City Recorder and Clerk of Levying Board. quired, or since said date have had in or to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said judg ment, decree and order of Bale, with Interest, costs and accruing costs, in cluding the costs upon this writ. (Signed) JOHN L. DAY. United States Marshal for the Dis trict of Oregon. JAMES A. FEE. and FEE & RAN DALL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post office address, Pendleton, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate of Francis J. Hiatt, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, with proper vouchers as required by law. at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 2nd day of November, 1933. LUCILLE HIATT, Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account as administratrix of the estate of William J. Davis, deceased, and that the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has appointed Monday, the 4th day of December, 1933, at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. NETTIE M. DAVIS, Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, executrix of the last Will and Testament of James Nolan, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased, are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law re quired to said executrix at the law of fice of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of October, 1933. BESSIE K. EVERSON, Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administrator of the Estate of Ethel M. Peterson. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified by law as required with proper vouchers attached, at the law office of F. H. Robinson, at lone, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice. The date of the first publication of this notice is Thursday, the 19th day of October, 1933. ' A. E JOHNSON, Administrator of the estate of Ethel M. Peterson, deceased. P. O. Address, lone, Oregon. Professional Cards PHELPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1332 HEPPNER, OREGON J.O.TURNER Attorney at Law Phone 178 Humphreys Building 2 HEPPNER. ORE. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN fe SURGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Tested and Glaiies Fitted. WM. BROOKIIOUSER FAINTING PAPERHANOINO .. INTERIOR DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis Oilman Building Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Trained Nana Aislitant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloe ln L O. O. 7. Building Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Cempanlea, Real Batata. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONE Y-AT-LA W Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon