Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 02, 1933, Image 1

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Volume 50, Number 34.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Opponents Vote Down
Proposed Expenditures
Three to One.
Goodman Upholds Committee's Ac
tion; Little Red Schoolhouse,
Team and Buggy Applauded.
Whether or not the Heppner
schools have a budget on which to
base their operation next year is a
moot question as a result of the
budget meeting of school district
No. 1, held yesterday afternoon at
the council chambers.
Opponents who crowded the
meeting voted out the entire bud
get, 3 to 1, when balloting by all
who attended was permitted by W.
C. Cox, chairman of the board.
After it was all over and the votes
were counted, the opinion of J. J.
Nys, attorney, was given that such
a vote was out of order as a spe
cial vote of the electorate is requir
ed to pass the budget only in case
the amount to be raised by taxation
exceeds by six per cent the amount
levied in any one of the three im
mediate preceding years, any one
of which may be taken as a base.
Others expressed the opinion that
the school board and citizen's com
mittee may not pass the budget
over the expressed will of the vot
ers. Dean T. Goodman, member of the
citizen's committee who helped
frame the budget, gave an explana
tion of the predicament facing the
district which brought about an in
crease of 47 percent in the proposed
amount to be raised by taxation
over the amount levied last year.
The proposed amount, while 47
percent greater than the amount
levied last year, is still some $10,
000 less than the amount levied
three years ago.
Mr. Goodman said that the board
and budget committee had expend
ed their best efforts to cut tbe bud
get all possible, and had arrived at
the proposed budget as the least
possible amount for which the
schools could be kept open on a
standard basis.
"Curtailing the length of the
school year or further restricting
the teaching force would necessi
tate going off the state standard,
with probable loss of tuition rev
enue from outside districts who
would cease to transport their pu
pils to Heppner. This loss would
undoubtedly equal a greater am
ount than could be saved by going
off the standard," Mr. Goodman
He stressed the lamentable con
ditions which would undoubtedly
exist should the schools be closed
entirely. Those who could afford
to do so would send their children
elsewhere to school, while children
of the less fortunately situated par
ents would be left to the inadequate
resources remaining to provide
them with an aducation. The loss
of business and consequent prop
erty depreciation within the city,
together wtih the added tax load
that would be shouldered on to
those who were left would be much
more costly, he believed, than keep
ing the schools open at the pro
posed budgeted amount
Opponents of the budget applaud
ed when an assertion was made
that it would be better for the chil
dren from the country districts to
return to the little red schoolhouses.
One man said he would be willing
to return to the mule team and
buggy, wtih Main street six inches
deep with mud; and that attempt
ing the collection of more taxes
would but hurry the return of such
Mr. Goodman pointed out that
taxes were inevitable so long as
people were to enjoy the privileges
of organized government, and that
the budget committee had but done
the best it knew to meet existing
conditions acting under existing
He showed that if all the uncol
lected taxes were collected the dis
trict would be on a cash basis and
would be In a position to operate
with a much lower levy.
Another opponent believed It un
fair to make taxpayers without
children pay for the education of
other people's children. She pro
posed that everyone pay for the ed
ucation of their own children thru
the tuition system. But she was
informed that the district has no
power to enforce such a rule, which
would have to be brought about
through state law.
The levy as the special school
district tax was supposed to have
been turned over to the assessor
today, the final day permitted, to
be extended on the tax rolls. Should
the action of the voters be upheld,
it Is expected the granting of time
will be asked In which to prepare
a new budget.
Work of rcenforclng the side wall
of the Central market, damaged in
the Peoples Hardware company fire
at Rodeo time, whs begun the first
of the week. An extra tile wall was
used to face the old wall, making
the repair work permanent and
substantial. The building is owned
by the Mrs. Fannie O, Rood estate.
Serious Injury Sustained When
Truck Hit by Train at Farm
Crossing; Rests Easy.
Jphn Wightman, co-partner of
Alfalfa Lawn dairy, prominent
Heppner business man and a lead
er In the community, was seriously
injured Tuesday morning when the
milk truck he was driving was hit
by a special Q.-W. R. & n. train
at the farm crossing three miles
below Heppner. He sustained
fracture of the frontal skull and
scalp lacerations which required 60
stitches to close, besides a wrench
ed back and bruises the extent of
which had not been definitely de
termined this morning.
He was taken immediately to
Heppner hospital, and though he
had rested easy, his physician re
ported that he was not yet out of
danger. Chances were said good
for his recovery, barring complica
tions. The accident occurred shortly be
fore noon as Mr. Wightman was
driving the truck from the house
to tne dairy Darns across the rail
road tracks. Claude Graham, as
sistant at the dairy with whom Mr.
Wightman had been talking but a
minute before, witnessed the acci
dent and was one of the first to
reach the injured man. He said
the train was coasting down the
track, making little sound, and that
apparently Mr. Wightman was un
aware of its approach. The truck
had almost cleared the crossing
when the train struck it in the
rear end, dragging it some 20 feet
and upending it on its top. Mr.
Wightman was thrown clear. He
crawled a ways on his hands and
knees, but was unconscious and
bleeding profusely when Mr. Gra
ham reached him. He regained
consciousness on the way to the
hospital and complained of his back
The train stopped within seven
car lengths, Mr. Graham said, and
he had to climb between the cars to
get to the injured man. Dr. Mc
Murdo was on the scene shortly,
being on his way to Lexington and
stopping at the scene of the acci
dent wtihin a few minutes. An
ambulance was summoned at once
and Mr. Wightman was taken im
mediately to the hospital.
The train which hit the truck
had come up the branch the eve
ning before at about 10:30, loaded
with sheep being returned to Hepp
ner from Montana where they had
been on summer range. It was ex
pected the sheep would be unloaded
the night they arrived, but due to
the heavy rain it was impossible
to unload them as expected and
they were not unloaded until the
next morning. Mr. Wightman.
knew about the train's arrival and
the expected time of unloading, and
Mr. Graham believes that he prob
ably thought the train had return
ed down the branch earlier in the
morning and had dismissed it from
his mind. .
Vawter Parker Among
Bar Exam Graduates
University of Oregon, Eugene.
October 31. W. Vawter Parker,
University of Oregon student from
Heppner, has successfully passed
the state bar examination it was
announced by Wayne L. Morse,
dean of the law school.
This year 17 out of the 18 univer
sity of Oregon law school gradu
ates passed the examination; such
a record is considered remarkable
since of the total of 92 who took
the examination, only 52 passed.
The showing this year upholds the
university school's reputation, since
last year 28 out of 29 graduates tak
ing the test were successful, and
the year before none failed.
Mr. Parker's successful passage
of the examination admits him to
practice law in Oregon.
Like Mark Twain who stated the
report of his death to be greatly
exaggerated, W. W. Smead, Hepp
ner postmaster, declines the honor
of having killed a fine bull elk, as
reported last week. He says, too,
that the hunting grounds of his
party were some 65 miles distant
from the reported Morphine ranch,
and while his gun was of good cal
ibre he did not believe it would
carry quite so far. He did, how
ever, bag a fine buck, thereby up
holding at least part of his title to
the distinction of grandaddy of
J. J. Wells is again back at his
duties as county assessor, returning
Sunday evening from a two-weeks'
stay in Portland while consulting
medical specialists in the city. His
health is hardly back to normal,
but Mr. Wells reports some Im
C. J. Shorb of La Grande, district
manager of the Home Owners Loan
corporation, will be In Heppner
next Monday afternoon at the office
of J. J. Nys, local attorney for the
corporation. Anyone Interested in
home loans can consult Mr. Shorb
at this time.
Congressman Walter M. Pierce
will speak tomorrow evening at the
Rhea Creek grange hall. The pub
lic is cordially Invited,
27 head pigs, 100 lbs., $5 per head.
I C. W. McLaughlin, Lena,
Wheat Price 84 Percent
More Than Year Ago
as of October 15.
C. S. D. A. Report Shows General
Price Level Improved Over 1932;
Little Change in 80 Days.
(U. S. D. A. Statistician Oregon
and Washington)
The general level of prices re
ceived for agricultural products at
local markets was 70 percent of
prewar on October 15 or the same
as a month earlier. Mid-October
prices of grains, fruits, vegetables,
cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, and
chickens all were lower than on
September 15, but these losses were
entirely offset by the price advances
registered for cotton, cottonseed,
hay, hogs, dairy products and eggs.
The decline in local market prices
of corn, cattle, and chickens was
due partly to seasonal influences,
but this same factor also favored
the upturn in prices paid to farm
ers for butter, milk and eggs. Sub
indexes for the several groups of
products fluctuated as follows:
Fruit and vegetables, down 15
points; grains, down 10; meat ani
mals, up 1 (due entirely to the raise
in hog prices); dairy products and
cotton and cottonseed, both up 2;
and poultry products, up 17.
At 70 percent of prewar, the Oc
tober 15 farm price index was 14
points higher than a year ago. All
groups showed a considerable ad
vance over October, 1932, with the
exception of meat animals and poul
try products. Grain prices were
up 32 points; fruit and vegetables,
27; cotton and cottonseed, 20; and
dairy products, 10 points. Meat an
imal prices averaged only 3 points
higher, however, while chicken and
egg prices were down 8 points.
Purchase Index at lift.
The index of prices farmers pay
for commodities at 116 percent of
prewar, was also the same on Oc
tober 15 as a month earlier, but
only 11 points higher than a year
ago. As a result the mid-October
ratio of commodities received to
prices paid, or the exchange value
of farm products in terms of com
modities farmers buy, remained at
60 per cent of its 1910-1914 average
as compared with 53 in October,
WHEAT: Heavy shipments of
wheat to importing countries from
the Southern hemisphere and a
moderate appreciation of the dollar
in terms of foreign exchange ap
pear to have been responsible for
the 11 percent decline in the price
paid United States farmers for
wheat from September 15 to Octo
ber 15. At 63.6 cents per bushel,
however, the mid-October local
market quotations averaged 84 per
cent higher than a year earlier.
Eggs Show Advance.
EGGS: The 28 percent advance
in local market prices of eggs was
the largest change registered for
any farm product during the month
ended October 15. The price ad
vance during this period was just
twice as large as the average sea
sonal increase recorded during the
5 years, 1928-1932. A sharp drop in
production, maintenance in egg pro
duction at last year's level and a
reduction in storage holdings to
below average holdings were the
factors primarily responsible for
the increase in egg prices. The
mid-October average of 20.8 cents
per dozen, however, was stil 1.7
cents lower than that paid farmers
a year earlier.
Jeanette Turner Receives
Junior Certificate Award
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Oct. 27. One University of Oregon
student from Heppner, Jeanette L.
Turner, has been awarded a junior
certificate with honors privileges, it
was announced by Earl M. Pallett,
Junior certificates with honors
are awarded to students who have
made exceptionally high grades In
all studies during their first two
years at the university. This enti
tles them to become candidates for
graduation with honors, to take
special honors work and to other
privileges not ordinarily granted
Miss Turner Is a junior and ma
joring in music. She has been
prominent in campus activities, was
a member of the Freshman Coun
sellors, an organization of outstand
ing women who aid In the orienta
tion of freshmen, and Is outstand
ing for her excellent scholarship.
Morrow county is entitled to
three more members of the Citizens
Conserevatlon corps, according to
word received from the state relief
aeencv. Men between 18 anil 2R
years old, with dependents, only will
tie taken, and application must be
mado immediately at the county
judge's office or with J. O. Turner,
local relief director. Those accept
ed will be sent first to Baker and
then transferred to camps on the
coast or In California,
Mrs. Lillie Aiken visited at Walla
Walla last week, returning Sun
day. While there she met Eiicene
Sullivan, inmate of the Odd Fel
lows home, a former Heppner resi
dent who left here 50 or 60 years
ago. Mr. Sullivan at one time war
partner of Felix Johnson at the
ranch on Butter creek.
J. G. Barratt returned the first
of the week from Montana where
he went to look after removing his
sheep from summer range. He ex
perienced aimcuity m getting the
sheep out due to early snows. His
ineep were on tne special train an
riving here Mondav nierht.
Local Christian Endeavorers who
attended a district conference at
Milton Friday evening and Satur
day included Marie Barlow, Vallis
Jones. Kathrvn Parker. Kath run
Kelly, Irene Beamer and Juanita
crawrord. Chas. Barlow was chauf
feur for the trip.
Mrs. L. H. Fishburn ceneral ape.
retary of the Oregon Christian Wo
man's Missionary society, who has
just returned from the national
convention, will be in Hennner Sat-
urday and will speak to the ladies
at 2:30 p. m. at the church.
Grayson E. Butler nf Arli
who underwent a tonsilectomy at
neppner nospitai tne first of the
week returned to his home this
morning. He was apw,mnaniH tn
Heppner by Mr. Marshall, grocery-
man, oi Arlington.
Clair Cox motored to Corvallis
the middle of last week to be in at
tendance at the annual Oregon
State college homecoming. During
nis aDsence tne local stage line was
operated by Merle Becket
cimcu Dy ivierie rsecKet.
Mrs. Paulino Onniri i i
evening from Portland to look af-
ter business matters and enjoy a
..!..! : 11 1 J u. .
viaji wilii uiu-ume menus. She wuuj, man Acuuy aim
expects to go to Los Angeles short- Bil1 Cochell; piano solos by Mar
ly to spend the winter. Jrie Parker; talk, "The Kind of a
Mrs. Piggott of lone sustained a Bov a Dad L'kes," Spencer Craw
sprained ankle the first of the week ford! talk- "he Kind of a Dad a
and was treated by a local physi- Bov Likcs," Donald Turner; vocal
Han Tli. Inlimr ho ,.j , solo. "Pirate Chiefs" Tlpan find-
cian. The inlurv has canspd hpr
considerable suffering
Tl - X- -- j. , ...
ouui to ivir. ana ivirs. veri Par-J
reiia ui naraman at tne Home of i
Mrs. Pat Mollahan in this city Tu-
aoDir n 1 A A 1.1 oi
"""j, - jwuuii uaugmer, one
has been named Mary.
Miss Catherine McLaughlin, last
VPnr CfnrliiatA 1.1-.,-
i ii A-LCpLMICi Uigll I
oviiuwi, is quaraiiLiiieu wnn scarietl
fever at th Jas. Doherty farm home
in T31a1rl.A(aa I
in Blackhorse
The Christian Missionary society
will meet at the home of Mrs. F. S.
win iiiccl ui me iiojrie oi ivirs. r. s,
Parker for an all-day meeting next
TnnaJn.. !lV 1 1 , , , I
Tuesday with a pot-luck lunch at
Mr. and Mrs. j.-iL Padberg and
son, Orris, were trading in town
Tuesday, comine in from the Clark
canyon farm.
Mrs. George Noble who has been
very ill was reported by her phy
sician this morning to be holding
her own.
Herb French, a vice nresidpnt nf
Heppner Rodeo association, was in
the city Tuesday from his home at
Mrs. Dick Howard was treatpd
by a local physician the first of the
week for an infection of the foot.
John Harbke of Portland and
Harry Duvall of Lexington were in
tne city this morning on business.
Lawrence Perrv of 'Nnrth PflW.
der visited this week at the hnmp
of his sister, Mrs. E. E. Gilliam.
District Grange Meet
Changed to Boar dm an
The district grange meetinc nf
Gilliam. Wheeler. Morrow and TTm-
atilla counties announced last week
to be held at Arlington next Satur
day will be held at Boardman in
stead, according to information
given out by Mrs. Mary Lundell,
State H. E. C, district 6.
was made by the Pomona master
ior uunam and wneeler counties
and was authorized by Ray Gill,
state master. All crrance mpmhprs
are asked to take notice of the
cnange in meeting place.
'Johnnie Farlev. nronrietor1 nf
Wilson's clothing emporium, is dis
consolate and downcast these days
and acts as though he had not a
friend in the world," says last
week's John Day Valley Ranger.
"The reason his old fHpnH onH
special side-kick, Ed Krupke, went
ana got nooKea up last week end
and walked out on Johnnie after
three years of partnership as room
mates and housekeepers. Johnnie
is so low as yet that he has an
nounced no plans for the future, but
his friends believe he will evpntn.
ally recover." Mr. Krupke married
miss ijoia tsarnnouse or Antone the
previous Saturday, the Ranger says
in another item, the bride being at
tended by her friend, Miss Eula Mc
Millan of Lexington,
' " a.ubk.
Bernie Gaunt and Merle Becket
are among those not already rp
ported who were successful in bag
Crlnir tVlnin pllf In Ilia aaaann I
b."b nwouu juoi
closed. Each of the men bagged a
young bull, the meat of which they
reporiea to De mife'iuy gooa.
Copious showers this week have
allayed the dust over Morrow coun
ty and brightened prospects for the
fall wheat crop. Seeding over the
county is generally completed, and
farmers welcome Old Jupe's gen
erous offering with a smile.
The Gooseberry school invites ev
eryone to a program and supper to
morrow (Friday) evening, begin
ning at 8 o'clock. Those attending
are asked to bring sandwiches or
Regional Scout Executive
and Pendleton School
Man Make Talks.
Flans for Cub Group Made at Af
fair Held Friday Evening at
Christian Church.
Under the joint sponsorship of
the local Boy Scout committee and
the Business and Professional
Women's club, the annual Father
and Son banauet was held Friday
evening at the parlors of the Chris
tian cnurcn. While the attendance
was smaller than has been had in
the past, the meeting was much en
joyed by those present.
Judge Calvin L. Sweek acted as
toastmaster in his usual harniv
style and gave each number on the
program a snappy send-off. He was
presented by Chas. W. Smtih, chair
man of the Scout committee and
general master of ceremonies for
tne evening.
Program numbers included the
mnA-auuii uy juei xv. oenioa;
erouD singing. "OresYin Mv flro-
1 T 1 T1 T-. a .
Son," led by J. O. Turner with E.
F- BIoom at the piano; vocal duet,
"nroflm Maln.. Uil 1
solo, "Pirate Chiefs." Dean Good
man; address, 'The Balancing Act
fn Dni.a " A...11. T J 11-. t
jb, Auauu xjauureui; m-
itu ijumiey
and Bovd Rdding; talk, Robert H.
HflVPfi PYPCIltlim TClua M.
' " ' umi. mvuiiuaiii
council; and address by W. H. Hay-
ward. regional executive, 11th dis-
tHct. B. A.
' '
In his address, Mr. Landreth,
who is superintendent of the Pen
dlptnn sphnnls l-ioini-pd u h
dleton schools. Dointed out the nan.
essity of a proper balance of at
tributes to make living the satisfy-
w mane living uic oausiy-
inS and Pleasing adventure it
shmlM Ka will. . 11
should be. Filled with anecdote
and amusing ilustrations as well as
with wisdom and Bound advice Mr
Landreth's address was well re
ceived. Speaking from an experience
covering many vears in the Tinv
Scout movement, Mr. Hayward dis-
cussea Dnetiy the movement which
he said was demonstrating that
there is no "bov Droblem." fnr the
boys need only understanding as
sistance, but that there is a decided
"parent problem." His facts and
figures and the Boy Scouts were
illuminating and inspiring.
Following the banquet a court of
honor was held at which advance
ments were made as follows: Omer
McCaleb, Billy Barratt and Don
ald Baker, tenderfoot; Lawrence
Wehmeyer. second cl ass: Francis
Nickerson and Gerald Cason, merit
Daages for cooking; Joe Aiken and
Larry Moore, merit badges forwood
carving, and John Crawford, merit
badge for first aid to animals. In
the court of honor the Scout com
mittee, composed of C. W. Smith,
A. D. McMurdo. E. F. Bloom, a. -T
D. Bauman and SDencer Crawford
.was assisted by Robert H. Hayes,
wno presented the badges, LaMoyne
Cox. bueler. and Gerald Casnn and
LaVerne Van Marter, troop offi
cials. Scoutmasters Marvin Wight
man and Philip Foord, and assist
ant, uiinton Kohrer, were in charge
of the troop during the ceremonies.
With J. D. Cash, Alva Jones, D.
T. Goodman and John Vaughn act
ing as the committee, preliminary
plans were made for the organiza
tion of a Cub Pack, which takes in
boys from the ages of 9 to 12. Gus
JMiKander will act as cub leader and
a number of the younger boys have
signed up for membership.
Heppner to Participate
In District Legion Meet
Heppner post. American Lee-inn
will join the posts of Freewater,
Hermiston, Arlington and Fossil
in a joint Armistice day celebra
tion to be held at Arline-ton. Satur
day, Nov. 11. A full day's program
has been arranged ending with a
big dance in the evening.
One of the main features of the
day's program will be the annual
football classic to be played be
tween the Fighting Irish of Hepp
ner nign ana tne Hermiston high
team, which will be seen as part of
a double-header game, the other
ip. uipuuic-ncauvi gallic, UIO UU1CL
contest to be played by Condon and
Arlington high teams. Hermiston
defeated Heppner on the local grid-
I I 1 TIA i n n
null itiat riiuuy ttlieruuuu, li-u,
and the Irish are set on retaliation.
Having made rapid progress tow
ard recovery from the major oper
ation which he underwent in Port
land two weeks ago, Vawter Craw
ford, Gazette Times editor, returned
home from Portland Sunday eve
ning. While not yet ready to get
back into the harness, he is conval
escing nicely at home in the Jonep
apartments and welcomes the visit
of friends. Mrs. Crawford returned
with him from Portland, being ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Ferguson and Jasper Crawford who
drove to the city the end of the
Final Rites Held for Pioneer
Stockman; Death Follows
Lingering Illness.
Uzz Pomeroy French, 63, pioneer
Morrow county stockman, died at
the farm home on Hinton creek at
an early hour Monday morning,
following a lingering illness of sev
eral years duration. Funeral ser
vices were held from the Christian
church at 2 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon, with Joel R. Benton, min
ister, officiating, attended by a
large concourse of relatives and
friends who paid tribute to the long
life of usefulness of their friend
and neighbor. Interment was in
Masonic cemetery.
Mr. French was born in Amadon
county, California, November 30,
1869, and died October 30, 1933, be
ing aged 63 years and 11 months.
The family moved to Morrow coun
ty in 1876 when he was but a boy,
and he attended public school at
Heppner with other pioneer resi
dents, some of whom stiU reside
here. For many years the family
home was made on what is now
known as the Sperry farm one mile
south of Heppner. Growing to
manhood Mr. French became a
stockraiser in his own right, and
had been successful in this venture
for many years, gaining a reputa
tion for honsty and integrity in his
dealings. He married Lulu Bar
clay in 1905, and to this union two
children were born, a daughter,
Rita, and son Roderick, who with
the widow survive him. He is sur
vived also by three brothers, Lee
and George of Riverton, Wyo., and
Owen of Heppner; and four sisters,
Mrs. Mary Kirk, Oakdale, Cal.,
Mrs. Anna Potter, Baker; Mrs. Em
ma Howard, Heppner, and Mrs.
Belle Matteson, Riverton, Wyo,
The entire community joins in
extending sympathy to the bereft
Pat Foley, Hotel Owner,
Dies From Spotted Fever
Pat Foley, owner of Hotel Hepp
ner, died Saturday night at The
Dalles from spotted fever. Mr,
Foley had been a prominent resi
dent of The Dalles for 15 years, be
ing proprietor also of Hotel Dalles.
He managed the Foley hotel at La
Grande at one time, and still re
talned property Interests In. thai
city where he was born of pioneer
parents. He was 46 years of age.
The tick bite from which the fe
ver originated was received when
Mr. Foley was on a hunting trip re
cently in the vicinity of Suttlee,
Ore. He was not aware that he had
been bitten by the insect and the
nature of his illness was a mystery
until the spots began to appear.
His mother, Mrs. J. E. Foley of
La Grande was at his bedside when
death came.
Besides his mother he is survived
by the widow, Mrs. Mercedes Foley;
a brother, Jerome of La Grande; a
sister, Mrs. Etta Bouvy of La
Grande, and five children, Thomas,
Mercedes, Marie, Jerome and Pat
Funeral services were held at
The Dalles Tusday at 10 o'clock
from the Catholic hurch, with bur
ial following in the Mount Calvary
cemetery In Portland.
Mr. Foley acquired Hotel Hepp
ner several years ago, and while he
did not manage the hostelry in per
son, he was called to Heppner
many times on business in connec
tion with it, and made many friends
here who extend their sympathy
to the bereft family.
A class In first aid Is being or
ganized, to be 'instructed by Dr. A.
D. McMurdo. The class will meet
for its first two-hour lesson Mon
day evening, Nov. 13, at 7 p. m. at
Dr. McMurdo's office, and anyone
interested may enroll by register
ing with either the doctor or with
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, a week in
advance. The course will include
15 hours of Instruction to be given
on succeeding Mondays after the
first lesson. A fee of 60 cents will
be charged to cover the cost of the
instruction book. Those who pass
the course will be eligible for Red
Cross first aid certificates.
JLmmy Farley of Willows sus
tained a broken collar bone and se
vere bruises when the coupe in
which he was riding skidded on
the wet pavement and overturned
near lone Saturday night The
coupe was badly damaged. He
came to Heppner to consult a phy
Heppner unit, American Legion
auxiliary, will meet next Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. P. M.
Genimell. Members are asked to
bring needles and thimbles for
child welfare sewing.
G. L. Bennett, who farmed for
several years in the Alpine district,
has returned with his family to
Lexington where they will make
their home after residing for the
last two years in Portland. Mr.
Bennett was a business visitor in
this city the end of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark were In
the city Tuesday on business from
their Eight Mile farm home.
Francis Grillln came in from his
Eight Mile farm home Tuesday to
transact business.
Report Given Lions That
First National, Port
land, Not Coming.
Bauman Tells of Walla Walla Pen;
Elk Hunting, Roads to Moun
tains Subjects of Discussion,
TV ... 1 7 ; 1 l J!
rectly, that the First National bank
of Portland had at least temporar-
I ily abandoned the idea of opening
a branch bank in Heppner, the
Lions club Monday appointed a
committee to further investigate
the possibility of obtaining banking
facilities for the city. The com
mittee, composed of L. E. Dick,
Gay M. Anderson and Chas. Thom
son was Instructed to ask several
men outside the club to act with it
in making the investigation.
Handling the program for the
day. Mr. Anderson and Rav P. Kin-
ne presented a group of seventh
grade students from the school in
an attractive little playlet, entitled
"Columbus and Isabella." Betty
Happold introduced the members
of the cast, which included Elvina
Casebeer, Billy Barratt, Larry
Moore and Joe Aiken. The playlet
was well portrayed and brought
hearty applause.
Clarence Bauman was presented
in another well received program
feature, telling about a recent visit
to the Washington state peniten
tiary at Walla Walla which he
made In company with S. E. Not
son and F. B. Nickerson.
Through Lee Mantz. nssfsrant
superintendent of the penitentiary,
wno was a scnoolmate of Mr. Bau
man, the party was permitted to
see much of the Intimate workings
of the institution, which Mr. Bau
man termed the outstanding Insti
tution of its kind in the nnrthwpst.
With accommodations for 2000
guests, the pen was entertaining
but 1300 at the time of the visit
The Heppner men had it on the
word of several inmates who had
served stretches at Salem and In
other penal institutions that the
system of discipline and accommo
dations at Walla Walla were the
best they had been subjected to.
Especially appealing to Mr. Rn-
man was the display of convict-
made handiwork articles, from the
sale of which the makers them
selves receive the benefit The npn
was described as modern in every
respect, and the disciDline. which
appeared to be very lax, was never
theless effective.
The convicts are given meals reg
ularly three times a day, prepared
in the penitentiary kitchen al
entirely from products of the pen
itentiary tarm. "What they had to
eat was as good as any of ns havo
at home," Mr. Bauman said.
He was especially interested In
the institution's investigation de
partment which has the latest fln-
ger-print recording system. There
were more than 300,000 fingerprints
on file, and Mr. Bauman said it was
their good fortune to see a success
ful comparison of prints made while
The subject of elk hunting
introduced before the club to bring
out any recommendations which
might be made. W. W. Smead and
Dr. A. D. McMurdo. who talk pd nn
the subject, believed that the estab-
nsnment oi stations by the game
department to check hunters in and
out of the woods would be a irnnd
thing. They also believed that no
one should be permitted to hunt elk
Without a gun of sufficient caliher
as much meat is lost through
wounding animals with a light cal
mer gun. rney tavored the state
game commission carrvlno- nn a
more thorough progam of instruc
tion in handling the meat, as much
meat is lost through improper han-
aiing, ana also believed that the
open season should either be set
ahead or postponed till later, as the
meat is not so good at the time of
the open season as set this year.
G. A. Bleakman gave a short talk
on the importance of Morrow coun
ty being on its toes to cet its sharp
of the $15,000,000 being borrowed
oy me state irom the federal gov
ernment for the buildinc of mada
He stressed the need of adequate
roaas to tne timber for the purpose
of bringing out fuel, timber and
lumber, and named several rnntsa
which could be improved adequate
ly at reasonable cost, among them
the Willow creek, Hinton creek and
Rhea creek roads.
The Club Will observe lMatl,.nnl
Education week at Its mppHncr npvf
Monday with a discussion of the
subject, "School Finances." Ed
ward F. Bloom, Chas. Thomson and
Frank W. Turner were named to
present the school, school hoard
and taxpayer angles, respectively.
The Heppner public schools will
observe National Education week
next Wednesday and Thursday, an
nounces Edward F. Bloom, super
intendent. On Wednesday visiting
day will be held In the high school
and a program will be presented
at 2:45 in the afternoon, with visit
ing day in the grades on Thursday.
A program will also be held on Fri
day in observance of Armlstico day,